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Petras For Civil Services Preliminary Examination toa ~ PAPER 1 — 2018 BOOKLET DEUCE ar Ea enue EU Reicha DE ee eee UU ee OCG uc ee trey GEOGRAPHY World Geography GENERAL GEOGRAPHY + The Universe comprises of everything that exists from the lactic super Clusters to the tiniest sub-atomic particles and has a radius of about 46 billion light years with age about 13 to 1Spilion years. The techniques used for measuring the age of Universe are cosmic microwaves background radiations and radio-active dating, + The average density of the universe is very low because of its nfnite volume. It consists of 73% dark energy, 23% cold dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. Dark matter gravitates as ordinary matter and slows down the expansion of the universe, whereas dark energy accelerates its expansion, brightest star outside the Solar System is Sirius, The closest star to our Solar System is Proxima Centauri (4.2 light years away), followed by Alpha Centauri (4.3 light years away and Barnard's Star (5.9 light years away) Light year is the distance that light can travel in 1 year. Astronomical Unit (AU) is define as the average distance between the Sun and the Earth. 1 light year = Approx. (63240 Al Life cycle ofa star starts with Stellar Nebula then progressively passes through the phases of protostar, star, red gian¥/ super Giant, planetary nebula/ supemova, white dwarl/ neutron star and blackhole, Chandra Shekhar limit associated with this Our solar system belongs to Galaxy Milky Way which consists ofthe Sun, 8 planets, some dwarf planets ie. Pluto, asteroids, meteors, satellites and dust clouds, The Sun by virtue of its mass and weight, controls the movement of the planets. This force is called the force of gravity, * The Solar system is dominated by the Sun, which accounts for most 99.9% of the matter of the whole system. Scientists believe that the Sun has been formed from moving clouds gases, which is called Nebula The Sun is essentially a sphere of hot gases. The disc is also called the photosphere. The layers of gas above the Photosphere are extremely hot, but their densities are estremely low. These layers are very faint and are not visible in the presence of strong light fromthe disc ofthe Sun. Atthe time Of the total solar eclipse, when the light of the Sun's disc 'S completely cut aff, the outermost layer becomes visible 't appears like a crown round the Sun. This layer is called Corona + The Sun is continuously emiting streams of proton in all Giections ether as spiral streams called Solar Wind or Bouts of incandescent materials called Solar Flares. Solar flares being hot lonised gases cause danger 10 satelite communication. After emission Sun’s surface cools in that sped region and looks dark called Sun spots + Fist four planets close to Sun are called Terrestrial planet and) next four are called Jovian planet + Between Mars and Jupiter there are thousands of small bodies, such as asteroids, comets called Asteroid belt. While home of Comets lies far beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the Oort cloud/Hil cloud. The Earth has Goldllock Zone i.e its neither too hot nor {00 cold, where all conditions are available for life to sustain + Earth's atmosphere isa mixture of mitrogen and oxygen. Venus has a thick almosphere of carbon dioxide and other gases. Mars has very thin carbon dioxide layer, but high concentration of Methane, Jovian planets have primanly Hydrogen and Helium with substantial amount of Methane. Jupiter has largest number of natural satellites followed by ium, Most of the planets have magnetic fields extend into space called Magnetosphere and Sun's magnetic field called Heliosphere, envelops our enti solar systern + The constituent particles of the solar wind are trapped by the Earth's magnetic field and enter the Earth's upper aimosphere as displays described as Aurora Borealis in the Northern hemisphere and Aurora Australis in Southern hemisphere. ‘The shape of the Earth is oblate spheroid due to the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation. Earth is the Sth biggest planetin the solar system. Its also called as Blue planet dus to presence of water and is densest of athe planets. The shape of the Earth is best described as a geoid, means Earth-shaped, More than 70% of he Earth’s crust is dominated by oxygen and siicon. The dominant metalic mineral over the whole Earth is, magnesium, whereas that of Earth's crus is aluminum, Oxygen is the dominant element over both, the whole Earth as well as the Earth's crust. The axis ofthe Earth is inclined tothe plane of ecliptic at an angle 01233, Elliptical plane is the plane on which the Earth orbits around the Sun. This causes season on the Earth, Earth has normally two motions, rotation around its axis and revolution around the Sun, Moon is the only natural satelite of the Earth and has an elliptical orbit. As its rotation period and revolution period is almost same, only one face of the Moon is seen from Earth, Leibniz, ‘mountain is Moon's highest mountain lies on its North Pole. ‘The different phases of the Moon are caused by the changing position of the Moon with respect to the Earth and the Sun. These are new Moon, crescent, half Moon, gibbous and full Moon, Blue Moon is a rare colestial phenomena marked by the oceutrence of the second full Moon within one month, Lunar eclipses is the situation, when the Earth comes ‘between the Sun and the Moon. It occurs only on a full Moon day. Solar eclipse is the situation, when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. it occurs only on a new Moon day. But is does not accur on every new Moon day because of the inclination of the Moon's orbital plain with Earth's orbital plain ‘As the parallels of latitude become shorter polewards and converge at pole, the meridians of longitude enclose a narrow space. Therefore, the degree of longitude decreases in lenath Significantly, outside the tropios, there is so much variation in the length of the degree of iongitude that they are not used for the calculation of the distances, but used for the measurement ‘of the local time, Parallels are used for measuring cistance of any place. The Sun is vertically over head at the equator on 2 days each year, 21st March and 21st September, called equinox. When Sun is over Tropic of Cancer, called Summer Solstice; Northem hemisphere get biggest day and shortest night ‘where as when Sun is over head Tropic of Capricorn, called Winter Solstice, Southern hemisphere gets biggest day Tropies marks the ovethead limit of the Sun beyond which, Sunis never over head. Earth rotates from West to East, so every 15° we go Eastwards, local time is advanced by 1 hour and vice-versa, Time over 0 meridian is called International Standard Time (ST) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and locations East of 0° ‘meridian have to add time and West of 0° meridian have to deduct time from GMT, 180° Meridian marks the line where ferossing over it one find a complete 24 hour difference or a Gate difference, so itis called International Date Line, ((DL) Crossing IDT from West to East one has to add a date whereas crossing East to West one has to deduct a date, which he has already availed. IDL is adjusted with 8 bents in the Pacific ‘Ocean to avoid time and date difference among islands belongs to territorial countries like Russia or USA. It passes through Bering straight. ~ GEOMORPHOLOGY ‘The Earth is made up of several concentric layers, outer layer is crust (light solid), then Mantle (semi-liquid) and the inner layer is core (dense solid) Temperature inside the Earth increases with depth at a rate 4G for every 32m, Therefore, very high temperature prevails at the core of the Earth's interior. At this high temperature, the ‘core should have been in a molten sale, but since the sure at such great depths is also very high, the melting point is higher than the prevalent temperature and the inner core is at solid state. The average density of Earth is 6515 Kg/m*. Since, the ‘average density of surface material is only around 3000 kg/m? it is concluded that denser materials exist within Earth's core {as also evident from seismology. jithospher nce. wmoseee dense (mafic) material IK gt forms the continents wil Pan crust, mainly comprise silicon: FON ‘and magf ijed SiMa layer. Saierantie ie ecended up to tne depth of 2200 i Mime and 63% of the total mass ofthe 8 of el aoa oks hat arr Tragnesium relative 1 the overlying crust Core of the Earth's interior extends from the lower Bei ore ante atthe dapih of 2900 km to the Centre ef oe ay. Its mainly made up of Fe (ron) and NIN orad NiFe layer. But the upper core fs not pure sald inner core Seismic evidences shows of these layers, Between some discontinuities at the june upper and lower crust lies Co Ctcosatinuiy, between crust and mantle flee Mofo eeerinuty, between mantle. and Gore ‘Nachert-Gutenberg’ discontinuity and between’ Upp inner core lies Lehman discontinuity ‘The theory of Plate Tectonics states that the ithosphe Givided into several rigid segments, which include both fand continental crusts. These segments are called plat they are moving on the asthenosphere, the ductil la below lithosphere and also includes upper mantle. ‘About 20 such plates have been identified. There are 7 plates such as Eurasia, Antarctica, North Americas America, Pacific, African and Indian plate. There are ¥al intermediate sized plates such as China, Philippine, Ar Iran, Nazca, Cocos, Caribbean and Scotia plates ‘There are three types of boundary margin along the plat the constructive boundary/divergence margin, the Gestuoi boundary/convergence margin and the boundary/conservative plate margin. Most of the af seismic activity, volcanism and mountain building ooeut a these dynamic boundaries. Volcanism is the eruption of magma along with other ase liquids from the heated interior to the surface through fs Voleanisin is associated with basically two major zones) al divergent plate margin i.e. Mid oceanic ridges and: subduction zone/benioff zone, The opening of the vole called vent and the fissure is called Vent pipe. Greatost concentation of volcanoes are Grou aeetig Mecierranean reyon ete. Landlorms associated wih VA eat poo ‘opolith, phacoiith, batholith ete: lavas are highly fluid and flow quietly forms lava pla can plateau rich in mineral and metals whereas aretihly vscous and eplosivein nature. 108s are of three types— a pane. Maur Seale ha oe ata ele are activ ‘ M Se etree occur in the zones of (pountan the zones of folding andfeutng, the zones fal and oceanic margin, the zon volcanoes and along di oa 19 different plate boundaries: Earthquake is called q fet fet scaled Ec oge® ane the venice asl

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