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o f t h e c a l i f o r n i a d e n ta l a s s o c i at i o n J U LY 2 0 1 2

Telehealth Technologies
In-Person Versus Virtual
Dental Exam
New Strategies

B AC K NEXT R E LOA D Calendar

New Patients
On Call

D E N TA L Transparencies

PA T I E N T S Forms
AC CT N º 2 6 5

su n mo n tu e we d th u fr i TYPE

2 3 4 5 6 7 P R OV I D E R

9 T 10
11O 12
N E : 5 1130 . 4 4
.33 25 DOB: 01.
15 16 17
24.69 SEX: M
18 19
P 20 21
A R 22 23 24 25
B 26 27 28
C 29 30 31 SEARCH



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July 12 c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

de pa rt m e nts
549 The Editor/ No Grandfathers

553 Letter to the Editor

555 Impressions 555

563 CDA Presents

613 Classifieds

624 Advertiser Index

626 Dr. Bob/The Golden Years: Breaking Dusk

f e at u r e s
564 Virtual D ental H o m e
An introduction to the issue.
Paul Glassman, DDS, MA, MBA

569 The Virtual Dental Home: Bringing Oral Health to Vulnerable and Underserved Populations
This article discusses the development and advent of “health homes,” the use of telehealth technologies to connect geographically
distributed providers, and the development of effective prevention and early intervention techniques.
Paul Glassman, DDS, MA, MBA; Maureen Harrington, MPH; Maysa Namakian, MPH; and Paul Subar, DDS, EdD

57 9 U s i ng T eleh ealth T ec h no lo gi e s to I mp rov e O ra l H e a lt h f o r V u l n e ra b l e a n d

U nd er s erv ed P o p u latio ns
This paper presents emerging evidence that telehealth technologies can enhance the ability of the oral health delivery system to reach
vulnerable and underserved populations that are not adequately served by the traditional oral health delivery system.
Paul Glassman, DDS, MA, MBA; Michael Helgeson, DDS; and Jenny Kattlove

587 In-Person Versus “Virtual” Dental Examination: Congruence Between Decision-Making Modalities
Presentation of virtual examinations can offer potential timesavings to both dentists and patients, and their validity can open the
way for the application of telehealth technology to increase access to oral health care.
Maysa Namakian, MPH; Paul Subar, DDS, EdD; Paul Glassman, DDS, MA, MBA; Robert Quade, PhD, MBA;
and Maureen Harrington, MPH

597 C o m m u ni ty-Bas ed P r ev enti o n a n d E a rly I n t e rv e n t i o n St rat e gi e s

This article focuses on the evidence for new strategies and their potential application into community-based oral health care settings.
Alan W. Budenz, MS, DDS, MBA, and Paul Subar, DDS, EdD

605 Th e Virtual D ental H o m e: I mp l i cat i o n s f o r P o l i cy a n d St rat e gy

A virtual dental home that moves the oral health delivery system toward the goals of the “Triple Aim” for vulnerable and
underserved populations is illustrated in this paper that also discusses that a number of issues must be addressed for full
implementation of this model to be realized.
Paul Glassman, DDS, MA, MBA; Maureen Harrington, MPH; Elizabeth Mertz, PhD, MA; and Maysa Namakian, MPH

j u ly 2 0 1 2   547
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

Journal CDA Journal

Volume 40, Number 7
j u ly 2 01 2

Journal of the California Advertising

Corey Gerhard
Reader Guide:
Dental Association
advertising manager Upcoming Topics Subscriptions
published by the august: General Topics The subscription rate is
California Dental Jenaé Gruchow september: General Topics $18 for all active members
Association project/traffic october: General Topics of the association. The
1201 K St., 14th Floor administrator subscription rate for
Manuscript Submissions others is as follows:
Sacramento, CA 95814
Mallory Buckner Patty Reyes, CDE Non-CDA members and
administrative assistant editor institutional: $40
assistant Non-ADA member
916-554-5333 dentists: $75
Production Author guidelines Foreign: $80
Kerry K. Carney, DDS Single copies: $10
Matt Mullin are available at
editor-in-chief Subscriptions may
cover design

journal_of_the_california_ commence at any time.
Randi Taylor dental_association/ Please contact:
Ruchi K. Sahota, DDS, CDE Crystan Ritter
senior graphic submit_a_manuscript
associate editor administrative
Classified Advertising assistant
Brian K. Shue, DDS

is why
Ann Davis
associate editor 916-554-5318
graphic designer/
production artist Display Advertising
Peter A. DuBois Permission and Reprints
Corey Gerhard
executive director
California Dental advertising manager Jeanne Marie Tokunaga

Association publications manager
Jennifer George JeanneMarie.Tokunaga@
Daniel G. Davidson, DMD 916-554-5304
vice president,
marketing Letters to the Editor 916-554-5330
Kerry K. Carney, DDS

Cathy Mudge
Lindsey A. Robinson, DDS
vice president,
community affairs

Alicia Malaby Journal of the California Dental Association (issn

James D. Stephens, DDS
communications 1043-2256) is published monthly by the California Dental
vice president
director Association, 1201 K St., 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814,
916-554-5330. Periodicals postage paid at Sacramento,
When you give to the Jeanne Marie Tokunaga
Walter G. Weber, DDS Calif. Postmaster: Send address changes to Journal
CDA Foundation, you help publications manager
secretary of the California Dental Association, P.O. Box 13749, Sacramento, CA 95853.
fund local clinics, support Jack F. Conley, DDS
editor emeritus The Journal of the California Dental Association is published
dentists who serve in rural Clelan G. Ehrler, DDS
under the supervision of CDA’s editorial staff. Neither the
areas, and give countless editorial staff, the editor, nor the association are responsible
Robert E. Horseman, DDS for any expression of opinion or statement of fact, all of
kids healthy, happy smiles. contributing editor
Alan L. Felsenfeld, DDS which are published solely on the authority of the author
speaker of the house whose name is indicated. The association reserves the
Paul Glassman, dds, right to illustrate, reduce, revise, or reject any manuscript ma, mba
submitted. Articles are considered for publication on
guest editor
Andrew P. Soderstrom, DDS condition that they are contributed solely to the Journal.
immediate past
Patty Reyes, CDE Copyright 2012 by the California Dental Association.
assistant editor

Courtney Grant

Crystan Ritter

5 48   j u ly 2 0 1 2
Editor c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

No Grandfathers

kerry k. carney, dds

n Sunday morning radio,
I heard that Sen. Dianne
Feinstein had sent a letter to A noncompliant business may be held responsible,
California Senate President Pro
regardless of whether the facility in which the
Tem Darrell Steinberg warning
him that if the State of California did not business operates is owned or rented.
do something to protect small businesses
from systematic abuse by litigation then
she would introduce legislation on the
federal level to do just that. one else refers to this as the ADA but that the minimal fine. However, the settle-
Nothing like a family dustup between acronym means something else in our ment does not preclude other drive-bys
state and federal legislators of the same profession so we frequently refer to it as from threatening to sue and demanding
party to bring a smile to my face. the AwDA to avoid confusion. The AwDA similar settlements.
Feinstein’s letter described the was intended to make public accommoda- In 2008, SB 1608 was signed into law
current situation. Some attorneys file tions accessible by disabled individuals. in California. This was a reform aimed at
“…‘abusive lawsuits’ and ‘coercive de- Dental practices are considered places of providing some relief to small businesses
mand letters’ to force small businesses public accommodation under the AwDA. trying to comply with AwDA requirements.
to pay thousands of dollars over often- Sen. Feinstein was concerned for The key provisions of SB 1608 include:
minor noncompliance with the federal Californians because the constellation n  Incentivizing building owners to
Americans With Disabilities Act and the of these three acts and their subsequent use state-certified access specialists to
state Unruh Civil Rights Act. amendments makes small businesses in ensure compliance.
“The shakedown tactics used by these California very attractive for “drive-by” n  A new court procedure to encour-
lawyers may place a financial strain on AwDA lawsuits. Neither actual intent to age early resolution of disability access
businesses and counterproductively leave discriminate nor actual harm is required lawsuits.
them unable to afford to make required to trigger litigation in California. Each n  Clarifications in the law to help
access improvements,” Feinstein wrote.1 violation carries a statutory penalty of reduce unwarranted damages and attor-
Clint Eastwood was sued in 2000 for $4,000 plus potentially the awarding of neys’ fees.
ADA violations at the hotel he owned in attorney fees. Then there is still the cost n  A new disability access commis-
Carmel. As a result of his high-profile case, of fixing the problem. sion that is tasked with evaluating and
federal amendments allowing time to fix In other states, fixing the disability providing recommendations on further
access violations were proposed in 2000, access issue, the injunctive relief, is the disability issues having an impact on the
2001, 2003, and 2005. They all failed. only thing for which the plaintiffs can disability community and business.
In California, there are three main sue. The lucrative damages awarded n  Improved continuing education in
pieces of legislation that have a direct under the Unruh Act are in part why disability access laws for building inspec-
impact on the ADA compliance picture for California accounts for 42 percent of tors and architects.3
dental practices. national AwDA litigation.2 The state-certified access specialists
California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act of The stage was set for monetary are an important element in this legisla-
1959 was established to prevent discrimi- profit to trump access and an industry tion. Having your local building inspector
nation by businesses. In 1968, the Cali- of legal abuse took root and flourishes. OK construction does not guarantee you
fornia Legislature enacted the California The scenario goes something like this. A are in compliance. As of July 2010, local
Disabled Persons Act, which declared that litigant with standing drives by and notes building inspection offices were required
the physically disabled are entitled to the a failure to comply. It could be as simple to have at least one state-certified access
same rights as the able-bodied. as missing or improper signage. A letter specialist on staff to provide consultation.3
In 1990, the U.S. Congress passed “The of intent to sue is sent to the business Despite the requirement, it does not seem
Americans With Disabilities Act.” Every- owner with an offer to settle for less than that this is the case in most municipalities.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   549
j u ly 1 2 editor
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

One of the biggest misconceptions facility in which the business operates is to reduce physical barriers to access. It is
around AwDA requirements is the notion owned or rented. the law. However, no one likes to see the
that there are “grandfather clauses.” There Under SB 1608, if a business owner funds that should be spent on accom-
is no grandfathering. Even if your practice voluntarily hires a certified access plishing that goal diverted to enrich those
is in a building that was constructed specialist to inspect his/her facility for who make a livelihood out of abusing the
before 1992, architectural barriers that AwDA compliance, there may be some system. The best defense against the risk
impede accessibility must be removed if legal protection for good faith efforts to of falling prey to abusive litigation is to
“readily achievable.” Consult your attorney comply. The specialist provides a report take advantage of SB 1608 and become
to find out what that means. outlining exactly where AwDA vulner- compliant. Otherwise like Clint East-
Newly constructed or remodeled abilities exist. If a business is sued after wood’s Dirty Harry said, “You have to ask
facilities must fully comply with AwDA having an inspection, a 90-day stay of yourself, ‘Do you feel lucky?’ Well, do ya?”
standards. the lawsuit and an early evaluation con-
A noncompliant business may be held ference can be requested.
responsible, regardless of whether the The goal of the AwDA regulations is r e f e r e nce s
1. News:
Sen. Feinstein calls on state to curb ‘abusive lawsuits’
over ADA. April 3, 2012.
adopt-legislati.html. Accessed May 10, 2012.
2. McNichol T, Targeting ADA violators. California Lawyer
(California Bar Association): 22, January 2012.
3. California Chamber of Commerce, California Business Is-
sues pages 31-3, January 2010.
Accessed May 10.

The Journal of the California Dental

Association welcomes letters.
We reserve the right to edit all communi-
cations and require that all letters be signed.
Letters should discuss an item published in the
Journal within the past two months or mat-
ters of general interest to our readership. Let-
ters must be no more than 500 words and cite
no more than five references. No illustrations
will be accepted. Letters may be submitted via
email to the Journal editor-in-chief at kerry. By sending the letter to the
Missing Journal, the author certifies that neither the
a Journal? letter nor one with substantially similar con-
tent under the writer’s authorship has been
All issues back to 1998 published or is being considered for publica-
are available at tion elsewhere, and the author acknowledges
No password required. and agrees that the letter and all rights of the
author with regard to the letter become the
property of the California Dental Association.

5 5 0   j u ly 2 0 1 2
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Mao Her-Flores, DDS

Often, where you come from defines where you’re

going. A fifth-grade field trip to a dental office was the spark that led Mao
Her-Flores to dentistry, but her experiences as a young girl working in the fields
with her parents are what shaped her choice of where to practice. You see, as a
young dentist, she ran a community clinic where she cared for migrant workers
and their families. And in the faces of her littlest patients, she saw herself.
Every dentist has a unique story behind why they chose this profession, but the
reasons to join CDA are clear— advocacy, protection, education, support and
being part of an organization dedicated to improving
the oral health of all Californians.

Join. Share.
Letter c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

o f t h e c a l i f o r n i a d e n ta l a s s o c i at i o n MARCH 2012

Dental Programs
Dental System Capacity
Impact of ADPs

Access to Care! Missing the Point

or several years now, I have you hand a toothbrush to the patient
read about and participated in and give them an opportunity to “see Reflecting on Access Challenges
discussions about the lack of and feel” what it takes to get the plaque Part 2

access to care due to inadequate off? Give those hands a chance to start
insurance, inadequate numbers “muscle memory” for a good toothbrush-
of dentists, maldistribution of dentists, ing. How many of your hygienists put
unwillingness by dentists to care for the mom’s nine-month-old infant/toddler in
state/federal insured, and the burgeon- your laps knee-to-knee style and show
ing crisis of caries, particularly in chil- mom how to clean the child’s teeth?
dren but including adults as well. Aren’t How many hygienists disclose the kids
we missing the point here? and then after the kids brush the plaque
I have known since dental school (1966 off, show mom where the child’s dexter-
to 1970) that a restoration to fill a cavity ity is lacking? Then, put the toothbrush
does nothing to improve oral health. in mom’s hand and allow her to finish their dental disease before you do their
Thank you Ernest Newbrun and Robert the job. Please, do all this with a dry restorations? How much more willing
Parr for helping me understand oral toothbrush. Toothpaste does nothing to would your patient be to accept
disease. None of our typical restorative help the cleaning. A dry brush facilitates the very best (and profitable to you)
efforts does anything to improve the oral visibility and effectiveness, reduces time, dentistry if they had taken control of
health of our patients. The real problem, eliminates the mess, and allows mom to the dental disease in their mouths,
in my view, is burgeoning oral disease as do it anywhere, like in her lap at story had seen the proof, and knew that the
a result of a deteriorating, much-sugar- time or after the child is in bed. investment in that fine dentistry was
added diet and the lack of dental health The Harder I Work, the Behinder I Get! going to last a long time?
education for our patients. If we spend our energy on the problem Plaque is a very, very complex
A Clean Tooth Will Not Decay. We have of surgically treating (drill and fill) the “organism,” which is its very weakness.
known that for decades. Since 1999, we devastation of oral disease, we will never Disrupting that biofilm is very easy once
have had the benefit of research and improve the situation our populace is the patient sees it and understands it.
teaching from the likes of John Feath- facing. The disease is growing faster than If our patients have taken control of the
erstone at University of California, San dental manpower will ever be able to disease in their mouths, we will spend
Francisco, and Douglas Young at Arthur grow. And the oral health of that popu- very little time repairing the fine den-
A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. They and lace is deteriorating at a remarkable rate. tistry we do. This improves accessibility
many others are teaching us how to teach Childhood caries incidence increased by for more patients, too. It will make your
our patients how to control the disease in 30 percent from 1994 to 2004. That is hygiene recall department a larger profit
their own mouths. Our patients can even astounding. I don’t have incidence figures center and open your schedule to see
reverse the effects of the disease in some for adults but their diet has been deterio- more new restorative patients.
situations. However, I am continually dis- rating like the kids’ diet, and the access to We must address the disease if we
mayed by how few practitioners I talk to care problem for them has been growing are going to provide our patients the
put the principles of protocols like caries just like for the kids. best long-term service. Though resto-
management by risk assessment (CAM- We must address the disease before rations are valuable, they do nothing
BRA) to use in their daily practice. we address the devastation. Does the to address the burgeoning oral disease
How many of you take the time surgeon remove the gangrenous foot of impacting our patients.
to use disclosing solution for EVERY the diabetic without first diagnosing,
preventive recall appointment? After addressing, and controlling the disease? scot t t ho mps o n, dds
disclosing the patient, how many of Do you “expect” your patients to control Meadow Vista, Calif.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   553
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Impressions c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

Moral Decoupling
david w. chambers, phd
All the big companies have ethics
departments now. Recently failing to
find a contact on the webpage of the first
large dental supplier I tried, I left a note
on the bulletin board explaining who I
am and asking to be put in touch. A few
days later, I received a reply that “Yes, X
Company does have an ethics officer, a
lawyer, and, in fact, a whole ethics staff,
but corporate policy prevents releasing
any information about them.”
Welcome to “decoupling” — the
practice of separating the form of ethical
compliance from its substance. Some ex-
amples include requiring that employees
receive “ethics training”; issuing reports
and codes of conduct; filing compliance
reports; conflict of interest disclosure
for publications and presentations;
whistle-blowing legislation; and good PR.
con t i n ue s on 56 2

Study Finds Teeth Stain More Permanently From Coffee Than Tobacco
A recent study, published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, evaluated the stain removal ability
of toothbleaching and simulated toothbrushing after coffee and cigarette smoke staining. In addition, researchers
determined the enamel susceptibility to restaining.
Using a colorimeter to determine the baseline color of 40 bovine labial enamel surfaces, researchers immersed
half of the samples in coffee and exposed the other half to cigarette smoke in a smoking machine,
then evaluated the stain removal ability of toothbleaching and simulated toothbrushing
after the coffee and cigarette smoke staining.
According to the report, both staining procedures resulted in similar discoloration.
“The specimens stained with coffee and cigarette smoke showed a significant
reduction in color change after bleaching,” the authors wrote, but only the cigarette
smoke-stained samples showed significant color reduction from toothbrushing.
The authors concluded that 6 percent hydrogen peroxide at-home bleaching
removed both coffee and cigarette smoke staining. However, restaining potential was
greater for the tooth surfaces stained with coffee than for those stained with
cigarette smoke, regardless of the removal method used. Finally, authors
wrote, continued frequent consumption of coffee can increase the staining
susceptibility of enamel.
See the full report in the Journal of the American Dental
Association, vol. 143:5, May 2012.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   555
j u ly 1 2 impressions
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

Why Gum Disease Is More Common versity, authors believe understanding more
With Old Age about Del-1 and its effects on the body’s
New research from Queen Mary, Uni- immune system could help in the treatment
versity of London, in collaboration with or prevention of serious gum disease.
research groups in the United States, may The study compared gum disease in
elucidate the reasons behind deteriorating young and old mice and found that an
gums as we age. increase in gum disease in the older animals
According to the study, published was accompanied by a drop in the level of
in Nature Immunology, the worsening Del-1, a protein known to restrain the im-
of gum health, common with aging, is mune system by stopping white blood cells
associated with a drop in the level of a from sticking to and attacking mouth tissue.
chemical called Del-1. Mice that had no Del-1 developed
In the study’s abstract, authors wrote severe gum disease and elevated bone
that aging is “linked to greater suscepti- loss, and researchers found unusually
bility to chronic inflammatory diseases, high levels of white blood cells in the gum
several of which, including periodontitis, tissue, the news release said.
involve neutrophil-mediated tissue injury.” When they treated the gums of the
The authors reported finding that “aging- mice with Del-1, the number of white
associated periodontitis was accompanied blood cells dropped, and gum disease and
by lower expression of Del-1, an endog- bone loss were reduced.
enous inhibitor of neutrophil adhesion
Source: Published online March 25, 2012, Nature Immunology.
dependent on the integrin LFA-1.” For more information, visit
According to a news release from the uni- full/ni.2260.html

Filling Composite Kills Bacteria, Regenerates Teeth

According to the University of Maryland, a team of scientists at its school of dentistry has developed the first
cavity-filling composite that kills harmful bacteria and remineralizes teeth.
Rather than just limiting decay with conventional fillings, Huakun Xu, PhD, MS, director of the Division of
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in the school’s Department of Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Operative
Dentistry, said the new composite is a revolutionary dental weapon to control harmful bacteria, which coexist in the
natural colony of microorganisms in the mouth.
“Tooth decay means that the mineral content in the tooth has been dissolved by the organic acids secreted by
bacteria residing in biofilms or plaques on the tooth surface. These organisms convert
carbohydrates to acids that decrease the minerals in the tooth structure,” Xu said in a
news release from the university.
After a dentist drills out a decayed tooth, the cavity still contains residual bacteria
and, according to Xu, it is not possible for a dentist to remove all the damaged tissue,
hence the importance of neutralizing the harmful effects of the bacteria.
The research team has also built antibacterial agents into primer used first by dentists to
prepare a drilled-out cavity and into adhesives that dentists spread into the cavity to make
a filling stick tight to the tissue of the tooth. “The reason we want to get the antibacterial
agents also into primers and adhesives is that these are the first things that cover the internal
surfaces of the tooth cavity and flow into tiny dental tubules inside the tooth,” Xu said .

5 5 6   j u ly 2 0 1 2
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

Impact of Water on Fluoride Content of Prepared Infant Foods and Drinks

A team of researchers recently conducted a study to measure the fluoride (F) content of infant foods and drinks
requiring reconstitution with liquids prior to consumption and determine the impact of water F concentration on their
F content, as consumed, by measuring F content before and after preparation.
Using 58 infant powdered formula milks, dry foods, and concentrated drinks prepared with deionized water,
nonfluoridated and fluoridated water, the authors of the study found some infant foods/drinks, when reconstituted with
fluoridated water, may result in a F intake in infants above the suggested optimum range (0.05–0.07 mg F/kg body weight).
“Although some nonreconstituted infant foods/drinks showed a high F concentration in their dry or
concentrated forms, the concentration of F in prepared foods/drinks primarily reflected the F concentration
of liquid used for their preparation,” the authors wrote.
According to the report, the F concentrations of drink samples
were measured directly using a fluoride-ion-selective electrode after
addition of TISAB III, and food samples and formula milks measured
indirectly by an acid diffusion method.
“Further research is necessary to determine the actual F intake
of infants living in fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities using
reconstituted infant foods and drinks,” the researchers concluded.
Source: Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, first published online April 23, 2012.

Study: Saliva Test to Detect Oral Cancer shown in studies to confirm the presence
A Michigan State University surgeon of oral cancer. By creating a simple saliva
is teaming up with a dental benefits firm test that could identify the biomarker’s
on a clinical trial to create a simple, cost- presence, the news release said, physi-
effective saliva test to detect oral cancer, cians and dentists would know which
a news release said. The development patients need treatment and which could
of such a test would be a breakthrough avoid unnecessary, invasive biopsies.
capable of improving screening and result- “Most white lesions are benign, so a
ing in fewer people dying of the world’s majority of people who develop them
sixth-most common cancer. are getting biopsies that are not needed,”
Lead investigator on the project, Barry Wenig said in the new release. “Conversely, “A simple test would
Wenig, a professor in the College of Hu- a simple test would allow us to identify
man Medicine’s Department of Surgery, those patients with malignant lesions and allow us to identify those
is working with a Michigan research and get them into treatment quicker.”
data institute to compile study data and Late detection of oral cancer has been patients with malignant
recruit dentists. According to the news linked to its poor survival rate.
release, the study will enroll 100-120 “The key challenge to reduce the mortali- lesions and get them into
patients with white lesions or growths in ty and morbidity of oral cancer is to develop
their mouths and tonsil areas to test as strategies to identify and detect the disease treatment quicker.”
part of the clinical trial. when it is at a very early stage,” he said.
The researchers will look for specific Wenig is also collaborating with b a rry w enig
biomarkers previously identified by re- PeriRx, a Pennsylvania company that will
searchers at the University of California, sponsor upcoming trials with the Food
Los Angeles; the biomarkers have been and Drug Administration.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   557
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j u ly 1 2 impressions
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Rare Facial Malformation’s Genetic Led by Michael L. Cunningham, MD,

Pathway Discovered PhD, medical director of the Seattle
Researchers recently identified a pair Children’s Hospital’s Craniofacial Center,
of defective genes that cause a rare con- the study included sequencing the DNA
genital malformation syndrome that can of five children with similar facial features
make it impossible for the child to breathe characteristic of ACS. The researchers
or eat properly without reparative surgery. used exome sequencing, selectively
The team of researchers at Seattle Chil- sequencing those regions of the patients’
dren’s Research Institute and their col- DNA believed to constitute the majority
laborators discovered two genes — PLCB4 of disease-causing mutations, according
and GNAI3 — in a genetic pathway that to a news release from Seattle Children’s.
affects children with auriculocondylar Of the five cases studied, two of the
syndrome (ACS), according to a study in parents did not have this condition but
the American Journal of Human Genetics. were carriers for the mutation.
Authors of the study described ACS as According to Cunningham, the findings
a rare, autosomal-dominant craniofacial suggest these genes may also play a role in
malformation syndrome characterized by more common disorders of the jaw and ears.
variable micrognathia, temporomandibular “Now that we know the genetic path-
joint ankylosis, cleft palate, and a character- way for ACS, we will be able to better
istic “question mark” ear malformation. In identify and counsel people who have
severe cases, children with ACS may require normal facial appearances but carry these
an immediate tracheostomy, feeding tubes, genes, about the likelihood of passing on
and extensive facial reconstructive surgery this mutation to their children,” Cunning-
in order to eat and breathe properly. ham said in the news release.

Dental Plaque Gives Clues About Ancient Diets

University of Nevada, Reno, researchers G. Richard Scott and Simon R. Poulson recently discovered that very
small particles of plaque removed from the teeth of ancient populations may provide good clues about their diets.
According to the research, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, Scott obtained 58 dental calculus
samples from medieval and postmedieval skeletons from Vitoria, Spain, and a single sample
from an Alaskan Inuit to test for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions. After his
first methodology led to varied results, Scott opted to send five samples of dental calculus
to Poulson at the University’s Stable Isotope Lab, hoping they may contain enough carbon
and nitrogen to estimate stable isotope ratios.
“It’s chemistry and is pretty complex,” Scott said in a news release. “But basically,
since only protein has nitrogen, the more nitrogen that is present, the more animal
products were consumed as part of the diet. Carbon provides information on the types
of plants consumed.”
According to the news release, Scott said the common practice of using bone to
conduct such research is cumbersome and expensive, requiring several acid baths to
extract the collagen for analysis.
Scott said that although additional work is necessary to firmly establish this new
method of using dental calculus for paleodietary research, the results of this initial study
indicate it holds great potential.

See the research in the Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(5):1388, 2012.

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Fosamax Gel Can Benefit Diabetic Patients With Periodontitis

In a recent study, published in the Journal of Periodontology Online, researchers found that alendronate
gel can help diabetic patients who have periodontitis. Alendronate is a bisphosphonate commonly used as
an oral medication to treat osteoporosis and is marketed under the name Fosamax.
Lead author A.R. Pradeep, MDS, from the Government Dental College and Research Institute in Bangalore,
India, and colleagues found that placing 1 percent alendronate gel into periodontal pockets benefits patients
with diabetes who have periodontitis.
According to the report, the researchers treated 70 intrabony defects with either 1 percent alendronate
gel or placebo gel and recorded clinical parameters at baseline, two months, and at six months. Radiographic
parameters were recorded at baseline and six months.
Mean probing depth reduction and mean periodontal attachment level gain was found to be greater in
the alendronate gel group at both two months and six months,
authors noted. In addition, the researchers reported finding
significantly greater mean percentage of bone fill in the
alendronate group than in the placebo group.
The 1 percent Fosamax gel can be used “to provide a new dimension
in the periodontal therapy in the near future,” authors concluded.

Source: Journal of Periodontology, published online Jan. 20, 2012. Link: http://www.

Oral Robotic Surgery Successful for weeks after surgery before starting adjuvant
Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients therapy. Less than 4 percent of
Transoral robotic surgery, a minimally patients required a gastrostomy
invasive surgery technique, achieves excel- tube, which enables food to
lent results in removing oropharyngeal bypass the throat; and one
squamous cell carcinoma, especially in pa- patient required a long-term tracheotomy.
tients with human papillomavirus (HPV), After two years, the researchers
according to a recent study published in found that the patients’
the March issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings. survival rate was greater
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic followed than 92 percent, as good
66 patients with oropharyngeal cancer who as rates for some other surgical and
underwent transoral robotic surgery. Every nonsurgical treatments for oropharyngeal
few months, patients underwent imaging cancer, the authors wrote.
studies, scans, and examinations to deter- “We were surprised that the cancer speech performance was excellent.”
mine if the cancer had recurred. cure results were even better than The study provides preliminary data
According to the report, patients the traditional treatments that we have illustrating that the robotic surgery
were followed up for a minimum of been doing, but that is probably almost is a viable treatment option, Moore
two years. Because traditional surgery as much of a matter that these cancers concluded in the news release. Continu-
techniques to remove throat tumors are HPV-mediated for the most part, ing research involving multiple medi-
can be traumatic, requiring cutting and and they respond much better to treat- cal centers will investigate transoral
reconstructing the jawbone, neck and ment,” author Eric Moore, MD, a head robotic surgery in a larger population
tongue, researchers were also interested and neck surgeon at Mayo Clinic in of patients with oropharyngeal cancer.
in patients’ healing after robotic surgery. Rochester, Minn., said in a news release.
Source: Mayo Clinic Proceedings 87(3):211-2, March 2012.
Researchers found 97 percent of those “Importantly, the treatment preserved Link:
patients able to eat orally within three the patients’ ability to swallow and their PIIS0025619612002017/fulltext.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   561
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dec o up l in g, continu ed from 555

A conspicuous example of ethical form Decoupling has become established

over substance is the Sarbanes-Oxley in our legal system. The U.S. Sentencing
laws enacted after the Enron scandal and Commission Organizational Guidelines
requiring that higher-ups in organiza- (accessible on the Web) prescribe the
Ethical behavior is a tions file papers saying they know what is formulas used in sanctioning businesses
going on in the firm. Not much teeth in that break the law. (I believe the guidelines
function of the way that gesture from our legislative master apply only to organizations with 10 or
decouplers. This has been a boost toward more employees.) The guidelines are used
full employment for lawyers, but there is to calculate a “culpability score” that drives
leaders in the firm act, absolutely no evidence in almost 10 years the size of the fine. All organizations start
that the trajectory of corporate opportun- with a base score of five points against the
especially how they ism in America has been bent. organization, and have points added or
Research in the field shows that subtracted based on circumstances.
respond when challenged, ethical rules for organizations have these The base culpability score can double
effects: increased formal appearance, for large firms. Previous bad faith or
not what they say. increased cost, and increased employee criminal activity increase the penalty. If
and public cynicism. Ethical behavior is there has been an adjudication for similar
a function of the way leaders in the firm misconduct during the past 10 years, add
act, especially how they respond when one point; if the firm violates a standing
challenged, not what they say. judicial order or injunction add either one
or two points.
upcoming meetings
On the other hand, if the organiza-
2012 tion has an ethics compliance program,
subtract three points. Firms with repeat
Sept. 30– National Primary Oral Health Conference, La Jolla, Calif.,
violations of court injunctions can have
Oct. 3
that penalty removed by showing that
Oct. 18–23 ADA 153rd Annual Session, San Francisco, they had an ethics compliance program
— even when per definition that program
Oct. 26–28 California State Association of Endodontists biennial meeting, Newport Beach, failed. If the firm cooperates in the inves-
Calif., 415-577-2760 tigation, it gets another two-point bonus.
That comes pretty close to letting the form
Nov. 4–10 U.S. Dental Tennis Association, Tuscon, Ariz., 800-445-2524 or
of ethics compliance erase the negative ef-
2013 fect of violating the intent of ethical (legal)
Feb. 7–9 20th anniversary Conference and Exhibition, Academy of Laser Dentistry, The Nub:
Palm Springs 1 Decoupling form from substance in
ethics does not promote moral excellence.
April 7–13 U.S. Dental Tennis Association, TOPS’L Resort, Destin, Fla., 800-445-2524 or
2 Decoupling form from substance in
ethics promotes cynicism.
Oct. 31– 3 Codes, pronouncements, and train-
154th Annual Session, New Orleans,
Nov. 5 ing are insufficient evidence of commit-
ment to a moral culture.
Nov. 3–9 U.S. Dental Tennis Association, Big Island, Hawaii, 800-445-2524 or David W. Chambers, PhD, is professor of dental education, Arthur A. Dugoni
To have an event included on this list of nonprofit association continuing education meetings, please send the information
School of Dentistry, San Francisco, and
to Upcoming Meetings, CDA Journal, 1201 K St., 16th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814 or fax the information to 916-554-5962.
editor of the Journal of the American College
of Dentists.

5 6 2   j u ly 2 0 1 2
San Francisco, California
No meeting in 2012
due to ADA Meeting
August 15 -17, 2013
September 4- 6, 2014

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c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

Homepaul glassman, dds, ma, mba

guest editor

Paul Glassman, dds, ma, t is now widely recognized that good among underserved populations. There are
mba, is a professor of oral health and access to basic dental currently multiple models being developed
Dental Practice, director
services are not readily available to and tested in the United States. Among
of Community Oral Health,
and director of the Pacific one-third or more of the U.S. popula- them is a model that is the theme of this
Center for Special Care, tion.1-5 These underserved populations issue, the virtual dental home. This new
Arthur A. Dugoni School of include low-income children and adults, model of care was developed at, and is
Dentistry in San Francisco minority racial and ethnic groups, people being tested by, the Pacific Center for Spe-
Conflict of Interest
with disabilities and complex medical cial Care at the University of the Pacific,
Disclosure: None reported.
conditions, and dependent older adults. Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. It
The reasons that many people in these is based on the principles of bringing care
groups do not access the traditional office- to places where underserved people live,
based dental care system are complex, but work, or receive social, educational, or
include issues with the cost of dental care, general health services; emphasizing pre-
the separation between dental care system vention and early intervention strategies;
and the rest of the health care delivery integrating oral health with general health,
system, education of oral health and other social and educational delivery systems;
professionals, geographic distribution and using telehealth technologies to
of sources of care, language and cultural connect a geographically distributed, col-
barriers, and health literacy. The results laborative dental team with the dentist at
of these issues are profound oral health the head of team-making decisions about
disparities among the groups listed above. treatment and location of services.
Many people are realizing that new The first article in this issue describes
and innovative strategies will be needed the virtual dental home system, how it
to address the profound health disparities works, and preliminary results from a

j u ly 2 0 1 2   565
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

statewide demonstration project. The next

article is a review of the use of telehealth
technologies in the delivery of dental ser-
vices. Following that is an article describ-
ing the validation of a telehealth-enabled
oral health examination. The next article
describes the scientific basis for the pre-
vention and early intervention strategies
used in the virtual dental home system.
The final article in this series describes the
policy implications of the virtual dental
home model.
The virtual dental home system has
significant potential to improve oral
health of currently underserved popu-
lations who now experience profound

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1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health
in America: a report of the surgeon general. Rockville, Md., U.S.
We’ve got the perfect
Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute
opportunity for you!
Join Aspen Dental - of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of
the premier network Health, 2000.
of dental practices. 2. The American Dental Association, Report of the Dental
Workforce Taskforce 2006, HOD Resolution 3, page 35, 2006.
866-745-5155 3. California Dental Association, Phased strategies for
reducing the barriers to dental care in California, November
Accessed May 11, 2012.
4. The Institute of Medicine, Advancing oral health in America,
2011. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
5. The Institute of Medicine and the National Research
Connect with us: Council, Improving access to oral health care for vulnerable
and underserved populations, 2011. The National Academies
Press, Washington, D.C. Aspen Dental is an EOE.

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v i rt u a l d e n ta l h o m e
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.v h The Virtual Dental Home:
Bringing Oral Health
to Vulnerable and
Underserved Populations
paul glassman, dds, ma, mba; maureen harrington, mph; maysa namakian, mph;
and paul subar, dds, edd

a b s t r ac t  Large and increasing oral health disparities in the U.S. population led the
Institute of Medicine to call for expanded research and demonstration of delivery systems
that test new methods and technologies. These new methods include delivering oral health
services in nontraditional settings, using nondental professionals, expanded roles for
existing dental professionals and new types of dental professionals, and incorporating
telehealth technologies. The virtual dental home is a system that demonstrates the
characteristics called for by the IOM.


Paul Glassman, dds, ma, Maysa Namakian, mph, is a he Pacific Center for Special Poverty, Race, Disability, and Oral Health
mba, is a professor of program manager, Pacific
Care at the University of the The traditional office and clinic-based
Dental Practice, director Center for Special Care,
of Community Oral Health, Arthur A. Dugoni School of
Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School oral health delivery system is failing to
and director of the Pacific Dentistry in San Francisco. of Dentistry (Pacific) is demon- reach a large and increasing segment of
Center for Special Care, Conflict of Interest strating a new model of care that the population. The disparities in access
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Disclosure: None reported. uses the principles and techniques listed and the resulting health disparities have
Dentistry in San Francisco.
above. By creating a “virtual dental home” been well-documented. The 2000 Report
Conflict of Interest Paul Subar, dds, edd, is an
Disclosure: None reported. assistant professor and
in sites throughout California, Pacific is of the U.S. Surgeon General indicated
director of the Special Care delivering oral health services in locations that “Although there have been gains
Maureen Harrington, mph, Clinic/Hospital Dentistry where people receive educational, general in oral health status for the popula-
is a program manager, Program, Arthur A. Dugoni health, and social services. Over the next tion as a whole, they have not been
Pacific Center for Special School of Dentistry in San
several years this project will demonstrate evenly distributed across subpopula-
Care, Arthur A. Dugoni Francisco.
School of Dentistry in San Conflict of Interest
the viability and effectiveness of a sig- tions. Profound health disparities exist
Francisco. Disclosure: None reported. nificant new approach to improving and among populations including: racial
Conflict of Interest maintaining oral health that can make a and ethnic minorities, individuals with
Disclosure: None reported. significant difference in the epidemic of disabilities, elderly individuals, and
dental disease for California’s vulnerable individuals with complicated medical
and underserved children and adults. and social conditions and situations.”1

j u ly 2 0 1 2   569
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In 2011, the Institute of Medicine and 49.7 million people in the United States traditional settings, using nondental
the National Research Council of the population had a long-standing condi- professionals, expanded roles for exist-
National Academies of Science issued tion or disability.9 They represented 19.3 ing dental professionals, the use of new
two reports on oral health, “Advancing percent of 257.2 million people who were types of dental professionals, and incor-
Oral Health in America” and “Improv- aged 5 and older in the civilian noninsti- poration of telehealth technologies.2,3
ing Access to Oral Health Care for tutionalized population — or nearly one
Vulnerable and Underserved Popula- person in five. Many reports show that Health Homes
tions.”2,3 Both of these reports describe people with disabilities have more dental There is considerable interest and an
the significant proportion of the U.S. disease, more missing teeth, and more expanding body of literature on improv-
population that do not have access to difficulty obtaining dental care than other ing health care provided to underserved
oral health services and the disparities members of the general population.1,10-12 populations through a “medical home” or
in oral health among these groups. There are significant personal and “health home” model.16 A summary of the
A national analysis in 2010 by the economic consequences that result model and considerations in its imple-
Government Accountability Office (GAO) mentation were thoroughly reviewed in
indicated that only about one-third of a supplement to the journal Pediatrics.17
children enrolled in Medicaid received in california, The foreward to that issue points out
any dental service during the 2008 fiscal oral health disparities the degree to which the medical home
year.4 In California, oral health dispari- model has been integrated in national
ties are more severe than the national are more severe than the health policy including “Healthy People
average, particularly among low-income national average, particularly 2010” and the “President’s New Freedom
and disabled populations. Just 25 percent Initiative.”18 In general, the medical home
of Medi-Cal beneficiaries reported a among low-income and model encompasses systems that provide:
dental visit in 2007 and among pregnant disabled populations. n  Care management over time;
women with Medi-Cal coverage only one n  Health promotion activities;
in seven received dental services.5 Almost n  Access to technical medical services
one-quarter of all children in California when needed; and
have never seen a dentist and about 40 from the lack of oral health services n  In pediatric medical home models,
percent of California black, Latino, and for low-income and disabled popula- there is also an emphasis on early inter-
Asian preschoolers and approximately tions. In California, approximately 6.3 vention services.
65 percent of elementary schoolchil- million children, or two-thirds of all In contrast to the medical home
dren in these groups need dental care.6,7 children in the state, suffer needlessly literature, there is a more recent and
In 2011, only 22 percent of the total from poor oral health by the time they much smaller body of published works
number of people eligible for Medi-Cal reach the third grade.13 Approximately on adapting this model to improving
dental services received any service, 7 percent of California children missed oral health.19,20 In 2010, the American
a decrease of 8 percent from 2009. A school due to a dental problem in Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)
decrease was expected for adults since 2007, excluding time for cleaning or reaffirmed their “Policy on the Dental
most adults benefits were eliminated in routine check-up.14 In 2007, there were Home” in which they described the dental
2009. However, there was also a decrease more than 83,000 visits to California home as “inclusive of all aspects of oral
for children. In 2011, only 27 percent hospital emergency departments for health that result from the interaction
of eligible children received any dental preventable dental conditions.15 of the patient, parents, nondental, and
service compared to 34 percent in 2009.8 The Institute of Medicine, in its dental professionals.”21 Also in 2010, the
The number of low-income children 2011 reports on oral health, called for AAPD reaffirmed its definition of the
and adults and those with disabilities expanded research and demonstrations “dental home” in which they described it
or complex medical conditions needing of delivery systems that would test new as “the ongoing relationship between the
oral health services is rising dramatically. methods and technologies including dentist and the patient, inclusive of all
The U.S. Census reported in 2000 that delivering oral health services in non- aspects of oral health care delivered in a

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comprehensive, continuously accessible, share records between dentists and dental What Is the Virtual Dental Home?
coordinated, and family-centered way. specialists or as screening tools to deter- The virtual dental home is a commu-
“Establishment of a dental home mine the feasibility or urgency of need for nity-based oral health delivery system
begins no later than 12 months of age and dental treatment.28-35 However, there are a in which people receive preventive and
includes referral to dental specialists when few reports in the literature that describe early intervention therapeutic services in
appropriate.”22 Other models that describe the use of telehealth technologies to community settings where they live or re-
the “medical home” or “health home,” facilitate geographically distributed, col- ceive educational, social, or general health
now recognize that the important func- laborative dental care.36-41 The experience services. It utilizes the latest telehealth
tions of these models can be performed in medicine holds great promise for these technology to link practitioners in the com-
by many different types of personnel and technologies in improving the oral health munity with dentists at remote office sites.
settings. In contrast, the AAPD definition of underserved populations through This project is demonstrating that
emphasizes the role of the dentist in the fostering and facilitating geographically registered dental hygienists in alterna-
dental home concept. While some people distributed collaborative systems of care. tive practice (RDHAP), registered dental
advocate for the idea that a dental home be hygienists working in public health
centered in a dental office, the reality that programs (RDH) and registered dental
most underserved populations do not visit in the virtual dental assistants (RDA), can work in a team led
dental offices on a regular basis leads to the home, the RDHAP, RDH, by geographically distant dentists and can
conclusion that other solutions need to be keep many people healthy in community
developed to provide the essential elements or RDA collaborates with settings by providing education, triage,
of this model. There is growing recognition a dentist who makes case management, preventive procedures,
that other personnel and settings can be and early intervention therapeutic servic-
used to provide these essential elements. diagnostic and treatment es. Where more complex dental treatment
decisions to provide care. is needed, the virtual dental home con-
Telemedicine/Teledentistry nects patients with dentists in the area.
During the same time the medical home This system promotes collaboration
or health home concept has evolved, there between dentists in dental offices and
have been parallel advances in the use of The Virtual Dental Home clinics and these community-based allied
distance technology to improve the health The Pacific Center for Special Care dental personnel. This system expands the
of populations at a distance from primary at the University of the Pacific, Arthur use of the term dental home to include
health care providers or specialists.23-25 A. Dugoni School of Dentistry (Pacific) the entire geographically distributed, col-
The term “telemedicine” has been applied is demonstrating a new model of care. laborative, telehealth-facilitated system
to the use of information technologies, By creating a “virtual dental home” in of care. The virtual dental home provides
primarily real-time videoconferencing and a variety of sites throughout Califor- all the ingredients of the health home,
asynchronous store-and-forward systems nia, Pacific is delivering oral health keeps dentists at the head of the dental
to provide care remotely.26 In California AB services in locations where people live, care team, and most importantly, it brings
415, which became law Jan. 1, 2012, replaced work, play, go to school, and receive much-needed services to individuals
the term “telemedicine” with “telehealth” social services. The Pacific Center has who might otherwise receive no care.
throughout California law and made other partnered with a number of funding
significant changes designed to facilitate use organizations to implement this demon- How Does It Work?
and adoption of telehealth technology.27 stration project and bring much-needed This model relies on the advanced
As with the medical home concept, oral health services to these under- training and community-based practice of
there are far fewer reports in the literature served populations. These popula- a group of allied oral health professionals.
on the application of telehealth concepts tions range from children in Head In the virtual dental home, the RDHAP,
to oral health. The emphasis of those Start Centers and elementary schools RDH, or RDA collaborates with a dentist
reports on “teledentistry” has been on the to older or disabled adults in residen- who makes diagnostic and treatment
use of these technologies as a means to tial care settings or nursing homes. decisions to provide care. Technology

j u ly 2 0 1 2   57 1
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The Virtual Dental Home Concept Model

Allied Personnel — On-Site

Intake and periodic recall visits, record
collection, communication with dentist
Electronic Community Allied
Health Record Personnel Care
(least expensive, most
Dentist — Off-Site cost avoidance)
Record review, decision about dental
treatment—what and where

Allied Personnel — On-Site

Disease, Prevention and early intervention
needing in-person University of the Pacific
No procedures, case management, Program management
treatment by integration into educational, social,
dentist general health systems


Dentist — On-Site
Disease treatment
Dentist Care
(moderate cost avoidance)
Dentist — Dental Office Dentist — Dental Clinic
Disease treatment Disease treatment

Dentist, Physician — Hospital ED/OR Hospital ED/OR Care

Treatment of serious infections, complex disease, people with (most expensive, least
complex medical or behavioral conditions cost avoidance)

fig ur e 1. The virtual dental home concept model (Pacific Center for Special Care, University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, © 2012).

helps bridge the geographic gap between the patient’s information and creates a sealants and for dental hygienists, dental
the community provider and dentist. plan for dental treatment. The RDHAP, prophylaxis and periodontal scaling;
Equipped with portable imaging RDH, or RDA then carries out the aspects n  Placing carious teeth in a hold-
equipment and an Internet-based dental of the plan that can be conducted in the ing pattern using interim therapeu-
record system, the RDHAP, RDH, or RDA community setting under the general tic restorations (ITR) to stabilize
collects electronic dental records includ- supervision of the dentist. The services patients until they can be seen by
ing radiographs, photographs, charts of included in the demonstration project are: a dentist for definitive care; and
dental findings, and dental and medical n  Health promotion and n  Tracking and supporting the
histories, and uploads the information to prevention education; individual’s need for and compliance
a cloud-based software system called Den- n  Dental disease risk assessment; with recommendations for additional
ticon where the records are reviewed by a n  Preventive procedures such as and follow-up dental services.
collaborating dentist.42 The dentist reviews application of fluoride varnish, dental It should be noted that “interim

5 72   j u ly 2 0 1 2
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

The Virtual Dental Home: Cost of Providing Care vs. Cost of Neglect

Hospital ED/OR Care
delivered by dentists or physicians
in the hospital ED or OR

Dental Office or Clinic Care

delivered by dentists using fixed
equipment in fixed offices
Cost of
(salaries, Community On-Site Care
materials, delivered by dentists using movable
equipment, or portable equipment

Community On-Site Care

delivered by allied personnel
emphasizing prevention and early

Low High
Cost of Neglect
(transportation, cost of dental treatment, costly hospital ED/OR visits,
associated medical problems, lost days of school and work)

fig ure 2. The virtual dental home: cost of providing care versus cost of neglect (Pacific Center for Special Care, University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, © 2012).

therapeutic restoration” is the term is used to emphasize the provisional cial caries and obtain clean and sound
developed by the American Academy nature of the restoration. Allied dental margins with subsequent placement of
of Pediatric Dentistry in its “Policy on professionals in the virtual dental home glass-ionomer restorative material.
Interim Therapeutic Restorations” (ITR).43 demonstration project are placing ITRs The RDHAP, RDH, or RDA refers
As described in that document, this term under the general supervision of dentists patients to dental offices for procedures
is used to describe the technique referred in a health workforce pilot project (HWPP) where a dentist has determined that the
to more broadly in the literature as atrau- authorized by the California Office of skills of a dentist are required. When
matic restorative technique (ART), which Statewide Planning and Development such visits occur, the patient arrives
involves removal of superficial caries (OSHPD).44,45 In the virtual dental home with health history and consent ar-
using hand or slow-speed rotary instru- demonstration project, the technique rangements completed, a diagnosis and
ments and placement of glass-ionomer consists of using hand instruments treatment plan already determined,
restorative material. The new term, ITR, only to remove soft debris and superfi- preventive practices in place and preven-

j u ly 2 0 1 2   57 3
v i rt u a l d e n ta l h o m e
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f ig ur e 3. Capturing radiographs in the virtual dental

home system.

tive procedures having been performed.

The patient is likely to receive a suc-
cessful first visit with the dentist as the
f igure 4. Radiographs displayed in the Denticon electronic dental record.
patient’s dental records and images have
already been reviewed and preventive
procedures performed. All of this adds of neglect. Neglecting oral diseases until Workforce Pilot Project (HWPP) from
up to a more successful dentist visit. they require the restorative and surgical the California Office of Statewide Health
In some cases, the dentist may come services that must be provided directly Planning and Development (OSHPD)
to the community site and use mov- by dentists is more costly and less likely was approved. The HWPP authorizes two
able or portable equipment to provide to impact the overall cost of neglect. As new duties for allied dental personnel
restorations or other services that only also illustrated in f i g u r e 2 , waiting until (RDHAPs, RDHs and RDAs). These are:
a dentist can provide. In either case, oral diseases are so advanced that they n  Make the decision about which
the majority of patient interactions require visits to a hospital emergency radiographs to take, if any, to facilitate
and efforts to keep people healthy are department or operating room is the an oral evaluation by a dentist; and
performed by the RDHAP, RDH, or most expensive of the options displayed n  Place interim therapeutic
RDA in the community setting after a and does very little to lower the over- restorations (ITR).
telehealth consultation with a collaborat- all costs of neglecting oral diseases.
ing dentist who makes diagnostic and What Are the Results From the First Phase
treatment decisions and determines the What Is the Current Status of the Project? of the Demonstration Project?
best location for treatment, thus creating Phase 1 of this project is now complet- The virtual dental home demonstra-
a true community-based dental home. ed and has included development of the tion program has clearly demonstrated
f ig ure 1 is a diagram illustrating project concept and design, and creation the ability to establish a community-
the virtual dental home concept model. and implementation of all of the compo- based, geographically distributed, col-
f ig ur e 2 is a diagram illustrating the cost nents and infrastructure for the virtual laborative, telehealth-facilitated system of
of providing oral health services versus dental home system. The legal framework care. There are nine sites currently operat-
the impact of those services on the cost for the project has been created includ- ing under this model of care in California.
of neglect of dental disease. As illustrated ing agreements, consent forms, liability Patients are being seen in community set-
in f ig ure 1 , the emphasis of the virtual coverage, and Institutional Review Board tings, dentists are reviewing records and
dental home model is the delivery of (IRB) approval. The project technology determining the best course of treatment
diagnostic, preventive, and early interven- hardware and software systems have for the patient, preventive and early inter-
tion services by allied dental personnel been created or adapted for this system. vention care is being provided in the com-
in community settings under general su- Training materials and methods, site munity, and patients with advanced dis-
pervision of dentists who have reviewed protocols, and operational guidelines ease requiring the services of a dentist are
patient records and determined a plan of have been developed. A study validating being referred to dental offices and clinics.
treatment for that patient. These services, the ability of dentists to make treat- Patients enrolled in the virtual dental
delivered under these circumstances, are ment decisions after evaluating digital home project are being seen in a variety
the least costly methods for delivering oral health records without an in-person of settings: two elementary schools in
diagnostic, preventive and early interven- examination has been completed.46 low-income communities of Sacramento
tion services and, as illustrated in f i g u r e Providers and sites in nine communities and San Diego County, a consortium
2, the most likely to drive down the cost have been enlisted and trained. A Health of Head Start centers in San Francisco

5 74  j u ly 2 0 1 2
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

integrated oral health services into the ac-

tivities of institutions such as preschools,
elementary schools, group homes and
f igure 6 . Capturing digital photographs in the virtual long-term care facilities. This begins the
dental home system.
process of normalizing daily oral care and
emphasizes the importance of oral health.
telehealth technology and the two new Feedback from allied dental personnel
fig ure 5. Radiograph displayed in the
Denticon electronic dental record.
duties available under the HWPP. More and staff at virtual dental home sites
than 750 patients have been enrolled in indicates that staff, caregiver, and parent
the virtual dental home project and have education is occurring as community-
received a telehealth-enabled consultation based oral health professional and oral
and San Diego, residential facilities as- by a dentist. Of these patients, almost 40 health activities become part of the
sociated with three regional centers for percent are children, 24 percent are adults fabric of these institutions. The conse-
persons with developmental disabilities, living in rural or low-income communi- quence is an increase in dental literacy
four long-term care facilities for vulner- ties, 17 percent are patients in long-term and increased willingness to comply with
able elders, and one community clinic. care facilities, and 15 percent are disabled referrals, daily oral hygiene practices,
f igures 3 and 6 depict allied dental adults living in residential care settings. and the role of nutrition in oral health.
personnel capturing dental radiographs The RDHAPs have provided more than
and photographs into a laptop com- 300 prophylaxes for both children and New Roles for the Dental Team
puter. These images are uploaded to a adults and more than 500 applications of The virtual dental home project is
secure Internet web server for review fluoride varnish. These allied dental per- demonstrating the value of expanding the
by a dentist. In figure 3 it is possible sonnel have successfully placed more than roles of all members of the dental team
to see the simple and low-cost environ- 170 ITRs. Dentists have determined that and training them to work in a new and
ment where allied personnel can set up almost half of the patients seen to date unique system of care. Dentists’ roles
portable equipment gather records and can be kept healthy through the services are expanded as they learn to work with
perform prevention and early interven- of the allied dental personnel performing a geographically distributed team of al-
tion procedures. figur e s 4 t h rough 8 preventive and early intervention services lied dental personnel and use telehealth
depict sample screen shots of radiographs in the community. The other half are be- technology to evaluate patients, make
and photographs from this system. ing referred to dental offices or clinics for treatment decisions, and communicate
Pacific has calibrated and trained eight the services only dentists can provide. with the dental team. Dentists in this
RDHAPs and one RDA on the use of the The virtual dental home system has project are also able to manage and

f i g u r e 7. Digital
photographs displayed in
the Denticon electronic
dental record.

f i g u r e 8 . Digital photograph displayed in the Denticon

electronic dental record.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   57 5
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provide care for an increased popula- general supervision of dentists. The data health assessment of California’s kindergarten and third-grade
children, Dental Health Foundation, 2006.
tion of patients through these expanded collected from this demonstration will
14. California Health Interview Survey, 2007.
dental teams. Many of the patients these support regulatory and reimbursement 15. Emergency department visits for preventable dental
dentists are now serving would not have change needed to allow and facilitate conditions in California, California HealthCare Foundation,
May 2009.
received any dental services at all without spread of the model. There are indica-
16. American Academy of Pediatrics, Role of the medical
this community-based system of care. tions that the next several years of this home in family-centered early intervention services. Council
The role of allied dental personnel is project will demonstrate the viability and on Children With Disabilities. Pediatrics 120(5);1153-8, 2007.
17. American Academy of Pediatrics, The medical home.
also expanded as they work in a geo- effectiveness of a significant new ap-
Supplement to Pediatrics. Pediatrics 113(5):1471-548, 2004.
graphically distributed team, perform proach to improving and maintaining oral 18. Edwards ES, Foreward, Supplement on the Medical Home.
procedures under remote general supervi- health of underserved populations that Pediatrics 113(5):1471, 2004.
19. Nowak AJ, Cassamassimo, PS, The dental home: a primary
sion of dentists, and communicate with can make a significant difference in the
care oral health concept. J Am Dent Assoc 133:93-8, 2002.
dentists and other members of the team epidemic of dental disease for California’s 20. Ramos-Gomez F, Crystal YO, et al, Caries risk assessment,
using telehealth technology. Allied dental vulnerable children and adults. prevention, and management in pediatric dental care. Gen Dent
58(6):505-17; quiz 518-9, November-December 2010.
personnel are also expanding their roles as
21. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on
they perform case management activi- re f e re n c e s Clinical Affairs, Policy on the dental home, adopted 2001,
ties, work to integrate oral health services 1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Oral health revised 2004, reaffirmed 2010.
in America: a report of the surgeon general. Rockville, Md., U.S. Guidelines/P_DentalHome.pdf. Accessed May 7, 2012.
into the fabric of social, educational, and
Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute 22. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on
general health systems, and function of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Clinical Affairs, definition of dental home, adopted 2006,
as an integral part of a geographically Health, 2000. reaffirmed 2010.
2. The Institute of Medicine, Advancing oral health in America, talHome.pdf. Accessed May 7, 2012.
distributed, telehealth-enabled dental
The National Academies Press, Washington D.C., 2011. 23. American Telemedicine Association, ATA overview of
home, one aspect of the “health home.” 3. The Institute of Medicine and the National Research telemedicine.
Council, Improving access to oral health care for vulnerable abouttelemedicine/What_Is_Telemedicine.pdf. Accessed May
and underserved populations. The National Academies Press, 22, 2012.
What Are the Expected Long-Term
Washington D.C., 2011. 24. The Children’s Partnership. Meeting the health care needs
Outcomes of This Project? 4. United States Government Accountability Office, Oral of California’s children: the role of telemedicine, March
The virtual dental home project is health: efforts under way to improve children’s access to 2008.
dental services, but sustained attention needed to address cfm?Section=Reports1&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.
demonstrating a new system of care that
ongoing concerns, November 2010. cfm&ContentID=11717. Accessed May 23, 2012.
is more likely to improve oral health of 5. The California Health Care Foundation, California Health 25. California Center for Connected Health Policy, Leadership
underserved and vulnerable populations Care Almanac: Denti-Cal facts and figures, May 2011. in telehealth policy: a telehealth model statute & other policy
6. The Dental Health Foundation, The Oral Health of Califor- recommendations, February 2011. www.connectedhealthca.
at a lower cost than other systems of care.
nia’s Children: halting a neglected epidemic, 2000. org/sites/default/files/TelehealthModelStatuteReport-
The demonstration project has located al- 7. California Health Care Foundation, Haves and have-nots: a Feb2011.pdf. Accessed May 7, 2012.
lied dental personnel in community sites look at children’s use of dental care in California, 2008. 26. California Health Care Foundation, Telemedicine in Cali-
8. California Department of Health Services, California fornia: progress, challenges, and opportunities, 2008.
where underserved children and adults
Medicaid Management Information Services. Totals for All 27. California Center for Connected Health Policy, The
receive educational, social, and general Aid Codes Utilization Report, FY 2009, FY 2010, FY 2011. Run telehealth advancement act of 2011.
health services. It has expanded the role Jan. 10, 2012. policy-projects/telehealth-advancement-act. Accessed May
9. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics 7, 2012.
and reach of dentists and allied dental
Administration, U.S. Census Bureau. Census 2000 Brief. Dis- 28. Clark GT, Teledentistry: what is it now, and what will it be
personnel. It has established telehealth- ability Status 2000, March 2003. tomorrow? J Calif Dent Assoc 28(2):121-7, February 2000.
enabled collaboration and communica- 10. Oral health status and needs of Special Olympics athletes 29. Birnbach JM, The future of teledentistry. J Calif Dent As-
– World summer games, Raleigh, N.C., June 26-July 4, 1999. soc 28(2):141-3, February 2000.
tion systems that allow dentists to work
Special Olympics International: Unpublished report, 1999. 30. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Bell CH, Billings RJ, Prevalence
and communicate with geographically 11. Stiefel DJ, Adults with disabilities. Dental care consider- of dental caries in Early Head Start children as diagnosed
distributed allied personnel to create ations of disadvantages and special care populations: pro- using teledentistry. Pediatr Dent 30(4):329-33, July-August
ceedings of the conference held April 18-19, 2001, in Baltimore, 2008.
a virtual dental home for underserved
Md., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health 31. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Billings RJ, McConnochie KM,
populations. It is now allowing allied Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Dental screening of preschool children using teledentistry: a
dental personnel to provide education, Professions, Division of Medicine and Dentistry, Division of feasibility study. Pediatr Dent 29(3):209-13, 2007.
Nursing, April 2001. 32. Mandall NA, Qureshi U, Harvey L, Teledentistry for screen-
triage, case management, preventive pro-
12. The disparity cavity: filling America’s oral health gap. Oral ing new patient orthodontic referrals. Part 2: GDP perception
cedures, and interim therapeutic restora- Health America, May 2000. of the referral system. Br Dent J 199(11):727-9; discussion 723,
tions in these community locations under 13. Mommy, it hurts to chew: the California smile survey: an oral 2005.

5 76   j u ly 2 0 1 2
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33. Elfrink ME, Veerkamp JS, et al, Validity of scoring caries

and primary molar hypomineralization (DMH) on intraoral
photographs. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 10 Suppl 1:5-10, Novem-
ber 2009.
34. Amavel R, Cruz-Correia R, Frias-Bulhosa J, Remote
diagnosis of children dental problems based on noninvasive My last article discussed why the Delta policy is worse than originally
photographs — a valid proceeding? Stud Health Technol believed and how it possibly affects more patients in the “Premier
Inform 150:458-62, 2009. only” practices than we thought. I believe the new policy should open
35. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Billings RJ, Prevalence of dental our eyes to the reality of our relationship with Delta Dental. Delta
caries and dental care utilization in preschool urban children  was originally formed by dentists back in 1950-1960 with an intent to
enrolled in a comparative-effectiveness study. Eur Arch 
Paediatr Dent 12(3):133-8, June 2011
try to balance quality patient care with reasonable fee schedules.
36. Chang SW, Plotkin DR, et al, Teledentistry in rural Califor- Now, Delta is acting no differently than any “for profit” organization, slashing payments
nia: a USC initiative. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(8):601-8, August to its providers in a stealthy fashion with this latest policy change.
37. Sanchez Dils E, Lefebvre C, Abeyta K, Int J Dent Hygiene
As a group and an organized society, dentists have always been concerned about “anti-
2(4):161-4, November 2004. trust” suits while addressing these types of issues with insurance providers. If we attack
38. Fricton J, Chen H, Using teledentistry to improve access to this problem from a patient’s rights and patient’s freedom perspective, we will not need
dental care for the underserved. Dent Clin North Am 53(3):537- to worry about this “anti-trust” threat any longer. My proposed “Patient’s Freedom of
48, July 2009. Choice Dental Insurance Act” should demand the following:
39. Bradley M, Black P, et al, Application of teledentistry in oral
medicine in a community dental service, N. Ireland. Br Dent J 1. Patients are free to take their dental insurance plan or fee schedule to any provider
209(8):399-404, October 2010. they wish and the insurance company WILL pay the provider directly. (This Currently
40. Brullmann D, Schmidtmann I, et al, Recognition of root ca- does not happen with Delta or Blue Cross) The patient has the choice to make up the
nal orifices at a distance - a preliminary study of teledentistry.
difference with the provider if the provider’s fee schedule is higher.
J Telemedicine Telecare 17(3):154-7, 2011.
41. Summerfelt FF, Teledentistry-assisted, affiliated practice
2. Dentists and patients are free to negotiate any fee schedule or payment arrangement
for dental hygienists: an innovative oral health workforce directly with the provider. Dentists are no longer forced to collect pre-arranged
model. J Dent Ed 75(6):733-42, June 2011. payments under threat of “insurance fraud” if they choose not to collect the entire “co-
42. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Policy on pay”. (Of course, the insurance companies can continue to have arrangements with
interim therapeutic restorations (ITR), a dopted 2001, revised providers who agree to the fee schedule. In this case, patients can still get a list of
2004, 2008. providers who agree to the schedule.)
Accessed May 7, 2012.
3. Remove the punitive language towards dentists in the insurance contracts.
43. Planet DDS, Denticon web-based software. planetdds.
com/. Accessed May 23, 2012.
4. Providers should have the freedom to charge whatever they desire and let the patient
44. California Office of Statewide Planning and Development. decide on the type of care the patient desires and who should deliver that care.
Health workforce pilot project program.
Insurance companies claim that costs will increase if patients have more freedom with
HWPP.html. Accessed May 15, 2012.
45. California Office of Statewide Planning and Development.
their insurance plans and begin utilizing them more. I say, SO BE IT!!! Whose side are we
Health workforce pilot project application No. 172. oshpd. on anyway? Don’t we want patients to seek out care? I believe that under-utilization of Accessed dental insurance is still primarily due to patient’s fear of dentistry. The insurance
May 7, 2012. companies limit their financial exposure two ways: (1) through the fee schedule, and (2)
46. Namakian M, Subar P, et al, In-person versus “virtual” by imposing a maximum annual benefit per patient. They are covered on every angle. This
dental examination: congruence between decision-making
maximum benefit has not kept up with inflation for more than 30 years, making the
modalities. J Calif Dent Assoc 40(7):587-95, July 2012.
current coverage practically a joke!!! The entire annual allowance can almost be used by a
to request a printed copy of this article, please contact single molar endo procedure! Instead insurance should be simply viewed as a sort of
Paul Glassman, DDS, MA, MBA, Arthur A. Dugoni School of “medical savings account” that will help defray some of the costs of dental care.
Dentistry, 2155 Webster St., San Francisco, Calif., 94115.
Delta can certainly cut its costs by eliminating its ridiculous audit process. Again, our
proposed “Patient Freedom of Choice Dental Act”, designed to encourage patient’s rights
will eliminate the necessity of the audits. This is not a collective threat, just common

             

j u ly 2 0 1 2   57 7
Dentist Lawyer Broker
Specializing In Dental Practice Sales, Transitions & Valuations

A. Lee Maddox, DDS, Esq. Kerri McCullough

Now with California offices in La Jolla, Los Angeles, Newport Beach and Walnut Creek
We have been involved with more than 1000 dental practice transactions.
Here are some of our current listings:
NEW LISTING - $709,000 - General Dentistry Practice in Coastal $430,000 - Prosthodontic Practice in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa PRICE REDUCTION - $300,000 - General Dentistry Practice in
Orange County, Southern California, with four (4) operatories, fully County, Northern California with three (3) operatories, fully equipped, Los Alamitos, Orange County, Southern California with seven (7)
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NEW LISTING - $50,000 - Dental Leasehold Improvements in $120,000 - General Dentistry Practice in Rancho Cucamonga, San County, Southern California with six (6) Adec Chairs/Lights in a great
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PRICE REDUCTION - $675,000 - Dental Leasehold Improvements/
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NEW LISTING - $1,100,000 - This office does it all! General Dentistry Equipment and Real Estate in Santa Ana, Orange County, Southern
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$80,000 - Dental Leasehold Improvements and Equipment in Lake lab, dark room, staff lounge, business office, and private office. Open
does Specialty work. Nine (9) total operatories, six (6) equipped, three
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NEW LISTING - $450,000 - General Dentistry Practice in North San Southern California, with four (4) operatories, includes equipment, County, Southern California with four (4) operatories, private office, staff
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Experience Professionalism Integrity Expertise

t e l e h e a lt h t e c h n o l o g i e s
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

.v h Using Telehealth
Technologies to
Improve Oral Health
for Vulnerable and
Underserved Populations
paul glassman, dds, ma, mba; michael helgeson, dds; and jenny kattlove

a b s t r ac t  Telehealth refers to the use of technology to provide health care at a

distance. The important and increasing role of telehealth in the delivery of health care
has been recognized for several decades. Although there are fewer reports on the use of
telehealth to deliver oral health services, evidence is emerging that these technologies
can enhance the ability of the oral health delivery system to reach vulnerable and
underserved populations.


Paul Glassman, dds, ma, Michael Helgeson, dds, everal terms have been used to Opportunities,” reviewed the history and
mba, is a professor of is chief executive officer, describe the use of technologies use of telemedicine nationally and in
Dental Practice, director Apple Tree Dental, in
that facilitate interaction among California.2 The report described the use
of Community Oral Health, Minneapolis, Minn.
and director of the Pacific Conflict of Interest
patients and health care provid- of telemedicine technologies to deliver
Center for Special Care, Disclosure: None reported. ers in geographically separated health services in state prisons through
Arthur A. Dugoni School of locations. Much of the literature uses the regional service delivery mechanisms
Dentistry in San Francisco. Jenny Kattlove, is terms “telemedicine” to describe these centered at the University of California,
Conflict of Interest director, Strategic Health
interactions. In the last decade, the use of Davis, in outreach systems managed by
Disclosure: None reported. Initiatives, The Childrens
Partnership, in Los
these technologies in dentistry has been the Veterans Administration, in out-
Angeles. referred to as “teledentistry.” More recent- reach managed by rural health centers,
Conflict of Interest ly, these terms have been combined and and for use in diagnosis and treatment
Disclosure: None reported. referred to collectively as “telehealth.”1 of a wide variety of health conditions.
The important and increasing role of Delivery of health care using tele-
telehealth in the delivery of health care medicine technologies is recognized by
has been recognized for several decades. the federal government as a “cost-effective
The California HealthCare Founda- alternative to the more traditional face-
tion in a 2008 report, “Telemedicine in to-face way of providing medical care” due
California: Progress, Challenges, and to the ability to provide earlier diagnos-

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tic and preventive services and savings as a legitimate means of providing health videoconferencing equipment; digital
in transportation and other associated care. The stated intent of the law was to cameras; electronic clinical devices, such
costs.3 The Center for Medicare and Med- support the idea that “The use of telecom- as digital stethoscopes; and disease man-
icaid Services (CMS) has indicated that munications to deliver health services agement and health education software.3
“for purposes of Medicaid, telemedicine has the potential to reduce costs, improve Telehealth has been used in many ap-
seeks to improve a patient’s health by quality, change the conditions of practice, plications including emergency and criti-
permitting two-way, real-time interac- and improve access to health care in rural cal care, vision screening, mental health
tive communication between the patient and other medically underserved areas.” evaluation and treatment, telepharmacy,
and the physician or practitioner at the Common applications of telehealth child abuse evaluations, and diagnosis and
distant site. This electronic communica- include videoconferencing between a treatment of a variety of other health con-
tion means the use of interactive telecom- patient and health care provider for a ditions.7-12 A recent study demonstrated a
munications equipment that includes, at consultation or among groups of patients 7 percent lower rate of rehospitalization
a minimum, audio and video equipment.”3 or providers for education, support, and for patients on home health care regi-
CMS further stated that “states may reim- mens who were followed using telehealth
burse the physician or other licensed prac- technologies versus those in a nontele-
titioner at the distant site and reimburse california was one health group.13 The savings from this
a facility fee to the originating site. States of the leading states intervention were substantial given an
can also reimburse any additional costs average cost of readmission of $7,200 per
such as technical support, transmission in adopting legislation person for the group of patients studied.
charges, and equipment. These add-on to define and support the It has been argued that telehealth is
costs can be incorporated into the fee- a critical modality to address the severe
for-service rates or separately reimbursed role of telemedicine in shortages of health care available for
as an administrative cost by the state.” health care delivery. large numbers of people in our society. In
A 2008 report, “Meeting the Health California, Medi-Cal has recognized the
Care Needs of California’s Children: value of telehealth and reimburses provid-
The Role of Telemedicine,” by The Chil- ers who use videoconferencing to provide
dren’s Partnership, stated that “Quality care coordination; transmission of data, care. Medi-Cal also provides a facility and
health care no longer requires a health such as X-rays, photographs, video, and transmission fee to the originating site to
care provider and patient to be in the audio files; remote monitoring of vital compensate for the telecommunications
same room at the same time. With the signs and other health indicators; and and other costs associated with originating
advancement of information and com- Internet applications for patient educa- a telehealth visit. Medi-Cal also reimburses
munications technology (ICT), children tion and disease management.3 Telehealth for store-and-forward applications related
and adults can receive high-quality can occur in “real time,” where the patient to teledermatology, teleophthamology, and
health care from a distance through and his or her provider are at one site specific types of teleoptometry services.14-16
telemedicine. In fact, telemedicine is communicating with another provider at
rapidly becoming a viable solution to another site simultaneously.6 Videocon- Teledentistry
meeting the health care needs of patients ferencing is the most common real-time Application and use of telehealth in
in rural and other underserved areas.”4 telehealth interaction. Telehealth also oc- dentistry are not as well-developed as the
California was one of the leading curs using “store-and-forward” methods. use of telehealth technologies in other
states in adopting legislation to define and A store-and-forward interaction involves aspects of the health care delivery system.
support the role of telemedicine in health the transfer of data, such as an X-ray or a However, telehealth technologies have
care delivery. In 1996, California adopted digital image, from an originating site to been available and used in the delivery of
the Telemedicine Development Act of a distant site for review and consultation oral health services for quite some time.
1996.5 This law put California in the posi- at a later time. Telehealth also involves the An early report on the use of technology
tion of national leadership on telemedi- use of an ever-growing menu of software to allow collaboration between distant
cine policy and supported telemedicine and technological devices, including dental providers described a system in use

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by the U.S. Army to transmit still color with dental specialists for temporoman- Access to Oral Health Care for Vulner-
images over a modem to allow periodon- dibular disorders, orofacial pain, and oral able and Underserved Populations.”32,33
tists to view healing after periodontal sur- medicine issues. A 2010 report described These reports emphasize the significant
gery without the patient having to travel the use of teledentistry technologies to oral health disparities among a num-
long distances.17 A series of articles in the triage the need for a referral to a re- ber of underserved population groups
February 2000 issue of the Journal of the mote oral medicine hospital clinic.29 and call for new methods and systems
California Dental Association recognized In 2011, a report described the ability to address these disparities. There is
the potential for telehealth but expressed of endodontic specialists to remotely specific mention of the role of tele-
significant caution about how these tech- locate the canal orifice to assist general health as a component of future oral
nologies would develop and be used.18,19 In dentists in performing endodontic treat- health delivery systems that can better
spite of the widespread use of telehealth ments.30 A 2011 publication described reach and serve these populations.
in medicine, there are far fewer reports an initiative developed by the North-
in the literature on the application of ern Arizona University (NAU) Dental Teledentistry in the California Virtual
telehealth concepts to the delivery of oral Dental Home Project
health services. The emphasis of those The virtual dental home project,
reports that are available on teledentistry the data directed by the Pacific Center for Spe-
has been on the use of these technologies is stored on a secure cial Care at the University of the Pacific
as a means to share records between den- Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry and
tists and dental specialists or as screen- web server and described in more detail in other articles
ing tools to determine the feasibility or accessed using in this issue, uses telehealth technolo-
urgency of need for dental treatment.20-25 gies to facilitate acquisition of records by
There are some more recent reports a web browser from allied dental personnel, including dental
in the literature that describe the use of any location. hygienists and dental assistants, in com-
teledentistry to facilitate geographically munity sites and review of these records
distributed, collaborative dental care. An by dentists who are not on site. These
initiative based out of the University of dentists make decisions about the best
Southern California demonstrated in 2003 Hygiene Department where affiliated course of treatment, and provide remote
that dentists were able to work with a practice dental hygienists can digitally general supervision of the allied personnel
dental hygienist at a remote location, to acquire and transmit diagnostic data to a performing preventive and early interven-
decide on preventive services that could be distant dentist for triage, diagnosis, and tion treatment. The virtual dental home
delivered by the hygienist at that location, patient referral. Remote general supervi- model is being demonstrated in schools,
and to facilitate referrals to the USC mobile sion allowed these hygienists to provide Head Start centers, residential facilities
dental clinic that delivered on-site dental preventive services permitted within the for people with disabilities, and long-term
services at a later date.26 A 2004 report scope of their licenses.31 Although the care facilities for dependent and elderly
reviewed the available telehealth technolo- potential for enhancing oral health care individuals. The techniques and illustra-
gies and outlined the potential for using through the use of telehealth technologies tions of the equipment used for capturing
these technologies to foster collaboration is just beginning, these technologies hold telehealth records in a laptop computer in
between dentists and dental hygienists in great promise in improving the oral health the virtual dental home system are also
order to reach and improve oral health of of underserved populations through described in other articles in this issue.
underserved populations.27 A 2009 review fostering and facilitating geographically The virtual dental home model uses a
of the uses of teledentistry described both distributed collaborative systems of care. cloud-based software system called Denti-
real-time consultations and store-and-for- In 2011, the Institute of Medicine con.34 The software has all the features of
ward applications in use at that time.28 In and the National Research Council of the a locally installed dental patient manage-
particular, a system was described in Min- National Academies of Science issued ment system. However, the data is stored
nesota where real-time videoconferencing two reports on oral health, “Advancing on a secure web server and accessed
was used to facilitate remote consultations Oral Health in America” and “Improving using a web browser from any location.

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f i g u r e 2 . Periodontal chart from the Denticon Electronic Dental Record.

f ig ur e 1. Restorative chart from the Denticon Electronic Dental Record.

This cloud-based arrangement facilitates email communication and phone calls Application of Teledentistry by Apple
acquisition of records in one location that supplement the record review. Tree Dental
and review in another. The entire system Once a dentist has reviewed the Another example of the use of tele-
is fully HIPAA compliant and patient records and talked, if needed, with the health technology to facilitate oral health
privacy is fully protected. Only users with allied personnel who are on-site, the care is the delivery system from Apple
authenticated credentials can access the dentist decides the best course of treat- Tree Dental (Apple Tree) in Minnesota.
system and upload or review records. ment for that patient. In the majority of Apple Tree is a unique, nonprofit staff-
figures 1 through 6 illustrate screen cases, these individuals are kept healthy model dental practice that currently
captures from some of the information in the community location by preven- operates five regional dental access
available in the Denticon web-based tive and early intervention activities programs in urban and rural areas of
software system. As illustrated in these of the allied dental personnel. In cases Minnesota. Telehealth technologies link
figures, dentists who are reviewing these where the dentist determines that the special care dental clinics with on-site
records have access to electronic restor- individual has treatment needs that can dental clinics at schools, Head Start
ative and periodontal charts, a system only be addressed by a dentist, they are Centers, group homes, assisted-living
that records caries risk factors and referred to and assisted with receiving centers, nursing facilities, and other com-
assigns a caries risk score, a system for treatment in a dental office or clinic. munity sites for people facing physical,
tracking patient status to facilitate case If the treatment is performed by the financial, and geographic access barriers.
management, and high-quality radio- dentist who reviewed the virtual dental The Apple Tree model links dental
graphs and photographs. Also included home records then that dentist already hygienists working under “collaborative
in the records, but not illustrated here has access to records and is familiar agreements” with dentists. Apple Tree has
are treatment plans, patient ledgers, with the treatment needs of the indi- demonstrated the ability for a dentist at a
progress notes and other electronic vidual. If treatment is performed by distant dental clinic to safely and accurate-
health record (EHR) components. Com- another dentist, records can be exported ly assess the permanent teeth of high risk
munication between the allied person- from the system and made available. children for sealant placement without the
nel on-site at the community location, In either case, valuable time is saved need for a face-to-face examination. Den-
and the dentist off-site in a dental office at the dental office because diagnostic tists made decisions using live videocon-
or clinic, is facilitated by the electronic and preventive procedures have been ferencing, digital radiographs, Diagnodent
records described here, and enhanced by performed and records are available. readings, and high-resolution intraoral

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f ig ure 3. CAMBRA risk assessment screen from the Denticon Electronic Dental Record.

f i g u r e 4 . Status tracker screen from the Denticon Electronic Dental Record.

video and still images. The decisions they mendations.” The report documents The most significant of these is the
made using the store-and-forward records the use of and barriers to the spread of uncertainty about payment for telehealth
closely matched the decisions made using telehealth across the nation and proposes services. If providers believe they can-
live videoconferencing and those made a model statute to optimize the use not be paid for delivering services using
after a second face-to-face examination. of telehealth in California.1 The intent telehealth technologies, they have little
Apple tree is now using oral health of the report was to propose a way to motivation to join telehealth-enabled
assessments and store-and-forward create parity between health services provider networks or receive training
records collected in Head Start Centers and delivered using in-person methods with in the use of telehealth technologies.
nursing homes and reviewed by off-site health services delivered using telehealth In 2011, based on the Center for
dentists to determine what treatment is methods. The important determinant Connected Health Policy’s report, Cali-
needed and the best location for treatment is whether the service was delivered ef- fornia Assemblyman Dan Logue (R-Lake
of children and vulnerable adults in these fectively and not the technologies chosen Wildwood) introduced Assembly Bill
locations. Approximately 70 percent of by the provider to deliver the service. 415, the Telehealth Advancement Act of
children in the Head Start Centers being The report identified multiple barriers 2011.35,36 Effective Jan. 1, 2012, this new
served need only preventive services per- to wider deployment of telehealth includ- law modernizes California’s landmark
formed by the dental hygienist. For the 30 ing confusing or contradictory definitions Telemedicine Development Act of 1996
percent who need treatment by a dentist, of telehealth, the uncertainty of payment to reflect advances in the field since the
this is provided by a dentist who comes on for services, difficulties in developing and original law’s passage. It updates the
site with portable equipment. The same sustaining provider networks, the chal- definition of telehealth to reflect the
pattern is followed in the nursing home lenge of integrating technology among broader range of services in use today, and
using Apple Tree’s mobile dental office. providers, and lack of training resources. allows all licensed health professionals in

Barriers and Solutions to Adoption and

Spread of Telehealth
Even as the use of telehealth tech-
nologies is spreading in general health
services and delivery of oral health
services, barriers remain that are slow-
ing down or blocking the wider-spread
adoption of this method of delivering
health care. The Center for Connected
Health Policy, a nonprofit organization
devoted to influencing policy to improve
health care delivery in California through
telehealth, issued a comprehensive report
in 2011, “Advancing California’s Leader-
ship in Telehealth Policy A Telehealth
Model Statute and Other Policy Recom- f igure 5 . Radiographs from the Denticon Electronic Dental Record.

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payers reimburse providers for services

delivered using telehealth technologies.
It was primarily fiscal considerations that
kept full parity in delivery and payment
from being included in the law. However,
there is increasing evidence that the use of
telehealth in the delivery of health servic-
es will actually save scarce state resources
as well as deliver better health care. For
example, the Center for Connected Health
f ig ur e 6. Photographs from the Denticon Electronic Dental Record. Policy in a 2011 report, “Fiscal Impact
of AB 415: Potential Cost Savings from
Expansion of Telehealth,” has predicted
California to engage in telehealth. Specific regardless of where it takes place. This that telehealth has the potential to reduce
components of the legislation include: can include patient care management health care costs in the California Medi-
n  Replacing the outdated legal ter- programs that employ home monitoring Cal program by several hundred million
minology of “telemedicine” with “tele- devices, in-home patient medical appoint- dollars per year annually if telehealth is
health” throughout California law. This ments, and physician or dentist reviews utilized to its fullest potential in treat-
change makes it clear that applications of health data in any location in real time ment of cardiac disease and diabetes.37
of telehealth technology to the delivery and using store-and-forward methods. There is also reason to believe that the
of oral health services are included in all n  Expanding the list of health profes- use of telehealth technologies can save
aspects of the law. The law broadens the sionals who can provide telehealth ser- scarce resources in providing oral health to
modalities that are included in telehealth vices to include all professionals licensed underserved populations. The virtual dental
to include multiple forms of electronic or under the state’s healing arts statute. home delivery model is demonstrating the
distance communications and explicitly n  Removing a previous Medi-Cal ability to deliver more health per dollar
includes store-and-forward technologies regulation requiring providers to docu- spent than other methods when applied to
in the definition. Telehealth, the new legal ment a barrier to an in-person visit before the state’s most vulnerable populations. The
terminology, refers to the technology- a beneficiary could receive telehealth emphasis on prevention and early interven-
enabled delivery of services, rather than services, which was widely viewed by tion will have a significant impact on down-
a specific medical practice. This allows for providers as a disincentive to its use. stream “costs of neglect” for untreated den-
a far broader range of telehealth services n  Removing a previous requirement tal disease such as increased costs for more
than the old law, and does not limit future that patients sign a separate, written, complex dental treatment needed later on,
telehealth technologies, because of its en- telehealth-specific consent form before cost of emergency-room visits, cost of care
compassing, forward-looking definition. any type of telehealth service could provided in hospital emergency departments
n  Removing limits on the physical be delivered. Providers found that the and operating rooms, and lost days of work
locations where telehealth services may be written consent form stigmatized the and school from dental pain and infection.
delivered. Under the old law, telemedicine use of telehealth, and created an un-
appointments had to take place only in necessary barrier to care. The new law Future Advancement of Telehealth in
licensed health care facilities, such as hos- replaces the written consent with a verbal Delivery of Oral Health Services
pitals or physician offices and Medi-Cal consent that must be recorded in the The history and recent advancements
restricted telemedicine delivery to four patient’s record. This establishes parity in the use of telehealth technologies to
types of licensed facilities only: hospi- between services provided in person, improve general health care and oral
tals, clinics, physician offices, and skilled and those provided via telehealth. health care delivery, along with the recent
nursing facilities. The new law removes While AB 415 clarified and improved legislation in California, point to an
limits on the locations for telehealth. This many important areas of telehealth, it did increasing awareness of the importance
will allow for telehealth to be covered, not mandate that Medi-Cal or any other of these technologies. Given the large

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general health and oral health disparities Development Act of 2006 24. Cruz-Correia AR, Frias-Bulhosa J, Remote diagnosis of
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Accessed May 9, 2012. — a valid proceeding? Studies Health Technol Informatics
the difficulty many populations have ac- 6. California Telemedicine and eHealth Center, A glossary 150:458-62, 2009.
cessing the traditional health care system, of telemedicine and ehealth. Sacramento, Calif., California 25. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Billings RJ, Prevalence of dental
it is clear that telehealth will have an Telemedicine and eHealth Center, 2006. caries and dental care utilization in preschool urban children
7. Kon AA, Marcin JP, Using telemedicine to improve commu- enrolled in a comparative-effectiveness study. Eur Arch
important and growing place in health nications during pediatric resuscitations. J Telemed Telecare Paediatr Dent 12(3):133-8, June 2011.
care delivery. Demonstration projects, 11(5):261-4, 2005. 26. Chang SW, Plotkin DR, et al, Teledentistry in rural Califor-
such as the virtual dental home project 8. Marcin JP, et al, Use of telemedicine to provide pediatric nia: a USC initiative. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(8):601-8, August
critical care inpatient consultations to underserved rural 2003.
in California, are already illustrating the Northern California. J Pediatr 144(3):375-80, 2004. 27. Sanchez Dils E, Lefebvre C, Abeyta K, Int J Dent Hygiene 2,
value of telehealth systems in address- 9. Krumholtz I, Results from a pediatric vision screening in its page 161-4, 2004.
ing the chronic and severe oral health ability to predict academic performance. Optometry 71(7):426- 28. Fricton J, Chen H, Using teledentistry to improve access to
30, 2000. dental care for the underserved. Dent Clin North Am 53(3):537-
disparities faced by large number of 10. Chen Y-l, et al, Computer real-time analysis in mobile ocular 48, July 2009.
people and the ability to do so in a way screening. Telemed e-Health J 12(1):66-72, 2006. 29. Bradley M, Black P, et al, Application of teledentistry in oral
that can improve health and lower costs. 11. Waters RJ, The role of technology in pediatric home care, medicine in a community dental service, Northern Ireland. Br
Carinf 2005. Dent J 209(8):399-404, October 2010.
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delivery system reforms are needed 12. TeleKidcare, Center for telemedicine and telehealth, Kansas for dental hygienists: an innovative oral health workforce
to ensure that telehealth delivered or University Medical Center. July 2007. model. J Dent Ed 75(6):733-42, June 2011.
enabled activities are reimbursed in parity medicine/Programs/TKC.htm. Accessed May 9, 2012. 32. The Institute of Medicine, Advancing oral health in America.
13. Chen HF, Kalish C, Pagan J, Telehealth and hospitalizations The National Academies Press. Washington, DC, 2011.
with in-person activities that provide the for Medicare home health care patients. Am J Managed Care 33. The Institute of Medicine and the National Research
same health service. What is also needed 17(6):e224-e230, 2011. Council, Improving access to oral health care for vulnerable
is the expansion of delivery systems that 14. Youngblade L, Telemedicine for CSHCN: a state-by-state and underserved populations. The National Academies Press,
comparison of Medicaid reimbursement policies and title v Washington, DC, 2011.
link geographically distributed provider activities. Florida: institute for child health policy, University 34. Planet DDS, Denticon Web-based software. planetdds.
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that vulnerable populations can gain 16. California AB 1224 (Hernandez), chaptered 11 October 2007, Advancement Act of 2011.
Jan. 2, 2008. ects/telehealth-advancement-act. Accessed May 9, 2012.
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by extending the reach of dentists and cessed May 9, 2012. AB 415: potential cost savings from expansion of telehealth.
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statute and other policy recommendations, February 2011. 20. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Bell CH, et al, Prevalence of Dentistry, 2155 Webster St., San Francisco, Calif., 94115. dental caries in Early Head Start children as diagnosed using
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mation/By-Topics/Delivery-Systems/Telemedicine.html. new patient orthodontic referrals. Part 2: GDP perception of the
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4. The Children’s Partnership. Meeting the Health Care Needs 23. Elfrink ME, Veerkamp JS, et al, Validity of scoring caries
of California’s Children: The Role of Telemedicine. Digital Op- and primary molar hypomineralization (DMH) on intraoral
portunity for Youth Issue Brief. Number 3, 2nd ed., March 2008. photographs. Eur Arch Paediatr Den 10 Suppl 1:5-10, November
5. California Statutes, Chapter 864 (1996), Telemedicine 2009.

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virtual vs. in-person exams
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

.v h In-Person Versus “Virtual”
Dental Examination:
Congruence Between
Decision-Making Modalities
maysa namakian, mph; paul subar, dds, edd; paul glassman, dds, ma, mba;
robert quade, phd, mba; and maureen harrington, mph

a b s t r ac t  This study evaluated the agreement of a dentist’s conclusions reached

through an in-person versus a virtual examination. The dentist determined whether a
patient was healthy enough to be treated only by allied dental personnel in a community
setting or whether the patient needed to be seen by a dentist. The study concludes that
a virtual examination is a strong substitute for an in-person examination and validates
the application of telehealth-enabled examinations.


Maysa Namakian, mph, is Paul Glassman, dds, ma, he Pacific Center for Special the U.S. Army to transmit still color
program manager, Pacific mba, is professor of Dental Care (the Center) at the Uni- images over a modem to allow periodon-
Center for Special Care, Practice and director of
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Community Oral Health,
versity of the Pacific School of tists to view healing after periodontal
Dentistry in San Francisco. and director of the Pacific Dentistry is demonstrating a surgery without the patient having to
Conflict of Interest Center for Special Care, new model of care called the travel long distances.1 A series of articles
Disclosure: None reported. Arthur A. Dugoni School of “virtual dental home.” This model uses in the February 2000 issue of the Jour-
Dentistry in San Francisco. telehealth technology to allow dentists to nal of the California Dental Association
Paul Subar, dds, edd, is Conflict of Interest
an assistant professor Disclosure: None reported.
review records collected by allied dental recognized the potential for telehealth,
and director, Special Care personnel in community sites and use but expressed significant caution about
Clinic/Hospital Dentistry Robert Quade, phd, mba, is these records to make diagnostic and how these technologies would develop
Program, Arthur A. Dugoni with Quade and Associates, treatment decisions about the best course and be used.2,3 Now the field of telehealth
School of Dentistry in San Sacramento, Calif. and location of treatment for patients. has expanded and matured to the point
Francisco. Conflict of Interest
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None reported.
A component of this model is based on where it is widely used and the potential
Disclosure: None reported. the ability of dentists to use these tele- to enhance the delivery of health services
Maureen Harrington, health records to make these decisions. is widely recognized.4 In spite of the
mph, is program manager, Telehealth technologies have been widespread use of telehealth in medicine,
Pacific Center for Special available and used in the delivery of oral there are far fewer reports in the literature
Care, Arthur A. Dugoni
School of Dentistry in San
health services for quite some time. An on the application of telehealth concepts
Francisco. early report on the use of technology to the delivery of oral health services.
Conflict of Interest to allow collaboration between distant The emphasis of those reports that are
Disclosure: None reported. providers described a system in use by available on “teledentistry” has been on

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the use of these technologies as a means dentist’s certainty on this decision was ing pattern using interim therapeutic
to share records between dentists and measured during both modalities of ex- restorations (ITR) to stabilize patients
dental specialists or as screening tools to amination. Another factor considered was until they can be seen by a dentist for
determine the feasibility or urgency of the urgency of needed dental care and if definitive care. This procedure is currently
need for dental treatment.5-10 However, a patient needed to be seen in a dental of- authorized under a Health Workforce
there are a few reports in the literature fice, how soon that visit should take place. Pilot Project (HWPP) being conducted
that describe the use of teledentistry to Both examinations involved the dentist’s by the Center and approved by the
facilitate geographically distributed, col- review of digital records including medical Office of Statewide Health Planning
laborative dental care.11-16 Although the and dental history, hard- and soft-tissue and Development (OSHPD)17,18; and
potential for enhancing oral health care charting, photographs, and radiographs. n  Tracking and supporting the
through the use of teledentistry is just In addition, the in-person examina- individual’s need for and compliance
beginning, these technologies hold great tion included a visual examination of with recommendations for additional
promise in improving the oral health the patient using a mouth mirror and and follow-up dental services.
of underserved populations through Dentists’ decisions about whether a pa-
fostering and facilitating geographically tient was healthy enough to be treated only
distributed collaborative systems of care. there are a few by allied dental personnel in a community
The University of the Pacific School reports in the literature that setting or whether the patient needed to
of Dentistry (Pacific) offers a full array of be seen in person by a dentist was based
dental services to patients with a range of describe the use of on the dentist being calibrated to as-
physical, medical, and psychosocial con- teledentistry to facilitate sume for the purposes of the study that
siderations, including people with special they would be working with allied dental
needs and older adults. The Pacific Center geographically distributed, personnel who could perform the duties
for Special Care (the Center) at the Uni- collaborative dental care. listed above in the community setting.
versity of the Pacific School of Dentistry
has created best-practice models of, and Methodology
advocates for, improved access to dental This study took place at the University
care for anyone with a special need, in- dental explorer. The study involved three of the Pacific’s Special Care Clinic (the
cluding people who have difficulty main- dentists, each seeing the same cohort of Clinic). IRB approval was obtained and
taining good oral health or accessing oral patients. For this reason, the study was 29 adult patients with a variety of dental,
health services because of developmental, also able to assess agreement and differ- developmental, medical, and psychosocial
medical, physical, or social conditions. ences among the dentists’ decisions. conditions, participated as a convenience
In the study described here, the Center In California, registered dental hygien- sample. Two additional patients were
evaluated the agreement between the ists in alternative practice (RDHAP), reg- seen for in-person examinations, but
conclusions an individual dentist reached istered dental hygienists working in pub- neither was seen for a follow-up exami-
on in-person and virtual examinations lic health programs (RDH) and registered nation and were therefore not included
about whether a patient was healthy dental assistants (RDA) who are partici- in the study. Each patient had a series
enough to be treated only by allied dental pating in the virtual dental home program of digital records collected and entered
personnel in a community setting or are able to provide the following services: into the dental school’s electronic health
whether the patient needed to be seen n  Health promotion and record system following normal dental
in person by a dentist. This decision was prevention education; school routines. They then received an
made using a list of allowable procedures n  Dental disease risk assessment; in-person examination from each of three
that could be performed by allied dental n  Preventive procedures such as study dentists in which each dentist
personnel in the community setting. application of fluoride varnish, dental independently made three decisions:
For the purposes of this study, com- sealants and for dental hygienists, dental n  Whether the patient’s dental care
munity settings included schools, nurs- prophylaxis and periodontal scaling; needs could be adequately delivered
ing homes, or residential facilities. The n  Placing carious teeth in a hold- in the community by an allied dental

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professional performing the duties Subjects palsy, Down syndrome, autism, seizures,
listed above as opposed to being seen Thirty-one patients who were HIV disease, liver disease, neurologic
in a dental office by a dentist. This registered for an appointment at the disorders, stroke, and schizophrenia.
was scored as a yes or no decision; clinic and who met the following cri-
n  The level of certainty the dentist teria were chosen for the study: Personnel
felt about the decision described above. n  The patient was able to give A faculty dentist supervised patient
This decision was scored on a scale from consent to participate in the study on flow in the clinic and the collection of
1 (not certain) to 10 (certain); and their own or it was possible to ob- records, and recruited and trained the
n  When a referral to a dentist’s office tain consent for participation from three study dentists. The three study
was deemed necessary, the amount of their guardian/representative. dentists were all general dentists on the
urgency with which the patient needed n  The patient was being seen for an faculty at Pacific. One had prior experi-
to be seen was scored as a timeframe in initial appointment at the clinic. If the ence with special needs patients; the other
terms of days, weeks, months or years. patient was already a patient of the clinic two dentists had been in general private
The in-person examination was fol- practice for several decades. Each dentist
lowed after at least three weeks by a virtual devoted one day per week to the study
examination by each of the study dentists a faculty dentist over the course of eight months (April to
using the same patient’s digital records. supervised patient flow December 2010). Dental faculty members
Twenty-five of the cases received a second and dental students were engaged in col-
virtual examination at least two weeks af- in the clinic and the lecting patient records following normal
ter the first virtual examination, for a total collection of records and dental school routines. A registered dental
of 54 virtual exams for each study dentist. assistant (RDA) recruited patients for the
In these virtual examinations, each dentist recruited and trained the study, managed patient flow, collected
was provided with the full set of digital three study dentists. digital intra- and extraoral photographs,
records described above and was asked to and interfaced with the study dentists.
make the same three decisions. Typically The center’s staff supervised the study
the records included radiographs, photo- and participants, analyzed data, and
graphs, and charting. However, no radio- and had completed their initial appoint- worked with an evaluation consultant to
graphs were available for one patient due to ment, then the patient’s records were evaluate the data collected in the study.
cooperation difficulties, for either the direct determined to be up-to-date and the
or the virtual exams. Because the purpose patient had not had any dental treat- Training
of the study was to discover whether ment since collection of the most recent The Clinic faculty and staff reviewed
dentists’ virtual decisions agreed with their records. If the records were not up-to- the study protocols before the onset of the
in-person examination decisions, caution date, then new records were collected. project. Detailed training for the study was
was taken to minimize the possibility of n  The patient was able to cooperate for provided to the RDA and the study dentists.
the dentists being able to link the digital collection of minimal records, including The RDA received the following training:
records with the patients they had seen in at least extra- and intraoral photographs. n  Use of the intraoral camera;
person. Toward that end, all records were Of the 31 patients who met these n  Review of the clinic’s electronic
blinded, at least three weeks elapsed be- criteria, 29 finished the protocol and had health record system (Axium);
tween each review, and the order in which an in-person examination and either one n  Review of the patient database
the records were presented was scrambled. or two virtual examinations. Of these and how and where to collect data; and
Analysis was conducted for study 31 patients, 14 were female and 17 were n  Review of protocols, consent forms,
dentists individually, comparing their male. The patients ranged from 20 to 68 evaluation questionnaire, and the system
in-person and virtual decisions. In years of age with a mean age of 47. The for setting up appointments with the three
addition their decisions were analyzed patients had a variety of medical, devel- study dentists involved in the project.
as a group, assessing the degree to opmental, and psychological conditions The study dentists received the
which all three study dentists agreed. such as intellectual disabilities, cerebral following training:

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n  Overview of the project; Examinations RDA once again entered the data from
n  Description of dental services that Following collection of initial patient the evaluation questionnaire into the
can be provided in community settings by records and prior to any treatment be- data spreadsheet.
dental hygienists as described in the ing provided, each patient received an Examination times in minutes were
background section above; in-person clinical examination by each recorded for each study dentist in both
n  Review of the protocols for the study; of the three study dentists. The clinical in-person and virtual exams.
n  Review of examination technique; examination consisted of a visual ex-
n  Review of criteria for placement of amination, use of a mouth mirror and Findings
interim therapeutic restorations (ITR); dental explorer, and palpation if needed. Findings are presented for
n  Use of the study evaluation Periodontal probing, which had previ- individual dentists, comparing each
questionnaire; ously been completed, was not redone. dentist’s decisions following in-person
n  Calibration on decision-making Instead, the study dentists relied on the and virtual examinations (intradentist
considering the scope of duties described probing records already in the dental findings), and for all three dentists
above using case study examples; and compared to one another (interdentist
n  Practice completing the evaluation findings). Of the 29 patients who
questionnaire, and discussion of decision- with three completed the study protocol, 25 had an
making process and deviations among dentists reviewing in-person examination plus two virtual
the dentists. examinations. Four patients had an
each examination, in-person examination and one virtual
Patient Records there were a total examination. With three dentists
The faculty dentist or dental students reviewing each examination, there were
collected a set of digital records including of 162 virtual a total of 162 virtual examinations.
radiographs, charting, and medical and examinations.
dental history and entered them into the Intradentist Findings:
school’s electronic health record system as a
normal part of patient intake. To complete Agreement Between In-Person and
patient records, the study RDA used the school’s electronic health record sys- Virtual Examinations
study laptop computer to capture extra- and tem. Following the in-person examina- In 87.0 percent of all virtual examina-
intraoral photographs that were not part of tion of each patient, the study dentists tions, 141 out of 162 virtual examina-
normal patient records. The RDA followed a completed an evaluation questionnaire tions for 29 patients, the study dentist’s
standard protocol to decide which photo- (figure 1 ). The questionnaire results were judgment in the virtual exam about
graphs to take in order to depict the facial entered onto a spreadsheet by the RDA. whether the patient could be treated in
and lingual surfaces of anterior teeth, the In addition to the in-person exami- the community or required a visit to a
occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth, and to nation, each patient had one or two dental office matched that same dentist’s
visualize any other areas of concern. Once virtual examinations. The virtual ex- judgment in the in-person examination
these procedures were accomplished, the amination involved a dentist’s review of for that case. table 1 shows the agree-
patient record was said to be complete. the patient’s digital records. Each study ment between in-person and virtual
dentist independently conducted a examinations in the 25 cases for which
Equipment virtual examination at least three weeks there were two virtual exams conducted
The following equipment was utilized: after the initial in-person examination. by each study dentist. Dentist A had
n  A study laptop computer with intra- In this step, the study dentists reviewed the greatest congruence between judg-
oral camera; the digital records and then completed ments based on in-person and virtual
n  An extraoral point-and-shoot camera; the same evaluation questionnaire. The exams, with judgments from both virtual
and virtual examination was conducted examinations matching the judgments
n  The dental school’s electronic health twice for 25 patients, with at least three from the in-person exam for 22 of the
record system (Axium). weeks between each such exam. The 25 cases. Dentist B and Dentist C, had

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Virtual Dental Home Demonstration Project

Decisions Congruence Study Patient Evaluation

judgments from both virtual examina-
Reviewing dentist’s name:________________________________________________________________
tions matching the judgments from the
Study ID:____________________________________________________________________________________________ in-person exam for 19 of the 25 cases.
Amount of time spent on examination (minutes): ___________________________ Although all dentists had high agree-
ment between the in-person examination
1. The following evaluation is based on and the virtual examinations, ranging
q In-person exam + digital records q Digital records only from 76 percent agreement to 88 percent,
2. At this point, is it appropriate for the patient to be seen only in the community setting not all the dentists came to the same
(as opposed to being seen in a dental office)? conclusion on the second virtual exam
q Yes q No as on the first. Dentist B, in particular,
was more likely to have inconsistent
3. How certain are you about your decision in question 2? (circle appropriate answer)
conclusions from the two virtual ex-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ams. In each of the six cases in which
Not certain Comfortable Absolutely Dentist B’s findings in the virtual exam
at all certain differed from those of the in-person
4. How urgent is it for the patient to be seen in a dental office? examination, that dentist’s conclu-
q Patient should be seen in the next few days sions in the virtual examinations dif-
q Patient should be seen in the next few weeks
fered from one another. This was true
for only one case reviewed by Dentist A
q Patient should be seen in the next few months
and two cases reviewed by Dentist C.
q Patient should be seen within the year In the 25 cases the level of agreement
q Patient does not need to be seen in a dental office – they can be seen again by a between the virtual and the in-person
dentist in the future through a virtual consultation/examination examination of the same case was the
5. Please answer the following questions about the digital records you reviewed: same as the agreement between the two
a. Were X-rays available for review? virtual examinations, as shown by Co-
hen’s Kappa scores testing intraobserver
q Yes q No
agreement19 (table 2 ). The combined
b. How complete was the dental charting? level of agreement between observ-
q Not present q Partially completed q Fully completed ers was categorized as “substantial.”
c. Rate the quality of the virtual records as a basis for decision-making
q Excellent Level of Certainty
Study dentists rated how certain they
q Good
were about their conclusions. They were
q Adequate slightly more certain about the conclu-
q Insufficient for full interpretation (explain in comments section) sions they reached on the in-person
q Insufficient for any interpretation (explain in comments section) examination (mean certainty = 8.70 out of
6. Assuming that the patient can cooperate, could any ITRs be placed based on the study 10.0; SD = 1.5) than they were on virtual
ITR criteria? exams (mean certainty = 8.06 out of 10.0;
q Yes q No
SD = 1.4). The means of the certainty mea-
sures were significantly different, with a
a. If yes, list the teeth number(s) where ITRs could be placed:__________________________________________
p-value <.0008 using a two-tailed t-test on
7. Comments (use other side if needed): the difference between means. Uncertain-
ty came from not being as used to making
decisions based on virtual records and
from the fact that in a number of cases
f ig ur e 1. Evaluation questionnaire completed by the dentist after each in-person and virtual examination there was no clear-cut “correct” answer.

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table 11
Virtual Examination Agreement With In-Person Examination
(Virtual Case Count)
Dentist A Dentist B Dentist C
Conservatism Both virtual examinations agree with
22 19 19
Both Dentist A and Dentist C judged in-person examination
that the patient could be seen in the com- One virtual examination agrees with in-person
2 6 4
munity in 70.4 percent of the virtual case examination
reviews. However, Dentist C’s conclu- Neither virtual examination agrees with in-person
1 0 2
sions based on the virtual exam were examination
more conservative than on the in-person
exam (70.4 percent versus 75.9 percent table 12
in the in-person exam), whereas Dentist
A’s conclusions between in-person and Intra-Observer Agreement
virtual exams were more often the same Dentist A Dentist B Dentist C Combined
and were slightly more conservative in Cohen’s Kappa 19
0.80 0.50 0.61
the in-person exam (70.4 percent versus
Agreement (based on Landis and
69.0 percent in the in-person exam). Substantial Moderate Substantial Substantial
Koch guidelines)20
Dentist B was generally conservative
in both modalities, judging that com-
munity care was appropriate in only 55.2
percent of the in-person exams and 59.3
percent of the virtual exams (figure 2 ).
Time Spent per Patient Dentist A
The in-person examinations were 69.0%
accomplished in a mean of 4.20 minutes
per case [SD = 1.6]. The mean for virtual 59.3% n Virtual Exam
examinations was 2.83 minutes per case Dentist B
55.2% n Direct Exam
[SD = 1.0]. The means were significantly
different, with a p-value of 8.60*10-15
using a two-tailed t-test on the difference 70.4%
between means assuming equal vari- Dentist A
ances. On average, the virtual examina-
tions saved 1.37 minutes per case (32.8
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
percent of in-person exam time), and
if a dentist were to work continuously,
they could “see” 14 patients per hour f igure 2 . Proportion of cases in which dentist judged patient could be seen in the commu nity.
through in-person exams or 21 patients
per hour through virtual exams. table 13
Decisions About Whether This Patient Can Be Seen in the Community
Interdentist Findings
Findings were evaluated to exam-
(Based On In-Person Examination)
ine the extent to which the three study Finding Count Proportion
dentists’ conclusions agreed with one All three dentists say "yes" 16 55.2%
another. Based on the in-person exami- Two dentists say "yes" 3 10.3%
nations, all three study dentists agreed
Only one dentist says "yes" 4 13.8%
that the patient could be seen in the
community in 16 out of the 29 cases All three dentists say “no” 6 20.7%
(55.2 percent), and all three dentists

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table 14
In-Person and Virtual Agreement That the Patient Can or Cannot Be Seen
in the Community
Finding Count Proportion
22 cases/ Discussion
All three dentists agree on in-person exam 100%
66 exams The results of this study make clear
22 cases/ that a dentist can make a valid judgment
All three dentists agree on virtual exam 92.9%
132 virtual exams about whether a patient can be treated
in the community or should be seen in a
table 15 dental office based solely on a virtual exam
from complete records provided by allied
Intra-Observer Agreement dental personnel in the field. Based on pa-
Dentist A Dentist B Dentist C Combined tient information collected in the field that
Cohen’s Kappa 0.82 0.73 0.56 0.71 includes intra- and extraoral radiographs,
photographs, and charting collected by an
Agreement Substantial Moderate Substantial Substantial
RDA, a dentist can, with a great degree of
certainty, decide on the best next action
table 16
table for that patient. In this study, individual
Validity Measures for All Cases dentists were consistent in their decisions
about a specific patient whether the exam-
Statistical Measure Dentist A Dentist B Dentist C Combined
ination was in-person or virtual. Validity
94.7% 90.6% 81.6% 88.9% tests underscored that the virtual exam is
[88.8-100.7%] [82.9-98.4%] [71.2%-91.9%] [84.0-93.7%] a strong substitute for an in-person exam.
87.5% 81.8% 81.3% 83.3% Moreover, there was agreement across
[78.7-96.3%] [71.5-92.1%] 70.8-91.7 77.6-89.1 dentists about the next best step for each
94.7% 87.9% 91.4% 91.4% patient. In more than three-fourths of
Positive Predictive Valuec cases, the three study dentists reached the
[88.8-100.7%] [79.2-96.6%] [83.6-98.7%] [87.1-95.7%]
same conclusion in the in-person examina-
87.5% 85.7% 65.0% 78.9%
Negative Predictive Valued tion on whether the patient could be seen
[78.7-96.3%] [76.4-95.0%] [52.3-77.7%] [72.7-85.2%]
in the community, and the findings in the
a=Correct judgment that the patient can be treated in the community. virtual examination matched that agree-
b=Correct judgment that the patient cannot be treated in the community. ment in the large majority of cases. Most of
c= Proportion of patients correctly identified in the virtual exam as having a dental condition that requires the
patient travel to dental facilities for treatment.
the disagreement occurred in a single case,
d=Proportion of patients correctly identified in the virtual exam as not having a dental condition that requires and for that case all the study dentists felt
the patient travel to dental facilities for treatment. that more information was necessary. This
study environment was actually more dif-
ficult for the dentists than these decisions
agreed that the patient could not be to test agreement among all three dentists would be in an actual field environment.
seen in the community in another six (table 5 ). In the field, a dentist conducting a virtual
cases (20.7 percent.) The three den- Validity tests, including specificity and exam would have the option of asking for
tists did not all agree in the remaining sensitivity, and positive and negative pre- additional information or talking over the
seven cases (24.1 percent) (table 3 ). dictive values, were conducted for all cases findings with the allied dental personnel
In the 22 cases in which all three dentists whether or not the three dentists reached who collected the records, thus reducing the
reached the same conclusion in the in-per- the same judgment in the in-person exam. likelihood of such disagreements in practice.
son examination, 92.9 percent of the com- In these tests, the combined specificity The most important finding to come
bined judgments from the virtual exams and sensitivity scores exceeded the stan- out of this study is that the exam modality
matched those conclusions. More than half dard test accuracy threshold of 160 for all (in-person or virtual) does not appear to
of the disagreements (five of nine disagree- study dentists, both individually and com- affect a dentist’s judgment about whether
ments) occurred on a single case (table 4). bined. Positive and negative predictive a patient can be treated in the community
Cohen’s Kappa scores were calculated values also documented validity (table 6 ). under the circumstances described for this

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study. The investigation was designed with Implications for Practice individuals who do not traditionally visit
the knowledge there would be some cases Considering the application of these dental offices and clinics. The ability to
in which all three dentists would reach a findings in the field, there will undoubtedly reach these individuals, make decisions
clear decision about whether the patient be dentists who tend to be more conserva- about the best course of treatment,
needed treatment in dental facilities, but tive in their interpretation of virtual exami- and increase the likelihood that that
there would be other cases in which differ- nations. Additional training may mitigate treatment will be carried out has the
ent dentists might reach different conclu- this tendency and/or refined protocols potential for tremendous improvements
sions. This assumption was borne out by for the virtual exam that may, among in oral health of these individuals.
the study. Those cases in which the study other things, strengthen the information The results of this study set the stage
dentists reached the same conclusions were gathering for the virtual examinations. for new kinds of delivery systems, where
also clear enough that there were good to One of the major benefits of being able dentists do not need to be physically pres-
excellent measures of agreement between to rely confidently on virtual examinations ent in order to make diagnostic and treat-
the two modalities using any measure of to answer the question of whether a patient ment decisions, decide the best course of
validity. Even when the cases in which action for a particular patient, and provide
all dentists did not agree were included, general supervision for activities carried out
there was still good to excellent agreement the conclusions in community settings. The use of this ap-
between the modalities of in-person and a dentist reaches on a plication of telehealth to dental care has the
virtual examination for individual den- potential to increase access to dental care
tists. The high levels of validity for each virtual exam are unlikely to while reducing the amount of time a dentist
dentist’s judgments on each case show differ from that dentist’s needs to make a judgment about the need
that the conclusions a dentist reaches on a for a patient to be seen in dental facilities.
virtual exam are unlikely to differ from that conclusions on an Recent legislation in California, AB 415
dentist’s conclusions on an in-person exam. in-person exam. recognizes that technology has evolved
Although the dentists generally ex- to be a useful tool in several fields for ex-
pressed lower certainty about the conclu- panding access to health care.20,21 Howev-
sions they reached from virtual examina- er, regulatory barriers and reimbursement
tions than from the in-person exams, that can be treated in the community is that issues still need to be addressed in den-
lower certainty might be attributed either virtual examinations offer potential time tistry as in other fields as the movement
to less information available for the deci- savings to dentists and patients. The time toward telehealth advances. These new
sion or to the dentists being out of their savings for dentists can be important in tools and increasingly proven modalities
“comfort zones” using an approach that helping to address a shortage of dentists are not just substitutes for the existing
was new to them. High levels of certainty willing to serve underserved and vulnerable paradigm, they provide significant advan-
did not correlate with an expectation that patients. However, the greatest time sav- tages in terms of distribution of profes-
other dentists would reach the same con- ings will accrue to those patients and their sional labor, costs of care, and increased
clusion, as some of the cases in which the caregivers who are spared a visit to dental access for underserved populations.
dentists did not reach the same conclusion facilities through these examinations. Given
nonetheless had high confidence scores. that two-thirds of the examinations, both r e f e r e nce s
Where dentists’ conclusions do not virtual and in-person, conducted on patients 1. Rocca MA, Kudryk VL, et al, The evolution of a teledentistry
system within the Department of Defense. Proc AMIA Symp
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exams, as happened with fewer than one- conditions that could be adequately treated 2. Clark GT, Teledentistry: what is it now, and what will it be
fourth of the cases in this study, one should in the community, enormous time savings tomorrow? J Calif Dent Assoc 28(2):121-7, February 2000.
3. Birnbach JM, The future of teledentistry. J Calif Dent Assoc
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the virtual and in-person examination for become integrated into patient care. 4. The California Health Care Foundation. Telemedicine in
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5. Kopycka-Kedzierawski DT, Bell CH, Billings RJ, Prevalence of
the ambiguity is the existence of multiple examination is the ability for dentists dental caries in Early Head Start children as diagnosed using
legitimate interpretations of the case. to evaluate and make decisions about teledentistry. Pediatr Dent 30(4):329-33, July-August, 2008.

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Dental screening of preschool children using teledentistry: a
feasibility study. Pediatr Dent 29(3):209-13, 2007.
7. Mandall NA, Qureshi U, Harvey L, Teledentistry for screening
new patient orthodontic referrals. Part 2: GDP perception of the
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primary molar hypomineralization (DMH) on intraoral photo-
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12. Sanchez Dils E, Lefebvre C, Abeyta K, Int J Dent Hygiene 2, 
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Health workforce pilot project program. http://www.oshpd.  Accessed May 22, 2012.           
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Health workforce pilot project application, No. 172. http:// 

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John Cahill, MBA         
21. AB 415, Chaptered Oct. 7, 2011.

Accessed May 8, 2012.
22. The Center for Connected Health Policy, The Telehealth       
Advancement Act of 2011.          
ects/telehealth-advancement-act. Accessed May 8, 2012.
to request a printed copy of this article, please contact
Maysa Namakian, MPH, Pacific Center for Special Care,
University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry,
Ed Cahill, JD 
2155 Webster St., San Francisco, Calif., 94115.

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.v h Community-Based
Prevention and Early
Intervention Strategies
alan w. budenz, ms, dds, mba, and paul subar, dds, edd

a b s t r ac t  Many people in California face significant barriers to obtaining dental care.

Creation of a community-based oral health delivery system that could deliver preventive and
simple therapeutic oral health services in community settings where these populations live
or receive social and/or general health services has been one of the proposed strategies for
improving access to oral health care. Two of the newer techniques are caries management by
risk assessment and interim therapeutic restoration.


Alan W. Budenz, ms, Paul Subar, dds, edd, is here is ample evidence that many receive social and/or general health services.5,6
dmd, mba, is a professor, assistant professor and people in California, and all across Preventive oral health services that
Department of Biomedical director of the Special
Care Clinic/Hospital
our nation, face significant barriers can be readily delivered in a community-
Sciences and Department
of Dental Practice, Dentistry Program, Arthur to obtaining dental care, and, as a based setting include basic oral hygiene
director of Oral Diagnosis, A. Dugoni School of result, these people have signifi- instruction (regular use of a soft-bristle
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco. cantly worse oral health than other segments toothbrush, proper brushing technique,
Dentistry in San Francisco. Conflict of Interest of the population.1 The barriers to dental care flossing technique, use of fluoride-
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None reported.
are greatest for children in general, minority containing toothpastes and rinses), basic
Disclosure: None reported.
children in particular, for children and adults diet and nutrition counseling, smoking
with low incomes, and for children and adults prevention and cessation counseling,
with complex medical, physical, and social risk assessment for periodontal, caries,
conditions.2,3 Many of these underserved and occlusion diseases, and oral cancer
individuals have difficulty getting to dental screening. The increased rate of caries
offices on a regular basis due to physical, disease is especially evident amongst
medical, behavioral, cultural, or financial populations with limited access to dental
circumstances.4 For this reason, a number care, which emphasizes the tremendous
of organizations have expressed interest in need for caries prevention and thera-
addressing these health disparities by extend- peutic management services for these
ing the reach of oral health professionals into people.7 Community-based settings have
community locations, creating a community- been proposed as the first-line in car-
based oral health delivery system that could ies prevention and treatment, and as a
deliver preventive and simple therapeutic screening base for referral of patients to
oral health services in community settings dental offices for definitive care. Two of
such as places where these populations live or the newer strategies for assessment and

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management of caries disease are caries ity populations. It has been found that families, there have been dramatic shifts in
management by risk assessment (CAM- dental disease is extremely prevalent in caries rates reflected in the pediatric popu-
BRA) and interim therapeutic restora- 25 percent of those with cerebral palsy lation. According to the California Oral
tions (ITR). This article will focus on the and 30 percent of patients with head Health Needs Assessment of Children,
evidence for these new strategies and injuries. Additional studies have indicated greater than 50 percent of all California
their potential application into commu- that upward of 70 percent of America’s school-age children have untreated dental
nity-based oral health care settings. nursing home population have poor oral decay; more than twice the national aver-
hygiene and severe dental disease.8 age. Children of Asian, African-American,
Caries Disease There have been some startling trends and Hispanic descent were found to have
As an infectious and transmissible dis- in the demographic profile of children significantly higher rates of untreated
ease, dental caries has had a tremendous in California over the last 30 years. Data dental decay than other populations.9
negative impact on the oral and overall from the National Center for Children Our current method of surgically
health of the population of the United in Poverty indicates that low-income treating the destructive caries process
States. According to the Surgeon General’s has done little to address the extreme
Report of 2000, dental decay in children needs in these populations. Not only is
is three times more common than hay these barriers the surgical approach to dentistry more
fever and five times more common than have created a stratification costly, it fails to take into account the
asthma. The report goes on to state that effect that oral bacteria have on newly
at least 50 million school hours have been of disease where 80 percent placed restorations. Even in the presence
lost due to dental related illnesses within of oral disease is concentrated of newly placed restorations using state-
one year.1 While the traditional surgi- of-the-art techniques, if existing biofilm,
cal approach to dentistry has excelled at in about 20 percent of oral flora, dietary and oral hygiene habits
being able to duplicate the form and func- the population. are not addressed, these restorations will
tion of diseased hard-tissue structures, it eventually breakdown leading to further
has done a poor job of making an impact dental and oral health consequences.
in the continued downward spiral of oral
health in many segments of our popula- children in California have increased Caries Management by Risk
tion. The successful management of den- by 1.6 million during this time period. Assessment
tal caries goes beyond the form and func- Seventeen percent of poor children in the In order to make an impact on oral
tion approach and must take into account United States live in California. While health for underserved populations,
a patient’s risk factors and disease indica- the national childhood poverty rate has studies have been undertaken to ex-
tors. This is where caries management remained somewhat stable during a 10- amine more cost-effective and efficient
by risk assessment can begin to make year period from 2001 to 2011, there was a methods of managing dental caries.
an impact on future caries experience. 10 percent increase in childhood poverty One promising approach is to man-
Many segments of society encounter in California during this same period.9 age caries via patient risk assessment,
barriers when they attempt to attain oral The pediatric population is especially the so-called CAMBRA approach.
health. Barriers to basic oral health care vulnerable to the effects of dental caries. CAMBRA was intensely evaluated by
include financial, social, psychosocial, Besides the fact that children rely on oth- a university-based, multiyear random-
medical, developmental, and cultural. ers for care during critical years of their ized blinded clinical trial funded by the
These barriers have created a stratification development, the vertical transmission National Institutes of Health.10 This
of disease where 80 percent of oral disease of oral bacteria can seriously hamper assessment tool utilizes a medical-model
is concentrated in about 20 percent of the effects of protective factors during approach to identifying and treating the
the population. Our most vulnerable childhood development and signifi- underlying bacterial cause of dental caries.
patients are children, the elderly, those cantly worsen caries risk in later years. There are several assessment forms avail-
with severe medical/developmental As a result of the economic challenges able for use and modification. The form
conditions, and under-represented minor- and migration patterns of low-income most commonly used is based on the one

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accepted by the group that published the surface white spots, and whether restora- to measure ATP bioluminescence via the
Consensus Statement for CAMBRA in tions have been placed within the last luciferin-luciferase assay method.20,21 This
April of 2003.11 The patient’s overall risk three years due to caries lesions. Disease test specifically assays the activity of S.
assessment is based on a combination risk factors assess the presence of vis- mutans and lactobacillus species. There are
of disease indicators, risk factors, and ible heavy plaque, frequency and type several products on the market for this
protective factors. Once the overall risk is of snacking, presence of deep pits and assay that use a swabbed saliva sample
determined, appropriate intervention can fissures, salivary pH, bacterial load, and and only take a few minutes to complete.
be recommended using one or a combina- whether or not the patient presents with Based on an assessment of the CAM-
tion of several chemotherapeutic ap- xerostomia. The elements measured for BRA form, the patient can be put into
proaches and behavior modifications.12-15 protective factors include whether or not risk categories that range from low risk to
Although currently published studies the patient uses fluoride toothpaste daily, extreme risk. Using the risk assignment as
were not undertaken utilizing an allied if a fluoride rinse is used daily, a his- a guide, the clinician can then recommend
dental workforce delivering CAMBRA tory of antibacterial rinse use, and if the appropriate interventions that address
interventions in community settings, it the specific risk. For the low-risk pa-
makes sense to assume that this work- tient, the clinician may only recommend
force configuration does have the ability patients who have continuing the current regimen such as a
to reach populations that office-based a higher risk of developing review of their daily oral hygiene activities
dentists do not, and to apply effective and diet assessment. The extreme-risk
CAMBRA interventions. A recent article caries are out of balance patient would warrant more aggressive
in the Journal of Dental Education high- in the risk factors, disease intervention to eliminate harmful biofilm.
lights the challenges that the growing There are many approaches to modify-
group of vulnerable patients will have indicators, and protective ing a patient’s biofilm, but they generally
in maintaining good oral health as they factors equation. are aimed at two specific areas: lowering
age and while maintaining their natural bacterial activity and remineralizing teeth.
dentition.16 It will be important that Patients who have a higher risk of
skilled allied dental health professionals developing caries are out of balance in
be considered as part of a future work- patient had an office fluoride treatment the risk factors, disease indicators, and
force model for addressing the needs of in the last six months. The protective protective factors equation. In order to
vulnerable populations. This workforce factors are weighed against the disease regain balance, attempts are made to
has the potential to reach high-risk indicators and the disease risk factors. first lower bacterial activity. This can be
patients on a regular basis, which is likely Within the risk assessment regi- done in several ways and with a variety of
to be an important and very effective men there are two objective measure- products on the market. The use of 0.12
method of reducing the high incidence ments that are of particular value. The percent chlorhexidine has been shown to
of oral disease in this population — cer- first is a measurement of the patient’s be very effective at lowering the levels of
tainly more effective than anything that salivary pH. Previous research has S. mutans in a patient’s biofilm.12 Various
can be done in a dental office where these substantiated the value of pH in pre- recommendations range from rinsing
patients do not go on any regular basis. dicting future carious development.17-19 with chlorhexidine 1-2 times per day for
CAMBRA measures the relative pH measurement is done by obtaining several weeks on an ongoing basis to 1-2
balance between three elements: dis- saliva from the sublingual or sublabial times per day for one week per month.
ease indicators, disease risk factors, and areas with a cotton swab and applying Other proprietary medicaments include
protective factors. While there are several the sample to standard pH paper. pH formulations containing buffering agents,
types of assessment forms currently in is recorded as either acidic or alkalinic sodium hypochlorite, and iodine. Xylitol
use, the elements in each assessment on the CAMBRA assessment form. is a useful sugar substitute that can have
instrument have some general common- Another parameter of interest is dramatic effects on bacterial activity. It is
alities. Disease indicators include visible the measurement of bacterial load. One equal to table sugar in terms of sweetness
cavitations, dentinal lesions, smooth method of quantifying bacterial load is level and is formulated into gums, mints,

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and other food products. Xylitol has the Fluoride works primarily by promot- care team, including medical colleagues,
unique ability to inhibit the growth of S. ing the formation of fluorapatite in the to assess and treat the most vulnerable
mutans by decreasing the bacteria’s ability presence of calcium and phosphate ions. members of society. Patients who have
to adhere to tooth surfaces. Research The limiting factor of fluoride activity is severe medical problems, those who have
has shown that using maximal doses of the availability of calcium and phosphate. developmental disabilities, the elderly,
xylitol products can dramatically reduce Although there are years of research that and the young have particular challenges
active caries activity in patients. The use substantiate the safe and effective use of to attaining and maintaining good oral
of xylitol in the mothers of pediatric fluoride, many cities have not added fluo- health. Through the use of simple assess-
patients also demonstrates lowering of ride to drinking water, leaving large pa- ment and intervention strategies, along
vertical transmission of S. mutans.22,23 tient populations without this important with education, coaching, and motivation,
In addition to modifying bacterial decay-fighting element. In these cases, clinicians have a very cost-effective and
activity, and neutralizing acids, CAMBRA fluoride should be added to the patient’s safe method of improving the lives of the
interventions also are aimed at remin- CAMBRA regimen. Fluoride is available in most vulnerable patients in our society.
eralizing tooth structure. Teeth are in a
continual balance between demineraliza- Interim Therapeutic Restorations
tion and remineralization. When this once a cambra Interim therapeutic restorations
balance is interrupted, decalcification via assessment has been (ITRs), sometimes also referred to as
acids leads to white spot lesions and the atraumatic or alternative restorative
subsequent development of cavitated done, the clinician can treatments (ARTs), are defined by the
lesions. Successful attempts can be made follow the patient through American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
even in early carious lesions to tip the for use “to restore and prevent further
balance back to remineralization and re- continued monitoring decalcification and caries in young pa-
harden damaged enamel. Casein phos- and assessment. tients, uncooperative patients, or patients
phopetptide-amorphous calcium phos- with special health care needs or when
phate (CPP-ACP) is the newest member of traditional cavity preparation and/or
the family of remineralization agents and placement of traditional dental restora-
comes in a paste form. CPP-ACP releases a variety of forms including high fluoride tions are not feasible and need to be
calcium and phosphate ions when saliva toothpastes (.05 percent sodium fluoride), postponed.”28 ITRs are a “holding-pattern”
is acid-challenged and when salivary tray foams (1.23 percent acidulated phos- temporary, hence “interim,” minimally
flow is suboptimal. In this situation, phate fluoride), rinses (.05 percent sodium invasive treatment modality that, identi-
CPP-ACP provides a reservoir of soluble fluoride), and varnishes (5 percent sodium cal to ART, uses only hand instrumenta-
calcium ions that diffuse into subsurface fluoride). Varnish, which has the longest tion to remove markedly demineralized
enamel with resultant remineralization.24 surface contact time of any of the prepara- (softened), carious enamel and dentin,
This product is generally recommended tions, is usually applied every three to and then restores the cavitation with
for use at bedtime after regular brush- six months in a clinical setting. They an adhesive restorative material.29
ing and flossing, and not rinsed away. are typically useful in younger children This technique was originally devel-
Addressing the patient’s salivary where cooperation can be an issue.26,27 oped for use in the less-industrialized
pH is important to guard against acidic Once a CAMBRA assessment has parts of the world where access to tradi-
demineralization of tooth structure. Use been done, the clinician can follow the tional dental care is difficult, and IRT/ART
of sodium bicarbonate, (simple baking patient through continued monitoring has been endorsed by the World Health
soda) after meals can also mitigate the and assessment. The patient’s risk is not Organization as a means of restoring and
effects of bacteria-generated acids.25 static. Rather, it can change based on preventing caries in populations with
Perhaps the longest studied reminer- habits, disease status, and ongoing oral little access to traditional dental care.30,31
alization aid is fluoride, which has both health. The use of CAMBRA is a simple, However, IRT/ART has now become an
a remineralization effect and inhibitory safe, and effective way for not only accepted part of the minimum interven-
effect against caries-forming bacteria. dentists, but allied members of the health tion philosophy in developed countries

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as well, and is increasingly becoming part carious lesions.62 More recently, newer margins of single-surface GIC restora-
of contemporary dental practice in the resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI) tions in permanent teeth after six years
United States.28,32-38 ITRs have been shown filling materials are showing considerable as compared to restorations with amal-
to reduce the levels of cariogenic bacteria, improvement of physical and adhesive gam (from six articles reporting on eight
such as mutans streptococci and lactoba- properties, expanding the applications separate studies).74 Because stopping, or
cilli, in the oral cavity, and are a recom- for ITRs and making it possible for them at the very least slowing, the progression
mended part of comprehensive care in the to be used in higher occlusal stress areas of caries disease is one of the primary
community-based dental home setting, as where failures previously occurred.63 The objectives of ITR in the community dental
well as a beneficial technique in contem- RMGI materials also permit broader appli- home application, the caries-preventing
porary pediatric, special needs, and gen- cation for more esthetic anterior tem- fluoride storage, release, and recharging
eral restorative dentistry practices.5,6,28,39-43 porary fillings and more wear-resistant characteristics of the GI materials in the
There is substantial evidence that the posterior temporaries. It is significant ITR technique is highly advantageous.
removal of all caries infected dentin in that numerous studies show that ITR One other concern that is sometimes
deep lesions is not necessary for suc- expressed about the minimally invasive
cessful termination of the caries lesion nature of ITR is that, because no lo-
destructive process, particularly if the it is essential that cal anesthetic injections are used, this
removal of deep infected dentin would restorations that leave technique may cause pain and discomfort
place the pulp at risk of exposure.30,44-54 to patients, resulting in fear and reticence
Several studies have demonstrated that infected dentin in the tooth for these patients to seek further dental
cariogenic bacteria, once isolated from must be well-sealed to care. This concern has been well-addressed
their source of nutrition by a well-sealed in a number of quality studies reporting
restoration, either die or remain dormant isolate the lesion from the that ITR/ART causes less pain than tradi-
and thus pose no risk to the health of the oral environment. tional procedures and has been associated
dentition.55-59 However, it is essential that with less dental anxiety amongst patients,
restorations that leave infected dentin in precisely because it does not involve drill-
the tooth must be well-sealed to isolate ing and injections.75-79 A meta-analysis of
the lesion from the oral environment. The restorations with glass ionomer materi- 17 articles evaluating patient responses
risk of leakage of ITR restorations can als consistently demonstrate success to the ART technique stated, “All authors
be minimized by thorough removal of all rates equal to amalgam filling material, agreed that the ART promotes less dis-
demineralized tooth structure from the and, in some studies, their survival rate comfort for patients [versus conventional
periphery of the lesion, which maximizes has exceeded that of amalgam fillings techniques], contributing to a reduction
the bond of adhesive restorative mate- in single-surface and small 2 surface in anxiety and fear during … dental treat-
rials at the margins, and by the use of restorations.34,64-73 This is an important ment. Results also indicated that ART
glass ionomer restorative materials.31 factor when employing ITRs in com- minimizes pain reported by patients.”80
High-viscosity glass ionomer cement munity dental home settings where the In an effort to investigate potential
(GIC) materials have been the preferred timeframe from placement of the ITR discomfort caused by infiltrative local
restorative material for ITR, especially temporary to definitive restoration in anesthesia injection versus the ITR/ART
when applied to single-surface or small 2 a dental clinic may be quite lengthy. treatment approach, van Bochove and
surface restorations.31,32 The glass ionomer ITR restorations with glass ionomer- van Amerongen investigated discomfort
adheres to enamel and dentin primarily containing materials also demonstrate in 6- to 7-year-olds with no prior dental
via calcium bonds to the mineral content superior resistance to recurrent decay. treatment experience.81 The children
of the tooth structure.60,61 This adherence In a meta-analysis of studies comparing were treated either by ART or by con-
provides an adaptive seal, and, as the ma- the incidence of recurrent decay occur- ventional technique, with both types of
terial slowly leaches fluoride ions into the ring at the margins of glass ionomer treatment rendered with or without local
adjacent tooth structure, GICs are capable and amalgam restorations, significantly anesthesia injections. The study showed
of halting or slowing the progression of fewer carious lesions were found at the that during the first dental treatment

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More interesting, though, was that behavior modification counseling, and 11. Featherstone JDB, Adair SM, et al, Caries management by risk
assessment: consensus statement April 2002. J Calif Dent Assoc
during the second dental treatment ses- chemotherapeutic interventions to the
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sion, ART without use of local anesthesia patient. ITRs follow-up the preventive 12. Anderson MH, A review of the efficacy of chlorhexidine on
also caused less discomfort than the con- thrust of CAMBRA to stop, or at least dental caries and the caries infection. J Calif Dent Assoc 31(3):211-
214, March 2003.
ventional treatment with local anesthesia to slow down, the progression of already
13. DenBesten P, Berkowitz R, Early childhood caries. J Calif Dent
injections. Thus, the authors concluded cavitated caries disease lesions and to Assoc 31(2):139-143, February 2003.
that the use of local anesthesia injections provide a temporary means of maintain- 14. Featherstone JDB, The caries balance: the basis for caries
management by risk assessment. Oral Health Prev Dent (2)Suppl
may in themselves contribute to the ing patient oral function and comfort.
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discomfort experienced by children dur- Due to the noninvasive techniques of 15. Young D, New caries detection technologies. Gen Dent
ing dental treatment. In comparison to CAMBRA and ITR, these disease preven- 50(4):320-31, 2002.
16. Dounis G, Ditmyer MM, et al, Preparing the dental workforce
the conventional treatment, the ITR/ART tion and management strategies also
for oral disease prevention in an aging population. J Dent Edu
approach appears to cause a reduction in provide a very user-friendly introduction 74(10):1086-94, 2010.
pain sensation, which may be related to to oral health care to populations who 17. Marsh PD, Dental plaque as a biofilm: the significance of pH in
health and caries. Compend Contin Educ Dent 30(2):76-8, 2009.
the greater preservation of the dental tis- have had very little to no prior contact
18. Mungia R, Cano SM, et al, Interaction of age and specific
sues, and, consequently, the patient may with dental care. Combined with delivery saliva component output on caries. Aging Clin Exp Res 20(6):503-
become more receptive to the treatment. in a familiar, community-based dental 8, 2008.
19. Thaweboon S, Thaweboon B, et al, Salivary secretory IgA,
Ultimately, the ITR approach may be less home setting, CAMBRA and ITR are likely
pH, mutans strep and candida in children with rampant caries.
traumatic to patients, and it may positive- to improve oral health for underserved Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 39(5):893-9, 2008.
ly influence the patient’s behavior toward populations, make them more receptive 20. Pellegrini P, Saurewein R, et al, Quantitative comparison of
oral bacteria and detection with ATP driven bioluminescence. Am
seeking future dental treatment. Simply to dental treatment in general and more
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stated, ITR/ART is a patient-friendly likely to seek more definitive dental care 21. Gallez F, Fadel M, et al, Salivary biomass assessed by biolumi-
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22. Lynch H, Milgrom P, Xylitol and dental caries. J Calif Dent
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5. American Academy of Pediatrics, Council on Children with 26. Lam A, Chu CH, Caries management with fluoride varnish of
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D The Virtual Dental Home:

.v h Implications for Policy
and Strategy
paul glassman, dds, ma, mba; maureen harrington, mph;
elizabeth mertz, phd, ma; and maysa namakian, mph

a b s t r ac t  Widely recognized problems with the U.S. health care system, including
rapidly increasing costs and disparities in access and outcomes also exist in oral health.
If oral health systems are to meet the “Triple Aim” of improving the experience of care,
improving the health of populations, and reducing per capita costs of health care, new
and innovative strategies will be needed including new regulatory, delivery, and financing
systems. The virtual dental home is one such system.


Paul Glassman, dds, ma, Elizabeth Mertz, phd, ma, idespread oral health eliminated in 2009. However, there was also
mba, is a professor of is an assistant professor, disparities exist in the a decrease for children. In 2011, only 27 per-
Dental Practice, director Department of Preventive
United States.1 The Ameri- cent of eligible children received any dental
of Community Oral Health, and Restorative Dental
and director of the Pacific Sciences, senior research can Dental Association has service compared to 34 percent in 2009.6
Center for Special Care, faculty, Center for the estimated that around 30 In 2011, the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Health Professions, percent of the population has difficulty ac- and the National Research Council of the
Dentistry in San Francisco. University of California, cessing dental services through the current National Academies of Science issued two
Conflict of Interest San Francisco.
private dental care delivery system.2 A na- reports on oral health, “Advancing Oral
Disclosure: None reported. Conflict of Interest
Disclosure: None reported. tional analysis in 2010 by the Government Health in America” and” Improving Access
Maureen Harrington, mph, Accountability Office (GAO) indicated that to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable and
is a program manager, Maysa Namakian, mph, only about one-third of children enrolled in Underserved Populations.”7,8 Both of these
Pacific Center for Special is a program manager, Medicaid received any dental service during reports document the significant proportion
Care, Arthur A. Dugoni Pacific Center for Special
the 2008 fiscal year.3 These and many other of the U.S. population that does not have
School of Dentistry in San Care, Arthur A. Dugoni
Francisco. School of Dentistry in San reports clearly identify significant disparities access to oral health services and the dispari-
Conflict of Interest Francisco. in oral health among population groups. ties in oral health among population groups.
Disclosure: None reported. Conflict of Interest The situation is worse in California, The U.S. health care system is under
Disclosure: None reported. where only 26 percent of enrolled benefi- increasing pressure to improve perfor-
ciaries of the Denti-Cal system received mance. These changes are being driven
any services in 2007.4 Also in California, by the widespread realization that the
in 2008, 24 percent of all children, ages costs of the current fragmented system
newborn to 11, had never seen a dentist.5 In are increasing at alarming rates, and that
2011, only 22 percent of the total number of in spite of spending close to twice the
people eligible for Medi-Cal dental services percent of our national gross domestic
received any service, a decrease of 8 percent product (GDP) on health care compared
from 2009. A decrease was expected for to other developed countries we have
adults since most adults benefits were significantly worse health outcomes

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in general and huge health disparities systems that are based on measures n  Creating a geographically distrib-
among subpopulations.9-11 These factors of access, quality, and outcomes, and uted but coordinated dental team through
are driving reform of the health care for incorporating these measures in the use of telehealth technologies.
system and creating pressure to form a payment and regulatory systems. The model initiates an individual’s care
more accountable system by moving from The Pacific Center for Special Care at needs in a community setting. By aligning
a system based on volume of services the University of the Pacific, Arthur A. the skills and capacity of a dental care
provided to one based on the value of Dugoni School of Dentistry has created provider in the community with a dentist
those services.11-17 Donald Berwick, former and is demonstrating a new oral health in an office, high-quality coordinated care
administrator of the Centers for Medicare delivery system, the virtual dental home, is provided using telehealth technology
and Medicaid Services (CMS) and former which is designed to move oral health and electronic health records (EHRs).
president and chief executive officer of services for underserved and vulnerable The settings for care in the virtual dental
the Institute for Health Care Improve- populations toward the Triple Aim. home system include Head Start Centers,
ment has referred to the goals of this schools, residential facilities for people with
movement as the Triple Aim.18 The three disabilities, and long-term care facilities for
aims are improving the experience of care, dependent adults. The services provided
improving the health of populations, and the three aims are include diagnostic, preventive, and early
reducing per capita costs of health care. improving the experience intervention restorative care. Where more
As described in a 2012 report, ”Oral advanced care that can only be provided
Health Quality Improvement in the Era of of care, improving the by a dentist is required, case management
Accountability,” the factors that are driving health of populations, techniques are employed to refer patients to
reform in the general health care system all dental offices and clinics. The dental team in-
apply to the delivery of oral health care.19 and reducing per capita cludes dentists who review electronic records
Achieving the Triple Aim in oral health care costs of health care. and make diagnostic and treatment deci-
will require important changes in the sys- sions and allied dental professionals who col-
tems used to deliver oral health services to lect records and provide preventive and early
populations that are not adequately served intervention services in community settings
by the traditional office and clinic-based The Virtual Dental Home under the general supervision of dentists.
oral health delivery system. The virtual dental home is an inno- In the virtual dental home model, early
The IOM report, “Improving Ac- vative new model for delivering dental intervention restorative care is provided
cess to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable care. It is applicable for a wide variety through a Health Workforce Pilot Proj-
and Underserved Populations,” calls of population groups, especially those ect (HWPP) authorized by the California
for research and demonstrations of who are currently inadequately served Office of Statewide Health Planning and
new systems to improve oral health for in traditional dental settings. The model Development.20 HWPP No. 172 authorizes
vulnerable and underserved popula- incorporates many of the recommenda- registered dental hygienists in alternative
tions that emphasize prevention and tions from the IOM report, “Improving practice (RDHAP), registered dental hygien-
early intervention and use new meth- Access to Oral Health Care for Vulner- ists working in public health programs
ods and technologies such as: bringing able and Underserved Populations” by: (RDH), and registered dental assistants
care to where people are by delivering n  Bringing oral health services to loca- (RDA) to place interim therapeutic restora-
oral health services in nontraditional tions where underserved vulnerable popula- tions (ITR) after being instructed to do
settings; engaging nondental profes- tions receive educational, social, and general so by a dentist.21 Further detail about the
sionals; developing expanded duties health services and integrating oral health other aspects of the design and struc-
for existing oral health professionals with services provided in those settings; ture of the virtual dental home model is
or creating new types of dental profes- n  Expanding duties for exist- contained in other articles in this issue.
sionals; and using technologies such as ing oral health professionals; The virtual dental home demonstra-
telehealth.8 The IOM report also calls for n  Emphasizing prevention and early tion project is now operating in nine sites
research and demonstrations of delivery intervention oral health procedures; and in California. The project has success-

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fully demonstrated the ability to deploy current care delivery system. The virtual Workforce Integration, Education
geographically distributed, collaborative, dental home system provides triage and and Deployment
telehealth facilitated teams who are see- entry to the oral health delivery system Provider participation will be critical in
ing patients, performing prevention and for individuals who are institutionalized or order for this model to spread. The patients
early intervention services, and making vulnerable. The virtual dental home model being cared for via this model are chal-
and supporting referrals for treatment provides an access point for education, lenged by significant health, behavioral,
that needs to be performed by dentists. screening, and case management for indi- financial, and/or transportation barriers
Preliminary data indicates that approxi- viduals known to have barriers to accessing and most do not access care in traditional
mately half of the individuals served by dental services in traditional locations. dental practice settings. Many dentists are
this system can achieve and maintain good Perhaps most importantly, the mobility of realizing that there is significant potential
oral health by services provided exclusively the virtual dental home model brings these for this model to expand their practice and
in the community by allied personnel services to communities that may not bring patients to their practices who might
under general supervision of dentists. currently have delivery system capacity. not have otherwise accessed their services.
The virtual dental home demonstration In the virtual dental home model, dentist’s
project has an expert advisory committee roles are also expanded as they learn to
that has provided feedback on the design the virtual dental home work with a geographically distributed team
and deployment of the model, contributed system provides triage of allied dental personnel and use telehealth
to identifying the potential for spread of technology to evaluate patients, make treat-
this model, and contributed to the develop- and entry to the oral ment decisions, and communicate with the
ment of recommendations to facilitate sus- health delivery system dental team. Patients referred to the prac-
tainability and spread of this system of care. tice come with dental records collected and
The virtual dental home advisory com- for individuals who are preventive procedures completed, making
mittee concluded that the current system institutionalized or vulnerable. the time in the dental office more efficient.
for delivering dental care is not optimized An additional provider participation
to improve or maintain oral health for issue is their willingness to make treatment
many underserved people. In order for decisions based on a virtual examination.
innovations in the delivery of oral health The populations currently being served Another article in this issue provides data
care, such as the virtual dental home to are Head Start and elementary school chil- demonstrating that dentists can make the
be sustained and spread, alterations are dren, adults with developmental disabili- same decision based on virtual records that
needed in the educational environment ties living in group homes, and residents they would with an in-person examination.
that trains providers, state systems that of skilled nursing and acute care facilities. This method of making treatment decisions
regulate scopes of practice and the delivery Populations not currently being served is new to most dentists and represents an
of services, and financing mechanisms. but who might benefit from this model opportunity for dentists and allied dental
The following issues have been identified include: children in school-based health personnel to expand their ability to work
as focus areas for spread of this model. centers, families participating in Women, in a telehealth facilitated model of care. The
Infants and Children (WIC) programs, model also expands the roles of oral health
Additional Populations migrant children and adults, patients of professionals into interdisciplinary team-
Underserved populations currently community health centers, incarcerated based models emphasizing overall patient-
being served, and those likely to be populations, veterans, institutionalized centered care in health systems and whole
further served by this model have high mentally ill persons, children in the foster child well-being in educational systems. It
dental needs, or are good candidates for care system, adults in drug-treatment will take training and experience for provid-
early population-based and community- programs, homeless populations, home- ers to be comfortable using new technology
based prevention and early intervention bound adults and children, low-income and working in more integrated systems.
measures. These groups face significant community-dwelling adults, older depen- Another unique aspect of the virtual
physical, geographic, cultural, or financial dent adults who attend day programs, dental home model is that it brings dental
barriers that make it difficult to access the and those living in rural communities. care to individuals who do not receive

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care in dental offices or clinics. Doing this how to prevent oral disease into the activi- location. There are a number of opportuni-
requires new roles for all members of the ties of community agencies and facilities ties to spread this system. One of these
dental team in new practice environments. and increase the impact of these messages is to address the lack of interoperability
The virtual dental home model expands the on individuals and their caregivers. between electronic health record systems.
scope of practice of current allied personnel Integrating oral health profession- For more than a decade, the federal govern-
to make the decision about which, if any, als into the structure of nontraditional ment had set a goal to create a national
radiographs to take to facilitate an initial settings helps normalize these messages, health information infrastructure (NHII)
oral evaluation by a dentist, and to place provides a reputable source of evidence- with broad adoption and use of EHRs and
ITRs. The safety and efficacy of these scope based information and encourages ongoing interoperability between EHRs collected
changes are being demonstrated through communication about improved oral health by various systems and providers.23 While
HWPP No. 172. Sustainability and spread of as a lifelong commitment. Fundamentally, billions of dollars have been allocated for
the virtual dental home model will require the integration of oral health into educa- this purpose, EHRs are still not universally
these duties be incorporated into the scope tional, general health, and social settings used in medical or dental practice, and
of practice for these license categories. interoperability does not yet exist, even in
Spreading the virtual dental home practices that use EHRs. This makes for the
spreading the
model involves creating an adequately need, in some circumstances, for double
trained and deployed oral health work- virtual dental home model data entry or the need to refer to two record
force. Formal education of dentists, systems for complete information about a
involves creating an
dental hygienists, and dental assistants in patient in the virtual dental home model.
telehealth technology and the techniques adequately trained Another opportunity to spread the use
needed to work in geographically distrib- of telehealth technologies is to address
and deployed oral health
uted teams may be a new thread in oral the fact that the current regulatory en-
health education programs. Curriculum workforce. vironment in most states and in Califor-
on community-based practice may also nia allows payers to withhold payment
need to be increased including topics on for services if they are provided using
health promotion, working with commu- telehealth technologies. As described in
nity partners, public health approaches, must begin at the top of the organization more detail in another article in this issue,
and working in integrated health teams. as these changes are not quick or easy. in 2011, California Assemblymember Dan
Implementing the virtual dental home Spread of the virtual dental home Logue (R-Lake Wildwood) introduced As-
model requires culture change among model will require concerted outreach and sembly Bill 415, the Telehealth Advance-
caregivers and administrators of agencies education efforts targeted to oral health ment Act of 2011.24,25 Effective Jan. 1,
providing education, general health, and professionals, administrators and staff of 2012, this new law modernizes California’s
social services. These individuals and agen- educational, general health, and social ser- landmark Telemedicine Development Act
cies do not traditionally see themselves as vices agencies and policy-makers. The mes- of 1996 to reflect advances in the field
having a role in the delivery of health care sages need to help these diverse groups un- since the original law’s passage. It also up-
in general or oral health care in particular. derstand the benefits of the virtual dental dates the definition of telehealth to reflect
This model presents an opportunity for home model in their own work as well as for the broader range of services in use today,
changing these traditional views through the people they work with on a daily basis. and allows all licensed health profession-
education for nondental profession- als in California to engage in telehealth.
als about their role and the role of their Electronic Health Records and One intent of the legislation was to
institutions in maintaining oral health. In Telehealth Technology propose a way to create parity between
addition, many of the virtual dental home The virtual dental home model of care health services delivered using in-person
model’s intended populations have low uses a cloud-based electronic health record methods with health services delivered
dental literacy as do many caregivers.7 There (EHR) system called Denticon.22 This system using telehealth methods. The important
is an opportunity to integrate messages allows records to be collected in one location determinant should be whether the ser-
about the importance of oral health and and reviewed in a geographically separate vice was delivered effectively and not the

6 0 8   j u ly 2 0 1 2
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technologies chosen by the provider to As the virtual dental home model care environment such as the patient-cen-
deliver the service. However, the law does has evolved it has become apparent that tered medical home and accountable care
not mandate that the Medicaid system teams of providers must be optimized and organizations, emphasize outcomes or
or any other payers reimburse providers deployed for the population being served. value-based systems rather than system
for services delivered using telehealth Customization of the team requires that based on volume of services such as fee-
technologies. There is an opportunity for liability coverage be expanded to provide for-service arrangements.9,18-32 Preliminary
stakeholder groups to introduce follow- coverage for allied dental personnel working evidence from the National Demonstra-
up legislation to address this issue. in community settings, as well as for den- tion Project on the Patient Centered Med-
Currently the California Medicaid tists in offices and clinics. An aspect of the ical Home shows that these new models
system reimburses for store-and-forward telehealth model that may be particularly at- are feasible, but, like the virtual dental
applications related to teledermatology, tractive to providers is the inherent flexibility home project, the process for change is
teleophthamology and specific types of of a store and forward process, opening up a challenging with operational, cultural, and
teleoptometry services.26-28 Given that host of new potential practice arrangements. policy issues that need to be addressed.33
telehealth services used in the virtual Another opportunity to spread the virtual
dental home model use the same store- dental home model is to address the lack of
and-forward system for collecting records the law does not recognition of the importance of oral health
and reviewing them at remote locations, mandate that the Medicaid in federal and state policies and regulations.
a strong argument can be made that Dental services are an optional benefit under
these services should be covered as well. system or any other payers the federal Medicaid program and, in 2009,
The virtual dental home will be reimburse providers for California reduced coverage for adults to
facilitated as the use of EHRs becomes only federally required adult dental services
more ubiquitous and challenges with services delivered using (FRADS). Even “covered” populations do not
interoperability among dental software telehealth technologies. have dental coverage designed for the virtual
systems decrease. As electronic health dental home model of care. Denti-Cal, the
records evolve, there may be greater California Medicaid system, does not provide
standardization and ability of systems reimbursement for the costs of case manage-
to interoperate that would increase the Financial Issues ment, telehealth consultation, and communi-
willingness of providers to engage in The current virtual dental home demon- ty-based prevention and treatment activities.
this model of care. Additional require- stration project is being financed by grant By tying payment mechanisms to population
ments for the model to be successful are funding and existing traditional payment health outcomes, delivery systems could
access to reliable broadband, financing of sources, primarily fee-for-service Denti-Cal have financial support for and place greater
start-up capital costs, ongoing technical (California’s dental Medicaid system). Den- emphasis on community-based case manage-
training and access to technical assistance, tists and allied dental personnel get partial ment, telehealth consultation, and communi-
and clear understanding of the financial payment from grant funds for health pro- ty-based prevention and treatment activities.
and other practice benefits of adoption. motion and other activities not reimburs- These activities can result in more “health
able through current funding streams, and per dollar” of spending if the focus shifts to
Practice Management Considerations payment from existing funding streams the health outcomes of services provided.
In order for the virtual dental home for some traditionally covered services. Critical to allocating adequate funding
model to be incorporated into practice Virtual dental home model sustainability to support new models of care is the need
on a larger scale, management of dental requires financial support for activities such to educate policy-makers about the financial
practices must be addressed. This in- as case management, health promotion benefits of community-based prevention
cludes incorporating telehealth practice and education, intensive community-based and early intervention services. There is
into traditional practices through the prevention efforts based on individual- increasing evidence that these services save
use of bridging tools to increase com- ized risk assessment, and community- on multiple consequences of the neglect of
patibility with existing dental record based early intervention procedures. dental disease. The costs of neglect include
technology and billing systems. Reform efforts in the broader health the need for more complex dental treatment

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later on if prevention and early intervention have adopted them.46,47 If these issues were model to additional populations and sites
services are not in place. In addition, neglect addressed, FQHCs could potentially in- including migrant child care programs,
leads to expensive hospital emergency crease the number of patients they are able community health centers, incarcer-
department visits that do little to treat the to serve and keep healthy by severalfold. ated populations, veterans, institution-
actual source of the problem, very expensive In order for the virtual dental home mod- alized mentally ill persons, children in
treatment in hospital operating rooms for el to spread, there will need to be new financ- the foster care system, drug treatment
advanced dental disease or severe dental ing models developed that remove regulatory programs, homeless populations, home-
infections, and lost days of school and work barriers to the use of telehealth-enabled bound adults and children, low-income
due to dental problems.34-36 There is also services delivered outside of the “four walls” community-dwelling adults, older depen-
increasing evidence that prevention and of offices and clinics and that provide incen- dent adults who attend day programs,
early intervention oral health services can tives for improving the health of the target and those living in rural communities.
reduce the staggering costs associated with population, not just those who walk through n  Incorporate the duties being tested
general health conditions such as diabetes the doors of the dental office or clinic. under California HWPP No. 172 into the
and pneumonia.37-43 By focusing on preven- scope of practice of allied dental personnel.
tion and early intervention, the virtual n  Develop and incorporate cur-
dental home model can help to drive down by focusing on riculum on working in geographi-
the total cost of oral and general health care. prevention and early cally distributed, telehealth-enabled,
Another opportunity related to funding community-based teams into oral health
mechanisms involves expanding the virtual intervention, the virtual dental professional education programs.
dental home model in federally qualified home model can help to drive n  Educate caregivers and administrators
health centers (FQHCs). The FQHC system of agencies providing education, general
could be an important system in which to down the total cost of oral and health, and social services about the impor-
demonstrate the value of the virtual dental general health care. tance of oral health and the benefits of the
home model because FQHCs primarily virtual dental home model and help them
receive payment based on encounters that develop a vision for how the model can help
provide latitude about what is done at each them in their own work as well as benefit
visit.44 They are also typically very oversub- Moving to the Future the people they work with on a daily basis.
scribed and have much higher demand for There is increasing demand for the n  Require the Medicaid system and
their services than they can provide.45 In virtual dental home model as the success other payers to reimburse providers for oral
addition, services are provided primarily of the current demonstration is being rec- health services delivered using telehealth
in dental chairs in the FQHC dental clinic ognized and communicated among those technologies. The important determinant
so the number of people served could be interested in access to dental care and oral should be whether a covered service was de-
greatly expanded if they served a portion of health for the vulnerable and underserved livered effectively and not the technologies
their target population in community sites. populations. Administrators of long-term chosen by the provider to deliver the service.
However, FQHCs in general, and particular- care facilities, school district health program n  Support the adoption and spread of
ly in California, face several regulatory bar- administrators and administrators of group interoperable EHRs in dental practice.
riers to adopting this approach. Telehealth homes are communicating with Pacific n  Educate policy-makers about the
delivered services are not recognized and directly and requesting support and guid- huge cost of neglect of dental disease
billable visits as services must be delivered ance for implementation of a virtual dental and the potential savings from sup-
in a face-to-face encounter. It is also difficult home telehealth program in their commu- porting community-based prevention
to be reimbursed for encounters that take nities and for their students and clients. and early intervention services.
place outside the “four walls” of the dental In summary, the following recommen- n  Allow and support federally qualified
clinic. Finally, although dental hygienists dations will facilitate realization of the full health center’s ability to bill for services
are now recognized in California as “billable benefits of the virtual dental home model: provided outside the “four walls” of the
providers,” the procedures for billing for n  Expand demonstrations of the clinic and to bill for services provided
their services are complex and few FQHCs effectiveness of the virtual dental home using telehealth-enabled encounters

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j u ly 2 0 1 2   61 1
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through Fill out the foot pediatric and orthodontic practice in dentist. Space available full/part-time.
blank fields provided, including whether San Juan Capistrano. Office has 6 chairs Perfect for recent grad or established
the ad is to appear online only or online with wall-mounted LCD entertainment dentist. Days/terms flexible. Email
and in the Journal. Click “post” to submit systems, a consultation room, 2 brand or call 310-550-1511.
your ad in its final form. The ad will be new X-ray units, a kitchen and a sizeable co n t i n ue s on 6 14
posted immediately on and will
remain for 60 days.

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j u ly 2 0 1 2   61 3
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c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

cl a s s if i e d s , c o n t i n u e d f ro m 6 13

dental office for sale — Beautiful merced dental office for sale —
offices for sale dental office in South San Jose. Modern, This immaculate office is an absolute
high technology, 1,292 sq. ft. office with jewel. Averages 10 patients per day and
orthodontic office for sale — 4 fully equipped operatories. Digital generates approximately 18-20 new
Orthodontic office available in X-ray system (both intra-oral and Pano), patients per month. Low monthly rent.
Encino. Orthodontist retiring after computer in every operatory with two This highly visible, easily accessible
32 years in same location. Recently monitors (Dentrix Computer Charting), office is conveniently located in a
remodeled. Four chairs in open bay soft tissue laser, electric handpiece professional building complex in a busy,
and one private operatory. All lease- system, digital photography system popular retail/commercial neighbor-
holds included in sale. Great opportu- (intra oral cameras and extra oral SLR hood. The office occupies approximately
nity for recent graduate to build a camera). Ready to move in. Please note 1,280 sq. ft. and consists of 4 fully
practice or for established orthodontist that the sale of this practice does not equipped operatories with digital X-ray,
to relocate. Please email your response include patient records. Call 408-234- reception area, doctor’s office, business
to 5203 or email to office, sterilization, lab, dark room,
storage and restroom. Full price:
$250,000. Contact 209-777-4006.

opportunities available
SINCE 1987
Nor Cal GOLDEN STATE PRACTICE SALES sm opportunity available — Oral
Specializing In Northern & Central California Practice Sales & Consulting
Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Implant
James M. Rodriguez, MA, DDS Center, is seeking a positive, enthusias-
44 Holiday Drive, P.O. Box 1057, Alamo, CA 94507
DRE Licensed Broker # 957227 tic, team member to join our practice.
Contact for more info and interview at
v MARIN COUNTY - Coll. $332K, 3 ops, between Sausalito and San Rafael. or
v PERIODONTAL - S.F. EAST BAY - Established 30 plus years. Well
known and respected in dental community. Seller will stay on contractually
opportunity available — We
for introduction to established referral base.
are looking for an enthusiastic RDA with
v CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA - DANVILLE - Established family excellent communication skills for our
practice priv/ins UCR, $1.2M collections, 4 operatories. SOLD Huntington Beach practice. 2-3 days per
v SOUTH LAKE TAHOE - For Lease. 5 ops. Not equipped. No upgrades or week, Tuesday through Thursday or
additions needed. Call for details. Wednesday and Thursday. Office hours are
v DUNSMUIR - SHASTA - Dental office bldg for sale. Call for referral. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Email or
v CENTRAL VALLEY - 3 ops., collections $725K. PENDING call 714-846-2839.
Practice Sales - Presale Complimentary Consultations and Valuation Estimates
opportunity available — Our
Practice Appraisals and Forensic Services - Independent Practitioner Programs
family friendly practice located in
Each Transaction Handled Personaly From Start To Finish Brentwood, CA is currently looking for
Buyer Consultant Service Available
an enthusiastic DA or RDA. Responsi-
bilities include but are not limited to
925-743-9682 chair side assisting with 4 handed
Integrity-Experience-Knowledge-Reputation dentistry, fabricating temporaries,
e-mail: coronal polishing, and occasionally
helping with front office duties,
cont i n ue s on 6 18
NorCal_GoldenState_Template.indd 1 5/14/12 11:42 AM

6 14  j u ly 2 0 1 2

A-8941 SAN FRANCISCO– Two Fully Equipped E-8641 SACRAMENTO-FACILITY - 2,100+ sf w/ 3 I-9721 STOCKTON –Prof. complex 1,450 sf w/3
ops/plumbed for 1 add’l Only $65k ops & plumbed for 1 add’l $50k ops & plumbed for 1 add’l op. $75k.
AG-053 SAN FRANCISCO - Prime location beckons E-1018 Facility Only FOLSOM—Sparkling! Medi- I-1005 SAN JOAQUIN VLY- Long-established
sophisticated buyer! No better visibility, signage cal/Dental building. ~2305sf w/ 5ops. $150k High-End Restoratives. 2,500+ sf w/ 6 ops $650k
& unique city views! 9 ops + 1 add’l $750K EN-026 ROSEVILLE—Warm Caring Environment, IN-024 MERCED - This immaculate practice is an
B-9851 SAN RAMON Facility—This opportunity ~1000sf, w/ 3 ops . $380k absolute jewel! ~1250sf, 3 ops + 1 add’l $240k
will not wait! Office ~ 1,700sf w/ 3+ ops $219k EC-045 SACRAMENTO - FFS, Established 20+ years. IN-032 GREATER MERCED AREA - Prime Location!
BN-068 ORINDA - Attractive 2-story Professional 1500 sf w/4 ops. Plumbed for 1 add’l op! $320k Modern equip ~1,100 sf w/ 4 ops $335k
building. Office is ~800sf w/3 ops. $850k EG-065 SACRAMENTO-Practice AND Property IC-066 TRACY - 1,600 sf w/4 ops. Plumbed for 2
BN-051 HAYWARD— This well-established, fam- only $145k. Collections $350k+ ‘07. Huge growth more. $525k
ily-oriented practice has ~1,000sf w/3 ops $150k potential!! 1,200 sf w/4 ops. IG-067 STOCKTON- Fully computerized, paperless,
BN-052 PLEASANTON Facility Only— Spectacular F-1013 FORTUNA-Well respected FFS GP. Loyal digitalized practice. 5,000 sf w/10 fully equipped
8-op office in medi/prof building, 1950sf. $195k stable patient base. 1,000 sf w/ 3 ops $195k ops $475k
C-8901 SANTA ROSA– Residential area. 40+ new G-875 YUBA CITY–Estab. 30+yrs, GP, FFS, IN-071 MODESTO– FFS/Large/stable patient base.
pats/mo. Highly Visible! 1291sf & 3 + 1 op. $468k 3,575sf /9 ops, $1.63m w/Cerec ~ Buy-In Op! Real Estate available! Recently remodeled/fully
C-1016 MARIN CO-Well-established w/wonderful G-883 CHICO VICINITY – Quality FFS GP. Attractive digitalized. 2,600 sf w/7 ops PR:$1.2m RE: $580k
patient base! 800 sf w/3 ops $280k Prof Plaza. 1,990 sf w/ 5 ops $495k J-1000 TULARE– Highly visible location! ~1650sf
CG-021 SUISUN CITY-Quality, FFS Practice. 1,200 G-998 CHICO/PARADISE—Surrounded by breath- w/ 4ops Practice: $465k /Real Estate: $249k
sf & 3 ops $300k taking natural beauty! ~898sf, 3 ops. Now $240k J-1001 LINDSEY— All American City! Conven-
D-9091 ATHERTON -Turnkey operation 969 sf & 3 H-856 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Over 50 new patients/ iently located ~3,380sf w/5ops. Now Only $264k
ops Call for Details! mo Respected & Growing! 1568 sf & 4 ops $325k J-1009 VISALIA- Buy 50% or 100%! Prof Bldg.
D-845 San JOSE Facility Only - Great Location! HC-054 SIERRA FOOTHILLS- Seller Retiring. 1,800 sf Desirable area. 4 ops. $250k /$500k
~2080sf, 5 ops + 1 add’l. Now Only $79k! w/ 5 ops $600k IN-072 STOCKTON-. Fully computerized/
D-960 Facility only SAN JOSE -Opportunity to pur- digitalized/ paperless. 3,290 sf w/10 ops. $1m
G-1019 WILLOWS AREA—Small Community prac-
chase condo suite also! 1,158sf w/3 ops $65k JN-074 CENTRAL VALLEY - This Seller is Ex-
tice! ~1,600sf w/ 2 ops. $185k
DN-040 SAN JOSE– Major retail shopping center. tremely motivated! ~2,600 sf w/ + 1 add’l $85k
GN-034 PARADISE—Central Local and great
BELOW MARKET RENT! 2,000 sf w/5 ops $495k
views! ~1168sf w/ 3ops. $210k
GN-039 CHICO - Family-oriented, FFS, tucked in
and visibility! Spacious 1,405sf w/3 ops $675k
vibrant community! 1,040 sf w/3 ops $95k
D-997 SAN JOSE -Well established, FFS practice. I-7861 CTRL VLY ORTHO- 2,000sf, open bay w/8
GN-048 CHICO—Long established, well re-
~ 1,008 sf w/ 3 ops + 1 add. $230k chairs. FFS. 60-70 patients/day. Prof Plaza. $370k
spected, spacious 1,39sf w/5ops. $437.5k
DN-055 Facility MILPITAS - Located in bustling I-9461 CENTRAL VALLEY/ORTHO - .~ 1,650 sf w/5
GN-058 YUBA CITY— Emphasis on quality dental
heart of town. Spacious, fully networked 4-op chairs/bays + (2) add’l plumbed. $140k
care and patient comfort, 1,704sf w/ 4 ops $450K
office (2 fully equipped ops). 1450 sf! $125k J-983 CENTRAL VALLEY ORTHO - Attractive, sin-
GN-075 YUBA CITY—Well established practice w/
DN-062 LOS ALTOS— ~1222 sf w/3 ops. $250k gle-story ~1,773sf w/ 6 chairs/bays. $325k
loyal patient base! ~3000 sf w/ 8 ops. $350K
DN-063 SAN JOSE - Long-established, Popular G-975 CHICO ORTHO—Providing quality care 2
Retail Shopping Center. 780 sf w/ 2 ops $95k SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Denti-Cal patient base. ~ 900 sf w/ 2 + ops . $90k
DG-060 WATSONVILLE- Practice & Real Estate DN-022 ENDO TRI-VALLEY-~ 30 new pats/mo. 975
Available! Spectacular 2,245 sf w/ 4 ops. Call for KF-070 BREA-Affluent, loyal, stable, well-educated sf w/ 2 fully equipped ops $275k
Details!! Practice: $298k / Real Estate: TBD patient base. Highly-esteemed practice. 2,400 sf BC-033 ALAMEDA CO ORTHO – ~ 50 pats/day.
w/2 ops. Plumbed for 3 add’l $350k Highly visible. 1,250 sf w/4 Chairs/Bays $450k
GN-050 NORTHERN CA PERIO - An opportunity
like this comes only once in a lifetime! Remod-
eled office is ~3,500 sf w/ 5 ops. $1m

    

                       


Making your transition a reality.
For more information regarding the listings below:
More information is available
on our website regarding practices VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: Practice Sales • Mergers
listed in other states, articles, WWW.PPTSALES.COM Partnerships • Appraisals
upcoming seminars and more. (Practice Opportunities) Patient Record Sales
• ANAHEIM: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. This 3 op • FRESNO: For Sale-General Dentistry IV Sedation 4-5 ops in each. Both are 1,600 sq. ft. Irvine is equipped with
had $253,000 in collections in 2011. There are 3 ops in this 864 Practice. (MERGER OPPORTUNITY) Owner would like to Intra-Oral Camera, Pano & Dentrix. Costa Mesa is equipped
sq. ft. office with 1.5 days of hygiene. Owner works 3 days per merge his practice into another high quality general with Laser, Intra-Oral Camera, Pano and Dentrix. #14355.
week. No welfare or HMO’s. Laser, Dentrix Software and dentistry or IV sedation practice. The merger would be into
Intra-Oral Camera. Buyers office. Seller would like to continue to work as either • LANCASTER: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. This 4
a partner or associate after the merger. 2010 collections were operatory office is located in 2,360 Sq Ft on the second floor of
• BISHOP: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice and Building. $993K with a $422K adjusted net income. There are 7 days an attractive Medical Dental office building. Gross receipts
After 29 years in the same location this retiring dentist is selling of hygiene. #14250. were $676,000 with a $174K adjusted net income. Dentist is
both his practice and building. Collections were $1,000,243 in retiring after 39 years. 4 days of hygiene. Additional operatories
2011 with $387,000 Adjusted net income. There are 6 days of • GLENDALE: FACILITY SALE-General Dentistry Office could be added to existing space. Great location.#14376.
hygiene in this 5 op 1,800 sq. ft. building. 100% financing is Space & Leasehold Improvements Sale- Office located in a
available for both building and practice. medical plaza, 1760 sq. ft. 7 operatories, computerized • LEMOORE/HANFORD AREA: For Sale-General Dentistry
equipment approximately 5 years old. Two 5-year options Practice & Building. Owner has worked in this location since
• CHICO: For Sale-General Dental Practice. The collections in available. #14373 1971. Gross Receipts were $378K with $139K adj. net income.
2011 were $1,209,207. There are 7 days of hygiene in this 5 There are 3 equipped operatories and 3 days of hygiene.
operatory, 2,400 sq. ft. office. Equipment includes Laser, • GRASS VALLEY: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. GR Purchase of the building is optional to the Buyer. 100%
Intra-Oral camera, new Cone Beam X-ray and Dentrix of $307,590 (3 days/wk) with adjusted net income of $105K. financing is available for both building and practice. Excellent
software. This excellent practice has 1,824 active patients with 3 Ops. refers out most/all Ortho. Perio, Endo, Surgery. opportunity for new grad or satellite practice. #14375.
12 new patients a month. Intra-Oral Camera, Diagnodent, EZ Dental Software. Good
Location. Owner retiring. #14337. • LINDSAY: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice & building.
• CHULA VISTA: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice and Gross Receipts $330K with adjusted net income of $219K.
Building. DECEASED DENTIST as of March 25th, 2012. • GRASS VALLEY: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. GR Office space 1,489 sq. ft., 4 equipped operatories, Intra-Oral
This beautiful 11 op. office located in a highly visible prime 545K 3 days/wk (4 avail). 3 hygiene days/week. 5 Ops (6 Camera, Soft-Dent software, 3-hygiene days a week. Owner
area in Chula Vista, had collections of $1,684,000 in 2011 and Avail) 1,950 sq ft. Refers out most/all Ortho, Perio, Endo, retiring. #14363
$1,730,000 in 2010. There are 5 days of hygiene with approx. Surgery. Office has Laser, Intraoral Camera, Pano, &
30 new patients per month. Lasers, Intra-Oral Camera, Dentrix Software. Owner retiring. #14372. • MILLBRAE: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. This
Pan-Ceph, etc. Practice has been in this location since 1998. beautiful, well-established office is located on the main
100% financing available for practice and building. Staff will • GRASS VALLEY: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. thoroughfare of the North Penninsula, offering great exposure
stay. #14394 Gross Receipts $491K with an adjusted net income of that generates 25-30 new patients per month. 5 treatment rooms
$130K. Overhead 73%. Office leased 1,555 sq ft. 4 (6th plumbed) in approx. 1,500 sq. ft. equipped with Digital
• EAST BAY: For Sale-ENDODONTIC PRACTICE. The equipped operatories 5 available. Laser, Intra-Oral Camera, Pan, Digital Imaging and Intra-Oral Camera. 2011 gross
adjusted net income was $186,000 in 2011 in this 3 operatory, Cerac, & Eaglesoft software. Owner would like to retire. receipts of $651,000 with $230,000 adjusted net income. Owner
1000 sq. ft. office. Includes Microscope, X-ray Scanner and #37108. is retiring. Don’t delay, this won’t last long! #14395
PBS software. Transfer of referral base should be excellent.
Ideal office for new endodontist or as a satellite practice for • GREATER CHICO: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. • MODESTO-TRACY-STOCKTON AREA: For Sale-Pediatric
established practitioner. Dr. is retiring. Gross receipts in 2010 were $584K, with an adjusted net Practice. $677,000 in collections in 2010 with a $357,000 net
income of $152K. Approx 1,100 active patients. 4 income. This 3-chair office is located in approximately 1,250
• FREMONT: For Sale-(General Dentistry Practice Facility and operatories, Pano, Intra-Oral Camera. Easy dental software. sq. ft & has recently been remodeled. Patient Base software.
Equipment Sale) Beautiful Central Fremont office in upscale Leased office 1,200 sq. ft. Owner is retiring. #14359. Office equipped for NO2 & IV sedation. Practice has operated
professional building. This is a facility sale with 4 fully in its present location for 20 years.
equipped treatment rooms, panoramic x-ray, intra-oral camera • HAWAII (MAUI): For Sale-General dentistry practice.
and nitrous oxide plumbed throughout. Very modern design Gross Receipts of $636K. Office has four equipped • MOUNTAIN VIEW: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice:
and efficient layout in approximately 1,400 sq. ft. Seller is operatories in 1198 sq.ft. Pano, Laser, I.O. Camera, Fiber This 2 day per week satellite office is located the heart of
relocation to a larger facility. Patients and goodwill are not Optics, 2 ½ days of hygiene. Owner retiring: Don’t miss this Silicon Valley, surrounded by most of Mountain View’s largest
included. opportunity to live and work in paradise. #20101 employers. 2 fully equipped treatment rooms (expandable to 4),
Pano, Digital Processor and Dentrix Software in approx.. 1500
• FRESNO: For Sale-General Dentistry Facility. One of the best • HAYWARD: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. This sq. ft. With household names as your neighbors, few
opportunities this year. This 3 op dental office comes equipped. practice consists of 1,600 sq ft with 4 treatment rooms in an opportunities are this good! #14398
It is in a great location and has about 200 active patients. Owner excellent location. 2010 Gross was $501,000 with a $228K
is in the process of completing his Orthodontic training and adjusted net income. Dental Vision software, Average age of • MORGAN HILL: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice &
only works in the office 5 days a month. Complete pictures of equipment is 8 yrs. Approximately 1,200 active patients. Building. DECEASED DENTIST AS OF JUNE 6TH, 2012.
the office and an inventory list of included furniture and The office and equipment are only 5 years old. The office is
fixtures are available. Everything included for only $85,000 • IRVINE & COSTA MESA: For Sale-General Dentistry beautifully decorated and efficiently laid out with 5 operatories.
You can’t afford to pass this up. #14383 practice combined. Gross receipts combined $781K with The condominium space is located in highly visible, upscale,
adjusted net of $396K. Both office spaces are leased with professional office building. 2011 gross receipts were
HENRY SCHEIN PPT INC. Henry Schein PPT Inc., Real Estate Agents
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$846,000. Intra-oral Camera, Panoramic X-Ray and Digial all the computer systems after purchasing the office in 07. patients a month.
X-Ray. Staff and hygiene are working daily with Computers and monitors in every room. #14346
out-of-the-area doctor covering. Approximately 1,700 active • SAN LUIS OBISPO: For Sale - Two Doctor General Dentistry
patients. #14399 • PLUMAS COUNTY: For Sale-3 equipped ops. Space Practice. Gross receipts $1,537,142 for 2010 with an adjusted
available for 4th op. 1,245 sf office in good location. Gross net income of $691K. The office has 2,331 sq. ft. with 8
• NEWPORT BEACH: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. Receipts $475K. Practice in present location over 50 years. equipped operatories. Pano, E4D, and Dentrix software.
This 4 operatory practice is located in beautiful Newport Beach Owner is retiring. #14318 Practice started in 1990 and has been in its present location
and is part of a larger office complex. Gross receipts were since 1998. Approx. 3000 active patients. Great location with
$490K in 2011, with an average of 20 new patients per month. • ROSEVILLE: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. Great nice views. #14353.
The office is 920 sq. ft. with Dentrix software, Dental laser, and
Location. 2009 GR $900K with adjusted net income of
up-to-date equipment. #14397
$300K. 1,975 sq. ft. with 4 ops, 8 days hygiene/wk. Digital,
Intra-Oral Camera, Dentrix, Trojan, fiber optics, P & C
• SANTA BARBARA: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice.
Wonderful opportunity to live and work in one of California’s
• NEWPORT BEACH: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. chairs - all less than 5 years old. Owner is retiring. #14327 most desirable areas. 2010 Gross receipts were $974,000 with a
Practice has operated at its present location since 1986. Located $370,00 adjusted net income. Six days of hygiene. Dentrix
in a highly affluent Newport Beach community. Three (3) • SACRAMENTO: Must be sold immediately. software, Intra-Oral Camera and Panoramic X-Ray. Owner is
hygiene days per week. Leased office space with 4 ops. in 1,450 Well-established General Dentistry practice is desirable N. retiring. #14382
sq. ft. Pano & Practice Works software. #14354. Sacramento location. Office is 1950 sq. ft. with 4 ops. plus
fully functional dental lab. (porcelain oven, casting, splints) • SANTA CLARA: For Sale - BUILDING ONLY: This building
• NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: For Sale-Endodontic Practice. which can be converted into 2 additional ops., Digital x-rays is located just west of Westfield Mall and Santana Row. The
This Endodontic practice is located in an upscale professional and digital Pan, Practice Works software, 2010 Net receipts building has two units. One side is designed and plumbed for
office complex. The owners condominium occupies 1,770 sq ft, $1,967,047. Don't assume anything about the purchase dentistry and the other was a law office. There is 3,776 sq. ft. of
There are 4 equipped treatment rooms with an additional 5th price. Inquire immediately. Purchase price is totally office space. The dental office is approximately 1,800 sq. ft.
room available. Gross Receipts were $638K with $239K negotiable. with 6 operatories. The building has been recently re-roofed.
adjusted net income. Owner will stay for transition to introduce Excellent opportunity for a startup practice or for the dentist
buyer. Owner is retiring. #14251 • SACRAMENTO: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. that needs more space. Financing available through various
Gross Receipts $546K with adjusted net income of $159K. dental lenders. #14368
• NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: For Sale-Pediatric practice. Office is 2,400 sq ft with 7 operatories. Practice has been
Owner has operated in same location for 32 years. Approx operating in the same location for the past 50 years. Pano, • SANTA CRUZ: For Sale-General Dentistry practice. This
1,760 active pts, 1,160 sq ft, panoramic X-Ray, Dexis Digital Softdent software. Owner to retire. #14374 excellent practice is centrally located in a professional complex.
and Dentrix software in this 5–chair office. 2009 Gross Office is approx. 1,885 sq. ft., 4 operatories with room for one
Receipts $713K with 48% overhead. Owner retiring. Call for • SACRAMENTO/ROSEVILLE: For Sale-One of many
additional. There are approx. 2000 active patients with 6 days of
partners is retiring in this highly successful General hygiene per week. Practice Pano, Intra-Oral Camera and Easy

• NORTHERN FRESNO: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. SOL

Dentistry Group Practice. Intra-Oral Camera, Digital
Pano-Dexis, electronic charts, owner Financing. Call for
Dental software. Owner is retiring. Reasonable lease available.
This is a perfect starter or satellite practice. Excellent location further information. #14334
in North Fresno. Gross Receipts in 2010 were $173K. • TORRANCE: For Sale-General Dentistry practice. This
Approximately 450 active patients. 3 operatories. Dentrix • SAN BERNARDINO: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. excellent practice is centrally located in a professional complex.
software. Leased office 1,200 sq. ft. Owner has been accepted GR $972K. Practice has been in its present location for the Office is approx. 1,885 sq. ft., 4 operatories with room for one
to an Endodontic Residency after starting practice 1 1/2 years past 35 years. Leased 4,500 sq ft of office space- 12 additional. There are approx. 2000 active patients with 6 days of
ago. equipped operatories. Dentrix software, Pano and Cerac. hygiene per week. Practice Pano, Intra-Oral Camera and Easy
Accepts HMO. Multi-specialty practice. Owner to relocate. Dental software. Owner is retiring. Reasonable lease available.
PRACTICE. Owner retiring: Great opportunity for a
Periodondist with experience in dental implant placement. This • SAN DIEGO: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice. 6 ops, • TORRANCE: For Sale - General Dentistry Practice. Gross
well-appointed practice is located in a 1,300 sq. ft. office with Intra-Oral camera, Eagle Soft Software. Office square feet Receipts $413K with an adjusted net income of $203K. 50%
4 operatories along the busy 101 corridor north of San
Francisco. 2011 gross receipts of $558,000. DSN software. S OLD
2,300 with 3 years remaining on lease. 2009 Gross Receipts
$1,448,520, with an adjusted net income of $545K. Doctor
overhead. Practice has been in its present location for the past 25
years. The office has been tastefully remodeled. Office is 800+
Buyer will be the only full-time periodontist in an area with the would like to phase out then retire. #14331 sq. ft. with 3 equipped operatories. 4 -hygiene days per week.
population of approximately 60,000. #14396 Doctor is to retire. #14369
• SAN FRANCISCO: For Sale-General Dentistry Practice.
• OCEANSIDE: For Sale-Modern looking office. 4 op, office This 1000 sq. ft. office is located in the heart of the financial • VICTORVILLE: For Sale - General Dentistry Practice. This
space and equipment only. Belmont chairs. Gendex x-ray district. It is a corner office with each of the 4 operatories practice is worked just on a three day a week schedule. There are
system, intraoral camera, approx 1200 sq ft. Low looking out at the incredible views on Golden Gate side of 3 operatories with 10 off-street parking spaces. Practice has
overhead-Rent is $1,900/month, and it's a 5 year lease. Staff is
available for rehire-front desk $15/hr, assistant 13/hr. Update
the bay. The 2011 collections were $1,200,000 with a low
overhead. The practice averages approximately 15 new
high visibility. The practice was acquired from previous owner
in 2002. #14393


j u ly 1 2 classifieds
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

cla s s if i e d s , c o n t i n u e d f ro m 6 14

maintenance of the office and stocking/ days and hours. RDHAP is a special fax your letter of intent and CV to
ordering supplies. Experience is position to provide patients with the 408-224-5701 or email to terry@endosj.
preferred, but the most important most important oral health care service com and leave a message at 408-821-
things we are looking for is someone possible. Ideal candidate must enjoy 3801 stating why you believe you are a
who is friendly, has positive attitude being a hygienist with a positive good candidate for this position.
with good patient rapport, and willing- personality and good people skills are
ness to learn and grow with our office. essential. Please email your resume to opportunity available — Our fee
Compensation will be based on level of for service, family practice is currently
experience. Please respond with looking for an enthusiastic DA or RDA.
resume, references and a cover letter opportunity available — Full or Responsibilities include chairside
including information about your self part-time general dentist needed for assisting, fabricating temporaries,
and desired salary to the email listed. Inland Empire area. Bilingual preferred. coronal polishing, and helping with
Contact dr.mankad@brentwoodprogres- Please fax resume to 951-697-1116. maintaining/ordering supplies. Experi- or 925-240-7024. We ence is preferred, but the most important
look forward to hearing from you. opportunity available — Excellent thing we are looking for is a friendly,
associate opportunity; ownership positive attitude, good patient rapport,
opportunity available — Full-time possibilities; highly qualified, experi- and willingness to learn and grow with
position, 4 days per week, $75 per hour enced dentist wanted for Friday and our office. Competitive compensation/
in dental clinic on hospital campus in possibly 1 other day of the week. We benefits offered for the right candidate.
beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains. are a successful, established, C&B Please respond with resume, references
Four-season beauty with year round private GP in Huntington Beach. Must and desired salary to the email listed. We
recreation. Located 45 minutes from have excellent communication skills. look forward to hearing from you. Email
Reno and Truckee. Duties include: All molar RCT’s are referred out. Highly
Provide a full range of dental services trained and caring support staff. Send
to adult and child patients; services resume to opportunity available —
including diagnostic and preventative A Brand new office in Fremont is looking
services, periodontal services (includ- opportunity available — Private for a Periodontist. If you want to join a
ing root planing), amalgam and com- dental practice (no HMO/Denti-Cal) brand new office and grow with us, please
posite restorations, crown and bridge, looking for a friendly, energetic, send your resume to
root canals, pulpotomies, stainless steel fast-learner, front/back dental assis-
crowns, simple extractions, extractions tant. Must be good with computers. opportunity available — We are
of soft tissue impactions, removable Experience in implants, ortho, CEREC Looking for a general dentist to manage
prosthetics to include full dentures, and digital X-rays is a plus. Please only a dental office in Fremont. This is a
partial dentures and stayplates; email resume, do not call office. Email brand new office with state-of-the-art
treatment planning and referral to equipment. If you want to join a new
specialists when required; supervision office and grow with us, this is a great
of chairside registered dental assistants opportunity available — We are a opportunity. Please send us your
and registered dental hygienist; policy well-established, quality-oriented busy resume. Contact 408-361-8133.
and procedures; assure regulatory endodontic practice in San Jose looking
compliance; and coordinate laboratory for a Board Eligible/Certified, part-time opportunity available — The
services; record keeping, supply associate endodontist with 1-2 years of Ostrow School of Dentistry at the
management and budgeting. Contact at experience. This position is 2 days a University of Southern California invites or 530-832-6567. week. We are looking for a candidate applicants for a full time clinical-track
who is highly motivated, enthusiastic faculty position at the rank of Assistant
opportunity available — We are and flexible. Candidate must possess Professor. The selected candidate will have
looking for Registered Dental Hygienist great clinical and patient communica- an appointment in the Division of
Alternative Practice ( RDHAP ) in the tion skills and be surgically and Periodontology, Diagnostic Sciences and
Bay Area. This is a unique opportunity microscope trained. If you are looking Dental Hygiene. Candidates must have
for a motivated individual. Great for a long-term opportunity with a DDS or DMD degree, California license
compensation and flexible working unlimited professional growth, please cont i n ue s on 6 2 0

6 18   j u ly 2 0 1 2

Complete Evaluation of Dental Practices & All Aspects of Buying and Selling Transactions


Well-located, across from O'Connor Hospital,
general practice in 2,118 sq. ft.state-of-the-art
facility w/ 3 fully-equipped ops. 2 pvt. offices
(1 can be plumbed for 4th op). Asking $195K.

O w n e r re t i r i n g f ro m we l l e s t a bl i s h e d ,
exceptionally successful GP in downtown, SF
near Union Square. Gorgeous state-of-the-art
office w/5 fully-equipped ops., 3 intra oral
cameras and Zoom light. Each op has stunning
views of San Francisco and the Bay. 4 year avg.
GR $831,819. Approx. 1,200 active pts.
Dedicated long term staff. Owner willing to
help for a smooth transition. Asking $660K.

Serving you: Mike Carroll & Pamela Gardiner 3059 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY GP & BDG
Charming practice tucked among soaring
3071 MID-PENINSULA GP redwoods in Santa Cruz County. 2011 GR
Well-established 3IN G GP in desirable
op $626K+ w/3 doctor days. All fee-for-service.
neighborhood. ND sq. ft. facility. Ownership
PE1,400 Owner retiring and willing to help for a
in building available. smooth transition. This is a great turn key
practice and opportunity to own a hidden
3073 LOS GATOS FACILITY gem. Practice asking price $373K, building is
Great location with Beautiful State-of-the-Art also available.
Dental Office with 6 fully-equipped ops in
approximately 2,000 sq. ft. of a magnificent 3064 SAN JOSE GP
designed setting. There is one additional Now available. Great turnkey opportunity.
private op plumed and ready to go. Equipment Beautiful 1,500 sq. ft. facility with 4 fully
includes the 4 chairs, 4 stools, new Vacuum & equipped ops. State-of-the-art fully networked
Compressor, Ultra Sonic, Trash Compactor, office, Dentrix software, digital x-ray &
large TV in reception area, Spectacular Water recently purchased dental & office equipment.
Fall in Hall Way and 2 swing through X-Rays. Avg. GR $328K+ with 4 doctor-days. Owner
Owner willing to provide long term lease and willing to help in transition. Asking $220K.
or options to renew. Asking $195K.
3072 SOUTH BAY GP Successful neighborhood practice in single
Owner retiring from well est. 4 op GP in level medical and dental building on a highly
desirable commercial/residential mix visible corner of a well travelled intersection.
neighborhood. Highly visible location near
well travelled intersection. ~1,300 sq. ft. and spacePE
DIN w/4 fully-equipped ops
~1,500 sq. ft. office
forN5. 2011 GR $720K+. Asking Contact Us:
facility with dedicated parking lot, across from $523K. Carroll & Company
shopping plaza. Experienced & well trained, 2055 Woodside Road, Ste 160
SOL1,400 active patients (all fee-
long term staff. 3061 SAN JOSE DENTAL FACILITY Redwood City, CA 94061
for-service) and 7 full days of hygiene. Ave. Dental facility ideal for Pediatric or easily
GR $840K+. Owner willing to help Buyer for converted to GP. Gross lease with utilities Phone:
a smooth transition. Asking only $503K. included expires July 2013 with 5 year option 650.403.1010
SOLModer n, tastefully designed,
to renew.
3062 SAN JOSE OMFS approximately 1,321 square feet. Asking $95K.
E s t a b l i s h e d a n d we l l - r e s p e c t e d O M F S
available. Located in desirable professional & 3067 MID-PENINSULA GP
residential mix neighborhood 2 blocks from Gorgeous modern, highly visible GP in 3,000
large mall. 1,080 sq. ft. office w/3 fully- sq. ft. office w/7 fully equipped ops. Approx.
equipped ops. Seller preparing to retire. 2010 LD& avg. 16 new pts./month. 4
1,600 active
GR $377K+. Asking $240K. doctor-days/week. 5 years avg. GR $991K+. CA DRE #00777682
Asking $808K.
j u ly 1 2 classifieds
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

cla s s if i e d s , c o n t i n u e d f ro m 6 18

or eligibility for California licensure, and opportunity available — Endo- providing culturally sensitive, high
board-certified or eligible in dontist needed 1 day per week for our quality and comprehensive health care
periodontology. Preference will be given group practice in a rewarding work services to the Indian Community.
to candidates with academic experience in environment. Please email resume to Computer skills and ability to work in
didactic and clinical teaching in fast paced environment required.
periodontology. The candidate is expected Qualifications: Graduated from a United
to lead an effort to develop and teach opportunity available — United States accredited dental school, CA
curriculum related to periodontology in Indian Health Services (UIHS) located in dental license, CA dental X-ray certifi-
collaboration with the disciplines of oral Arcata, a non-profit community clinic cate, Controlled Substances Registration
medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, providing health care to American Indian Certificate, be able to be enrolled as a
orthodontics, prosthodontics, people and their families, is seeking a Medi-Cal or other insurance provider,
endodontics and restorative dentistry. The full-time dentist to provide outpatient CPR certified or obtain certification
primary responsibility will be clinical and care. Located in beautiful Northern within six months, valid driver license,
didactic instruction at the pre-doctoral California, UIHS offers an opportunity and be covered by agency vehicle
and post-doctoral level. Please see for personal and professional growth. insurance plan. Submit a cover letter, CV for further This position
Journal_July2012_socialmedia_thirdsquare_REV1.pdf 1
will work 4:20
with a and application (found at
information. team of other dentists and hygienists in Email or phone

opportunity available — Part-time

associate general dentist needed in a
busy private practice in Stockton, CA.
Must be experienced in all phases of
dentistry. Please email your CV to

opportunity available — Pediatric

You dental practice in San Diego, looking for
graduating class/residents for an
employment opportunity. Associate
opportunities for pediatric dentists in
Like Follow Watch Link the San Diego County area. Join our
team and be a part of something as
extraordinary as the children you treat.
With three locations, we are looking for
someone compatible who is personable,
enthusiastic, caring and someone who
loves what he/she does. Currently, we’re
seeking both part-time and full-time
Join the positions. For more information on our

practice, please feel free to check out
our website at
and send your resumes to pedsclini- or
fax to 619-216-3677 for more informa-
tion on the opportunity.
cont i n ue s on 6 2 2

6 2 0   j u ly 2 0 1 2
Professional Practice Sales
Specialists in the Sale and Appraisal of Dental Practices
Serving California Dentists since 1966 Practices
How much is your practice worth?? Wanted
Selling or Buying, Call PPS today!
(415) 899-8580 – (800) 422-2818 (714) 832-0230 – (800) 695-2732
Raymond and Edna Irving Thomas Fitterer and Dean George
California DRE License 1422122 California DRE License 324962
6008 MENDOCINO COAST’S FORT BRAGG 2011 collected $725,000. 3193 PALM DESERT Grossing $400,000+. Great Location.
4-days of Hygiene. 4-ops (each with own computer), digital 3237 ANAHEIM HILLS Solo group member wanted-Hi-identity-HiTech
radiography. Great family community. share beautiful space.
6018 SAN JOSE’S CAMPBELL Successful practice in esteemed Group. 3250 ANAHEIM NW Disneyland. Part time Seller. 2 days wk. Hi identity
Seller averages net production of $440,000 (excludes Hygiene), corner. Grossing $370K in ’09. 1,800 sq. ft. 5 Ops equipped. Low rent.
collections of $430,000 and Profits of $200,000. Group performs at 3283 PALMDALE/LANCASTER Hi growth area. GP Gross $1.5 mil.
$3.8 Million/year level. 40% Net. Small town! 5 min from Bakersfield. RE available.
SMALL TOWN Minutes from Bakersfield. Modern RE. Practice Grosses
6020 PEDO PRACTICE - ATTRACTIVE NORCAL FAMILY $20-to-$40K per month. Bargain.
COMMUNITY 2011 Collected $455,000 on 26 hour work week with
APPLE VALLEY/HESPERIA Gr $700 to $800 Free Std Bldg Avail Absentee.
Profits of $208,000. 2012 is trending $600,000. $230,000 invested
here. Beautiful office. Full price $240,000. 3287 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - “SOLD” $6 Million per year.
Prestigious Hi identity location. 12,000 sq.ft. $1.00/sq.ft. $30K
6022 SAN FRANCISCO’S NORTH BAY - SEBASTOPOL DENTAL Cap/mo. Requires substantial net worth. Nets $1+ Million.
OFFICE 8 miles west of Santa Rosa. Beautiful office in great family 3290 SANTA PAULA, NEAR FILLMORE Hi identity location. Gross
community. Total investment of $230,000. Asking $65,000. $400,000+. Established 2006. 5-ops, 3 equipped. Beautiful office.
6023 LOS GATOS - “SOLD” 2011 collected $240,000 on 3-days. 6-year Steady growth.
office has $215,000 invested. Adec delivery systems, Adec cabinets, 3297 SOUTH BAY Location Only. Free standing Dental bldg on main street.
digital radiography, digital Pano and paperless charting. TEMECULA/HEMET HMO. Gr. $700,000 part time. 8 ops fantastic
location Million Dollar corner. Full Price $565K.
ORANGE Grosses $30K+/mth. 5 ops. Beautiful. Rent $2,000. FP $250K.
Collected $600,000 in 2011 on 19-hour week with 7 weeks off. Great
second office or excellent base to build upon. HEMET/TEMECULA HMO. Absentee owner. Grosses $700K. PPS says
Buyer will do $1.5 Million within 18 months. Special Situation.
6025 CENTRAL MARIN COUNTY Well established, collected $490,000 TORRANCE Special Diamond Location. Hi Identity. Will Gr $500K first
in 2011 on 3-day week. 3-Ops. 2+ days of hygiene. year. $125K FP.
6026 SACRAMENTO Collected $825,000 on 3-day week with no marketing. VICTORVILLE-APPLE VALLEY-HESPERIA AREA Estb 20 yrs. Gr
Great foundation which could be developed into a busier practice. $700K+. Net approx $300K. More vol avail. 8 op. Hi identity shop
ctr. FP $650K. Serious Seller. Can do $1 Million.
6027 PLEASANTON Well cared for practice with conservative Owner.
SANTA ANA Super Hi identity intersection. 50,000 to 75,000 auto/day. 5
Collected $500,000 with Profits of $260,000 in 2011. Office remodeled
ops. Grossing $40-to-$60K/mth. Net $200,000 to $300,000. Great
3-years ago at cost of $60,000. Beautiful! opportunity to build Million Dollar office here.
6028 BERKELEY'S ALTA BATES MEDICAL VILLAGE 2011 collected LANCASTER Estb 50 years - Hi identity central location, low overhead.
$525,000. Collections first 4-months of 2012 totaled $210,000. 3-chair Gross $480,000 by part time owner. Seller can work back per new
office. Busy Hygiene schedule. owner. Five operatories.
ORANGE COUNTY Beautiful office. Right buyer will gross $2 million
first year. Financing in place. Need Entrepreneur who has team of
SELL YOUR ORANGE COUNTY OR LA PRACTICE specialists in place or Dentist with multiple talents.
HMO/PPO/Ins/Cash. Includes 9 days hygiene. 10,000 charts. As
GROSSING $500K AND ASK PPS FOR A PRACTICE stated, right team will do $2 million first year.
NETTING $500K OR MORE. BEVERLY HILLS Implant Center $1,450,000; 3 ops - 1,450 sq.ft. Beautiful
facility access to neighbors CT Imaging Center. Full price $995,000 a
**FOUNDERS OF PRACTICE SALES** bargain - BH most prestigious Dental building. Pride of ownership -
Pros would work back for transition. Moving to Desert.
115+ years of combined expertise and experience! HAWAIIAN GARDENS Hispanic practice. Grossing near $500,000.
3,000+ Sales - - 10,000+ Appraisals Beautiful 5 ops in shopping center.
**CONFIDENTIAL** TEMECULA - HEMET Grosses $700,000 part time. 8-ops. Million
dollar location.
PPS Representatives do not give our business name when returning your calls.
CORONA HMO Gross $70-to-$80K month absentee. Low overhead.
**BUYERS AND SELLERS SAY** MARINO VALLEY Gross $600K. Beautiful office. Low Overhead.
“We have dealt with other firms - Absentee Owner.
we like YOUR professional expertise. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY $1,000,000 opportunity to do $2,000,000.
Very valuable R.E. Hi identity. Rent or purchase R.E.
We will recommend YOU to all our colleagues. Thank you.”
APPLE VALLEY CLASSIC $600,000+. Low overhead.
j u ly 1 2 classifieds
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

classifieds, continu ed from 62 0

opportunities wanted

in house periodontist and

implant surgeon available for
your office in the greater san
Paul Maimone francisco bay area — Implant
Broker/Owner Surgery/Bone Grafting/Perio
Surgery/3rd Molar Extractions/Surgical
Sell Your Practice Now Before the Capital Gains Tax Increase in 2013!
Extractions; Email: bayareaperio@gmail.

ANTELOPE VALLEY – (7) op comput. G.P. in a free stand bldg. Bldg. also available. Newer com equipment
or call 617-869-1442.
eqt., digital x-rays, Annual Gross Collect $1.5M. Cash/Ins/PPO pts. 20-30 new pts/mos. NEW
dental for sale
BAKERSFIELD #21 - (10) op G.P. & Bldg. on a main St. (3) ops fully eqt’d. (3) ops part eqt’d
& (4) add. plumbed. Store front. Collects ~$500K/yr. Cash/Ins/PPO/< l % Denti-Cal. REDUCED 
CENTRAL VALLEY/So. FRESNO COUNTY - (3) op comput. G.P. in smaller town w ltd. dental equipment for sale —
competition. Newer eqt. Networked & digital. Dentrix & Dexis. Gross Collect $40K+/mos NEW Zoom 2 Light for sale along with
COVINA #3 - (3) op compt. G.P. Cash/Ins/PPO. Gross Collect $242K+ on an easy (3) day wk.
Located in a small prof/medical/dental bldg. w off street parking. Seller retiring. SOLD
accessories/Zoom kits. Lightly used but
GLENDORA - (3) op comput. G.P. Cash/Ins/PPO very small % Denti-Cal pt. base. Very low in excellent condition. All reasonable
overhead office with a very high % net. 2011 Gross Collect $296K+. Seller moving. REDUCED offers will be considered. Contact
HACIENDA HTS. - (2) op G.P. in a Shop Ctr. Cash/Ins/PPO. 2011 Collect $164K p.t. NEW
IRVINE – (3) op Turnkey office located in a shop. ctr. Newer equipment. Reasonable rent. NEW
L.A. (SILVERLAKE - ATWATER) – (3) op G.P. located in a centrally located retail store front
w exposure. (28) years of Goodwill. Cash/Ins/PPO. Gross Collect $140K p.t SOLD dental equipment for sale — Tur-
NORTHRIDGE - (6) op comput. G.P., (5) ops eqt’d. (6th ) partially eqt’d. In a remodeled prof. bine Industries Vacuum Pump. 230
bldg. Cash/Ins/PPO/HMO pts. Approx. $3K/mos in cap cks. Annual Gross Collect $400K+. NEW
OXNARD #6 – Turnkey w charts. (4) ops/3 eqt’d Comput/networked/digital. Gorgeous ! volt/8.9 AMP, 1.5HP. Please email with
PORT HUENEME #1 - (3) op comput G.P. in a Strip Ctr w exposure. Cash/Ins/PPO & small % any questions or if you would like to
HMO. Collect $220K/yr p.t. No advert. Associate run. Owner/Operator can do better. SOLD see photos. Asking $225.00. Contact
PORT HUENEME #2 -Turnkey w charts. (4) op/3 eqt’d. G.P. Digital. Strip Ctr. REDUCED
RESEDA #6 - (3) op comput G.P. located in a prof. bldg. Gross Collect. ~ $150K/yr p.t.
Cash/Ins/PPO pts. Digital X-rays & Dentrix. Great starter or 2nd office. BRING ALL OFFERS
RIVERSIDE – Clean & well maintained (3) op G.P. in a Shop. Ctr. Retiring DDS works (2-3) dental equipment for sale —
relaxed day/wk. Cash/Ins/PPO small % Denti-Cal. Annual Gross Collect $180K. Back on market
SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - G.P. & Bldg. in small town w ltd. competition. (4) op comput.
Dentmat Mag Loupe with 4X magnifica-
office. Cash/Ins/PPO. Annual Gross Collect $325K+. Very low overhead. Seller retiring. NEW tion with working distance of 14-17”. This
SANTA BARBARA #3 - (3) op comput. G.P. in a prof/med/dental bldg. Cash/Ins/PPO. 8-10 new came in a bundle package that I bought
pts/mos. Gross Collect. $250K+ on a (4) day wk. Digital x-ray. Seller retiring. REDUCED for Lumineers. I am not able to use it due
So. TULARE COUNTY - PORTERVILLE AREA - (6) op comput. G.P. in a major Shop. Ctr.
Exposure/visibility/signage. Cash/Ins/PPO/Kids Denti-Cal pts. Gross Collect. $500K+/yr. to its working distance being to long for
SUNLAND – (3) op Turnkey office located in a shop. ctr. Modern eqt. Digital x-rays. NEW me. This would be good for a taller
UPCOMING PRACTICES: Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Camarillo, Corona, Montebello, person probably 5’ 5” and taller. Please
Northridge, Panorama City, Pasadena, SFV, San Diego, Thousand Oaks, Torrance, & Vista.
contact me if you are interested. You can
D&M SERVICES: come to my office to try it on before
# Practice Sales and Appraisals # Practice Search & Matching Services
# Practice and Equipment Financing # Locate and Negotiate Dental Lease Space
purchasing. Original Value: $1,325; asking
# Expert Witness Court Testimony # Medical/Dental Bldg. Sales & Leasing
$500. Contact 714-775-0202.
# Pre - Death and Disability Planning # Pre - Sale Planning
P.O. Box #6681, WOODLAND HILLS, CA. 91365 dental equipment for sale —
Toll Free 866.425.1877 Outside So. CA or 818.591.1401 Fax: 818.591.1998 Newest model Biolase Waterlase for sale CA DRE Broker License # 01172430
with all accessories. Never been used.
CA Representative for the National Association of Practice Brokers (NAPB) Retails for $40,000, asking $32,500.
Please call 415-378-7715 if interested.

6 2 2   j u ly 2 0 1 2
(805) 777-7707 (818) 991-6552 1-800-752-7461
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

adv e rt is e r ind ex
Aspen Dental Management 566

California Practice
California Practice Sales
Sales 612

CariFree 567

Carroll & Company Practice Sales 619

Carroll & Company Practice Sales 619

CDA Membership 552

CDA Membership 552

CDA Practice Support Center 558–559

CDA Practice Support Center 558–559

D&M Practice Sales and Leasing 622

D&M Practice Sales and Leasing 622
Golden State Practice Sales 925-743-9682 614
Golden State Practice Sales 925-743-9682 614
Implant Direct 551
Implant Direct 551
Keller Laboratories 568
Keller Laboratories 568
Lee Skarin and Associates, Inc. 623
Lee Skarin and Associates, Inc. 623
Maddox Practice Group 578
Maddox Practice Group 578
Professional Practice Sales of the Great West 415-899-8580 621

Professional Practice Sales of the Great West 415-899-8580 621

Professional Practice Transitions 616–617

Professional Practice Transitions 616–617

Select Practice Services, Inc. 627

Select Practice Services, Inc. 627

The Dentists Insurance Company 546, 554

TOLDDentists Insurance
Partners, Inc. Company 546,
613 554

TOLD Partners,
Ultradent Inc.
Products 613

Ultradent Products
Western Practice Sales/John M. Cahill Associates 628
577, 595, 615

Herman Ostrow
Western PracticeSchool of Dentistry
Sales/John ofAssociates
M. Cahill USC 463 595, 615

for advertising information, please contact corey gerhard at 916-554-5304.

6 2 4  j u ly 2 0 1 2
j u ly 1 2 dr. bob
c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

d r. b o b , c o n t i n u e d f r o m 6 26

attending dinners honoring them for conclusion seemed to be that, yes, walk-
“outwitting, outplaying, outlasting” their
The single factor ing through doorways diminished the
peer group. They would be pleased to be encompassing the entire ability to retrieve thoughts more than
called “survivor,” but the name has already walking across a room passing through no
been copyrighted. “Geezer” is considered spectrum of senior citizens doorways at all. Participants found their
too undignified to the majority of this original ideas became “compartmental-
group that is almost entirely comprised is the phenomenon known ized” on the wrong side of the doorway.
of petite little women accoutered as if the Old age had nothing to do with it or
Queen were dropping by for tea. as the “senior moment.” substance abuse, apparently.
The single factor encompassing the Much as I admire Notre Dame, the
entire spectrum of senior citizens is the Fighting Irish and Charles Laughton’s
phenomenon known as the “senior mo- Maybe just passing through doorways portrayal of the hunchback who used to
ment.” Every senior of any stripe not only is the cause of these memory lapses, he lurk about the premises in another coun-
recognizes the condition, but embraces it mused. An interesting hypothesis we try far, far away, I determined to launch
as an entitlement cheerfully dismissing agree publically but privately conclude an experiment of my own. I would imbed
any number of querulous episodes involv- this is the dumbest idea we ever heard. in my cerebral cortex a mental note of
ing temporary memory loss. We were directed to the Quarterly Journal seven things I wished to obtain, then walk
Probably the most-commonly of Experimental Psychology where Dr. a block away to a Ralph’s supermarket
encountered senior moment is that of Radvansky suggested that doorways and see what I got home with. No sooner
doggedly marching into, say, the kitchen serve as “event boundaries” that separate had I passed through the market’s door-
to get or do or find something, only “episodes of activity and files them away.” way and laid hands on the grocery cart,
to find oneself suddenly frozen into Sensing his audience may be searching than four of the items vanished from my
a sudden cataleptic inability to recall furtively for the exit despite his having memory. At the checkout register, I was
what the mission was. The fridge? The said something epochal, the treatise billed for 15 items, only two of which were
cupboard? A drink of water? Should goes on to explain how he chose a group in my initial memory.
another senior present recognize the of college students in an experiment to My conclusion revealed one major
contretemps, the advice given is,”Go discover if merely passing through an flaw in Professor Radvansky’s study and
back where you came from and start all event boundary (doorway) blew chances served to reinforce the obvious — if
over. Maybe you’ll remember.” This so- of retrieving thoughts or decisions made you want to have a serious discussion of
lution actually works about 50 percent in a different room. memory loss, lose the college kids and ask
of the time. The other 50 percent results We would submit that college students the seniors. That esteemed group knows
in embarking on an entirely unrelated might not make the most reliable subjects that to retain aplomb under stress, one
project. Then everybody present cackles inasmuch as they tend to forget a lot of must navigate one’s way through life’s
in good-natured empathy. This is good. things just sitting around doing noth- doorways with lists. Never leave home —
Seniors laugh ruefully at a number of ing, or even more things while indulging no, never even leave a room without a list
things even less humorous. youthful mania with no doorways adding of things to be done.
So this has been occurring even back to the frustration. The study doesn’t say Granted that a man with a terrible
to Adam and Eve forgetting to forego the whether the students were seniors or memory forgets everything and a woman
apple — and they weren’t even seniors at freshman, so a senior moment that re- with a terrible memory remembers every-
the time. “Seniors to what?” Adam asked sulted during the experiment might mean thing, the “List” is the answer. A Post-it
uncertainly. “To whom,” Eve corrected. No that legitimate seniors would not have note in the color of your choice, stuck on
explanation needed, just part of the hu- exclusive rights to the phenomenon. The the handle of your grocery cart, pasted,
man condition was the accepted explana- elders don’t appreciate poaching on any of if necessary, on the inside of your glasses
tion until one day recently back at the their perks, arguing that college kids have is the way to go, because memory — a
University of Notre Dame when psychol- plenty of other avenues to mental lapses. capricious minx — is only reliable for
ogy Professor Gabriel Radvansky had a Although the whole procedure was making you wonder what you’ve forgot-
nonsenior idea. too complicated to recapitulate here, the ten to do. Write that down.

j u ly 2 0 1 2   625
Dr. Bob c da j o u r n a l , vo l 4 0 , n º 7

The Golden Years:

Breaking Dusk

At some obscure time in the past meant to include everybody up to age 115.
According to those who — near as I can remember — anyone This 60-year span is too broad and satis-
have found themselves arriving at the age of 55 automatically fies nobody. According to those who have
became a senior citizen by default. These found themselves surprisingly in their 80s
surprisingly in their 80s individuals began to enjoy certain retail already, they are the real senior citizens
discounts like early-bird specials at restau- and indisposed to fraternize with those
already, they are the rants that served two entrees for the price whippersnappers in their 60s and 70s.
of one starting at 4:30 p.m. if it could be “They ain’t seen nuthin’ yet,” chortle the
real senior citizens. verified by hair coloring or weathered duffers, seamed cheeks glowing like pip-
facial features they were qualified. It was pins. A lesser number who are into their
an arbitrary number that was advanced ninth decade just shake their heads like
, Robert E. to age 62 when too many diners arrived
who knew a bargain when they saw one
rear window wobbly dolls, busy fingering
the search engines in their iPhones for the
but were obviously in condition to climb word that means more senior than senior.
DDS Everest with a walker or stroll the Boston At the very top is a growing group of
illustration Marathon in less than 24 hours. 100+ individuals incontestably above all
by val b. mina The senior citizen title is still an un- this wrangling because they are too busy
stable one with an added category of 55+ cont i n ue s on 6 2 5

6 2 6   j u ly 2 0 1 2
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