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H" HTIMES • '3

''We Were
Just the
by John Holmstrom
A.J. Webennan is best known as the
inventor of "garbology ," the research
and examination of celebrities' garbage.
He was also very active in the late '60s
and early '70s as a political radical. After
the Vietnam War came to a close, he
turned his attention to the Kennedy The Klein Swine demonstration, shortly before the punch-out.
assassination, and wrote Coup D'etat Left to right: A.J. Weberman, Tom Forcade, J ody Stecker.
America based on his research. Today,
he is still heavily involved in political thousands of home less garbologists who outside the world. You had to be far out
activism, as a Jewish militant. roam the streets going through-garbage, in one way or another to take these kinds
This is the latest in a series of looking for cans to tum in to the of ri ks. If you were taking risks
interviews we're running to mark the supermarket. I was thinking of starting a shooting junk. snorting it, or whatever,
15th anniversary of HIGH TIMES, the union ofgarbologists, instead of being the n hanging out with me was a minor
surprising endurance of the just garbage pickers, they could all risk.
counterculture, and to honor the become garbologists for a small amount Politics are genera lly killed by heroin,
memory of Tom Forcade, founder of of dues. But it's kind of hard to squeeze but sometimes you have addkts that
HIGH TIMES. money out of the homeless, so I've given have it together, and are more likely to
that one up. participate in illegal activities. It came as
HT: What's the difference between a a big surprise when I read Albert's
HIGH TIMES: First I'd Like to discuss private individual like yourself (Goldn1an's) book-that Lennon was
garbology. There was a recent court examining garbage and the police using heroin. When I look back at his
decision in New York that allows police examining garbage? songs now, it aU makes sense:
to check a person's garbage. Do you lJW: I don't use it as evidence in court. I .. Happiness is a Warm Gun'';
think you set a dangerous precedent by just bring it forward in a court of public "Everybody's got something to hide
popularizing the idea? opinion. I'm not trying to prosecute except me a nd my monkey." In
U . Webennan: That was a Supreme Court anyone. For example, I found pot seeds "Revolution", he's the dissident one:
decision based on a California case. My in Tony Curtis' kids garbage. J didn't go "Talk about destruction you can count
work was quoted in a dissenting opinion, to the police and say, ·'Hey. this guy's me out." But Lennon said "in."
not in the majority opinion. I'm glad to smoking pot. Go in and break his door Jn Albert's book, Lennon introduced
see that garbology wasn't used as an down and throw him in jail and have him me to someone who was smuggling
excuse to encroach upon the protection homosexually raped and tortured." hashish from Europe to the Un ited
against search and seizure in the HT: But you did ide ntify syringes in Bob States via Canada, selling it here. using
Constitution, which the Supreme Court Dylan's garbage. the money to buy guns on the black
seems to be chipping away at year after lJW: Somebody put the syringes next to market here, then shipping guns back to
year. lnstead, garbology was quoted by the garbage. I picked them up and made Ireland for use by the Irish Republican
the one who dissented. that very clear. Obviously Dylan Army. This guy was hanging around with
My lawyer gave me a copy of the wouldn't leave rusty syringes around. Lennon. We got introduced. and he
decision. He (the disse ntingjudge) But all these guys were using heroin called me on an international line. Later,
showed that garbology, going through back then. I hung out with John Lennon when I got my NSA (National Security
celebrities' garbage without a warrant, for hours and hours when he was using Administration) Freedom of Lnformation
was, in effect, an invasion of privacy, and heroin. I couldn't ascertain anything files, I got one page regarding the
he pointed to my work in going through different about him. Of course, I was so international phone call. It was
celebrities' garbage and publicizing it to crazy at the time that you had to be a monitored by the NSA, and the
illustrate that fact. junkie to hang out with me and to be discussion o f whether or not anyone
Essentially, garbology is the close doing what we were doing-harboring .vanted to buy 50 pounds of hash had
study of garbage and its origins. There fugitives, starting riots, allegedly been deleted. The guy called us up from
have been a lot of garbologists. The trashing government installations-- Ireland. He was a heavy duty guy.
deposit can law has created hundreds of things of this nature. You had to be Lennon introduced me to him. And I
I ... • t

introduced Lennon to Noraid, which is for sale of acid, possession of pot, and was there, dressed in black with some
the Irish Northern Aid Committee. I'm other things in Madison, Wisconsin. So crazy hat on.
told it was a front for the IRA. And he we had Free Dana Beal benefits. We So this guy,Jody Stecker, comes out.
gave them a lot of money. They were raised money at the.Hotel Diplomat. He believes in Allen KJein and thinks
very brave. Tom had the New York Dolls play- it these are a bunch of lies and everything.
The guy was using smack. This was one of their first appearances. He He says, "You're the ones stealing the
explained a lot of the times I went over was a great impresario. food from the kids, doing this!" And I
there. Yoko says he's depressed a nd We were also putting on Smoke-Ins at say, " No man, it's your boss that's
won't come out of the back room. That's the time. We marched up Fifth Avenue ripping off the food." So I hauled off and
when he was high and they didn't want with a giant joint. It was small, but next punched him in the jaw.
HT: When did you leave the Rock
Liberation Front?
"I'd take the shotgun and cock it on AJW: I gave it up when I began to study
the phone and say, 'Okay, man. Come the Kennedy assassination, around '73. I
devoted a ll my time to that. I'd spend a
on by. We'll blow yourfucking lot of my time in D.C. at the National
Archives. I was pretty well immersed in
head off.'" that, and after that my book, Coup D'etat
America, came out.
me to see him high. year it got bigger. By the time 1972 came HT: So who killed Kennedy? Who did you
Heroin use was very widespread around. we had tremendous numbers of finger?
among rock stars then. Jimi Hendrix.Jim people. AJW: I fingered E. Howard Hunt and
Morrison. Hendrix definitely. He choked HT: How many? Frank Sturgis, and a guy whose
on his vomit. I remember when he was AJW: Twenty thousand. It blew me away. pseudonym is "Dan Carswell" It's
discovered at the Cafe au Go Go and Aron Kay did most of the leafletting-a basically the Central Intelligence Agency
brought to England. I told Jimi, "Well, little kid in a high chair, a ll tied up, being plot-pictures of tramps picked up on
man, it looks like you're going to make forced to s moke pot by a degenerate- the scene of the Kennedy assassination
it." He said, "Yeah. Now I'll have enough looking hippie dude. The next year, we who strongly resemble Howard Hunt and
money to take every drug there is." had someone in an iron lung smoking Frank Sturgis and a third man who's a
Jimi was a crazy guy. He was working pot. And on these leaflets, we'd put CIA guy who was arrested in Cuba after
with Abbie Hoffman, mailing outjoints "Admit One to the Smoke-In." It was just Castro took power.
to Congressmen. I'm sure Abbie's not the right s ize to fit in subway car HT: What do you think of the recent wave
going to mind me saying this because the advertising and we gave them out. of books about the Kennedy
statute of limitations is far past. Abbie People would give us contributions, and assassination?
wouldn't care anyway, really. So there all the money was saved and the Yippies AJW: I'll have to read that book, Libra. It
was another junkie who was political. bought a '!:ouple of pounds of pot with it. sounds interesting. The latest book I
Jimi had reached a certain level offar- Apparently they got the cheapest pot you read was The Spy Who Got Away. It's
outness and self-destruction where it could get. Hundred and fifty a pound. No about Edward Lee Howard, who was a
didn't fucking matter if you had every one wants to get people too stoned at pot smoker, drug user, was admitted to
government agency down on your case. Smoke-Ins, in case the cops attack. the CIA and was fired when he failed the
But then we were super ultra pure at HT: What about the Rock Liberation lie detector test He was in some petty
the time. We were totally whacked-out Front? David Peel told me about that last thievery. So he became disgruntled and
anarchists. We were just the ultra- month. sold a lot of information to the Soviets
crazies. So we started the Zippies, which AJW: We thought rock music wasn't about American counterintelligence
was good because- it brought the level of radical enough. We were really operations in Moscow. He got away and
struggle up another notch. In other responding to the continge ncies of the he's now in Moscow, or Hungary, or
words, the Yippies had become a war in Vietnam. So we started a group to someplace. He defected to the Soviet
conservative group. They were the o ld radicalize rock singers and straighten bloc. After that the CIA was more down
guard. We were the young turks. out the rock scene. Forcade pointed in on potheads. Befor e that, if you used pot,
HT: You helped start the Zippies with the direction of Allen KJe in (former they'd say, "Okay, but now it's got to
Tom Forcade? manager of the Beatles and Rolling stop. You have to do CIA." Now, they
AJW: I was one of the chief Zippies, man. Stones). He said, "Here's a fucking look back on people's drug use, and
HT: Whose idea was it? hippie hood swine." New York magazine they'll disqualify them for using pot.
AJW: It was Tom's idea. To start. The claimed that KJein was skimming profits HT: What ever happened to the Dylan
Yippies were staying in this fleabag from the Bangladesh concert. Eventually Liberation Front?
hotel, writing a book and getting a lot of he was indicted for not paying taxes on AJW: That pretty well ended There's
money. We were camping out in those profits by the Feds. So we figured really no accounting for Dylan that
Flamingo Park. We were getting money if you had to rip off money from people much, anymore. He's on his own trip. He
from John and Yoko to express who were starving in Bangladesh, you hates me. He'd just love to see me locked
ourselves down there, and start riots, must be a pretty hungry dude. So we had up in a state or federal prison.
basically. We were very unhappy with a free lunch program for music HT: I bet a Jot of people still hate you for
the genocide that was going on. We were executives, modelled after the Black examining their garbage.
going to give the government as much Panthers' free breakfast program. We AJW: I was pretty well known among
trouble as we could. Make the cost of the came in with a whole bunch ofrotten celebrities at the time. They were all
Vietnam War as high as possible. fruit and dumped it all over the place, afraid to put out their garbage because
Before that, Dana Beal was Jocked up and threw it all around. Tom Forcade continued on page n
continued from page 44
they thought I would be there to snap it
up. Poor Bella Abzug. I found war stock
in her garbage and went on Channel 5
before the election.
HT: You found what?
AJW: Evidence she owned war stock. Big
military producers, one that produces
smart bombs, another was involved in
some kind of submarine production.
Although she opposed the war in
Congress, I found she was profiting from
it, personally. I found that was very
hypocritical, so I exposed her. I exposed J\M§TERDJ\M
anyone. Didn't matter if they were
liberal, conservative, J ewish, Catholic, FREE r-----------*-
whatever, I would expose them.
Basically the garbage we go through THE MARIJUANA SEED CATALOG I COPY OF THE MARUUANA
now is more like diplomatic garbage. I
There's alot of competition now. You 33 COLOR PICTURES I
have to compete with the CIA. Get there TOP QUALITY MAltlJUANA SEEDS: INDICA·s . SATIVA"S I
a little earlier than them. We went II NAME . •••..••. •.•.• •••••••••..•••
through the PLO's garbage, and I found I ADDRESS .•••.•• • • ••··•·· •••••••••
evidence that they were involved in U.S.· lOPSTllAINS AND EXOTICS I TOWN • • •••••..•.•••.•••.•.•.•••••
international terrorism, using their New CAllEFUU. Y 1111£0 FOlt INDOOlt AND OUTDOOlt I STATE/ZIP •••••••••.•••••...••.•••
York office as a base. They did not shred GllOWING : SEND VlA AIRMAIL TO
their telex traffic. So I fou nd a te lex to I SS.SC.- POSTBUS 1942
York, saying to withhold certain IS OUlt P'llOFESSION I DISCl£TIOH ASSUllED.
shipments of things that were going, they •' N ! W A G E S f Q Y I C E
were ambiguous about what these
"things" were, that were going from
Damascus to Austria by dip lomatic
pouch. They said hold it up for a few
months, because of certain reasons.
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fuck me up, so I'd take the shotgun and
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door, don't open the door." I saw them
on the TV camera anyway. So we turned
the lights off in the hall. We set the tear
gas going, and the guy shot himself in the
DISCOUNT HALIDE & HYDROPONICS leg and ran out screaming. He was
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away, man. That was the last time they
MID ITITUll · . . . . . wtll 4' or t' 111111. wlllll 1111 !Wy: ATllOIPIERIC COITllGLI
came back. So we've had a lot of wars
1ooow Hahde System • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S175 oo Heavy Aue CO, Genml0< • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SI 95 00 with these people.
400W Hallde Sysrem • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 129 00 Clnnale Conltol Syslem
1OOOW High Pressure Sodium S}Slem • • • 225 00 auromalically regulales remp & hum1d11y ••••••• 89 00 HT: This is the kind of stuff you're
400W H111h PlessUtt Sodn•n Sysrem • • • • • • • • • 190 00 Clean Aire Machine • eltmmales odors
Clean Aire I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 56 95 involved in now?
IARE IHE KITS· I • - Mll111. WI. wtrt I 11<111: wtrlll IM"""' Clean Aire II •••..••.••••••••.••. 129 95
MS400 Mela! Halide • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $109 00 lJW: Basically, yeah.
MS1000 Metal Hahde. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $149 00 LAlrl
400wH.ghPl"'5UfeSodn.m •••••••••••• $15900 MS lOOOW Halode • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S 55 00
HT: So you've gone from being an anti-
I 000 w High Plesstu Sodium. • • • • • • • • • • • $197 00 MS 400W Halide • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 35 00 war activist in the '60s to, how would I
1OOOW High Pr.....-e Sodium • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 67 50
(Alii1aiJ ~ 400W High Plessan Sodium • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39 95 describe it?
~ E. 14109 Sprague, Suite 5. ~ 940W HPS eon.....on Lamp • • • • • • • • • • • • .. 129 00
Spokane, WA 99216 360 HPS ConYefSIOn Lamp •••••••••••..•• 59 00
lJW: Researcher of neo-Nazis in the
FREE CATALOG MEW Super "Honzonlal"' Halide includes HOf Ho-Od United States. The thing that always
ORDERS SHIPPED WITHIN 24 HRS Special Sockel & MS 1000 •••••••••••••• 109 95
MS 400 Honzonral Sys1em • • • • • • • • • • • • 75 00 disturbed me about the left was its
hatred for Israel. I could never
understand that, but I did adopt an anti-
Israel line for a while. But I never really
believed it.
Eventually this guy, Mordecai Levy,
came around to exchange information
on right-wing extremists like the Nazis
and the KKK, and I started to talk to him.
He was there to spy on us because he
thought we were anti-Israe l. Mordecai
was able to roll me over-didn't take
much. He convinced me that the anti-
lsrael thing was a result of anti-Semitism
that exists on the left, not a result of
Israel's expansionist policy or anything
else like that. It all made sense to me
because Israe l was basically a socialist
country, founded on principles where
even guys like Zev Jabotinsky, who was 1
right-winger, believed thatJews and
Arabs should live together in a multi-
racial, multi-religious state. We became
friends. I let him crash at my place, and
use the phone to do his anti-Nazi
HT: Are these the original Nazis from
World War II?
lJW: Some are. They have links to th'
Third Reich. They were Abwehr age
who operated within our borders. SI
were actually tried for treason. Thif
particular group is called "Liberty
Lobby"-they are behind historica
continued on/


continued from page 77
continued from page 72
CcoGRc revisionism, as in' the holoca\lst never
its monthly magazine Wa 1· on Dmgs , and
the Coalition's nazi-like attempts to
existed, and was a Zionist fabrication.'
Scientrt1cally formulated to max1m1Ze dec riminalize marijuana. "War on Drugs"
different formulas now available tow Personally, I would like to see their
offices, at 300 Independence Avenue, is ironic, especially in light of the fact
N·P·K: that the governme nt eventually
111-8-14 ECOGROW STANDARD, IOI destroyed. Mark Lane, the JFK
15-7-12 ECOGROW " S," more mtro implemented most o f the tactics
20-6-12 ECOGROW " M," 20% avail researcher, is now their resident Jewish
3-35-10 ECOBLOOM, low mtrogen a1 proposed by LaRouche to wage war on
maturity when they're readi traitor.
I was very impressed with Mordecai's drugs.)
ECOGROW " R," specially f,
naturally counteracts the ter
work. He did a lot of things I can't talk This informant has become like chic
ECOBLOOM " R," specially eder, who was trying to destrov Tom
• All ECOGROW formulas contain ever
about. He didn't dig Meyer Kahane. He
Forcade. This guy is trying to destroy the
balanced'• Economical -one pound r felt Kahane was a racist.
plant nutrients! • Easy to use, 1·2 Tsp JOO and Mordecai. lt's the same
watered m! • Proven! ECOGROW sin HT: Who?
wor1dwlde! ' AJW: Meyer Kahane, the head oftheJDL. mentality. He'll make up anything.
Totally unstable people.
He formed a group called the Jewish
ECOGROW can now be ordered tacit HT: chic eder was out to get Tom
16oz. bottle of Eoogrow Sid , " S" or " ~
Defense Organization, a true anti-racist
16 oz. bottle of Ecobloom organization. The JDO is now at war with Forcade'?
16 oz bottle of Ecogrow " R' or Ecobloo AJW: chic eder was testifying before a
Slb box Ecogrow Std , " S" or " M" the neo-Nazi skinhead groups, lead by
Slb. box Ecobloom, Econrow " R" or E1 TV repairman, Tom "Toupee" Metzger. grand jury in Brooklyn about Forcade.
10 lb. box Ecogrow Std , ~S" or ··M" He befriended the guy. chic had a lot of
10 lb. box Ecobloom, Ecogrow " R" or f It's rumored that anyone who rips
2S lb box Ecogrow Std .. "S" or "M" bona tides. He hung out with Albert
25 lb. box Eoobloom. Ecogrow " R" or Ea Metzger's toupee off his head will get
[Goldman]. They did an a rticle in HIGH
Metal Halide (H.1.D.l lfghling $500. The JDO chased the skinheads out
400 W Halide -40,000 Lumens TIMES, and three covers stories in New
1000 W Hahde- 12S.OOO Lumens of New York city the first time they
Menuon lilts ad when 0<denng lights and re York magazine about smuggling. So
showed up for the Geraldo Rivera show.
53 page HYDROPONIC GUIDEBOOK everybody trusted chic-he was Mr.
• 1989EDmON, COMPLETt & They chased the KKK out of Queens. We
Marijuana. Forcade trusted him, despite
DEAlfRSHIP INQUIRIES INVITTD - gave Louis Farrakhan problems. ..
Telephone orders aa:epled- cal ECO toll·h Where we see it, we call it. Whether my prostestations. He just laughed it off.
(mWA call (206) 523-9300. f
Pnces hsled do not mciude post. the anti-Semite is black, German, or even chic was going to get Forcade one way
UPS shipping can be sent or another. ch ic once told me, "Hey,
M: J a self-hating Jew, like those who folJow
LaRouche. Right now we're investigating man, it was my best frie nd who sold
a guy who's mentioned in a lot of Kinky Lenny Bruce the smack he OD'd on."
Friedman's books. He did time in prison This guy was evil, man.
for Jewish militancy, and when he got He was an informant, and the guy was
out he ran a little pinball business. When in trouble. They said, "Look, you want to
that went bust, he wanted to become a give Lenny a higher concentration of
private detective, so the cops told him he heroin than he expects." So he died with
had to start informing on Jewish the needle in his hand. It was a great
militants to do so. One thing led to lesson to the counterculture. Lenny was
another and soon he became one of ultimately exposed as an addict. It
America's chief spies against the Israeli discredited him, and it discredited a lot
government. We are investigating this of the true social c riticism that appeared
guy and we're going to expose him as a in his humor.
snitch and a very dangerous informant. HT: Why was chic eder out to get Tom
He's working for Lyndon LaRouche now. Forcade'?
Mordecai is a witness against LaRouche, AJW: Because Forcade was spreading the
because he ran a penetration against counterculture through HIGH TIMES.
LaRouche, in which Mordecai came in chic was like a half-nasty-old.Jewish-
and pretended to give LaRouche guy-cop-type and half-hippie-beatnik-
information for money. It was a load of freak-type. On o ne hand you could see
bu!Jshit. ln the meantime he was spying the cop in him, even though he'd served
on their organization, and reporting back time. He'd associated with cops and he
to the District Attorney's office here. So had a cop mentality on the one hand, and
when LaRouche was indicted for credit an ultra-hippie mentality on the other
card fraud and obstruction of justice, hand. So he saw Forcade spreadmg the
they used Mordecai against him. counterculture through HIGH TIMES. He
(NOTE: In May of 1981, Chip Berlet wanted to get him because Tom was a
wrote "War on Drugs," a chilJing highly influential guy.
premonition of the fascist attempts to chic died in prison recently. When I
wipe out drug use that are now in use by find out where he's buried I'm going to
the government. The article detailed the get Aron Kay to dance on his grave.
efforts of Lyndon LaRouche's National That's how l'IJ honor the memory of
Anti-Drug C~ - iGtMpe out Thomas King Forcade!!! e
psychotropic drug use, spearheaded by
continued on page 84

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