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50 Tips To Make You A Better Marketer

1. Want to prevent unsubscribes? Put friction in your footer. Here’s one way to do it:
“If this email made you want to unsubscribe, will you call me first? 7034312709 I thought
you liked learning about the free tools I’m using to get 1m+ fb live views.” (Shoutout
Nathan Latka)

2. How to become a better storyteller: Marketing is storytelling. Want to get better?

Take the day you just lived and turn it into a story. It’ll do 2 things for you: 1) Make you a
better storyteller 2) Condition you to take more risks daily so you have something
worthwhile to write about.

3. How to price your services: Never charge per word or based on time. It’s irrelevant.
What is relevant is how much joy or money someone will make because of your work. If
someone will make $9000 off my insight and it only took me 45 minutes to deliver that
insight - I don’t charge for the 45 minutes. I charge for the $9000 they’re going to make.
So I charge $900 (because I always try to give clients at least a 10x return - so they
keep coming back).

4. Always choose the path of least resistance when first starting a business. Don’t
jump on FB ads or create funnels. Pick up the phone. Dig into your network. And sell
someone. You need momentum. And proof of concept before anything else (even

5. How to get your first copywriting clients: 1) Find someone who knows what
copywriting is. 2) Go to their website and find a page that could be improved copy wise.
3) Rewrite a portion of that copy 4) Cold email a pitch and include your sample with the
email (this will instantly separate you from the herd and will help you breakthrough the

6. How to improve your conversion rate: View traffic as real people with real needs
instead of numbers on a screen.

7. How to turn a negative into a positive: If you mess up, don’t worry. It’s normal.
When your angry customer contacts you, go above and beyond for them. Give them
access to something of value for FREE - they’ll turn into a raving fan.

8. Use decoy pricing. What do I mean? If you want to sell something for $49 - use 2
decoy products priced at $97 and $27. It’ll make the $49 look more attractive.

9. Rule #1 of marketing: Stay scheeeeeeming testing.

10. How to charge any price you want: Offer the client profit. Value > Price paid (as
long as this holds - you can charge whatever you please).
11. Never sell a product or service. Sell an idea. Coke sells happiness. Corona sells
a relaxing day on the beach. McDonald’s sells diabetes… never mind. But, you get the

12. Marketing 101: It’s better to be different than better.

13. Be mindful of what story your words tell. Example: “I’ll write copy for you for
FREE!” Story being told: “I suck at copywriting and I just want to learn (by wasting your
time) so I’ll write your copy for FREE.” (I don’t think this because I empathize and know
where you’re coming from - heck I’ve offered to work for free - but you have to be
mindful of what story you’re telling because high-value people rarely offer to work for

14. How to get rich via marketing: Find a group of people and figure out what
transformation they want to experience. And prove to them why that transformation is
extremely difficult and why ONLY you can help them achieve it.

15. How to network with other killer marketers: Succeed first. Then go to where the
marketers hang out - offline or online. And tell your story. And you’ll build your network
faster than you ever thought possible.

16. Distribution > Product. Don’t create a product and then find distribution. Find a
distribution channel and then create a product for it.

17. What is the job of the headline? To sell? Nope. To get them to read the first
sentence of your copy.

18. Most of you are not lacking copywriting skills. You’re lacking proof.

19. How to know when you’re reading good copy: When you don’t even notice the
copy. And just get sucked in.

20. Best way to learn copywriting? 1) Write copy 2) Get feedback.

21. How to determine if someone is worth learning from: It’s hard, but try figuring
out if the guru’s end goal is to make you self-sufficient (and independent) or it’s their
goal to keep you as a lifetime customer (so they can make you dependent on them).
How can you tell? There’s no one way. But if they have a bunch of courses and
programs that could/should all have been included in one - you’ll know they’re just in it
for the $.

22. Marketing Mindset: Think in terms of experiences. Instead of transactions. What

experiences can you create to take your target from not knowing you to buying from you
to buying again to telling all their friends about you? Customer journey - be obsessed
about it because it’s all that matters.
23. How to structure your upsells: Give them MORE of what they just bought OR give
them something that’ll help them achieve the end result they want FASTER or EASIER.

24. How NOT to structure your upsells: By creating a bait and switch. What’s that?
When you promise them x benefit with the front end product. And then once they buy
you denounce the front end product. And say “to really get x benefit - you need to buy
[upsell]”. Never ever do that. Happens more times than you’d think. Always make them
feel like they made a smart decision buying the front-end offer.

25. How to get someone to do something for you: Give them something they want
that’s worth MORE than what you’re asking them to do. Make it a no-brainer. In other
words, get good at creating irresistible offers.

26. How to sell anything to anyone: Value stack. What does this mean? When you hit
them with value after value after value and then list the price. Here’s an example: Here’s
exactly what you’re getting today: Value Bomb 1, Value Bomb 2, Value Bomb 3….
Value Bomb 7… all for just $xx. Perceived value > Money they have to pay.

27. Be mindful of what story your words tell. “75% OFF!” = “I suck at marketing and
need to offer things for 75% OFF in order to get people to buy.”

28. How to make people buy from YOUR affiliate link: Bribe them. Give them
something they can get only if they buy from your affiliate link.

29. Sales = Figuring out what people want and then helping them get it.

30. What NOT to do: Never let your marketing become predictable. What do I mean? If
all your emails follow the same formula - every single day. People will see right through
it and stop reading -- sooner or later.

31. How to structure your testimonials: Use your testimonials to address objections.
Problem with testimonials? They sound too fake. Here’s how to make your testimonials
believable af. When getting testimonials tell your customer to tell you what objections
they originally had and how the product solved them.

Here’s an example: “When I was first thinking about buying the new iPhone I thought it
was going to be just another clone of the models before it - except with a higher price.
But my friends kept urging me to give it a shot and when I finally did - I experienced
[insert their wow experience here].”

Shitty example, I know.

But this way the testimonial is actually believable.

And also helps you address objections.

32. Speaking of objections… the job of your FAQ section is to do one thing and one
thing only: Address objections. Most newbie marketer’s don’t even realize this. And
waste valuable space answering questions that aren’t of any importance. Here’s a real
objection for a dropshipping store: “Why the FUCK does it take you 64 days to ship my
product?” Address it. Don’t hide from it.

33. How to get people to respond to your cold email: CC their boss.

34. The job of money: 1) Buy time 2) Make more money 3) Buy unique experiences.

35. How to prove to someone you can help them: By telling a story and proving you
were just like them. With the same thoughts. With the same struggles. There’s a reason
you see this everywhere. It’s because it works.

36. How to sell a shit ton of affiliate product: By making it look like you’re doing your
reader a favor (which you are). “Top 10 Herbal Teas” with affiliate links will always out-

37. Don’t appear too perfect. Most advanced marketers make simple spelling
mistakes (every now and then) because it makes them appear more reltable (I see what
you did there, Tej!).

38. How to build a funnel for a dropshipping store: 1) Find a hungry market 2) Find
a product they want 3) Create a valuable lead magnet 4) Create a FB ad pitching the
FREE valuable lead magnet 5) Sell em your product on the thank you page 6) Hit em
with upsells, downsells etc. (What if they don’t buy from the thank you page? That’s why
you got their email bro. So your autoresponders can build trust and close the sale).

39. Only 2 things you need to make a killing: Crack + Distribution. Crack = a highly
demanded product or service. Distribution = a way to reach the people.

40. Why people buy: They want to feel better. Understand this and everything

41. Don’t sell what your product or service is going to do. Sell the new feelings the
customer is going to feel as a result of buying your product or service.

42. How to lose months of trust with a single email: “Price goes up this Wednesday
at 12am.” *Wednesday at 12am rolls around* Price stays the same. Keep your word. It
matters in life. But it matters so MUCH more in marketing (because the industry has a
scammy rep).

43. Reverse engineer everything: Everything from what a potential customer is

thinking to how you can get someone to buy more.
44. How to MURDER the competition: By selling MORE to your existing customer
base so you can increase your CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) and out-pay your
competition to acquire MORE customers.

45. How to get your target to take action: Two ways. 1) By placing a $20 bill 10 feet
in front of him 2) By sticking a pitbull behind him.

46. How to create urgency WITHOUT having a sale: “If you order in the next 24
hours, you’ll also get [insert valuable bonus here].”

47. How to hook NEW prospects: It’s all about building trust. So, create a lead magnet
that delivers MASSIVE value. Doesn’t have to be long or anything. But, most lead
magnets are fooking shit - designed just to get someone’s email. If you can deliver a
result your target is looking for with your lead magnet - they’ll think “Fuck, this was free
and I was able to achieve x with it. Imagine what I can do when I buy their [core

48. How to become a life-long student of marketing: Study what sells the best with
the masses. From box office movies to mainstream music to bestselling fiction. And ask
yourself: “What about this moved the masses to buy this?” You’ll notice they bought it to
experience a certain feeling.

49. 2 most powerful things you could ever sell: 1) Trust 2) Money

50. How to get people to open your emails: By writing emails that actually deliver
value. Whether that’s in the form of entertainment or knaaaaaaawledge.


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