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Training & Testing 209

Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships of the Bench

Pull vs. Bench Press Exercises

Authors L. Sánchez-Medina1, J. J. González-Badillo2, C. E. Pérez3, J. G. Pallarés4

Affiliations Studies, Research and Sports Medicine Centre, Instituto Navarro de Deporte y Juventud (INDJ), Pamplona, Spain
Faculty of Sport, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain
Sports Medicine Centre, University of Murcia, Spain

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Exercise Physiology Laboratory, University of Castilla La Mancha, Toledo, Spain

Key words Abstract obtained prediction equations. Important differ-

▶ resistance training
▼ ences in the load that maximizes power output

▶ muscle strength
This study compared the velocity- and power- (Pmax) and the power profiles of both exercises

▶ 1RM prediction
load relationships of the antagonistic upper-body were found according to the outcome variable

▶ exercise testing

▶ isoinertial assessment exercises of prone bench pull (PBP) and bench used: mean (MP), peak (PP) or mean propulsive

▶ maximal power output press (BP). 75 resistance-trained athletes per- power (MPP). When MP was considered, the Pmax
formed a progressive loading test in each exer- load was higher (56 % BP, 70 % PBP) than when
cise up to the one-repetition maximum (1RM) in PP (37 % BP, 41 % PBP) or MPP (37 % BP, 46 % PBP)
random order. Velocity and power output across were used. For each variable there was a broad
the 30–100 % 1RM were significantly higher for range of loads at which power output was not
PBP, whereas 1RM strength was greater for BP. significantly different. The differing velocity- and
A very close relationship was observed between power-load relationships between PBP and BP
relative load and mean propulsive velocity for seem attributable to the distinct muscle archi-
both BP (R2 = 0.97) and PBP (R2 = 0.94) which ena- tecture and moment arm levers involved in these
bles us to estimate %1RM from velocity using the exercises.

Introduction its predictive ability on sport-specific perform-

▼ ance [21, 22, 27, 29] or have examined the effect
The kinematics and kinetics associated with of alternating agonist (BP) and antagonist (PBP)
accepted after revision resistance training (RT) are believed to be critical exercises on strength and power development
June 21, 2013 stimuli for neuromuscular adaptations to occur during complex training [2, 30, 31], the velocity-
[4]. A detailed description of the load-velocity and power-load relationships of the opposing
and load-power relationships for the most upper-body actions of pushing and pulling have
widely used RT exercises will enable strength received only minor attention.
Published online: and conditioning coaches and sport scientists: To the best of our knowledge, there is only one
July 30, 2013 i) to individually prescribe the loads that opti- study [25] that has compared the kinematics and
Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: mize strength and power gains while improving kinetics of the BP and PBP. Pearson et al. [25]
209–216 © Georg Thieme training efficiency, and ii) to periodically assess described the load-velocity and power output
Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York the neuromuscular adaptations induced by profiles of these exercises in a sample of 12 elite-
ISSN 0172-4622
training or detraining against the relative loads level male sailors. However, at least with regard
(% 1RM) that are most related to sport-specific to the BP exercise, their results are somewhat
performance. conflicting with the findings of several studies
Dr. Luis Sánchez-Medina
Studies, Research and Sports Although less popular than the bench press (BP), conducted by our research group [14, 32] and
Medicine Centre the prone bench pull (PBP) is a multi-joint RT others [9, 19]. Of particular concern is the fact
Instituto Navarro de Deporte y exercise commonly used in sport disciplines that the mean concentric velocities reported by
Juventud (INDJ) which require upper-body pulling such as can- Pearson et al. [25] for each relative load ( %1RM)
C/Sangüesa 34 oeing [10–12], rowing [17, 18, 21, 22], sailing are ~45–50 % lower than those of the aforemen-
[26, 27], combat sports [7], cross country skiing tioned studies [9, 14, 19, 32]. These velocities are
[34] and swimming [29]. Even though some unexpectedly low, especially if one considers that
Tel.: + 34/948/292 623 studies have described the utilization of the PBP the sample was composed of very strong and
Fax: + 34/948/292 636 exercise as part of physical conditioning pro- experienced sailors [25]. Since mechanical power grams at the elite level [10–12, 17], have analyzed is the product of movement velocity and applied

Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
210 Training & Testing

force, large differences in velocity will influence the obtained informed of the purpose and experimental procedures, subjects
power output values, making it difficult to obtain a clear picture signed a written informed consent form prior to participation.
of the kinetics and kinematics of a given exercise. In particular,
this can affect the load that maximizes the mechanical power Testing procedures
output (Pmax load), which is a variable often taken as a reference For each subject, testing was conducted over 3 sessions sepa-
for prescribing resistance exercise or assessing neuromuscular rated by 48 h. The first session was used for body composition
performance [6, 38]. It was therefore deemed necessary to fur- assessment, personal data and health history questionnaire
ther explore the load-velocity and load-power relationships of administration, and familiarization with the BP and PBP testing
the PBP vs. the BP in a large sample of highly experienced ath- protocols. Subjects arrived at the laboratory in the morning, in a
letes from different sports. well-rested condition and fasted state. After being interviewed
Research attention [14, 32] has recently been placed on monitor- and having their body composition determined, they were
ing movement velocity during resistance exercise. A very close instructed on how to properly perform the lifts and carried out
relationship between relative load and mean velocity was some practice sets with light and medium loads.
described for the BP exercise, a novel finding which has impor- After a resting day, 2 testing sessions (one for each exercise)
tant practical applications for the prescription and monitoring were conducted in random order. In each session, the individual

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of training load in RT [13, 14, 32]. It seems appropriate to con- load-velocity and load-power output relationships as well as
firm whether this relationship between movement velocity and 1RM strength were determined by means of a progressive load-
load ( % 1RM) also exists in the PBP exercise as well as to exam- ing test as explained later. Both testing sessions were conducted
ine the possible differences with the BP. at the same time of day (17:00 h) to control for circadian rhythms
In other respects, the importance of considering the contribu- effects on neuromuscular performance [24]. Warm-up consisted
tion of the propulsive phase (i. e., that portion of the concentric of 5 min of stationary cycling at a self-selected easy pace, 5 min
phase during which the measured acceleration is greater than of static stretching and upper-body joint mobilization exercises,
acceleration due to gravity) when assessing strength and muscle followed by 2 sets of 5 repetitions for each exercise with fixed
power in isoinertial conditions has recently been highlighted loads of 20 and 40 kg.
[13, 33]. Referring the mean mechanical values only to the pro- A description of the BP testing protocol has recently been
pulsive phase when assessing the velocity and power with reported in detail elsewhere [33]; start and finish positions for
which a load is lifted in a concentric action prevents underesti- this exercise are shown in ● ▶ Fig. 1a, b. In the PBP, subjects were

mating an individual’s neuromuscular ability, especially when instructed to lie prone and place their chin on the padded edge
lifting light and medium loads. of a high bench. The pulling phase began with both elbows in full
Therefore the main purpose of the present study was to compare extension, while the barbell was grasped with hands shoulder-
the load-velocity and load-power relationships of these 2 antag- width apart or slightly wider (4–5 cm). The participants were
onistic upper-body exercises, BP and PBP. A secondary aim was instructed to pull with maximum effort until the barbell struck
to analyze the relationship between movement velocity and the underside of the bench, after which it was again lowered to
relative load ( % 1RM) in the PBP in order to assess the possibility the starting position (● ▶ Fig. 1c, d); they were not allowed to use

of using velocity data to estimate loading intensity. Finally, we their legs to hold onto the bench. There was a distance of 8 cm
aimed to study the relative contribution of the propulsive and between the underside of the bench and the subjects’ chest. Sub-
braking phases [33] across different percentages of the one-rep- jects were required to always perform the concentric action of
etition maximum (1RM) as well as to determine the Pmax load ( % both exercises in an explosive manner, at maximal voluntary
1RM) in both exercises using 3 different outcome measures: velocity. A momentary pause, which lasted approximately 1.5 s,
mean concentric power (MP), mean propulsive power (MPP) and was interposed between the eccentric and concentric phases of
peak power (PP). each exercise to minimize the contribution of the rebound effect
and allow for more reproducible, consistent measurements.
Only the concentric actions (pushing for BP and pulling for PBP)
Materials and Methods were analyzed in the present study. Both exercises were per-
▼ formed on the same Smith machine.
Subjects For both exercises, initial load was set at 20 kg for all subjects
75 men (age = 26.7 ± 5.4 years, body mass = 76.0 ± 8.8 kg, height = and was progressively increased in increments of 10 kg until
176.9 ± 6.8 cm, body fat = 12.3 ± 3.7 %) volunteered to take part in the attained mean propulsive velocity (MPV) was lower than
this study. Their 1RM strength for the BP and PBP were 0.5 m · s − 1 and 0.7 m · s − 1 for BP and PBP respectively. Thereafter,
90.3 ± 16.3 kg and 80.2 ± 11.8 kg (i. e., 1.19 ± 0.21 and 1.06 ± 0.15 load was individually adjusted using smaller increments (5
normalized per kg of body mass), respectively. Participants were down to 2.5 kg). The heaviest load that each subject could prop-
junior and senior national-level athletes in their respective sport erly lift while completing full range of motion and without any
(wrestling, canoeing, rowing or judo) with a strength-training external help was considered to be his 1RM. In the PBP, the bar-
background ranging from 4 to beyond 8 years. In the 12 months bell was required to touch the underside of the bench at the end
preceding this study, subjects had been performing 2–3 strength of the concentric pulling phase. Trained spotters were present
training sessions per week and were capable of performing both when high loads were lifted to ensure safety. 3 attempts were
exercises with excellent technique. None of the subjects was executed for light ( < 50 % RM), 2 for medium (50–80 % RM) and
taking drugs, medications or dietary supplements known to only 1 for the heaviest ( > 80 % RM) loads. Inter-set rest intervals
influence physical performance. The study met the ethical were 3 min for the light and medium loads and 5 min for the
standards of this journal [15] and was approved by the Research heaviest loads. Only the best repetition at each load, according to
Ethics Committee of Pablo de Olavide University. After being the criteria of fastest MPV [33], was considered for subsequent
analysis. In a previous pilot study performed with part of these

Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
Training & Testing 211

Fig. 1 Start and finish positions of the concentric

phase for the Bench Press a, b and Prone Bench
Pull c, d resistance training exercises performed in
a Smith machine.

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subjects (n = 12), the intra-subject mean coefficients of variation A dynamic measurement system (T-Force System, Ergotech,
(CV) for the whole load-velocity relationships were 2.4 % and Murcia, Spain) automatically calculated the relevant kinematic
3.0 % for BP and PBP, respectively. parameters of every repetition, provided auditory velocity
feedback and stored data on disk for analysis. This system con-
Measurement equipment and data acquisition sists of a linear velocity transducer interfaced to a personal
Height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm during a maximal computer by means of a 14-bit resolution analog-to-digital
inhalation using a wall-mounted stadiometer (Seca 202, Seca data acquisition board and custom software. Instantaneous
Ltd., Hamburg, Germany). Body weight was determined and fat velocity was sampled at a frequency of 1 000 Hz and subse-
percentage estimated using an 8-contact electrode segmental quently smoothed with a 4th order low-pass Butterworth filter
body composition analyzer (Tanita BC-418, Tanita Corp., Tokyo, with a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz. A digital filter with no phase
Japan) with the subjects in a morning fasting state and only shift was then applied to the data. Reliability (ICC = 1.00,
wearing underclothes. CV = 0.57 %) of this system has been recently reported else-
A Smith machine (Multipower Fitness Line, Peroga, Murcia, where [32]. Mean propulsive velocity (MPV) and power (MPP)
Spain) was used for all testing sessions (● ▶ Fig. 1). This machine were calculated as the average velocity and power output val-
allows only vertical displacement of the barbell along a fixed ues, respectively, measured only through the propulsive phase,
pathway, and its guide rods and bearings are specially designed defined as that portion of the concentric action during which
to ensure a smooth operation, with very low friction force the measured acceleration (a) is greater than acceleration due
between the barbell and the support rails. The Smith machine to gravity (g), i. e., a ≥ − 9.81 m · s − 2. The final braking phase, on
did not have any kind of counterweight mechanism, acting iden- the other hand, corresponds to the remaining part of the con-
tical to free-weights (i. e., isoinertial loading). The weight of the centric action, during which a < g [33]. Peak power (PP) was the
barbell, including the guidance system, totalled 20.0 kg. Extra highest instantaneous power output value registered at a par-
load was added by sliding equal weight discs onto both ends of ticular instant (1 ms) during the concentric phase. Since the
the barbell. effect of friction force was negligible in pilot testing, it was not

Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
212 Training & Testing

taken into account in the calculations. The constant downward

PBP-BP (m · s − 1)
MPV Difference
force exerted by the cable (~5 N) was not taken into considera-
tion since it was minimal compared to the weights being lifted.

Statistical analyses

Standard statistical methods were used for the calculation of
means, standard deviations (SD), standard error of the estimate

Braking Phase ( %)
(SEE), confidence intervals (CI) and Pearson product-moment
correlation coefficients (r). Relationships between load ( % 1RM)
and velocity and power output were studied by fitting second-

Table 1 Mean propulsive velocity attained with each % 1RM, and relative contribution of the propulsive and braking phases to the total concentric duration in the BP and PBP exercises (n = 75).
order polynomials to data. A 2-way (exercise × load) ANOVA was

used to detect differences between exercises as well as differ-
ences between power output at different loads. Scheffé post-hoc

Propulsive Phase ( %)
test was used to identify the source of any significant differ-
ences. Significance was accepted at the p ≤ 0.05 level. Analyses

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Prone Bench Pull (PBP)
were performed using SPSS software version 19.0 (SPSS, Chi-
cago, IL).


95 % CI (m · s − 1)
1RM strength

1RM strength was significantly different (p < 0.001) between
exercises: 90.3 ± 16.3 kg for BP and 80.2 ± 11.8 kg for PBP. The
maximum strength ratio between BP and PBP was 1.12 ± 0.11.
Mean concentric displacement was significantly different
(p < 0.001) for BP (51.3 ± 5.6 cm) and PBP (48.1 ± 3.6 cm).
MPV (m · s − 1)
1.50 ± 0.11*
1.42 ± 0.11*
1.35 ± 0.10*
1.28 ± 0.10*
1.20 ± 0.10*
1.13 ± 0.10*
1.06 ± 0.09*
0.99 ± 0.09*
0.92 ± 0.09*
0.85 ± 0.08*
0.79 ± 0.08*
0.72 ± 0.07*
0.65 ± 0.07*
0.59 ± 0.06*
0.52 ± 0.06*
Relationship between relative load and velocity
After plotting mean propulsive velocity (MPV) against % 1RM
and fitting a second-order polynomial to all data points, a very
close relationship between these 2 variables was found for the
Braking Phase ( %)

BP (R2 = 0.97) and PBP (R2 = 0.94) exercises (● ▶ Fig. 2). Individual

curve fits for each test gave an R2 of 0.995 ± 0.004 (range: 0.978–
0.999; CV = 0.43 %) for BP and R2 of 0.994 ± 0.005 (range: 0.973–

MPV = Mean Propulsive Velocity; CI = Confidence Interval; * Significantly different to the BP exercise (p < 0.001)
0.999; CV = 0.47 %) for PBP. The mean MPV attained with each
percentage of 1RM was obtained from these polynomial fits,
from 30 % 1RM onwards, in 5 % increments (● ▶ Table 1). MPV
Propulsive Phase ( %)

attained with each %1RM was significantly higher (p < 0.001) for
PBP than BP. The actual mean velocity attained with the 1RM
Bench Press (BP)

y= 3.106.10–5 x2 – 0.01824 x + 2.043
Mean Propulsive Velocity (m.s–1)


R = 0.94, SEE= 0.089, N=532
95 % CI (m · s − 1)


y = 3.849.10–5 x2 – 0.0209 x + 1.886
R2 = 0.97, SEE= 0.076, N= 626
MPV (m · s − 1)

1.29 ± 0.08
1.20 ± 0.08
1.11 ± 0.07
1.02 ± 0.07
0.94 ± 0.07
0.85 ± 0.07
0.77 ± 0.07
0.69 ± 0.06
0.61 ± 0.06
0.53 ± 0.06
0.46 ± 0.05
0.38 ± 0.05
0.31 ± 0.05
0.24 ± 0.04
0.17 ± 0.04

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Load (%1RM)
Load ( %1RM)

Fig. 2 Relationship between relative load ( % 1RM) and mean propulsive

velocity for the BP and PBP exercises directly obtained from raw data pairs
derived from the 75 progressive isoinertial loading tests performed in

each exercise.

Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
Training & Testing 213

100% RM a 30 % RM
0.75 Propulsive Braking
1500 85 % 15 %
0.60 Vpeak 0.51 m.s–1 1000

Power Output (W)

0.72 m.s–1 25%
Velocity (m.s–1)

0.45 0
–500 20 40 60 80 100
MVPBP =0.47 m.s–1
0.30 –1000
0.15 –2000
BP: MP= 373 W; MPP= 590 W
MVBP =0.20 m.s–1 –2500
PBP: MP= 464 W; MPP= 849 W
0.00 –3000
0 20 40 60 80 100 b 60 % RM
Concentric Phase Duration (%) Propulsive Braking

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PBP BP 1500 90 % 10 %
Fig. 3 Example of the actual velocity-time curves for the concentric 500

Power Output (W)

phase of each exercise when lifting a maximal 1RM load for a representa- 88% 12%
tive subject. Vpeak = Peak velocity; MV = Mean velocity; BP = Bench Press; 20 40 60 80 100
PBP = Prone Bench Pull. –500
load (V1RM) was very different between exercises (0.16 ± 0.04 for –2000
BP: MP= 441 W; MPP= 507 W
BP and 0.52 ± 0.05 for PBP; p < 0.001). An example of the actual –2500
PBP: MP= 599 W; MPP= 754 W
velocity-time curves for a representative subject when lifting his –3000
1RM is provided in ●▶ Fig. 3. c 90 % RM
Propulsive Braking
1500 95 %
Predicting load ( % 1RM) from velocity data 5%
A prediction equation to estimate relative load (Load, % 1RM)
500 100 % 0%
from mean propulsive velocity data (MPV, in m · s-1) could be
Power Output (W)

obtained for both exercises: 0

20 40 60 80 100
BP Load = 11.2988 MPV2–78.05 MPV + 113.04 –500
(R2 = 0.972; SEE = 4.39 % 1RM) –1000
PBP Load = 13.2596 MPV2–93.867 MPV + 144.38 –1500
(R2 = 0.945; SEE = 5.90 % 1RM) –2000
In the case that mean concentric velocity (MV) is used, the BP: MP= MPP= 364 W
resulting equations were: PBP: MP= 556 W; MPP= 594 W
BP Load = 11.4196 MV2–81.904 MV + 114.03
Concentric Phase Duration (%)
(R2 = 0.969; SEE = 4.59 % 1RM)
PBP Load = 18.5797 MV2–104.182 MV + 147.94
(R2 = 0.955; SEE = 5.31 % 1RM)
Fig. 4 Comparison of power output-time curves for each exercise when
lifting a: a light load (30 % 1RM); b medium load (60 % 1RM); and c high
Contribution of the propulsive and braking phases to load (90 % 1RM) for a representative subject. The percent contribution of
different loading conditions the propulsive and braking phases to the whole concentric duration of the

▶ Table 1 shows the contribution of the propulsive and brak- lift is shown. MP = Mean Power; MPP = Mean Propulsive Power; BP = Bench
ing phases [33] to the total concentric time from 30 to 100 % Press; PBP = Prone Bench Pull.
1RM, according to calculations made using the high correla-
tion that exists between load ( % 1RM) and relative contribu-
tion of the propulsive phase to the total concentric duration The load that maximizes the mechanical power output
of the lift in both exercises (BP: r = 0.90, p < 0.001; PBP r = 0.84, (Pmax load)
p < 0.001) from individual data obtained in the 75 BP and PBP The load that maximized the mechanical power output was
tests. An example of the power-time curves detailing the con- found to be dependent on the outcome variable used (MP, MPP or
tribution of the propulsive and braking phases to the total PP) and was statistically different between exercises (●▶ Fig. 5). In

concentric duration when light (30 % 1RM), medium (60 % order to calculate the Pmax load, a second-order polynomial was
1RM) and high (90 % 1RM) loads are lifted is shown for a rep- fitted to individual load-power data points. When using MP
resentative subject in ● ▶ Fig. 4. The diff erent diminishing con- (●▶ Fig. 5a), power output was maximized at a load of 56 ± 2 %

tribution of the braking phase and the resulting power output 1RM for BP and 70 ± 4 % 1RM for PBP, although no statistically
(MP and MPP) values as load increases can be compared significant differences in power output were found for loads
between exercises. between 40 % and 70 % 1RM for BP and for loads between 50 %
and 90 % for PBP. When using MPP (● ▶ Fig. 5b), power output was

maximized at 37 ± 8 % 1RM for BP and 46 ± 10 % 1RM for PBP,

Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
214 Training & Testing

BP and PBP (p < 0.001). The absolute Pmax values directly obtained
a Mean Power
for each variable (i. e., MP, MPP and PP) for the BP (400 ± 80 W for
700 Pmax 70% 1RM
† MP, 494 ± 109 W for MPP and 808 ± 182 W for PP) and the PBP
600 (495 ± 81 W for MP, 630 ± 119 W for MPP and 917 ± 175 W for PP)
tests were all significantly different from one another (p < 0.001).
Power Output (W)

* Discussion

200 † The main finding of the present study was that the load-velocity
Pmax 56 % 1RM and load-power relationships were significantly different
between the BP and PBP exercises. Velocity and power output
0 values for any load (30–100 % 1RM) were always higher for the
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 PBP compared to the BP. The close relationships observed
b Mean Propulsive Power between load ( % 1RM) and mean velocity in both exercises ena-

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† ble us to estimate the magnitude of the loads being lifted from
velocity measurements. In addition, the obtained results for the
Pmax 46 % 1RM
700 PBP exercise confirm previous published research [33] regarding
the importance of considering the contribution of the propulsive
Power Output (W)

and braking phases when assessing muscle strength and power

in isoinertial conditions. Finally, the differences observed when
400 determining the Pmax load according to the chosen outcome vari-
able (MP, MPP or PP) together with the broad range of relative
† loads at which mechanical power is not statistically significantly
Pmax 37% 1RM different seem to minimize the importance of identifying a single
100 load for maximizing power output during resistance training.
The load-velocity relationship has been described for isoinertial
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 resistance exercise performed with maximal voluntary effort
[5, 19]. However, the role played by movement velocity has often
c Peak Power
† been overlooked in the everyday practice of strength training
[28]. Current results, together with previous data for the BP and
Pmax 41 % 1RM squat exercises [14, 32] emphasize the practical importance of
900 considering movement velocity for monitoring training load in
Power Output (W)

800 resistance exercise. The extremely close relationship observed

700 between relative load and MPV for BP (R2 = 0.97) and PBP
600 (R2 = 0.94) in the present study (● ▶ Fig. 2) makes it possible to
500 determine with great precision which % 1RM is being used pro-
400 †
Pmax 37 % 1RM
vided that the first repetition of a set is performed with maximal
voluntary velocity. It also allows us to determine the real inten-
100 sity of effort being applied by an athlete when using any load
0 from 30 % to 95 % of 1RM. Furthermore, if repetition velocity is
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 habitually monitored it is possible to determine whether the
Load (%1RM) proposed load (kg) for a given training session truly represents
PBP BP the real effort ( % 1RM) that was intended. Movement velocity is
important because both the neuromuscular demands and the
Fig. 5 Load-power relationships for the BP and PBP exercises according
training effect itself largely depend on the velocity at which
to 3 different outcome measures of power output: a Mean Power; b Mean
loads are lifted.
Propulsive Power; and c Peak Power. Statistically significant differences in
power output between exercises: * p < 0.01; all other cases p < 0.001. The
As shown in ● ▶ Table 1, the MPV attained across the entire load-

† symbol denotes the range of loads at which the obtained power output ing range is significantly higher for PBP than BP, with differences
is not significantly different than Pmax = load at which power output is between exercises for a given % 1RM becoming larger as the load
maximized; BP = Bench Press; PBP = Prone Bench Pull. approaches the 1RM. Of particular interest is the very different
V1RM (0.17 m · s − 1 for BP vs. 0.52 m · s − 1 for PBP). Both the magni-
tude of the velocity values and the shape of the curves are
although no statistically significant differences in power output remarkably different between exercises, as can be appreciated in
were found for loads between 20 % and 60 % 1RM for BP and the respective velocity-time curves for a representative subject
between 20 % and 70 % for PBP. Finally, when using PP (●
▶ Fig. 5c), in ●▶ Fig. 3. This fact can further be used to establish a practical

power was maximized at 37 ± 10 % 1RM for BP and 41 ± 14 % 1RM and objective criteria in terms of mean velocity for a repetition
for PBP, although no statistically significant differences were to be considered a true 1RM in each training exercise.
found for loads between 20 % and 65 % 1RM for BP and between The greater velocities and power output values observed in the
20 % and 75 % for PBP. PBP compared to the BP may be attributed to: i) the differing
Pmax ( % 1RM) calculated attending to MPP or PP outcome varia- skeletal muscle architecture; and ii) the distinct mechanical
bles was significantly lower to that obtained using MP for both levers involved in the opposing actions of pushing and pulling. It

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is well known that a muscle’s architecture determines its func- to be lifted. The lighter the load, and higher the movement
tion [23]. The primary movers in the PBP (i. e., latissimus dorsi, velocity, the greater the duration of this braking phase. It is
biceps brachii, brachialis) have greater fiber lengths and a longi- worth noting that in the BP when the load is sufficiently high
tudinal fiber arrangement, making them more suited to develop ( > 80 % 1RM), the braking phase disappears. By contrast, in the
faster shortening velocities, whereas the musculature involved PBP the braking phase does not completely disappear even at
in the BP (i. e., pectoralis major, triceps brachii, anterior deltoid) 100 % 1RM, where it remains a minimal ~2 % of the total concen-
is characterized by shorter fiber lengths, greater pennation tric duration. In fact, this final braking phase in the PBP, with
angles and therefore greater force generation capability decelerations that can be as large as − 100 m · s − 2 when lifting
[20, 23, 25]. The muscle moment arms, as a result of mechanical very light loads (15–20 % 1RM), is due to the sudden stop the
advantages or disadvantages at the specific joint angles, also barbell experiences when it hits the underside of the bench
seem to differ considerably between the PBP and BP exercises. (●▶ Fig. 1). These differences between the BP and PBP in the con-

For instance, when performing the BP exercise against maximal tribution of the propulsive and braking phases to the total con-
and near-maximal loads a sticking region occurs during the con- centric duration may be attributable to the aforementioned
centric phase of the movement, a phenomenon which has been distinct muscle architecture and moment arm levers involved in
extensively studied [8, 35, 36]. This sticking region is thought to the upper-body pulling and pushing muscle actions. All of these

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coincide with a poor mechanical force position where the findings indicate that subjects with a higher 1RM will lift the
lengths and moment arms of the muscles involved are such that same absolute loads at faster velocities and will thus experience
their capacity to exert force is reduced [8, 36]. The sticking a longer braking phase that negatively influences the computa-
region can be observed in the velocity-time curve for the BP in tion of the mean concentric value since force, and hence power
the example of ● ▶ Fig. 3 as a region of very low velocity (approx- output, is negative during the braking phase [33].
imately from 40 to 60 % of concentric duration). However, such a Unlike movement velocity, which has just been demonstrated to
critical region does not seem to exist in the PBP and, interest- show a direct and very close relationship to relative loading
ingly, the velocity profiles of both exercises (● ▶ Fig. 3) are just the intensity ( %1RM), mechanical power output is a compound vari-
opposite at this particular position (~50 % of the concentric able that can be the result of many combinations of force and
duration), where the BP attains a minimal instantaneous veloc- velocity. In terms of power output, it seems evident that the
ity (0.11 m · s − 1), the PBP reaches its peak velocity (0.72 m · s − 1). greater velocity-generating capability of the musculature used in
The mean velocities observed in the present study for the BP the PBP compensates the ~11 % lower 1RM strength values meas-
▶ Table 1) are in agreement with previous published research ured in this exercise (80.2 kg) compared to the BP (90.3 kg), espe-
[9, 14, 19, 32], but differ from the surprisingly low velocities cially as relative load increases [25].
reported by Pearson et al. [25]. In the current study much higher Even though the results of this study strongly support previous
mean velocity values for the whole load-velocity curve were research showing that intermediate loads maximize the mean
observed compared to the study conducted by Pearson et al. mechanical power output in the main RT exercises [1, 5, 6, 16, 33],
[25], with differences ranging between 42.9 % and 51.6 % for BP it also becomes apparent that the different outcome measures
and between 9.6 % and 29.3 % higher mean velocity for PBP for a that can be chosen to analyze power output greatly influence the
given loading intensity ( % 1RM). In addition to a larger sample determination of the Pmax load ( % 1RM). In the present study, we
size (n = 75 vs. n = 12) and greater variety of sport athletes (i. e., compared the effect of selecting mean concentric (MP), mean
wrestlers, judoists, flat-water kayakers, oarsmen) analyzed in propulsive (MPP) or peak power (PP) variables on Pmax determi-
the present study, we believe that there are 2 main methodo- nation. When considering MPP or PP values (● ▶ Fig. 5b, c), the

logical differences that could explain the noticeable differences Pmax load was found at significantly lower loads (p < 0.001) than
in velocity between studies. First, the concentric BP in the study when MP was used (● ▶ Fig. 5a) in both exercises. Interestingly,

of Pearson et al. [25] was initiated from mechanical stops posi- the Pmax load, although different between BP and PBP, was
tioned ~3 cm off the subjects’ chest, whereas in the present almost identical attending to the MPP and PP variables for a
study the barbell directly rested on each athlete’s chest and was given exercise (~37 % 1RM in the BP for both MPP and PP; 46 % for
pushed from that starting position, thus allowing a more com- MPP and 41 % for PP in the PBP), with the load-power curves
plete range of motion and greater initial inertia to overcome the showing a very similar shape (● ▶ Fig. 5b, c). Furthermore, the

poor mechanical force position typical of this exercise [8, 36]. range of loads that maximized power output attending to the
Secondly, and most importantly, is the type of Smith machine MPP and PP variables was even wider than that found for MP
used in the study of Pearson et al. [25], which incorporated a (i. e., no statistically significant differences were found for loads
counter-balance weight mechanism. It has recently been shown between 20 % and ~65 % 1RM for either the BP or PBP exercises)
that the use of a counter-balance mechanism results in signifi- (●▶ Fig. 5). When MP was taken into consideration, the P
max load
cantly lower concentric velocities and accelerations and thus an was higher (56 % for BP and 70 % for PBP) and there also existed a
underestimation of performance capability [3, 37]. Such a sys- large range of loads at which power output was not statistically
tem favors slow movements and hinders performance of explo- significantly different. The fact that there exists such a broad
sive movements [3, 37]. This seems to be the reason why our range of relative loads yielding very similar power output values
observed velocities (● ▶ Table 1) differ to a greater extent for light makes us wonder whether the issue of identifying an ‘optimal’,
loads than for high loads from those reported by Pearson et al. [25]. single, Pmax load may have perhaps been overemphasized in pre-
Referring mean mechanical values to the propulsive phase vious research.
rather than to the entire concentric action, when assessing mus- Since it is recognized that mechanical stimuli play a key role in
cle strength and power in isoinertial conditions prevents under- mediating the adaptations to strength training [4], improving
estimating an individual’s true neuromuscular ability, especially our understanding of the kinematics and kinetics of the most
when lifting light and medium loads [33]. As shown in ● ▶ Fig. 4, widely used RT exercises may contribute to optimizing isoiner-
the magnitude of the braking phase depends on the relative load tial testing and training methods. The present study has shown

Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
216 Training & Testing

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Sánchez-Medina L et al. Velocity- and Power-Load Relationships … Int J Sports Med 2014; 35: 209–216
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