Abstracts / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) S46 Es314 S262

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S262 Abstracts / Clinical Nutrition 37 (2018) S46eS314

weight. Thos study was carried out to identify clinical profile that could Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Unit. Neurodegeneration and
influence on physicians’ decision to prescribe one or another kind of drugs. Neuroinflamation Group, Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital, Biomedical
Methods: The study was based on a retrospective design. Patients with Research Institute (IdIBGi), Spain; 4 Research group on Ageing, Health and
T2D poorly controlled who received a SGLT2i or a GLP1a as add-on therapy Disability, Institut d'Assistencia Sanitaria, Girona, Spain
were included. Patients with any contraindication for any of these drugs
were excluded as well as those who already received one of the other class. * Corresponding author.
Results: Epidemiological, clinical and anthropometric profile were ana-
Rationale: Cognitive impairment is increasingly recognized to be over-
lysed from 75 patients whorreceived GLP1a. Their characteristics were
represented among obese subjects. Our study aimed to evaluate cognitive
compared to those T2D patients who received any SGLT2i. Patients who
function in middle-age obese compared with non-obese subjects similar in
received GLP1a were more likely to be women (74.7% vs 30.7%, p<0.001),
~ os, p¼0.021) and had higher body age, sex and menopause status.
younger (55.6±10.9 vs 59.4±10.9 an
Methods: A cross-sectional, case-control study that included 121 subjects
mass index (BMI) (40.1±7.8 vs 33.7±6 kg/m2, p<0.001). Multivariate
(27.2e66.6 years) was undertaken. Verbal learning and memory was
analysis showed that age, BMI and female gender were independent
evaluated by California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), working memory by
predictors for the prescription of GLP1a.
Digit Span (DS), executive function by Trail Making Test (TMT), inhibition
Conclusions: Gender, age and BMI are major and independent predictors
by Stroop Test (ST), verbal comprehension by Vocabulary and Similarities
for physician’s choice to prescribe drugs to T2D patients with obesity.
(WAIS-III) and depression traits by Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-
Further investigations including patient’s preference and adverse effects
9). Student’s t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and multivariate linear regres-
are needed to verify our observation.
sion analyses were used to compare the differences between groups.
Disclosure of interest: None declared.
Results: 65 obese and 56 non-obese individuals were studied. The differ-
ences in cognitive traits were more marked among women. Post-
menopausal obese women had lower scores in the CVLT Immediate Recall
test (p¼0.045) while premenopausal obese women had lower scores in the
CVLT Short Delayed Free and Cued Recall tests (p¼0.009). Decreased scores
 n-Blanco 2,*. 1 Internal Medicine Unit, in Forward DS (p¼0.001) and Total DS (p¼0.036) were also observed in
C. García-Figueras-Mateos 1, M. Cayo
premenopausal women. Regarding executive functions, obese women
Hospital SAS Jerez de la Frontera, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain;
2 presented increased time records in the TMT B. Phonemic fluency scores
Endocrinology and Nutrition Unit, Hospital SAS Jerez de la Frontera, Jerez
were lower among premenopausal obese women (p¼0.003). Obese
de la Frontera, Spain
women showed reduced scores in the ST Color-Word test. All obese sub-
* Corresponding author. jects had also lower scores in the Vocabulary and PHQ-9 traits. Many of
these differences remained significant after adjusting for age and years of
Rationale: The use of glucagon like peptide 1 analogues (GLP1a) for the education. No significant differences were observed in the rest of CVLT,
treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is growing. With a view to TMT A and Semantic fluency task.
identifying patient characteristics that could influence physicians’ pre- Conclusions: Middle-aged obese subjects had impairments in the main
scription of different GLP1a, we carried out this observational study in cognitive domains explored compared with non-obese subjects of similar
routine clinical practice conditions. Outcomes after add-on these drugs age. These results might have implications in education strategies and
were described as well. cognitive training in obese subjects.
Methods: The study was based on a retrospective design. The following Disclosure of interest: M. Arnoriaga Rodríguez Grant/Research Support
variables were collected to identify potential influencing factors in patient from: This work was partially supported by research grant PI15/01934
profile at baseline: gender, age, time of evolution of T2DM, body mass from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III from Spain, G. Blasco: None declared,
index (BMI), HbA1c level and treatment with insulin. To measure out- C. Coll: None declared, W. Ricart: None declared, J. Puig: None declared, J.
comes, changes in HbA1c and BMI at 6 months after add-on, were Garre-Olmo: None declared, J. Gich: None declared, L. Ramio  -Torrent
assessed. None declared, J. M. Fernandez-Real: None declared.
Results: 75 poorly controlled patients with T2DM who received any GLP1a
as add-on therapy were analysed. One-third of sample was constituited by MON-P317
each one: exenatide-LAR [EL], dulaglutide [D] and liraglutide [L]). At DIETARY FACTORS RELATED TO MUSCLE STRENGTH IN ELDERLY
baseline, patients on D were older as compared to other GLP1a (D: PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME AND HIGH CARDIOVASCULAR
60.8 ± 10.8 vs EL: 51.8 ± 10 vs L: 54.2 ±10.2 years; p¼0.008). There was a RISK
non-significant trend to prescribe EL in patients with higher BMI ([Kg/m2]:
EL: 41.8 ± 8.8 vs L: 40.7 ± 7.3 vs D: 37.8 ± 6.9; p ¼ 0.17) and D to patients M. Ortiz 1, *, M. Torrego 1, A. Barabash 1, M.A. Rubio 1, A. Larrad 1, G.
with higher level of HbA1c ([%]: D: 9.2 ± 1.4 vs EL: 8.7 ± 1.7 vs L: 8.5 ± 1.1; Hernandez 1, C. Moreno 2, M. Gonza lez 3, R. Cabrera 4, P.
1 1
p ¼ 0.23). No significant changes in HbA1c and BMI reductions were Matía . Endocrinology and Nutrition, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Instituto
detected. BMI reductions were also equivalent among groups. de Investigacion Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC), Spain; 2 Centro de Salud
Conclusions: According to the trends of use of GLP1a, we can conclude Lucero, Spain; 3 Centro de Salud Guzman el Bueno, Spain; 4 Centro de Salud
that there is a nonsignificant perception of a higher HbA1c-lowering effect Espronceda, Madrid, Spain
and better security profile for D and a higher weight-lowering effect for EL
among physicians. Nevertheless, HbA1c and BMI reductions are equivalent * Corresponding author.
among different types of GLP1a in our routine clinical practice.
Rationale: Muscle strength (Ms) is associated with sarcopenia, function,
Disclosure of interest: None declared.
and ultimately, with frailty. The objetive of this study is to describe dietary
factors -food groups (FG), nutrients (N) and energy (E)- related to Ms in a
sample of elderly patients with metabolic syndrome before starting a
nutritional intervention.
Methods: Observational cross-sectional survey. Handgrip strength
M.Arnoriaga Rodríguez 1, *, G. Blasco 2, C. Coll 3, W. Ricart 1, J. Puig 2, J. Garre-
 -Torrent ndez-Real 1. 1 Department of (Jamar® dynamometer in dominant member) and intake (food frequency
Olmo 4, J. Gich 3, L. Ramio a 3, J.M. Ferna
questionnaire, Preventive Medicine Dept., Universidad de Navarra) were
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Biomedical Research Institute
determined. Statistics: Bivariate correlation (Spearman) and multiple
(IdIBGi), Dr. Josep Trueta University Hospital, CIBEROBN (CB06/03/010),
linear regression (multivariate analysis for N/E).
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain; 2 Department of Radiology,
Results: 124 patients (50.8% women, median age 64 years (IQR 61e69),
Biomedical Research Institute (IdIBGi), Spain; 3 Department of Neurology.
mean BMI 32.26 kg/m2 (IQR: 29.5e34.7). Age was negatively associated

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