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NAME OF THE STORE : …………………………………………………………

ADDRESS : …………………………………………………….….
RESPONDENT NAME & AGE : …………………………………………………………
CONTACT : ………………………………………………….……….
STORE ESTABLISHMENT YEAR: ………………………………………………………….
1) Opinion about COCO-COLA & PEPSICO (softdrinks)?
a) Excellent Excellent
b) Average Average
c) Poor poor
2) Which brand you maintain maximum stock?
a) Coco-cola
b) PepsiCo
c) Both
3) Which company providing a good service to store your stock?
a) Coco-cola
b) PepsiCo
c) Both
4) Which quantity you maintain maximum stock to sell the customers?
a) 200ml
b) 500ml
c) 1.5Lt
d) 2Lt
e) ALL
5) What kind of facilities providing your distributor to store your stock?
a) Fridge
b) Ice-box
6) Does your distributor give information about schemes?
a) Yes b) No
7) When do your distributors come to your shop to give delivery?
a) Daily a) Daily
b) Once in week b) Once in week
c) Order wise c) Order wise
8) Which company providing you advertising materials?
a) Coco-cola
b) PepsiCo
c) Both
9) Which Companies refrigerator you are using?
a) PepsiCo
b) Coco-cola
c) Both
d) Own
e) All
10) Which product of PepsiCo has maximum demand from customers?
a) Pepsi
b) Mountain dew
c) Slice
d) Mirinda
e) Others
11) Which product of Cococola has maximum demand from customers?
a) Sprite
b) Maaza
c) Thums UP
d) Limca
e) Others
12) Do you get the order of cool drinks in time and in good condition?
a) Yes
b) No
13) Which distributor you are facing more issues while providing the
a) Coco-Cola
b) PepsiCo
c) Both
14) Which brand do you think better? Why?

15) Do you have any suggestions regarding overall service of coco-cola?

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