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Looking Ahead

It is with great enthusiasm that I announce several

changes related to the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding
Foundation and this publication. As you have
already discovered from the new cover format and
title, this publication is now known as Welding
Innovation. The redesigned masthead emphasizes
our commitment to new technology and new ideas,
while the arc-like icon takes us right back to the
basic technology that makes welding viable — the
electric arc associated with the most popular welding
processes used today. As one might deduce from
our title change, we will no longer be targeting four
issues per year. We are still committed to making
this informative journal available at no cost to our
readership, but now plan to publish twice a year.
In addition, the entire contents of the publication,
beginning with this issue, will be available online
at http://www.lincolnelectric.com.
Standing: Dick Sabo, Scott Funderburk.
It is also my pleasure to announce the appointment Sitting: Omer Blodgett, Duane Miller.
of our Editor, Duane K. Miller, to the position of
Secretary of the Foundation. While I will be continu- generation of computer-literate engineers, Scott has
ing in my role as Executive Director, Duane will requested our readers to contact him at his email
assume the day-to-day responsibilities of running the address: scott_funderburk@lincolnelectric.com. I am
Foundation, in addition to his current responsibilities pleased with Scott’s contributions to date — in fact, he is
as Editor and as Senior Project Engineer with The largely responsible for most of this edition of the maga-
Lincoln Electric Company. Duane’s international rep- zine. However, I am even more excited to note that the
utation continues to grow, and he is in constant “mentoring relationship” which is the subject of a continu-
demand as a speaker at seminars and conferences ing series of articles in this publication has moved on to
all over the world. His new position as Foundation yet another generation. Duane Miller has become Scott
Secretary will give him the opportunity to interact Funderburk’s mentor, while Omer Blodgett remains our
with our International Assistant Secretaries, coordi- Design Consultant, so that, in effect, a three-generation
nating worldwide programs aimed at increasing the mentor/protégé relationship is now happily in place.
quality and reducing the cost of welded components.
Even as Lincoln Electric continues to expand into Amidst all these changes, certain things will continue
new markets, it is the goal of the James F. Lincoln as before. The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding
Arc Welding Foundation to help develop the welding Foundation is firmly committed to its goal of advanc-
industry in these emerging markets, just as it has ing the use of arc welding through a commitment to
done in the past and continues to do currently in the ever-improved quality and reducing the cost of weld-
United States and Canada. ed fabrication. Through our books, seminars, awards
programs and such publications as Welding
To supply some assistance to Duane Miller, R. Scott Innovation, we look forward to continuing to work
Funderburk has been named Assistant Editor of Welding with people like you to build a better. . . stronger. . .
Innovation. He will be assuming day-to-day responsibility welded future.
for the publication, and new ideas and comments may
be directly forwarded to Scott. Being part of the newer Richard S. Sabo


Dr. Donald N. Zwiep, Chairman John T. Frieg, Trustee Leslie L. Knowlton, Trustee Richard S. Sabo Duane K. Miller, P.E.
Worcester, Massachusetts Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Executive Director Secretary
Cover: The Lágymányos bridge on the Danube
at Budapest features a unique lighting design.
See story on page 20.

Omer W. Blodgett, P.E.

Design Consultant

2 First-Ever Gas-Fired Annealing of a Nuclear Reactor

Volume XIV Extending the life of nuclear reactors with the help of computer technology.
Number 1, 1997

Duane K. Miller, P.E.
4 Mentoring in the Engineering Profession
Third in a series of four: “Big Shoes to Fill.”
Assistant Editor
R. Scott Funderburk
8 Ensuring Weld Quality in Structural Applications
The James F. Lincoln Part III of III: A discussion of alternate acceptance criteria.
Arc Welding
20 Sixty Years of Welded Bridges in Hungary
The impact of welding technology on bridge construction in Hungary.

The serviceability of a prod-

uct or structure utilizing the
type of information present- Departments
ed herein is, and must be,
the sole responsibility of the
builder/user. Many vari-
ables beyond the control of
7 Opportunities:
The James F. Lincoln Arc 1997 Design & Welding Seminars
Welding Foundation or The
Lincoln Electric Company
affect the results obtained
in applying this type of infor-
12 Award Programs:
mation. These variables 1996 Awards for College Engineering
include, but are not limited
to, welding procedure, plate
and Technology Students
chemistry and temperature,
weldment design, fabrica-
tion methods, and service 17 Design File:
requirements. Use Undermatching Weld Metal Where Advantageous

Visit Welding Innovation online at http://www.lincolnelectric.com/innovate.htm


Argentina Croatia India People’s Republic of United Kingdom
Raul Timerman Prof. Dr. Slobodan Kralj Dr. V.R. Krishnan China Dr. Ralph B.G. Yeo
Phone: 54-1-753-6313 Phone: 38-41-512-014 Phone: 91-11-247-5139 Dai Shu Hua Phone & Fax:
Fax: 38-41-514-535 Fax: 91-124-321985 Phone: 86-22-307-407 441-709-379905
Fax: 86-22-307417
Australia and
New Zealand Hungary Japan Russia
Raymond K. Ryan Dr. Géza Gremsperger Dr. Motoomi Ogata Dr.Vladimir P.Yatsenko
Phone: 61-29-772-7222 Phone: 361-156-3306 Phone: 81-565-48-8121 Phone: 07-095-238-5543
Fax: 61-29-792-1387 Fax: 81-565-48-0030 Fax: 07-095-238-6934

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 1

First-Ever Gas-Fired Annealing
of a Nuclear Reactor
By Mike Sciascia, Project Engineer
Paul Moodey, Design Engineer superheat air and blow it through
Cooperheat, Inc. sealed ducts in existing openings in
Piscataway, New Jersey the containment building, such as the
equipment hatch, into the heat
exchanger inside the reactor vessel.
The superheated air is then dis-
Introduction tion during refueling) and providing a charged outside of containment
means for in-situ heating of the 35 foot through another duct to the atmos-
The first-ever indirect, gas-fired, radi- tall, 15 foot diameter vessel. phere. Since the air never comes into
antly heated annealing of a nuclear contact with any contaminated sur-
reactor was a major success, thanks The size of the reactor vessel alone is faces, it does not become contaminat-
partly to computer simulation that vali- not a major obstacle. The difficulty of ed. The gas-fired heaters are located
dated the process in advance. After the task relates more to the fact that outside the containment building so
years of neutron bombardment, the inside of the reactor is contaminat- they can be easily replaced in case of
nuclear reactor pressure vessels ed with radiological materials that can- failure.
become brittle. The embrittlement not be released to the environment.
problem forced Yankee Atomic Electric This eliminates the most common This approach clearly had the poten-
Co. to decommission its Rowe power method used to anneal large pressure tial to eliminate many of the problems
plant outside Boston in 1992—eight vessels: circulating superheated air with electric heating. But it also raised
years before its license was due to from gas burners inside the vessel and several potential difficulties of its own.
expire. Annealing restores the ductility insulating the outside of the vessel to The main one was insuring that the
and fracture toughness of the weld minimize heat loss. The problem is heat exchanger would be able to
metal, adding many years of operating that the hot combustion gases would maintain temperature uniformity
life to the reactor vessel. However, the pick up radioactive dust and other con- throughout the entire reactor vessel
problem is that annealing requires taminants inside the vessel and
heating the entire vessel to a tempera- spread them into the atmosphere. The Marble Hill test
ture of approximately 850°F for a
week. The annealing approach pio- proved that aging
Several nuclear reactors in Russia
neered by Westinghouse Electric have been annealed using radiant reactor vessels can be
Corp. and Cooperheat, Inc. involves
blowing superheated air from gas-
electric heat; however, this approach rejuvenated and their
was not used for various technical and
fired burners into a heat exchanger economic reasons. Ironically, despite operating life
that, in turn, heats the reactor vessel. the fact that the pressure vessel was substantially extended,
This approach was validated, prior to a
successful $6 million demonstration
located within an electric generating permitting old reactors
facility, obtaining power for the heaters
project, by building a functional scale would have been very costly. Another to continue operations
mockup, and by simulating heat trans-
fer and air flow using computational
problem with this approach is that a for many years.
failed electric heater element would
fluid dynamics (CFD) software. have been virtually impossible to annealing zone. The problem with not
repair or replace inside the reactor. achieving adequate temperature uni-
Background The use of redundant electric heaters formity is that it can create excessive
The pressure vessel contains the fuel would have nearly doubled the cost thermal stresses. Much analysis was
and control mechanism for the nuclear and the weight of the furnace. performed to verify that the reactor
reactor and is located within the con- vessel would not be over-stressed.
tainment building. Metallurgical exper- Pioneering an
iments have shown that annealing the Alternate Approach A scale model of the heat exchanger
vessel will nearly restore its original and reactor vessel was built and test-
metallurgical properties. This requires For these reasons, Cooperheat engi- ed very early in the project to experi-
disassembling the internal compo- neers decided to pioneer an alternate mentally estimate heat transfer
nents of the reactor (a standard opera- approach for annealing reactors. This coefficients. A computational fluid
method uses gas-fired burners to dynamics (CFD) method to simulate

2 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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flow distribution and heat transfer with- the heat exchanger and created a Company, Japan’s Central Research
in the heat exchanger was utilized to recirculation zone. This could have Institute of the Electric Power Industry,
confirm the experimental results. A caused a cold spot that would have Westinghouse and Cooperheat.
CFD analysis provides fluid velocity, prevented the heat exchanger from
pressure and temperature values uniformly heating the reactor vessel. The reactor vessel was heated for
throughout the solution domain for Consultants changed the model sever- seven days and 10 hours, as the heat
problems with complex geometries al times and re-ran the analysis to exchanger reached a temperature of
and boundary conditions. As part of evaluate the results. The engineering about 1,100°F. The reactor pressure
the analysis, a researcher may change team finally settled on the use of four vessel was brought to its peak temper-
the geometry of the system or the injection points, which provided the ature at a rate of about 20°F per hour
boundary conditions such as inlet uniform flow required to achieve uni- and cooled down at the same rate.
velocity, flow rate, etc. and view the form heat transfer. Each of the five gas burners produced
effect on fluid flow patterns or concen- two to three million BTUs of heat per
tration distributions. CFD also can hour. During the annealing process,
provide detailed parametric studies the pressure vessel and surrounding
that can significantly reduce the components were monitored by over
amount of experimentation necessary 500 thermocouples, strain gauges and
to develop prototype equipment and displacement gauges.
thus reduce design cycle times and
costs. An important concern during the test-
ing was showing that the vessel main-
FIDAP CFD software from Fluent Inc. tains a fairly even temperature
(Lebanon, New Hampshire) was select- distribution during annealing in order
ed because FIDAP uses the finite ele- to avoid the stresses associated with
ment method, which is ideal for thermal variations. Another concern
generating the complex and irregular was avoiding damage due to the fact
geometries which were involved in the that the vessel expands as it is heat-
proposed heat exchanger design. The ed, but the piping and other connec-
flexibility of the mesh generation tool pro- tions surrounding the vessel do not
vided with this software package makes experience the same expansion.
it possible to handle very odd shapes. The test was a complete success. All
Another advantage of this program is measurements showed that the vessel
that a version compatible with the com- maintained an even temperature dur-
pany’s existing computer system was ing the annealing process. Preliminary
available at a very reasonable price. analytical results verify that the metal
throughout the vessel walls, welds and
The heat exchanger prior to its instal-
Designing the lation inside the reactor vessel.
attached piping expanded and con-
tracted without damage exactly as pre-
Heat Exchanger dicted. The Marble Hill test proved
The authors first developed an initial A Successful that aging reactor vessels can be reju-
design for the heat exchanger. Demonstration venated and their operating life sub-
Consultants from Fluent modeled the stantially extended, permitting old
flow within the heat exchanger using With the experimental results con- reactors to continue operations for
the assumption that it would be uni- firmed, the design team was able to many years.
form. The initial design verified the proceed with confidence that the new
experimental heat transfer coefficients, process would work as expected. The Steve Trich, General Manager of
based on the assumptions that were first opportunity to use it came at a Westinghouse’s Nuclear Services
made. Next, the consultants modeled demonstration at Public Service of Division, stated: “The technology and
the distribution system which provided Indiana’s never-completed Marble Hill overall annealing process demonstrat-
hot gases to the heat exchanger to plant near Paynesville, Indiana. The ed at Marble Hill went well beyond our
make sure that it actually met the uni- annealing demonstration at Marble Hill expectations. This successful demon-
form assumptions of the first analysis. was carried out with the combined stration overturns a major hurdle faced
The initial design had assumed that a resources of the Department of by utilities with aging reactor vessels.
single injection point would provide Energy’s Sandia Laboratories and an Utility executives can confidently plan
uniform circulation within the heat industry consortium including the to extend the life of their reactors
exchanger. The analysis showed that, American Society of Mechanical knowing that vessel embrittlement
with only a single injection point, the Engineers, the Electric Power need not be an impediment.”
hot gases impinged upon the wall of Research Institute, Consumers Power

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 3

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Mentoring in the Engineering Profession

“Big Shoes to Fill”

By Mark V. Holland, P.E.
Chief Engineer
Paxton & Vierling Steel Co.
Omaha, Nebraska

This article is the third in a four-part series in which four

different engineers recount their unique experiences as protégés
of recognized experts in the steel fabrication industry.

Remembering and approver notes in an attempt to really occur to me then that Johnny
dilute their responsibility. John was often Griffiths and Paxton & Vierling Steel
Johnny Griffiths annoyed by engineers who tried to over- had very specific plans for me.
In October 1995, the engineering com- complicate the behavior of steel. One of
munity lost a unique individual when his favorite gambits was to ask them to Big Shoes
John D. Griffiths, P.E., passed away. explain, through examples, how adding
His contributions to the profession stiffness to a frame could cause it to col- I was hired by Bob Owen (who was
cannot be measured by the papers he lapse. His insight into the behavior of John’s boss and is still my boss) and
wrote, nor by the number of times he steel would have been invaluable to the charged with working to the point
spoke, nor even by his role in helping engineering community in this post- where I would someday fill John
Northridge environment.

Our Initial Meeting

When I first met Johnny Griffiths, I was
a graduate student at the University of
Oklahoma working on a research pro-
ject sponsored by the American
Institute of Steel Construction.
Certainly, I had no idea that this was
the man who, more than any other,
would influence the course of my pro-
fessional life. At the time, John was
chairman of the A.I.S.C. research pro-
ject, which focused on bolted moment
end plates, a particular interest of his.
Mark Holland, protégé. He was also vice president of engi-
to develop the modern format of the neering at the Paxton & Vierling Steel John D. Griffiths, mentor.
latest A.I.S.C. Specifications and Company of Omaha, Nebraska.
Manuals. John’s greatest contribution Griffiths’ shoes. At first, I did not really
was his passion for his life’s work dur- The next time I saw John was when understand the scope of that expecta-
ing a career that spanned more than my thesis advisor, Tom Murray, and I tion. However, as John took me
five decades. were traveling through Omaha on a around Omaha and Sioux City, intro-
research-related business trip. We ducing me to his colleagues in the
He came from an age when an engineer stopped in to see John at Paxton & engineering profession as “the young
would sign in at a hotel and proudly write Vierling Steel, and Tom mentioned that man I am training to fill my shoes,” it
“P.E.” after his name. It always saddened I was looking for a job. John casually began to dawn on me. Time and time
him to see engineers use disclaimers suggested that I submit a resume, again, I was told “You’ve got big shoes
which I subsequently did. It did not to fill!”

4 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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John’s position at the time was in the
engineering-marketing area of Paxton
& Vierling. He was expected to be
something of a tutor, or engineering The John D. Griffiths
guru, for everybody in the area—the
guy that everyone could go to with the Memorial Scholarship Fund
tough questions. Yet he also had to
talk to the general public and educate
people about engineering and connec- The family, friends and colleagues of engineering at Paxton & Vierling
tion design. of John Griffiths have established Steel Company. He published
the John D. Griffiths Memorial many papers and two books:
When I read the first article in this Scholarship Fund at the University Single Span Rigid Frames in Steel
series, authored by Duane Miller, I of Nebraska. The scholarship (A.I.S.C.) and Multiple Span Gable
was struck by the parallels between fund is intended to preserve and Frames (A.S.C.E. Transactions).
our relationships with our respective honor the memory of a great engi- Throughout his working life, he
mentors, John in my case, and Omer neer by helping to support the endeavored to raise the standard
Blodgett in Duane’s. Something that education of qualified students of professionalism within his
Duane and I have always shared is with an interest in structural engi- industry, while constantly encour-
that we stand in the shadows of these neering. aging young engineers to maxi-
mize their potential.
I had no idea that this Born July 8, 1909, in Takoma
Park, Maryland, Mr. Griffiths grad- Graduate student Lamont Epp of
was the man who, uated from the University of Lincoln, Nebraska, was named the
more than any other, Cincinnati with a degree in civil first recipient of the John D.
would influence the engineering in 1934. After col-
lege, he worked in a variety of
Griffiths Memorial Scholarship for
the academic year 1996-97, and
course of my engineering capacities before Mr. Epp’s scholarship award has
professional life. serving in the Navy during World been renewed for 1997-98.
War II from 1942 to 1946, ending
great men. When Omer and John his naval service as commander Those wishing to contribute to the
searched for their protégés, both of of the Civil Engineering Corps. John D. Griffiths Memorial
them were looking for the kind of per- Scholarship Fund at the University
son who could be very theoretical, and In a career that spanned five of Nebraska are asked to contact
at the same time be capable of taking decades, Mr. Griffiths progressed John Erickson, University of
a complicated problem and explaining from being one of the original Nebraska Foundation, 8712 West
it to people from any walk of life in a American Institute of Steel Dodge, Suite 402, Omaha,
clear way. John was a master at this, Construction regional engineers to Nebraska 68114-3434.
and Omer is, as well. eventually become vice president

Another thing that John and Omer had

in common was the fact that both of
them worked long past the usual retire- priority. I am still grateful to Bob for thirst just to keep up with his constant
ment age. In John’s case, it was that, because the insights and knowl- acquisition of new knowledge.
because he could not find the right per- edge I gained were priceless.
son to fill his role. At the time of my John’s and my routine echoed the
arrival at Paxton & Vierling in 1983, John Perhaps few us of know what we’re meetings over morning coffee that
was 74, and he had already retired getting into when we accept a new job. Duane described in his article about
twice, but the people hired to replace I had no idea! As the weeks and Omer Blodgett. As in their situation,
him had not worked out, so each time, months went by, I began to get fright- what looked like a coffee break was
he had returned to his position. ened. People expected me to know really more of a classroom...an
the kinds of things Johnny Griffiths advanced course in not only the tech-
knew, and of course he had more than nical fine points of connection design
Priceless Lessons forty years of experience in the indus- (though plenty of those were dis-
Once I started working at Paxton & try. Furthermore, John’s thirst for pensed), but also in how procedures
Vierling, Bob Owen made it clear that knowledge never ended. So I realized and specifications had been devel-
my time with John was to be my first I would have to develop that same oped: the process, the politics and the

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 5

Return to TOC
philosophy behind their development... we know, and to find out about what
the actual business of how work gets we don’t know. Even in the twilight of Visit Lincoln Electric’s
done. John was personal friends with his career, John was always eager to Weld Technology Center
people I had only read about in text- learn, and he inspired in me that same Online
books. hunger for learning. www.lincolnelectric.com/weldtech.htm
He was a very, very proper man. If I Even with all of his knowledge, John The Application Engineering
spoke in an unprofessional way, he had great respect for those working in Group of the Weld Technology
would correct me, and correct me, and other aspects of steel construction. Center works with customers toward
correct me again. I wasn’t just getting He told me that I could learn more in solving welding related problems,
technical tutoring, I was being trained one week working with a detailer than and helps lower total welding costs
in how to sit across a table from some- in a whole semester of an engineering by facilitating creative solutions.
course. When I first started with
John always made Paxton & Vierling Steel, he put me into
the shop and made sure that I worked
The Engineering Services Group
sure that I could with the saltiest old fellow there, who
of the Weld Technology Center
assists engineers and fabricators
arrive at the answer also happened to be the most experi- with the cost-effective design and
enced fitter. This exposed me to a
by doing the problem great knowledge base of just how
fabrication of welded connections.
Weld Technology Center engineers
correctly, and then he things go together. conduct educational seminars,
would show me the John was really good at giving me prob-
author technical publications, and
easy way. lems to solve. I would spend days
provide telephone consulting assis-
working on one of these problems,
one and communicate clearly and pro- come up with an answer that I thought In addition to the complete content
fessionally. It turned out John’s was correct, and finally present it to him. of Welding Innovation, beginning
mother had been an English professor, He would look at it, perform some really with this issue, current online offer-
and his wife was an English major. I quick, dirty calculations, and arrive at ings available free of charge
remember the first time I worked for almost the same answer. And then he include:
him on putting together a presentation. would say “Here are the rules of thumb
He gave me a list of materials to gath- that will get you to the quick answer.” Beam Deflection Welding Design
er, including everything from extra light As a fabricator’s engineer, one has to Software
bulbs for the slide projector, to tape to be able to get to the answers quickly. Structural Beam to Column Design
cover the electrical cords. John left Aid
nothing to chance when it came to As the best
teachers do, John Fabricators’ and Erectors’ Guide
to Welded Steel Construction
As the best teachers do, John taught taught by example. Free 60 page Adobe® Acrobat®
by example. I noticed that he never Reader File.
dominated at the beginning of a con- But John always made sure that I could
versation. Like a chess player, he arrive at the answer by doing the prob-
would quietly listen to the conversa- lem correctly, and then he would show
tion, letting others talk and define their me the easy way.
positions. Then, at the appropriate
time, he would use the information he I remember once having to compute
had gained during the conversation to the shear center of an odd shape.
explain his position and persuade the After several hours and many pages of
others to his way of thinking. triple integrals, I proudly showed John
my work. True to form, with only a few
“Always define the problem before you lines of simple calculations, he approx-
try to solve it,” John would challenge imated my answer more closely than
me before I tackled any issue. He any shop tolerance would require.
stressed that as engineers, we should What the steel industry will miss, with
answer only the questions we know the passing of John and of engineers
the answers to, and research the rest. like him, is this practical, accurate and
He emphasized that engineers have simple understanding of the behavior
an obligation to be honest about what of steel.

6 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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1997 Design &

Welding Seminars
Production Welding — September 29-October 2
Blodgett’s Design of Steel Structures — October 6-10
Blodgett’s Design of Steel Weldments — November 3-7

Lincoln Electric’s seminar series continues to

attract top design engineers and production weld-
ing personnel from across the country and around
the world. All of the seminars are conducted in the
state-of-the-art Weldtech Center at Lincoln’s world
headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio.

Omer W. Blodgett, P.E., and Duane K. Miller, P.E.,

conduct the Design Seminars. Blodgett’s Design
of Steel Weldments for machine tools, construc-
tion, transportation, material handling, agricultural
equipment, and manufactured metal products of
all types is aimed at reducing manufacturing costs
and improving performance through the efficient
use of welded steel. Blodgett’s Design of Steel Structures addresses methods
of reducing costs, improving appearance and function, and conserving material
through the efficient use of welded steel in a broad range of structural applications.
Each 5-day Design Seminar earns 3.3 CEU credits and costs $395.00.

Production Welding is a 4-day seminar conducted by Lincoln’s staff of expert

welding engineers. It covers welding process selection, welding variables and pro-
cedures, weld design, welding metallurgy, and nondestructive testing. The program
is designed for welding foremen, superintendents, industrial engineers, and time
study, quality control and inspection personnel. The seminar fee is $295.00.

Group size for each seminar is limited. Therefore, it is wise to register early.
Rooms will be reserved so that the seminar group can stay together in the same
hotel. Other living arrangements can be made if desired.

For further information or a registration form, write or call:

The Lincoln Electric Company

22801 St. Clair Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199
Attention: Marion Zagorc
Phone: (216)383-2240

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 7

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Ensuring Weld Quality
in Structural Applications, Part III of III

Alternate Acceptance Criteria

By Duane K. Miller, P.E.
Senior Project Engineer
The Lincoln Electric Company
Cleveland, Ohio

This three-part series on ensuring weld quality in structural applications

covers the following:
Part I reexamined the roles of the Engineer, the Fabricator, and the
Inspector, as they relate to welded construction. The proper roles were concept of meeting customer expecta-
defined, and misunderstandings corrected. tions in addition to the standard speci-
Part II emphasized the importance of effective visual inspection and its fication requirements. This philosophy
vital role in achieving weld quality. is summarized by A.M. Gresnight of
Part III discusses alternate acceptance criteria and explains the Engineer’s Delft University, the Netherlands, as
responsibility for invoking such criteria. follows:
“A good weld is any weld which
Throughout the series, reference is made to specific sections of the does the job it is intended for dur-
AWS D1.1-96 Structural Welding Code - Steel. ing the service life of the structure.”

In the structural field, the customer

(Owner) has a representative (the
Engineer) who develops the necessary
specifications (contract documents
Introduction Defining “Quality” and cited codes and standards) that
Quality is tied to a given specification. One of the currently popular definitions enable the manufacturer (Fabricator)
The specification must be suitable to of a quality product is as follows: “A to deliver a quality product. In the case
meet the ultimate owner’s needs. For quality product is one that meets spec- of fabricated steel, the commonly cited
most welded construction, the AWS ification requirements.” By this defini- standard for quality is the AWS D1.1-
D1.1-96 Structural Welding Code - tion, quality is integrally linked to the 96 Structural Welding Code - Steel.
Steel provides adequate acceptance applicable specification. As long as
criteria for welded construction. the product meets those requirements, D1.1 Quality Provisions
Unusual structures, however, may it is deemed “quality.” Unfortunately, if
demand additional requirements. D1.1 the specification is incorrect or inap- An understanding of the philosophy
criteria may be overly restrictive for propriate, conformance to those behind the D1.1 code will help the
some lesser structures. For noncon- requirements may satisfy this definition Engineer to determine whether it will
formances to a standard specification, but would not satisfy the wants and adequately address the needs of the
alternate acceptance criteria may be desires of the ultimate customer. Only Owner. Section 6.8, “Engineer’s
utilized in order to avoid unnecessary when a proper specification is utilized, Approval for Alternate Acceptance
weld repairs. It is the Engineer’s and when the product integrity meets Criteria,” states: “The fundamental
responsibility to evaluate the appropri- or exceeds those specification require- premise of the code is to provide gen-
ateness of an alternate acceptance ments, will a true quality product have eral stipulations applicable to most sit-
criterion before invoking it for a specif- been produced that meets customer uations.” The emphasis is significant.
ic project. requirements have been produced. It is important to consider the scope of
Therefore, a more appropriate defini- the D1.1 code, which covers struc-
tion of “quality” would include the tures that are static and dynamic: on-
and off-shore applications that utilize

8 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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plate, rolled shapes, and tubular mem- specification, and as is indicated in the responsibility is to assess the suitabili-
bers. The products covered range from commentary, precludes the need for ty of a standard specification to a par-
simple single story metal-framed build- widely varying fabrication standards ticular project, as well as to approve
ings to 100-story-plus skyscrapers and which would be difficult to monitor in a an alternate should the need arise.
offshore drilling platforms. In some typical fabrication facility. When the
circumstances, these general stipula- weld quality does not meet these stan- Considering Alternate
tions may be overly restrictive, and in dards, however, it is inappropriate to
other situations, they may not ade- automatically assume that the weld Acceptance Criteria
quately address the demands of the will be unacceptable for service. This There are three areas in which alter-
structure. Evaluating the suitability of should, however, drive the Engineer to nate acceptance criteria should be
the specification for the application is look to fitness-for-service type criteria
considered: First, there are the situa-
certainly the responsibility of the for further evaluation. tions where standard acceptance crite-
Engineer. ria are inadequate to the demands of
Few Engineers recognize that the the structure. Secondly, standard
In the commentary to Section 6.8 of D1.1 code permits the use of alternate acceptance criteria may be overly
the code, the following can be found: acceptance criteria for welds. restrictive for a particular application.
“The criteria provided in section 5, According to Section 6.8: “Acceptance Finally, there are cases in which fabri-
Fabrication, are based upon knowl- criteria for production welds different cation is routinely performed to a stan-
edgeable judgment of what is achiev- from those specified in the code may dard specification, with minor
able by a qualified welder. The criteria be used for a particular application, noncompliances that can be accepted
in section 5 should not be considered provided they are suitably documented through the use of an alternate accep-
by the proposer and approved by the tance criterion. All three are signifi-
Engineer. These alternate acceptance cant issues and will be addressed
“A good weld is any criteria can be based upon evaluation here.
weld which does the
job it is intended for
during the
service life of the

as a boundary of suitability for service.

Suitability for service analysis would
lead to widely varying workmanship
criteria unsuitable for a standard code.
Furthermore, in some cases, the crite-
ria would be more liberal than what is
desirable and producible by a qualified
welder. In general, the appropriate
quality acceptance criteria and
whether a deviation produces a harm-
ful product should be the Engineer’s
decision. When modifications are Figure 1. Heavy sections may require especially rigorous alternate acceptance
approved, evaluation of suitability for criteria.
service using modern fracture
mechanics techniques, a history of of suitability for service using past Certain structures make unusual
satisfactory service in similar struc- experience, experimental evidence, or demands upon welds and weld quality.
tures, or experimental evidence is rec- engineering analysis concerning mate- When new materials are employed,
ognized as a suitable basis for rial type, service load effects, and significant deviations from standard
alternate acceptance criteria for environmental factors.” material thicknesses are utilized, new
welds.” This commentary makes it welding processes are employed,
clear that the code has utilized what is These provisions permit the Engineer and/or when the design of the struc-
achievable as the acceptance criteri- to utilize alternate acceptance criteria. ture involves a significant departure
on, not what is necessary for the par- Since quality is integrally linked to the from established practices, it is pru-
ticular application. This is a applicable specification, the accep- dent for the Engineer to critically eval-
reasonable approach for a standard tance criteria will have a major impact uate the suitability of standard
on the final product. The Engineer’s specifications. For example, the steel

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 9

Return to TOC
fabrication industry learned many mandated by D1.1 would be overly to the standard specification is suitable
lessons when “jumbo sections” were restrictive, justifying alternate accep- for the specific situation, alternate
initially applied to tension applications tance criteria. The Engineer should be acceptance criteria may be employed
in trusses. Standard materials (hot careful when routinely suggesting that to eliminate the need for a repair.
rolled, carbon and/or low alloy steel alternate acceptance criteria be There are many reasons why this may
shapes) in unusual thicknesses employed which deviate from, or are be desirable for all (that is, the Owner,
(flanges exceeding 5” in thickness) less rigorous than, a national consen- the Engineer, and the Fabricator).
were being used in new applications sus standard such as D1.1. This prac- Unnecessary delays may be avoided.
(direct tension connections). The com- tice would be recommended only for Costly repairs are avoided. Finally,
mon workmanship criteria set forth in specific applications for components and perhaps most importantly, an
the various codes and specifications, where well established, time-proven “acceptable” repaired weld may actual-
as well as normally acceptable work- practices that have a history of ade- ly be inferior to the weld initially reject-
manship criteria, proved to be inade- quacy have been used, and where ed as “unacceptable.” Again,
quate in a number of structures. In deviation from these practices would according to A.M. Gresnight:
hindsight, it would have been prudent constitute a major hardship. The D1.1 “Standards for weld discontinuities
to employ more rigorous alternate code, however, clearly gives the traditionally are based on good
workmanship criteria. By extending
the traditional standards with the
second quality level, based on fit-
ness for purpose, unnecessary and
potentially harmful repairs can be

Weld Discontinuities
Weld discontinuities fit into two broad
categories: planar and volumetric.
Planar discontinuities include cracks
and lack of fusion. These are serious
discontinuities that are unacceptable,
and particularly critical in structures
subject to fatigue. Volumetric disconti-
nuities include items such as porosity,
slag inclusion, and undercut. These
are less significant, and when held
Figure 2. The 7” flanges of these transfer girders require careful consideration within certain limits, are acceptable by
of the NDT acceptance criteria. most codes even under dynamic load-
acceptance criteria for these types of Engineer the authority to accept an ing situations.
structures. Since that time, provisions alternate standard in these situations.
have been written to address these sit- Volumetric discontinuities are readily
uations and have been presented in The most important use of alternate discernible by nondestructive testing
a variety of technical journals. Indeed, acceptance criteria, however, applies methods and, in many cases, by visual
the standard specifications now to the third situation, where standard inspection. Planar discontinuities are
include more rigorous requirements. acceptance criteria have been utilized harder to detect, and may even be
for the fabrication practice and minor overlooked by radiographic nonde-
The second situation occurs when the nonconformances have been uncov- structive testing. It has been shown
standard acceptance criteria are more ered. Alternate acceptance criteria that, during initial fabrication, most dis-
demanding than is justified for the par- can be utilized to accept these non- continuities are volumetric in nature.
ticular application. An example in the conformances and eliminate the need Under repair welding conditions, which
structural field would be in the fabrica- for unnecessary repairs. Obviously, are more demanding than original fab-
tion of steel joists. These components the alternate acceptance criteria cho- rication circumstances, planar disconti-
in steel buildings are usually covered sen must, as is true in the case of all nuities are more likely to develop.
by another specification that is more engineering decisions, be applicable Notice the progression: readily
applicable to the particular product and appropriate for the application. detectable, less significant volumetric
involved. Application of the same Neither poor workmanship nor poor discontinuities observed in the original
acceptance criteria as are applied to quality can be accepted. However, fabrication may be removed and
other fabricated steel structures and when the weld that does not conform replaced with welds that contain less
detectable, but more significant, planar

10 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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discontinuities. This is not to say or the entire weld, however, is under- good workmanship practices and con-
imply that welds cannot be effectively sized, this provision would not be trolling the heat input to preclude weld
repaired. It does mean, however, that applicable. In many cases, the depo- cracking. However, in this example, it
haphazard demands for weld repair sition of additional weld metal would has been assumed that the initial weld
may actually result in a product of be routine and would not constitute a is a quality weld, free of cracks, with
decreased value to the Owner. It major problem. However, the initial acceptable weld contours, etc. If this
should also be noted that the deposi- weld may have been produced with an is the situation, leaving the undersized
tion of additional weld metal is likely to automatic, submerged arc welding weld in place, unrepaired, is a more
increase distortion and residual stress- machine when the travel speed hap- responsible approach than demanding
es in the structure. When the noncon- pened to be slightly too high, resulting the weld repair. The initial weld is
forming weld is adequate for the in a slightly undersized weld. The probably of higher quality than the
particular application, the responsible weld may be beautiful and meet all cri- repaired weld would be, will have less
approach is to utilize an alternate teria except for the size. To make the distortion, is less costly, and will elimi-
acceptance criterion to eliminate the weld repair, a gang of manual or semi- nate unnecessary delays.
unnecessary repair.
The decision to invoke alternate
Most Engineers are unsure of the suit- Readily detectable, acceptance criteria must be made by
ability of alternate acceptance criteria. less significant the Engineer. In a separate article in
The search for appropriate documents this series, the roles of the Engineer,
that employ the “fitness for purpose” volumetric the Inspector, and the Fabricator are
approach is generally a frustrating discontinuities defined. The Inspector cannot make
experience. Apart from finding infor-
mation regarding the methods that
observed in the this decision and neither can the
Fabricator. Only the Engineer with an
may be employed for analysis, practi- original fabrication understanding of the loading, design
cal ideas as they relate to welds are may be removed and assumptions, and overall structural
all too scarce. Mr. Robert E. Shaw, Jr., significance can make these types of
P.E., of Steel Structures Technology replaced with welds decisions.
Center, Inc., (40612 Village Oaks that contain less
Drive, Novi, Michigan 48375-4462)
detectable, but more Conclusion
has provided Engineers with a useful
source of information regarding alter- significant, planar For most applications, the AWS D1.1-
96 Structural Welding Code - Steel
nate acceptance criteria. Shaw has discontinuities. provides adequate acceptance criteria
systematically evaluated specific dis-
continuities, the D1.1 code require- for welded construction. For welds
ments, and other standards that could automatic welders may be assigned to that deviate from standard acceptance
be used as alternates. His summary deposit the additional weld metal. The criteria, engineering judgment should
is excellent and provides practical finished product may be visually inferi- be applied before repairs are mandat-
options to Engineers. or, and subject to all of the potential ed. If the weld will meet the structural
discontinuities of the starts and stops requirements for the project without
Undersized welds are a common prob- associated with manual and semiauto- modification, the responsible approach
lem. The situation is simple: the matic welding. of the Engineer is to utilize alternate
drawings call for a 5/16” fillet weld and acceptance criteria and accept these
the welder deposits a 1/4” fillet. At Has the product quality been welds. Ultimately, a product of
least two options are available: first, enhanced by the repair? First, it must improved quality at reasonable cost
additional weld metal can be deposit- be determined if the undersized weld will be the result of this approach.
ed over the surface to build it up to the would have been acceptable. As is
required size; secondly, an alternate the case in many situations involving
acceptance criterion could be fabricated plate girders, the weld size
employed that would allow these may have been based upon the mini-
welds to be acceptable as deposited. mum prequalified fillet weld size pre-
It should be noted that the D1.1 code scribed in the D1.1 code. The design
would allow the welds to underrun the basis was not strength, but this mini-
nominal fillet weld size by 1/16” with- mum size. A quality, 1/4” fillet weld
out correction provided that the under- would have provided all the necessary
sized portion of the weld does not strength in this particular situation.
exceed 10% of the weld (D1.1-96, The reasoning behind the minimum fil-
Table 6.1, see Part II of this series). If let weld size in the code is based upon

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 11

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1996 Awards
for College Engineering
and Technology Students
Jury of Awards:

Brent Hall
Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana

Gary Krutz
Professor, Purdue University

Walter Massie
Professor, Technical University at Delft
Holland, the Netherlands

Donald N. Zwiep
Chairman of the Jury,
Chairman, the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation (Left to right) Brent Hall, Gary Krutz, Walter Massie

The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation granted the following awards totaling
$15,750 to undergraduate and graduate students in the 1996 Pre-Professional Awards
Program. Grants also were made to the following schools:

Cornell University
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Illinois, Urbana
University of Maryland at College Park
University of Minnesota
University of Wyoming
Virginia Polytechnic & State University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a Remotely Operated Safety Release Experimental and Analytical Studies of Steel
for a Bareback Bronc Rigging Connections and Energy Dissipators

Bradley O. Carlson Tzong-Shuoh Yang

Laramie, WY Albany, CA

University of Wyoming University of California, Berkeley

Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering

Faculty: Donald A. Smith Faculty: Egor P. Popov

12 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

Return to TOC

Anheuser: Glue Optimization for Package Strength Intelligent Computer Vision Control & Target Tracking
System Design for an Agricultural Grapevine Pruning
Wayne Lee Diane Steinkamp
Marlboro, NJ Centralia, IL
Min-Fan Lee
Burnaby, BC, Canada

Michael Fasolo*
Palatine, IL
University of Illinois, Urbana Cornell University
*Not pictured General Engineering Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Faculty: Manssour Moeinzadeh Faculty: Wesley W. Gunkel


Final Report for a Pneumatic Post Driver Integrated CD Charger & Battery Pack

Clay Douglas Price*

Laramie, WY Christian F. Johnson Lisa Abruzzini
Santa Clara, CA Mountain View, CA
*Not pictured

University of Wyoming
Mechanical Engineering
Alberto Salazar Santa Clara University
Faculty: Donald A. Smith
Mountain View, CA Mechanical Engineering

Faculty: Tim Hight

Silicon Wafter Sensing on Robot “End Effector” Retrofitting Fatigue-Cracked Composite Beams with
External Prestressing, Case Study: I-79 Bridge

John L. Sullivan Mutsuko Yamada

Rostam Pouroushasb
Fremont, CA Menlo Park, CA
College Park, MD

University of Maryland at College Park

Civil Engineering
Mark Alan Prior
Stanford, CA Faculty: Pedro Albrecht
Stanford University
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty: Drew V. Nelson

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 13

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Design & Fabrication of a Backpack Access Device The Carpal Wrist, a Parallel-Architecture Robotic Wrist

Christopher Michalak Michael Oliva* Stephen L. Canfield

Penfield, NY Quincy, MA Newport, VA

Susan MacPherson*
Hudson, MA
Virginia Polytechnic & State University
*Not pictured Mechanical Engineering

James O’Sullivan Faculty: Charles Reinholtz

Greenfield, MA
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mechanical Engineering

Faculty: Allen H. Hoffman

Seismic Analysis and Design of Multi-Bay Rigid

Trussed Frames

Mechanical Hand for Below-Elbow Body-Powered

Matthew W. Beckman
Prosthetic Arm Warrens, WI

Kristi Williams James Ritson

San Jose, CA San Jose, CA University of Minnesota
Civil Engineering

Faculty: Theodore V. Galambos

John Garcia San Jose State University

San Jose, CA Mechanical Engineering
Studies in Steel Moment Resisting Beam-to-Column
Faculty: Buff Furman
Connections for Seismic-Resistant Design

Brent Blackman
Hermosa Beach, CA

ADM: Corn Steep Water Evaporator Fouling

University of California, Berkeley
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Joseph B. Kirkey Rodney B. Phillips
Chicago, IL Raleigh, NC Faculty: Egor P. Popov

James T. Fisher*
Orland Park, IL
University of Illinois, Urbana
*Not pictured General Engineering

Faculty: Harry S. Wildblood

14 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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GE: Lean Engineering Approach Design of a Hand Extension Exerciser Watlow Gordon: Fluid Bath
to Packaging of Major Appliances Santa Clara University for Testing Thermal Response Time
University of Illinois, Urbana Faculty: Mark D. Ardema of Thermometers
Faculty: Manssour Moeinzadeh David T. Eveland, Woodland, CA University of Illinois, Urbana
James G. Beier, Mattoon, IL Delia Sauceda-Lopez, San Jose, CA Faculty: Roland L. Ruhl
Waymond W. Eng, Chicago, IL William M. Richter, Oroville, CA Peter J. Ditmars, Naperville, IL
Michael S. Pape, Frankfort, IL Janice M. Holba, Frankfort, IL
Eaton: Spurious Response in Melisa K. Olson, West Chester, PA
Minuteman: Fan Redesign for a Engine Knock Sensors Dan Pawlak, Champaign, IL
Gasoline Powered Vacuum University of Illinois, Urbana
University of Illinois, Urbana Faculty: Henrique Reis Design of a Retail Store Paint Shaker
Faculty: Daniel L. Metz Ian Bruce, Springfield, IL Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Joshua Fredrickson, Glenview, IL Marc Koeppel, Carol Stream, IL Faculty: Robert L. Norton
Chad Peterson, Marseilles, IL Adam Lack, Orland Park, IL Michael I. Walker, Auburn, MA
Matthew Woessner, Sterling, IL Joshua R. Binder, Medway, MA
Fire Safe Project
Gearbox Coupling Design for a University of Illinois, Chicago Sycamore: Design of Modular
Vertical Tank Agitator Faculty: Mun Young Choi Drawer Suspension System
Purdue University Besher Rayyahin, Chicago, IL University of Illinois, Urbana
Faculty: Mark T. Morgan Joseph Coldwate, Chicago, IL Faculty: Roland L. Ruhl
Todd L. Redlin, West Lafayette, IN Remus Hotca, Prospect Heights, IL Jennifer Antanaitis, Orland Park, IL
Michael Brennan, Orland Park, IL
Wellhead Bolt Cleaning Machine Testor: Needle Assembly Redesign Darren Kennell, Shelbyville, IL
University of Wyoming University of Illinois, Urbana
Faculty: Paul A. Dellenback Faculty: Wayne J. Davis North American Glass: Glass Quality
Erik Lundberg, Laramie, WY Jennifer Bounds, Frankfort, IL University of Illinois, Urbana
Paul Klaus, Freeport, IL Faculty: Harry S. Wildblood
A More Functional and Cosmetic Anselmo Rosa, Chicago, IL Gregory Faber, Princeton, IL
Peter Wong, Chicago, IL Ericka Olson, Litchfield, IL
Hand Prosthesis for Amputees
Stanford University Erik Parks, Decatur, IL
Faculty: Drew V. Nelson Design of an Ocean Wave Energy
Rajiv Doshi, Stanford, CA Extraction Device
Ajit Chaudhari, Cupertino, CA Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Clement Yeh, Honolulu, HI Faculty: Leonard D. Albano
Eric P. Truebe, Mirror Lake, NH
Elco: Monitoring Tool Wear
University of Illinois, Urbana Forensic Investigation of a
Faculty: Henrique Reis Fishing Vessel Sinking
Bill Huffman, Charlotte, NC U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Matthew J. Jackowski, Naperville, IL Faculty: Vincent Wilczynski
Aaron C. Voegele, Sheldon, IL Derek Schade, Chesapeake, Virginia


Effects of Dent-Damage on the Measured Stresses in Steel Curved Epidural Anesthesia Simulator
Residual Strength & Repair of Welded Girder Bridges Stanford University
Steel Tubular Bracing University of Minnesota Faculty: Larry Leifer
Lehigh University Faculty: Theodore V. Galambos Joeben Bevirt, Santa Cruz, CA
Faculty: James M. Ricles Brian E. Pulver, Chicago, IL David Moore, Redwood City, CA
William M. Bruin, San Francisco, CA John Q. Norwood, San Francisco, CA
Refrigeration Application
Temperature Sensitive Milling Burrs Stanford University
for Neurosurgical Applications Faculty: Larry Leifer
Stanford University Hacene Bouadi, Palo Alto, CA
Faculty: Larry Leifer Robert Ware, Fairfield, CT
Dale B. Perrigo, Anchorage, AK Alfred Hernandez, El Paso, TX
S. Matthew Desmond, Walla Walla, WA

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 15

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The James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation, P.O. Box 17035, Cleveland, Ohio 44117-0035
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Worcester Polytechnic Institute Cleveland, Ohio FAX: 216/383-8220
Worcester, Massachusetts

16 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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Design File

Use Undermatching Weld Metal

Where Advantageous
Practical Ideas for the Design Professional by Duane K. Miller, P.E.

How Strong Does a Weld (414/345 MPa) yield strength and 70/65 ksi (483/448 MPa)
tensile strength. Even though the weld metal has slightly
Have To Be? higher properties than the base metal, this is considered to
The answer is fairly simple: strong enough to transfer the be a matching combination.
loads that are passed between the two interconnected
materials. How strong does the weld metal have to be? All too often, engineers see filler metal recommendations
The answer to that question is far more complex. provided in codes that reference “matching” combinations
for various grades of steel and assume that this is the only
In order to make a weld of sufficient size, the designer has option available. While this will never generate a noncon-
three variables that can be changed to affect the weld servative answer, it may eliminate better choices. Matching
strength: filler metal tables were designed to give the recommenda-
• weld length, tions for one unique situation where matching weld metal is
• weld throat, and required, that is, Complete Joint Penetration (CJP) groove
• weld metal strength. welds in tension applications. All other applications permit
some degree of undermatching, and undermatching may
Since three variables are involved, there are many combi- be a very desirable, cost-effective alternative for applica-
nations that are suitable for obtaining the correct weld tions such as Partial Joint Penetration (PJP) groove welds
strength. It may be necessary to also consider the loads and fillet welds.
imposed on the base metal to ensure that the complete
welded joint has sufficient strength. This edition of The significance of weld metal strength, as compared to
“Design File” will focus on the variable of weld metal base metal strength, has increased in recent years, as the
strength. number of higher strength steels continues to grow. When
A36 was the predominant steel, commercially available
For purposes of this discussion, “weld metal strength” is filler metals would routinely overmatch the weld deposit.
defined as the yield and tensile strength of the deposited As steels with a 50 ksi (345 MPa) minimum specified yield
weld metal, as measured by an all-weld metal tensile strength became more popular (e.g., A572 grade 50 and
coupon extracted from a welded joint made in conformance A588), the use of the E70XX grades of filler metals provid-
with the applicable AWS filler metal specification. ed for a matching relationship. Steels with minimum speci-
“Matching” weld metal has minimum specified yield and fied yield strengths of 70 ksi (483 MPa) through 100 ksi
tensile strengths equal to or higher than the minimum (690 MPa) have become more and more popular.
specified strength properties of the base metal. Notice that Although matching strength filler metals are available, the
the emphasis is placed on minimum specified properties option of using undermatched weld metal, where applica-
because, in the case of both the filler metal and the base ble, is increasingly attractive.
metal, the actual properties are routinely higher. An exam-
ple of matching weld metal would be the use of E70XX When undermatching weld metal is utilized, the designer
filler metal on A572 grade 50 steel. The weld metal/base must ensure that weld strength is achieved, but this is
metal properties for this combination would be 60/50 ksi easily done with the standard equations used to determine
the allowable stress on the weld.

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 17

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For fillet welds in 90° T-joints, the maximum allowable load it remains unchanged. The reduction in weld size may
on the weld can be determined from the following equation: result in overstressing the base metal.

F = (0.3) (0.707) ω (EXX) L Consider the three PJP groove welds shown in Figure 2.
A load is applied parallel to the weld, that is, the weld is
where, subject to shear. The allowable stress on the groove weld is
0.30 times the minimum specified tensile strength of the
ω = weld leg size
EXX = minimum specified tensile strength
of the filler metal
L = length of the weld

By substituting in the strength level of the undermatched

filler metal, the weld strength can be determined.
Undermatching may be used to reduce the concentration
of stresses in the base metal. Lower strength weld metal
will generally be more ductile than higher strength weld
metal. In Figure 1, the first weld was made with matching
filler metal. The second weld utilizes undermatching weld
metal. To obtain the same capacity for the second joint, a
large fillet weld has been specified. Since the residual

Figure 2. Effect of filler metal strength level.

electrode (i.e., the “E” number). The allowable stress on the

base metal is required not to exceed 0.40 times the yield
Figure 1. Matching and undermatching filler metal. strength of the base metal. The first weld employs a match-
ing combination, namely A572 grade 50 welded with E70
stresses are assumed to be of the order of the yield point electrode. The second example examines the same steel
of the weaker material in the joint, the first example would welded with undermatching E60 electrodes, and the final
have residual stresses in the weld metal and in the base example illustrates overmatching with an E80 electrode.
metal of approximately 100 ksi (690 MPa) level. In the sec-
ond example, the residual stresses in the base metal would As shown in Figure 2, the allowable stress on the weld and
be approximately 60 ksi (20 MPa), since the filler metal has the allowable stress on the base metal have both been cal-
a lower yield point. These lower residual stresses will culated. In the case of undermatching weld metal, the
reduce cracking tendencies, whether they might occur in weld metal controls the strength of the joint. For matching
the weld metal, in the heat affected zone, or as lamellar weld metal, the allowable load on both the weld and the
tearing in the base metal. base metal is approximately the same. In the case of the
overmatching weld metal, however, the base metal is the
Overmatching is undesirable and should be discouraged. controlling variable. For this situation, it is important to
Caution must be exercised when overmatching weld metal check the capacity of the base metal to ensure that the
is deliberately used. The strength of a fillet weld or PJP connection has the required strength.
groove weld is controlled by the throat dimension, weld
length, and strength of the weld metal. In theory, over- Practical Applications
matching filler metal would enable smaller weld sizes to be
employed and yet create a weld of equal strength. Although it is relatively easy to determine which situations
However, the strength of a connection is dependent not are suitable for the use of undermatching weld metal,
only on the weld strength, but also on the strength of the some designers may simply choose to use the “conserva-
fusion zone. As the weld size decreases, the fusion zone tive” approach and specify matching weld metal for all situ-
is similarly reduced in size. The capacity of the base ations. However, matching weld metal may actually reduce
metal is not affected by the selection of the filler metal, so overall weld quality, increasing distortion, residual stresses,

18 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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and cracking tendencies, including lamellar tearing. The The following welding procedures have assumed that the
use of undermatched weld metal is an important option for governing factor for the design of the members subject to
successfully joining higher strength steels. bending is the minimum weld size, not the allowable stress
on the connection. This will not always be the case.
When welding on higher strength steels with undermatch- However, comparing the welding procedures associated
ing weld metal, it is important that the level of diffusible with the two connections shows the benefit of utilizing the
hydrogen in the deposited weld metal be appropriate for undermatched filler metal.
the higher strength steel that is being welded. For exam-
ple, whereas an E6010 electrode is suitable for welding on Example – Matching Versus
lower strength steels that are not subject to hydrogen
assisted cracking, it would be inappropriate to utilize this as Undermatching Filler Metal
an undermatching weld metal on 100 ksi (690 MPa) yield Given: T-joint formed by 3/8” and 1” plates, 5/16”
strength A514 or A517 since these are highly sensitive to fillet weld, horizontal position, automatic SAW
hydrogen cracking. When undermatched weld metal is Find: Cost savings for using undermatching
used, it must not exceed the maximum levels of diffusible versus matching filler metal
hydrogen appropriate for matching strength weld deposits.
Assumptions: SAW Flux/electrode combinations –
Also, any preheat requirements for matching strength rela-
960/L-61 (undermatching) and
tionships must be maintained even when undermatching
880M/LAC-M2 (matching)
weld metal is utilized.
Labor & Overhead = $40.00/hr.
There are economic considerations as well. While many Equations: Cost = Labor + Materials
filler metals from various welding processes are capable of
delivering 70 ksi (490 MPa) weld deposits, the number of Cost ($/ft) = Labor & Overhead ($/hr) 12 in/ft
options available to the fabricator is greatly reduced when Travel Speed (in/min) 60 min/hr
100 ksi (690 MPa) yield strength weld metal is required
(i.e., E110 class filler metals). The metallurgical character- + [electrode used (lb/ft) x electrode cost ($/lb)]
istics necessary for the deposition of weld metal at this + [flux used (lb/ft) x flux cost ($/lb)]
strength level may impose restrictions on the electrode
designer which limit the attainable welding speeds and/or
operational characteristics. In contrast, the requirements
for lower strength filler metals give the electrode designers
more latitude and may result in improved operational char-

For many beam-like sections that are subject to bending,

the resultant longitudinal shear that must be transmitted
between the web and the flange of a built-up section is rel-
atively small. Weld sizes that are based upon the transfer
of the stress alone may result in surprisingly small welds, Undermatching Matching
960/L-61 880M/LAC-M2
welds so small that they may be difficult to make on a pro-
duction basis. The heat input associated with these small Labor & Overhead ($/hr.) $ 40.00 $ 40.00
welds may be so small that weld cracking results. For Travel Speed (in./min.) 20.0 16.0
these reasons, the D1.1 code has established minimum fil- Electrode Used (lb./ft. of joint) 0.19 0.28
let weld sizes that, regardless of the level of stress Electrode Cost* ($/lb.) $ 0.87 $ 1.84
imposed on the weld, should be maintained in order to Flux Used (lb./ft. of joint) 0.24 0.15
obtain sound welds. For example, the minimum fillet weld Flux Cost* ($/lb.) $ 0.53 $ 0.93
size for 3/4 in. (18mm) steel is 1/4 in. (6mm). For materials COST ($/ft.) $ 0.69 $ 1.16
greater than 3/4 in. (18mm), a 5/16 in. (8mm) fillet weld is
the minimum acceptable size. The implications of this are *Prices based on current Industrial Prices in Lincoln Electric price book (April, 1997)
that, for most structural fabrications involving built-up sec-
tions, the minimum fillet weld size is 5/16 in. (8mm). This is
often greater than the required fillet weld size necessary to
In this particular situation, savings of 40% were achieved
transfer the longitudinal shear. Particularly in these appli-
by utilizing the undermatching option. Design requirements
cations, undermatched weld metal offers a significant
were satisfied, and the likelihood of welding-related prob-
advantage because the minimum required weld size can
lems such as weld cracking or lamellar tearing has been
be achieved utilizing the undermatched weld metal, and
this may also satisfy design requirements.

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 19

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Sixty Years
of Welded Bridges in Hungary
By Dr. Sandor Domanovszky
Quality Assurance & Welding Manager
Ganz Steel Structure Co. Ltd.
Budapest, Hungary
Education, Certification &
Professional Organizations
The material in this article has been extracted, with permission, from
Programs of welding engineering were
the author’s paper entitled “60 Years of Welded Structures, in
introduced in 1961/62 in two
Particular Welded Bridges, in Hungary,” which was presented at the
Hungarian technical universities:
49th Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding in
Miskolc and Budapest. Since then,
Budapest, Hungary, September 2-3, 1996, and is contained in the
about 700 engineers have received
“Proceedings of the International Conference on Welded Structures,
certificates. Since 1993, Hungary’s
in Particular Welded Bridges.”
standards for education and training
have met the Guidelines of the
European Welding Federation (EWF)
and now, in cooperation with the
The Welding Industry Consumables Austrian Welding Institute, it is possi-
Even in the infancy of the Hungarian ble for Hungarian engineers to qualify
in Hungary: A Brief welding industry, covered electrodes for and receive the EWE (European
History were manufactured domestically. In Welding Engineer) certificate.
1980, a modern factory with a capacity
of 30,000 tonnes per year of covered Education of welding experts at the
The industrial use of arc welding in
electrodes and fluxes was built. Solid level of “European Welding
Hungary began in 1930 with shielded
wires for semi-automatic (GMAW) and Technologist” (EWT) takes place at
metal arc welding using a covered
automatic (SAW) welding also are both of the aforementioned technical
electrode (SMAW). Starting in the
produced in Hungary, but imported universities, and also at two technical
1950s, Hungarian industry began to
consumables are used in great quanti- colleges, the ME Dunaujvarosi
use submerged arc welding (SAW)
ty, as well. Foiskolai Kar 300, and the Banki
and gas metal arc welding (GMAW),
Donat Gepipari Muszaki Foiskola.
the latter at first with CO2 and later
Base Materials
with mixed gas (mostly 82/18 Ar/CO2).
The Hungarian steel industry was The Central Welding Section of the
In the 1970s, gas-shielded flux cored
established in the nineteenth century. Scientific Society of Mechanical
metal arc welding (FCAW-g) became
However, the manufacture of good Engineers, formed in 1949, represents
commonplace, and by the 1990s, self-
weldable steel (mostly grades 37 and Hungary and its welding professionals
shielded flux cored welding (FCAW-s)
52, nominal tensile strength) that within the International Institute of
was added to the repertoire. Most
would resist brittle fracture was not Welding (IIW). In 1990, the Hungarian
recently, gas tungsten arc welding
standardized and introduced until Association of Welding Technology
(GTAW) has been preferred in
1965. One catastrophe occurred in was formed by 32 member companies
Hungary for welding the root pass.
1969, when two 30 m³, 15 Bar (217.5 and institutes; today, there are 65
psi) service pressure spherical member organizations. About 3,000
receivers that had been manufactured welders per year are qualified by 30
In the early years, Hungarians used
in 1960 exploded, killing thirteen peo- certified training schools.
generators and transformers, at first
ple. They had been fabricated of a
imported from Germany and later
material totally unfit for the purpose: Quality Assurance & Control
domestically produced. In the 1950s,
22 mm thick plates, grade A42.21 (a The quality and safety of welded struc-
SAW equipment was imported from
structural steel used for riveted con- tures requires, first of all, welding
the Soviet Union and Western Europe;
struction according to the Hungarian experts who are highly trained and
in time, Hungarian manufacturers also
standard MSZ 21:1950). educated in the fields of design, man-
entered this market. Today, both
ufacturing and fabrication. Hungary
European and U.S. equipment manu-
has taken all the necessary steps to
facturers have distributors in Hungary.
ensure reliable quality assurance and

20 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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control: issuing manufacturing and of longitudinal and transverse girders Orthotropic Deck Assembly
welding instructions, qualifying connected with the deck plate. This The most complicated aspect of
welders, destructive and nondestruc- requires about fifty units being fitted to orthotropic deck assembly is securing
tive testing of the welded joints, and four adjoining units. Also, while the the optimum coordinate position for
building the necessary jigs to ensure conventional girder expands in only the numerous fitting edges of the units
the best position and the correct two directions, the orthotropic struc- involved. The manufacturing technolo-
shape of structures. Many Hungarian ture expands in three, so moving and gy should focus on this critical require-
companies have instituted Total turning of the units requires more skill, ment.
Quality Management systems. making it difficult to secure dimension-
al accuracy. There are two aspects to the require-
A Transitional Period ment: ensuring that the dimensions of
Along with every other sector of the With conventional girder construction, the components are precise, and
Hungarian economy, the structural assembling components such as web ensuring the correct positioning of the
steel industry is in an important period plates, flanges and stiffeners, and components.
of transition. In the post-World War II straightening the finished girder are
period, Hungary’s production of steel simpler than the same operations on The dimensional accuracy of the com-
structures totalled about 150,000 an orthotropic structure. Therefore, ponents can be achieved in several
tonnes (1 tonne = 1000 kg) per year, ways. By accounting in advance for
with more than 60 percent accounted the shrinkage that will be caused by
for by buildings. The collapse of The definitive charac- welding and straightening (in strict
socialism has brought about privatiza-
tion of Hungarian industry since 1990.
teristic of orthotropic compliance with specifications and
instructions), the components can be
However, economic times are very deck design is its cut to size before assembly. A more
hard, and many of the newly privatized unique ability to dependable, but also more expensive,
companies have gone bankrupt. The solution is to cut one of the edges of
contractors who are operating in this perform all of the the components with an allowance in
market come mostly from Western functions previously either one or two directions (for exam-
Europe. The transition is extremely
difficult, yet the Hungarian people still
derived from several ple, the bridge axis). After welding
has been completed, the members
endeavor to work together to solve the separate girders can be cut to size, and the entire
problems facing our country. forming a floor of orthotropic unit straightened.

longitudinal and trans-

Welded Bridges There are two ways to ensure the
Special Challenges of
versely integrated accurate positioning of units. With the
Orthotropic Deck Design girders coordinated first method, orthotropic components
can be assembled in a jig; this method
The majority of Hungarian welded with the main girders. is preferred if the bridge consists of a
bridges are of orthotropic deck design. number of identical assembly compo-
The definitive characteristic of nents. An alternate method is one in
orthotropic deck design is its unique careful attention must be paid to the which adjacent and consecutive units
ability to perform all of the functions stability of such a large structure, are assembled on a suitable bench, in
previously derived from several sepa- which will be exposed to permanent reverse position, carefully joining each
rate girders forming a floor of longitudi- spatial stress and dynamic loading. piece to be fitted. This requires more
nal and transversely integrated girders The risk of brittle fracture is greater room and more labor than the previ-
coordinated with the main girders. than with the conventional and often ous approach, but it is secure and
From a manufacturing point of view, smaller girder, which is usually bolted simple, and can be applied when only
the components of this complex girder and riveted and has to withstand a a few structural components are
system are more difficult to fabricate smaller proportion of the dynamic involved. It is also possible to com-
and fit than simple plane units for con- load. Joints that are bolted and rivet- bine the two methods when compo-
ventional structures. ed on traditional girders allow for more nents are assembled alongside each
tolerance and are easier to fit than other. Some simple fixturing will facili-
For example, a traditional I-beam gird- welded joints on orthotropic structures. tate the correct positioning of the com-
er consists of only three main parts, Meeting the challenges of orthotropic ponents.
and in the course of adjustment only deck construction in an economical,
six locations have to be fitted to two cost-effective fashion demands metic- Welding
adjacent girders. A typical orthotropic ulous care and great skill. In an orthotropic bridge, the deck
unit, by comparison, forms a complex structure contains about 60 percent of
the welded joints. Expert welding of

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 21

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to be welded automatically. This may
be advantageous, but it must be noted
that automatic welding increases pro-
ductivity only if jigs are used, and that
is expensive. The major disadvantage
of this method is that erecting cross
girders between the already fixed lon-
gitudinal stiffeners complicates accu-
rate assembly. The deck unit may
tend to bend when the cross girders
are not in place during the welding of
Figure 1. The first welded bridge in Hungary, at Gyor, opened in 1935 the longitudinal stiffeners. Although
(span: 53.1 m). the tendency to bend in one direction
(preferably the transverse) can be
the orthotropic unit requires selection course of assembly, the joining of indi-
eliminated by prestressing, the other
of the most suitable welding process, vidual units (longitudinal stiffeners and
bending moment inevitably requires
and a decision about the order in cross girders) can be secured without
additional straightening work.
which components will be welded. difficulty. Since, in the course of weld-
The process selected will usually influ- ing, only lengthwise distortion occurs,
Naturally, both approaches require the
welding of structural units to be in jigs.
This will ensure the welding of joints in
correct positions, either flat or horizon-
tally, and by correct straightening, the
number of deformations can be

Straightening and Assembly

The straightening of orthotropic units
Figure 2. The first bridge in Hungary with a fully welded orthotropic deck spans the is a very costly operation, due to their
Tisza River at Szolnok, and was opened in 1962 (spans: 54.8 + 79.3 + 54.8 m). large dimensions and complicated
design. To reduce the amount of
straightening required, it is important
ence the order of welding. Depending it can be minimized by prestressing in
to choose the welding technology, the
on the specific circumstances, any of the jig, thus leaving a negligible
procedure, the order of welding, and
the following processes may be used: amount of straightening work. The
the jigging with great care.
• Manual arc welding major disadvantage of this approach,
Straightening can be done with a gas
• Gas metal arc welding however, is that due to frequent inter-
flame, local hammering, or preferably,
• Submerged arc welding ruptions in welding the joints, welding
with a hydraulic press.
• The Elin-Hafergut procedure cannot be automated.
(a patented procedure developed in
To facilitate the process of on-site
the 1930s and primarily used for The second approach was developed
assembly, finished orthotropic units
connecting longitudinal stiffeners) to eliminate the disadvantage of the
(separately or with the main girders in
• A combination of the above first, making it possible for the many
the full cross section of the bridge) are
methods. long joints of the longitudinal stiffeners

Either one of two fundamentally differ-

ent approaches may be taken with
regard to the order of welding. The
entire deck structure can be assem-
bled before the joints are welded, or
the longitudinal girders can be joined
initially to the deck plate, and its cor-
ners welded so that cross girders can
be placed and welded subsequently.

The first approach is more common. It

has a significant advantage over the
second method in that during the Figure 3. The welded lattice girder composite bridge over the Tisza at
Tiszafüred is composed of spans measuring 30.0 +3x70.0 + 30 m.
22 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997
Return to TOC
tensile bolted. The two 30 m long side
structures were fully welded on site
using SAW.

In 1964, the 10 m long, 4 m wide

orthotropic deck units of the Erzsébet
cable bridge, shown during construc-
tion in Figure 4, were welded different-
ly from those of the Szolnok bridge. At
first, only the longitudinal stiffeners
were assembled onto the deck plate
and welded in a prestressing-tilting jig
using SAW. After that, the cross gird-
ers were built and welded using manu-
al metal arc with a covered electrode.
The 27.5 m wide by 380 m long
bridge, shown as it appears today in
Figure 5, contains 100,000 m of weld-
ed joints, 70 percent of them made
with SAW, and 30 percent with manual
metal arc.

In the composite bridge at Algyo,

Figure 4. This photo shows the last 100 tonne deck unit of the Erzsébet cable
opened in 1974, only the main girders
bridge being set into place in 1964.
were laid out in the course of preassem-
prefabricated to the greatest degree structure was placed in a prestressing bly. Because the bridge (Figure 6) was
possible. The facilities at the fabrica- rotary jig. The completed welded units erected with a floating crane by the can-
tion plant are a decisive factor. were cut to size after being set on the tilever method, it was very important to
Prefabrication provides an opportunity two main girder webs, and the joints of ensure the exact positioning of all of the
for checking and correction of local these were then riveted. cross girder and wind bracing joint holes
root openings, and in the case of rivet- on both main girders.
ed or bolted joints, for reaming up joint
plate holes to final size. Effects on the
designed shape of the bridge can also
be checked at this time.

Examples of Welded
Bridges in Hungary
The very first bridge structure in
Hungary to be created by welding was
built sixty years ago and is still in ser-
vice today (Figure 1). The 53.1 m
span is of lattice girder design.

Hungary’s first up-to-date welded

bridge with a fully welded orthotropic
deck structure was built over the Tisza
River at Szolnok and opened in 1962
(Figure 2). It was fabricated using Figure 5. The Erzsébet cable bridge at Budapest, shown today (spans: 44.3 +
manual metal arc welding, with all of 290.0 + 44.3 m).
the deck units assembled and welded
in special jigs. Each cross section (6 On the lattice girder bridge at The orthotropic deck plate of the
m long by 8 m wide), consisting of four Tiszafured, dating from 1966 (Figure bridge over the Tisza at Szeged
manufacturing units, was assembled 3), the joints of the (box structure) (1979) has the longest spans of any
on site, using a suitable bench. To upper and bottom flanges were field- girder type bridge in Hungary, at 52.0,
ensure the flat position, the whole welded, but the diagonals were high- 97.5, 144.0 and 78.0 m (Figure 7).

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 23

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This was the first instance in which the The highway bridge at Haros, opened The bridge is lit according to a unique
welding of the site joints was done in 1990, is a box girder with reinforced design: in the center of each pylon,
with SAW, using backing plates. concrete deck slab (Figure 12). To there is a lamp which lights mirrors at
connect the deck with the steel gird- the top of the beam. These mirrors
In 1985, the 120 m main span lattice ers, stud welding, involving almost then reflect light onto the bridge with-
girder railway bridge at Csongrad 100,000 studs, was used in Hungary out blinding the drivers below (see
back cover).

The units of the structure and the site

joints on the orthotropic deck were
fully welded using SAW and GMAW
procedures. The other site joints were
high-tensile bolted, but all joints of the
five pylons and the slant staying gird-
ers were welded.

The Lágymányos bridge designed by

Dr. Tibor Sigrai contains approximately
150,000 m of welded joints, more than
Figure 6. The composite bridge over the Tisza at Algyo has spans of 57.6 +
95 percent of them produced using
102.4 + 57.6 m.
automatic or semi-automatic proce-
opened (Figure 8). With 3,000 tonnes for the first time. The bridge is 22 m dures. Site erection was also accom-
of dead load, it is the heaviest bridge wide, its total length spans 805 m, and plished using self-shielded flux cored
on the river Tisza. the dead load of the steel structure is arc welding for the root pass. It was
4,500 tonnes. the first time FCAW-s had been used
The Ganz Company began exporting in Hungary, and we had a very good
bridges in the 1930s, and since then The Lágymányos experience with the process. Five
has delivered almost 100 bridges to pipelines, from 300 to 800 mm in
foreign countries. In the 1970s, Ganz Bridge diameter, were incorporated into the
designed, manufactured and erected The Lágymányos bridge on the bridge. These were welded using the
nine bridges for Yugoslavia. The most Danube at Budapest was completed in GTAW process. In addition, 22,000
impressive of them is the bridge over 1995 (see cover). It is 500 m long, 30 welded studs were used to secure the
the Danube at Novi Sad, shown in m wide, and the dead load of the steel tram rails.
Figures 9 and 10. Professor Nikola structure is 8,000 tonnes. The box
Hajdin designed the structure with a girder cross section was built up from Conclusion
main span of 351 m, which at the start 15 manufactured units. Lengthwise,
of manufacturing was the longest in there are 41 sections, so the bridge Hungary is a small country in central
the world and today remains the consists of 615 manufactured units of Europe, with a population just over
longest on the river Danube. The total different types. To ensure correct one percent of the total population of
length of the main structure with the dimensions and shape, 300 tonnes of Europe. Due first of all to the size of
orthotropic deck is 590 m., with com- various jig structures were built for the country, Hungary is not destined to
posite side bridges of 240 + 180 m. prefabrication and 150 tonnes of vari- be a world leader in building welded
The dead load of the steel structure is ous jig structures for pre-erection and bridges. However, the technology of
nearly 10,000 tonnes. The bridge site erection work. welding has made a significant impact
opened in 1981. on our infrastructure, particularly as
Construction was carried out in the fol- demonstrated by the welded steel
The Årpád bridge at Budapest was lowing five major stages: bridges that contribute so much to our
opened originally with two tram and • Prefabrication of the units landscape, and to our way of life.
two highway lanes. In the early 1980s, • Preassembly of the box girder,
the old structure was widened on both without the cantilevers
sides with the addition of two indepen- • Application of corrosion protection
dent bridges, each 14 m wide. The • Assembly of the cross sections
orthotropic deck structure is the • Site erection (one cross section in
longest bridge in Hungary, and has a two units) by floating crane
dead load of 8,500 tonnes. It is shown
in Figure 11 as it appears today.

24 Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997

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Figure 7. The orthotropic bridge over the Tisza at Szeged Figure 10. The cable stayed bridge over the Danube at
(spans: 52.0 + 97.5 + 144.0 + 78.0 m). Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1981 (spans: 4x60.0 + 2x60.0 +
351.0 + 2x60.0 + 3x60.0 m).
Figure 8. The railway bridge at Csongrád over the Tisza
(spans: 107.7 + 120.0 + 107.7 +4x42.0 m). Figure 11. The Årpád bridge over the Danube at Budapest
(1981), which boasts a total length of 928 m.
Figure 9. A section of the bridge destined for Novi Sad,
Yugoslavia, being preassembled in Budapest in 1980. Figure 12. The highway bridge over the Danube close to
Budapest is a composite structure. Opened in 1990, it has
spans of 3x73.5 + 3x108.5 + 3x73.5 m.

Welding Innovation Vol. XIV, No. 1, 1997 25

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This striking bridge over the Danube at Budapest features a unique lighting design. See story on page 20.

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