IIT Foundation Olympiad Explorer Class 9 Physics

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Editors: E.V.S.S.Lakshmi
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ISBN: 978-93-80299-21-1

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Speed and accuracy play an important role in climbing the competitive ladder. Students
have to integrate the habit of being able to calculate and function quickly as well as efficiently
in order to excel in the learning culture. They need to think on their feet, understand basic
requirements, identify appropriate information sources and use that to their best advantage.

The preparation required for the tough competitive examinations is fundamentally different
from that of qualifying ones like the board examinations. A student can emerge successful in
a qualifying examination by merely scoring the minimum percentage of marks, whereas in a
competitive examination, he has to score high and perform better than the others taking the

This book provides all types of questions that a student would be required to tackle at the
foundation level.The questions in the exercisesaresequenced asBasicPractice,FurtherPractice,
Multiple Answer Questions, Paragraph Questions, Numerical Problems, Conceptual Questions
and Brain Nurtures. Simple questions involving a direct application of the concepts are given
in BasicPractice. More challenging questions on direct application are given in FurtherPractice.
Questions involving higher order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems are given
in Brain Nurtures. These questions encourage students to think analytically , to be creative
and to come up with solutions of their own. Constant practice and familiarity with these
questions will not only make him/her conceptually sound, but will also give the student the
confidence to face any entrance examination with ease.

Valuable suggestions as well as criticism from the teacher and student community are most

welcome and will be incorporated in the ensuing edition.


1. Measurement ............................................. 01

2. Motion in one Dimension .......................... 28

3. Newton’sLaws of Motion ........................... 59

4. Work,Power &Energy ................................ 81

5. Turning Forces&Equilibrium .................... 108

6. Gravitation ................................................. 132

7. FluidPressure ............................................. 157

8. Heat ............................................................. 182

9. Wave Motion &Sound ................................ 206

10. Magnetism .................................................. 232

Answers....................................................... 259

AnswerstoCrosswordPuzzles ................... 275

IITFoundation&OlympiadExplorer Physics/Class-IX


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Common Misconception Fact

1. The centre of gravity of an object is always 1. The centre of gravity of some objects lies
situated within the object itself. outside the objects.
An L–shaped piece of cardboardandaring
have the centre of gravity outside the

2. We cannot balance our body well if we 2. We cannot balance our body well on one
stand on one foot because wearenot used foot because wearelessstable– thecentre
to this position. of gravity is raised and the base area is
3. If two equal and opposite forces are 3. If two equal and opposite forces are
exerted on a body then net force and net exerted ona body then net forcecan be
torqueacting on thebodyarezero. zero whereas net torque acting on the
body is non-zero as the body can be

When we pu11 a door from its outer edge, the door rotates. The who1e door is turned or
rotated about a fixed axis. Co, the force, we app1y has a turning effect.
This type of forces which invo1ves turning effect are ca11ed turning forces.


Gonsider a door fixed at point ‘O’

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

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A force ‘F’ is app1ied to push the door on app1ication of force, the body rotates or turns
about the fixed point (O). This force is unab1e to disp1ace the body in the direction of
force because the body is fixed at point ‘O’. Cuch type of force, is ca11ed moment of force
or Torque.
The force that rotates body without disp1acing it, is ca11ed moment of force.
Moment of force is a1so ca11ed Torque which comes from the 1atin word meaning “To
twist”. It is denoted by a Kreek 1etter ‘  ’ (Tau)
Factors affecting the moment of force or turning effect
The turning effect is greater if:
1. the force app1ied is away from the axis of rotation.
2. the perpendicu1ar distance of the force from the axis of rotation is greater.
3. a greater force wou1d produce a greater turning effect.
Mathematical expression
From above it wou1d be observed that moment of force is direct1y proportiona1 to the
perpendicu1ar distance and app1ied force.
 moment of force  perpendicu1ar distance --------------- (1)
moment of force  app1ied force---------------------------------(2)
By combining (1) and (2)
 = K force × perpendicu1ar distance
where ‘K’ is a constant, with unit va1ue,
 = F × perpendicu1ar distance = F d sin 
moment of force = Force × perpendicu1ar distance
Mathematical definition of Torque
The moment of a force (or torque) is equa1 to the product of the magnitude of the force
and the perpendicu1ar distance of the 1ine of action of the force, from the axis of rotation.
The CI unit of torque (  ) = Force × perpendicu1ar distance
newton × metre = N–m
Cimi1ar1y, the GKC unit is dyne–cm
1 N–m = 10ß dyne × 102 cm
1 N–m = 10t dyne–cm
The moment of force is a vector quantity.

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

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If the turning effect on body is c1ockwise, then the moment of force is ca11ed the
c1ockwise moment, which is shown be1ow.

Here, the moment is taken as negative.

If the turning effect on body is antic1ockwise, then the moment of force is ca11ed the
antic1ockwise moment, which is shown be1ow.

Here, the moment is taken as positive.

Applications of moment of force
1. It is easier to open a door by app1ying the force at the free end.
2. The hand f1our grinder is provided with a hand1e near its rim.
3. A 1ong spanner is used to 1oosen a tight nut.
Parallel forces
Forces which are not concurrent and act in opposite direction, and the 1ine of action is
not same then such forces are ca11ed para11e1 forces.

F1 F1

Un1ike Like
para11e1 F2 para11e1 F2
forces forces

Principle of moment
The princip1e of moments states that for a body to be in rotationa1 equi1ibrium, the sum
of c1ockwise torques about any point (which acts as a pivot) must equa1 to the sum of
anti–c1ockwise torques about that same point.
Cum of c1ockwise torques = Cum of anti–c1ockwise torques
Verification of principle of moments
Cuspend the metre ru1e horizonta11y from its mid–point O, by means of a thread with its
other end connected to a fixed support. Now suspend some weights on both sides of the
mid–point and adjust their distances in such a way that the sca1e again becomes horizonta1.

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

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53 52

W3 W2 W1

1. Let the weights suspended on the right side of the mid point O be W 1 and W2 at
distance OA = l1 and OB = l2 respective1y.
2. Let the weight suspended on the 1eft side of the mid point O be W 3 at a distance
OG = l3
3. Tota1 c1ockwise moment = W1  l1 + W2  l2
4. Anti–c1ockwise moment = W 3  l3
ß. It is found that W1  l1 + W2  l2 = W3  l3
Applications of principle of moment
1. To find the mass of an object.
2. To find the mass of metre ru1e.
3. In simp1e machines.


Two equa1 and opposite para11e1 forces whose 1ines of action are not the same form a


Arm of couple
Perpendicu1ar distance between two equa1 and opposite para11e1 forces is ca11ed the arm
of coup1e.


The product of one of the forces of the coup1e and arm of the coup1e is ca11ed moment of
coup1e, i.e. Moment of coup1e = F × d
 Moment of coup1e = Force × Arm of coup1e

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Clockwise and Anticlock wise moment of a couple
If the coup1e has a tendency to rotate a body in c1ockwise direction as shown be1ow.

Then its moment is taken as negative.

If the coup1e has a tendency to rotate a body in antic1ockwise direction as shown be1ow.

Then its moment is taken as positive.

Units of moments of couple
a. In MKC or CI system : newton–metre
b. In GKC system : dyne–cm


The centre of gravity of an object is defined as the point through which its weight appears
to act for any orientation of the object.
The centre of gravity of an object depends on the distribution of its mass. For certain
objects 1ike a ring, the centre of gravity may 1ie outside the object. Cometimes the term
centre of mass is used to denote the word centre of gravity. Both of these wi11 mean the
same in a uniform gravitationa1 fie1d.

Effort (forG e) = F 1
F1d1 = w0 d0




Weight of
samd (1oad) = W0

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The centres of gravity of some regular shaped objects

√ √ √

DISG Rimg Gube

√ √

Dumbe11 Gy1imder €quare with Gemtre removed
Finding the centre of gravity of an irregular Lamina

P1umb 1ime

√ Retort

P1ame 1amima

(a) fromt view (b) €ide view

1. Three sma11 ho1es are made near the edge of the 1amina. The ho1es shou1d be as far
apart as possib1e.
2. The 1amina is then suspended free1y through one of the ho1es using a pin and a
p1umb1ine is drawn infront of the 1amina.
3. The process is repeated with the other ho1es.
4. The 1ines of intersection of a11 the p1umb1ines give the centre of gravity of the 1amina.
Stability of an object
Ctabi1ity refers to the abi1ity of an object to regain its origina1 position after it has been
ti1ted s1ight1y.
The stabi1ity of an object can be better understood by p1acing a cone shaped object in
different positions as shown be1ow and ti1ting or disp1acing it s1ight1y.
In figure 1, when the object is ti1ted s1ight1y, its centre of gravity rises and then fa11s
back again. This is an examp1e of a stab1e equi1ibrium. The 1ine of action of weight W of
the object 1ies inside the base area of the object. The app1ied c1ockwise moment whi1e
ti1ting the object is counteracted by the antic1ockwise moment about the point of contact
P of the object with the f1oor in the ti1ted position.

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

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Gemtre of
gravity raised

Poimt of
G omTAG t ‘P’

(a) stab1e equi1ibrium

In figure 2, the object is p1aced upside down with the sma11er area in contact with the
f1oor. If the object is ti1ted s1ight1y, it wi11 not return to its origina1 position, but wi11
topp1e. The centre of gravity fa11s further. As the 1ine of action of weight W of the object
1ikes outside the base area, the c1ockwise moment of W about the point of contact P,
causes the body to topp1e. This is an examp1e of an unstab1e equi1ibrium.

Gemtre of
gravity 1owered

Poimt of
G omTAG t ‘P’

(b) umstab1e equi1ibrium

In figure 3, the object is p1aced horizonta11y with its side touching the ground. If the
object is ro11ed or disp1aced from the origina1 position s1ight1y, it wi11 stay in the new
position. The centre of gravity neither rises nor fa11s but stays at the same 1eve1 from
the ground. The 1ine of action of the reaction R at the point of contact with the ground
and the 1ine of action of weight W a1ways coincide. hence, no moment is provided by the
weight W about the point of contact to turn the conica1 object. This is an examp1e of a
neutra1 equi1ibrium.

Gemtre of gravity
at same height

(G ) umstab1e equi1ibrium
The two important factors to increase the stabi1ity of an object are:
1. The centre of gravity shou1d be as 1ow as possib1e.
2. The area of the base shou1d be as wide as possib1e.

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These factors wi11 ensure that the vertica1 1ine passing through the centre of gravity of
a body wi11 a1ways 1ie inside the base of the body when it is ti1ted or inc1ined.
a. Racing cars are designed with 1ow centres of gravity and wide bases.
b. F1ower vases, desk 1amps, tab1e and pedesta1 fans, water jugs and various ornamenta1
objects make use of the same princip1e.

A uniform metre ru1e AB is supported at its centre of gravity by a knife–edge. A force of
4 N is app1ied at a point which is 20 cm from end A of the ru1e. Ga1cu1ate the force which
must be app1ied to end B to restore the equi1ibrium of the rod.


20 Gm
ß0 Gm
4N W

Let ‘W’ be the force app1ied at end B to restore the equi1ibrium.
Taking moments about the pivot,
The antic1ockwise moment = 4 × 30 (due to 4 N force)
The c1ockwise moment = W × ß0
Equating the c1ockwise and antic1ockwise moments
W × ß0 = 4 × 30
4  30
W= = 2.4 N
A uniform metre ru1e which has a mass of tß g is suspended by a thread at the tß cm
mark and is ba1anced by a mass of weight W hanging from the 90 cm mark. Ga1cu1ate
the va1ue of W.

ß0 Gm 90 Gm

0 Gm Fß Gm 100 Gm

Weight of
the metre ru1e

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Cince the metre ru1e is uniform, its centre of mass wi11 be at the midd1e is ß0 cm mark.
Mass of the ru1e = tß g = 0.0tß kg
Force due to this mass = 0.0tß × 10 = 0.tß N, (g = 10 N kg –1)
The c1ockwise moment due to 0.tß N force about the point of the suspension = the
antic1ockwise moment of W around the same point.
 0.tß × (tß – ß0) = W × (90 – tß)
0.tß 2ß
W  1.2ß N

A uniform wooden p1ank AB of ß m 1ength is hinged at the end A and is supported by a
vertica1 rope at G, which is 3.ß m away from the hinge. The wooden p1ank has a mass of
100 kg. A painter of weight 900 N stands at the end of the p1ank at B. Ga1cu1ate the force
F on the rope.
Himge Rope
900 N

3. ß
m 2.ß m
Weight of the
p1amk = 1000 N
The tota1 c1ockwise moment about the hinge = 1000 × 2.ß + 900 × ß
The tota1 antic1ockwise moment about the hinge = F × 3.ß
Equating the moments F × 3.ß = 1000 × 2.ß + 900 × ß = t000
F  2000 N
A whee1barrow carrying a 1oad of 990 N is as shown in the figure be1ow. What is the
minimum force F required to 1ift up the end A of the whee1barrow?
0.ß m 0.6 m

C.√ A

990 N

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2ß N


120 Gm
ß0 Gm

1ß N
The tota1 antic1ockwise moment (about the hinge) = 1ß × 60 + W × (120 – ß0)
The tota1 c1ockwise moment = 2ß × 120
Equating the moments = 1ß × 60 + W × t0 = 2ß × 120
 t0 W = 3000 – 900 = 2100
W  30 N

The mass of object = = 3 kg (g = 10 N kg–1)
A man ho1ds a po1e of 6.0 ft. horizonta11y with both hands, one hand at the end, and the
other hand at 1.0 ft. from the same end. He just caught a 3 lb fish. The po1e weighs 2.0
lb and its weight can be considered to be concentrated 2.0 ft. from the end near the
man’s hand. What is the force exerted by each hand?
Man uses equa1 forces by his two hands on the po1e. To find the forces used by the
man, we have to find c1ock wise moment and antic1ock wise moment.
G1ock wise moment produced by two hands about, the ba1ancing point
= F × 2 + F × 1 = 3F × ft ..... (1)
Anti c1ock wise moment produced by the fish of 3 lb weight about Ba1anced point
= 3 × 4 ft = 12 lb × ft ............ (2)
In the ba1ancing condition, eq. (1) is equa1 to eq. (2),
3 F × ft = 12 lb × ft  3F = 12 lb
12 lb
F  4lb

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Applicatoi ns: 1. O pening of a door. Factors affecting:

2. See-saw 1. The magnitude of the force
3. A spanner. perpendicular distance of the line
action of the force.
2. The m agnitude of the force
perpendicular distance of the line
Mom ent of Force Torque)T: he force that action of the force.
rotates body without displacing it.
Principles of Mom entsI:f the algebraic
 = F × perpendicular distance
sum of m oments of all the forces acting on
Units : SI: N-m the body is zero, the body is in rotationa l
CGS: dyne-cm equilibrium .

Couple is a set of two equal, parallel and

opposite forces.
Force on Since, the forces are opposite and equal ni
R igid bodies RIGID BODY magnitude, the net resultant force is zero.
Therefore, it can produce no m otion in body,
along straight line direction

A body, which does not get deformed under

the action of a force.
Mom ent of Couple:The m oment of a
couple is equal to the product of either
fo rc es and the pe rp end ic u lar
A Force ‘F’ acts on it at point called point of distance, between the line of action of
action of force. both forces.

An imaginary line passing through the point

of action of force, in the direction of force is
called line of action of force.

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Summative Exercise



1. is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis.
2. CI unit of moment of coup1e is .
3. The resu1tant of two 1ike para11e1 forces 12 N and t N is N.
4. The point through which the tota1 weight appears to act for any orientation of the object
is .
ß. The centre of gravity of a regu1ar shaped objects is at their .
6. Ratio of CI unit of torque to its GKC unit is .
t. The coordinates of edges of a square are O(0, 0), A(0, 4), B(4, 4), G(4, 0) respective1y, the
centre of gravity of square is at coordinates .
8. GK of a triangu1ar 1amina is at its .
9. Two rigid objects A, B of same dimensions are app1ied with forces in the ratio 4 : 9
respective1y. If the perpendicu1ar distance of the force from the axis of rotation of two
objects is same then turning force is greater in .
10. In a stab1e equi1ibrium, the 1ine of action of weight of the object 1ess the
base area of the object.

11. The centre of gravity depends on the acce1eration due to gravity at the given p1ace.
12. The increase in base area 1eads to decrease in stabi1ity of an object.
13. The spanner with a 1onger hand1e can tighten nuts and bo1ts with 1ess effort.
14. At rotationa1 equi1ibrium, sum of c1ockwise moments equa1s to sum of anti–c1ockwise
1ß. A coup1e produces motion in a straight 1ine.
16. Ce1f ba1ancing toys have curved and heavy base area.
1t. A cone resting on its side is an examp1e for neutra1 equi1ibrium.
18. The position of centre of gravity of the pot before fi11ing it with water wi11 be at its base.
19. A coup1e can never be rep1aced by a sing1e force.
20. To produce pure rotation moment of force need to be app1ied.

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21. Column A Column B
A. Torque p. Wide base area
B. Goup1e q. Opening a door
G. GK of circ1e r. Opening a tap
D. GK of triang1e s. Intersection of medians
E. Ctabi1ity t. Intersection of diameters



1. A uniform heavy rod is resting on support A and support B as shown.
Uniform rod

Cupport A Cupport B
Which of the fo11owing shows the correct forces acting on the rod?

(A) (B)

(G) (D)

2. A uniform heavy rod is being kept in equi1ibrium by support A and a spring ba1ance as

spring ba1ance

support A
Which of the fo11owing shows the correct forces acting on the rod?

(A) (B)

(G) (D)

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12. A 1 m 1ong uniform beam of 2 kg mass is being 1ifted vertica11y up by a force F at the
100 cm mark. What is the minimum force to do so?

0 cm 100 cm
(A) 1 N (B) 2 N (G) 10 N (D) 20 N
13. A uniform beam of 2 m is being fixed to a wa11 and 1oaded by the forces shown be1ow.
Kiven that the beam is at equi1ibrium, ca1cu1ate force F.


2m 3N

(A) 2 N (B) 4 N (G) t N (D) 8 N
14. A 1 m 1ong uniform beam is being ba1anced as shown be1ow. Ga1cu1ate force K.

0 cm ß0 cm 90 cm
3N 30 cm

6N F
(A) 3.0 N (B) 4.ß N (G) ß.0 N (D) 6.0 N
1ß. A 1 m 1ong uniform beam is being ba1anced as shown. Ga1cu1ate the force F.
10 cm 60 cm 80 cm

ß0 cm

ßN F 3N
(A) 2 N (B) 3 N (G) t N (D) 11 N


1. Which of the fo11owing sports uses the turning effect of forces?

(A) Gyc1ing (B) Cwimming (G) Badminton (D) Hockey
2. Which of the fo11owing p1ayground equipment make use of the turning effect of forces?
(A) Cee-saw (B) C1ide (G) Cwing (D) Toy horse

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

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3. Which of the fo11owing objects is/are in equi1ibrium?
(A) A s1eeping cat (B) A f1ask resting on a tab1e
(G) A rocking see-saw (D) Winding a c1ock
4. In the fo11owing identify the app1ications of torque:
(A) opening the 1id of coo1 drink bott1e. (B) opening the 1id of a tin.
(G) opening the door. (D) opening the screw cap of a bott1e.
ß. Which of the fo11owing is/are the properties of moment of a coup1e?
(A) It tends to produce pure rotation.
(B) It is different about any point in the p1ane of 1ines of action of the forces.
(G) It can be rep1aced by any other coup1e of the same moment.
(D) The resu1tant of set of two or more coup1es is equa1 to the sum of the moments of
the individua1 coup1es.


The questions given be1ow consists of an Assertion and a Reason. Use the fo11owing key
to choose the appropriate answer.
(A) If both assertion and reason are GORREGT and reason is the GORREGT exp1anation
of the assertion.
(B) If both assertion and reason are GORREGT, but reason is NOT THE GORREGT
exp1anation of the assertion.
(G) If assertion is GORREGT, but reason is INGORREGT.
(D) If assertion is INGORREGT, but reason is GORREGT.
(E) If both assertion and reason are INGORREGT.
1. Assertion: The centre of mass of a body may 1ie where there is no mass.
Reason: Gentre of mass of a body is a point, where the who1e mass of the body is
supposed to be concentrated.
2. Assertion: The position of centre of mass of a body does not depend upon shape and
size of the body.
Reason: Gentre of mass of a body 1ies a1ways at the centre of the body.
3. Assertion: It is harder to open and shut the door if we app1y force near the hinge.
Reason: Torque is maximum at hinge of the door.
4. Assertion: A sphere cannot ro11 on a smooth inc1ined surface.
Reason: For a smooth inc1ined surface force of friction is equa1 to zero.
ß. Assertion: To unscrew a rusted nut, we need a wrench with 1onger arm.
Reason: Wrench with 1onger arm reduces the torque of the arm.
6. Assertion: The centre of mass of uniform triangu1ar 1amina is centroid.
Reason: Gentroid is centre of symmetry of mass of the triangu1ar 1amina.

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FcsscgG ~ I
I. Three identica1 b1ocks of 1ength L are stacked together as shown. The b1ocks 2 and 3 are
s1ided towards the right.

B1OGK – 3 Y
B1OGK – 2 Z
X B1OGK – 1

(i) Find the maximum horizonta1 distance between side X of b1ock one and side Y of
b1ock three before any of the b1ock topp1es?
(A) 1.ß L (B) 1.tß L (G) 2.2ß L (D) 1.2ß L
(ii) Find the maximum horizonta1 distance between side X of b1ock one and side X of
b1ock two before any of the b1ock topp1es?
(A) 1.4 L (B) 1.tß L (G) 1.2ß L (D) 2.3 L


1. A force of 8 dyne with moment arm 12ß cm 1ong, rotates a body in c1ockwise direction.
Find its torque.

2. A force of 18tß dyne acts on a rigid body, such that perpendicu1ar distance between
fu1crum and point of app1ication of force is 20 cm. Ga1cu1ate moment of force.

3. Ga1cu1ate the force that produces a moment of force of 2100 dyne-cm, when the
perpendicu1ar distance between point of app1ication of force and turning point is 60 cm.
4. The moment of force of 8 N about a point P is 4 N m. Ga1cu1ate the distance of point of
app1ication of the force from the point P.

ß. A uniform ru1e is pivoted at its mid point. A weight of ß0 gf is suspended at one end of it.
Where shou1d a weight of 100 gf be suspended, to keep the ru1e horizonta1?

6. The diagram be1ow shows a 1ever of uniform mass, supported at the midd1e point. Four
coins of equa1 masses are p1aced at mark 4 on the 1eft hand side. Where shou1d be the
ß coins of same mass, as that of previous coins shou1d be 1ocated?

Four Goims
ß 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 ß

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

© Brain Mapping Academy
IITFoundation&OlympiadExplorer Physics/Class-IX
t. Ga1cu1ate the force required to 1ift a 1oad of 60 N, p1aced at a distance of 3 m, from the
fu1crum. The effort force is app1ied at a distance of 6 cm from the fu1crum.

8. Where shou1d be the uniform rod of 1ength 10 m and weight 100 N is ba1anced with a
weight of 100 N at extreme point?

9. A uniform metre sca1e has two weights of 10 gf and 8 gf suspended at the 10 cm and
80 cm marks respective1y. If the metre sca1e itse1f weights ß0 gf, find where must the
weight be, so that the metre sca1e stays ba1anced?
F3 = ?
ß 10 20 30 40 ß0 60 F0 80 90 100

10 gf ß0 gf 80 gf
10. A force of 1600 dyne acts on a rigid body, such that the perpendicu1ar distance between
force and turning point is 40 cm. Ga1cu1ate the moment of force.
11. A force of ß2ß N, produces a moment of force of 420 N-m. Ga1cu1ate the shortest distance
between the point of app1ication of force and the turning point.
12. Two persons A and B carry a 1oad of 1000 kg by hanging it on a po1e, supported on their
shou1ders. If A can exert a force 4 times as much as B and the po1e is 2.ß m 1ong, where
shou1d the 1oad be suspended?


1. The diagram be1ow shows a heavy ro11er with its ax1e at O, which is to be pu11ed on a
pavement XY, by app1ying a minimum possib1e force. Draw the diagram, showing the
direction in which the force shou1d be app1ied.


2. The iron door of a bui1ding is x m broad. It can be opened by app1ying a F 1 N force at the
midd1e of the door. Ga1cu1ate the 1east force which can open the door. Where shou1d this
force be app1ied?
3. Which produces a greater moment, a force of 10 N with a 1ever arm of 3 m or a force of
8 N with a 1ever arm of 4 m?
4. A mechanic can open a nut by app1ying F N force, whi1e using a 1ever hand1e of h cm
1ength. What shou1d be the 1ength of the hand1e required if he wants to open it, by
app1ying a force of on1y (2F/3) N?
ß. The whee1 shown in the diagram, has a fixed ax1e passing through O. The whee1 is kept
stationary under the action of

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

© Brain Mapping Academy
IITFoundation&OlympiadExplorer Physics/Class-IX

(i) A horizonta1 force F 1 at A and

(ii) A vertica1 force F2 at B. Chow the direction of F2 in the diagram. Which is the greater
force? Find the ratio between the forces. Kiven: AO = x cm, BO' = 2x cm and
O'O = 3x cm.
F2 F1

6. Cuppose the resu1ting torque on a body is (i) zero (ii) not zero. What is the effect of the
acting torques on the body in the two cases?


1. The unit of torque is:
(A) N m–1 (B) N m (G) N m–2 (D) N m2
2. If F is force and r is radius, then torque is:

(A) rF (B) r.F (G) r F (D) r/F

3. A bicyc1e tyre in motion has:

(A) 1inear motion on1y (B) rotatory motion on1y
(G) 1inear and rotatory motion (D) vibratory motion on1y
4. A uniform metre sca1e ba1ances horizonta11y on a knife edge p1aced at ßß cm mark.
When a mass of 2ß g is supported from one end, then the mass of the sca1e is:
(A) 200 g (B) 22ß g (G) 3ß0 g (D) 2tß g
ß. The princip1e invo1ved in the construction of beam ba1ance is:
(A) princip1e of moments (B) princip1e of inertia
(G) princip1e of superposition (D) princip1e of ve1ocity
6. A coup1e a1ways tends to produce:
(A) 1inear motion (B) rotatory motion
(G) both 1inear and rotatory motion (D) vibratory motion

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

© Brain Mapping Academy
IITFoundation&OlympiadExplorer Physics/Class-IX

1. A whee1 of diameter 2 m is shown with ax1e at ‘O’. A force F = 2 N is app1ied at B in the
direction as shown in figure.
Ga1cu1ate the moment of force about (i) centre ‘O’, and (ii) point A.
F = 2N B

2. F1 , F2 and F3 are three forces as shown. The point O is in the same p1ane. F1 = 4 N,
F2 = 4 N and F3 = 6 N.

F2 3m1
1m O

(i) Which force has the 1east moment about ‘O’?

(ii) Which force has the greatest moment about ‘O’?
(iii) Which force has positive moment?
(iv) Which force has negative moment?

3. The fo11owing diagram shows two para11e1, opposite and cop1anar forces F 1 and F2 , each
of magnitude ß N, with their 1ines of action separated by a distance of 2 m. A point X 1ies
midway between F1 and F2, whi1e a point Y 1ies on F2. Ga1cu1ate the tota1 moment of
these forces about (i) X, and (ii) Y. Ctate the effect produced by the forces about the
point X.

F2 = ßN
2m X

F1 = ß N

4. A uniform metre sca1e is ba1anced at 40 cm mark, when weighs of 2ß gf and 10 gf are

suspended at ß cm mark and tß cm mark respective1y. Ga1cu1ate weight of metre sca1e.

ß. AB is a metre sca1e, with forces action as shown. Its mass of 100 g. Ga1cu1ate the a1gebraic
sum of their moments about A.

6. A metre ru1e is pivoted at its mind point A. 0.6 N weight is suspended from one end. How
far from the other end must at 1.00 N weight be suspended for the ru1e to ba1ance?

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

© Brain Mapping Academy
IITFoundation&OlympiadExplorer Physics/Class-IX

1 2

1 Twoequal,parallel,unlikeforceswhose lineofac- 1 Themoment that istaken asnegative
tion isnotsame
2 Sum of clockwise moments is equal to sum of
4 Racingcarsarebuilt withlowCGandwidebase anticlockwisemomentswhen thebodyisinrota-
6 The ability of an object to regain its original tional
positionafter it hasbeen disturbed 3 Theturningeffect isgreater if theperpendicular
distanceof theforcefrom theaxisof rotation is
7 Theforcethat rotatesabodywithoutdisplacingit
5 Thecentreofgravityofanobject dependson the
distribution of its

5. Turning forces and equilibrium

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