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A Titan

Good morning, I’m a jelo castro from 11-DEL PILAR and I’m standing in front of all of you to
share my experiences about my knowledge and familiarity in my life. So from my
elementary-junior high school, I’ve lived a mediocre life always wanting attention for
everyone, being fit to everyone, not being myself to be accepted in a group of people or
society, always wanting what others want and not what I really what i wanted to, to be
liked by everyone and for wearing a mask that hides the true reflection of my own
gentleness and uniqueness. Which turned to be my greatest downfall I’ve turned into a
sheep just flowing with life, just flowing with what is happening in everyday and not living
life with an intention, I’ve forgotten my own footsteps, I’ve forgotten me, I’ve forgotten who
I really was and what is my purpose in the whole-wide universe.
So the darkest chapter of my life happened in 2017, the year that I fully hitted the rock
bottom, the deepest part of the ocean and my soul is found nowhere In the air. In that year,
I can say the I destroyed my self for the approval and validation of others which results into
cutting of classes, drinking alcohol every single which turned into depression that results
into a commited suicide. I’ve still remember that days that I thought death is the last and
only answer for my suffering, I repeated my grade 10 year so technically I’m grade 12 now if
I didn’t repeated. Depression is real and I’m here in front of you to show that god is stronger
than our grief and sufferings. I’m here to you show all of the bruises, wounds and scars of
my past to show that I’ve lived my life with full courage, perseverance and tenacity that the
problems that is happening to us is just really molding us to be the best version of ourselves
and for us to fully mature and grow not just a human being living himself but also by helping
and serving others to simple things and kindness. I can say that god just wake me up to say
that jelo this is not what I meant or what for you, there is something greater things that is
waiting for you, if you walked and lived with me purposely.
Summarizing it all, a man was made not born, a warrior was made not born, a titan was
made and molded not born. I’ve learned everthing the hard and in the most worst way, but
I’m still proving the world my existence every single day. I will be heard and I will make a
change, starting from myself to the whole world. We were made to be the best, we are born
to be an achiever and we are not born to suffer. In my grade 10 last school year I’ve moved
up with an honor, it tells that our mistakes and past doesn’t define us but who we are today,
so everyday we have to choose for us to be the pioneer of our future or for us to be the
prisoner of our past and I’m here to prove to you that we can break our cycles of mediocrity
and toxicity, for us to always choose to be respected rather than being given an attention by
anyone. I’m also here to remind that everybody dies, but not everybody has given a chance
to live this wonderful and colorful gift that god has given us to experience love and
happiness, so let us live intentionally with fire and purpose. Now I’m sharing my fire with
you to be awake that there is something greater and better god can give us, so let us chose
the path with god, not the path we just wanted/needed cause everything is best with god, I
hope the words I said today could become a page in someone else’s survival guide in your
lives, accept who you are, accept your everything and no one can ever use it against you!
“God is good, All the time”

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