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Praxis Analysis

Ricky Rodriguez

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 299

Professor Wyckoff

16 June, 2019
Praxis Analysis

The exams are necessary to continue on educational programs at any Nevada State

University or college. These exams are to show that students who want to become a teacher can

demonstrate their ability to pass the core classes of an educational foundation. These exams are

meant to be taken after the necessary 30 credit hours have been taken.

Before I took this class I was aware what the Praxis exams were. Yet, I was not aware

that I had to pass the reading, the writing, and the mathematics exams. I was under the belief that

I had to take these tests once I was about to finish the bachelor degree. Once I learned of this was

incorrect, through this class, I made sure to get into contact with my advisor. He let me know

that I could get my associates still, but I could not roll in a bachelor program until I have passed

these exams. I went into these exams without studying whatsoever. I looked through some of that

test questions that were offered on the “what to expect section”. In honest truth, I hardly ever

truly study hard for any given exam, but with these practice exams I just wanted to see what I

could get on my own. I finished taking my English and Math classes over a year-and-a-half ago

so these concepts were not fresh in my mind.

The test results in my opinion better than what I had expected. Again, I did not study

whatsoever for these practice exams I just wanted to see what I could do on my own. I received a

65% on the writing test, I earned a 60% for the Math section, and for the reading I scored a 45%.

All of these scores mean I need to study and prepare significantly for these exams. I can say

though, that I did not feel overwhelmed by the questions that were being asked. I felt quite

confident on my tests once I submitted them.

Praxis Analysis

My plan pass the Praxis exams is to purchase a study book and study on my own. Also, I

will be asking friends who are teachers have I how they passed their exams and their study

advise. I will also go to YouTube and receive tutoring help from people who have made videos

on the Praxis exams. I do not plan on taking the C-BEST test although I am considering enrolling

in the classes at College of Southern Nevada to replace the test scores if necessary.

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