Lesson Plan

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Teacher : Nurdaine Mohamad Hamzah

Subjeck : Science
Class : 5 Arif
Total Students : 28 Students
Date : 28 April 2017
Time : 12.00 p.m – 1.00 p.m
Topic : Light
Objective : i. Analyze the importance of light
ii. To distinguish that light travels in s straight line by carrying out activities.

Science process skills : Make a difference, observe, make inferences and make experiments

Existing Knowledge : Pupils have learned that objects emit light known as the light source.

Thinking skills : i. Generate ideas

. ii. Critical Thinking and Giving Opinion.

Positive attribute : Interest and curious on the environment, be grateful blessings bestowed by

Teaching aids : Computer and LCD, image slide cahaya.ppt source,pictures, videos,
flashlight, screen, exercise books and worksheets
Phrase Content Activities Notes
Induction Tr. asks students to The teacher asked the students Light
about the formation of shadows by Open questioning methods
(5 Minutes) look their face in
illuminating a student.

Hatching ideas Light travels in a 1. Teacher explains the use of light. Slide powerpoint
2. Teachers ask about the light sources
(10 Minutes) straight line. known to the students.
3. Pupils list the sources of light are Strategy: Experiment
known. (training of investigation)
4. Teacher shows images of light can be and openly questioning.
Lucidity can see colors, reflected
shapes and types of objects 5. Pupils observed and give the SPS: Observe and make a
clearly difference (Pengelasan)
6. Teachers conduct activities to show
reflected of light.

7. Teachers serve video presentations

using light.

The restructuring Light travels straight 1. Teacher explains the twin dark shadows. Slide powerpoint
ideas 2. Teacher explains the formation of
(22 Minutes) The shadows are formed shadows.
when light hits an opaque 3. The teacher showed the video
object. production of the shadows Strategi : pembelajaran
4. The teacher explains the direction of
movement and the size of the shadow kooperatif
The shape of the shadow is 5. Teacher state examples of
the same as the object.
phrnomenon that shows light can SPS: Memerhati,
Shadow color is black
be refracted and examples of tool Membuat inferens,
Shadows moving in the
same direction with the
that use the properties of light Meramal
object reflection.
The size of the shadows 8. Guru menunjukkan video
increases and decreases
tentang pembiasan cahaya.
Games can involve the
shadow of the object, hand
& body

Persembahan Penilaian 1. Guru meletakkan beberapa Strategi: Penelitian.

(8 Minit) keping gambar dan bayang-
Aktiviti memadankan bayang objek tersebut. SPS: Mengelas,
objek dan bayang- 2. Guru memilih beberapa orang membuat inferens dan
bayangnya. murid dan meminta murid tersebut meramal
membuat padanan objek dan
Phrase Content Activities Notes
bayang-bayang. Guru membuat
3. Guru bertanya kepada murid- penilaian secara
murid yang lain berkenaan pemerhatian
padanan gabar (betul atau salah)
4. Guru membuat penilaian
berdasarkan aktiviti murid.

Penutup Konsep bayang- 1. Soal jawab tentang P&P yang Kaedah penyoalan
(5 Minit) bayang: dijalankan. terbuka:
2. Murid menjawab secara lisan. Bagaimanakah bayang-
Bayang-bayang bayang terbentuk?
terhasil apabila cahaya
terkena objek legap Apakah ciri-ciri
bayang-bayang yang
Bentuk bayang-bayang terbentuk?
adalah sama dengan
objek. c. Adakah murid-murid
berasa seronok melihat
permainan bayang-

Latihan Lembaran kerja Guru meminta murid untuk Sekiranya pelajar tidak
-Refleksi- mengisi dan menyiapkan lembaran sempat menyiapkan
(10 minit) kerja yang diberi. latihan yang diberi,
latihan tersebut akan
dijadikan sebagai kerja

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