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Nama : Wilda Safira Rahmania

Nrp : 3210161041


Perhitungan metode direct pada turbin uap


1. batu bara
laju alir = 1550 kg/hr

2. steam to turbine
Q = 5100 kg/hr

P = 15 kg/cm2g
T = 250 °C
3. steam output
power output = 100 kW
process steam
Q = 5100 kg/hr
P = 2 kg/cm2g
T = 130 °C

step 1
total head of steam at tubine inlet conditions at 15
kg/cm2 and 250 °C, h1 = 698 kCal/kg
step 2
total head of steam at tubine outlet conditions at 2
kg/cm2 and 130 °C, h2 = 648 kCal/kg
step 3
heat energu input to tubine per kg of inlet steam
(h1-h2) = 50 kCal/kg
step 4
total steam flow rate, Q1 = 5100 kg/hr
power generation = 100 kW
equivalent thermal energy = 86000 kCal/hr
step 5
energy input to the turbine = 255000 kCal/hr
step 6

energy output/energy
power generator efficiency of the turbo alternator = input x100
= 33.7254902
step 7
efficiency of the turbo alternator = 34% 0.34
efficiency of alternator = 92% 0.92
efficiency of gear transmission = 98% 0.98
efficiency of turbine = 0.377107365
step 8
quantity of steam by passing the turbine = nol
step 9
coal consumption of the boiler = 1550 kg/hr
step 10
overall plant heat rate, kCal/kWh = 34068 kCal/kWh

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