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18, 2019





Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes,

and Mitotropes
JACC Review Topic of the Week

Mitchell A. Psotka, MD, PHD,a Stephen S. Gottlieb, MD,b Gary S. Francis, MD,c Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS,d
John R. Teerlink, MD,e Kirkwood F. Adams, JR, MD,f Giuseppe M.C. Rosano, MD, PHD,g Patrizio Lancellotti, MD, PHDh


The term “inotrope” is familiar and intimately connected with pharmaceuticals clinically used for treatment of low cardiac
output with cardiogenic shock. Traditional inotropic agents exert their effect by modulating calcium signaling in the
myocardium. Their use is associated with poor long-term outcomes. Newer molecules in development intend to break
from calcium mediation and the associated detrimental long-term effects by targeting distinct mechanisms of action to
improve cardiac performance. Thus, “inotropy” does not sufficiently describe the range of potential novel pharmaceutical
products. To enhance communication around and evaluation of current, emerging, and potential therapies, this review
proposes a novel nuanced and holistic framework to categorize pharmacological agents that improve myocardial
performance based on 3 myocardial mechanisms: calcitropes, which alter intracellular calcium concentrations;
myotropes, which affect the molecular motor and scaffolding; and mitotropes, which influence energetics. Novel
chemical entities can easily be incorporated into this structure, distinguishing themselves based on their mechanisms
and clinical outcomes. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:2345–53) © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf
of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

I notrope derives from Greek, meaning “sinew”

and “tropic” meaning changing or affecting.
The term inotropy has been broadly used for
many years to describe treatments that directly
improve the contractile function of the heart (1,2).
The concept is familiar and broadly used by both spe-
cialists and general medical practitioners because of
the worldwide substantial disabling and mortality

From the aInova Heart and Vascular Institute, Falls Church, Virginia; bDepartment of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular
Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; cCardiovascular Division, University of Minnesota
Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota; dDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado School of
Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; eSchool of Medicine, University of California San Francisco and Section of Cardiology, San Francisco
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, California; fUniversity of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina; gCardiovascular Clinical Academic Group, St. George’s Hospitals NHS Trust University of London, London, United
Kingdom; and hGIGA Cardiovascular Sciences, University Hospital Sart Tilman, and Departments of Cardiology, Heart Valve Clinic,
University of Liege Hospital, Liege, Belgium. Dr. Psotka has received consulting fees from Amgen, Cytokinetics, and Roivant.
Dr. Gottlieb has received consulting fees from BMS; and has received research funding from Amgen, Novartis, Pfizer, and BMS.
Dr. Francis has received consulting fees from Amgen, Cytokinetics, and Capricor Therapeutics; has served on the Data and Safety
Listen to this manuscript’s Monitoring Board for Merck and Novartis; and has been a member of the Advisory Board for Cytokinetics, Amgen, and Bayer.
audio summary by Dr. Allen has received consulting fees from ACI, Boston Scientific, Cytokinetics, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Janssen, and
Editor-in-Chief Novartis; and has received research funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Dr. Valentin Fuster on and American Heart Association. Dr. Teerlink has research contracts with Abbott, Amgen, Bayer, Boerhinger Ingelheim, Bristol- Myers Squibb, Cytokinetics, Medtronic, Stealth Health, and Novartis; and has received funding from Abbott, Amgen, Bayer,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Novartis, and scPharma. Dr. Adams has received consulting fees from Amgen, Cytokinetics, Merck,
Novartis, Relypsa, and Roche; and has received research funding from Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Duke Clinical Research
Institute, Merck, Novartis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche Diagnostics, and Otsuka. Dr. Rosano has received consulting fees from
Amgen. Dr. Lancelotti has reported that he has no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.

Manuscript received January 21, 2019; accepted February 12, 2019.

ISSN 0735-1097

2346 Psotka et al. JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019

Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes MAY 14, 2019:2345–53

ABBREVIATIONS burden from heart failure with reduced ejec-

tion fraction (HFrEF) (3). Because of this
vernacular, inotrope has become inter-  Traditional inotropic agents modulate
ADP = adenosine diphosphate
changeable with available pharmacological calcium signaling in the myocardium but
ATP = adenosine triphosphate
agents that alter cardiac performance by are associated with poor long-term
Ca2þ = calcium ion
changing cardiac myocyte calcium ion (Ca 2þ) outcomes.
cAMP = cyclic adenosine balance and flux (4). The improvement in
monophosphate  Mechanistic nomenclature could improve
contractility from these agents can be mani-
HFrEF = heart failure with communication and recognize therapeu-
fested by increased left ventricular systolic
reduced ejection fraction
tic advances in myocardial functional
pressure generation per unit time (dP/dt)
LVEF = left ventricular ejection enhancement.
fraction and augmented hemodynamic performance,
SR = sarcoplasmic reticulum
including cardiac output and stroke volume.  Calcium-independent pharmaceuticals
This improvement can be visualized on imag- may demonstrate better efficacy and
ing by an elevated left ventricular ejection fraction safety than available agents and should
(LVEF) or, in some cases, by subsequent reduction continue to be developed.
of cardiac biomarkers, including natriuretic peptides.
Some of these agents may have additional secondary
scientific communication, augment pharmaceutical
effects, such as changes to vascular tone that may
development, and hopefully enhance clinical care.
contribute to their cardiac activities, although the
The suggested schema categorizes these entities in a
focus here is the load-independent effects of these
manner that incorporates future therapeutic agents
drugs. Unfortunately, the detrimental long-term ef-
with distinct mechanisms of action, hemodynamic
fects of these agents on clinical outcomes for patients
consequences, and potential clinical benefits. The
with HFrEF are a direct consequence of their mecha-
3 broad conceptualized areas (Table 1) that can
nisms of action and have sullied the term inotrope
mechanistically be targeted are intracellular Ca 2þ, the
as a potential long-term therapeutic option.
physical sarcomere, and myocardial energetics.
With continued use, conventional inotropic agents—
We propose cardiac calcitropes, myotropes, and
including catecholamines, phosphodiesterase-3 in-
mitotropes to describe these categories, respectively.
hibitors, sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase
(ATPase) inhibitors, and mixed-mechanism calcium INOTROPY, CONTRACTILITY,
sensitizers and phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors— AND CONTRACTION
detrimentally alter myocardial energetics, decrease
the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)/adenosine diphos- Typical definitions of inotropy refer to the function of
phate (ADP) ratio, and have been associated with the myocardial contractile apparatus that is load-
clinical outcomes that are at best neutral and at worst independent. Two attributes can increase the phys-
deadly, including malignant arrhythmias (4). The ical impulse produced, the forcetime product:
underlying Ca 2þ-centric mechanism of these agents increased force or longer contraction time.
may be the dual-edged sword that causes both
 Cardiac contractility is conventionally manifested
their inotropic and detrimental effects. In contrast,
by accelerated myocardial fiber shortening that
well-established HFrEF medical therapies improve
increases the rise in ventricular dP/dt and leads to
myocardial contractility and mortality over time
an elevated peak tension. Contractility is load-
without increasing cardiomyocyte Ca2þ fluxes (5).
independent and defined as the ability of the
New pharmacological agents that alter myocardial
myocardium to generate force per unit time.
performance and contraction by novel means may be
 In contrast, contraction is the measure of short-
able to further improve myocardial energetics and
ening of the underlying myocardial structure, the
clinical outcomes for patients with HFrEF. Direct
sarcomere. Although increased contraction can
contractionpromoting agents may avoid adverse
occur because of augmented contractility,
clinical effects by targeting new mechanisms of action

contraction can also increase independently of
separate from conventional Ca -acting medications.
load or dP/dt by mechanisms that prolong the
Inotropy as currently used is an overly broad and
duration of contraction.
ill-defined concept to describe therapies that improve
the pumping function of the heart. We therefore Loading changes can also affect cardiac function;
propose a novel, more nuanced and holistic frame- for instance, vasodilation and decreased afterload can
work for drugs that directly improve myocardial increase contraction speed with stable contractility.
performance to facilitate improved clinical and Many typical measurements of ventricular function,
JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019 Psotka et al. 2347
MAY 14, 2019:2345–53 Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes

T A B L E 1 Currently Available and Developmental Direct Inotropic Agents

Pharmacological Agent Mechanism dP/dt Hemodynamic Effects Patient Outcomes

Cardiac calcitropes
Dobutamine Catecholamine: b-adrenergic receptor/ cAMP / [ Ca2þ [ [ Cardiac output [ Mortality
Dopamine Catecholamine: b-adrenergic receptor/ cAMP / [ Ca2þ [ [ Cardiac output [ Mortality
Epinephrine Catecholamine: b-adrenergic receptor/ cAMP / [ Ca2þ [ [ Cardiac output [ Mortality
Milrinone Phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor: cAMP/ [ Ca2þ [ [ Cardiac output [ Mortality
Levosimendan Phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor (and calcium sensitizer): [ [ Cardiac output ?[ Mortality
Y Troponin and tropomyosin inhibition; cAMP / [ Ca2þ
Cardiac glycosides Naþ-Kþ ATPase inhibitor: YNCX Ca2þ extrusion / [ Ca2þ [ 4 Cardiac output ? 4Mortality
Y Hospitalizations
Istaroxime Naþ-Kþ ATPase Inhibitor & SERCA2a Activator: [ [ Cardiac output ?
YCa2þ extrusion / [ Ca2þ, [ SERCA2a / [ Ca2þ in SR
Cardiac myotropes
Omecamtiv mecarbil Direct myosin activator 4 [ Cardiac output ?
[ Myosin participation in systole
Cardiac mitotropes
Perhexiline Carnitine palmitoyl transferase inhibitor: 4 [ Cardiac output ?
Y Mitochondrial fatty acids / [ Glucose metabolism
Trimetazidine Thiolase I inhibitor: Y Fatty acid oxidation / [ Glucose metabolism [ [ Cardiac Output ?
Elamipretide Cardiolipin stabilizer ? ? ?
[ Adenosine triphosphate synthesis

[ ¼ increase; Y ¼ decrease; 4 ¼ no change; ? ¼ unknown or possible; ATPase ¼ adenosine triphosphatase; Ca2þ ¼ calcium ion; cAMP ¼ cyclic adenosine monophosphate;
K ¼ potassium; Na ¼ sodium; NCX ¼ sodium ion/calcium ion exchanger; SERCA2a ¼ sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase; SR ¼ sarcoplasmic reticulum.

such as measurement of LVEF by imaging or hemo- contraction (6,7). Actin-associated troponin and
dynamically measured cardiac output, are load- tropomyosin enable the intracellular Ca2þ status
dependent. Although these can be useful clinical and other factors to regulate the myosinactin
metrics, they are often conflated with contractility in interaction. At basal intracellular Ca2þ levels before
clinical settings, and they fail to assess the isolated contraction, tropomyosin complexed with troponins
contractile status of the myocardium. Thus, although blocks actinmyosin crossbridge formation. When
pure vasodilators may improve LVEF or stroke vol- stimulatory electrical action potentials activate car-
ume, they cannot be considered inotropes. diac myocytes, Ca 2þ enters the cell by sarcolemmal
L-type Ca 2þ channels and triggers secondary larger
MYOCARDIAL CONTRACTILE APPARATUS Ca 2þ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
AND ENERGETICS through ryanodine receptors (8). The elevated Ca2þ
binds to troponin C and induces a positional change
Available inotropic agents and those currently in in tropomyosin that disinhibits actinmyosin cross
development alter ventricular systolic performance bridging.
by affecting the myocardial machinery. The 3 broad Once actin is available for binding in response to
components of this machinery are: 1) the contractile increased cytosolic Ca2þ and troponin and/or tropo-
elements that consist of the myosin motor, actin myosin movement, the myosin mechanochemical
filaments, and the regulatory proteins, including the cycle can proceed (7). Myosin in the primed state,
troponintropomyosin complex that impede actin which is associated with a lone phosphate moiety
and myosin interactions; 2) the Ca 2þ cycling elements following hydrolysis of ATP to ADP, weakly interacts
responsible for the storage and flux of myocardial with the actin filaments. Myosin only enters the
Ca2þ; and 3) the energetic elements that include ATP contractile cycle from this primed state, because
produced by the mitochondria required for myosin release of the phosphate transitions the myosin to a
activity (Central Illustration). strong interaction with actin. The power stroke that
Myosin is the critical molecular motor that con- occurs, the mechanical transduction of the myosin
verts energy stored as ATP into contractile force. It is lever arm, generates force and moves the actin
the active enzyme of the myocardial forceproducing myofilament approximately 10 nm (9). Following
structure, the sarcomere. Sarcomeric myosin exists as the power stroke, ATP rapidly binds to myosin and
thick filaments interdigitated between the thin fila- dissociates it from the actin myofilament to reset
ments of actin on which it pulls to mediate the lever arm for another power stroke.
2348 Psotka et al. JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019

Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes MAY 14, 2019:2345–53

C E NT R AL IL L U STR AT IO N The Myocardial Contractile Apparatus and Classes of Therapeutic Agents

Psotka, M.A. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;73(18):2345–53.

The 3 broad components of the myocardial machinery are the contractile elements and regulatory proteins in the sarcomere, the calcium ion (Ca2þ) cycling elements in
the cell and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes, and the energetic elements, including adenosine triphosphate (ATP) produced by the mitochondria. Pharmacological
agents that improve myocardial performance can be described by this framework: calcitropes alter intracellular calcium concentrations; myotropes affect the molecular
motor and scaffolding; and mitotropes influence energetics. ADP ¼ adenosine diphosphate; cAMP ¼ cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CoA ¼ coenzyme A;
K ¼ potassium; Na ¼ sodium; Pi ¼ inorganic phosphate; SERCA ¼ sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase; TCA ¼ tricarboxylic acid cycle.
JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019 Psotka et al. 2349
MAY 14, 2019:2345–53 Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes

Concomitantly, following cell depolarization, Ca2þ is kinase A activated by cAMP phosphorylates multiple
returned to the SR by the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic downstream targets, including phospholamban
reticulum calcium ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) and passed (which increases SR Ca 2þ uptake by SERCA2a), the
into the extracellular space by the sodiumcalcium ryanodine receptors (which then release more Ca2þ
exchanger and a calcium ATPase. The power stroke during depolarization), and troponin C (which
occurs during cardiac systole following the electro- facilitates actin exposure for myosin). These Ca 2þ-
cardiographic QRS as the correlate of the Ca2þ influx. mediated effects increase cardiac contractility.
The resetting of the molecular motor takes place The phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors (e.g., milri-
during diastole, and the Ca 2þ efflux is visualized as none) also exert their effects through cAMP, by
the electrocardiographic T-wave. blocking its degradation and stimulating protein
Myocardial excitationcontraction coupling, as kinase A to activate the same downstream Ca 2þ
described previously, and the resulting ventricular cascade as catecholamines (4). Levosimendan is a
systole requires substantial ATP; without regenera- phosphodiesterase inhibitor, although it also sensi-
tion, the process would use all intracellular ATP tizes the troponin and tropomyosin complex to
within 1 min (10). The intramyocardial power source facilitate unmasking of the myosin-binding site on
responsible for providing energy to the myocardial actin, and has distinct vasodilatory effects mediated
contraction apparatus is the mitochondrion (11). The by potassium channel activation (14–16). The cardiac
intracellular processing of fatty acids and glucose glycosides are sodiumpotassium ATPase inhibitors
produces carrier molecules that deliver electrons to that impede establishment of the sodium gradient
the mitochondrial electron transport chain, estab- used by the sodiumcalcium exchanger to extrude
lishing a proton gradient and driving mitochondrial Ca 2þ. This shift increases intracellular Ca 2þ to facili-
ATP synthase to produce ATP. In normally func- tate contraction. Although cardiac glycosides do
tioning myocardium, fatty acids are the primary en- increase dP/dt, they do not markedly change cardiac
ergy source. Elevated intracellular and mitochondrial output in clinical studies, perhaps due to concomitant
Ca2þ participates in regulation of energy production vasoconstriction and slowing of the heart rate (17–19).
by activating enzymes for fatty acid processing Istaroxime is a nonglycoside sodiumpotassium
and thus increasing delivery of electrons required for ATPase inhibitor that may also improve SERCA2a
ATP production (12). However, additional stimuli activity. Although it elevated cardiac output in a
such as elevated intracellular ADP also accelerate the phase 2 randomized controlled trial, its development
production of ATP to maintain sufficient energetic program was halted by the manufacturer (20).
reserve. Although these cardiac calcitropes can improve
symptoms and may have a role in acute shock,
bridging to transplantation, and for palliation,
observational cohorts and randomized clinical trials
have shown that long-term use of catecholamines
Inotropy produced by conventional agents, including
and phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors is associated with
catecholamines, phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitors, and
increased mortality in patients with HFrEF (21–27).
cardiac glycosides (e.g., digitalis), all increase
Levosimendan has been associated with similar
myocardial force production by altering the concen-
mortality as the catecholamines (28–30). In 1 large-
tration of intracellular Ca 2þ. The augmented Ca 2þ by
scale trial, the cardiac glycosides decreased heart
these agents offsets the observed decrement of Ca2þ
failure hospitalizations, but did not improve mortal-
in the SR of patients with HFrEF caused by ryanodine
ity in HFrEF patients and were associated with
receptor leak (8). Because the effects are all mediated
harm in some modern observational cohorts (31).
by altered Ca2þ, these agents are proposed to be
The unifying mechanism by which each of these
called cardiac calcitropes. The calcitropes are defined
agents enhance cardiac contractility is increased
by their direct myocardial action rather than
intracellular Ca2þ, and this mechanism may be
their secondary effects on vascular tone and chrono-
why they have been unable to improve long-term
tropy, both of which may also alter cardiac
survival of patients with HFrEF.
Catecholamines such as dobutamine, dopamine, CARDIAC MYOTROPES
epinephrine, and norepinephrine activate membrane-
bound, G-protein coupled adrenergic receptors that Because myosin is the central actor of the
stimulate adenylyl cyclase to transform ATP into cy- sarcomere, therapeutics that target the myosin, actin,
clic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) (4,13). Protein the associated regulatory proteins, or other structural
2350 Psotka et al. JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019

Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes MAY 14, 2019:2345–53

elements of the sarcomere through calcium- of pure cardiac myotropes. Nevertheless, even if
independent mechanisms are proposed to be called omecamtiv mecarbil was unable to improve or even
cardiac myotropes. Calcium sensitizers acting on impair clinical outcomes for patients with HFrEF,
regulatory troponin and tropomyosin independently the premise of increasing myocardial contractile
of Ca2þ fluxes would be considered cardiac myo- performance by targeting the myosin motor or other
tropes, and the calcitrope levosimendan also has this sarcomeric elements would remain an intuitive
myotropic activity. Myosin is an attractive therapeu- therapeutic target that justifies appropriately
tic target because it performs the work of myocardial descriptive terminology.
contraction and may participate in wasteful actin-
independent ATP hydrolysis outside of the myosin CARDIAC MITOTROPES
mechanochemical cycle. The myotrope currently
under study, omecamtiv mecarbil, directly activates Myocardial energetics are centered around mito-
cardiac myosin in a calcium-independent manner by chondrial energy production, and drugs acting at the
allosterically modulating its activity (32). By binding mitochondria are therefore proposed to be called
to myosin and stabilizing the pre-powerstroke ener- mitotropes. Myocardial energetics are an attractive
getic state, omecamtiv mecarbil increases the number target because of the energy dependence of myocar-
of myosin heads that enter the force-producing dial contraction and the metabolic derangements
state that are able to pull on actin filaments during present in the myocardium of patients with HFrEF.
depolarization; it also appears to decrease inefficient The primary oxidation substrates transition from
actin-independent noncontractile energy usage. fatty acids to glucose, and there is a reduction in
Omecamtiv mecarbil does not alter Ca2þ-dependent myocardial ATP (36,37).
second messenger signaling to alter contractile func- Multiple chemical entities that affect the mito-
tion (32). chondrion or alter myocardial metabolism are in
Direct myosin activation by omecamtiv mecarbil various stages of pre-clinical and clinical develop-
raises the total amount of time spent in contraction ment and clinical use. Perhexiline inhibits the protein
and systole without increasing the rate of force gen- that translocates fatty acids into the mitochondria
eration (dP/dt). Conceptually, cardiac myotropes and under the premise that the shift to the more efficient
cardiac calcitropes both increase the forcetime ATP production through glucose is beneficial (38).
product, but although calcitropes increase the force Changes in myocardial contractile activity have been
generated per unit time, known myotropes increase variable in small clinical studies with perhexiline,
the time spent expending a given force. At stable although it does appear to improve myocardial ener-
loading conditions, elevated cardiac myotropy aug- getics in patients with HFrEF (38,39). Alternatively,
ments the duration of ventricular systole, the systolic trimetazidine blocks the mitochondrial oxidation of
ejection time, and thus, aortic blood flow for each fatty acids by the enzyme thiolase and similarly shifts
contraction. Myotropes also appear to be energeti- metabolism towards glucose (40). Small cohorts and
cally distinct from calcitropes. Although calcitropes open-label randomized studies suggest trimetazidine
require increased oxygen use to augment the dP/dt, improves myocardial performance and contractility
myotropes appear to increase contraction without as measured by increased LVEF, tissue Doppler ve-
greater oxygen consumption; thus, they improve locities, and cardiac output, and that it clinically
the overall efficiency of the mechanochemical system benefits patients with HFrEF (41–44). However, these
(9,32). results have not been reproduced in more appropri-
The clinical usefulness of the myotrope omecamtiv ately sized randomized controlled trials. Coenzyme
mecarbil is currently being evaluated in a phase Q10 is a component of the mitochondrial electron
3 randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial transport chain that appeared to decrease cardiovas-
(GALACTIC-HF [Registrational Study With Ome- cular and all-cause mortality in a small HFrEF trial
camtiv Mecarbil/AMG 423 to Treat Chronic Heart with a low event rate (45). No adequately sized trial
Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction]; NCT02929329). has confirmed these results. Elamipretide stabilizes
Data from earlier investigations suggest that its the essential phospholipid cardiolipin within the
alternative mechanism of action may improve clinical ATP-producing inner mitochondrial membrane,
outcomes compared with the cardiac calcitropes which is believed to enhance ATP synthesis. Elami-
(33,34). Long-term oral dosing of the compound to pretide seemed to increase left ventricular function,
patients with stable HFrEF decreases natriuretic as manifested by elevated LVEF and cardiac output
peptide biomarkers and improves ventricular di- in dogs with HFrEF, although it was also associated
mensions (5,35). This agent is the first in the class with vasodilatory effects and upregulation of
JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019 Psotka et al. 2351
MAY 14, 2019:2345–53 Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes

SERCA2a (46,47). A small placebo-controlled, dose- function as negative calcitropes, albeit with
ranging study in patients with HFrEF demonstrated concomitant beneficial changes on ventricular
acute reductions in left ventricular volumes with loading, remodeling, and noncalcitropic myocardial
the highest dose of elamipretide; however, LVEF performance enhancement, it may be that avoidance
and global longitudinal strain were unchanged (48). of calcitropic activity should be sought in developing
new HFrEF therapeutics.

The goal of optimizing cardiac function, the load-

Current guideline-directed neurohormonal antago-
independent contractile activity of the myocardium,
nists for HFrEF improve myocardial activity over
is a valuable target for novel therapeutics to treat
time through load-dependent and load-independent
HFrEF. It remains unclear whether pharmaceuticals
actions, including by ventricular remodeling (5,49).
that use mechanisms other than Ca2þ to directly boost
The inotropic subclassifications introduced previ-
myocardial contractile action will demonstrate better
ously can enhance mechanistic evaluation of these
efficacy and safety than currently available agents. To
neurohormonal agents. Focusing on these concepts
improve communication around current agents, to
suggests that specific combinations of calcitropic,
revise the clinical concept of improved myocardial
myotropic, and mitotropic activities may be more
performance, and to permit and to encourage accu-
likely to provide survival and myocardial performance
rate evaluation of potential new therapies that
benefits similar to neurohormonal antagonism.
enhance myocardial contractility and contraction, we
For instance, beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists
have proposed a framework based on mechanisms of
directly decrease contractility in the first few months
2þ action. These mechanisms include 3 basic myocardial
of therapy by blocking cAMP formation and the Ca
processes: Ca 2þ-based regulation; the molecular mo-
cascade, although LVEF improves in that time due to
tor and sarcomeric scaffolding; and energetics.
remodeling and loading changes (50). Beta-adrenergic
Agents that primarily alter Ca 2þ intracellular con-
antagonists can therefore be classified as direct nega-
centrations should be called cardiac calcitropes, those
tive calcitropes. Myocardial contractility rebounds
that directly affect myosin or other components of
between 3 to 6 months, with continued treatment
the sarcomere should be called cardiac myotropes,
associated with improvements in myocardial energy
and those that alter myocardial energetics should be
efficiency, which suggests that beta-adrenergic
called cardiac mitotropes. Novel chemical entities can
receptor antagonists also act as indirect positive
easily be incorporated into this structure, dis-
mitotropes (50,51).
tinguishing themselves based on their mechanisms of
Antagonists of the renin-aldosterone-angiotensin
action and effects on clinical outcomes. The reviewed
system can also be characterized by these concepts.
data suggest that therapeutic pathways that avoid
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists appear to
2þ or perhaps antagonize calcitropy may be more
reduce Ca fluxes and function as negative calci-
likely to improve long-term myocardial function
tropes (52). These agents may improve contractility
and clinical outcomes, and should be targeted for
by increasing myosin ATPase activity in addition to
development. This classification will enhance
their effects on loading and remodeling, and thus
communication during drug discovery, facilitate
they may also be positive myotropes (5,53).
investigation into mechanisms of action and efficacy,
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and
and inform clinical discussions even if the agents
angiotensin receptor blockers inhibit the increase in
2þ currently under evaluation fail to demonstrate
Ca -mediated myocyte contractility induced by
clinical benefit.
angiotensin 2 (54,55). Although it remains unclear
whether this suppression is due to antagonism of ACKNOWLEDGMENT Graphic design support for the
angiotensin 2augmented Ca 2þ fluxes (calcitropy) or illustration was provided by Kevin Edwards at Impact
increased Ca 2þ sensitivity (myotropy), it is possible Communications Partners, Inc., under the guidance
that each major class of HFrEF therapeutics directly and direction of the authors, and funded by
antagonizes calcitropy. This activity of angiotensin- Cytokinetics.
converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin
receptor blockers is in addition to blocking the ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Mitchell A.
fibrotic, hypertrophic, ventricular loading, and Psotka, Inova Heart and Vascular Institute, 3300 Gallows
apoptotic effects of angiotensin 2 (56). Because Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042. E-mail: Mitchell.
established therapeutics for HFrEF commonly Twitter: @mpsotka.
2352 Psotka et al. JACC VOL. 73, NO. 18, 2019

Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes MAY 14, 2019:2345–53


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