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GATE - 2097 ‘Duration : Three Honrs EE: Electrical Engineering Q.1-Q. 20 carry one mark each 2. t=O. 70 carry one mark each 1, The common emitter forward curr ent ga transistor shown = 270 Ks ia. The transistor is operating in (a) Saturation region (® Cutoff region (c) Reverse active region (@) Forward active region 2. The three-terminal linear voltage regulator is connected to a 10 load resistor as shown in the figure. If V,, is 10V, what is the power dissipated in the transistor ? +10v0 R700 @I6W ()4.2W 3. Consider the transformer connections ina part of @ power system shown in the figure. The nature of transformer connections and phase shifts are indicated for all but one transformer. w24aw @54W Autotransiormer 4 Maximum Marks 150 Which of the followin conesponding og connections, and the the rasionne: Deen Ase OO @) Star-Star (0 =00) : © Star~Detta @ © Delta ~star (6 @Sar~ Ziggy ‘The incremental cost curves in Rs/ MW hr for two generators supplying. a common load of 700 MW are shown in the figures. The maximum and minimum generation limits arealso indicated. The ‘optimum generation schedule is GENERATOR A "200 MAW aso Ineternental Cost ReANWnr _ GENERATOR B anh... . eee 150 MW 400mm (@) Generator A : 400 MW, Generator B:300 MW (8) Generator A : 250 MW, Generator B : 350 MW. (@) Generator A : 450 MW, Generator B: 250 MW {@) Generator A : 425 MW, Generator B:275 MW Two regional systems, each having several synchronous generators and loads are interconnected by an ac line and a HVDC link as shown in the figure. Which of the following statements is true in the steady state: Pap + @) ® © © Tait Tesions need not have the same Frequency The total power flow between the regions (Fst Pad can be changed by controle ars BDC converte one e power sharing between the ae line and the HVDC link can be changed by contaline ie HVDC convertors alone, The direction of power ow inthe HVBCHink (Py) cannot be reversed. Consider a bundled ~ conductor” ofan) ‘overhead line, consisting ‘of three identical sub- a conductors placed at the a comers of an equilateral triangle as shown in the fg we relee he Serge onthe eves” C) than their radius, the maximum electric field intensity is experienced at (@) Point X (©) Point Z (© Point Y (4) Point W The circuit shown in the figure is Do Loan w (a voltage source with voltage Ry R TAR, (b) a voltage source with voltage a v rR V (©) acurtent source with current Fo ,y RY {@)a current source with current Ry “y ‘The system shown in the figure is ve (a) stable (b) unstable (© conditionally stable (@) stable for input 1, but unstable for input u, oO phase conductors and ground, and assume that Spacing between sub-conductors is much larger % fata senal sin os + #) be applied toa stabi locate ayarians system. Let the Sertespondingsteady stateoutput be reprenet 266 (ou + 4). Then whit of he hee statements is true? * ) F is not necessarily a “sine” oF “cosings furetion but must be periodic with ox

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