Irc - 78-2000 - May2011

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\ 201r
Suljecb Amendmentsto IRC:?C-2000..StaDdsrdSpeciffcations
and Coaleof practicefor RoadBddges,,Section
:1TI FouDdotionsand Subs:.xaclr\re(SecondRe|islon)
SecondRe\ision of IRC:78-2000-srandardSlecificalions
snd Code oI pruclicefor RoadBridges,,Se*ion :VlJ
in December
," o"n*i6i,i **,0_ rits up-to_daie
amendmenls lill thaltime.
The IndianRoadscongresshasdecidedto t*ther arnendthe
abovedocumen.Accordinglt the Amendment
No.? is
Theseomendm€ntsshall be elfective from the I ,' March.201

(R.P, Indoria) Clouc6.3.1




ln ctruse704)

TIe tsts to beconductedat vriols loootionsfo! Dorerlies 'r!er.ststobeconduct€d&rpropdrisofio

of soil, etc d€ diff@nt fo. cohAive ant coh*ioDlcas ed coh€sionl€s loils. Ttr€seare idicated below.lvbile seteclinatLe
soils, Th6e ue iDdicat€dbelow ed sbslt be cMied out res6snd iDprprdincrhe'e"Lt6. t.mrr.riocofsppricabil:ryof,h;*d
wllerever!€quircd rccording to sit rype: tcats shall be laken inro a@our A nost suiiabl€ dd appmlrj.rc
@mbindiooof Lhse rball be chosen.depe0dingon tbe propenid
needed ror Lreesn0n'.1

lon b) IieldTosts
(r)(b) , Plateriad Tesr i) Plate ($ perIS: 1888).
lrad Tesr,
it . StondddPerehation Test( aspcrIS I 213I ) ii) SlandedPcnehation
Tcsr,( asp6ls: 2r 3t )
vII UseofDy@nic Conepen€hstion Tests po iii) DymnicCorelencunlimTesL (s perIs:4968pod qlrr II )
IS: 4968(ParrI o. Psrt2) b.y becontuclcd iv) slalicconcPenebaUonT€st,( s pe!Is:?968prn uI ).
late vhw coEideredopprcpriatc,
(n) Cohqlre Sotl (II) ColBsiYcSoil
(D (b) i) PlstoLobdTcsl,(N pc(ISrt888).
ii) VancshcrT4a (IS :4434) ii) VmoShqarTcat,( s pcrIS:4434).
iii) StxticConeP€rctr-ariotr
Tcsr( IS:4968pnt IIt ) iii) SrAlicCoJac
tonebarionTest,(aspcrISr4968padIII )
iv) stddard Pcnefialio!Tosr,( 0spd IS: 2l3l ).
v) Di@jcCon€PmerionTesr,(spdISr4968?artIor?erII).
Noto:fficre dewalc.insh cxpecied,fie smplesmaybe Notcconnon to botllCohcsivcqndCohesionlcs
Clatrw6.2.3 tcstcdfor pdncabiliry0S: 2720PartXVII ) soils.
Whqc dewatering is cxp@red,pomeobilitytestsmaybc codrcted
{aspd Isr 2720PddXVU).
FoundntioruRcqulringLnrgc Depthof Dxptorlrton: Foundaaion$ Reqrhins Large oepu omrpUnUoi-
In lhis grodp &e covq€d sscs of deep wclls,
ljte In rhise ouode cowcJ css ot dcepwe 6, prteloud!tron1 .1c,,
loundrliotu,etc., wterc thc w of bolii8 cquwmebr, rc useof borile cqlipmenr.\pec,0r
rcchniqdes of jmplinS,
specialtcchniqucs of sdnpLng,in-siturcstins,.tc.beome rn-sr$resfinE,etc.becomcesenli,l IndddjLionto theooblc@ otsil
csorid In additionio rle proble@ ofsoil ed foudalin aDdfoudotior inknclio! tu imlotunL
considMti;cd b€ thesoil
intdacdoo d i(porbnt coDsideraiio!ce ba rhesoil data data equkcd iob "€onstruction
consideraliors, Oiter in the c6e of
Equircd iioh @Btnctio! coNidmrions. Oten in rhe €ol$iollcs doih, mdistulbed septcs
cmot bc L*en do recow.
cse of cobsionlos soits, undishubedsdlles cmor be hasro bc hade ro in{jru ncu k
la{c! an ! recouse hasto be Dade io in+iru fetd tesls. BorinBandsamplirgets to caus rcmoujdidB of *us:!ive ctoy!,Abo
forfsuredor lryeredcloys,,hcsampt. ndynor hty rcpresent.he rd_
duero disrribance!d rLs, chabgcs cauiedby borinB
andsrapxnS0cr';viry.In suchcs $. fjitu Es6 s[au beperfoned
FouldationsRequirnlgLrgeDepth ofErptorrrion: Founil.tions Re{uirtngLargeD€pi[ of Dlptondonl
Iabb - r Sub"SoilDataReqlir€dfor DccpFoudarions Table- I sub-SoilDataRequiredfoi Deep
(ExistingtablcEplacedvith lew one).
DehilsofE plontior for troubdatioreResths on Rock Detlils of D4toritioo tor Fou"d"tt"..-R".A"E
(viii) Elodibilityofvork to theqrenr posible R-k
(v.ri, Crodibilir)of rocl to rhee\F.r "" Ftrydnr,
Dlplor.tion Programm€: ErplorarionProgr!hme:
Close7.2.1 Thc cxten!ofexplorarion straltbe adequte €noughto givd Tneescltofe\p oraiiodshalt
beadcquakeoougtro givea omprere
a comllete picture of rhe .ock prcnle both i, dc$h ad p'chrc ollne @ckplo6le,
boLhio dcp!fiMd actusl\rchMet widrlL
ams tbe ch3mel vidrh for scssinA thc coaLuctioMl lor ssessng rheoBncionat dimc'.h jn.ea(hirg
es rhefoudado!
dimcnlics in E&hrng l}l€ foudadon levets,KeeDi!! levels.Keepilg lhis in vieq
t shal be po,sibtero deciderhe rype
this in vhw ir shatt be po$ibte to decide rle
ry; oi of foudations, rhe.onshuction nedrod to be adolred for ! partj@lar
blndrtro0s, lte consttuctioubellod to be adoDtedbndg€, the exlcni of eve!
sdting ed €nb€.trn€nt inro @k of thc
for a p.niculr bddge,thc extenrof evenseatingaod foundr.ion,.lr is de iFbte
ro tatc ,rlear odedntr bot. pe, pier dd
enbodiuent into @ckofdB fouodarions.It i5 d6isbte io aDuunent tud oneon c&b sidebevoodablroeds_
takeauast onedrill holope.lior ad abnbnented onc on
*ch lide beyoDdabutrntuh.

011 l1
Detdled Invsfig.tion fo. Rock at Lr.gc Depthl Detlilcd Invaligation for Rock rt Llrgc D.pth:
The corc shrll be siorcd lroperly id acerdnce wirh IS: The coE sha,l bestorcdpolerly ir a@ordrn@with tS: 4078-Codeot
4078- Code of PrEcticefor lodqing dd Stosge of Drill lractice f@ Indexing ed SrorsgeofDrill CoB.
CoB. wleEvq tdple tubc @rc bmel is uso4 ime. hosr htupeqt ptsstic
nrbeshall bc storeddir€ctly in corebox wil! sm.les.

Useofin-sit! tsts for neasuing strergrhed defomation Usc of in+nx tesb for mcasu ns llrengtt dd defomtion
oh&acteristis Dry be oade. Us€ofboe holephotogBphy chercrerisftsray be Dadc.Usc ofbore hole pboLoenphy will be
will bedsirsbte to cvaluotethe prFerce offaulrs, tssGs desnable lo ddudle lheplcsence of$ues or csviris, rtc
Paniculorly in werk urvor highly wqthccd rock, whce hipte rube
corc baoel is uscdfor ddlling, in.situ testssuchd Srlndud lqe@oon
T€st aod/ o. pessurc ner! t€sr shalt b€ @trductedor w€ry t.5 n
inleryal in the influencezoneof looting or pite,
Thesein'sil! rcsr! ee alsouscnn in zons whcrc war.. lossis tuorded
doring drilling. rlowevor scLcrions of rher ists hsre to oo oonc
rudicioudytud planncdrlotrBwirhdliUitrEoperd ion.
clasificalion ofRock 8.2 Ch$iffceton ofRocks
Rocks muy he clssifed or idcntined based on rlrcir Rocks n.y be clssiffcd basd oa $cir physical @ndilion
pbysicol condition Ls indicatcd bclow . [o. foudarion Uuconnncd Conprc$ivc Shcnsrha! per Table- 2
dsi8n, thcso !r€ to be cla$ined h three sroqps as in
Tablc 2, 43 ! guidc, tle allovablc bcuing valu6 of ltlo
rocks ofdiff@nt conditionstuay be rslq tion thc vdtucs
given i! Tlblc 2, duly nodificd attcr taking inro acount
ibc veious chdaclqistics ofrocks.. 'r

1 Su['SollDntr Reqdredfor D.cp Foutrdnttos

Porticlossize dishibulion, Disturbcd
nay b. cottecled_
Llboratory T6h -

Sanplingfor LtrbollloryT.st3-
ii) Idnicbs sie dishibutid!. Undisturbed umplcsshallbocollect€dlor Llse te5ls,Asanqcepdo, for (i)
iii) Moisrur @trted, d4ity. md (ii), disturbed
$niplcs maybspemincd.

(a) cL$incatiooT6is inctudingparriclesi@distriburion.

O) Mobnnecontont, density,voidhtio
(c) sh* strensth- Td0rjrl reshro bcdoneonudisrlrbed s@!les.UncoDnred
dewaterinSis er?.ct!d. compresuontctrsto bcdoneonuadisturbed dd/or moutded smpl$_
vji) chdi€l dalysc of soil ed
sroud vater (for aecrc$tve Itr{ittr T€sisfor Cohellonl.$ loits-
(a) Dylmic ConePcnorralion T6r.
(b) st rddd P€nctotionT€st.
G) DoM holeC,o$hohscismklweys.

ID{ltu T*ts for Colslvc Solk-

a) Dlrmic ConePcrlchoiioo Test
b) StalicConePcnchstion Tcst- cone.nd skjnFsisror@to beoblai@d
c) Fieldvane SlEorTcst.

€) Dow! holeTcroslole sismic aweys,


"t I Foudarior Iev€l io abod | (i) Soil Classincadon
11.5tides oft'Ewidthof l(ii) SherSseneth
foundalioddd bclow iL
(iii) coh!rcssibility
I s@e asabove

I ldbo8iory lels to bccondcted acoodineto fne retevet pqnr ofIS: 2?20,

2, Useofsophististedequipnentlike prssurc merd nay benod., ifsuihble co{€lationslbr inreo@rltionofdala @llecredarcaylitable,
L Dow hole/Oosslole scismic!w€]6 shsl be a! DqASTM 4428/ D 4428M
4 seismicMeurodsmd / o! Elffii$l ResisrivityMclhodqn beNed for soiusck ponling, Dom hole/ Cro6shoL soisbic swey6 coltd bcuscdfor
tskblis\inBelos.i.moduliisd rccLplonlirysr srcatsdcplhs.
5 Downhole/c@isholcs.ismicsweys ar. lseful for lonebridgd (i.q of c o!de.of lkr andfor Eduoils tlE nunbq ofbore r!&ss in tne
portjot! that8io pcmnontly underwttei lor lhse rpllic,tioM, geot€ohnioal
pronls obidircd6y sekhio mcrnod!shollbecallblEtod/ coltmcd wiri
acMl D'ofrls rak.nby boEsat mr.mcdiatstodxos,

of Rockr

sf€nsth ( UCS) In MPr

Cauot b€srotchcdvith kiif€ or rha$ pick.Broslineofspccincncouldbcdoneby slcdsc >200

hamd only.
c@ot be sc&tchedwirh hdfe or sharppick. BMkihs oflpecimc$ lcqdles scvqol hdd 100to200
blows of g€oLoghts!pick.

Cln bcBmtcbedwilh knifeor pickwirt ditrcutv. Hsd btowof hddmd equiredto deluch 50to 100

cm be s@tcled with klifc or pick, 6mn deepgoug$ or groovesch bc mad€by hid 12.5to50
blow ofg€olocists'pick. Hmd spc.inen @ be delach.d by nod€raic blow.

Cd begoovedor goused1.5m deepby nm pe$ue onhrife or pickpoinr.Cm be 5 to 12.5

brokenintopiec6 or chipsofabout2.5miunar nutll lize by haldbtowsofrhepoinrsof

can begroovedor golgedcsily with knifeor piokpoilt. ca! bebreakdownin chipsro 1.25
pi€fts 6.vdal ch's in si& by nod,*t6 blow!ofpick poilt, Snall rhinpiccescanbebroken

Canbe caded wilh kiife. Cd be bml@ 6sily witt pojnt ol pick. Pi€ccs25 m or nore in <t,25
thicloBs canbe brok€nby finger Fe$w. cd be $ntched e*ily by fnger

TheUncodinodCompresivcShdslft valuesde s in BrilietrSlaldardBS,593O(Cl, 44,2.6).

Tabl.-2sholtl norbeusedro i.fer fie UnconffledConpressiveSl&og1hof&ck. Aotral laboslory tcstvatueofmck cm shoutdbo!sed.


The rea ofteneior reinforcmqt shoutdnot be tessthan Tne a€a oflension rchfoeem.nt shoul.tdsper ctaue 305:t9 of
0.15 ler @nt of thc do${€ctional m. whenusire S4t5
g6de bus od 0.25 per oenrof the cGs-wctional are!
when using 5240 Cude bas.
ProrisioN .spul,lishedintnd,strltishwrysJum200g
709.1,5,1 709.1.5,1 Splcirg of pilc! 709,13.1Spacingolpllos
a) Whcrc -*-- lilcs tietuelves. a) Whoe --- liles t'Eoslves.
b) For lund --- constnicriontolerancq. b) Ior land --- mnsrructiontoleronces.
\. T[e s'ze of a ca! c$ying the load &on dre srudos b the The sire of a cdp carrying thc lold from thc 6lruciuie to thc pile
pile heads,or &e sizeed €flmtive l€n€rt ofa groud beom, hcrds,o' $e ed efle.Li\o tenBlhot a grobd beal,. ,nay
mry influmce typc, si2ennd slacine ofpilo. "ize
mnLtuc€rype,sizedd spocingofpiles
Tlte spEcingofpil* will be dctcmined by eny rspeclsm€ftion€d
above,Thc working rules whicfi @ g€n€lally,ttroughnor alw&]r,
For nicdon piles, t+ splciag cenhe should not be les! rhsn uo
pcrimctor of thc pil6 of for circultr pile, tftc rjnes l1rcdiurcG.
Thc spacins of pile! dc vins rhcir rcsistoncoMinly from end
beadng'nay be rcduc€dbut rhe dbraDccberwecnthe surf4cesof
tho shdfrsofodjdccnt pilca snould be not lessttan tlE lcst vidth

v) InitioLloadr6t !s mdrioncdiq ?09.2.1(ii) (a)is ior uial y) Inidalloadiostasncnrioncd (iiD is for dial load
ia 709.2.1
loadcap(ily. nrludirs uptin.apaciq itrequued,on !iol crp'lcity, tuluding rptiit caproity, if icqnircd, on trial Dites of
pil6 otOe she,lieckr A rhedcsignpilc. ]lc ksrinE dt som. diarda or U'. dc"ignpih, lnc aha ac donc
,hall bo doneas per rhc proccdm laid down m lS! 29lj 0r pFrlhcprc.cdurclaid,iownrn IS: r9t t, non.tVThr l@o re$
Iat-Mhc load t6t shdlt bc conducrcdfor not le$ rhd 6 b a l l b e c o n d u c t e dnfoorrl ^ r r h " n 2 , 4 t i m c s t h c d * i s n l o aTdh, e
?r4tihca $c dcrig load.Tlr itorialtoadrc* sha becycri( .litidl lod r.srshru becydic toad16| forpit6 dcrtvtn8ikngu
loal 16r lor pilesdqivrdg shcngrhtoa rud bcring,nd n o mr n d b c r i l S a o dc i d en i c o n , T f c h A i n h i n e d t o o d , 6 r c a n b c
ridc fiicrion, fhc mainldinlotrdt6r can bc perfomedfo, pcdomcd for end bcariogpilc! wirbout rctyin8 on friciion,
ed ibr
md bceing l$ withour rclying on Aiction. md for tk thesockekdpilesh rock,

Crprcftyof Pir.
709.3.1 709.J.1Rcsietlnceto v€rticattolds
lor calculatils desisrod @paci9 ofpil€ r€comncldalion Fo. calculatirg dsi$ed capaciy
ofpile for lodd coftbiDtion I of
ol Appendi;-s should be fotlowcd. For calcutahld clause706.1.1. recomenda jonotAppcndrr-5shouldbcfolowed.
$prcity of pite g.oup rcfer Ctaui 709.3.3ad ?09.3.4 ror carcutating cap.ciryotpite group,rcFr ChLr 709.J.3dd
udtheallowablesefllementdrcnaasptrClaucT0g.l,t 709.1,4 md Ltc!llowdbte!chtdebl criterjaasperClause
aorpurpose 709.1.8.
of lbeleclduss rhcfoloyingdendlons wnt Forlurlos of,hcedau*.lhe toltowjngdefininoN
wi ap!,,
a) Cohsire soil (clayo! plasticsilrwilh s <0.25Mp,:
a) coh*ive soir (chy or plastic silrwi& s <0.25 Mla: b)Gm.ulm soil ( !and, gravel o. non-ltaitic sitt wilh N (aveFse
b)Ctunla soil ( sed, siavel or !o4-!idtic silt with N '
withi4layer) <50bl;/0.3 ft { 50 btows/3o ms):
(arcFgc vithjn layq ) <50 btowoj n ( 50 btowv3o c)Inte@edidte Cconatcrial
coh€siver€.s.claystralesor mudston*wilh 0.25
Mpd tst (2.5
c) Idcmediare Ceonaterial < S,<2.5MPa.
Coh€siE: cg. clay shglesor mudstonG with 0,25 Mpu cohesiob r6s:e.s.sranutar
rills.gnrurd rsidulsoits N.50
(2.5 bD < s" < 2.5 Mpa. blowV0.3m (50blowYJ0cms.j;
Cohesiotrlessje.g.Errnulr titts,Creutd! EsiduDtsoit: d)Rock cenelted ceoElierial with S >2.5 Mpa
N >50 blowvo.3n (50 blowsB0cEs.) (25ltsDo.qu>5.0MPa.
d) Rockj tcoheiive, cemeoredCeotuardol w,ln S,,>2.< M?.
{25 lso or q.,->.0 Mla


709.3,2 rrctor or $reQ : t heni!:muh f(ltr ofeftty on 'l'inde Fsctor of srfetyr fte ninimm f&1orof sa&ryon uttihateaial
dxial capeity comput€don tne basisofsi.ric fomula shaU capaciryconpulodontbebasisofsi.tic fomutasballbe2.5folload
bc 2,t for pil6 in soil For lilci in ro.{, fetor ofefcty combin.tionI of claue 706-L 1 for pil6 in soil, for pits in @cir
sbalJbe 5 on rhebetringcomloncnred l0 on soctetride ladorofsafeD,hall beI otrendbe&inE@mponmmd6 dhrockcr
31-d.regffi iffi r6i.ffiii6i1;a?:;';b-i;;riai rorch$aTdffJ..
subjectb n[ther linits assriputotcdb 4p! 4dir,.t
74r3,5.2 ? safe latedi resistancenust nol qc€ed the 709,3.5,2The safe latenl resisranc€ofpile-Cloup must not q@ed
u m o f L a t e mrle s i s b n c e oi nf d r v i d u d l p r l f6t c " d l c l a c n l thc aun of latcral rosistince ol individual pitos, The slfe t rcral
loadmistlnc€ of individual pile deperdson 1nemodulusof load rcsistdn e of ildividual pilc depdds on ilF nodulue ot
hoiizontol sub-gladereaction of ihe foudation nat€rial as hori@ntal sub-gmdct€sction of the folndation maborilLs weu
*cll os rhc smcInl rigidty ol pitc,Appmpiisleraliotul as lh€ *Juctual rigidiry of pile Appropdatc rational melhod of
md\od ol snal)sk usine soil nodulc s rcconncndcd tualysis using soil moduls as r€comnendedby ISi 29t I Day be
bv lS:29ll mat bc usedlo calold e lhc aMc. The .afc uscd to cdculatc the !me, For safe lstdl load rcsislm@ in lord
laleml resistanceof lingle pile lhall coccapondto dcncdion combinaiion I of clause?06.l I, thedeflectioidt $our lcvelshali
ot scou level not grester than t,0% ofpilo diamctc. Ior d nol bc ercotortha! L0% ofpilcdianeter Checkingof detucrcDs
srorp of ve,l(al pilc\i Lonnmarionby load tcstingB nor in ourr load combinationsis not Fquiled, For a group ofvdrjcrl
equir.d. lor pile acting silgly the hori@ntal load lcst hly piles, confimation of capacity of grout by load l6tin8 is not
be pcrfomodln accordance wifi IS:2911,Tcstiogshlll bc rcquied. For sjngle pih lhe horizonrotlood t6r mdy bc porfod€d
for frce h@d cordition for pilos hoving f@ slnnding shaii In a6ordlnce vith IS: 291l. T6ting lhaU befor ficc headcondirion
,bovc scou lcvel upro rhc pilc cap.Ior @nducrin8 te{ Jr for pilcs having frce starding slaft abovc scou hvel upro the pilo
s@u lc\cl. n will be nccc$ary(o dive a la,gerdianels cap.Forconducting arscourlcvcl n witl benecessryro drivc
cA:ng upro icou level so thar L,tetst prle aboveh ler ! lorgerdiamotor.asiry upro scour levet so thar tho tcsrlile above
io dcnel Thc dcnecdonor scourh\d mdy bc ms\ucd is frce to doflect, the defloction dt scou lcvet Ddy b. mesued
dircc y, or my be calcnldcd ion deflcction mc.s(.d dircctly, or mry bc calculatedfron dcnecion hcsrwod st hisher
ht lighq /gound) levcl 0ssumilgd'n' lhc pilc ocB s d Grouod) Ievel assunins rhaLthc pilc actsasI siucllrnl.mtitavq
snlcrur.l cantilevcr tom t!€ po'nt of flxiry. Tho poin( of ftom lhc point of fixity. Thc point of frxiv @n bc latcn fron
fxity canbc htcn fton thc analy6i6pcrfomcd for L'rcdcfisn d'c orolvshrcrromcd ior rhc dcsgn or ohu arcdby simprificdI
or@lculstcdbysimpliicdmcthod givcninlS:2911., m e i h o d g i v ci n J S : 2 9 1 1 , I
ForDiks in lsdroneofnvtrbridg.sorlor bridSes on ldnd
I for /retu *ctioh ?09.1.7).Tbc h,cEl load capaciryma, b.
ba{d on fred head.odjr'ol !n apponlirrc djr(rion fot
riAd prlecappsn:LtirI defleclion!t p'le htud or hot ho(c I
ftrn l.0o; olpile ddhe er I
709.3.7 tilor rubjectcdro down\!.d wl-cl a soilsFtun Files subjcctcd to doenward drng t Wtie! a soil stratm through
throughwhich pilo ![afr ha penelnted i,to an udcrlynL which lile slrali hs pcnerrarcdinto d undcrlyibg hord stntun
ha-d sraM lomlres"es due lo it. o$n weietr o- conpressesduc ro jts ow. weiSht, or rcmonlding, or sufa@ bao
rdouldinc, or surfacc load otc., additionolvcrtical l@d i! etc.,4ddiliondLvcrli.ll lod is generaleddtongrhepile shalt i! such
Seoerdred dlotrgLIEp'e shaft'n sEb sDrM up@a poinl slnte, Such addirioral load coming on pite may be s$esscd on
whc€ soil doesnot nove down relalivo io pile sh.ff. Such
addinonal load coning on pile nay bc a$c$ed oo the

(i) to (iii) A! it h, except to rcplaceword "les" in the hst i) In lhe cae of pjle derivirg iis cdpaciq,meinly fiom liictio!,
sentence of(iii) by pod "highd', the value of downwald dhg fo@ ftay be t.kc! as 0,2 ro 0,3
s0 Add: (iv) Thh reductionin cdpacityofpile is in th€ nltinate tin6 undBined shed shenSr! nultiplied by $e sufac€ @ or
>50 pilc sha&embeddedin compesibte soit.
ij) ln caf ofpik dsivi g irs€pdc ry m nly Fom endbtuine,
MPo the valuc of douwatd dng fo&e ftay be coaideed ,s 0.5
times lndiained shed sh€ngrhbultipli€d by r.'E srrfac€ @a
ofpile shaff embeddedin conp€sible soit.
iii) For a goup ofpiles, ihc dn8 forces shatl aho be calcllated
considering the suface de! of rbe bloct (i.€., porinets of
the golp titues depdt cnbedded iu coopesibtc soil. Id the
eved of thh value beilg higher thin the nhbu ofpiles i! thc
c!o!p tin6 the irdividDal doMwdd drag forces, the smc
shall be considded in t\e desisn
iv) ftis eduction in qpa.iry ofpile js itr $e uldnare capaoity,


Appendir - 5 of IRC: 78-2000(Rererrcdin Chuse 709.3.1)
As printed in Indiatr llighyay! June-2009
9. Clpactty of Pil* in Interncdisie Geo-M $i.l rnd 9, C.pscity of Piles in Int€rm€diote GirFMlterirl lnd Rock:
9,1Arial lotrdccrylig capa.ity:
9.1Axirl loril clrrying crplcityl Pil€sin rccksalld wcathoredrocksofvarying decle€ofwearheriag,
Pilcs in rocks 6d *eather€d iocks of vrr/ing dcelee oi derive tlEir capaci!, by sd beariogaddsocketsideEslstanca,Thc
weatheringderivc d&ir copdcity by cnd btuing ed socketsdc ultinate load cmying cdlacili may be cllculated fron onc ofthc
sistaoce- T[e nliimatc loddcurying capdcitymay beoaldlated No opp'oacltu eiv.n belo$.
tiom oneof re rwo approachesgiven b€lo*. wlrerc coresof t[e rcck cm bc takened uncontned compesre
v1rherecoresofrhcroclconberok.nsnduncorfneocompr&iJe slrcngtfi dircctly establishedusing si.ndaid nothod oftesting,lhe

stune$ diectly establishcdlsing si4ndra mothodoft6ring, thc olproacb des*ibed in netlod I shal! bc uscd.
ipploac! dcscribe4in melhod I sn bc nscd,In sifirdions wherc In situationswhere shota is highly fraencnted, whcrc RQD is nil
RQD sbow! highly tasnented shata(which is not cla6siicd as o. (CR+RQD)/2is I€s thm 30 %, o! wlEre straiais nor cl0ssifi€d
a Ssntrldr or clayey soil), tho aplroach desclibedin mcdDd 2 o! a gnrular or cl.yey soil, or when thc crusbingstongth is l@s
(colc & stbud apprcach)can bo used.Alsq for wcok rock likc lhan l0 MPa, the lpproach desdibed b mcthod 2 llull b3 usid.
chrl]<,mud stonc,clay sione,shaleand otLer intcrmediarcrccks Also, for wcak rock like chulk, mud ston , clay storc, shalc dd
orhs intcmediaisocks, nethod2 h alplicablc,
Q!= R + R".=rE-q.d4 +4cu, Q"= & + \r= q.q".drA+^. c_
q,."= (R./3)+
Q, = Ulli'late capacivof pilc sockotcd
i o rockin Newton
\ = UlLinaloendbedinc Qu= Ultimote capacityofpilc sockctedn o rock in Newton
\r=Ultimatesidesockctshea! Q.&" = Auowablccapdcilyolpilc.
4 R?= Ultimalecndbcdinc
Ka - An cmphi@l coamcicnt whos vrlucnngs tom 0,3to
1,2!s per thohblo belowfor rhorccki who@corcrccoleryis q,- ultiFatc aidoscketshcd
' rponcd. ordcoresreskdloruniuirl conpresive ErMgrh K,p =,Atr ompirical co-cmcicnt whosc voho mg€s Iiom 0.3 to
1.2o\ pflhc roblebelow{or rhc rccls whqc .ore E@veryis
rcponod,dndcorcs tcstedfor loidxial comp$sivc sircn8&
2 (CR + RQD)
30y! 0.3
100% t,2 3A% 0,3
t00% t.2
CR = Core Rccovc'y in % CR = CoreRecovcry io %
RQD = Rock Qualib/ D6isnalion in % RQD = Rock Qtroliry Desisnationin %
For InteEcdiale valns, l<!p shaUbe linedly intdpolated For intcmodiate volns, I<sp shalI bc linearly inter?olaled
q. =Aver,geunconloedcomprssrvesdtngLhol 6clcorc q - Avebge unconnnod cobprossive shengtb of rock 6rc
bclow baseof pi le for ile depthtwic the diameterlealt larelal below baseof pile fo. the dcpth tvioe lhe dim€t€r / last lateal
dimension ofpile in MPa.
dimdsionofpile in MP!.
Ah= Cmsssecliohal aEa ofbas€ofpil€
Ab= CrosFs€ctiolal areaofbaseofpile
dr= Deprh faclor - I + 0,4 x Lengdrofsocket
dr=Depfi faclor- I + 0.4 x Lmgih of socket
Dianerer ofsocket Howcvu,valueol d. shouldnot be tdkenmorerhln 1.2.
Hovcver, valueof d. shouldnot b€ takennorc tle I L A,=Surfice ffia ofsocket
= surfaceea ofsockel
4 c* = Ullilate shed strengthofrcck along socketlength ,
c,, = Ultimate shed stragth along socketlengt! = 0.225 -0.225 /q..burGrricEd losheJrcapicirvofcoDreteoflhe pile,
./q. Ior calculationof sock t r6istd€, the sameshouldbe o r. rat.n u, I o upa ibr r"i i51;;"";T .;nn;"-d E6!idiii6h,
V.bBrrfo"-drhdiiii6fdtlistf iijii.i€rdt5fr ;TiiA by;'t trdr
METEOD - 2: l(lckt5)
Tnis frethod is applicable{]len coresmdor corc t€srjlg METIOD - 2:
rcsultse not available.o. whe! geo-Daterialis highly This nethodis applicablewbencoresm.yor corct 6tingresultt
fragnented ,T!e shearslrengrhofgeo-matdial is obrained ar. notavailable,or whenCeo-material is highlyiagmented.The
non iis @@lation pidr extrapolaredSPT v&lEs for 300 m shedstrchgthofgeo-nateriaL is obhinedAomirs@relstionw*h
e ^ h p o l a t e d S P T \ J u cJs0f o0 n m o o
f erefruonaseive0in


ofpdetatio! asgiv.n in tabl€ betow:

600-400 400-200 200- 1 0 0 -

1 0 0 60 300,200 200-100 100-60

8040 40-10 r0-4 4-1.4 1 , 4 4 _ ! t,3-1.9 1.9-0.7 0.1-0.4 l


a!=q+\,=cd\A+c!.4 a"=R +\.=cuN.A!+cu 4

Q.h = ( Rd3 )+ (R./6)
c,i'Avosge shcr s|r€nerhbelowbso ofpilo for itF depttt Wltqe,
twicethedim€tcr/lcAstlatelaldim.nsionofpile. c"! = Avcage shor strcnCthbelow bNc ofpiL, lor th6 depthequal
c,.=Ultinatesier socket lelgth= 0,225,/q, hcs@e to rwice dp diamctcrleast lateoL dimensioi ot pile, ,arcd a,
shouldbereshictedto 5 MP!, ae*aeelN'valtu ol thit reetaa.
c*= Ultinote shedr st crgrh along 3ockot lcngth, io b€ obhined
N"=9. ftom labh, bssd on avdaee'N'value ofsockct portio!. ftis shlll
Cen€nlnot€ comnonto Mcltod 1lndMeilod 2. bc rcstricledto slear cdplcily ofcond€le offte pitc, to bc tlko as
L lor ih€ hingedpilesrcs.irs on rockpropd seatinglu5 to be 3.0 Mlq for M 35 coocrotcin conffncdcondition, which for othc.
eNurcd.The minimumsookctlc.gtn shouldb€ 300fln nr s.rengts ofconcdte con be modificd by . raotor1(fok65)
hdd rock,.nd 0.5tinos thodiamctcrofthe pile id wqttmd Intomcdilte vrltrG o* andc. can b. inleaotahd linerlt

t\ctor N = 9
2.Ttc dllorabhendbeeinsconrroncltdfterdividinsby
6f:;6Ffi rTdiesariitdtsi.ii;' Q,w- Allowablc.apdcivof pilo
Thc *hapolatodvllucs of'N'grcater th.n 300shatlbelinired to
@p4c!ry' Ino bp, r"{
300 m 6hallbc nesleted, The &ictio! calacitysbdllbe 300 while lsiry thk nctlod.
limitedto tunh€.six timesdidet€. ofpile, Geleral not€s.onDon lo Mcthod I ![d Methodr:
4. For ihc tomi.dtion of wo*ing piles in the roclq srrat! L For the hingcd pilcs icating.on rock prolcr seatinghls b bc
nedtodologygivenin sub{lawe l0 canbcusedasa quality cisued. Tlte mininun socketlensth shouldbe 300 m in te!
rock, and0,5 times the dianeter ofi.'l€ pile in weatncFd !ock,
2. Thesliowable€nd bedilg comlonent llicr dividing by factorof
efery shall bc reshi.hd (o 5 Mta,
3. For calculationofsocket liclion capacit, the top 300m depth
ofrock shull be neslccicd. Thc friction capacityshall be 6mhd
lioircd ro a depthofrL lims the diam€teroflile.
4.For lhe tmimlio! of woiking piles in rhe rocty sh6ra
ncthodolocy given iq s$-clause l0 en be ueeds a qudiry
9.2MoDentcsrylng c.prctty otsocketedpil$: 9.2 MoDent carrying caplciiy of socketedpiler:
Ior the sockeiedpile, the sockerldgth in rhe rock @y bo Fo. tho socketedFile, $e sockel16gr\ i! tle lock mly bB
6omfollowilg .qlation I calculatedfto6 following equdtion:
. 2H riE-ii . u l4tt' 6M

Ls - Socketlcnglh
H = Hori@ral force at top of the socket H ForizonulforeatLopof rfesocket
M = Monst a! &€ iop of ttE $cket M = Monent at tle lop of1ne socke!
D = Di@erer ofthe pile. D = Dimetor of the pile
or = Pemissible comlEssive sFelsth in rcck which is lesq of or = lmisible @nple$ive strengtl tu rock qhich is lessefof
30 kg/sq.cmor 0-33 q.
ln cas of socketedpilcs, fo. the salrslacrory!€rfommoe ofthe In @seofsocketedpil6, for re saiisfdctorypcfomanco of
sockel as &{cd rip, the retation at the top oflhe socketfor the the sockets nxod tip, th€ rctation ar the top ofil€ socketfor
nxed co"dition (0) lhould be less thm or equl to 5% ol lne lhe nxed con&tio! (0) lhould be lesetbe or equalio 5% ofthe
rotalion for thc liu€d coddition at tle io! of the socket(0J rctalion for the lim€d codition at the t ! olthe sockct(0, ),


10. P e rerninltion crlierls as a qu.llty .onhol tool i! 10. PIe terbination citeria ss s qudity cortrol tool In rccls
Ior estublishingrhe similality of soil stnr4 ocrually met while
Ior 6&blishilg $e similarity ofsoil shata lctlally net while advancingilc pibborc with the stata selectedfor tedimling
advdciog 1!€ pilebo{e vith the strstasslsted for lemharing lhe pile on thc basis ofN valneslquivaleni herg/ melhod @
the pile on the basisofN valuesequivaldt cnercy metnodce
The mnccpt of ?ilo Pchchltion Ratio (PPR) is used in this
The conccpt of Pile Perchltion Ratio (P?R) is *cd in uts
The pile pcleharion latio (PPR) rerlecB the ddey in bon"meter
fte pil6 peletraton ratio (PPR) renatg fre e!€rgy in ton- requiEd to advdc! tte pile borc of one sq, motercmsss@tional
neter equi&d io advlnco1he pile bo€ ofone sq. deler cbs
sectioDalfta by I co.
l) In u:c oCSPTree'rslPR (ad bewo,kedourasfollows.
l) In caseof SPT test its PIR canbo vorlcd olt asfollowg Enelly E spcnt ror N blows = 63.5 kg x ?5 cm , N blow (in
Eneryy E slent forN blows - 63,5 kg x 75 d x N bl@s kscd lnits) = E x l0n ton melre.Afta ofsmpler is 0.?85x (5.2),
(in ks<m bits)=E x I0i tonnerre.Araof sdpldis0.785 2l.24,pcnctElirg30 cm,
* (5.2)'? 21,24 sq.m, penetolins 30 cm. .H@@PrR*63.5 x 75 x N '10.1Qt.74 \ loa x 30)
qcncqIPR * 63.5x ?5 x N x l0]l(21.24 x lqa \ 30, = 0.747N
=0.747N IPR for N =50, = 37.35rdm:/cto,
PPRfo. N =50, - 37.35 tn/mlon, md iorN =200, 149.4h/m:hn
md for N -200, 149.4ttr/m%m
m:. a@a

pilcr) -
2)PPR(P),( iorremussion

2) rPR (P), (for pceusion pilco V=Wci8htofohilolinMT

n = Nuftbd of blolv! ofh.hmo

W = WeiShtofchiselin MT

! = NNb* of blowsofhamo ) = ?++q

( R),( rorrorturpircs
N = Revolution porminute
T = lbrque in 'tm' for con spondinC
J) ltRt R ). ( fortulin Dils r= --

n = Revolution ler hinute!

'l =
Torqlein 'tn' for c()mlonding 'n'

? 1 0 , 1 . 1 h cose of plain conqete subsrflde. surlace reirfoensru ar In caseoftlain concrct€snbshuorure,surfacc .dDtolcd{t at
the nlc of2,5 kg/mi sl'lll be uovidcd ir eacn diectior, i,c. bol,tr the &le of2.5 kg/m1shall bc providcd in cadr dnection,i.e. bort
horircDklly and velticaUy. Spacin€ of srch bss snoll no! excecd horizonrallyud verricallt Spacingofsuch bs shaltnot *@ed
200 m, In css! ofsubstrucnuo ir hi€lly coftsivc atmosp!*, the 200 nm. In caseof subshlcruc in seveE envnou@t (as p€r
surfaccreinforcsDcnl.e be dispensedwirb, ifspecincolly slowed Cl. 302.6 Table 5 of tRc 2l), tbo sufac€ reiDforcemertcan be
b tnc djndnsioD of the substructue should be so prclodioned ro dispcrucdwith, ifspcciicslly atlowedbui the dinsnlion ofthe
kecp thc stress olly utro 90 ler cent ofthc lltowabtc sress. subst:lcl@ should be so qoporliored 10keepthc slrossesonly
upto 90 per.ot ofthe .llow$ic srre$
IocgseofpioscoftistinsrwoornorccoluDE,rhchoria .lforccs Ii liuseo{picrs consistilg two d norc cotMns, th€ torizonar
ot tic beeilg canbc dishibuted on oll rue colume in plolonior ro forccs ot orc bouins bc distribded on colums as i€qlircd by
then El61ivo.igiditie, ifthe thickr*s ofUF pier ci! is st lc*r onc
ed I hdlflinos thetbickness ofthe colhn_
HouowpiersshaUbeprcvidedvirh suiriblylocdrcdw.ep,holcaol Hollw piqs shall bo provjdod pith suirabtylocatodve€phol6
75io 100mmdiahcld,lor cnablingfi,coflow ofvurer ro equalizeof 100rln diamctd for onsblins frec flow of wal6 to cqualid
rhowatcrlcvcb on i'sido sd outside;consjdorilsnie ofnso/toll lhc wltcr lcvols on insidc ahd oursidej considdng latc of rise/
offloo tidc qatei Thcpier wall6shoutdbochectedfor c4{aruu fall of floodlide watc The pier vills slD ld bo chccked for
difiddlidl watcr4ead:/wlvepBsurc andsil p;$N. expcctcdditfqential lvatcrhq wayolrcasuc lId silt prcsruc
{ In ahcnco of dcrdilcd calculalions, ! nilinum ditreErcE o{
1.5 n in valq lcvels on tvo sids sholt be 65M6d.
710.4.6 Thc abufiront may bc plain o( reinforccd oonqctc or of basoDry. The abutftcntnay be of plah or rcirforccd concreteo! of
The abulmentmay bc eilhd sotid ryte, buttlc$cd tDc, cou erfotr n8otuy. Theabutnctrtmaybceithersolidt
!e, bur.'resddt ?c,
rylc or s?ill tluousl gTc. For spill duoud abutnenr, .olum rr?e coulerforl b?c, boxB?oor spill throushrypc.Forspill {roud
o! wall b.?c airlysis Day be ceicd out as for !ies. Colote{ort alutrnert,coluD typc or vall t,?cr aoalysisnoy be csied
ttpe abutre may be hcaled 5sT or L rne dsthe css6nay te dnd out s for pies. Cosrdfort t}?e aburnehtnay be trealed!0
lbe !l6b nay be dcsiered as @niinuousovcr colnterfons. T or L twe asdD cse nay bc andrhesht maybedaigaeds
710.4.11 ln casoof box ryle lbuture s, w€epholosshatlbc lbvid€il
sinila tohollowpieB,seperclause ?t 0.2.9,
?10.8 PierandAbtrtDcntCaps

7 1 0 . 8 . 1 I]ie widL'r of th€ abltinent ald pier caps shati be sumcieni to Ile widlh of tne abulrreni and pi€r caps slall be strfrd€N !o

i) The bedihgs leavjDgd otrsetof 150m teyond thom i) llE beain8s l€aving d oifsel of 150m beyoDdthon

iii) The slae for j&ts to lift itr srpnsFuctus for repair/ iii) Thc space for.iacks to tift rbe supenhuch'c fo. Elairl
rcllacen@r of btuings, elc, rellaenent of bedings, etc,
iv) The equipDentfor pestlessing opcntions wteE rccosary, iv) The equiln{r for pEstre$ing opoatioN wherc
v) The drainsgeuegment for the waier on |n. cap, N€cc$ary, ovo and above spoccfor cnd block h casr situ

v) The dhinage arangenmt fo! the vater on tn€ cap,

vi) Seisnic e€slor ifprovided
vji) To acco@odate inslerio4 laddd.
710.10 Pcdesrols
belos Besdng

710.10.2 | For lcddrah wtose hejght ir le$ ihd its vidth lle requiremqr of Tho heiglt of the pedstal shouldlte betweer 150@ ed 500
thElongifirdi@l reirforcem@! ar slecined {or ehort @llm leed m. whcrc the depll, of supeBtructulesnon ttro sdjacd
spfls oD s @lmon pid differ and reqrhe ue of pedcstalsof
horc naight belw oDeof the s!ds, tlF siape of pis cqp q
th6 diapnmgmofsw6truclw 6hall be modifieil to eclrict dp
leight of pedstals to 500nm, Fo! ped6r4ls whoseleielt tules
thm its widtb, the rcqui@clt ofthe lorgitudiml dnfoednent
as sDecinedfor sho.r colum necdrct be imisted !oon.

Appendix- 6 of IRC : ?8 - 2000

' (Referin Clsuso710.1.4)

ClauseNo. Original Clause RcvisodClause

Appendix-6, Fig. I Replaccd,
- - l BRIDGE
= t=tl

AT1,0m c,c


L Acrivewc+e oI soil nobjlizcd jD dcvolopingoctiycpro$urc hasto bcnllod by 3clcct.danh,

2, Ii ose, llqj*tion offooliDgrowardr6r$'Rll is lcaslhan600Dn, llc nlls shallbc sullone! ntu &.


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