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1. All ‘Observations’ and ‘Diagrams’ to be written/drawn on the blank page in

2. Draw neat margins on the ruled pages for heading like ‘Aim’, ‘Apparatus’ etc.

Experiment No. – 1

Aim: To determine the unknown weight using a lever.

Apparatus: A meter scale, a wooden wedge, an object and thread.

Procedure: i) Place the meter scale on a wooden wedge and adjust its position till
the scale become horizontal.
ii) Mark this position on the scale as center of gravity.

iii) Set up the apparatus as shown in the figure.

iv) Suspend the known weight W1 (gf) at a point 10 cm away from one
end of the meter scale by a loop in the thread and suspend the given
object on the other side by a loop in the thread.

v) Adjust the object such that the meter scale is horizontal.

vi) Measure the distance ‘X’ which is the distance of the fulcrum from
the known weight W1 and the distance ‘Y’, which is the distance of
the fulcrum from the object weight W.

vii) Repeat the experiment for at least three other values of ‘X’ and
obtain the corresponding values of ‘Y’.

viii) Applying the principal of moments, we get:

W1 x X = W x Y

Result: Weight of the given object, W =……..



Known weight, W1 = _____ gf

Sr. Distance of the fulcrum Distance of the fulcrum W = W1 x

no. from the known weight from the object weight (gf)
(X) cm (Y) cm

Experiment No. – 2

Aim: To trace the course of light rays through a rectangular glass slab at different
angles of incidence, to measure the angles of emergence and also measure
the displacement.

Apparatus: Glass slab, drawing board, white paper sheet, office pins, protractor, meter

Procedure: i) Fix a white paper on the drawing board, place the glass slab on it and
mark the boundary.
ii) Draw a normal on one of its face and draw a line PQ inclined at an
angle of 40° with the normal.

iii) Fix two pins P1 and P2 on the line around 10 cm away from each
other and look for the refracted image of the pins from the opposite
iv) Fix two pins P3 and P4 which should be well apart and vertical.
v) Remove the glass slab and draw a straight line through the points
marked by P3 and P4 and produce it to meet the face CD at R. Join
vi) Extend the line PQ and you will find it parallel to RS.
vii) From R, draw RT perpendicular to PQ produced. Measure RT.
viii) Measure the angles of incidence i, refraction r and the emergence e
in each case.
ix) Repeat the above steps with different angles of incidence.

Conclusion: It is clear from the above observation that:

i) Angle of emergence = Angle of incidence.

ii) Lateral displacement of the incident ray depends upon the angle of

Precautions: 1. The pins should be vertical.

2. The distance between the pins should be about 5cm.
3. Angle of incidence should be between 30° and 60°.
4. While viewing through the other end of the glass slab, the feet of the
pins must be adjusted to form a straight line and not the heads.

Observation table:

Angle of Incidence Angle of Emergence
Sr. No. Displacement
∠i ∠e



Experiment No. – 3

Aim: To trace the path of a ray of light through a prism and to show that
i + e = A + δ.

Apparatus: Drawing board, pins, sheet of paper, board pins, and a triangular equilateral

Procedure: i) Fix a sheet of paper on the drawing board with drawing pins.
ii) Place the prism in the middle of the paper and draw its outline ABC.
Measure the angles of triangle ABC that is, angle A, B and C and
take their mean. This angle is A, the angle of prism.

iii) Mark a point N on AB in the middle and draw the normal NN1.

iv) Draw a line NP such that ∠ N1NP=40°.

v) Place the prism again in its original position ABC.

vi) Fix two pins P1 and P2 around 8 and 10 cm apart on PN.

vii) Look from the side AC and erect two more pins P3 and P4 such that
all the four points (that is, P3, P4 and the image of P1 and P2 are in a
straight line.)
viii) Mark the position of the pins by clearly encircling the points.

ix) Remove the prism.

x) Join P3 and P4 produce it to meet the outline AC at a point M. At M,

draw a normal N1N’.

xii) Further produce PN and MC to meet at D. This ∠δ is the angle of


xiii) Also measure ∠e = ∠N1N’M.

xiv) Repeat the above procedure for ∠i = 50° and 60° and measure ∠e for

xv) For each case calculate i + e and A + δ.

Conclusion: Since in each case i + e = A + δ, it is verified that: i + e = A + δ within
experimental error.

Precautions: 1. The pins should be vertical.

2. The distance between the pins should be about 5 cm.
3. While viewing through the other end of the glass slab, the feet of the
pins must be adjusted to form a straight line and not the heads.

Observation table:

Angle of Angle of Angle of

Sr. No. Incidence Emergence Deviation i+e A+δ
i e δ



Experiment No. – 4

Aim: To trace the course of light ray incident normally (∠i = 0°) on different
types of prisms and also to measure the angle of deviation.

Apparatus: Glass prism, drawing board, white paper sheet, board pins and paper pins.

Procedure: i) Place the white paper sheet of paper on a drawing board and fix it
with drawing pins.
ii) Place the prism in the middle of the paper and draw its outline ABC.
Remove the prism.
iii) Measure and mark angle A, B and C of this outline triangle ABC.
iv) Mark a point N on AB and draw line NP as incident ray such that
line NP makes an ∠i = 0° that is , falls normally, on face AB.

v) Place the prism again in its original position ABC.
vi) Fix two points P1 and P2 on line NP at about 8 cm to 10 cm distance
from each other.
vii) Look at the images of P1 and P2 from the other side, BC. Erect two
more pins P3 and P4 such that these fall in the same straight line as
pins P1 and P2.
viii) Remove the prism and the pins and mark the position of the pins by
encircling the points. Join P3 and P4 to meet face BC at a point N’.
Join N and N’ through D at AC (the path the light ray has taken
inside the prism). The complete ray diagram gives the path of light
ray through the prism when light ray is incident normally on the
prism. Measure the angle of deviation that is, the angle between the
incident ray produced forward and emergent ray produced backward.
ix) Repeat the above procedure with the other prisms.

Conclusion: Total internal reflection of light has been studied in different prisms.

Experiment No. - 5

Aim: To find the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.

Apparatus: Ice cubes and a clean cloth and a heavy object to crush ice. A beaker of
water, a low specific heat capacity thermometer, a copper calorimeter and
an insulated container with lid and stirrer.

Procedure: i) Crush the ice, place it in the beaker of water and leave it there until it

begins to melt at 0˚C. Use a thermometer to measure the


ii) Find the mass, mcal of the empty calorimeter using a balance.
iii) Heat some water to approx. 7˚C above room temperature. Fill the
calorimeter about two-thirds full with this water and find the

combined mass of the calorimeter and water. Subtract to find the
mass of the water and calorimeter, m2.
iv) The mass of the water mw is m2 – mcal.
v) Place the calorimeter into its insulated container with a low specific
heat capacity thermometer and a stirrer. Place the lid on top.
vi) Add the crushed ice to the water. Stir until it melts completely and
continue to add more ice until the temperature of the water drops to
7˚C below room temperature
vii) Leave for 2 minutes to ensure the temp of the water has reached its
lowest, and then record the temperature.
viii) Find the total mass of the calorimeter, water and ice, m3,. Subtract m2
from m3 to find the mass of the ice added.
ix) Use the following formula to find the specific latent heat of fusion of
ice: mwCwΔθ + mcCcΔθ = miL + mwCwΔθ

Precautions: 1. Use a stirrer to ensure the heat energy is evenly distributed.

2. Ensure the calorimeter is insulated so that heat does not
escape into the environment.
3. Use a lid to prevent the loss of heat to the environment.
4. Use a low specific heat capacity thermometer to ensure
minimal energy is removed from the water in order to raise
the length of the column of liquid.
5. Use a digital thermometer correct to 2 decimal places.
6. To avoid melting the crushed ice, transfer it with a plastic


Observation table:

Sr. No. Data Value

1. Mass of calorimeter, mcal

2. Mass of calorimeter + water, m2

3. Mass of water, mw = m2 – mcal

Mass of calorimeter + water + ice,
5. Mass of ice, mi = m3 – m2

6. Specific heat of water, Cw

7. Specific heat of copper, Cc

8. Initial temperature of water, t1

9. Final temperature of water, t2


Experiment No. – 6

Aim: To verify Ohm’s law and hence to find the value of the unknown resistance
by calculation.

Apparatus: Battery eliminator, ammeter, voltmeter, resistance wire, rheostat and

connecting wire.

Procedure: i) Arrange the apparatus on the table and make the circuit connections
as shown in the diagram.
ii) Connect the ammeter in series and voltmeter in parallel with the help
of connecting wires.
iii) Note down the least count and zero error of the ammeter and
iv) Plug the plug key and adjust the rheostat so as to register a small
current through the wire.
v) Note down the corresponding ammeter and voltmeter reading.
vi) Move the variable terminal of the rheostat so that the current
changes. Note down the voltmeter and ammeter readings.
vii) Note down at least three sets of readings.

viii) Calculate the value of resistance from the formula: R =

Conclusion: Since current increases with increase in potential difference it implies

current is directly proportional to potential difference. Hence, Ohm’s law is

Precautions: i) Ammeter is always connected in series in the circuit while voltmeter

is parallel to the conductor.
ii) The electrical current should not flow in the circuit for a long time
since overheating changes the resistance and affects the readings.
iii) Maximum reading of voltmeter should be not greater than the
electromotive force of the cell.
iv) Connect the wires neatly and tightly. Loose connections can give
wrong readings.

Circuit Diagram:

Observation table:

Voltmeter Ammeter reading, Ammeter reading,

I R = V/I
Sr. No. reading, V I
(A) (Ω)
(V) (mA)





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