"Rumah Pusaka" (Heritage House) : Re-Narrating Folklore Through The Medium of Stage Performance

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By: Zefri Ariff Brunei,
Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

The idea of promoting folklore through stage performance started when Kumpulan
Putra Seni (KPS) was invited to showcasing Brunei cultural performance in conjunction of
Festival Belia Brunei Prihatin 2012 (Festival of Concerned Brunei Youth 2012). A program
was introduced and initiated by KPS named "Nya Datu Nini..." (“As elderly said...”). "Nya
Datu Nini..." is a program that combines commercial / entertainment, education,
entrepreneurship, performing arts (theatre), cultural, religious and family elements.
The "Nya Datu Nini..." program involves all members of KPS of various ages no matter
young or old. This is in line with the desire of Youth and Sports Department to strengthen
and uphold the spirit of volunteering and allow young people to fill their after school session
by following various activities that are beneficial.

The main purpose of Kumpulan Putra Seni to introduce and initiate “Nya Datu Nini...”
program is to enliven the atmosphere of Festival Belia Brunei Prihatin 2012 by making
theatre performance as a business tool in order to get some money collection to be channelled
to youth fund. The program is a branding product of KPS in generating funding and
economic resources on its own budget.
In addition, the "Nya Datu Nini..." program will also give some exposure and
experience to members of KPS especially for the new members in dealing with performance
businesses. This program tends to uphold performances of Brunei folklore with some
collaboration of other youth agencies. The "Nya Datu Nini..." program will focus popular
folklore stories such as Pak Saloi, Nakhoda Manis, Si Perawai, Jong Batu, Lumut Lunting
and others.

The "Nya Datu Nini..." program has three main objectives:
1. To generate sources of income through the enterprising activities;
2. Introducing Brunei folklore to public audience through theatre / drama
3. To allow audiences to participate and gain experiences on local theatre / drama
performance and feel the atmosphere of the folklore story of Brunei.

The original concept of "Nya Datu Nini..." program is taken from the concept of
"Haunted House" or “Ghost House” and "Once Upon A Time" which are popularly shown
during the consumer fair expo and trade bazaar in Brunei. The concept then was applied,
modified and adapted to the country’s philosophy - “Melayu-Islam-Beraja” (Malay Islamic
Monarchy). The program is dedicated to theatrical performance approach by showcasing
three Brunei folklore stories in a given time of 15 minutes only in which each one of the
folklore will only be performed in less than five minutes.
The audiences will have to get the ticket i.e. for adult is $2.00 and for children is $1.00.
There is also a family package consists of two adults and two children at the price of $3.00.
Before getting into the house, the audiences would sit in the waiting room in advance and
given information about the stories and the performances through video presentation and
static information display. Also in the waiting room snacks and soft drinks will be sold.
Then the usher will lead as many as 5-10 visitors (audiences) into the first room to see
the first performance for about 3-5 minutes. After that the group will enter the next room to
see another performance and so on to the last room. After each performance, the audiences
will be given the opportunity to take photographs with the characters on the set.
The "Nya Datu Nini..." program also provides a space for audiences to wear the
character costumes and gear up with accessories and stage props for a charged photo taking
session alongside with other actors and actresses. The charge is $2.00 and the audience will
be provided softcopy images of the photo in a CD or sending it through the client’s facebook
or e-mail.


However the original concept had changed due to the particular space and infrastructure
facilities given by the organiser. Changes mean the whole package of the showcase has to be
suited with the existing resources. Changes of the working space also affect the setting up of
the surrounding wall, main set and technical position. For the debut at the Festival Belia
Brunei Prihatin 2012, “Nya Datu Nini…” failed to follow the original plan and concept
proposal. The organiser couldn’t provide two set of big camps to be aroused in the space
given. The area is usually used as a practical room for silat (Malay martial art) and judo.
Great tribulation was to transform a large room into a mock up black box theatre studio. KPS
used eight roof canvases to cover an existing room from the sunlight and other light sources
in making a total black stage. The original concept which had four separated space have to
converge into one huge space. The open large space then divided into five blocks; three
blocks to accommodate proposed play, one for audience and one for technical.
Eventually the “haunted house” and “once upon a time'' practices were cancelled. Many
great changes have been done in the new concept and approach.
The “Nya Datu Nini…” is then converted to “Rumah Pusaka” (the House of the
Inheritance). The name chosen for this project is carefully planned to allign the word
“pusaka” (inheritance) with “puaka” (evils). Some of the audiences read the title as “Rumah
Puaka” instead of “Rumah Pusaka.” This made some confusion amongst the public as they
were familiar with “Rumah Hantu” (Haunted House) which also meant for “Rumah Puaka”
(Evil House). Actually the name of the program is one of the gimmicks that have been
instrumented by KPS.

Narratives, dialogues, music and sound effects for each story has been recorded earlier
to make way for the players to exchange role accordingly to the stories perform. Each story
only lasted not more than five minutes. Each session gig will only perform two stories which
will last for a maximum of 12 minutes. At the end of the show, the audiences were given five
minutes chance to take photo with the performers and props on the set. This means a time
consuming for each session more or less between 15-20 minutes.
These changes have become a basic or bench mark to the rest of “Rumah Pusaka”

Pic 1: Changing set up sketch on the spot Pic 2: Things to be set up

The concept of performance also changes the presence of acting and audience spaces.
Performance space is divided into two or three sets of play. The audience no longer need to
move from one to another space but only slightly facing view to see the respective play that
has been penetrated by the lighting sequences. On the management business, depending on
the size of the space given by the organiser, “Rumah Pusaka” can only accommodate
approximately 30 – 50 spectators. Subject to the show time provided by the organiser, the
show often starts from 10 am to 9 pm which is an average of as much as 15-20 sessions
shown a day except for the event of Bulan Bahasa 2012 (Language Month 2012) and Hari
Keluarga Kebangsaan 2013 (National Family Day 2013) which were held during day time
A ticket counter is located next to the main entrance of the house. The audiences will
be seated at outside of the house before their show time is ready. In the waiting room the
audiences can look at the mini exhibition of pictures of activities and information on
Kumpulan Putra Seni. At the waiting room, the audiences were also provided with free flow
of drinking water. Also place up at the waiting room was a replica of Brunei traditional
house veranda and a set of traditional fishing boat and fishing equipment for the purpose of
free self-portrait or photo taking corner.
At the beginning KPS charged the show ticket of $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for
children and school students but eventually the charge had aligned the admission ticket for
only $1.00 each with no references to age or profession and the child under three years old is
free of charge.


As a NGO, KPS doesn’t have specific funds to run the program so KPS took a relevant
strategy which is to manipulate any existing resource and maintain low operational cost as

well as to use of equipment that is cheap but effective in the show. It's very striking in
carrying out technical work staging.

Pic 3: Raising up the blue canvas Pic 4: Blue canvas as background

The first project was held at an open space at one corner of indoor stadium without any
basic technical stuff for staging. KPS has altered ordinary spot lights that normally being
used for highlighting the house. The spot light which powered by 500 watts bulb has been
switched to 200 watts and connected to a light dimmer. The dimmers were controlled
manually. Six spot lights have been modified for the purpose of stage lighting. While for the
special effects technique, KPS uses studio camera flash light, standing fans, water sprinkle,
LCD projector and a smoke machine.

Pic 5: Main set up Pic 6: Jong and jumpung set

For the background set, rattan walls, hardwood trees, the screen and the cut out jong
(ships) and jumpung (small boat) have been placed up. The blue canvas were used as
background wall and with the help of simple light, the set is ready for performance. While the
stage properties were made of straw foam, hard box cut out, and loose clothes.

Pic 7: Visual projection Pic 8: Audiences seating place
The image / visual effect projection were beam to a large white screen made of cloth.
For the audience seating, KPS uses only plastic seats, some stools and mats rolls. For
costume, KPS uses clothes that already tailored for the previous performances. For
admission ticket expenses and promotion, KPS uses tickets and posters that were multiplied
by photocopying and a simple advert banner is hanging out side of the hall.


At present KPS has produced five stories for “Rumah Pusaka” namely Legenda
Nakhoda Manis, Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan Sumpit-Sumpit, Bendahara Sakam, Si
Pembintur and Asal-Usul Kampong Sungai Siamas.
Legenda Nakhoda Manis is portrayed by narration, dialogue and song. The performers
will only do the miming and action accordingly with the recorded narration and dialogues.
This story uses the approach of tragedy emotions. It was a story of a son betraying his
mother after he got married and become richer. Then the mother cursed his son and his
entourages in the ship into a rock. One of the rock island in Brunei river is believed to be the
cursed ship.
Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan Sumpit-Sumpit use methods of storytelling and poetry
readings. The performers will also be acted as what has been narrated. This story uses
comedy emotional approach. The story described how Awang Semaun got his strength by
catching and eating the big fish head.
Bendahara Sakam is presented in the form of miming. The story concerns of Malay
martial art which is silat. The approach being used in this play is action drama. Bendahara
Sakam was a noble who saved Brunei from the occupation of the Spaniards in 16th century.
Si Pembintur also uses narrative and dialogue presented by human performer and
puppets. This story applies the elements of comedy. Pembintur or crab catcher was a poor
man living with his wife and a son. One day he caught a small crab happened to be prince of
the King Crab. The Prince Crab asked the catcher to release him because he worried the
mother would search for him. The King Crab granted him with gold and diamonds by
keeping his promise not to catch any crabs around that area any more.
Asal-Usul Kampong Sungai Siamas is totally a puppet performance in the form of
narrative and dialogue. This story also uses elements of comedy. It was a story between nasi
(rice) and amas (gold); the gold came to the settlement to make the people rich but the rice
told him that the people weren’t worthy to be blessed because they threw away foods like him.

So the gold anchored into the river. The place then became a village called Kampong Sungai
Si Amas.
All forms of narrative account for the suitability of the place and the space scenes. For
Legenda Nakhoda Manis and Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan Sumpit-Sumpit, both of the
plays use a special constructed set. Bendahara Sakam needs larger space because a big
number of the performers involved. While for Si Pembintur and Asal-Usul Kampong Sungai
Siamas, both use the same puppet stage set.
Legenda Nakhoda Manis is impressed by using many aesthetic techniques much like
the effects of lightning, a torrent of rain, animated waves and storms. While Asal-Usul
Kampong Sungai Siamas is the less technical equipment required, it is performed without any
spectacular special effects.


Until present, “Rumah Pusaka” has made 9 public performances:
Date: 8th -10th June, 2012
Venue: The Space in Indoor Stadium
Event: Festival Belia Brunei Prihatin 2012 (Festival of Concerned Brunei
Youth 2012)
Organiser: Department of Youth and Sports
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan Sumpit-
Sumpit, and Bendahara Sakam
Admission: Tickets
Audiences: Public

Date: 2nd -3rd July, 2012

Venue: Sekolah Menengah Sayidina Ali, Kampong Mumong, Belait District
Event: Bulan Bahasa 2012 (language Month 2012)
Organiser: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literature Bureau)
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, and Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan
Admission: Free (sponsored by Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports)
Audiences: Public and students from Belait District

Date: 2nd-10th March, 2013

Venue: The Space in Indoor Stadium
Event: National Book Festival 2013
Organiser: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literature Bureau)
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, and Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan
Admission: Tickets
Audiences: Public

Date: 14th March, 2013

Venue: Dewan Songket, Rizqun International Hotel
Event: Seminar on Reading Culture
Organiser: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literature Bureau)
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis

Admission: Free (sponsored by Language and Literature Bureau)
Audiences: Seminar participants

Date: 6th-7th April, 2013

Venue: Dermaga DiRaja (The Royal Pier)
Event: Festival Sastera 2013 (Literary Festival in 2013)
Organiser: Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, Si Pembintur and Asal-Usul Kampong
Sungai Siamas
Admission: Tickets
Audiences: Public

Date: 5th May, 2013

Venue: Dewan Kemasyarakatan Tutong, (Civic Centre of Tutong District)
Event: Hari Keluarga Kebangsaan 2013 (National Family Day 2013)
Organiser: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literature Bureau)
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, and Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan
Admission: Free (sponsored by Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports)
Audiences: Public

Date: 23rd -25th June, 2013

Venue: Indoor Stadium
Event: SME Promotion
Organiser: Brunei Shell LiveWire,
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, Kisah Awang Semaun dan Ikan Sumpit-
Sumpit, Si Pembintur and Asal-Usul Kampong Sungai Siamas
Admission: Tickets
Audiences: Public

Date: 28th June, 2013

Venue: Dewan Sekolah Antarabangsa Panaga, Seria
Event: The International Day
Organiser: International School of Panaga
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis and Si Pembintur
Admission: Free (self sponsore)
Audiences: International students

Date: 2nd – 3rd July 2013

Venue: Atrium Airport Mall
Event: Bulan Bahasa 2013 (Language Month 2013)
Organiser: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literature Bureau)
Story: Legenda Nakhoda Manis, Si Pembintur and Asal-Usul Kampong
Sungai Siamas
Admission: Free (sponsored by Language and Literature Bureau)
Audiences: Public

Pic 9: Festival Belia Brunei Prihatin 2012 Pic 10: Bulan Bahasa 2012
Festival Belia Brunei Prihatin 2012 was held at the public area in Indoor Stadium. For
this project, KPS used eight sets of roof canvas to convert the space into a mock up studio.
Bulan Bahasa 2012 used six sets of exhibition booth to form a mock up studio. The area
given was 20 feet x 30 feet.

Pic 11: Pesta Buku Kebangsaan 2013 Pic 12: Seminar on Reading Culture
For Pesta Buku Kebangsaan 2013, KPS has transformed the spaces given at Indoor
Stadium becoming a mini theatre hall by using 14 pieces of plywood as the wall to cover the
space. At the Seminar on Reading Culture, KPS was given space on the main stage at
Songket Ballroom Rizqun International Hotel which was the same stage used by the seminar
session and closing ceremony of the seminar. KPS took advantage in utilising video wall
display as a backdrop to serve the visual effect normally being projected for Legenda
Nakhoda Manis.

Pic 13: Festival Sastera 2013 Pic 14: Hari Keluarga Kebangsaan 2013

During 2013 Literary Festival event, KPS was given two air condition canopy camps
with a working area of 20 feet x 40 feet. Inside the canopy, KPS has built a mini puppet stage.
For Hari Keluarga Kebangsaan 2013, KPS improvised a camp that regularly used in a
wedding ceremony into a make shift mini theatre stage with a working area of 20 feet x 30
feet. There was an annex corner being set up by plywood wall for technical space of Legenda
Nakhoda Manis.

Pic 15: SME Promotion Pic 16: International Day

In SME Promotion event, “Rumah Pusaka” used the same floor plan as Pesta Buku
Kebangsaan 2013 plus an additional extra space for stage puppet set. For the International
Day event, KPS improvised puppet stage and ship set up by using all existing sports
equipment in the Student Assembly Hall.

Pic 17: Bulan Bahasa 2013 Pic 18: Make shift black box inside the canopy
At Bulan Bahasa 2013, “Rumah Pusaka” was given a set of canopy camp instead of
ordinary wedding camp. Additional technical space was set up by a construction made of
two sets of exhibition booth. Mounting basic wall set for this event was very challenging
because the set requested was an actual-sized camp of 20 feet x 30 feet but what had given
was a medium sized canopy camp 20 feet x 20 feet. The difficulties more even as the canopy
camp did not have a frame that can be used to hang the set.
The various exchange pattern of staging is done based on the space and the size of the
area given by the proponents of the event. For example, in the event of Festival Belia Brunei
Prihatin 2012, the LCD projector was placed behind the screen and the image being projected
as a back projection because of the huge area given compared to the other venues.
The basic set of Legenda Nakhoda Manis also often varies according to the suitability
of the performance space. Set jumpung and jong were made in the form of 2D structure but

for Seminar on Reading Culture, Festival Sastera 2013 and Bulan Bahasa 2013, the set have
been changed into cut out structure made of cloth lining and straw foam.

KPS has approximately 30 established performers who work as public servants in
various government departments and ministries; some of them are still schooling at the higher
institution. Not many of them committed all day participation in a longer period for “Rumah
Pusaka” project. To solve this problem, KPS provided duty roaster in the order to play the
role whether as the performers, technical operators, promoters, ticketing and others. Each
session showcases two stories for approximately 12 minutes. The performer may perform the
character continuously for several sessions until replacing by other performer according the
roaster. The performer also may play different role in both stories when there is no

Pic 19: Promoters Pic 20: Legenda Nakhoda Manis crew

In addition to maintain the performance schedule time, KPS invited student volunteers
from Universiti Brunei Darussalam and Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah to
assist in managing the project; some of them put interest to play the character role. Around 50
people have been involved during the debut at Festival Belia Brunei Prihatin 2012 while there
were some 20 to 30 regular participants for each event except for the Internatioal Day, only
14 performers and production team involved.

“Rumah Pusaka” gets a good and stimulating response from among the audience. It
turns out that many of them don't know the existence of Brunei folklore stories which have
many dedicated ethics to be taught and followed to uphold the local identity and custom.
Even the audience is excited with 4D techniques especially in staging of Legenda Nakhoda
Manis with the effect of storms with a torrent of rain water, heavy wind and lightning effects.
The story was ended with strongly emotional song that dealt with the story.
The use of puppet is also rather interesting because the puppet rarely revealed to the
audience in Brunei. Many kids and their parents would love to see and touch the puppet
character made of fabric and straw foam.
The parents who brought their children to witness “Rumah Pusaka” gave positive
comments and agreed that the Brunei folklore stories should be able to continue to present in
the form of theatrical and not only reading solely. Aesthetic elements and visual effects in

“Rumah Pusaka” give strong impact to the audience to enjoy the show. Some of the
audiences came to watch the show several times with different companions.

Pic 21: Visit from Deputy Minister of CYS Pic 22: Students take turn to “Rumah Pusaka”
During the National Book Festival 2013, “Rumah Pusaka” has received over seven
thousand spectators, which is approximately 8% of the total number of visitors to the festival.
This is a record of achievement in the history of performances of KPS.

Pic 23: Newspaper report on “Rumah Pusaka” at National Book Festival 2013
Initiative of bringing up Brunei folklore to stage performance gets full support from
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka by inviting KPS and “Rumah Pusaka” to meet public at the event
they organise. Diversity techniques offering in “Rumah Pusaka” also got the attention of the
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports by giving honour to KPS to conduct workshop on
theatre production as a preparation for theatre contest organise by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
The Ministry is also eager to develop puppet performance as an alternative to conventional
acting performance.

“Rumah Pusaka” will keep presenting the local stories in Malay with various forms of
theatrical engineering. Some techniques that will be implemented in the next performances
are the multimedia interactive approach, animation and extra senses dimension such as
shaking seats, aromatherapy, surrounding sound and other techniques that could evoke
excited emotion and wilderness.

Pic 24: Germany tourists Pic 25: Memorable moments with main casts
KPS is also trying to get the permanent premise to showcasing Brunei tales and folklore
regularly which can be attended by public either the audience are locals or foreign tourists or
travellers from outside the country who want to see Brunei folklore. KPS will continue to
conduct the theatre workshop aimed at finding new potential performer. The workshop is
usually held at Youth Centre, Bandar Seri Begawan on every Tuesday and Friday from 7: 30
pm until 10: 00 pm.

Pic 26: Si Pembintur Pic 27: Asal-Usul Kampong Sungai Siamas

“Rumah Pusaka” has become a phenomenon in the performing art scene canvas in
Brunei which gave enlightenment to the development of theatre in Brunei. “Rumah Pusaka”
has set up an example to be imitated for the projection and development of the creative
industry in Brunei.


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