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International Political Security

A. POWER: Elements of National Power

1. Introduction

2. Meaning and Concept of Power

3. Definition

4. Forms of Power

a. Coercive (Military, Economic, Psychological)

b. Non-Coercive (Diplomacy, Negotiations and Propaganda)

5. Joseph Nye and Theory of Power

a. Categorization of Power

1. Hard Power (Coercion, Military, Economic Sanctions)

2. Soft Power (Diplomacy, Negotiations, Aid, Cultural values, Media, propaganda,

Information and Knowledge, Film and Music, Language and Literature)

3. Smart Power (Use of intelligence combination of both, especially to tackle USA)

6. Elements of National Power

a. Economic Power

b. Military Power (Army, Air force and Naval, Missiles capability)

c. Technological Power (R&D)

d. Industrialization and Natural Resources

e. Agricultural Production

f. Territory

h. Population

i. Geography

j. Human Resource

k. Leadership and Personality

l. Bureaucratic efficiency and Organization

m. Form of Govt

n. Social Mobility

o. Urbanization

p. Social Security Program

r. Good Governance

s. Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

t. Military and Economic agreements

u. International reputation

v. Media

w. Knowledge Power (Art, music and Film industry)

x. Ideology

y. Nationalism

z. Cultural and Plural diversity

7. Changing Nature of Power

8. 21st Century and Idea of Power

9. Conclusion
Foreign Policy: Decision Making and Analysis

1. Introduction

2. Definition

3. Objectives of Foreign Policy

a. Liberal Perspective

b. Realist Perspective

4. Determinants of Foreign Policy

a. Economic Capability

b. Military Capability

c. Technological Capability

d. International Alliances

e. Geography

f. Leadership and Personality

h. Research and Development

i. Professional Competency of Diplomats

j. International Reputation

k. National Integration and Unity

l. Social cohesion and Mobility

5. Decision Making

a. Structured and Unstructured

b. Unilateral and Negotiated

c. Individual Decision Making

d. Group level/ Collective Decision Making

e. Coalition Decision Making

6. Constraints on Decision Making

a. Time Constraints

b. Information Constraints

c. Internatonal

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