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Video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user

interface to generate visual feedback on a two-or-three-dimensional video display

device. Some of those are television screen, computer monitor or mobile

devices. Since 1980’s, video games have been an increasingly important part of

the entertainment industry and whether they are also form of art is a matter of

dispute. The input device used for games, the game controller, varies across

platforms. Common controllers include gamepads, joystick, mouse device,

keyboards, the touchscreens of mobile device, or even a person’s body causing

a kinect sensor. Players view the game on a display device such as television or

computer monitor or sometimes on virtual reality head-mounted display goggle.

There are often game sound effects, music and voice actor lines which come

from loudspeakers or headphones. Some games in the 2000’s include haptic,

vibration-creating effects, force feedback peripherals and virtual reality headsets.


Mobile games, computer games and digital games are becoming more

and more popular among students nowadays. Video games are used directly or

indirectly in many areas such as marketing and communication. In terms of

education, video games allow students to socialize and provide students with the

development of motivation and self-regulation skills. It is important to know the

habits and preferences of the student who play video games because we are

now living in era of rapid transformation in technology due to continuous progress

of mobile devices, computers and internet technologies. (

The key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter,

not harder. This becomes more and more true as you advance in your education.

While some students are able to breeze through school with minimal effort, this is

the exception. The vast majority of successful students achieve their success by

developing and applying effective study habits. It can be learned to improve your

ability to better retain reading material. These habits include approaching study

with the right attitude, choosing the right environment, minimizing distractions,

setting a realistic schedule, and employing memory games, among others.


Students grapple with many issues in their lives, like playing video game

that completes their attention and affects concentration in their studies. The

overuse of videogame in an uncontrolled manner is called “video game

addiction”. It can be defined as playing games on game consoles, computers,

smartphones and tablets for a long period of time. Due to this kind, daily tasks in

school such as studying the lessons, making projects and even doing the

household chores are taken for granted. This would also lead to the isolation of

one self from society and being unable to fulfil one’s duties and responsibilities,

as a student and as an individual.

As technology flourished, video gaming trailed just behind it, coping with

the changes and improving as time passed by. Now, 21 st century, there are tons

of types of video games out there, games of different kind for different

personalities. Undeniably, there are of course the best and most popular games

out there. Some of those are on why it has been part of most people’s lives is

developing since then. Everyone who plays video game has a different reason

for playing and the usage of the game leads to different affects for each

individual. Video games maybe therapeutic for some people, but the people are

negatively affected by gaming impact many. Nowadays, youths are so engrossed

in playing video games and computer games instead of playing physical and

traditional games. They are fond of playing Mobile Legend (ML), Minimilitia and

more. Many students get addicted to it and they even spend long hours of


The researchers come up with the study which focuses on Video Game

Addiction in Relation to the Study Habits of the Students in CHS. This study is

conducted to know the perception of the students in Cayacay High School about

Video Game Addiction.

Theoretical Background

Addiction is currently defined as a behaviour over which an individual has

impaired control with harmful consequences (Cottler, 1993, Rounsaville et. al,

1993). Thus individuals who recognize that the behaviour is harming them or

those whom they care about find themselves unable to stop engaging in the

behaviour when they try to do so (Heather, 1998). The severity of the medical,

psychological and social harm that can be caused by addiction, together with the

fact that it violates the individual’s freedom of choice, means that it is appropriate

to consider it to be a form of psychiatric discover: a disorder of motivation.

The main challenges for theories of addiction are to explain how this

happens both at an individual and a societal level, and what mechanisms and

societal changes underlie prevention and recovery.

There are inevitable question about what constitutes a theory in the field of

addiction. The first group involves theories that attempt to provide broad insights

in to the conceptualization of addiction. Thus addiction may be constructed in

terms of biological, social or psychological processes, or some combination of

these. For example, Or Ford (1992) has proposed a general conceptualization of


addiction from a particular disciplinary perspective (see also Or Ford, 2001).

Heather (1998) similarity proposes a broad theoretical framework. MC Custer

and Getting (1997) focus more specifically on cognitive mechanisms (and see

MC Custer, 2001), Papers by Drummond.

This study is anchored on this Self-Determination theory, states that

motivation plays an important role in initiating, developing and maintaining

involvement within an activity. The present study applied this theory to video

game playing and surveyed 399 video game players, 82 percent of which were

male with a mean age of 20 years old, on measures of video game playing

involvement, motivation to play video games and problem video game play.

Participants were obtained from various video game retail outlets, Internet Cafes,

and LAN gaming business. The results showed that extrinsic motivations to play

video games, such as tension release, social approval and extend regulation by

in game rewards, and a motivation, or playing without purpose about the activity,

were significant predicators of their application to identifying and assisting young

people with potentially problematic levels of video game playing. Self-

Determination Theory (SDT) is a frame work conceptualizing the motivation

which underlies the choices people make which developed by Eduard L. Dice

and Richard M. Ryan in the mid 1980’s. This theory is all about human

motivation. SDT indicates there are two basic types of motivation: intrinsic and

extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within. Let’s say you’re reading a new

book by your favourite author; it’s probably not difficult to motivate yourself to

finish the book because it’s enjoyable! You experience intrinsic motivation when

the task at hand is inherently interesting enjoyable, fulfilling, and absorbing. Now

imagine you’re reading a book for an exam. Sure, you read the book because

you know it’ll help you pass the exam, but it’s not inherently satisfying (In fact, it’s

more like pulling teeth)! This is extrinsic motivation you perform activities to reap

positive external rewards or to avoid punishment. This means if you do a thing

which you love the most you will spend a lot of time just to finish it like playing

video game.

A theory of adaptation explores the continuous development of video

game and argues that the practice of adapting is central to the storytelling

imagination. Linda Hutcheon develops a theory of adaptation through range of

media from film and opera, to video games, and creative, possibilities, within

each. Is a new edition is, supplemented by a new preface from the author,

discussing both new adaptive forms/platforms and recent critical development in

the study of adaptation. A theory of Adaptation is the ideal guide to this ever

evolving field of study and is essential reading for anyone interested in

adaptation in the context of literary and media studies.

In the early days of Pong and Pac Man video games appeared to be little

more than an idle pastime. Today, video games make up a multi-billion dollar

industry that viral television and film. The Video Game Theory Reader brings

together exciting new work on the many ways video games are reshaping the

faces of entertainment and our relationship with technology. Drawing upon

examples from widely popular games ranging from space Invaders to Final

Fantasy Ix and Comba Flight Simulator 2, the contributors discuss the

relationship between video games and other media the Video Game Theory

Reader is the essential introduction to a fascinating and rapidly expanding new

field of media studies. This theory is a crucial and timely edited volume focuses

exclusively on the theorization of video game, and thereby makes great strides to

words ameliorating a persisting gap in the academic literature also this theory

serves as an excellent introduction to video game studies and the current

problem with video game studies.

Legal Basis

The family code the Philippine, chapter 3, Effects of Parental Authority

Upon the Persons of the Children, Article 220, Section 5 states that to Furnish

students with good and wholesome educational materials, parents should

supervise their activities, recreation and association with others, protect them

from bad company and prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental to their

health, studies and morals.

Certainly, parents play a great role in the academic success of their

children. As individuals who exhibit direct authority to them, it is very helpful that

they must allocate time in knowing and monitoring their undertakings especially

those that have adverse effect on their studies. They must guide in their

engagement to activities like playing video games which is harmful to their

hearing if done excessively.

Since school is the second home of the students, as stated in the code of

ethics for Professional Teacher, Resolution No. 435, series of 1997 Article IX,

Section 2 “it is the teachers’ responsibility to inform parents, through proper

authorities on the progress or deficiencies of learners under them, exercising

utmost candor and fact in pointing learners deficiencies and in seeking parents’

corporation for the proper guidance and improvement of learners” Along this line,

teachers as molders of dreams should create opportunities in updating parents

with the performance of their children. They should serve as bridge in facilitating

and in solving student deficiencies in school.

In addiction the code of ethics for Professional Teacher, Article VIII,

Section 9 states that a teacher shall ensure that the condition contributive to the

maximum development of the learners are adequate and shall extend needed

assistance in preventing or solving learner’s problems and difficulties. One of the

roles of the teacher is to act as a second mother to their students. Teachers

therefore should be observant in identifying the stumbling blocks of their and


provide some remedial activities in order that those students who have low

grades can cope with their ratings.

The Republic of the Philippines House Bill No. 7903 “AN ACT


SYSTEMS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES” This bill seeks to establish a rating

and classification systems of all video games introduce to Philippine market,

whether through video game arcade, Laptop or desktop computers, game

consoles or mobile smartphone, and the extreme popularity of video game

brought unforeseen problems especially in relation to un authorized distribution

and user addiction. This act shall be known as the “Video Games Act of 2018”



Related Literature

Call of Duty, Madden NFL, Battlefield, World of war craft, Mobile Legend

(ML), Mini militia, these are all video game that have a top selling product in the

consumer market. They are popular not only in the United States but throughout

the whole world, such as South Korea, Australia, China, France and even our

country Philippines. They consist of video game consoles or computer. You can

play them at home at a friend’s house or even while you are walking down the

street with a portable gaming device.


Video games first came out back in the 1970’s not that many people were

into them because, they were expensive and there were not many things you

could play on them other than Ping-Pong and hockey. Then, in the 1990s

Nintendo came out with a whole new console which delivered a game and

storyline people became instant fans of. The storyline of the game was about two

Italian brothers one red and one green who were trying to save the princess from

the evil Koopa King. This game of course was called Super Mario Bros. this was

the turning point for the success of video games.

From here on out, games started getting more specific, detailed and

expanding with levels. It is used to take a few days to complete a game, but with

more memory and better consoles the levels are much deeper and longer beat.

Graphics have been modified to look like real life events and people. Video

games makers have established a gaming experience were it feels as though the

users are really inside the game. Another gaming advancement has been online

play. Online playing makes it possible for a person from Philippine to play with a

person from America via Internet as long as they have the same game. With

headset and texts, people can communicate with the people they are playing

with. The better the game the more persons will play. All these development

made a few people become addicted to playing video games, playing over 15

hours a day, losing sleep, missing school and work. There are some people who

believe playing video games can be a good thing and that it is just a childhood

thing to do.

Video games have been one of the world’s most popular forms of

entertainment. The biggest release each year can easily bring in more money

than blockbuster movies or hit albums. As the video game industry has grown

and expanded, so too has the propagation of wild video game fan theories

become more complex.

Although the Department of Computer Science have been studying the

technical aspects of video games for years, theories that examine games as an

artistic medium are a relatively recent development in the humanities. The two

most visible schools in this emerging field are ludology and nematology.

Narrativists approach video games in the context of what Janey Murray calls

“Cyber drama”. That is to say, their major concern is with video games as a

storytelling medium, one that rises out of interactive fiction. Murray puts video

game in the context of the Holodeck, a fictional piece of technology from Star

Trek, arguing for the video game as a medium in which players allow to become

another person, and to act out in which players allow to become another person,

and to act out in which players allow to become another person, and to act out in

another world. This image of video games received early hiwidespread popular

supports, and forms the vast of films such as Iron existence and The Last

Fighter. Sources (

Video games can deprive a person from the real world. According to

Weinstein (2010) users may play compulsively, isolating themselves from other

forms of social conta a high score or beating the whole game in one day all these

are symptoms of a video game addictions.

Related Studies

Video games do not just have negative effects on people; they can also

have positive effect. According to this database, “Players play video game due to

various motivations and purposes. Some believe video games help them boost

mental skills and improve physical coordination, and speed reactions to novel

situations” (Shu-Shu, 2011). This means that video games can contribute mental

skills because some video games require critical thinking and that can enhance

people’s reaction. Also since most video games require a remote control, hand-

eye coordination increases a person’s movement. Some video game can also

help people lose weight while exercising. This method uses a kinetic sensor

device, which is a motion sensor that does not require a remote control. All you

have to do is put the sensor device near your television where it can scan the

person’s playing, and any kind of movement the person does, the player on the

television will do the same thing. This establishes an exercise activity in which

people who play will not be setting on the couch. All kinetic games promote the

act for cardio activity for instances; pumping your feet and arms to make it seem

like you are running. Other activities include jumping up and down, dancing and

even martial arts movements.

In the study conducted by Gentile (2012) entitled “The Effects Of Video

Games on Children: What Parents Need to know” disclosed that the amount of

time spent playing video game has a negative correlation with study habits.

Playing violent game for hours every day could have negative and positive

impact; it could decrease school performances, increases aggressive behavior

but improve visual attention skills. Parents should recognize that video games

can have powerful effects on children, and should therefore set limits on the

amount and content of games their children play. In this way, they can realize the

potential benefits while minimizing the potential harms.

There have been various amounts of effects for video game addicts.

According to this database a study “ Found that self-reported problems,

depressions, suicidal ideation, anxiety, obsessions and compulsions as well as

alcohol and substance abuse were positively related to the frequency of video

game playing” (Mentzoni, 2011) this means the syndromes that a video game

addict can obtain range from a minor problem (sleep problem) to major problems

(suicide) when a person does not have at least eight hours of sleep a day, he or

she can develop stress and become moody. This not only affects the video game

addict themselves but also their family or friends that are close to the individual.

The way suicides occur is some people try to reenact what they play in the game.

Violent video game games are believe to contribute in this factor. According to

this article, “One of the primary concerns with violence in video game is that

gaming is not passive. In order to play and win, the player has to be aggressor.

Rather than watching violence, as he might do on television, he’s committing the

violent acts”. Video games are related to show the age appropriateness. Video

games have ratings start at C, which means adults only. The most common

rating is E, which stands for everyone.

There could be trends through that children and teens can go through.

According to this data base, “Given trends for television usage, one might expect

video game usage to increase across elementary school. The frequency of video

game play appeared to be relatively steady from ages 8 to 13, and to decrease

thereafter” (Gentile, 2009). This means video game addiction can be just a phase

of a person goes through. Kids in elementary start using video games because

everyone has them, in middle school they have nothing else to do, but by high

school, kids turn into teens and start going to parties and joining sport teams

which diminishes video game usage.


The study conducted by Albert Gamboa (2012) entitled “Video game

Addiction” concluded that most kids ranging from 8 to 17 years old play video

game games for a large amounts of time because, they do not have anything to

do when they get off of school. They serve online games as a replacement to

have fun and interact with people. Another part of his research shows most

adults who are addicted to playing video game started when they were in their

teens and they never let go of playing. In some cases these people chose video

games over their actual lives and either get a small job or do not even have a job

and sill live with their parents even after high school. This gives the person more

playing time without having to worry about paying bills or living life outside.

Studies in the 1990’s suggested that some players form a unique

relationship with the video games they play for instances., Selnow (1984) argued

that some individuals are drawn to video games, because they7 provide a sense

of companionship , or what he referred to as ‘electronic friendship’ . His study of

202 adolescent video game players identified a small group of players for whom

video game games were considered more fun and exciting that being with real

life friends these players preferred electronic friendship because it was easier

than managing inter personal relationships and helped to forget feeling of


Self-Determination Theory LEGAL BASIS
(Edward L. Deci ata Richard M. Article 220
Ryan, 1980) Sec.5-To furnish students with good
“Extrinsic motivations to play and wholesome educational materials.
video games…..” Parents should supervise their activities….
Theory of adaptation (Family Code of the Philippines,
(Linda Hutcheon, 2006) Chapter 3, Effects of Parental Authority upon
“Explores the continuous the Persons of the Children)
development of video Article VII
games…….” Sec.9-Teachers shall ensure that the
Video Game Theory Reader conditions contributive to the..
(Mark J. P. Wolf, Bernard Perron, (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers)
2003) Article IX
“A crucial and timely edited Sec.2-It is the teachers’ responsibility
volume which focuses exclusively to inform parents……….
on the theorization of video (Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher,
games. Drawing upon examples Resolution no. 435, series of 1997)
from widely popular games R.A house bill no. 7903

Male Video Game Addiction in Relation to
the Study Habits of the Students in
students Students
Cayacay High School

Statement of the Problem
1. - What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the following?

a. name c. sex

b. age d. grade

2. In what video game are the students addicted most?

3. How much time do students spend normally in playing video game?

4. Do students skip classes just to finish the game?

5. What are the effects of video game on their studies?

6. What action plan shall be proposed in relation to this study?


Action Plan for the Students’ Video Game Addiction

Figure 1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem

The main focus of this research is to determine the relationship of video

game addiction to the study habits of the students in Cayacay High School.

Specifically, the sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the


a. name

b. age

c. sex

d. grade

2. In what video game are the students addicted most?

3. How much time do students spend normally in playing video game?

4. Do students skip classes just to finish the game?

5. What are the effects of video game on their studies?

6. What action plan shall be proposed in relation to this study?


Significance of the Study

This study is conducted because the researchers believe that it would be

of help to the following:

Teachers. As a second parents and as managers and facilitates of

learning, this study will serve as a guide for the students in the use of technology

through constant advice and follow up. This will also give them guidelines and

backgrounds in managing students’ behaviour.

Parents. This study will hopefully keep them alert, vigilant and aware of

the activities done by their children. It will also give them a chance to see for

themselves the attitudes that they have developed and acquired, thus, be models


Students. Through this study, students will know the relationship of video

game addiction to their study habits in order to enlighten their minds that playing

video games excessively without limitations is not a good practice. This will also

help them to be guided every time they engage in this activity and when they are

leading to addiction. Hopefully this study won’t keep them from spending most of

their times playing video game.


Future Researchers. It would help the future researchers that are

interested in this study. It will serve as their basis and their background about

their research.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted to identify the factors that affect the involvement

to video game addiction of students in Cayacay High School and how it would

affect their study habits. The data gathering was done through interviewing

certain Junior and Senior High School students that determines the reaction or

response of their reasons. The research questions were answered by 8 male and

8 female respondents and used convenience sampling.



Research Design

The study utilized the qualitative method/design of research. The

researcher conducted interviews to the respondents was carefully documented,

recorded and put into writing. The researcher analysed and organized the data

collected for the construction of conclusion and recommendations.

Research Environment

The location of the study will be at Cayacay Alicia, Bohol.

Before the land area where Cayacay High School was built, it is a rice

field; half of it was planted with coconut and mango trees where carabaos and

cows tied in it. Students from Cayacay went to Alicia High School (also known

now as Alicia Technical Vocational High School) that is estimated 3kms.away

from Barangay Cayacay only to finish their study in high school. The problem

during heavy rains, the river overflowed that caused the students not to attend

school for the bridge was impassable. This concern compelled the late Barangay

Captain Exequil Madrinan III through the help of former Mayor Pedro Miasco,

Division Supervisor Agapio Agad, former District Supervisor Yolanda Corciega

and Alicia Technical Vocational High School Principal Juanito Flores. The

endeavor of bringing accessible education put into realization by the year of 2008

month of June. In the first year of operation, a total of 58 students occupied the

two classroom of Cayacay Elementary School building was successfully built on

June 10, 2009 at Sitio Ilaya Barangay Cayacay.

From the start there was only two classroom intended for 1st and 2 nd year

students. The school continued to receive more blessings from different people

who also want to help the students of Cayacay High School.

Cayacay is one of the barangays in the Municipality of Alicia. It lies in the

eastern part of town. The total land area is 1,080. 6580 ha. Occupied with three

thousand ninety-four (3,094) people in four hundred twenty (420) households as

of 2013. In the north, it is bounded by barangay Cambaol in the east by barangay

Cabidian of Mabini, Bohol and in the west by barangay Napo. It is Third from the

biggest barangay of Alicia which is composed of seven sitios.

The distance from the town proper is five (5) kilometers. Going there by

motorcycle (habal-habal) which is the only means of transportation. It costs fifty

pesos (50.00) from barangay Cayacay to the town proper if you’re travelling


Figure 2

Location of the Respondent School

As of now (2018), Cayacay High School has Junior and Senior High

School department. There were 8 classrooms for JHS and 2 classrooms for SHS,

1 H.E, 1 Office and Library, and 1 Multi-Purpose Hall (Balay Sandungan).

Currently, CHS is composed of 1 SIC, 9 Junior HS teachers, 4 Senior HS

teachers, 1 AdAs, 1 security guard and 275 students respectively.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are 16 selected students of Cayacay High

School for the School Year 2018-2019. Convenience sampling was used in the


Research Instrument

This study used interview as research instrument regarding video game

addiction in relation to the study habits of the students.

Profile of Research Respondents

Department Male Female

Junior 4 4

Senior 4 4


The study was conducted through approaching the respondents and

asking permission if they are available to be interviewed. The researchers
allotted 15 minutes the interview. Voice recording and note taking was done
during the interview. After 7 days of data gathering it was analysed and


Anxiety. This refers to an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness,

nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about what might

happened some uncertain event.

Game Addiction. This is an excessive or compulsive use of computer

games or video games which interfere with a person’s everyday life.

Gamer. This refers to a person who plays a game or typically a participant

in a computer or role- playing game.

Online Game. This refers to any game that is played online, as well as,

majority of its content or gameplay is connected to the internet.

Study Habits. These refer on how students manage their time in such a

way that they can review and study their lessons in school regularly.

Video Game. Is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user

interface to generate visual feedback on a two-or-three-dimensional video display

device such as a TV screen virtual reality headset or computer monitors.

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