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Who Comm.
Objectives Key Message Target Audience Timing
Communicates Channel
To tell the administration
about the proposed Proposal for a
training and to get their customer service President and Proposal 1 Month before
authorization to start it. Team leader training. HR Head Letter the training
To brainstorm what will
happen and to come up
with the training
eeting program. To create To come up with
committees for the said the training Brainstorming
event and to give their program and Team Members/ and Event 1 Month before
task. Team leader committees Committees Planning the Training
Teal Leader
vitation for
To invite effective guest /Program Invitation for Invitation 3 Weeks before
speakers for the training. Committee Speakers Guest Speaker Letter the Training
To the Deans, Directors
and Department Heads
for them to
communicate things
about the training and Deans, Directors
also to encourage their Information and Department 2 Weeks before
employees to attend. Team Leader dissemination Heads Memo Letter the Training
To disseminate Prospective or
information and to Information Target
encourage employees to Program dissemination and Employees/Audie 2 weeks before
attend the training. Committee for promotions nce Posters the Training
To disseminate Prospective or
information and to Information Target
mail Blasts
encourage employees to Technical dissemination and Employees/Audie 5 Days before
attend the training. Committee for promotions nce E-mail the Training
To invite employees to Prospective or
vitation attend the training and Target
ogram to have idea on what will Program Invitation for the Employees/Audie Invitation 3 Days before
happen on the training. Committee attendees nce Program the Training
To spread the news that
cial Media there is an ongoing
sts training about customer Technical Information BU Community Facebook and During the
service. Committee dissemination and others Twitter post Training
To know about the
rvey / impact of the training
aluation and to know whether Program Feedback about After the
the training is effective. Committee the training Attendees Survey Form Training
To tell the Deans,
Directors, Department
nouncement Heads and Attendees Deans, Directors,
emo that the training went Thanking for their Department
well and to thank their support for the Heads and A Day after the
support. Team Leader training Attendees Memo Letter Training
To publicized the news
ews article about what happened to Information BU Community Website A day after the
the training. Team Leader dissemination and others News Training
On the next iss
University of the Univers
ews article To publicized the news News Letter News Letter or
about what happened to Information BU Community or University University
the training. Team Leader dissemination and others Publication Publication

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