Javanese (Central Java) and Sundanese (West Java)

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Name: Abednego Nugroho Pahlawan

ID Number: 004201700018
Industrial Engineering

Javanese (Central Java) and Sundanese (West Java)

 The Title of the Essay A comparison about Javanese and Sundanese

 The Background about Javanese and Sundanese: Indonesian is a

plural society that has diversity in various aspects of life. The real
evidence of pluralism in our society is in the diversity of cultures in
Indonesia. There is not one society that doesn't have a culture.
Likewise, there will be no culture without society. This means that
there is a great connection between culture and society. Seeing the
reality that Indonesian nation is a pluralistic nation, there will also
Introduction, be a variety of ethnic groups in Indonesia. Each of these ethnic
Paragraph 1 Title, and groups has different cultural characteristics. Javanese and
Background Sundanese are one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia. As one of the
ethnic groups in Indonesia, Javanese and Sundanese has
characteristics that distinguish it from other tribes. The
characteristic uniqueness of the Javanese and Sundanese is reflected
in the culture they have both in terms of livelihood, arts, craft and
so on.

 Purpose of the essay: In this essay we will find out the differences
and the similarities of Javanese and Sundanese, which is language,
culture, art, and habits
 Both of Javanese and Sundanese have a craft and musical instrument

 The difference between Javanese and Sundanese is the craft and

music instrumental.

Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has been a part of
Indonesian (especially Javanese) culture for a long time. Javanese
women in the past made their skills in batik as a livelihood.
Woven is one of craft from Sundanese, woven is a fiber that is
paragraph 1.
weaved form a rigid object, usually for making baskets or furniture.
Paragraph 2 Different about
Woven is often made from plants that come from plants, but plastic
Javanese and
fibers can also be used.
Gamelan is the traditional ensemble music of Javanese in Indonesia,
made up predominantly of percussive instruments. The most
common instruments used are metallophones played by mallets and
a set of hand-played drums called kendhang which register the beat
Angklung is a musical instrument from Sundanese in Indonesia made
of a varying number of bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame.
The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are
tuned to octaves, similar to Western handbells. The base of the frame
is held in one hand, while the other hand shakes the instrument,
causing a repeating note to sound

 Both of Javanese and Sundanese have a simillar characteristics


 Javanese has rules for differences in vocabulary and intonation based

on the relationship between the speaker and the interlocutor, known
as “ungguh-ungguh”. This linguistic aspect has strong social
Body influences in Javanese culture. Javanese are several levels of
Paragraph 2. language, ranging from soft language (Bahasa halus), Rough
Paragraph 3 Similarities language (Bahasa kasar), and very soft “krama/kromo”
about Javanese
and Sundanese Sundanese are several levels of language, ranging from soft language
(Bahasa halus), Loma / Lamcaran, Rough language (Bahasa kasar).
Many Sundanese, especially those living in urban areas, no longer
use that language when they speak. As happens in the crowded
centers of Bandung and Bogor where many people no longer use

Not only Javanese and Sundanese, but Indonesia also has more than
100 tribes and cultures scattered throughout the territory of
Indonesia. National culture itself has many forms because Indonesian
culture comes from various types and styles because that is why our
Paragraph 4 Conclusion
nation has its characteristics. As an Indonesian people, we must
protect and respect each tribe, and also maintain the culture that still
exists in Indonesia

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