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•1. Study the Short Circuited and open circuited λ/2 Resonators and find , value of R, L, C and
quality factor if characteristic impedance of line is Z0.
2. Short Circuited and open circuited λ/4 Resonators and find , value of R, L, C and quality factor if
characteristic impedance of line is Z0
3. A resonator is constructed from a 3.0 cm length of 100 air-filled coaxial line, shorted at one end
and terminated with a capacitor at the other end, as shown below. (a) Determine the capacitor value
to achieve the lowest order resonance at 6.0 GHz. (b) Now assume that loss is introduced by placing
a 10,000 resistor in parallel with the capacitor. Calculate the unloaded Q.

4. A transmission line resonator is made from a length of lossless transmission line of characteristic
impedance Z0 = 100 . If the line is terminated at both ends as shown below, find /λ for the first
resonance, and the unloaded Q of this resonator.

5. Write the expressions for the .E and .H fields for a short-circuited λ/2 coaxial line resonator, and
show that the time-average stored electric and magnetic energies are equal.
5.series RLC resonant circuit is connected to a length of transmission
line that is λ/4 long at its resonant frequency, as shown below. Show
that, in the vicinity of resonance, the input impedance behaves like
that of a parallel RLC circuit.
6. A copper stripline transmission line is to be designed for a 100
characteristic impedance. The ground plane separation is 1.02 mm and
the dielectric constant is 2.20, with tan δ = 0.001. At 5 GHz, find the
guide wavelength on the line and the total attenuation.
7. A copper microstrip transmission line is to be designed for a 100
characteristic impedance. The substrate is 0.51 mm thick, with r = 2.20
and tan δ = 0.001. At 5 GHz, find the guide wavelength on the line and
the total attenuation. Compare these results with those for the similar
stripline case of the preceding problem.

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