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Format for Concept Proposal (CP)

Invited from DAE Scientists/Engineers only

(This format is downloadable at URL:

1. Tile of the Proposal:

2. Name, Affiliation & Contact details of the Proposer from DAE

(to be designated as Principal Coordinator : PC):

3. Desirable expertise of the Principal Investigator (PI) from Non-DAE unit:

4. Project Duration with Time-line

5. Abstract

Two page (maximum) write-up giving a brief on:

a. Origin/Conceptualization of the proposal, definition of the problem

b. Importance/significance of the proposal in the context of DAE programme/ current

international & National status

c. Objectives

d. Deliverables

e. Facilities/equipment of interest available with the PC

f. Complementary facilities expected at PI’s institute

g. Consumable/Staff requirements

Information to be posted for prospective Principal Investigator (PI):

 Researchers across India are invited to submit collaborative Research projects on the
topics listed at
 Interested investigators (PI) can get in touch with the Principal Collaborator (PC) from DAE
to formulate full project as per the guidelines given in the Project Proposal Application
(PPA) form and submit online at .

 PI, after getting nod from PC, can submit the Project Proposal Application (PPA), as per the
guidelines/instruction given in PPA form. PI can add one line message in the abstract
itself that this submission is with regard to concept proposal number…..

 Proposals thus formulated would be given preference for BRNS funding.

Format for Certificate from PC Concerning Concept Proposals

(Upload duly signed & approved scanned copy printed on the letter Head of the Institution)

BRNS Ref.: Concept Proposal No.(Given on the URL

This is to certify that the Project Entitled “…………” submitted for financial support to the
Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) by Prof./Dr. ………….Department/Address
………… as Principal Investigator (PI), has been formulated in consultation with me. I
have gone through the application (Project Proposal Application: PPA), which is as per the
current BRNS format.

The project would be executed in active collaboration between us and I shall ensure
for timely submission of yearly progress reports and financial documents towards
conclusion of the project as scheduled.
This proposal had been approved by the ….. Group Board/ Group Director/ Head Of the
Division, BARC (mention the approving authority / body and strike off all others).

Date: Signature & Seal

Place: (Principal Coordinator)

Note for the PC:

1. After the concept proposal is approved by the concerned group board of BARC or
equivalent body of other DAE units, it would be posted on the BRNS web site (Principal
Coordinator ).

2. When the prospective PI shows interest, please share the Concept Proposal (two page
write-up, which has already been submitted to BRNS) with the PI/PIs and also obatin their

3. Sharing of facilities and staff appointed under the project also need to be chalked out.

4. Project title can be suitably modified with well defined objectives achievable within the
stipulated time period, typically 3 years. There is no need to obtain fresh approval from the
Group Board for deviation in the project title.

5. If the PC feels positive about effective collaboration, PI may be asked to prepare a

complete proposal as per BRNS format (PPA form).

6. PC should go through the entire proposal thoroughly, before advising PI for ONLINE
submission to the BRNS website.

7. PC would have to issue an acceptance certificate to the PI/PIs (as given in the format
below) and advice PI/PIs for ONLINE submission. PI/PIs shall have to UPLOAD this
certificate in place of Certificate 2 (from Head of the PC’s Institute).

8. After issuing the above certificate, PC would also inform BRNS that the concept proposal
(no…) can now be withdrawn from the website.


9. Whenever, more than one PI show interest in submitting proposal for the same CP, then PC
should list all of them, with brief observations / comments on their competence, facilities
available in the institute and compatibility for collaboration.

10. PC would then approach one of the Thematic Sub-Committee (TSC) of BRNS dealing in
that subject area. The TSC would shortlist most suitable prospective PI(s) and advice them
to submit their proposal ONLINE. The disqualified/rejected PIs should be informed about
the outcome.
11. The TSC can also propose for the formulation of a Coordinated Research Project (CRP)
under single umbrella involving suitable PIs of same or neighboring academic institutes to
facilitate complementary research on different aspects of a particular topic.


12. On the recommendation of the TSC, PC will reformulate the CRP giving details of all inter-
related topics. In order to reach to more number of PI(s) these reformulated topics would be
again uploaded to BRNS website for a limited time period.

13. As, the formulation of the CRP needs to be carried out in consultation with the authorities at
divisional level, a Steering Committee specific to the particular CRP would be constituted
by the Concern Advisory Committee, in consultation with the Scientific Secretary, BRNS.

14. The role of the Steering Committee would be as follows:

a. To make an assessment of the entire scheme under the CRP and deliberate on
every aspect of the proposal, based on the presentation by the PC. Chalk out the
best strategy including induction of suitable Co-Coordinator (Co-PC).

b. Take decisions on conducting meetings with all the stakeholders, their presentations
and all the finer details required for a productive formulation of CRP.

c. Initial selections of PI, participation in evaluation process and subsequent execution

of the CRP, if approved by the BRNS.

d. Member Secretary/Secretary of the concerned Scientific Adversary Committee of

BRNS would facilitate the whole process in consultation with the Programme Officer
and the Scientific Secretary.


15. Once a project is submitted to BRNS, the usual review procedure through the one of the
Scientific Adversary Committee would be followed.

16. If more than one PI submit proposal against a given CP, only those proposals which are
shortlisted by the TSC would be considered for further processing.
17. Depending upon the review reports, PI & PC both would be invited for the TPDM for
presentation. PC and PIs would have to independently defend the proposal.

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