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Definition: It can be defined as a dynamic structure that possesses a person in particular.

It compounds of psychological, behaving, emotional and social features. On the other
hand, personality is what determinates everyone and how we demonstrate in the
environment. In other words, this is the habitual mode which everyone thinks, speaks,
feels and develops some action to satisfy his needs in physic and social fields.
Compounds of personality
 Temperament
 Character
 Intelligence: Is the capacity to digest, save and elaborate information and
ensemble it used to resolve problems. A person can continue to learn and to
develop the ability.
 Status
Theories of personality applied to the workplace
1. Eyseck personality theory: Hans Eyseck develops a theory based on the results of
a factorial analysis of the personality questionnaire replies. These are groups in
Neuroticism (emotional stability-instability): Anxiety, hysteria, and obsession.
On the contrary, sensible, calm and with high emotional control.
Outgoing-Withdrawn: Sociability, impulsivity, vitality, optimistic, optimist and
brightness, however, the withdrawn persons are passives, aloof, pessimist.
Psychoticism: Insensitive, belligerent, antisocial, blazing.
2. Big Five Theory: Are the trait of personality, called main factors too, it usually
receives these names: O factor (Openness to new experiences), C factor (responsibility),
E factor (Outgoing-Withdrawn), A factor (gentleness-kindness), N factor (Neuroticism –
emotional instability), making up the “OCEAN” acronym.

/ˈtem·pər·ə·mənt/ /ˈkær·ək·tər/ /ɪnˈtel·ɪ·dʒəns/


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