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Database - Collection of Interrelated Information such that user can quickly select, Read, Manipulate,Delete pieces of data.

Ex- MySql oracle ms-access paradox

Why??? Reduces Redundency / Inconsistency , SECURITY , Sharing of Data

DBMS- Program that enables us to Store, Modify , Extract and utilises information from a database in efficient way.

Data Integrity- []

Entity Integrity-[]

Referential Integrity-[]

Data Administrator- Responsible for Security and Functioning of database

Data Independence- Data stored at Different Level should not affect each other when get Changed

Relation- Two-Dimensional Table

Attributes- Field - Columns of Table

Tuples- Entity - Record - Rows of Table

Degree = No. of Attributes in Relation = Degree of Relation

Cardinality- No. of Tuples

Primary Key- an Attribute or set of Attribute that uniquely identify a specific instance of Entity.
Every entity in data model must have a primary key whose Value uniquely identify instance of the E

Foreign Key- Column in table where that column is primary key of another column

In DBMS its known as Referential Integrity

Candidate Key- There may more than One Attributes that uniquely identify an instance of entity set. These Attributes are
called Candidate Key

Alternate Key- There may more than One Attributes that uniquely identify an instance of entity set. Therefore One key is
Primary Key and all other are considered as Alternate Key

View- []

Relational Algebra- A Procedural Query Language

Six Fundamental Operation







Other Operation




Selection- (delta or Sigma) - Select a Horizontal subset (Row) of user's choice of a given Relation.
Also known as Restriction Operator

Projection- []

Data Model- The Way in which the data is Stored in view or conceptual level

4 Types- Relational (Rows and columns), heiracheal ( Tree), Network ( links), Object Oriented ( objects

Relation- Set of Matrix of Data in the form of Rows and Column

Rules- No Identical Rows and all Columns must be unique

Query- Commands- Lines of Codes

Types - DDL-(Data Definition Language)- Create,Alter,Drop - (used for DB Structure )

DML-(Data Manipulation Language)- Insert,Select,Delete,Update - ( used to manipulate data )

TCL-(Transaction Control Language)-Comnut,Rollback,Savepoint - (Used to Control Transaction)

DCL-(Data Control Language)- Grant,Revoke - (used to give or take priviledges)

Literals- Have definite or fixed Value ( Int, Char)

Comments- Multi-line /*.........................................................................*/

Single Line -.............................................. or #...............................................

Float- Float -( before-length , after-decimal-length )

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