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The Growing Intolerance in the Country

-Soumodeep Saha

Intolerance is the condition of refusal of beliefs, opinions, and practices of people of

different groups. Growing tolerance in the society drives different groups apart by
creating a sense of denial in any way. The best example of intolerance in the society
is separation between black and white South Africans in the South Africa. There is a
huge level of social distance between these two groups which gives rise to the inter-
group resentment and hostility.

Intolerance is a dangerous and unacceptable quality which should be suppressed to

grow in the society. It destroys the growing power of any country by setting people
against people of different groups. People living in the intolerant society groups can
do aggressive attack in order to express their denial to the opinions, practices, and
behaviour of other people related to different group. Intolerance can be religious,
racial or other types however all badly affect the nation growth and development. It is
an international problem because of the religious, cultural, traditional, customs, or
way of thinking differences of people. It is the main cause of war among people or
nations. Good education system, developing tolerance and agreement are better
ways using which the problem of intolerance can be solved to a great extent.

Intolerant people never accept someone different which has been the main issue
since ancient history all around the world. Intolerance makes people angry and
violent to each other (people of various cast and religion) very easily to something
they cannot tolerate in anyway. Good education system and tolerance make them
able to know how to get control over their intolerance. The practice of tolerance can
be practiced from the school age of kids. They should be taught to accept
differences in the society.

Intolerance worries people, society and nation as it creates violence among people
of different groups. It causes exclusion of those who are different and intolerable
such as existence of non-Muslims in the Muslim state or its opposite. Intolerance
makes human beings narrow mindedness and does not give chance to thing positive
about anything happening in different way in the society or nation. It has high level
destroying capacity and very dangerous for the nation where it exist. So, it is better
to stop it from growing in any society or country instead of reducing its percentage.

Intolerance should be discouraged and tolerance should be encouraged among

people. Tolerance can be promoted by using various methods. Intimate inter-group
contact enhances personal experiences to each other and reduces intolerance.
Intimate inter-group contact should be continued to make it effective and useful.
Dialogue mechanisms can also be effective for enhancing communication on both
sides. It helps people to express their needs and interests. Media should select
positive images to promote tolerance and understanding towards cultural sensitivity.
Education is the best way to promote tolerance and peaceful coexistence in the
society. Students should be provided tolerant environment in the school so that they
can respect and understand different cultures. Students can better develop the inter-
cultural understanding in the tolerant environment.

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