Fyss460 17K HW 09

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Heat Transfer Processes (FYSS460) 7 cr.

Spring 2017

Homework 9 due on week 17

1. Consider an opaque horizontal plate that is well insulated on its back side. The
irradiation on the plate is 2500 W/m2 , of which 500 W/m2 is reflected. The plate
is at 227◦ C and has an emissive power of 1200 W/m2 . Air at 127◦ C flows over
the plate with a heat transfer convection coefficient of 15 W/m2 · K. Determine the
emissivitym absorptivity and radiosity of the plate. What is the net heat transfer
rate per unit area?

2. According to its directional distribution, solar radiation incident on the earth’s

surface may be divided into two components. The direct component consists of
parallel rays incident at a fixed zenith angle θ, while the diffuse component consists
of radiation that may be approximated as being diffusively distributed with θ.

Consider clear sky conditions for which the direct radiation is incident at θ = 30◦ ,

with a total flux (based on an area that is normal to the rays) of qdir = 1000 W/m2 ,
and the total intensity of the diffuse radiation is Idif = 70 W/m2 · sr. What is the
total solar irradiation at the earth’s surface?

3. A thermocouple whose surface is diffuse and gray with an emissivity of 0,6 indicates
a temperature of 180◦ C when used to measure the temperature of a gas flowing
through a large duct whose walls have an emissivity of 0,85 and a uniform temper-
ature of 450◦ C.

(a) If the convection heat transfer coefficient between the thermocouple and the
gas stream is h = 125 W/m2 · K and there are negligible conduction losses from
the thermocouple, determine the temperature of the gas.
(b) Consider a gas temperature of 125◦ C. Compute and plot the thermocouple
measurement error as a function of the convection coefficient for 1 ≤ h ≤
1000 W/m2 · K. What are the implications of your results?

4. A radiation thermometer is a radiometer calibrated to indicate the temperature of

a blackbody. A steel billet having a diffuse, gray surface of emissivity 0,8 is heated
in a furnace whose walls are at 1500 K. Estimate the temperature of the billet when
the radiation themometer viewing the billet through a small hole in the furnace
indicates 1160 K.

Instructor: Jussi Maunuksela 1

Heat Transfer Processes (FYSS460) 7 cr. Spring 2017

Homework 9 due on week 17

5. Our students perform a laboratory experiment to determine the mass transfer from a
wet paper towel experiencing forced convection and irradiation from radiant lamps.
For the values of T∞ and Twb prescribed on the sketch, the towel temperature was
found to be Ts = 310 K. In addition, flat-plate correlations yielded average heat and
mass transfer convection coefficients of h = 28,7 W/m2 · K and hm = 0,027 m/s,
respectively. The towel has dimensions of 92,5 mm × 92,5 mm and is diffuse and
gray with an emissivity of 0,96.

(a) From the foregoing results, determine the vapor densities, ρA,s and ρA,∞ , the
evaporation rate, nA (kg/s), and the rate of radiation transfer to the towel,
qrad (W).
(b) Using results from part (a) and assuming that the irradiation G is uniform over
the towel, determine the emissive power E, the irradiation G and the radiosity

Instructor: Jussi Maunuksela 2

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