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1) Từ vựng chỉ sự thay đổi

a) Miêu tả sự xuất hiện

Động từ:

 Nhà cửa mọc lên: be built, be constructed , be erected

 Cây cối được trồng: be planted
 Miêu tả cái gì đó xuất hiện chung chung: mushroom, appear, emerge,
come into being, spring up

Danh từ:

 Sự xây dựng của nhà cửa: the construction of

 Sự xuất hiện: the mushrooming of, the appearance of, the emergence
of, the birth of

b) Miêu tả sự biến mất

Động từ:

 Nhà cửa bị phá bỏ: be deconstructed, vanish, be destroyed, be

demolished, be knocked down
 Câu cối bị chặt đi: be cut down, be devastated
 Miêu tả cái gì biến mất nói chung: disappear

Danh từ:

 The destruction of, the demolition of , the devastation of, the

disappearance of

c) Miêu tả sự mở rộng
 Động từ: Be extended, Be widened, Be enlarged
 Danh từ: The extension of, The enlargement of

VD khác

 The school became bigger

 The railway was lengthened
 The car park has doubled/tripled in size.

VD: The hospital has been enlarged/further developed to include a…

d) Miêu tả sự thu hẹp

 Be narrowed
 Be reduced in size
 Be diminished / the diminish of ST
 Become smaller
 The railway was shortened

VD: The hotel has been modified/reduced in size.

The park is now half/a quarter of its original size.

e) Miêu tả sự giữ nguyên

 Remain/ stay unchanged
 Be still there/ still exist

f) Miêu tả sự thay thế

 Make way for/ give way to: nhường chỗ cho
 Be replaced by: bị thay thế bởi
 The replacement of something: sự thay thế của cái gì đó

 The shop has been replaced by a car park.

 A road has been constructed where the garden used to be.
 The old town hall has been

2) Từ vựng miêu tả vị trí địa lí

 The garden is located/situated … (in/to/on …) / is sited / can be
seen ….
 The botanic garden is in the south of the city.
 The car park is in the left of the zoo.
 The residential areas are behind the restaurant.
 The city is on/near the coast/sea.
 At the top/bottom
 On the right/left side
 In the right/left hand corner
 In the middle
Giới từ: in the center, in the corner, on the left/ right, in front of, behind,
next to, opposite, between…and…., among, across, on the bank of the river,
on the top of…, on the coast sea, etc.
Động từ: run along, lie.

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