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Base on the following data:

a Main Engine :6000 kw x 2 sets
b Main Generator : 790 kw x 2 sets
c Bulk Air Compressor elect motor : 132 kw x 2 sets
d Bulk Air Compressor air consumption : 27 m3/min x 2 sets
e Main Generator : 47 m3/hr x 2 sets

1 Airflow for combustion

1.1 Airflow for combustion for main engines, qdp

qdp= Pdp x mad
where Pdp is the service standard power of the main propulsion diesel engine(s) at
maximum continuous power output,in kilowatts;
mad is the air requirement for combustion for diesel engine(s),in kilograms per
kilowatts second; Where specific data for mad are not available, the following
values may be used for calculation:
mad= 0.0023kg/(kW.s) for 2-stroke engines,
0.002kg/(kW.s) for 4-stroke engine.
r = 1.13 kg/m3 (I.e. the density of air,at +35 oC,70 RH and 101.3 kPa).

qdp= 6000 x 2 sets x 0.002

= 21.24 m3/s

1.2 Airflow for combustion for main generator, qdg

qdg= 790 x 2 sets x 0.002

= 1.13
= 2.8 m3/s

1.3 Sum of airflow for combustion, qc

qc= ( qdp + qg ) m3/s

= (21.24 + 2.8) m3/s
= 24.04 m3/s
= 86,544 m3/hr


2 Airflow for evacuation of heat emission

2.1 Heat emission from main engines, f dp

fdp= Pdp x hd
where Pdp is the service standard power of the main propulsion diesel engines) at
maximum continuous rating,in kilowatts;
hd is the heat loss from the diesel engine(s),in percentage.

Note : * - the data is provided by Wartsila (engine manufacturer).

fdp= 180.0 * kW per set (with its standard service power of 6,005 kW).
fdp= 180.0 kW x 2 sets = 360.0 kW

2.2 Heat emission from main generators, f dg

fdg= Pdg x hd
where Pdg is the service standard power of the diesel generator engine at
maximum continuous rating,in kilowatts;
hd is the heat loss from the diesel engine(s),in percentage.

Note : since the specific data are not available.

fdg= 40 kW per set (with its standard service power of 790 kW).
fdg= 40 kW x 2 sets = 80 kW

2.3 Heat emission from Bulk Air Compressor elect motor, f el

fel= 132 kW x 2 sets x 0.08 *
fel= 21.12 kW

Note :* - Assume heat emission from electric motor to be 8% of the motor rated power.

2.4 Airflow for evacuation of heat emission, qh

qh= ( fdp + fdg ) - 0.4 ( qdp + qdg )
r x c x Tdiff
r = 1.13 kg/m3 (i.e. the density of air,at +35 oC,70% RH and 101.3 kPa);

c = 1.01 kJ/(kg.K) (the specific heat capacity of the air);

Tdiff = 10 oC

qh= ( 360 + 80 + 21.12) - 0.4 ( 21.24 + 2.8 )

1.13 x 1.01 x 12.5
= ( 40.403 - 7.376 ) m3/s
= 33.027 m3/s
= 118,897 m3/hr

3 Total airflow, Qt
Air Compressor Consumption Airflow, m3/hr
I Bulk Air Compressor (2 sets) :1620m3/hr x 2 sets = 3240
ii Starting Air Compressor (2 sets) :47 m3/hr x 2 sets = 94
Dryers :1620m3/hr x 2 sets = 3240

Total q0 6574

Required air volume for engine room ventilation

Qt= qc + qh + q0
= ( 86,544 + 118,897 + 6,574) m3/hr
= 212,015 m3/hr

Note :There are two (2) nos of supply fans, each having airflow capacity of 110,000 m 3/hr
Total supply air is 220,000 m3/hr

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