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"name" : "TestSaveQuery",
"description" : "add new query with query variables and qvd",
"queryVariables": [{"query":"4","variable":"270",

"id": 28,
"project": null,
"name": "nameeee",
"description": "description1",
"creationDate": 1549892610202,
"flagSaved": false,
"queryVariables": null,
"userAccounts": null

"id": 669,
"variableName": "age",
"columnNumber": 1,
"typeOfVariable": "INPUT",
"typeOfData": "NUMERIC",
"scaleMax": null,
"scaleMin": null,
"dataset": {
"id": 197,
"name": "Test Nikola",
"filename": "C:\\Temp\\test4CSV.csv",
"database": null,
"schema": null,
"dbQuery": null,
"project": null,
"description": "test",
"datasetSize": 0.0801,
"noOfRows": 4,
"flagFinal": null
"bins": null,
"leaveAsItIs": true,
"distinct": false,
"min": 12,
"max": 65,
"average": 43.5,
"variance": 515,
"distinctCount": 4,
"originalVariable": null

, "input":"var1","output":null,
"queryVariablesDynamics": [
"value": "value1",
"date": 1549892610202
"value": "value2",
"date": 1549892610202


Exception handling request to /CustomerProfiling/rest/query/save/247:

org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed;
nested exception is
Object of class [] with identifier
[35]: optimistic locking failed; nested exception is
org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another
transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect) :

"query": null,
"variable": null,
"input": 5.45410483861471307,
"output": 10.3,
"value": "testvalue1",
"date": 1549892610202
"value": "testvalue2",
"date": 1549892610202

"query": null,
"variable": null,
"input": 5.45410483861471307,
"output": null,
"value": "15",
"tickNumber": 1549892610202
"value": "5",
"tickNumber": 1549892610202

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