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84 Belle Baulk

NN12 6YE

4th October 2016

Dear Ma’am,

As you are aware I am a member of the ACO National Marching Band playing the
tuba, and I’m interested in a career in the Royal Air Force Music Services. Next
summer, through my school, I have to do two weeks work experience.

I was wondering if you know, or, could put me in contact with someone who
would know, whether it would be possible to do all or part of this work
experience with one of the RAF bands? The work experience can be split
between two employers/settings so I would need a minimum of a one week
(Mon-Friday) placement. I would also require accommodation, but am happy to
pay for this and any messing costs.

The dates are 3rd – 14th July 2017. This may seem like a long time ahead but my
school requires me, to have a placement secured and all the paperwork
completed by Christmas.

Yours sincerely

Cdt Jake Rees

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