Our Lady of The Pillar Catholic School, Inc.: Common Laboratory Instrument S

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Diocese of Imus Catholic Educational System, Inc.


F. Tirona St., Pob. II-A, City of Imus, Cavite 4103
(046) 471-3206; (046) 471-9883/olpcs_imus@yahoo.com

LEARNING PLAN in Science 5

Week 3

Content Standard/s: The learner demonstrates understanding of the properties and structure of matter-
solids, liquids and gases and how they are recycled, reduced, recovered and repaired in waste management.
Performance Standard/s: The learners use local, recyclable solid and/or liquid materials in making useful
Values Formation Standard/s: The learner becomes responsible users and innovative individuals who respect
God’s creation.
Instructional Transfer
Topic/s Objective/s Motivation Assessment/s
Material/s Task/s
*Common The learners will…  Picture Material/s: Formative -None
Laboratory  Identify Analysis a. Pictures a. Written
Instrument common b. Laboratory Exercise
s laboratory Equipments b. Experiment
instruments c. s
 Demonstrate
*Matter proper
and Its handling and
Properties use of different Reference/s:
laboratory  The New
instrument Science
 Describe the Links, pp.
different 16-25
properties of
materials Value/s:
 Differentiate  Responsible
general users and
properties of innovative
matter individuals
 Describe the who respect
special God’s
properties of creation
solids, liquids,
and gases
 Become
users and
individuals who
respect God’s

Proposed Activities per Day Remarks
DAY 1:
 The teacher will show the following pictures to the class and will ask:

a. What are the things that you can see in the pictures?
b. What do you call those objects?

 Concept Notes (LAS No. 1)
 See attachment in the LAS folder

 By showing the different laboratory instruments and apparatuses, the teacher

will discuss the following:
a. Equipments used to measure liquids
b. Equipments used to transfer liquids into narrow-mouthed containers
c. Equipments used for heating
d. Equipments used to support other equipment
e. Equipments used to stir or mix substances

 Activity (LAS No. 1)

 See attachment in the LAS folder
 A. Here is the list of some of the different apparatuses and equipment that can
be found inside the laboratory which is very helpful in performing experiments
and other related activities. Try to identify and categorize the
appaatus/equipment according to their uses. Include additional five apparatus
and equipment that you know which are not included in the list.
 B. As a student, why do you think it is important to be familiar with the uses of
different laboratory apparatus and equipment?

Day 2
 Give the laboratory instruments that are being asked.

Laboratory Activity No. 1

Activity Title: Laboratory Equipment
Learning Target: Identify the uses of common laboratory instruments
References: New Science Links, p.11
Values: Critical Thinkers

Background: Laboratory instruments and apparatuses are important in performing

experiments. Before performing any experiment, you should know what instruments
you are going to use.

Test tube test tube holder test tube rack beaker
Wire gauze crucible and cover Mortar and pestle funnel
stirring rod spatula alcohol lamp Evaporating dish
tripod graduated cylinder iron stand and iron ring
Concluding Questions:
What eqipment do you think is used in each of the following?
1. to measure liquids
2. to transfer liquids into narrow-mouthed container
3. for heating
4. to support other equipment
5. to stir or mix substances

Why is it important to know the different kinds of laboratory equipment and how to
use them in experiments?

Day 3
 The teacher will let the pupils brainstorm on what they have remembered
about matter then will let the pupils share their insights with the other pupils.
 Discuss their responses as a class using their radial diagram.


 Concept Notes (LAS No. 2)
 See attachment in the LAS folder
 Some materials have properties that are used to produce products. Properties
of materials can be categorized into two- the general and the special
properties. General properties are those which are present in all types of
materials like mass, weight and volume. On the other hand, special properties
are distinct properties that certain material possesses. These properties include
malleability, ductility, elasticity, porosity, solubility, brittleness, hardness and
thermal conductivity. Other properties of materials may also cause harm.
These properties include flammability, toxicity, chemical and reactivity to acid,
oxygen and water.

 Demonstration Activity
 Show to the class a platform balance, a piece of wood, water, and a balloon.
 Ask a volunteer pupil to measure the weight of the objects using the platform
 Ask:” Did you measure the exact weight of the piece of wood? How about the
water and the air inside the balloon?”
 Introduce the word “mass”. Let the pupils differentiate mass from weight.
Discuss with them their answers. Tell them that having mass is one of the
general properties of matter.
 Discuss also volume and density using concrete examples.

 Book Activity, pp.24-25

 Check Your Knowledge
 Identify the special property of matter described by each statement below.
Write your answer in the space provided before each number.
 Process What You Know
 Differentiate the general properties and special properties of matter by
working working on the chart below.
 Name five materials and write their properties and uses in the proper column
in the chart below.

Day 4
 Activity (LAS No. 2)
 See attachment in the LAS folder
 The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will perform the following
a. Group 1- Twisting of iron wire (Lets do the twist)
b. Group 2- Stretch a rubber band (Stretch Me)
c. Group 3- Spark a lighter (Lead me to a fire)
d. Group 4- Make me a glass of milk (Lets drink to that)
 Each member will have 2 representatives to present the group output in front
of the class.

Day 5
 Let the pupils give one important concept or idea about the general properties
of matter they have learned yesterday.

The pupils will perform an experiment; this will be done by group.

Laboratory Activity No. 2

Activity Title: Properties of Matter

Learning Target: Identify the special properties of matter
References: New Science Links, p.16-26
Values: Responsible users and innovative individuals who respect God’s creation

Background: Matter is defined as anything that has mass and volume. It has properties
referred to as general and special properties. General properties are those
characteristics present in all kinds of matter. Special properties are those
characteristics found only in some materials.

Bottle of water paper cup spoon garter
Sponge candle matches used cloth or towel
Piece of chalk magnet nail electric wire

1. Drop a piece of chalk.
2. Get a paper cup and fill it with water. Dip the sponge into the water.
3. Stretch a garter.
4. Bend the rubber tubing.
5. Observe the electric wire. Describe it.
6. Carefully light a candle. Wrap the pointed (handle) end of the spoon using a piece of
cloth or towel. Carefully and quickly feel the oval end of the spoon.
7. Get a piece of nail and place it near a magnet.
NOTE: After performing each procedure, write your observations and results in the
table below.

Substances Observations Properties

1. Chalk
2. Sponge
3. Garter
4. Rubber tubing
5. Electric wire
6. Spoon
7. Nail and magnet

What are the special properties of materials in your activity?

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