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Mapal Kangjeibung, world’s oldest living Polo Ground,
displays two large hoardings that send out a strong
appeal to the public: “Save Manipuri Pony, the original
Pony,” and the other one states, “We gave the world the
game of Polo.” Modern Polo, that roots back to Manipur,
strives to save the ‘Pride of Manipur’, the ponies, that
once risked on the brink of extinction. The 4th Manipur
Statehood Day Women's Polo Tournament came up to
draw attention towards the same

A short recap: QUICK RECAP:

The land that gave birth to polo is striving to
save the essence, meaning and power of the DAY 1
sport. CANADA-7
With the initiative to save the Manipuri INDIA-4
ponies, who in 2012 were reportedly close to
extinction, the government proposed to
build shelter homes for them, in 2013. But
the polo-enthusiast place had to do more to MANIPUR-3
justify its love for the sport. So they
introduced a tournament that raised DAY 2
awareness about the need to save the ponies. ARGENTINA-7
Women from all over the world came in KENYA-3
to get into action at the 4th Manipur
Statehood Day Women Polo Tournament. USA-8
The tournament, from 17 January-21
January 2019, witnessed a couple of battling
rounds between six incredible teams. The
finals had Argentina and USA against each DAY 3
other, wherein Argentina, after bagging a USA-10
quick penalty shot, wrapped the tournament INDIA-4
in their favour with 3 to 1.
Argentina lifted the trophy of the 4th KENYA-7
Manipur Statehood Day Women Polo MANIPUR-7
Tournament, which also played a role in
synergising awareness about the aid that the
Manipuri ponies require.



– Official Media Partner –

W W W. L A P O L O . I N


Polo has not been a saviour of providing

dimensions just to the Manipuri female polo
players, it has in fact been the same for
many others. Hiromi Nzomo, a polo player
from Kenya elaborated her thoughts on
polo and women by saying, “It’s great to
bring women like this, where it shows that it
is okay for them to play polo with taking
care of the house. It is important to
understand that there play is just as
important as that of the men.” Cindy Hale,
another polo player from USA shared her
story of struggles, “I started my journey
while working at stables and taking care of
the horses of one of the grandfather’s of
my polo team mate now. That’s how I got
into polo and once there, I never looked
backed back and had to be a part of the
While some of us still fight and plead to the
game.” These stories from the female polo
government and activists to bring schemes,
players from across the globe are a medium
programmes and mission to empower
of prospering empathy among the rest. It
women, Manipur has taken its small step.
comes as a symbol where women have
The state from the last four years organises
evolved as a whole, as one entity. Polo has
Manipur Statehood Day Women Polo
granted them abilities, as Megan Carter
Tournament, that pertains to two of the
Judge from USA said, “What I love about
major causes that not just the state but also
the sport is that, today, I am capable to pay
the world goes through. The tournament
back to the people, friends, institution and
comes out with the slogan of “Save Pony,
everyone who taught me polo. I can now
Save Polo” but the striking participation of
teach kids the game.” That is striking, for,
the female polo players of Manipur and the
these female polo players do not want to
world is what remains substantial about the
keep this power of polo to themselves but
tournament. The Manipur Statehood Day
want to spread it across to every individual
Women Polo Tournament, is one among the
body. For these female polo players, polo
very few tournaments that sees global
has been a gift of them that has gifted them
participation and that too of female polo
liberty in uncountable terms. Anna Winslow
players to such an extent. The tournament
from USA shared on this, “Polo teaches you
in itself stands as an emblem of how polo
some of the best things in life. Where you
has been bringing out the women,
meet so many different players, play in
embarking the empowerment of women in
different teams every time. It teaches you so
its own manner.
much about people, team work and the
LA POLO, as media partner of the
game.” And so it does. This step, that
4th Manipur Statehood Day Women Polo
All hail the Women! Tournament interacted with all the female
polo players who came in to participate.
Manipur has taken with the Manipur
Statehood Day Women Polo Tournament is
remarking, for it at once saves so many
During these conversations, we gathered
4th Manipur Statehood Day their fables, wherein they shared with us
peripherals. From world's original polo pony
Women's Polo Tournament to saving polo to providing empowerment
how ritualistically essential is polo to them.
to women, this tournament has worked
Neelu Rajkumar, a polo player from
towards the mains. With the blessing of the
Manipur, India, shared her story with us.
“Women's polo is all about perseverance. Polo God, Lord Marjing and the faith of
“For international players, playing at the
The more girls play, the more power it people in the sport, it has reached out to
world’s oldest polo ground is an
portrays to the world,” said Catie Van Bakel meet the inevitable.
achievement, but for us achievements have a
a polo player from Canada who came to
different definition. We do not get a chance
Manipur, India, for the 4th Manipur
to explore more, and thus, it is something
Statehood Day Women Polo Tournament.
different. For us, all that matters is to have
Her words, like so many other female polo
proper training, gloves, classes and practice.
players, presents to the world a power that
If we get this, that would be the ultimate
polo surpasses to the women all across the
success.” What Neelu Rajkumar shared with
globe. Polo, although popularly known as
us, portrays how important the small things
the Sports of Kings, is surprisingly the only
in polo make a difference to these female
sport in the world that is immune from
players. Khundongbam Habe, another polo
gender biases. Not just that, but the sport
player from Manipur, India emphasised,
has given stability as well as identification to
“Polo is different everyday to some. To us, it
a lot of potential female polo players, and
has been a means of coming up. It has given
one such living epitome comes in from the
us the sense that our play is as important as
land that gave the world modern polo and
that of others. It has definitely given us a
breeds the world’s original polo pony,
boost.” The interaction with these players
Manipur, an eastern state in India.
puts it justifyingly of how the sport has
Manipur is a state of long history
provided means to their existence and
and celebrated tradition. The state has
livelihood. It has in a way become the
reimagined women in every which way.
identity of these players.

W W W. L A P O L O . I N


Jessica Wales, Canada Victoria Minanovich, Argentina

"I will be taking back to Canada the stories "Sitting on Manipuri Ponies is such a different
about the heart of Polo that will be a reminder experience. They have so much stamina that
about the strength of the sport." they can play two chukkers at times."

Catie Van Bakel, Canada Carolyn Mackenlie Stimmel, USA

"The best thing about Polo for me is horses, "I can travel the rest of the world and still say
but here I found that the power the game has proudly that I have had the holy grail of playing
given to women is what is the best." in the oldest ground of polo in the world."

Selina Watt, Canada Stephanie Colburn, USA

"The inspiration for me in polo is not a "The fact that Manipur has the polo God, it is
particular person, but the joy of the game, the actually moving."
way it is meant to be."
Catalina Ayerza, Argentina
Jenna Tarshis, Canada "The feeling that you are playing on world's
"Manipur is so colorful with so many friendly oldest living ground is scared and exceptional."
people...and especially the way people are
involved with sport and its oldest ground." Martina Garrahan, Argentina
"Polo is not just about dressing up, drinking
Hiromi Nzomo, Kenya wine and putting on your best hats. It's about
"Polo is great here where it shows that it is feeling the passion of the game, which I have
okay for women to play polo and that there sensed here in Manipur."
game is as important."
Khundongbam Habe, Manipur
Rowena Stichbury, Kenya "It is only here in Manipur that you will find a
"I love the fact that the Manipuri ponies are Polo God."
scared and that automatically gives it a
different dimension of spirituality." Khundongbam Deventy Dini, Manipur
"The best thing about polo is the time that we
Neelu Rajkumari, Manipur spend with each other, that later stands as a
"The achievements in polo are very different shared commodity."
for us. For us, who do not get a chance to
explore more, the basic amenities are a

Cindy Halle, USA

"Polo did not come to me as a family thing, I
adapted it during the days when I worked at
stables. Since then, I have never looked back."

Fuchi Donovan, Argentina

"I stopped playing polo when I was young...but
later in my life, when I saw my daughters riding
and my husband pushing me, I wanted to
come back to polo."

Monica Saxena, India

"In polo everyday is different. There is not a
moment that will repeat."

Megan Carter Judge, USA

"What I love about the sport is that it has given
me the capability to stand and believe in my
own self."

Anna Winslow, USA

"Polo teaches you some of the best life
lessons. It teaches you so much about people."

W W W. L A P O L O . I N

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