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Activity No.



NAME/s: Ella Mae S. Urbano Course & Yr: 11-STEM DATE: April 16, 2019
Justine Jane B. Vibar


1 ripe banana Stainless steel fork

Bottled drinking water Plastic fork
Salt Coffee filter
Dishwashing liquid Clear plastic cups
Rubbing alcohol (70% ethyl/isopropyl) Plastic container
Measuring cup ½ Glass vial with cover
Measuring spoons Coffee stirrer
1 tbsp Ice cubes in coffee cup
1 tsp
¼ tsp


1. Measure 1 tbsp of 70% alcohol into the glass vial. Keep on ice until use.

2. Peel banana and place in a plastic container. Add ½ cup bottled drinking water and mash
thoroughly with stainless steel fork. Set aside.

3. In a plastic cup, mix together ¼ tsp salt, 1 tsp dishwashing liquid and 2 tbsp of water. Stir
gently until salt is fully dissolved. Do not allow to foam.

What is the role of salt? Dishwashing liquid?

Salt is chemically composed of sodium chloride. Sodium reacts with the DNA of
the cell while chlorine breaks the bond between phosphate and bases. Basically, what it
does is it breaks down the cell and precipitates the parts needed to obtain a pure sample
of DNA.
In the case of dishwashing liquid, all cleaning liquid products contains detergent.
And detergent contains sodium laurel sulphate which removes fats and proteins. It
breaks down the membrane that contains lipids and proteins and helps release the DNA.

4. Add 2 tbsp of banana mixture to the salt, soap, and water solution (DNA extraction
solution) and stir with a plastic fork.
5. Prepare the filter assembly as follows:
Place the coffee filter onto the clear plastic cup and wet with drinking water.
Remove the water from the cup and put back the wet coffee filter. Fold over the coffee
filter to anchor it. Slowly pour the mixture from step 4 into the coffee filter.
You will see the liquid collecting at the bottom of the cup. Remove the filter with the
banana residue when all liquid has passed through the filter.

Why do you use a filter?

Filters were used to remove excess clumps of the mashed banana. It is to make
sure that the extract sample is purely liquid and is not mixed with other materials that
can intercept with DNA extraction from the sample.

6. Get the vial of cold alcohol and slowly add the filtrate into the vial. The white precipitate
that forms is the DNA.

What does cold alcohol do? Can you use room temperature or warm alcohol? Why or
why not?
Alcohol causes the DNA to precipitate. You can use warm or room temperature
alcohol since you can still form a precipitate but it may take time. It would really be wise
if you use ice cold alcohol simply because cold temperature makes precipitation go fast.

7. Dip coffee stirrer into the vial and slowly rotate it to spool the DNA.

Can you use other fruits or vegetables as sources of DNA?

Since DNA is found in all living things, it is very okay to use other sources for DNA

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