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Es qlq u1anvfmq{irrrfic{fr


TIRaI qfrqa

Penalties Authorities


M.C.No. 66

No. E(D&A)2000RG 6-31 NewDelhi,dated: 19.10.2001

The GeneralManagers,
All IndianRailways,etc.,
(As per list | & lll ).

Sub: Penalties and disciplinaryauthoritiesunder

Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal)
Rules- MasterCircular.

At present, provisions/instructions regardingpenaltiesand disciplinary

& Appeal)
authoritiesare containedin Part ltl of the RailwayServants(Discipline
Rules, 1968 and in a numberof lettersissuedby RailwayBoard from time to
time. tt has been decidedto consolidate,importantamongstthem in one single
Master Circular,for the purposeof convenienceand better understanding, as

While referringto this Circular,the originallettersreferredto hereinshould

be read for a proper appreciationand in case of doubt, the originalcircular
shouldbe relieduponas authority.

Since only importantcircularson the subject have been included,a

numberof other circularsmight not have found place in this MasterCircular.
Instructionscontainedin circularsnot includedherein,shouldnot be deemedto
havebeensupersededsimplybecauseof their non-inclusion.


v (,\-^
( V. Vaidehi)
DA: As above (D&A)ll
qrGf gcFrt
HT. lft. ri,---g-g---
srrffi' 6-51
€.t(sqGe) ?sCIo qtm,Rqtfr: t9. to.2ool

{qt qFtfrqkts{rR

frqe til*q:r(er{srRr{E* orsa)M* effiaYnkqiiTen


E€ {Fl-.ttm tffi Frqq,l968 * gr${R vnfuqi mn

(qWR{q qi gTqlFT)
eqnrslersnRrfifuiit rtSfrmsr+r/€r1tvrsqotrqrii *'qrrr-ilI aqrH qtg
ERr{Fr+{Frqw o+r,fr foe'rq frfi{T q1tqiitt etnfrqt .r ffiq fuqrnn t fls^
ghtTrnqr+ff{ rr{S *^fu qFiETd ssie/3r{tvrg*' qrs{ qf{qrit sdf,*'ilfuq
tn(^.gsridqif trrn fuqrrrqrqrst qfisr {imt{t

w qR.rfEFrEqlaT tfr qrrq3ftmTeqts.,{*.kqF{r{fqgrrq{d tn q} wr

{isr + qrrd if q.{ tr*w rntmn+ FT{ fu'qr€fuqrqre.
!ilq f,eTr qrs{ qRq"it gsk.rq w *qetqriqT't31$TS vnfrrm fuq'Tqt'

Vs eqtvr{sq ftT qfirr*}tt etafrqeqin fwtqaz{ qft{d{ {nFrnqE}
tenqr fuq.Tr+*^*rqurierRq'rqtGTqriqrq.


{5fiFrtrr*, ren(wt$ ot*a)-ll
{FFffi: qrdm

is governed by Railway Servants

Disciplinary action against Raiha'a_y
(Discipline & Appeal) F"ules,l9r,r8. Part III c,f lirese Rules contain Rules 6,7 and 8,
which pertainto penaltienand disciplinaryauthorities.
2. The penaltiesspeci{iedin [tule 6 can be iarposedon a Railway Servant,fcrr good
fuil$w;rl13the due procedurewhich has been prescribedin
and sufficient reasons,&fr-e.r
Part IV of the Rules. The -f,enalties'd's classifiedinto two categories- I\linor alrd Major.
Thereare six minor peniiliiesancit'iv,:rnaior penaitieq,as listed below:

Minor Penaltiss:
(i) Censure;
(ii) Withholding of prornotionior a specifiedperiod;
fiii) Recovery from pay of the rvhole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the
Governmentor Railwav Aclministrationby negligenceor breachof orders;
(iii-a) Withholding of tlie Privile;.rePassesor Privilege Ticket Ordersor both;
(iii-b) reductionto a lou'er stagci,':tiie time scalecf pay for a period not exceedingtlree
his pension.
years,without cuniuiative*fi]:ct and not advers:';I3.
(iv) Withholding of incrementsof pay for a specifiedperiod with fuither directionsas
to u,hether on the e>:pirycf such period, this rvili or will not have the effect of
postponingthe flrlirrc incrr:i:lentsof pay;

(v) Saveas provided tor in clause(iii-b), reductionto a lower stagein the time-scale
of pay for a speci{ieiJpe,riod,with further directions as ta whether on the exoiry cif
such period, the r';,iluctisnrvill or will not have the effect of, postponing the future
incrementsof his pa.y;
(vr) Reduction to a io.ggr time sEaleof pay, grade, post, or service,with or without
further directionr regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or pcst or
seryicefrorn rvhir:,itlie ii.arlwayservantwas redur:edand his seniority and pey o11
such restoratic"n,.olhat grade,post or service;

(vii) Compulsoryretirernent;
(viii) Removalfrom servicervhich shali not be a disqualificationfor future employment
under the governmentor Railway Administration.
(ix) Dismissal from service which strall ordinarily be a disqualification for future
employmentunder the Govenrfirentor Railway Administl'ation.

3. The penaltyin Ruie (iii-b) viz. Feduction of pay to a lower stagein the sametime
scale of pay for a period not excesding three years, without cumulative effect and not
adverselyaffecting the pension was caived out of the major penalty in Rule 6(v) of
reductionto a lower stagein the tinrr.rscaleof pay and placedamongminor penaltiesafter
the penalty of withholding of Passes,iP'I0s.The three conditions specifiedin Rule 6
(iii.b) viz. the period of the penalty should not exceedthree years,the penalty should be
without cumulative gffect and the penalty should not adversely affect the pension of the
Railway Servanthave been borrowed lrom the'provisions relating to imposition of the
penalty of withholding cf increment under Rule 1l(2). Rule 11(2) provides that
notwithstandingthe fact that withholding of incrementsis a minor penalty,an inquiry has
has been prescribedfor major penalties,if the penalty of
to be held under Rule 9 rry-hich
withholding of incrementsis for a period exceedingthree years or is with cumulative
effect or adversely affec1:rfhe trr:nsionary benefits Hencg all the three conditions
specifiedin Rule 6(iii-b) have1o 'o* fulfilled for the penaltyof reductionof pay to a lower
stageto be a minor penalty.
undertsd.'sNotificationNo.EtD&A)g0RG6-l l2 dt 16.i 1.90).

4. Disciplinary actior. can be taken against an employee in respect of rnisconduct

committed before his emt,ioyrnentif the misconductis of such a nature as has rational
connection with his pre!:ent employment and renders him unfit and unsuitable for
continuingin service.
(Rly. Board'sletterNo.firil&A)67 RG 6-1I dt. 1.6.68).

5 SpecialProvisioul:"rcSa.diqgquantum pf penalty: The penalty to be imposed in

a casewill he decidedby tlie Disciplinary Authority taking into accountall the facts and

sire;iili provibionsexist for imposition of specific

circumstancesof the cas*:. |-[s1'v-qr1,i:,r'.
penaltiesin certaintypes oioai;e:i,irs intJiiralrCbei.rq'.
(i) in casesof pers,i,r:;rlouncisuiltv of ariy act or omissionwhich resultedor lvould
have, ordinarily iesulted in collision cf Laiiway trains" one of the penalties
specified in clauses(viiii anct{ix} of l{uie {r {viz. Removal or Dismissal) shall
ordinarily be imp*red.
(ii) In casesof pers*n,.found gnilt;vot'passingRailway Signalsat danger,one of the
penalties specifieil in cia;s,-,s{v) to (ix) of Ruie 5 (viz. One of the major
penalties)shall ordineriiy i:;: inrposed.
(iii; In casesof persansfouni guilty of having acceptedor having obtainedfrom any
personany gratrficati*n, rili.:r ilan legal a motive or reward fbr
doing or forbeari*g to dc any ofiicial act, one of the penaltiesspecifiedin clauses
(viii) or (ix) of Ruir: $ {viz. Removalor dismissal)shall ordinarily be irnposeC.
In all the thrre lirpcs s-)icasesmentionedabove,where the specifiedpenalty
is not imposed,il'le rearclri thereforshallbe rec.ordedin writing.
(Ref: First and s*roncl provlso to Rule 6 )

6. Whatsha[nal c*a"$lilu_tEnp_qnalty
(A) The folia'',r,ingshatl uot amount1s !r: s perraltyunder the RS(D&A.) Rules
as per explanationunder R"uie6
(i) withholding of ir,crenrnntl of pay of a Railway sen'ant for failure to pass any
departmentalexaminatir.r*in accordancewith the rules or orders governing the
Service to wl:ich hc hr::ln-rngs
or post wtrich he holds or the terrns of his
(ii) at the efiiciency bar in the tirne-scaleof pay on the
stoppageof a Rai;rva',,se{-vfiot
ground of his unlltnessi.r.!crossthe bar. (Thc conceptof EB doesnot find place in
the scalesrecornraendscl
iri' V-Pay Commission).
(iii) non-promotion of' a Railway servant, whettrer in a sr-rbstantiveor offrciating
capacity,after corisiCeration
of his case;
(iv) reversion of a Rajiu,ay sen,antofliciating in higher Service,grade or post to a
lower Service,grr' the ground ttiat he is consideredto tre unsuitable

for such higher Service, giaile *r post. or on any administrative ground

unconnectedwith his eonduct,
(This should be read with the instmctions on the subject contained in para 7
(v) reversionof a Raihvay servant,appointedon probationto any other Service,grade
or post, to his permanentService,gradeor post during or at the end of the period
of probation in accordaneervith the terms of his appointmentor the rules and
(vi) replacementof, tlie seryi',,:r;*i a Raikvii'y Selant, whose services had been
borrowed frorn any olher l,{ini.'.tr"yor Dep;,rtmentof the Central Governmentor a
State Government or en authority under the control of the Central Governrnentor
StateGovemment,at the disposalof the govel"nmentor the authority from which
the servicesof suchP.ailwayservanthad beenborrowed;
("iD compulsory retirement cf a Railway servant in accordancewith the provisions
relatingto his superannuation
ttr retirement;
(viii) terminationof the seryices-
(a) of a Railw'a)' ser'r'arltappointed on probation, during or at the end of the
period cf his probaiio, accordanc.e
with the terms of his appointmentor
the rules a*d orders*.roverning
(b) of a ternp*,ary tr{"ail:,ray with rule 301 containedin
servantin acc,.rrdance
Volume I :f the Indian Railwav EstablishmentCode (Fifth Edition -
(c) of a Railra,'avServant employed under an agreernent,in accordancewith
the terms cf suchagreement;
(ix) dischargeof Raiiv,a.t Servant -
(a) for inefficlericl' due to failure to confbrm to the requisite standard of
(b) on reductionof establishment.
(B) Issue.of"Govt.'s displeasureor counsellingwill not constitutea
penaltyilnder the des T I'i,s€are administrativestepsin the natureof correctiveactions.
RG 6-20 dt.10.5.77).

7. Provisroguegardigglsvg[stg!.
(i) Thoughreversionto a lower postfor unsatisfactory
work is not a penalty,
a Railway Servantwho has officiated in a higher grade/postfor 18 monthsor more,
should not be reverted for unsatisfactorywork without following the procedure
prescribedin the RS(D&A) Rules.
Board'slenerNo.E(D&A)65RG 6-24Dr. 9.6.65).
(ii) Theabovesafeguard
appliesto only thoseemployees
who haveacquireda
prescriptiveright to the officiatingpostsby virtue of their empanelment
or ha,,ingbeen
declaredsuitableby the competentauthority. It doesnot apply to thoseofficiating on
promotionas a stop-gapmeasureand also to those caseswhere an employee,duly
hasto berevertedaftera lapseof 18ntonthsbecause
ofcancellationofthe panel
or due to a changein the panel position consequentto rectificationof somernistake.
(RailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(D&A)65RG 6-24Dt.15.1.66).
(iii) However, the GeneralManagersmay, in very special circumstances,
revertan ofiiciatingemployeein relaxationof the time limit of 18 months,in exerciseof
tleir personaljudgement.
@ailwayBoard'sletterNo.E@&A)65RG 6-24 dt.22.11.66).
(iv) Theprovisionscontainedin paras(i), (ii) and(iii) abovewerereiteratedto
(RailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(D&A)85RG 6-9 dt. 20.4.85).

8. Courts'pgwQ$i
to interfergwithgenalties:
(r) TheCentralAdministrativeTribunaldoesnot havethe powerto interferewith the
decisionof the competentauthorityin so far as quantumof penaltyto be imposedis
@oard'sletterNo.E(D&A)87RG 6-87dt.3l.8 S7).
(ii) Supreme Court,videtheirjudgementdt, 14.3.89in Civil AppealNo.1709of 1988
- UOI Vs. Permanand,upheldthe following:
a) The jurisdictionof the Tribunalto interferewith rJisciplinarymattersor
punishments cannotbe equatedwith anappellatejurisdiction.
b) The Tribunal cannot interfere with the findings of the Inquiry Officer or
competentanthoritvunlessthey are arbitraryor perverse.
c) If there has been an ensr.ti.ryconsistent with the rules and in accordance
with the Principles of Natural Justice, what punishment would meet the
ends of justice is a rnatter exclusively within the jurisdiction of the
d) If a penalty can be iarofully imposed and is imposed on the proof of
misconduct.the has no power to substituteits own discretion"
The adequacyof tiie penalty,unlessit is malafide, is not a matter for the
Tribunalsto be concernedwith.
e) The Tribunal also cannot interferewith the penalty if the conclusionsof
the Inquiry Officer or competent authority are basedon evidence, some of
which may tre irreier':int or extraneous.

0 As an exceptionto the above,where a personis dismissed,removed, etc.,

under Rule 14 (i) oi:'theRS (D&A) Rules solely on the basisof conviction
by a criminal court, the Tribunal may examinethe adequacyof the penalty
having regard to the nature of the criminal charges.
or its reasonableness
(Rly. Board'$letterNa E(D&A)87 R(; 5-8? dt. 8.6 89.)
(iii) In SupremeCourt iudgementsin the casesof StateBank of India Vs. Samarendra
Kishore Endow (1994(i)St.R516i and UOI Vs. Upenc{raSingh (1994-27ATC 200), it
has been reiterated that a f{igh Court or Tribunal has no power to substitute its own
discretionfor that of the disciplinar"yauthority. The jurisdiction of the Tribunal is similar
to the powersof the High Crrurt under Article 226, which is one of judicial review. The
Tribunal has no jurisdiction to go into the correctnessor truth of the charges and can
interfere only if ,on the chargesframed, no misconductor other irregularity alleged can
be said to have been rnadeou1or the chargesframed are contrary to any law.

(Rly. Board's letterNo Eq'i-}{&A)g4

IdG 6-87 dated23.1.95).

9 Censure:
If atthe end of the proceedings,it is found that someblame attachesto a Railway
Servant, waming/Govt. Displeasure/Counsellingwhich are not recognised penalties,
shouldnof be imposed. In such cases,at leastthe penalty of Censureshould be imposed.
@oard's lefterNo.E(D&A)9Z RG 6-149(A)i(B) dt.2t.1 93.)

10. W itlthal ding of Br o motion:

Even thougfiwithholdingof promotionis a specifiedpenaltyunderRule 6, non-

promotionduring the cunencyaf the penaltyof withholdingof incrementetc.,will not
amountto impositionof two penalties.A denialof promotionin suchcircurnstances is
nota furtherpenaltybuf a necessary
ofhis conduct.
RG 6-68dt. 22/29.10.91)

11. Rscoveryoflogg:
(i) In casesof loss causedta the Govemmentby negligence,breachof orders,etc_,
on the part of an employee,it would be open to the campetentauthorityto inflicr, in
addrtionto the penaltyof recoveryfrom payof the losscaused,anvone of the penalties
specifiedin clausesI (i), (ii) and (iv) and clauses2 (i) and(ii) of Rule 1707-RI(1959
Edrtion)(equivalentto the penaltiesspecifiedin Rule 6 (i), (ii), iii(a), iii(b), (iv) and(vi)
of RS@&A) Rules, 1968),by way of one and the sameorderand in pursusnceof one
andthe sameproceedings.It wouldnot amountto doublepunishment,
(Board'sletterNo.E(D&A)62RG 6-26 dt. 17.5.62).
(i0 In the caseof largesumsof recoveryof losses,the instalmentscanbe so fixed as
not to causeunduehardshipto theRailwayServantandhis family.
@oard'sletterNo.E(D&A)2000RG6-64dt. 30 .1.2001)

12. Withholdingof PasseslPTOs

(i) The penaltyof withholdingof PasseslPTOs
for a period of less than one year
shouldbe restrictedto very minor offencesas it may not prove to be an effective
that maybe causedduringthe periodof
punishment,exceptfor the slight inconvenience
the punishmentsincethe emplov.:ecari3rizi! sf s1ithe Passes/PTOs
due in the calendar
year as soon as the rericd <;fpunishmentexpires.
(Rly. Board'sletterNo.E{D&A)61 RG f-34 dt. ?7.7,61)"
(ii) In order to make the penaltvof r..rithhoklingof PasseslPTOs
effective,the penalty
should be imposedin terms of setsinstenCof fcri a specifiedperiod. In caseswhere the
employeehas alreadvtak,tn all tlie FasseslPTOsdue in the calendaryear, the withholding
may be againstthe next yr:&i''sAccorri:t
(Rly. Board'sletterNo.E(I)&A)6b Rr; 6-57 dated t4.t;..t 966).
iiD Though no ceilirg hasbeen laid down in RS(D&A).Rules with regardto number
of sets of Passes/PT0swhich cirn hr: withhelci. lr/ithholding of a large nurnber of
Passes/PTosis not in kecpingw'itl-r*li* spirit of Rules as also the fact that this is a minor
penalty which can be im;tosedwitiicrutregularinquiry.
( D 0 letterNo.E(D&A)e7 RG &6 dt. 19/25.3
97 to N.E Rly.)
iv) Post-retirementcomplimenta.rvPassescann*t be withheld as a penalty under the
RS(D&A) Rules for oft,nces ccrnmitted during the service rne oniy"o"t At, in such

casesis a cut in the pensionarylrenefitsunderRule 2308-RII (now incorporatedas Rule 9

of Railway Servants(Pension)Ruk:s, Igg3).
(Rly. Board's letterNo.E{D&A)BqRG 6-56 dt. Zg.S.Bg).
However, post-retirementcomplimentarypassescan be disallowed in accordance
with the provisions and ;rocedurc laid down in the Ftailway Servants (Pass) Rules for
unauthorised retention ofl Railwav {luarter. For this purpose, provisions of RS(D&A)
Rules neednot be invoked
(Rly. Board'sletterNo. E{W)99 pS 5-t/41 dt" 3.11.99)

13. Withhoidingof lu!:.{9mgr!,

(i) If a Railway senant becornesdue for promorionafter the penaltyof:wi11r5o1otn*
of incrementis impose<i,he shouldbe promoteclonJy,after expiry of the penalty.
However,wherethe penaltl,of r.vithholdingof incrementis to become,operativefrom a
futuredate,the emploveeshouldbe prornotedin his turn andthe penaltyimposedin the
promotionalgradefor a pcriodrvhichwould not resultin a greatermonetaryloss.
(Rly. Board'slett*nNti.E(D&A)g2RG 6-i49{A) dt.2L t.93 in respectof non-
gazettedstaffancinlo E{D&A)92RG 6-185dt 12.2.93in respectof o{ficers).
(iD Different orders of punishment of withholding of increments imposed one after
the other shouldbe implementedas indicated in the illustration below:

Date Pay when Paywhen Paywhen Pay when only Paywhen

no onlyone twb one punishments
punishment punishment successive punishmentof areimposed
is imposed. ofWIT for punishments WIT for I year first for I year
1 yearis ofWITs are is imposed cumulatively
imposed imposed cumulatively followedby
eachfor I WIT for ayear
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs ) (Rs.) (Rs )

1.1.85 400 400 400 400 400

imposedin 1985
1.1.86 425 400 4AA 400 400
1 .1 . 8 7 450 450 425 425 400
t .1 . 8 8 475 475 475 450 45A
1.1.89 500 500 500 475 47s
(RailwayBoard'slenerNo.E(D&A)S5RG 6-57dt. 11.3.1986)
(iii). Thepenaltyof withholdingof incrementscanbe operativeonly to the increments
to which the employeehasnot becomeentitledon the dateon which the penaltyorderis
issued.An incrementto whichthe employeehad alreadybecomeentitled(but which was
not actuallydrawn)on the dateof impositionof thepenaltycannotbewithheld.
(RailwayBoard'sletterNo.E(D&A)60RG 6-20 dt.2.7.1960).
(iv). When the penalty of withholding of incrementsis imposed it is only the
increment(s)accruingin the normal coursein the time scaleof pay that should be
withheldin termsof the ordersof the penalty. The penaltyordersshouldnot interfere
with the accrualof advanceincrement(s)
grantedasanincentivefor passingdepartmental
or othertechnicalexaminationetc. Similarly,in caseswherea penaltyof reductionto
lower stagein the time scaleof pay for a specifiedperiod is imposed,the accrualof
will not be affected.
(RailwayBoard'sletterNo.E{D&A)76RG 6-2 dated7.S.1976).

(v) Penaltiesof "wi",hholdinr,ci trreiillr:fioil"cr "withholding of increments"cannot,

measure. It can only be for a specified
by their very nature,be lmposerias a perrna.nent
period to be laid down b;, ihe DiscipiirraryA-uthority.
(Railway Board's letter lrio.E(t]&A)66 RG 6-20 d*ted 27.8.1966)
(vi) Even though the penalty oi" v,rithholdingof increments is a minor penalty, an
inquiry under Rule t has to be helcl,if it is to be imposed f,or a period exceedingthree
years or if it is to be imrrosedr.r.rthcumulative effect frrr any period or if the penalty is
likely to affect adverselvthe arncr.;r,irf"pensionrt: specialcontributionto ProvidentFund
payableto the Railway S*rvant.
(Rly Bd.'s letter No E{I}d:A) 67 {i, i{:" 13 dt:282.(:Eand Rule i l(2) of RS(D&A) Rules)
(vii) The Disciplinary Authorit.: nrust make sure before ordering punishment of
withholding of incrernentthat the staff concernedhas scopeto earnthoseincrements,i.e ,
he is not at the maximur,' cf the griide. In such a case,the casecan be referredback to
the DA to review his olrin orders ancl pass fresh <lrders.Incidentally, this is one case
where an authority can review its or.vnorders.
(Rly.Bd.'s letter No E(D&rl) 82 1tfi6 -84 dt. 4. 1.8:iand CaseNo.E(D&A)92 AE 2-2

t4 Redssles1s-alsi,vcr erfpay.
(i) 'Ihe
penaltyof reductiontn a lower stagein trme scaleshouldindicate:
a) wlii':h it rvill take effect and the period for which the penalty
the datefr'.1,:n
will be op*rated,
b) the stagein the tims scale(in terms of nrpees)to which the pay is reduced;
c) the extent (in tems of years and months), if any, to which the period
referredta in (a) above should operateto postponefuture increments,i.e.
the period, ou.t ofl the total, for which the penalty will have cumulative
effect. This period -qhallnot exceedthe period for which the penalty will
be operateil.
(ii) The reduction to a l,lrver stage in a time scale for an unspecifiedperiod or as a
permanentmeasureis rtr: :-rennissitrle
under the ruies. When the pay of an employeeis

reduced to a particular stage, his pay will remain constant at that stage for the entire
period of reduction.
(iiD If the penalty of reduction to a lower stage in time scale is not to operate
postponefuture incrementsthe employee shall be allowed, on expiry of the penalty,
pay which he would have drawn had he not been reduced. If the penalty is to operate
postponethe future incrementsfor any specified period, the pay shall be fixed, on expirl,
of the penalty, treating the period for which the incrementsr,lere to be postponedas not
counting for increments.
(Rly.Board'slettersNo.F(E)57FR-1/1 dt:22.1.60readwith F(E) 60 FR-t/2 dt..Zt.12.60)

15. Reductionto a lower service/grade/post

(D (a) The penalty of reduction to a lower gradeor post shouldinvariably be imposed
for a specified period unless the clear intention is that the reduction should be
permanent or for an indefinite period i.e. till such date as, on the basis of his
performance subsequentto the order of reduction, he may be consideredfit for
promotion. Where the order imposing such penalty does not specify the period of
reduction and there is coupled with it an order declaring the Railway Servant
permanentlyunfit for promotion, the questionof re-promotion will, obviously not
(b) where the reduction to a lower grade or post is for a specified period, the
employee should be repromoted automatically, on expiry of the penalty, to the
post from which he was reduced. Such an order of reduction should clearlv
(i) The period of reduction; and
(ii) Whether on re-promotion,the Railway Servantwill regain the original pay
and seniority in the higher grade from which he was reduced.

Where the reduction is not to operate to postpone future increments, the

seniority of the Railway servant should be fixed in the higher service, grade or
post or the higher time-scale at what it would have been but for his reduction.
Where the reduction-is to ope.rateto postponefufure increments,the seniority of
the Railwayservantshouldbe fixed by giving credit for the periodof service
by him in the higherservice,gradeor postpriorto his reduction.
(c) lf the orderof reduction is intendedfor an indefiniteperiod,the order should
be framedon thefollowinglines:
of X until he is foundfit by the
"A is reducedto the lower posVgrade/service
of Y."
competentauthorityto be restoredto the higherpostlgradelservice
In caseswhereit is intendedthat the fitnessof the Railway Servantfor re-
promotionto the original positionwill be consideredonly after a specified
period,the ordershouldbe madeon thefollowinglines:
of X until he is found fit, after a
"A is reducedto the lower pos/grade/service
periodof ..... year(s)from the dateofthe order,to be restoredto the higher
of Y."
(Board's letterNo.E(D&A)62RG6-46dt:30.7.64)
(ii) [n casesof reductionto lower gradeforan indefiniteperiod,repromotionwill be
ordered only by the authority competentto promote in higher grade and
disciplinaryauthorityhasno role to play in the matter.
(Board'sletterNo.E(D&A)70 RG6-I 5 dt.26.5.7
(iii) If the penaltyof reductionto a lower gradeis for a specifiedperiodandthe order
doesnot specifywhetherit hasan effect on seniorityand incrgmentin the higher
gradeon restorationto the highergrade,it shouldbe assumedthat the orderwill
not affectseniorityor increments.
(Rly.Board's letterE(D&A) 73 RCr6-5Crt:22.23
(iv) After expiry of the penaltyof reductionto a lower gradefor a specifiedperiod,
the employeeis to be re-promoted to the postfrom which he was
reducedby reverting,if necessary,the junior-most employeewho has started
of the lengthof serviceput in by him. If
officiatingin that gradeirrespective
however,there is anothervacantpost, the junior-most employeeneed not be
revertedand canbe adjustedagainstthat post. If at a later datethe questionof
reversionor promotionto a still higher grade arises,the seniority of the
employeesbasedon the length of service in that grade shall be taken into
for decidingasto whichof themshouldbe revertedor promoted.
(Rly.Board's letterNo.E(D&A)62 RG6-46dt:26.1

(") An order of the DisciplinaryAuthority reducinga Railway Servantto a lower

gradeandgiving furtherdirectionson fixing his pay in the lower gradedoesnot
arnountto doublepunishment.A ruling to this effect was given by Rajasthan
High court on l5.l74 in the ca$e of shyama & others Vs. uol
(Rly.Board's letterNo.E@&A)89RG6-I 0g dt 12.tZ.S9)
(vi) Oncethe pay is fixed in the lower gtrade,the regulationof incrementsin the
lower gradewill be madeunderthe normalnrles unlessthe incrementsin the
lowergrade,er'e., arealsowithheld.
(Rly.Board's lenerNo.F@)6G.FR-
1/4(I) dated.Z7
. I 0.60)
(vii) The penaltyof reductionto a lower gradecannotbe imposedby reducingthe
gradeof an ernployeeto a level lower thanthe gradein which he was originally
(Rly.Board'sletterNo.E(D&A)89 RG6-17dated:7.3.89)
(viiD If the penaltyof reductionto a lowergradefor a specifiedperiodis not to operate
to postponefuture increments,the employeeshall be allowed,on restorationto
the highergrade,the pay which he would havedrawnhad he not beenreducedto
the lower gradei.e. the servicerenderedin the lower gradewill count towards
incrementsin the highergrade.If the penaltyis to operateto postponefuture
the pay shallbe fixed, on restorationto the highergrade,by treating
the periodfor which he was reducedas not countingfor incrementin the higher
(Rly.Board'sletterNo.F(E)60FR-I /4 dxed:27.l 0.60)
16. When apenaltyimposedon a RailwayServantis proposedto be enhanced
by the
AppellatelRevisingAuthority, the feasibility of cancellingthe original penalty while
imposingthe higherpenaltyshouldbe considered.Ho*"ever,if the employeeh4salready
undergonethe penaltyin whole or in part andit is not feasibleto cancelthe same,then
the factsrelatingto the originalpenzltyshouldbe kept in view by the AppellatelRevising
Authoritywhile decidinguponthe higherpenaltyto be imposed. Impositionof suchan
additionalpenaltyby way of enhancement
of the punishment
in suchcasesis in order,
(Rly.Board'slettersNo.E55 RG 6-14 dt.29.2.56andE(D&A)71RG 6-18dt. t2.t2.72.

Illustratiqn on how the pgi,a4ft1es of a lower

stagBin the same ssale qf-juLalrdj:ed{utipnlo- alawgrgadeirglole-gp9rated

ScaleofPay 5500-175-9000

Pay 620A

Date of Increment Ist June

Date of irnpositionof penalty 1.3.2000

a) Penalty of withhc:lding ol incrernent for 2 years without having the effect of

postponing future increnrerrts(alscl termed as without cumulative effect, with
temporaryeffect, etc.l
Dateofeffectofpenalty 1.6.200G(i.e. only from the date on which
the next incrementfalls
Pay on 1.6.2000 6204

Fay on 1.6.2001 620A

Pay on 1.6.20A2 6725

(All the incrementswithheld are releasedalongwith the increment

which becomesciueafter *xpiry of the penalty.)

b) Penalty of withhoiding of inc:rementsfor 2 years which will have the efTectof

postponing future increments {also termed as with cumulative effect, with
permanenteffect utc.)
Date of effect of penalty 1.6.2C00
Pay on 1.6.20A0 6200
P a yo n 1 . 6 . 2 0 0 1 6200
Pay on 1.6.2002 6375

(Incrementswithli*lcl are n{)i relea$ed,only the incrementwhich becomesdue on
expiry of the p€n;rityis grr:nted)
c) Penaltyof reducti,inof 1:avby two stagesto the lower stageof 5850 in the same
scaleof pay for 2 ',,earswithout having the eflect clf postponing future increments
i.e. without cumulnriveeffcrct.
Date of effect of tht pena.lty 1.3 200C1
Pay on i.3.2000 5850( i,r:"immediateeffect)
Pay remainsstaticai this leveltill 28.2.2OA2.

Pavon 1.3.204? 6-s50 (Fay restored first to the level from

whicir it \'vas reduced and thereafter'
increnrrnts rrot granted during the currency
of the'r,enaltyare granted)

Payon 1.6.2002 6725 {*ext incrernentgranted)

d) penalty of reducrionof pay by two stAgesto the stageof 5850 in the samescaleof
i'e' with
pay for 2 years, with the effect of postponing future incrernents
cumulative effeq;t
Date of effec,trii p*naltY 1.3.2C00(i.e.with immediateeffect)

Fay on 1.3.2000 5850

Pay remainsstaticat this level till 28'2'2A02

Payon 13.2402 6200{Payrestoredto the levelfrom which it
was reduced but increment'snot granted
during the currencyot'the penalty are not
granteclevenafterthe expiryof the penalty)'
Paytrn L6.20Az incrementgranted)
pay fixed at
e) Fenalty of reriuciionto lower scaleof 4500-125-7000for 21'earsand
Rs.5000,without havingthe effect of postponingfuture increment
Date of effect 0t PenaltY l3.2AA0 (i.e. with immediateeffect)

Pay on 1.3.200iJ 5000

Pay remriins static at this level till 28,.22002, if the penalty order stipulates
that no irrcrernentswill be grantecl in the lower grade also during
culTengilof the penalty or if there is no suc}tstipulation,the pay will
t o 5 1 2 5* n 1 . 3 . 2 0 0 1
Payon 1.3.2002 6550 (Higher scale of pay and the pay
drawn at the time of impositionof penalty
restored and thereafter incrernent in the
higher gradewhich had accruedduring the
currencyof the penaltyare grantedon this
Fay on 1.6.24{}:. 6725(nert incrementgraated)

0 Penalty same as (e.)aboverLnli tr:i','i;rg,the efl'ect of postponing future increments.

Date of effect of Penaltv 1.3.2000{i.e.with irnmediateeffect)

if the penaltyorder stipulates
Pay remail;; staticat this level tili 28.2.2CIA2,
that no inrrenteilts will be granted in the lower grade also during the
currencycf the pciraity or if there is no such stipulation,the pay will rise
t o 5 1 2 5o n 1 . 3 . 2 0 0 i
Pay on T3.2A02 6200 (Highqr scaleof pay and pay drawn at
the time of imposition of penalty are
restoredbut incrementsin the higher grade
which had ailcrued during the currency of
the penalty are not granted)
Pay on 1.6.2002 6375 (next incrernentgranted)

17. Cornpulsory Redrgrygn1;

Cornpulsoryretirerrr:ntis ciiilbrent from prematureretirementunder Rules 1802,
1803and 1804of XnrJian Code Vol.Il(Sixth Edition). The
latter is not a penaii;va;rd is ordered as an administrative rneasure. Though
compulsory retirtn.renl has not been mentioned in Article 311(2) of the
Constitution, u,hi:'h mcntions only the penalties of disinissal, removai and
reduction in rank" cornpulsoryretirementhas been included as a major penalty in
the Rules and is le-"ssever*than the penaltiesof removal and disrnissal.

18 Grant of pelrstqri$all*lI-lg--qa$gl-af-satr.pulsar:r--r@

A Railwav Servantwho is compulsorily retired from serviceas a penalty

in terms of provisions containedin Rule 64 of
may be granted peirsiony'gratuity
Railway Servicesr ilension)R.ules,1993. A Railway Servantwho is dismissedor
removed from se;r,ir:efbr-feitshis pension and gratuity. Flowever,the authority
competentto dismissor removehim from servicemay, if the caseis deservingof
specialconsideratii!r\sanctiona compassionateallowancein terms of Ruie 6-5of
I [;,:nEion]
Railway Servicer, Rules,1993.

19. Drssipldaslaubsuly
DisciplinaryAuthorityhasbeendefinedin theRulesfor differerrtpurposes
(a) for the purposeof impositionof a penaltyon a Railway Servant,
authoritycompetentunder the Rulesto imposeon him that penalty
wouldbe the DisciplinaryAuthority.
(b) For the purposeof Rule 9 (procedureto be followedfor irnpositionof
majorpenalty-i.e. holdingan inquiryetc.), DisciplinaryAuthorityhas
been defined differently for gazeued and non-gazettedRailway
Servants.For Gazeuedernployees,an authoritycompetentto impose
artyof thg pgnalties(minor or major) specifiedin Rtrle 6 would be the
Disciplinary Authority. For non-gazettedemployees,an authority
oompetentro impose_rny_o:f_ths_naiqr_gena&iglspecifiedin Rule 6
wouldbe theDisciplinaryAuthority.
(c) For the purposeof clauses(a) and (b) of Rule l t(t) (procedurefor
imposingminor penaltiesi.e. issrringthe chargememorandum, holding
an inquiry wherevernecessary
etc.),fbr bothgazeftedandnon-gazetted authoritycompetentto imposeanyof the penalties
wouldbe theDisciplinaryAuthority.
(d) The authoritieswhich arecompetentto in,posethepenaltiesspecifiedin
Rule 6 have been specified in the SchedulesI, II and Itr to the
RS(D&A) Rules. However, the president can impose any of the
penaltiesin Rule 6 on anyRailway Servant,irrespectiveof whetherthis
authorityhasbeenspecifredin the Schedulesor nor.
(Rules2(lXc), Z(l) andz(2)of RS@&A)Rutes)
(i) An authoritywho is competent,in termsof the Schedules,
to imposeat least
one of the penaltiesspecifiedin Rule 6 on a gazxtedRailway Servantcan
function as DisciplinaryAuthority for the purposeof issuingminor/majoi
penalty chargesheet,
holding of an inquiry under Rule 9 etc. but he can
imposeonly thosepenaltieson the Railway Servantfor which he hasbeen

of non-gazettedstaff, the same

authorisedbt' ihe li:,ireiirli::ti ,.n rfl''r;pect
pcsition as rnentionedab*ve applies irr so far as minor penalty proceedings
are concerne,ibut, for major penalty proceedings,an authority can function
as Disciplinaiy Authr:riti. f,cr the pur.ooseof Rule 9 only if that authority is terrns of'the Schedulesto impose at least one cf, the major
(ii) ScheduleI sp*cifiesthe Disciplinary and Appellate Authorities in respectof
:ttaff in ur,ir.sother than Zonal Railways and Production Units
(in Railway Uoard's :-,ffif,e,RDSO. Railway Training Institutions viz
IRICEN, IRISET, Ift.iEElJ & IRII\,fF.E,Railway stafT college, Railway
Recruitment Boards erc.). Schedule{I gives the disciplinary and appellate
powers of clif{elent grades of Railway offrcers and Senior Supervisorsin
respect of n$n-5lazettedstaff of Zonal Raihvaizs and Production units'
SchedulesI and trI specifi that the penalties of compulsory retirement,
removal and rlismissalcan be impclsedonly by Appointing Authority or an
authority of'eqr.ritalentrank or any higher authority ScheduleIII specifies
the Diseipiinar5'and Appellate Authorities in respect of Railway Officers
(Group B a-rrrlGroup A) A copy each of the SchedulesI, II and III are
'A' 'B' and 'C'.
annexedas Annexures
(iii) The disciplirrarypowers of PHODs under ScheduleIIi to RS(D&A) Rules
can be exercisecl,in the absenceof posts of PHODs in the new Zones and
Production [.inits, by Sr. Administrative grade officers who are acting as
coordinatingi fODs c,rare in independentchargeand by Directors of Railway
dt.3.i.2000and 1.6.2000)
(Board'slettersNo: E(D&A)98-RG-6152
iv) While the Sch*clulesrefer to the level of Disciplinary Authority, the authority

who actually t'unctionsas Disciplinary Authority can be none other than the

one unclerrriiioseadministrativecontrol the delinquent employeeworks' If

an employee is transferred during the course of disciplinary proceedings

againsthim" ihrrr his Disciplinary Authority rvould also changeaccordingly


and will be with referenceto the new post held by him. Also there can be

only one Disciplinary Authority for an employee,e.g. for an operating $aq

who is under the administrative control of Divisional Operating Manager

(DOM), only the DOM can act as Disciplinary Authority, even if the

misconduct pertainsto violatiotr of commercial rules or safety rules and not

Divisional Commercial Manageror Divisional Safety Officer.

(Rly.Board's letter No.E(D&A)60 RG 6-30 dt. 28.7,62, We.g7ZRG6-13

dt.r 6.r0 73 & F4n&A)e4RG6-69dt.4.8.97)

(v) In the caseOfa RailwayServantofficiatingin a higherpost,the Disciplinary

Authority shall be determinedwith referenceto the officiatingpost held by
theRailwayservantat thetirneof disciplinaryaction.
(Rly.Rule7 (3) ofRS@&A)Rules).
(vi) In caseswhere records or appointmentletters to establishthe actual
appointingauthontyarenot available,the GeneralManagershouldbe treated
(Rly.Bd' s lefterNo.E(D&,4)63RG6-23dt:21.2.64)

vii) Authoritywho hasactedas a memberor Chairmanof a FactFindingInquiry

or Accident Inquiry should not aot as DisciplinaryAuthority becausethe
Chargedemployeewould apprehendthat the offrrpr having expressedan
eadieropinionwould not, as a DisciplinaryAuthority,departfrom his own
earlierfinding. He may not thusgetjustice. However,if the reportdoesnot
indicate a final opinion but only a view, prima facie, he can act as a
DisciplinaryAuthority. A memberor chairmanof the Fact FindingInquiry
or AccidentInquiry cannotact as an Inquiry Ofiicer in the samecase,since
theInquiryOfficer shouldbe an authoritywho shouldnot haveprejudgedthe
guilt, evenprovisionallyat an early stage. Similarly,an ofiicer might have
a casearisingout of vigilanceandis zubsequently
investigated transferredto

executivesidt: Cil*i;,irll:rrrv
*;lru:shculdnot be handledby him and may
be passedon 1othe next irigher authc"rritSi
fbr appropriatedecision.
(Rly.Bd's letters Na E(D&A)53 RG6-16 dt. 23.12.68 read with letter
dt 23.5.69an,lEiDg-:A)qlRG 6 62 dt 30 7.91)

(viii) If the DisciptinaryAuthcrity of a ChargedOfiicial is also involved in the

samecase,rhen he sirculcinot act as Disciplinarv Authority in the said case.
In such a case,the autliority who is next higher in the hierarchy should act as
the Disciplinary Author"it".7.
(Rly.Board'sietterNo 6-\23 dt. 9.I l. 1990).
(i*) Disciplinary authoritv ',o,,iruld
be w.r.t. ihe post held by the ChargedOtlcial
at the time of initiation ,.rfdisciplinary action and not w.r.t. the post held at
the time the ailogedmiso*nductoccurred.
(Rly.Board's lettr:rNo.f,i{D&A)84RG 6-42 dt. 8.8.1964).

20. AppointingAuthorjqa
(i) Appointing Authority has been defined in Rule 2(i) (a) of RS(D&A)Rules as
a) the authority srnpovveredto make appointmentsto the Serv'iceof which the
railway servaniis, fur the time being, a memberor to the grade of the Service
in which the railway servantis, for the time being, inciuded,or
b) the authority ernpower*d t,r make appointn:ent to the post which the Railway
servant,for the tirne betngholds, or
c) the authority r;vi1ig1t
arlDointedthe Railway Servantto such Serv'ice,grade or
post, as the care may be, or
d) where the Raihva.y Servant having been a permanent member of any other
Service or having substantivelyheld any cther permanentpost, has been in
inent under the Ministry of Railways, the authority which
appointedhim io that Serviceor to any gradein that serviceor thar post;
whicheverauthorityis the highestauthority.

(ii) For the purposeof Ceter-inining

the authoritiesspecifiedin the differentclausesof
Rule 2(1)(a), one has to re:i.rict oneselfto the post or grade of the Railway
Servantandinvokeclause{a) or (b), asthe casemaybe.
The whole intent and pr:qnosecf ltule 2(1)(a) is to safeguardagainst an
infringementof Article 3ll{1) of the Constitutionof India and ensurethat a
personcanbe dealtwith only by eitheran authoritycompetentto appointpersons
of his classor the authorit,v-
who actuailyappointedhim, whoeverhappensto be
higherin rank.
It is not necessaryfnr the GeneralManagerto dismiss/remove Group 'C' and
Group'D' staffwho *rereactuailyappointedby lower authorities.
(Rly.Board'sletterNc.E(D&A)88RG6-12 dt:7.5.g0basedon SupremeCourt's
judgementdt:10.4.80in the caseof S.C.RailwayVs.SheikhKhadar

Presidentor anyotherauthorityempoweredby him by a generalor special
order can institutedisciplinaryproceedingsagainstany Railway servant
or directa DisciplinaryAuthority,who is competentto imposeatleastone
of the penaltiesspecifiedin Rule 6 on a particularRailway Servant,to
againstthat RailwayServant.
ii) DisciplinaryAuihority who is competentto imposeatleastone of the
minor penaltiesspecifiedin Rule 5 on a gazettedRailway Servant,can
also institute major penalty proceedingsagainstthat Railway Servant,
the fbct that that authorityis not competentto imposeany
of the major penaltieson that Railway Servant. However,in respectof
non-gazetted employees,majorpenaltyproceedings canbe institutedonly
by an authority who is competentto imposeatleastone of the major
(Rule8 ofRS@&A) Rulesreadwith Rule2(i) (c)

Disciplinary proceedings under the Railway Servants
(Discipline &
Appeal) Rules can be initiated and conciuded even
if court proceedingsare pending
sincethe ingredientsof misconduct and the standard proof
of required are different in the
two types of proceedings. Initiation and conclusion
of departmentalaction in such cases
will not amount to a contempt of court unless an order
is given by a court of law staying
the departmentalproceedings. The questionwhether
departmentalproceedingsshould be
stayed can be decided by a court of law on merits
of each case if the charged ofiicial
moves the court.
(Railway Board's letter No.E(D&A)7i
RG6-36 dated,:6.6.74and,supreme court,s
judgementsin the casesof Jang
Bahadur singh vs. Baij Nath Tiwari (1969(l)scRl34)
Dubeyvs. BhiratcokingcJa rta. (arn rgggSupreme
court2l ls)
The ordersof the DisciplinaryAuthority exonerating
the chargedofficial of the
chargesagainsthim or imposingany of the penalties
specifiedin Rule 6 shouldbe a
reasonedSpeakingorder and should reflect clearly
the basis for the findings of the
DisciplinaryAuthorityin regardto the charses.

t**,f * **

vnkqiil{n w{vnqFffinffi

ia{tffii+fuG 3{Sn€t{s$rt-cTr{,16fr*or (3r$n€-{efusrfta)frz|q,

t96Bq; .,*..* ffi *f rm il gqfit"r;1*'*n'r-Uf* firqq{" 6,7etrtS
yrfrnqiefuar{vnqF{*. t {dkd t'

z. ffi ia +{6 rRy{ frqdt*- .{r'rrv ii fat{ifiR'Bflac EdfufuEFrsr{wur

q'{++ sK, *s .i- erR"it*' eilqRq-qfi{qq5 it frRFFernRilqt3tRdfrd
"fu ftt d dfuit-*& sfuq.s-qenT?ffi
+t qr sfifr f*qFrqrt se *&
qrlkqt d€Tr qtq{.Srnkqi t ffi qfr *t fi d t t-


(i) qFfimrqrq[

(ii) frF{fiiqgrcfutrr'rffid fr} rc<r;

(iii) sfuTdRT qrtq wrpffisi gt qr 1i-+ft6rfr

znsTrkitsi rf'Ts{+ t v{dFR
* €{utqTffi *t 4131r*.+ffit q{fr
qr qft qiffir;
liii-o) qfur qRiiqrgfun f{q;eerfuif *it qfuTr
rnqnelAfr{r frq
ttvnw ulnq;et
liii-u) k{r ffi r{q* nrn * mnss+t fir+d sFFqq{
q{ t qqF{EF* qtflHRI * tirq qra *cqEnq(zrEc*fl) 4;
qi {{
(iv) tqftfii€ slmrctu* f,nqanqqf;g?it ftTkii*'l$rq t*'{€-qr
ry ?F'r rdtn qr
fu w swfleRr g 3ss6 qr, {6 *Tr&affi Ef;d st ffi sqrq
=cT{dtn "s*


(.r) qis (iii-e) tf qqrsrdRrd+ firdrq,tqt{€1qFl + f€q **q * s|€

d sr{{fr ET3lfnfilffifiTkit * *nq fu W ffimqfu *
+dqtnr it Fr{a tr'F'IT
si ts+ $T}n'H rdtn qr=cTdtn.
r{r,.rgs*r+t.{rs +r{ qf;dFit

("i) *fi 9s sq qr *{r + ffi qrct*fiqrq ii er*qfr,cs fe qTrK qr Qqr.t,

fus$1e1fr**srFkrfrqrrrqr qr,em*fu*tv'det{ss d"fr,*qqrt*{td
riq|edr ss*t efrEffirsfudf,r + qrt{ qfrkffi fripriqkd qrrtec;

(vii) qfu{Wt

(viii) *{r * F.tqrqm, cfrsrqrr qr to svrRFT

* e++oqT* fuilq{ * fu
(ix) tqr t ..{Eh, or}v*en. qr tm sflRFT* sfifr{ qr*
fTdq{ + ftTq
3' fuq (iii-€) st Ynfu
@fe-{r fstr €TS q$Trq * mn ifq* w sfrFrT
Ir$ilEr dq q* t qqRrs*t srmreftT
srd fr=Tr 4; ftTqB6i srm *milq + #
errrT.rr erq1fr,q.i fuq 6(") qfrergtyrfr efifil qro **rrrm + fu{a
FR y{
srcqfr{ *' srcrrr
fuqrrrqrt tnn.rruitqfun
fusesTrkitsi ti+Tqi st flfr *
q{qrfrEdrer .rqr
t flrq'T6(iii q) + annq ni=ityffii *}, .Tqldvnfr *t
srnrqrRr*{ q* t e6* dr qET af+ qTBq.wfu {iqafro*rq+ q'k d+ q6q
inn vnftm h +{qr qftirqrrw nkga ** qs
wqr qTRq, frqq il(2) *
F Tgk ii si t* rq+s1ynfr si .{fuifu s.+ t {dftrdssiqtt ftffir
"t t
nT .ftT I IQ)ii qaed t fq.qs ma *' er*{q ts,der{?f;ffiiqi t* T€lqrEieT
vnfut' dk{qRfr qd't smqFr+'frqfr-afiqqii*.ftqrifttqr
€trcrsrerqr qlrrlq
Filq}q{ {ss.r-fa** ssrnqwr t, di Frirq9 *
silfu qtEsl qqt EnBq m -Et*,k + ftrqek-
iy t EffftTq,
A.*r_ * ffi
*.RrRerqqhqmdd wfu + $r* f,mqFH'T6(iii-g { fri{fu *t otit *nr
(frqq 6 (iii-q) 6t*d'*t6i* 16.u.e0 arfuFilri: f (*{E$
qrr Efto-ttz+ oiirtil qqrfr€ ftqr rnmer.)d e0
4- fu'frffi + fuG ts eq'qn* r*.rq{
"il s{r+sTq+
ffis{ * .,d,d
fqt{rt efuqRsqrqnw }TEF'R
+Tt fq;wrmrqkqt ffifi +wr g**qr {.d-{
wr gst qatqr if q+{€++ qitqq€}T6arden*sgffi qrcr
d t, ni +
fu€ryrTsF*.ffiq+v*tftt "=iq,.t
urq*. $tSgso)ozenrvft-crr)

s. ffiqrqad{llfril 3{fr{mrd6{+
qrfrFrsqq €-t*dirymgTj
Hil.#;: q€r6ri{ *t sfrqqfs{'iid frfrrqrnk qftrffiTil
.Trwit s{++
kq fffinr ffiq Eq+r*i Rq'rq t'-
q+ z.qq'{iit fiqil got E} T
i) ffi tS q;1{qr efrqqt, ofr ti{'nf$ii Ei
qrrlr;trfr qRsfr d tnn *ert, qrqrqal fi1qqO* €e (viii) ein (ix)
qT qqh) ii t w
frFfiFa e|Tffi (3ilErd*qr * €:dqrGTlqI ffir t
{fiftil s{mFrdqfi!4T8ft' il srqrqc:
ii) €f,tqr tma fisqqeqnqci d d* q..s
q6 Yrrfril)
tTfi o *ce (.,,)* (ix) il ftFfi€ qrrfuit 1d.q"tt
ttq*.vnk €rnrinTd+tqTEft
q'{i+hag* *'sq ddq
ii1) fus -|{-rt E;r4eiiqild?Tr3-rrsstd{d qr
qrfrflFffi*' erarqr,ffi 6qGfrt stt qfidkfi {dffin 5g+ lntril
m'{i+ A$ *q rrqqRmjt* qrqA{ qrqrqa;facm6 *. q.qqfr)tis (viii) w
(ix) if frF{firq{lTRdi(*tiqt-* t rcrqrqF{T qTi-drt dt
ftT qftqr*, wi 3.+r*r
3q{ffi qrft#it qrryitit, wt w Ynfril€ffiRifird
ftflw sq t fit*t'gfq-qrqrqrn'
G+i:-fircrq 6 mqremekWrrc{.*.)

6. iqr*trTffi 6H rrRil'ilff q{* :-

* erg€R
(s) ta (€t1{nq-{3fu $rfu) fiTqq+ 3Htit{o * sd1*,or
iq,qiFiga {nk +t 6ikii ffiTsTrt:-
qa qrkf,$K1 tqr gqr*tFI$fr +
(i) 3-s*qrq;\fusit qstqr 3-qqqq;),|q$ qft* qrq
tqq'frq a}
ft+ni ft}ynfird6.+ qd firqdi; .nkfr * ergs*ffi
*i w tmt{*^ +1ad{ qf;erth rear;
m.{+d sKFF'a{
q{, qn q;1t * fuq 3.sthl
(ii) t€ +ffi qi} q;re Ailfiq { Eqrdrn?T tq *t
3il"ittf+} frslfT{ii fi errq
31+r{dr+ qrrrRw tr5qr.1E€.*tt pttE)iffi +dl=T
(iii) tar+{fi *. rTrrraq{ fTqR+.{+*. qE erfr{€ntqI €rFTItl-{
tkTd { ffi q
(iv) s-cq(R*qr, fs qr rK ti enqrrrrif, +{*. EFT{s sTItIR
w f*'qa Q$ w*rt
tEr, is qTrrq *' faTqcr1qgffi u.qt qqr t qr ss* stttRUT t emr*q ffi
s{ngfffi silqm.RFrtrirctqr, is qr rR qt sftTqf{

({t ++ ftr 7 { ernfrq qsfreqt {dtm q$sil *qtq wr qrq)

(v) ffi eryqQq1,'isqr.rEq{ qkfur w Fryfi 16$emqTss+t FrgFfr+

6t ynkd*-{+qrdFffiqis+{sTrtqit
frattrii*' qrt* qfrqhilr *. ergrilrqftftiTqt
srmtqfu + qkFT qrnffit {qrfr .rt,sq*t €rS ter, *s qrqqr{ qfrfdd.T;

(vi) t+ tffi t{*. st tqre* qt, ffi tdr ii'ft rrcnnqI {rGTrrrdrR*. ffi
erq riTrtrqqr fonrr t s{Tqrffi s{sn rTr{rer rftrFR*. frAxuTrfl:T ffi
HRrs{qtwnraftTt S, 6{T{rsrnqrsrftr*-qor*., ffi tt iir Effi st*qTq
*m eft.r€qt,qftr€nffi$'FTr;

(vii) iar +{*- +t $s+t e#rqfrdrqr Wt t €dfrmB{+it * erEwt,


(viii) (m)qk*qn.rt f=rgemtn tqfist *qr qr s{-+tqR-*qTr

*1 s1qfu**rn qr
sidit sfist Fqtrd* Fr+rii *'qr W qfidqiTst ynRTn m.{+qrd FTqit

fqT€Trs{r{kcr (qiTqi€w{q -l 985)

(s) qwrr* iar+{fi ftt tqr *r, *Trrdq
stFrm 1q 3i6frefrqq301+eqwrrvdeurr,w

('r) ffi qqn* s+frrF{dfqnid t-{s s1+dr$Tsrrcg pEwii* ergqn


(ix) ta rtm^*T *Ergffi 6'r{r :

(q.) {nifitmqtrrdr* erqq,oqwit * er{sqq *i *'orrur srSflffir +rfrq;

(s) €Trqq{6i*iqr,

(tr) ffi "q-ftenrar,{rcFR+t e{rqailr wrqsit{r, fT{tit + eifid-d{nfril
-et qm. q6rstfr,qtr{iqq. qrtil-* * $q ii wre o{dqrd x{nqfirfisqrqt

(*Smftnio, ra.s.77qrrr*{'.$€(gq) 77 qn*c20)

7. sfrffdT*{aiksqdE

(D €rmif*.snidqtrffi s'r{ *. frq fiTqfi .rqrRsfrrrf{ rrftil'rS t' fiF{ lft

ffi to +** * ffi 3:!*R thsiilrq rn I 8 q&+qrss$ eft6. rsT1.qnffi
Fq jlfl{ffiqrt, tfr+{*. (sq{ns{ sfu er{f,) Frqq{frfqHlqqhqrsT
qffi{ t6q qi)Tor{idww{m. sr4 *^li{q, uffia 6 fu'qrqrqrqliEq.

qrrr*ri. f (iil(gq) 6slem* G24)


(ii) sw{ffi qqrqnrffi sq m-ffi{ii w i{r{EtdTt ftq tffi il di * Enrtut

wn=il.trsit * fuq frqrTr-{qn qfrrsrusTq$t fur t qr Eil{Tqrqsrfrrfift
ERT sqgffi qifvdt*.qrrqt T6ssiq s{ .r{ mT[qET *frr d \aq-tH tsqrq
* sq S q*um .rr €rr=rTqrr + ft rREFrrTw tt t *t sq r{rqdtit S ert
ftt *dr wt frRr+frsq t qqFrdsffi si qTdT * ra d qri *' flwr qr
ffi qtrS stfus{i +qfirsnqssqqTmqftR{frd qffiiq d ETr+*
I s T&+qqrEn
=nt-{uro *+ *' eK qfrrqffmf*qr qrqrd.

(|61}*g^ m ftniq' 1s.1.66q'rq* ri: S tiil qg g) 65-enr* G24')

qh Hq qfiftrfrdt it, rrdrsiiqq.qq+ EqftnqfrM *^a*t, 18

(iiD Gr6{6r€r,
q6ti +1sqq-{ftqrtt ga tfr Eqrqmrqrq.ffi s} sftHffrfrw vsfr t

(H*Cq;rftniq' 22,rr.66wq*ri f (*{sq) 65/qr* 624)

ttr (i),(ii),(iii)if otd&qgffifi dr tattet *ewrrqr.

(iv) Eq{6m

(H*Sqrftntu^ 20.4.8sqrq*ri S(*qEq) ssgrr* 6.e)


8. rnfrrql{aradq an* { qrqraqatuGaqt

(i) qei ir*' erRrnfrfr II{';tb eqnqHftrfir-fr*

* qr+ qrfr Ynfr qt qrdrEFT
grRrsruqfi t'
fi{otqii +#q }rqn€Frserpro$rs} ffiiq 6d $T

(H*€urftnio'31'8'87 q,rq*ri' f (*\'sq) szle{rt* 6-s7)

(ii) riq q{rq wqr;iE'{r"rdit sdq

198stt)t fistdm3{dmTi.1709.cTrrd
+ 3Tq+krdtfFrrqknndeftgR+t* :-

(s) qrqf,iqr€t ii 6:{dqEq

s1g{nqFffi qftr*n *d * qtr{r
6{+ * e1ftrs4rr'6
sffi elftrsnei{t ftT+t qr{n-frt'
qT€eilqHft1affi* frqqi t, qq 11-*'f* i $Tqri qT
(q) 1pifl6i e{ftri6rfr
-t&- q Ei,siFls{ur6wq}q=reT q-tv*nr t'
(.t) qR graro, FFTtii * erg{"qfiqTi€ffiq' qrq *' qun qbter rdt5}'fr
* eirt nf wr qs RqTqrq'rt z16GIrf,sFFt *'q t €errTHft{u'rfr+
(q) qR{nfril;qdfq-dafrht nqrsqrqm*fir€ d qr+.tqu{ftdfird
Et, 31fu6{qqfr saqqrfirotqsfrr€nfrf,er} qr elfrr*,rcftT t YnRil*t
qqiq1frr+qRqas]iewi.T d, srRrq'{sr E'reit{er€Trq€tt
(s.) uR pnro qTqlilq Hftrsrft+'fiTotq,qr*ii tn emnflra
t' fu{ii t
go +n{rraqr efti-{q€iv*.at,d $ erRffi{orYnRil+€Ei$IdEffiqiqqET
(q) iq{ffi t sqqqrfr{s* sq q, ir6i ffi 6qRn*t qe-qrqri{q d{|s{ d
ETri+ 3{TtTRrR *.ffi tffi tq-s (€[T{rNqqq s{*€) fflq * flq-q 14(i) *
ryfu *l qn ii {sfr gqdfto st w qssl $nTmdT+1qiq q-r

(}6n}*€q;,rftniq' 8.6.8eqr q* ri. f (iil € q) tzamrEft6:s7)

(iii) sa ti5 sTr.F€lwr sfftT {qtq ffi{ qd (199a(i)q'sq*rc{R516) *t

r+Kariq eqrqs.h f*a Ogg4-27q*'{t 200)+ qrwit +{Giq {, sqaq
t fs 33q ;q-ql?FIqr efirfi{ur qit
qt-{Trf,q+ qq-+ Filfi?iiii qTdrHT
qw]€r{$srRffi-fr sRrf({q rrqfiTdqq;i 3ffi} Flliq t sftrsnfia q;{+ qt
q;r erftr+rr-da's-'q q-qffiq 61
qfrrq;piETt ?q{ 226* effi*d etftI-€{ur
yrfi?rqi* qqrmETt qi fu;{rk*, ndfqilr
t EErt s{rnfi*t vgcorw
il qr=nqRrfiq + qRrqrn-qtliitrETil m *-qa infr rweiqq't
$qrTrt qk firtrifimsTrirq*- eqcn lr'qrcrm.FT ;Ttrrff d, qr s{tq
ql dfr q EF{r{n
slFflFffdr€,it trqrd qr firuiftnsTrdqffi srfl +ffifr
drlrq rrqEi,
(H *€ artftqi'6'23.l"esqr rr* ri. f t$qe 9 94srrrEft6-s7)
9. qftfrqrqTqr

ilifritqoqrqrcTTdr tfuM tffiy{g'edq fir€Etdt,
friffi/Trsm q] 3as€f,ilr/q{rq{i,
qi f*^rTrertrr
qravnRqtreTt, efiriflffi ;r€T
+t qr+ qrRq.t* rTrwitd, 6q t qq qfi:FGT st qrit qrfrq.

(kr+*6qrftntc, 2r.r.e3errq{*. St*qEq) e2lenrtft6r4e (q)*)

10. v*rfrd*rrgFn

?rsfrqfufrthwr, Fr{rq6 + e}idridrififrfrffiq{Trfrtdtfr*fiqk'

eTtRsi n*trr} ftt ynR +t srdFr*ftq qffi r fu, * ynfuqiqfrrnFlil
{rEHrqrq.W qRfufrd'itqffi q *{r qftftff yrrfuqET
sFfT;16T t qfu sff*
qqtsr iFTqfifrnq *.

qrqxri. f (*veq) ellenr*c0sy


lt. Erftatqqf*

(i) q'd'qt+1si{t srdtfiqTqr e{rt{it*'*i'renR*q,rurtrr*nqtg$6rfr+

qrqd{, EIhst +dqt qq-f,}+,{ist yrTfu*" etRrfrm, €qTqxrffi q'*.srft
sTrkT aRrffTrqm.tsS ffi *. eqprtor4 ,{TrdqfqTeTrr{r€frilr (1959
riwtst) + Fr{rqna7 + Eis l(i),(ii) ek (iv) aqrcis 2(i) ofu(ii) if frFqfiq
$rfuitittq's'0miqfi (er$n€qsi{€) Fr{rs,1968*frqq 6(i),(ii),(iii-
*),(iiiu),(iv) wn ( ii frFTfileynfuit * qrrc*{rft t+ * pq {qrHt qt

17.5.62wq**.$(squg)ozerm* 6126)
(ii) afiFit+t eq.i4i+tqmrgrftrfi*+ qr,t*qdfqrft*rtror$srsnfuqr qrqfs
EsStd dT€ qrembqfrqrq w +qffi da q €.

etrtr{ri. S(*\ieq) 2000anrtft 6164)

(*6etTfrqia. 30.1.2001

12. qfrEnrTrfit^flfrsn e{rM 6t **'11s{r

(i) gt*Trqrdt/knesilfpiiqi qs q{ t qq 61e{-cfu
+ lmqt+ {q+ e* nrk
W A fur €{q{"ifrqr fi rfrftd rd q* {TrRilat eqqfu* *qtq
Eti Ers *1* qgk{r g lsm .m qnk q-l* {nk ftffi qET *tr qifu qrqil
+S * wftil d .{qfu Tft €iatt sm, *€isr q{ it Eqlr"ft Sqr rlR{t/{t+{r
teseeTrt{iirFT sarv*ar *.
(e}€'qrftni6,27.7.6rqrq*{. t(sggq) 6rlent* G34)
(ii) qfuTrrilqirghqTf?ffi{s{t+{it*t t* {s+ *t nrk si sqr* ffi+ + stvq
t ynRil-qiifiR.e q-qfrT+ frq qftrnfirds{+ *1 qcilq*zt *. €Eicr{ qFttFrd
d -il+ qrt6q.3q qFpit tt q€i Erhqrt+ at€fg-tE{ tt tq Hgt.IRfi,lf€r lffie
s{rkit sT?TI*lqFAfr sarfuqrg +rrd q{'+ sr} C qniirqfunfznEe giltrtt st

(H*d'6rfrr-{i6F r4.l2.66mqri. { (*fieq) 66lanrEft6.57)

(iii) ElfiifstFT{.{q' (eqpn*nqi erfte)Frqditt lt* qri eT-dqrs}^fq8tT fr-6e

sTrkii+ tct *1 {sr * {d*T{ st$ d'TrFil{ifinq€Tqt'Tt t dfua F ?rq+t rrqtqr
q6tf red geet{ yseeqqt gq,rq il rqtge fu'zraqmet& nrftiltR F qfrd
Tof,is*.q'tr s{RstfTil qr {rrrTrt, qnitlqfo{rlme sTrkitsi o,rst{wr ii
(Tdff H d nfucfui6 rs tzs.3.s7 ur rr* ri. f (S f'e q) sz wr * 60)
(iv) tqr + *{T tqe.rq effi{tit+ frq, ti{ t-f,*.(sr$rnnu* e6*1 twq *
sifr {TIk *'sq d W *'erq * qnr* qrdisi ftT n-q.r omw*ar.tS
qrqaitdg+qr*{TrRr{Rfu}qapfiq{rdftflt,fu€ U 6FF{q2303(ffi erqtet
tr*. (ifflq)ftr{q, 1993*.FFrq9 CYrfrf, tsqr rqTt) + effif, qffi {i*ft dnit
(H*S qr ftnian2e.s.8eqrq* {. S (*6 9 se an+* 6sd)
( l0)

dfoT, H ffir:r Hi enRr?.n kT e{*. (qrs)fiFrqif

sq t {l+{q} + f,aTq
fiffitkn sqddtsfu sr{frfu *' erEvn,W *'qrq *'q16 qr€i* tq, qt
sFrTT t gs ffitr{ *. fuq im tffi (sr{{rrcmq* slr+dlFrqrii+ ss{E er'1+ti
qt silqwrsdrrdit
qr w ri. t tcql ee fr qu 5-1/41)
(H *€' qr
13. *ctqkri+rq{r
(i) qk Wd 1th{q+ frt rnk elfrrik *ri *' erqtn {ffi qt'rdefr tq
* rrq d ynftil;Fsqpadi * ErE* sSqfu fuqrqrq.dfuq,ffi ffiq n+'
rq+ Et qrlfu '{rfr iTrftqt vJ{fi€tSt, ffit 6.ffi qi ss*t qrt +.T{sR q
fuqrenr EnBqet{ qffm .ie t sq qqfrT*. ftrqynftilqRrffim*t qrqffi
ug slftmenFr*.ethqEi.
(w*rqqfucEdqfut + 1idE{ t6ryt*S qr fui-s 21.1.e3qr rr* ri f t* qg
q) 92exnG14g (q)iTQnrrsrqkf erf+{idq{fFb l2-2.93qt
q*ri. f (S(Eq)e2ern* clss)
(ii) 41;.1gf'qt*{si * q'n* erqSst erfrrnnm Etst {idn{nfrFr* sTrkitsi
{d qeiq.Tqe1WRHrrlo,rqrqBq :-
|qni-n qs t-rqqq I e'*S' nen wd
slftrnkd fu iffiqflc dnqk lth d-ffiqtd qmq{*'fuq
flmqrrrqre) ffi sT nr{dT{qi *. qi rt*.+ $T \rs' {TeT Wil
wqs sFr*" rc *-{d qfiqs gg* eK I ErS
qRrntrd fuqr q+w q{ t's' qd' *' *fdqW
rrrqrd + tdq loe qs qrE ffi*Ets
erRdf.m e{Frdflsd qfrrikn fuq
fuq'rqEi fq-qrrrqrd rrq€t
(r.) (n.) (a.)
(€.) (r.)
1.1.85 400 400 400 400 400
-1985ii qfrrnFTil tsq TTqEg

1.1.86 42s 400 400 400 400

1.1.87 450 450 425 425 400
1 . 1 . 8 8 475 475 475 450 450
1 . 1 , 8 9 500 500 500 475 475
rfit{qi'fi t t.3.1986?rfirrrt gsg) 85err* 6-157')
(l 1)

(iii) ffifii t*trili st rnfril+rffi w detrqk{it * kq * wq'ftffi qr+

*' fu qffi, vnfr * sTrkr"TrftEt+st nrftqirmrsqn qeTgcr d. qataq
qk esh ftrqq'fur* rnftmqft-nfiffifuq qri st drfrqt.rsd EdFqR d'rqr et
(dfuq qqil: s{rtftiT
ftT +t'r{ d) T$'rSfuT qrrr*ar t

(*$qrftniu 2.7.ffi6rqrri. $ t*fisql 60qn* 6-20)

(iv) qq W ffi st ynk qRfrd st q'nt t, d wk {q"S onE{il+
slT€Rnilqmr& tflr qkqi t*t q* qrl6qd oro *ffiqm it qrcmqififtht
&iln d* t nrRil{ffi s{rM t fu{Ffrqqr er.qdq.ffi .r$q{r.ns qri + fuq
fuF{ Fr6arqsn*t'rg sfi{qffid &tr *+ { eF$q€t$n*
EfiRq.ESrqR, gqqrrrf,Iif qaiffi€ atqFl+kq qrs *r++n tt fiffd sirq
w erqqhst ynfrilqFrnfilm *t'rt d, stF{'{@it *' *(W 6t+{ ern =cT
(*$qrftntq, 7,5.766rrari.S(sqcg 76.qrt*6-2)
(")'ttffi dq'{"Wqt ttmf' +t ynfr *1,F{* s6q *' eqwn,sr*
*t.n qfrrnfiraftT flsqrqr {rEF-iTr.
g$ qiFn€FffiHffi srqrMfr* *t qt
frfqfi€ arqfu+fuq EterFrtFilil
(Hcild'mrfrl.qtqr 27.8.l966qrrnrif (S{sq) 66.qntft 6.zt)
("i) @lt t** st vnftil\rs d&eTrftrdtee rft,qREdfrq q{t efi{-n
st qelq + fuq slNtrfr fl+'qrEilqrd qr frilft erqfu+ fli{qrffi }Fnqqfrffi
s{frrnfrilfoq1qrqrd qr YrIRildnrM +{s^ st q{rr qr qfu frfrr tt ffiq
itiwcilTrRuftrsmnure.r-et qfttqwr €)d Fr€rq 9 * qqXFT q6{t t
qiq *t ETr+
(H dS cr ft{i6 28.2.6816T rrnd. * (S (s O 6T ern* 6-13aentrr
+{€ (q$rnTr € sFffFD qr Frqr u(2))
("iD qwnnFq' sfirsr$st @qi M + oTrtvr t+ t.rrd.ra qfrRtmwr
*{r q'rRq fu {dTqiTq.ffi s} t dffrgkqi qfrd q,{++t {u{|.rqT d {b, .HqiE
qaerr**q* €q|q{ilq.nqd.WR{h{, rTrqdsteTq+ s{rkil*t$SqTr st{
;rq iTrtvrcnt q.{++ frq q$nsF{q^srM *'qrq qFNrritr t{r qrfrg :
$qt{qyr.r&w ferfrt, wi Hf{qrrfr€rqiqT+sil qftwfunw g.nen t
116adtqrftnto4.l.83 'rrsr{. { (*(sq) s2-qn* G84wn*nt'.
Stsquq) e2-qf2-2)
( tt)
14. wilq*ffrqm{Frqdr*q rn gw{fr :-

(i) qra *6qq6 ,itfi1-{de$q w e{fih *t ynft6it ftTE{kfuiT *' ett { so*q
(q.) qonrfroqq * zrgvnfu qtil* *fr aenq6 erefrt,qq irs'*'ft( vnftmqq
(s) q,m*rqqtq EfiTErfKR (1qqitryqei ?rfiAffi qeruTT
rrrilt wr
(qEe*t ril6if), qR ft1*d, wi trs'rFrgffi(q.)it {q$m srcftT
('r) q6 erq&T
Wq} et FrFrilrq+ + kq d qt'fterqtagm enfurf t qe srcfrr
"r* lflq vrrk sr {ffi yri{tqqqr€ effi ynftil* qgrd
ffi *t erqfut
(ii) sftfqs qqfu * kq qT{q1$ dq.rt qrfi *rqtrm *trd lriFqrR sT#rh
Frqdt* qtft{ srEAqtr€tt . orqqs qrrfurftq'r *er;tqfi Hq gFFIT
*erre:slnrqrn erenh v"pi qqFT*. frq Rrt €qr.
(iii) { erqqfrst ynfril'n* +oaqkdt *wH
qR qTo Aff{rilq tt FTqiRsiFTT
* fuqrqrka ftT st qr+ t d yTrk*t {rqrft *n*fqrft e} w fuq fEqromq oil
qr srfifr q flsqqr+.n*er. qRyilfu ffi frRRq srqftT + fuq-m W
*^ srm + ffiq uqrfufrst Efl* Eini, ss wFr fq{+ tiTqWsqi rqFIil*t
q+ S, *i @ * fueq fir+firynfril+t {rq|fr rndm Frqiftnfoqrqrq.

(Hdf qTfrffi 2r.r2.r9fl)tq**. \'s€) 60gc'qrr-l/2 *qrrrqftffi

ftFia 22.0r.1960

1,5. furff*fitrsnrcrnw*rfr

i) (q') qqtrfifm-?rswerdf-Fs{T{ffrTqFfrd'ft
wqr etRFddsrqfu+
ti{q Etqt@ss il{tq ?rdrqq f,q. sffi{fu *^ s{r*{r*'eR gq{bF qt$T it s{tqn
.rt s* qtrd * lflq sqTffi =reT
qqgr qrin, Fr'ffi{ ds qqqr rK vt erqqfr df
ynR fiRqilq sq t fqfrnearqfu*. ft{q ?r'n*!{rg.qcrtS {nRil slfrrilqiTq.{++
if eryqqfr
s{ragr u+erqfrr frfqRrce qaS sTrtvr
wT+t 'r* d n+rq{T*'€rer d. ftilsif
tm Qr*.*t .rftfr + fla{qrqr* sq * s{1q{amdfrfr fuqrrqr d, d ${ qffi
$r n€ w€crrTr* qETs*,Tr.

(q) ve Frqrofs qrxKrRerdrifrfriqfr€ qqfrT* fuqd, d Tnfr s1

{qtfr w sffi *t sq qqrRrwc:fr trfu o'r frqrqnrnfqs .n t s$ qffrd
fu'qrtrqrqr.qffifr*-tt e{rtvrdq€scesq tfqqriilq :-
i) srr{frst eraR{f,qr
ii) $n gr .r*flfr .rr,ta ***^ ss FtrR is it qoT*.H nqrqRaemr
g{: qrqr
sttn ftilst s$ effirfrt*qr rrqrqr.

wt €rcqfrsl q* W *' rq'm*' frq lrqrknwt q;m t, wt tar

dT*. q+eRcffirwcr Qqr,te e{wqrr{ qercilwficn iFtFT
*ffiqrr il ftt FT*tifuT
q,tqrq'ftwt wr*t erEqfr
q d+*1ftrfr tt tnriFm
st qr*. i{€tqfih s}'{r*
af,ryqH $ +q{q+ ft{qrqrkfr sfir t, ftt t€ tffi st sftqmr,saftt qflqqfltr
t q6t FriR tqr, is srrdfirR rRsnh ERrqfrt€ eeTd 31qFT w 611{fi6"q

('r) qR erfih * sTrtvr Frc{qffi q?fl?il

$tffiqd srqfu+frq d d s{rApr qrq:-

\ st qw * frqdRwr'tg/frr il ils ir*' * loq ffr;ril fuqrqmrt qq irs'

fu'qwqHM enrc$ qr**^sq.n rq,AtsAilqr + fuq srrgm;16T qs1q1-61.'

saqrqfif{ m+ zre$fimqt fu tn t'{*' +t w .rErR$: r&fil + frq

srgwar* elt tf frFfiie 31efu
*' qrq* k"m fuqrqrt{'n,.{rkr fiT"TqFR

\ qt qFR+ F q?R.rqllistdrqr fuqrqmrt qe fls'

{ irq im' * ftru eruanm
fu qr** s€ffiRqqrtls&i-{r
+ ldq s$ gq eTrt{r*t iTr$qt_q{ (qO et eqqfrT

(*$urftntaa 30.a7.G4qT
rr*ri. f (sqeq) 62 qn* r-46l

(ii) frrffinsd €nfrfudqqfu*fuq srfifr*qrqdf if, yq6qts{qdnh

+ frrq T{ qfrfr + snkr qqrqsrRr*,rft
srurfi ftFqqrqi flsn{s qrrd ji
mkffi 6 s}* Tksr'r€Tt
(efu*urfrqic,26.5Jm0qrq*ri: S6\isq) 7oqncft 6.15)
ds it sffiq|ilftt ynRilfrF fil€ 31qfu* fdq t aqr 3{rt{rd qa
(iii) qR frTrTd{
sds ftT t*,qrtrqrt fq rqm tts it T;T:qgraeli q-tsqn n€ if qfisor irn g{rr Hqrqq+ilr,q-dITF{T qrqf.FeTrhrmrqRwr wrqr @ w

(i") frF{fr,€qqfu * fuq { effi{ft'ht ynk rrlllcil** *'erq

qn+Erfrq) sa: S ss rK rRg+ v<f*aq{ flqqrqrart fus .mt 3.Ser+;mf+qr
ETrhkq qR eilenqtrd d $Freffiqqrffi *t qilq{fr *frfqnqrqr
sFf,Tb m, s{rh rnr *t'ri tqr +t €rdRrst fr{flq if frq kqr 3H tils ii
rqFTrqf,sq t EFprifi131E6 s-r tfir €1.dfu-{, qR qitt *t lgrs qq d di
sF{6emq 6ffi d trqrcqmq,r+ Bt $ileig+riTT =t€tt nqr i* srd rK rrt
Trqrdkdfqqrqr rrqnrt qRerqit sS wt ii qdefr EFT qrt semrh
ni vs'$TFrrtqdt *'fuqf+.s{.t t R rrEreFrfls{srqrqfra fqql qq, $T.ts if
fur s1 qeh + qrtrnrRsffirrit *t qRemqt qrryii rKTE{rq.

(H*g"qrftniq,*. f (Sfigq) 0z arn* G46)

(") tc{ tffi st FTr{il{.}s it .rqr{{frq{+ n?TrFF;rfr{.tsit s{ltFT+ffi fl=rfifim

qq*'n sTrnFT+{r ii + ryrrqfu HTftffirfr + eTrivr$Tftf?rErdFtr qs T6Tt
{tsRqHF[;qr{flTFrERr qrceqiq(1975(1)qrsgo etn5l l) q{rqyqrITrW srq
* TTrqA
{ t s.ot .74m.}Ts s{r{rrT $r frFrdqfeiqrEr.

wqf. { (S(qq) seerREft
("i) Frrrin.i-sit qerE{R +dmFlerifm €}r;n+trqFrFrrr.lsit fuqkqi {rHFq
fqrritt. sffifr firqfiffi*t qrq'ftsr Ffi fu FTrrtrrns { ffi tfrrtr

(Hd*qrftrriu, qrq*ri gu'€') 60-gu"enr-1/4fl))


fs q sry*rfr+t ynfrilqffi Hq +'hs +t ss ts t FTs'ttrt

(vii) fqE{?R
rsTa'n* ns { {€ lsqt E{ftt Fqk g$qi.

wqe$. * (*qeqyse qr{* 6-ri)
. (1s)

(viii) qftfrFri€ +kqffficq.fstt 31ffifr6tYnfrilffianTqHsi

$qirTrrfi t d cKK.}s it gt: qffi .n qffi si {&
{-ft. 6{+ + ft{qlrtnftTfr
fu{ fqqrqrqEfrq5ftr'ry6q.lsii -rqrFrfrq fuq qri qq+dr @Frffit ie ti st
EqrR n€ ii ffid{it * fnq q+qrq'ft.qfr Ynftilq* ffiddt
'r* tdr d rrurqr
qiTTqFr{q{+ +i frq rqTfudE;rrTd d sq 3rcfuk{rh lf,q qqrT{fr*t'r* gjt,eii
3gq1pis { {6;1'qfa* frq q fr1isq3a1TR.fsii g{: q61.srRaifi fiffiifrdfuqr
(W qtg^6rfri{t6, 27-l0-60?sr str ri' w (f) 60gc' sTr{-u4)
16. qq sr+i{lTqft{rrfifrrsrfrsrtrMs.ffi .rt e#ritTilYrftilet$reqd
EFr rftrcTd, d Fm yfifrild'nd qllq {fr Ynftil+t rt qq* st ffitrr+dr* qft {
fl{qq t*qr qrq.dtd6T,qf{ sffi d Tddtfi {4 €q t €qqEr 3lifus 15qt Ynfril
;tR* ;ft{ifrn fuq"iliry ftdq frfr srpqAo vnRnt{ftrikd nedisi qrq if rcT
qrq. t$ qtqqil it € *f Wrw QS qfn|5ffi {rfr s{futftm t*qr qmr
(HetgqTftfiiqt 29.2.56qilqT{'.f 55 s11gEft 6l4f,ETft5qb 12.12.72
qTrmri f tS(gql 71 ennr*6rs)
imrqk tfr+, sS +ffisrF{it Fqffi qq ils *d{ if s* ffn ftTffit is d
e@tcnq qri riris vnfu eifrrnfim fue qd d {dRrdgql€{ur
an=r{k 5500-175-9000
nff{ 6200
Wqfrtdrftq lt[q
Ynk qFriflTdq,{+ stdrfrs l.3.2ooo
m) qetail{gf;rritsi €rFrds{+$srlq *'frn 2 q{*.frq irr+{|qffi +t
{flRt (gSffi tnrq +fcqr, ewTr$$qrq*'qrq enR.frq6remrt)
{ilfril+srTr+*+*tdrnq 1.6.2000(eryxio* ar$qt qq gT'T-mt
1.6.2000 dail{ 6204
1.6.2001 qi'+ffi 6200
l.6.20D2qi,Aifi 6725

(eilRilst {rqrfr * erqiq Mq fiRfrq*t qfr t)

* qrqtmt rr*drTryqf;dqi
€) 2 eql* frq dr+gk ffi et ynk d -Tr&Wddt si {qfrrn +d qt
nnqrrri ** tg6G,nt** *' ws,enfi r*re *' srqenktft emrt)
qnfr*qqr$*+*tnrfrs t'6'2ooo
dam{ 6200
6t*d{ 6200
1.6.2}A2*t+irq 6375

q;1qqrft qt tq ffidfr rqilr+t

GEft'r* *fiq|€qi fiKfr"rq6Tftt qffi t, YIIfril

*- k{r sw&ffi slfier*'6qT'2

rr) ,{re ffiqdi 6i sfrra q.{+*. stTl€r
qql + frq 3.s'4p1q1qii ssso a' tTryd{siFq 6qi dffq it * ffifiq ftt s*
*tt65;gt{rsEt+*t?nfrs 1'3'2ooo
si+dq 5850(irmrout+ret)
ir* *aqss Kt w fut {*'n
l3.2112q}4ffi 6550(.r6sAffi3-s6{ir6qemfoqr
smfEq'*flqftT*.r€ d?t'T
1.6.20A261+cFT 6725($TqaftWqiq-t)
q) q*fuaq1|aa}$sqq*'mrq{tdn *riq@sTlqkd 2 qq}*frq
* ronqifs affi { <tffidt +t Fatfr s{+ s1nrfril
e.Sdnqtilqtt StiSO
flrfril*sqr*6t+frtnrftq 1.3-2000(erqfdtrisleTqt{et)
1.3.2000 si*tr{ s850
25.2.2A02 r*' irn €qFn w k{ {ttn
13.2}02+t4ffi 62aa(s$wt'nfuqqdriTt*.qr
qrqn fus KR t qs'd
qr*Sd'r* *.m( {nfr
qt €rqfu*qrmq-S+'rt
r.6.2l02s1+tr{ 637s(srrntffi€is,'t)

€.) qr* '@i fr psqn*'s*{q'*'fuTr,2 qqT*. kq 4so0-t2s-7000

*rrqTr jf qdfr .r*
inn 5000r. *oq Fffiikdqr+ 6t ynfu.

{Trfr+qqr*d+*tdr$rg I .3.2000(e+qifr
1.3.2000e**r{ 5000
28.z.zao2 ffq'drq qrTKRrRRrt *rn, qk ynRilsTrt{r{ qr qEqqt fu
vnfu +t €rcfu+ *ilr frqin .ls jt $ Wqt qet* qTq'ft,
qrqR Qgrqt{
stTi"riFTt di I .3.200I qi *cmqqrs{ St2Sq.* qr\"n.

dAnq 6550(gs iTrftq st $EErtr{
*d;rqF{ sfu Tnk +
$ qqq fuqr qr
qar*rq ErdFr
d erqtns*l
stlh 6rR crin .ls if
Wdqi{nfust srqfrr
* qttrqdTtr gi Ar,.sGiFT
1.6.2002 672s(sT''d@€t*r)
vf @ 3,{F (e.) * srg5qvrq .+d 6} qqfird{g-+* sl{lq
q|tn ynfu *. sq* d+ ftt Hrftq: I .3.2000(qqiqirffirdrnne t)

din zs-z-2ao2HtfiT{TH{ y{ Rrt {trn, qk {fifr sTrtpr

il zrgsr{d?Tt ts
ynfu Et srcft *dqm Fr' { r{t*Fr{k qetqt o{K''ft,sTsreilqfr tsr q+{
sr{d?rftT t d t .3.200I et *rq q6nd 5 tzs q-tfqqrqrsn.

1.3.2002 : 6200(trqar *tril{FTft ynRr+ qNqq +
q,s e6Rnflq'qrqr 191*oa EilFrd qrqrnq{(
yTrfr*1 qqh *+oq dEWffiaet r<n
r.6.2002 : "€T*tqrqft)
( r8)
17. qFnr{ffi
qrrdrrta snnr {kdr fuaqII (w {'w''ror)* fr€rq1802,18033fu
1804+ sffiil stFqr{ Wd, vrrq$ ffi t fi{r t vrrq$ W
{nfr TS* qFmg{r-*,r x{nqFr*'sqpr* rsq{ RHrqmrt T€lfr{fffiT *
eq& :tt (2);fut +{n qffi, +{r t FeTndqrtn if q* + €,'dkd
vrftil.itc,sdqX il s#Tqr4ffiqrsder$tnenfr qFrer{l*{rm
qi frqqi{ r'oq$ynfr * sq ttyririTfl+qrrqrt sil{.rdqffinqr tqr t
Fa+41Ynfr +t Eetrtf +.qrt!fut

18. qF Er{ -fuF ?-fr,Fffi iln {q* Ezr+* qTq*{ itvFrlsqar{


ifi qr*{r$R vnRil€Fq +crt qMil: frfd fuqrqmrt cStFTtqr

(it$q)fiFTq1993sfuqq 64{ sinfrqsTqt{Fit*qenqflqfuTqH}Kq
t*qr qmrb. qqtrfrqsreiltqr t EK rrqim qtrftqr$
st {vrr efuwn
ErqT qrart qerera,BCfur t q€tw sptttr@ri qrfir sqrq
$T ftryqr
sfir+rft,qRnq* fu'.raqrqfrrHq sq t fuqRqd arqnt d, ifl +{r
(t{'q)Fr{E,1993}faqq"65* €r{snglqrFqr qm&aqrwmint

19. qiFnrrj's' sriqffirw

F{firgqiq erC{nnFFF
$ffi st frfi{r s*sit + frq *+ ffi en1vn

(o') ffi i€ *'ffi .n vnR drfr++ rdiiq + fuq,Frqq}+ dil,l-dstTrn

{ilftil FFn+ rRFrsrffi, ryrmFr*.srkqrr$d,Tr.
(q) Frqq9 (eSynR s{mfrd6{+ sslilmq grrfrq.{+*,ftrq er{cqurst
qr+q|Fftqil{tqfut' sdEr * faq {$qqff,d flqr enrqqkfrtFrAqF*{tffi + ldq
sqmFrM un)3ry6rr-€qfirr 6T t qfuflkdfuqrwr tqcrqm q'ffi * fuq
Fps 6 {frftfuk* Srre*t{nftil (q$qr*$ n'n++fdqrnrqstfu*rt
srtvTr€Fffisrffi d.n €rtrqqf*il s{qrRsi+ ft{qFrqq6 { frF#le Bt* S wt
vnftneqr+qtiFtT €qrrffiffi, sr$rmkrstRrsrSErn

1n) fT{rq1l (l) (*&vnfr qHfiffie-{+erqiqqrtqf,FT{En$F{+,q€tq€T

enwqorlqiEq'{+€nfr,+li{qsdfrfu) +{ds (m)sit (rg)+.sdEil-{*.frq

+it td Eift{ftii q{ ffi * ssn st {nfr errrdqri{r

{rEqk densnrEqkd
qffi, en$rruFsmftffi5itn

(e) Frqq6 { ftftfE€ vrRffii 6'Tr+qrd €qnq$ffi{ii cTsodiqta tcr

iq$n* vi e6-y @ 6t el1q[.S I,tr*r m it flanqrrqr
b {fr€FT,{rqqfr
k*+ rft tFTcFffi rRFr{rq6 {{ '+ Ynk a'n Qqdt qd fi Ers
d qrtnT.
wffi sr iirfu sr{qfr { tqtqr'tqr

(til*ac, (tr{$rcnqd qrna)Frqqt&Frq{2(iXrDefuz1tb7(21)


(i) ffi trqqkarffiryiur{twFrqq 6{frftRqvnftff}if{*qm{TrRildrn+

+ mq€r1qfi*fi& eq.{TR€q{qsfitqrft,*e^p$ {fifr qr sniq.mqrt 6{+,
Fr+T9 *-tril qiEq{i wf( *^qdffi{ €r1vn€t{*, *' sq d qr{ ot
tT{E te{q.dqrftqrq6T&
{tintrT yrrfuFTrIr{Frfirtffift{qeEqH ff{r sS
srRr5 fl*qrrrqrt €rrtuqf:re
sffi * gdq {, "{Frr*'*& Yflfr * rt,dft{-d
"srdEIHsr{Eiqtd sqr{FRfr *aqd'ft.rr8 {$YnR +16rffi +
qrrd {, mq$ 6r1'qq;e'.dr' oi'n*+ fu srfE-S* qgn rgqrq Hffi
+ffi fr{q 9 +sdq{ + ft{qeq3n€P4s qrffi + sq it q'nieqvq'ar*"

(ii) srTq*-I{, qt*qtaitaqrsnrpTwqdi*rrnXfrdf (tr*+g $rqferq{'

{f€Tlqiqqr Efi*{, EtCe,$Aqsfu {Qd, taA em
*t*q, tm trdT+g sTtHtt enrqqkaqttft{ftit t *'dfi{ilstT{n€Fr*,
V* e6*

qffirdt + €dq{ fqFr*ffi + ti{ qFfirfis}nqralfirrs.r{'M *t ert{nffidslr

sTdR{fiilqi +r sF+€ t eqffi-I s*{ II ii lds f+qrrrq t fq. alffi
fuffi, tqr * EerrT efuqffi +S enRrqt*ffi ftFk stfrtffi-ft ererqr
{6 } qqal srffi qeretT Ery$sqar ffi Hfitq,rfrenreqrt qr v** t
'q") * {qfrrd erynwaW
€r{q*-nl { tfi srk*rftrit ({rq6l'E|' s*t Ir{6
.n*aqfirsrfrdfar,se*qf*qrrrqrt qTq*I,II s*t nf +tqpq6'!fr s:qdq
H, \d elkT*,sq{rqnmt

(iii) tfi t{s (€HiFIrs{qi a#o) frqqi q+ qTq.S-III* n"i. sW

furn'nqq+ qt eryn€FrrvRr.itmrsqd'r,qqddf WTsdlrqnv+r{qi{ T{q

hrTrrnqq$ * qqq d+ *' q,Rur,Efr,sqflT*rfffiti€ *. sr slnrsrR{iignrfuqr qr

*'sq i[ qr wir sq t 614m,,{+
srflr t EilTqrqffit fuTrrfiqq4t t glk tiT
{sn+ + FTM snrS flq,qr
(*g q'i ftniq' 3.1.2m0 qtr 1.6"2m0q| rr{ li. $ t* \ig q) qS-aTF*

(iv) wfr eq"qfudti| qTvilnFr*stffi *'rm qr e-de fmqrrrqrt awt

s{nqFq' nfu.hi$*'sq if ffi{ ffi ffi{r srfrr*r$s{rh wTrdTr stt sfu tr$ 6i
{rEF?n ffi Frrirr ii s{rd* wffi etrdq-qiTr t qR ffi fid-qrfr+
fuffi q1vnfltrs +.rffi q€rfr €+ + qklr strdrl rffiifiur d ortr t frt
q1vrTqF*slffi * nqrm qqa iilrqqrtil rRT*qq T * erywr-t 6t'Tr.EH*
sdflqr,frFS6ffi + fu &'ffi qdF* s{T{nsFrrqtn{$rfrd v.n'art ** -ltr
qfi1q1e{Frsqfrrft Eil{g.mqftq6ffisdq6 + fvnrsF1qr ft{flur if sr{ Efifir*, *
fuq € A;TiT{gq qfl{qtffi}rdqE* rynqFr*. srfttqrft*'sq d ff4 et v+'ent
q fu' qsmq|n{tqqEtqsqr{sf, :SGT[ stftrfiIft..{d fr Fn'nrrqrEFqlqR q|trfu.F.
€c{r FrqqT *-gcdffi t tiEkc ai.

6ew*ri'"f f*{'gq) 6rqn* Cfo, 16.10.73

(dtq;frefu 28.7-6? m$
1*€q) ?2qn$613ilqt 4.8.szcrf $tsq) 94wn-*C*69)

(v) ffi sEkR tK rR rg{FITtt?T sq t Fr{ s'{+ qrd til sffi * qrd d
311Frr{F srifnsfu ffi
s Hfiffirftmrfinriqur *'sryq if, ffffi dRrSFITqET
6q t utfrnqE* eqtilTfuqrqrwn.

(tn *ec, (q$nffi q* q+n) M qr H GFIF7(3))

Fqk q'it*
("i) qpnks Fgk $Rrnrfte,rtnrhprs{+ + f,nqfirsisi€{erEr
e{trq q d+*qrqd rt,trtrw*qq' it qmrqrq.
st trfur HFr*rft* 61T

(H*g'sTftrqiq, 21.2.&srtr*1i. f (*\bq) 63-€ff{* G23)

(vii) ffi qdqurqiq wrEderqiq+s{Fr stemoIEGr*'sqito.r4+t

g+ srffi cl srgnqFr*,mFr*,nl*'sq ii +,r4.rS q{qr qicq qdfdrstrnflqd
.r+qrft.b}s{Fi-sr{t'ft fs qrd * qq-S{rqqffi st g*r qffi wdvnqfr*'
srftrfir&* 6q it rft €ilri TdM t erarrftT *,Tr.,16;st;znq;reTHrn
efur, qRffir { siftTq {rqfrfig ftT t ek vqqEErr,qrf;rlzr*.r$ t d w
er3'n€k*.mffi *'sq it +.rdo.qqiq ifi{ sF'dTt trq €Fi'Eor ffi sqqx-a1
Sfenrffi fr qs zneilqqT sfr rTt{dif qiq efirfirfr*' sq it srd ftT E"{T6A
drr qiq qRr6FT{t T6srM Elqrqrfrqffi dq * ert{ T4FT'iqq fuqrd,
vJsC arifrTqeq t .* q6T. ESnre,ffi sTFtsr$ ERrsr4rf,rS{-Sffi qrrd {
qia qgilrn+t'r$ Eie*{qKii sS*tg nvnnFr€ tr{ t frqrrqrt d qaryreFr*'
st qGT
rnrrcTr ClqrlqlqT EFi€q sk E* sqg-mfuotq*ftTq eTqd sqin sfirsrft+

(tFr*EF*+ fti-qio'23.12.68irr qir *. f (* {s q) 6}orr EftGt6 fu*

ftnio 23.5.69 trr**'nrrrqsTqrq qhHe,30.T.9t rwq?*. f (*(s
q)el qnsft ffi2)

(viii) qRs{rffrderFr*r$frr e+Ewfw;qrftq,rS

.ftB* qrqt it yfifrm6iH}st
e6 qrqd { wgflrflFr*.qrRtsr$*'eq if sr{ 'raTamqrqrRq.t* qFrdd,
TTnq t T* rqar HfrrqilS Hffi * sq { m,r{E6t'n.
(W *g * ftEq;*e"I 1"! aaf!m w*i. S($ \i.sq) 90qn tft Gl 23)

(ix) enT{rwFr*.srffiq,rFrrrtror,
*tqs qwnfu Edsd
vJraed S qT{qtltfta qq*' sr$R fqqr qrq a t*' qrtnr qr enfu 6ffiq ETrtqIrq
qlfrd.R*. 3TT{R.

(Hd*+ftrqie, 8.8.1e64
?f,rqr*. S(s(sq) sa-qrtEftcaZy

z0 ffirffi
(i) iiT fu*. (q{vntr{qi srfrm)tffq + fuqq2(i) (EF)
{ ffi nftor* qil
df+ftrd eqgnufrwfum fenqrrqr*-
(q) ss dqr,fui tFTq.ffi s$ {FFrrr$Frt slfrrFaglsrfltEr + e-srie
ks+ tf, qr{qrfrss qrmqilFffit, { Frgfiilq-i++ fu erl'apnftenrsw
({d stTrrEqqW qtr++ ft{qs{hFil qfifsrft,ks qqqt ta ffi ss
{Frqg{r*{il qr
(rr) W+{r, de etrrertrq*qr$Enqf,rd,.rtfrWwdqrersrfrrEr$, qe[dn
(q) qS d* e1;q*Er ksi| iETqilfi{rfrrqr* vwr t 3fuqR i[ teT{ilFrq *
*er +' qE
FrtfiRtEr +'r+gqfu* qq' {qr* rK rRt ni sS +qr,tts sFlcNT
"t $ Hffi
w Y*frtm sr+eraT sq6q fr.

srffitrii +t tnriqolqr} * ln*qq

(ii) fir€rq2(i) (m)t fqFrxtfsi if fleF{fEq
t qrffi s}t6 EFffi *'qq s{srrfi'ts ro * Sfi{-drmr erke silTqqTRtfr
ds (q') qgsqr(@ mr-wdn?fiF{T Eritq.

sk sdqqlnr* *' {fulr * 3r|1*E311(i)

flq{rq2(i) (s) $r {FF{$il{r{T
* ffiiw{ t ffi{r e#*ca {F Rqil iF'FfTt fu ffi sffi *' ftr€ sttqrt qrt+
qr€TI {rqrcsfirdrrftd qr € sTftrfirft
zttd ss d"fr+ ',;,I .rt u; pqp q'qi qrcTr
ffi ennq{ gs fEgffifuqi t, ** '* it*.{ sqff it

z16snEsqtrrrdib fl+q'flqEiqdF mr Frgmftnetrq

ffi FrEftRnftrorfirq}
qqpT efuY sdqftiis)*{r*q{st{dqtircrq.

(qRTur H tt;nqiw inrfl rr€tt;Tstr T*rrrqr+rTrqdif sqerq qrqroq*.

*frt iqvtenqtfiiTH*€mrf{{is, 7.s.g}qrq*ri.t (S(sq)
fuiar 10"4.80
s8 enr* 6-12)

21. Ur@grirl6,r+*ft{q tFrrrrurfrE|{t

(i) qrn,zrster€r
rnqqhqr sq*^grrrftnqfr ffiq s{rt{re-rrwfin snn*t$
qfrffirft ffi td ffffi * fuw s{Wrnrk*.6rW oTrtqEF'{ t qr st* qd
s+s st3rmfrn HRrmrS, E*ffi i-dT *.ffi vt Frqq6 { flqFfileynftilqiit St
oq t qq qs' vnfrilFrrTr{Fffirt, tti tm qrd'q* + flT{€ sryflTlftfi q;rffi fftn
(ii) q6 oqvnuhenstffi n* ftF€t{Mqkd |qTqtffi * k€, frfr 6 if
t, tmq'd-{r$
frfifr€ *& {Trffi if * eq t qq qq'vnfr wni * flnqqqTq +
fu{q q$ vnk + ftTq*ffi r1lrs{ FFrTr t "rd* qssrksrt ta *{'qrftqt
qS vnk wT++ fdq€qrqq d, dfuq, offiqqkdqffFit * {iliq d q$ ffRil
t Sqfqdffi sS qrffi EnryJs*t rn vq.# t =il+q * oq \'fi qS ffifr
(tn+dm (rtunqk,gl w*c) M$Tft{Er SffiGrqrr 2(r)('t) *'spr
ZZ. €mqnfuo'wr{a&il

iirt{s (srffnqrryqa ftqqi* ei64oer1wr€F

er,frn) *,ffirn S
E* u* * sr* t dt 5t s6 flan'qi er srtTrt qq qffi + fus ;qrqrffiq
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qrrr rsr€rsq* qftf,fw *4r'flRq.

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