Top SNPs To Look For

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

These genes and SNPs are the SNPs you should pay attention to if you suffer from chronic 
health problems like fatigue, brain fog, and autoimmune diseases.  

SelfDecode has these genes and SNPs. To learn more about how your genetics may in uence 
your health, get the $99 Ancestry genetic test from 23andme, and upload the raw data on 

Metabolism Genes 
PPAR alpha 
PPAR alpha is a protein (transcription factor) that increases fat breakdown in the liver and 
elsewhere. Good metabolism is important for energy production. 

Activation of PPAR alpha can: 

● promote uptake, utilization, and breakdown of fatty acids by increasing genes involved 
in fatty acid transport, binding, activation, and oxidation 
● increase glucose production and bile synthesis/secretion (R) 
● PPAR-alpha is critical for normal responses to fasting. Without PPARa, there is major 
metabolic disturbances including low levels of ketone bodies, hypoglycemia, and fatty 
● help with the detoxi cation of drugs and toxins (R) 
● increase Th2 and suppresses Th1 Immunity 
● inhibit COX2, which means that it may reduce pain (R) 
● increase IGF-1, which will help you build muscle (R) 
● increase production of MTHFR (R) 
SNPs inside PPAR alpha 
1. RS135551 
2. RS1800206  
3. RS4253655 
4. RS4253728 
5. RS4253772 
6. RS4823613 
7. RS9615264  
PPAR delta 
PPAR delta functions as an integrator of various pathways.  

PPAR delta 
● increases fat burning in muscle and fat cells and increases energy expenditure. At lower 
levels, it helps create fat cells (R, R2) 
● is involved with the absorption of fat and cholesterol in the gut. Also, it helps the growth 
of intestinal mucosa in response to fat (R) 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● modulates in ammatory responses of macrophages and is linked to a signi cant rise in 
HDL cholesterol. PPAR activation in the liver decreases liver glucose output, thereby 
contributing to improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity (R) 
SNPs inside PPAR delta 
1. RS1053049  
2. RS1883322  
3. RS2016520  
4. RS2076167  
5. RS2076169  
6. RS2267668  
7. RS4713858  
8. RS6457821  
9. RS6922548  
10. RS7744392  
PPAR gamma 
● decreases blood glucose. (R) 
● are generally anti-in ammatory 
● help mice can live longer (and maybe people) (R) 
● leads to increased energy expenditure, fat utilization, and excretion (R) 
● decreases in ammation in your heart and reduces cholesterol (R) 
● reduces blood pressure (R) 
● decreases heart disease (R) 
● combats diseases such as Multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer (R) 
● can help IBD (Crohn's, colitis) (R) 
● can cause weight gain in some ways (R) 
● is not good for bone density. They increase bone destroying cells (osteoclasts) and 
decrease bone-producing cells (osteoblasts) 
● increases sebum, which can leads to acne (R) 

People who have low PPAR gamma tend to be thin and not to gain weight easily, while also 
more easily suffer from Th1 dominant health problems. 

It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside PPAR gamma 

1. RS10865710  
2. RS11128603  
3. RS1175540  
4. RS1175543  
5. RS12636454  
6. RS17036170  
7. RS17036314 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

8. RS17819328 
9. RS1797912 
10. RS1801282  
11. RS1805192 
12. RS1899951  
13. RS2197423  
14. RS3856806  
PGC-1a is critical to proper mitochondrial function. 

● makes new mitochondria and improves its function. 
● increases energy metabolism and weight loss 
● may be involved in controlling blood pressure, regulating cellular cholesterol 
homeostasis, and the development of obesity 
● protects against neurodegenerative diseases 
● decreases in ammation (R)  
● decreases insulin resistance 
● increases fatty acid burning by increasing the carnitine genes (CPT1A (R)) 
● increases Nrf2, which is important for detoxi cation and reducing oxidative stress (R). 
● increases PXR, which plays an integral role in drug/toxin metabolism by regulating the 
expression of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters (R) 
● stimulates the expression of clock genes, notably Bmal1 and Rev-erb alpha (R) 
SNPs inside PGC-1alpha 
1. RS2970869 
2. RS3774923 
3. RS7665116 
4. RS8192678 

SIRT1 is a protein or vehicle that requires NAD+ to function. SIRT1 take acetyl groups off of 
proteins. Sirtuins (like SIRT1) keeps proteins in service longer than usual, allowing them to live 
longer and saving energy on other processes. 

● enzymes “turn off” certain genes that promote aging, such as those involved in 
in ammation, fat synthesis and storage, and blood sugar management (R). 
● powerfully reverses leptin resistance (R) 
● make you more sensitive to T3 (R) 
● makes you more sensitive to vitamin D  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● inhibits IGF-1 (R) 

● inhibits mTOR (R) 
● protects you from nitric oxide (R) 
● probably overall increases adiponectin release from fat cells 
● overproduction can impair liver regeneration to a degree (R) 
● deacetylates p53, which decreases its ability to function as an anti-tumor protein (R). 
● lowers IGF-1 and its receptors. It can cause some downsides to less IGF-1, including 
less neuroprotection and more likely for your neurons to die (R). 
● can contribute to cancer by inhibiting DNA repair enzymes  

A reduction in SIRT1 and SIRT3 enzymes can lead to neurodegeneration the brain, 
in ammation, increased fat storage and production, insulin resistance, and fatigue (R). 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside SIRT1 

1. Rs12778366:   
● It’s thought that the C allele causes increased gene production of SIRT1. 
● People with the C allele have an almost 30% reduced risk of dying during an 
18-year follow-up study in the general population.  
● Obese people with the C allele especially had better glucose tolerance 
compared to people with the T allele (R).  
● TT was at a higher risk for diabetes (R).  
SIRT3 is a mitochondrial protein and has also been studied in regards to longevity and 
metabolic syndrome. 

● is involved in controlling reactive oxygen species in the cell. Higher levels of SIRT3 are 
connected to longevity 
● is involved in metabolism, and a study with mice lacking SIRT3 had greater obesity and 
insulin resistance on a high-fat diet 
● is important for activating enzymes that break down and burn fat for energy. 
Simultaneously, SIRT3 decreases carb metabolism (R) 
● increases increase acetyl-CoA , which is the fuel for the Kreb cycle (R) 
● directly stimulates the Krebs cycle to increase energy production (R) 
● promotes mitochondrial function (R) 
● increases the activity of SOD2 (MnSOD), reducing oxidative and radiation stress in 
mice and this is one mechanism by which calorie restriction helps combat oxidative 
stress (R) 
● is important for getting into ketosis (R) 
● activates AMPK (R) 
● inhibits hypoxia-inducible factor, which suppresses tumor growth (R) 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● decreases the synthesis of proteins in the mitochondria (R). 

● May contribute to the hallmarks of cancer, such as resisting cell death, genomic 
instability, and mutation, sustaining proliferative signaling, dysregulation of cellular 
energetics, tumor-promoting in ammation and growth suppressors (R). 
A reduction in SIRT1 and SIRT3 enzymes can lead to neurodegeneration the brain, 
in ammation, increased fat storage and production, insulin resistance, and fatigue (R). 

SNPs inside SIRT3 

1. RS11246020 
2. RS11555236 
3. RS7104764 
Leptin (encoded by the LEP gene) is a satiety hormone that is produced by the body's fat cells 
(R). The more body fat we carry, the more leptin we produce (R).  
Leptin gets released in the blood and goes into the brain, where it sends a satiety signal to the 
hypothalamus. Leptin tells the brain that we have enough fat stored, that we don't need to eat, 
and that we can burn calories at a normal rate (R). 
Chronically elevated leptin levels are associated with in ammation, obesity, overeating, and 
in ammation-related diseases, including hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease 
Leptin plays a pro-in ammatory role and promotes the switch of memory T cells towardsTh1 
cell immune responses (R, R2). 
SNPs inside of Leptin 
1. RS2167270 
2. RS4731426 
3. RS6700896 
FTO genes are implicated in obesity.  

● seems to cause weight gain 

● has different effects based on the tissue in which it's found. When scientists 
engineered mice to not have hypothalamic FTO, it caused a mild reduction in body 
weight (R) 
● inhibits the Uncoupling Protein 1 (Ucp1), which turns white fat to brown fat (R) 

When mice had their FTO gene deleted, their fat cells were smaller on a high fat diet (R). 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

Some of the effects of FTO might results from its long-range regulatory alteration of another 
gene: Irx3 (R).  

SNPs inside FTO 

1. RS10852521 
2. RS11075990  
3. RS11075995  
4. RS11076008 
5. RS1121980 
6. RS11642841  
7. RS12149832 
8. RS12596210  
9. RS1421084  
10. RS1421085 
11. RS1477196 
12. RS1558902 
13. RS16945088  
14. RS16953002  
15. RS17817449  
16. RS17817964  
17. RS17818902  
18. RS1861868  
19. RS3751812  
20. RS62033400  
21. RS6499640  
22. RS7185735  
23. RS7187423  
24. RS7193144  
25. RS7202116 
26. RS8043757  
27. RS8044769  
28. RS8047395  
29. RS8050136  
30. RS9922619  
31. RS9930333  
32. RS9930506  
33. RS9936385 
34. RS9937053  
35. RS9939609 
36. RS9939973 
37. RS9940128  
38. RS9941349  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

Adiponectin is found explicitly in fat tissues.  
● involved in the breakdown of fatty acids and other metabolic processes, such as 
regulating glucose levels (R). Mutations of this gene are associated with a weakened 
ability to break down fatty acids (R). 
● suppress metabolic derangements that can lead to type 2 diabetes, obesity, 
atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and low levels is an independent risk 
factor for metabolic syndrome (R). 
● may play a role in cell growth, the formation of new blood vessels, and tissue 
remodeling by binding and sequestering various growth factors (R). 
● stimulates AMPK, which is a pathway involved in increasing energy production (R, R2). 
It also enhancing glucose utilization and fatty-acid combustion in the liver and the 
muscle (R). 
● Adiponectin reduces and blocks the effects of the in ammatory cytokine TNF-alpha (R, 
R2) and inhibits NF-Kappa-B (R). 
Females have higher levels of adiponectin compared to males (R). The concentration of 
adiponectin increases when calories are restricted such as in eating disorders (R).   
Levels of adiponectin are reduced in diabetics in comparison to non-diabetics (R). 
It is better to have this gene increased most of the time. 
SNPs inside Adiponectin 
1. RS1063539 
2. RS10937273 
3. RS1501299  
4. RS1648707  
5. RS16861194  
6. RS16861205  
7. RS17300539  
8. RS17366568  
9. RS17366743  
10. RS182052  
11. RS2241766  
12. RS2241767  
13. RS266729  
14. RS6773957  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

15. RS6810075   
16. RS822387   
17. RS822395   
18. RS822396   
19. RS864265   
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) transports fat-soluble vitamins and cholesterol into the lymph 
system and then into the blood. Certain APOE varieties may lead to increased risk of heart 
disease, high cholesterol, in ammation, depression and cancer (R). 

● is anti-in ammatory.   
● suppresses T cell proliferation, macrophage functioning regulation, natural killer T cell 
activation and overall decreases in ammation and oxidation 
● helps break down the amyloid beta that is believed to contribute to Alzheimer's 
● participates in cholesterol redistribution from cells with excess cholesterol to those 
requiring it, thus reducing cholesterol levels (R) 
● prevents atherosclerosis (R) 
● reduces the risk to develop age-related macular degeneration and in ammation (R) 
● decreased problems in snoring and sleep apnea (in adults without dementia) (R) 
● interacts with lipid levels in the brain to play a role in causing brain hemorrhages (R) 
● interactions with other genes are related to higher cancer susceptibility (R) 

It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside APOE 

1. RS1065853 
2. RS405509 
3. RS429358  
4. RS438811 
5. RS439401  
6. RS440446  
7. RS445925  
8. RS449647 
9. RS7412  
10. RS769449 
11. RS769452  
12. RS769455  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

Oxidative Stress Genes 

Suppressor Of Cytokine Signaling 3 (SOCS3) is elevated in mold illness and some types of 
chronic in ammation. SOCS3 causes subsequent leptin resistance, obesity, and glucose 
intolerance (R, R2). 

● suppresses cancer growth by decreasing Th17 cytokines (R) 

● suppresses breast cancer (R) as well as many other cancers (R, R2) 
● slows liver tumor growth (R) 
● may prevent liver cell death, liver cancer, and liver failure (R) 
● may prevent heart dysfunctions (R) 
● causes leptin resistance (R) 
● causes Insulin resistance (R)  
● causes obesity (R) 
● can increase risks for developing obesity and type II diabetes during pregnancy (R)  
● may be a contributing cause of preterm labor (R) 
● reduces the activity of pancreatic cells, which could cause type 2 diabetes by lowering 
insulin secretion (R) 
SNPs inside SOCS3 
1. RS4969168  
2. RS4969170  
Superoxide dismutases are enzymes that transform the superoxide (O2-) radical into either 
ordinary oxygen (O2) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). SOD is an important antioxidant defense 
in nearly all living cells exposed to oxygen.  

● plays a protective role against oxidative stress, ionizing radiation, and in ammatory 
● transforms superoxide produced by your mitochondria into the less toxic hydrogen 
peroxide and oxygen 
● clears mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and confer protection against cell 
● inhibits bacterial clearance (R) 
Overproduction has been linked to increased invasiveness of tumor metastasis – presumably 
because superoxide is needed to kill cancer. Increased superoxide will cause DNA damage and 
start cancer (R).   

SNPs inside SOD2 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

1. RS4880  
● The GG genotype is much more common in my brain fog clients because brain 
fog is most commonly a result of oxidative stress. 
● People who have AA tend to have a lot of other bad genes or might have an 
infection – because having less superoxide in this case might not be bene cial. 
2. RS10370  
3. RS2758331 
4. RS2758339 
5. RS2758346 
Nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2, also known as NFE2L2 or Nrf2, is a protein 
(transcription factor). Nrf2 increases the production of antioxidant proteins that protect 
against oxidative damage triggered by injury and in ammation. 
Substances that stimulate the Nrf2 pathway are being studied for the treatment of diseases 
that are caused by oxidative stress. 
It responds to injury and in ammation (R). 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 
SNPs inside of Nrf2 
1. RS10183914   
2. RS16865105   
3. RS1806649   
4. RS1962142   
5. RS2001350   
6. RS2886161   
7. RS35652124   
8. RS6706649   
9. RS6721961   
10. RS6726395   
11. RS7557529   

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

Methylation Genes 
MTHFR is responsible for converting 5, 10-methylene THF to 5-methyl THF, which is essential 
for the conversion of the amino acid homocysteine to methionine (R, R1). This enzyme is very 
important for the production of DNA and methylation pathways that are essential for all 
bodily functions (R).  

● plays a central role in transformation of folate to form S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) 

● affects DNA methylation status. 
● MTHFR C677T (RS1801133 ) mutation is associated with reduced enzyme activity, 
elevated total homocysteine levels and altered distribution of folate (R).  
● MTHFR A1298C (RS1801131) mutation impacts on the MTHFR activity and the 
homocysteine levels but to a lesser extent as opposed to C677T (R). 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 
SNPs inside MTHFR 
1. RS1801133 :  
The C677T Polymorphism (RS1801133) is associated with increased risk for the following 
conditions (assuming an A allele): 
● Strokes of various kinds in different populations (R, R1, R2, R3) and stroke in 
children (R) 
● Heart disease if lower folate levels (R) 
● High blood pressure (R) 
● Male infertility especially in Asian populations (homozygous AA) (R, R1, R2, R3) 
● Depression (R)  
● Autism spectrum disorders (R, R1, R2, R3) 
● Brain disorders: Alzheimer’s (R, R1), Dementia (R), and Parkinson’s (R, R1) 
● Multiple sclerosis but the evidence in controversial (R, R1, R2) 
● Rheumatoid Arthritis (R) 
● ADHD (A1298C) (R) 
● Migraines (R, R1, R2)  
● Diabetes and diabetic kidney problems (nephropathy) in patients with type II 
diabetes. The risks vary between Caucasian, Asian, Arabic and Chinese Han 
populations (R, R1, R2, R3). 
● Schizophrenia (R, R1) 
● Unipolar depressive disorder and bipolar disorder (R, R1)   
● Cancer (R, R1). 
● Hearing impairment (R) 
● Lower Bone Mineral Density in the spine and neck (R) 
● Cluster Headache (R) 
● Epilepsy (R) 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● Recurrent pregnancy loss (R, R1) 

● Cleft lip and palate (R) 
● Lower Luteinizing Hormone (R) 
● Cataracts (R) 
● More severe colitis (R) 
2. RS1801131: The A1298C polymorphism is associated with increased risk for High 
blood pressure (R) and ADHD (R) 
3. RS1476413 
4. RS17367504  
5. RS17375901  
6. RS2066470 
7. RS2274976  
8. RS4846049  
9. RS4846051 
The CBS gene encodes an enzyme called cystathionine beta-synthase. It is responsible for 
using vitamin B6 to convert homocysteine and serine to a molecule called cystathionine. 
Mutations in this gene can cause homocysteine and other potentially toxic compounds build 
up in the blood (R). 

● is involved in the production of hydrogen sul de, a gasotransmitter with signaling and 
protective effects on neurons 
● is important in using vitamin B6 to convert several amino acids along a pathway (serine, 
homocysteine) into cystathionine (R) 
● is increased in stroke victims, increasing the amount of hydrogen sul de in the brain, 
which exacerbates stroke symptoms (R) 
● SNPs can cause homocystinuria, an autosomal recessive disease. Symptoms of 
homocystinuria include nearsightedness, risk of blood clotting, osteoporosis, 
dislocation at the front of the eye of the lens, and sometimes, developmental issues (R) 
Higher levels of CBS have been found in colon cancer and hydrogen sul de which is a 
byproduct of CBS, has been proven to increase tumor growth and proliferation (R) 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time, except in patients with stroke and 
colorectal cancer. 

SNPs inside CBS 

1. RS1789953: Women with SNP rs1789953 have increased levels of cysteine and 
cystathionine (R) 
2. RS11203172: is associated with a decreased risk for early-onset preeclampsia, a 
pregnancy complication marked by hypertension and proteinuria (protein in the urine) 
3. RS1801181 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

4. RS2298758  
5. RS234706  
6. RS234709 
7. RS234714  
8. RS2851391 
9. RS492003  
10. RS5742905 
11. RS6586282  

Betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase catalyzes the conversion of betaine and 
homocysteine to dimethylglycine and methionine. It is produced most in the kidney and liver 
Defects in the gene can cause vascular diseases and birth defects (R).  
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 
SNPs inside of BHMT 
1. RS3733890   
2. RS506500   
3. RS558133   
4. RS567754   
5. RS585800   
6. RS617219   
7. RS651852   
8. RS7700970 
● breaks down dopamine mostly in the part of the brain responsible for higher cognitive 
or executive function (prefrontal cortex) (R). It also breaks down epinephrine and 
● helps break down estrogen byproducts that have the potential to cause DNA 
mutations and cause cancer (R) 
● introduces a methyl group to the catecholamine (dopamine, epinephrine, and 
norepinephrine), which is donated by S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) (R)   
● helps with methylation, including in the gut (R) 
● is decreased by estrogen (R), such that overall COMT activity in prefrontal cortex and 
other tissues is about 30% lower in females than in males (R) 
● diminished COMT activity translates to about 30% higher baseline Dopamine levels in 
females than males (R) 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

SNPs inside COMT 
1. RS4680 (COMT V158M) The A allele results in 3 to 4-fold decrease in COMT enzyme 
activity (R, R2). 
This gene variant has been found to affect executive functions such as cognitive exibility, 
impulse control, abstract thought, and being able to follow rules or task structure. (R) 
If you have AA then you will have the highest dopamine, while GG results in the lowest 
dopamine. AG is somewhere in the middle. 
Either too little or too much Dopamine can decrease cognitive performance (R). 
Under stress, dopamine increases. High dopamine producers (AA) will perform worse under 
stress because they will have too much dopamine. Low dopamine producers (GG) will perform 
better because now they’ll have an optimal level. 
Most of the research involves AA and GG because you can nd more statistically signi cant 
differences between these. 
People with AG have COMT levels that is midway between that of AA and GG (R). 
2. Rs4633– boys with TT had worse cognitive performance when acutely exposed to 
mercury (R). 
3. Rs6269– boys with AA had worse cognitive performance when acutely exposed to 
mercury (R). 
4. Rs165599 – The G allele is associated with Bipolar 1 and GG is associated with poorer 
performance on verbal memory and learning test in healthy people compared to 
AA/AG (lower dopamine in prefrontal cortex). It’s assumed that the worse verbal 
memory performance contributes to Bipolar (R). 
5. Rs737865 – Haplotype associated with panic and anxiety disorder: rs737865 (T), 
rs4680 (G) and rs165599 (G) (R). 
6. RS165722  
7. RS165774  
8. RS2020917  
9. RS2239393  
10. RS4646312  
11. RS4646316  
12. RS5993882  
13. RS6267  
14. RS737866 
15. RS769224  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

Genes involved in Glucose Regulation  

GSK3B (Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta) is an enzyme associated with energy metabolism, 
neuronal cell development, and body pattern formation (R).  
GSK3 has been implicated in various diseases such as diabetes, in ammation, cancer, 
Alzheimer’s and bipolar disorder (R). 

● could be useful in prostate, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, pancreatic and colorectal 

cancer therapy 
● improve insulin response and maintain proper glucose levels (R) 
● is important for reducing anxiety and depression by way of serotonin pathway effects 
● in the brain (forebrain) increases sociability, which would mean that it can be useful for 
autism (R) 
● in the hippocampus and striatum increases resilience to defeat and decreases 
responsiveness to psychostimulants (R) 
● stimulates the regeneration of myelin forming cells and remyelination (R) 
● stimulates axon regeneration in injured cortical connections (R) 
● may reduce the formation of amyloid plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer's (R) 
● has anti-diabetic effects in test tubes and animal models (R) 
● reduces anxiety and depression by way of serotonin pathway effects (R) 
● is involved in the resistance to oxidative stress (R) 
It's better to have this gene decreased most of the time. 

SNPs inside GSK3B 

1. RS12630592 
2. RS13321783 
3. RS2319398 
4. RS334558  
5. RS3755557  
6. RS4072520  
7. RS6438552  
8. RS6805251 

This gene codes for a kinase, mechanistic target of rapamycin. It mediates cellular responses to 
stress (R). 

● activation allows us to put on more muscle (and fat) (R)  

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● (in rats) activation in the hypothalamus has been shown to decrease food intake and 
body weight (R)  
● increases ATP production and creates new mitochondria (R) 
● involved in various forms of synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation (R) 
● overactivation causes defects in plasticity and memory (R) 
● contributes to a large number of human diseases, including cancer, obesity, type 2 
diabetes, depression and neurodegeneration (R) 
● can be responsible for acne as well (R) 
● promotes Th1 and Th17 immunity, which can lead to increased intestinal in ammation 
● reduction improves insulin sensitivity in muscle cells (R) 
Diseases associated with mTOR activation:  
● Aging (R)  
● Cancer (R) (breast cancer (R)) 
● Autoimmune disease – increases Th1 and Th17 
● Depression (R) 
● Diabetes (R) 
● Alzheimer’s (R) 
● Macular degeneration (R) 
● Kidney disease (R) 
● Epilepsy (R) 
● Autism (R)  
● Chronic pain (R) 

SNPs inside mTOR 

1. RS10779751 
2. RS17036350  
3. RS2295080  
4. RS74225573  

Also known as SLC2A4 (Solute carrier family 2 member 4). It is an insulin-regulated facilitative 
glucose transporter. 

● encodes a protein that functions as an insulin-regulated facilitative glucose transporter 

● (in the absence of insulin) is kept inside the cells of muscle and adipose tissue. Within 
minutes of insulin stimulation, the protein moves to the cell surface and begins to 
transport glucose across the cell membrane 
● mutations gene have been associated with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 

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● is involved in biological processes such as carbohydrate metabolic process, cellular 

response to hypoxia, cellular response to insulin stimulus, glucose homeostasis, 
glucose import, glucose transport, and response to ethanol 
SNPs inside GLUT4 
1. RS5415 

Genes involved in Neurotransmitters and Brain 

In the brain, BDNF is active in the hippocampus, cortex, and forebrain—areas vital to learning, 
memory, and higher thinking. Hence, BDNF is important for long-term memory (R). 

● plays a role in neuroplasticity, which allows nerve cells in the brain to compensate for 
the injury, new situations or changes in the environment (R) 
● helps to support the survival of existing neurons and encourages the growth, 
regeneration and creation of new neurons and synapses (R) 
● can help you lose weight. BDNF suppresses food intake through hippocampal signaling 
● increases energy metabolism in obese diabetic animals (R) 
● can potentially help with number of devastating brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s 
disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and Huntington’s Disease (HD) (R) 
● triggers slow wave sleep (R) 
● can even be thought of as a natural anti-depressant (R) 
● improved insulin resistance in the oral glucose tolerance test in mice (R) 
● increases insulin sensitivity (R) 
● causes blood pressure to increase, which is perhaps the most signi cant risk factor for 
heart disease 
● may play a role in promoting social relationships through a speci c decrease of 
avoidance and fear of stranger and unfamiliar individuals (R) 
Increased BDNF in forebrain may cause dif culty learning and poor memory formation (R). 

SNPs inside BDNF 

1. RS6265 :  
● CC has has about 20 minutes more Slow wave sleep (stage 3/4) and increased 
sleep intensity compared to CT (R) 
● CC had higher mean intelligence (R) 
● CC has a higher risk of depression (1.7X) (R) 
● CC has a higher risk for allergies (R) 
● TT have lower BMI compared to the two other genotypes (R) 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● The T allele is associated with lower systolic blood pressure (R) 

● The T allele is maybe less susceptible to degenerative neurological disorders 
like Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Lupus, MS (R, R2) 
● The T allele may also be protective against depression when subjected to 
repeated defeat (R) 
● TT has more anxiety (R) 
● T is slower in stroke-victim recoverers (R) 
● CT was associated with both ADHD and Intellectual disability, and the C allele 
was signi cantly associated with ADHD (R) 
2. RS11030101  
3. RS11030104  
4. RS12273363  
5. RS12273539  
6. RS2049046  
7. RS56164415  
8. RS7103411  
9. RS8192466  
5-HT1A receptor activation induces the secretion of many hormones, including cortisol, 
prolactin, growth hormone, and ACTH (R). 

5-HT1A activation 
● stimulates the vagus nerve 
● reduces fatigue (R) 
● increases sex drive and arousal 
● improves cognitive functions associated with the prefrontal cortex 
● increases dopamine in the medial prefrontal cortex, striatum, and hippocampus 
● decreases aggression 
● decreases food intake 
● decreases blood pressure and heart rate 
● decreases nausea 
● decreases pain perception (R)  
● decreases drug-seeking 
● inhibits penile erection 
● takes longer to get to REM sleep  
● impairs certain aspects of memory and learning  
SNPS inside 5-HT1A 
1. RS10042486 
2. RS1364043 
3. RS1494630  
4. RS6295 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

Activation of 5HT2A receptors can contribute to many problems, including anxiety, 
depression, fatigue, OCD, sleep problems, etc. However, some good effects include lowered 
heart rate and blood pressure and reduced in ammatory effects.   
Activation of 5HT2A receptors is on the whole bad.  

5-HT2A activation 
● contributes to anxiety and neuroticism (R) 
● increased TGF-beta (R)  
● decreased glutathione (R) 
● contributes to obesity (R) 
● reduced BDNF (R) 
● increased arachidonic acid, which can be in ammatory (R) 
● contributes to suicide and depression. Suicidal and otherwise depressed patients have 
had more 5-HT2A receptors than normal patients (R)  
● contributes to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (R) 
● can cause insomnia and sleep problems (R) 
● contributes to IBS (R) 
● decreases Slow Wave Sleep (R) 
● is associated with OCD (R) 
● contributes to pain (R) 
● contributes to autism - Autistic people have more 5HT2A receptors (in platelets) (R) 
● increased platelet clumping (R), which can worsen blood ow and cause heart disease. 
● decreased sexual function (R) 
● lowers heart rate and lowers blood pressure (mediated by the vagus nerve) (R, R2) 
● reduces in ammatory effects in several tissues including the heart and gut (especially 
against TNF-induced in ammation) 
● enhances dopamine in the areas responsible for a higher level of thinking (PFC), which 
enhances memory and plays a role in attention and learning 
● reduces pressure in the eye 
● increases oxytocin and ACTH (activation of the 5-HT2A in the hypothalamus) 
● increases testosterone (R) 
SNPs inside 5-HT2A 
1. RS6311 -1438 G/A 
○ TT is associated with depression, panic disorder, and a higher stress response. 
The T allele was associated with a reduction in general health, vitality, and 
social function (R). 
○ The C allele is associated with an extraverted personality, Rheumatoid 
Arthritis, and novelty seeking (R). 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

2. RS6313 T102C or C102T 

○ The A allele was associated with lower general health and social function scores 
○ GG is more common in suicide attempters (R). 
○ The G allele has been associated with higher extraversion personality scores 
among borderline personality disorder patients and the presence of visual and 
auditory hallucinations in patients with late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (R). 
○ In schizophrenia, GG tends to do worse on working memory tasks than do 
individuals with an A allele (R). 
3. RS6314 C1354T His452Tyr 
○ The A allele causes a blunted signal after activation (R). 
○ AA had signi cantly greater mental fatigue scores than the AG (and greater 
than GG) (R). 
○ AG is associated with ADHD, better response to antidepressants, worse 
memory (R). 
○ GG had a better memory (R). 
○ GG or AG has higher rheumatoid arthritis risk (R). 
4. RS5443 C825T – GNB3 
○ TT carriers respond better to Viagra, more likely to be obese and hypertensive, 
suffer from SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction, and respond to triptans for 
○ T allele carriers are 2-3 fold more likely to be obese in Caucasian, Chinese, and 
African American populations (R). 
○ T carriers are clearly at higher risk for hypertension (R). 
○ TT women gain signi cantly more weight during pregnancy CT or CC women 
and had a signi cantly higher pre-pregnancy body mass index (R). 
5. RS7997012 
○ AA=18% more likely to respond to antidepressant-citalopram, which decreases 
5-HT2A. (R). 
6. RS1923884 
○ The C allele is associated with higher physical fatigue, less vitality, and CFS (R). 
○ Although common, CC had signi cantly lower vitality than TT homozygotes (R). 
7. RS2296972: Number of A alleles is associated with panic disorder (R). 
8. RS12583882  
9. RS7984966  
10. RS9316233 
The 5-HT2C receptors have some good and bad properties. Overall, they’re bad. 
Activation is responsible for fatigue, low dopamine/being unmotivated, OCD, anxiety, an 
overactive nervous system and HPA axis, weight loss and low insulin. 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

5-HT2C receptor activation 

● causes depression and anxiety (R, R2) 
● causes fatigue 
● increases pain from in ammation (R) 
● can increase the risk of circadian issues 
● decreases appetite (R) 
● lessens pain (R, R2) 
● is decreased in epilepsy (R) 
● 5HT2C activators reduce alcohol addiction in animals 
SNPs inside 5-HT2C 
1. RS6318: The C allele results in a faster and stronger HPA activation when a 5-HT2C 
activator is given, which means that people with such an allele will do worse with 
serotonin (R). 
2. RS1414334 
3. RS3813928  
4. RS3813929 
5. RS518147 
● is involved in metabolism, metabolic pathways, and tryptophan metabolism 
● is involved in bone remodeling 
● affects the circadian rhythm 
● positively regulates fat cell differentiation 
● helps in the response to immobilization stress 
● is part of the serotonin biosynthesis process 
SNPs inside TPH1 
1. RS1799913  
2. RS211105  
3. RS7933505 
TPH2 is the most important enzyme that makes serotonin (rate limiting) (R). TPH2 is produced 
most signi cantly in the brainstem (R). 

● variants with impaired enzyme activity could cause a de ciency of serotonin 

production and result in an increased risk of developing behavioral disorders (R) 
● mutations may be associated with psychiatric diseases such as bipolar, major 
depression (R) and ADHD (R) 
SNPS inside TPH2 
1. RS10506645  
2. RS10879357 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

3. RS11178997 
4. RS1386491 
5. RS1386494  
6. RS1487275  
7. RS1487278 
8. RS1571218  
9. RS17110563 
10. RS17110690  
11. RS1843809  
12. RS2171363 
13. RS4290270 
14. RS4565946  
15. RS4570625 

Also known as SLC6A3, this gene encodes a protein dopamine transporter, which transports 
dopamine into the cell (R).  

● plays a role in thought, motivation, behavior, and control of movement (R)  

● has mutations are associated with autism and ADHD (R) 
● has at least 19 mutations that have been identi ed in people with dopamine 
transporter de ciency syndrome, a rare movement disorder that worsens over time. 
SNPs inside DAT 
1. RS2652511 
2. RS27048  
3. RS27072 
4. RS2937639 
5. RS37022 
6. RS40184  
7. RS403636  
8. RS460000 
9. RS463379 
10. RS464049  
11. RS6347  
12. RS6350 
13. RS6869645 
This gene encodes D1 dopamine receptors, which regulates neuronal growth and behavior (R).  

● improves mood and lowers anxiety 

● expresses primarily in the caudate putamen in humans 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● is the most abundant dopamine receptor in the brain. It stimulates adenylate cyclase 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside DRD1 

1. RS12652255 
2. RS1799914 
3. RS251925  
4. RS265981  
5. RS4336372 
6. RS4532  
7. RS5326  
8. RS686  
The D2 receptor prevents potentiation of glutamate responses in the ventral tegmental area 
(VTA) neurons. Repeated cocaine treatment causes loss of D2 dopamine receptor functional 
responses, which is one mechanism of cocaine-induced pleasure/addiction. 

● stimulation in T cells has been shown to inhibit activated T cell receptor (TCR)-induced 
cell proliferation and secretion of IL-2, IFN-³, and IL-4 (R) 
● receptors are important for moda nil induced wakefulness and wakefulness in general 
(R, R2) 
● inhibits adenylyl cyclase 
Reduced dopamine D2 receptors correlate with poor behavioral control across species (R, R2, 
R3, R4). 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time, except in patients with psychosis or 

SNPs inside DRD2 

1. RS1076560  
2. RS1079596 
3. RS1079597  
4. RS1079727  
5. RS11214606  
6. RS1125394  
7. RS12364283  
8. RS1799732  
9. RS1799978  
10. RS1800496  
11. RS1800497 
12. RS1800498 
13. RS1801028 
14. RS2242592 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

15. RS2283265 
16. RS2734839 
17. RS4436578 
18. RS4648317  
19. RS4648319 
20. RS6277 
21. RS6279 
Plays a role in ADHD, the initiation of smoking, Parkinson's, Schizophrenia. 

DRD5 activation: 
● Increases BDNF in the prefrontal cortex. 
● Is concentrated in the limbic system 
● Increases Th17 cells, IL23 
● Lowers blood pressure 
● Reduces NK Cells and activity 
● Increases excretion of sodium 
● Increases learning and memory 
● Causes consolidation of fear memories in amygdala 
● Reduces amphetamine-induced activity 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 
CNR1 codes for the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. The cannabinoid system plays an important 
role in neural plasticity, stress response, and learning and memory (R). 
CB1 receptors are found in particularly high density in regions known to play a role in 
emotional regulation and memory, and regions suggested to play a role in ADHD, emotional 
regulation, and other psychiatric disorders (e.g., bipolar, mood, anxiety disorders) (R) 
● is also important in dampening intestinal in ammation in humans. It increases 
intestinal ow/motility (R) 
● receptors are found primarily in the brain and appear to impact predominately the 
GABA and Glutamate systems (R), but also affects the dopamine and serotonin 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside CNR1 

1. RS1049353  
2. RS12720071  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

3. RS6454674 
4. RS7766029 
5. RS806368 
6. RS806377  
7. RS806378 
8. RS806380  
9. RS9450906 
This gene encodes the cannabinoid receptor 2, which is the receptor that is responsible for 
cannabis's anti-in ammatory effect (R). It doesn't have any psychoactive effects. 

CB2 receptors may function in in ammatory response, nociceptive transmission and bone 

It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside CNR2 

1. RS2229579 
2. RS2501431 
SERT (also known as SLC6A4) encodes a protein that transports serotonin. 

● stops the action of serotonin and recycles it in a sodium-dependent manner (R) 

● mutations have been shown to affect the rate of serotonin uptake and may cause 
sudden infant death syndrome, aggressive behavior in Alzheimer disease patients, and 
depression susceptibility in people experiencing emotional trauma (R) 
SNPs inside SERT 
1. RS11867581  
2. RS2020934  
3. RS2129785  
4. RS25532  
5. RS4251417 
Fatty acid amide hydrolase or FAAH metabolizes anandamide to arachidonic acid. Anandamide 
is our natural cannabinoid bliss molecule. Anandamide will activate the cannabinoid/CB1 
receptor and interact with CB1 receptor SNPs. 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● Genetic deletion of FAAH in animal studies produces antidepressant-like effects, and 

this is thought to be mediated by increased serotonin and noradrenaline transmission 
● Mice completely lacking FAAH experience less pain, seizures, and less motility (R). 
● Having lower FAAH enzyme activity can have some good effects. Anandamide 
enhances levels of adenosine outside of cells and induces sleep (R). 
● FAAH is found in the brain, small intestine, pancreas and muscle (R). 
It's better to have this gene decreased most of the time. 

SNPs inside FAAH 

1. RS2295633 
● G= more common, maybe higher FAAH activity (R). 
● G subjects showed more intense recollections of traumatic events and of 
negative childhood experiences (R). 
● GG=higher arousal and lower fatigue levels after amphetamine ingestion (R). 
2. RS324420 
● A=lower FAAH. 
● AA=high anandamide, 5X higher risk for substance abuse, does better with 
lower fat, more Slow wave sleep, lower risk of PTSD (fear extinction in the 
amygdala) and less awake after 10 mg amphetamines (but not 20 mg). 
● AA is calmer/less anxious, has lower enzyme activity, higher anandamide, 
enjoys pot less, less likely to get addicted to pot, does better with extinction 
therapy in PTSD (R). 
● In some studies (but not all), A is associated with obesity (R). 
● AA and AC have a higher rate of anorexia (R). 
● The A allele was associated with lower HDL levels (R) 
● Those with CC suffer more severe withdrawal when they stop using cannabis 
3. RS3766246 
● G=possibly higher FAAH. 
● GG=higher Arousal levels (lower fatigue) after amphetamine ingestion (R). 
● Increased arousal has been linked with reduced FAAH activity in animal 
models, thus suggesting possible higher FAAH activity in G allele carriers (R). 
4. RS324419 
NPSR1 (the OCD gene) 
NPSR1 is expressed in the brain, where it modulates anxiety and responses to stress, but also 
in other tissues and cell types including lymphocytes, the lungs, and the intestine, where it 
appears to be increased in in ammation (R). Less NPSR1 activation results in early onset OCD.  

NPSR1 activation: 
● increased wakefulness, 
● activates the immune systems 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● delays sleep and decreased anxiety 

● causes IBD 
● causes asthma 
● causes rheumatoid arthritis 
It is therefore better to have this gene decreased most of the time. 
SNPs inside NPSR1 
1. RS1379928  
2. RS2530545 
3. RS2530547  
4. RS324377 
5. RS324981  
6. RS324987  
7. RS34705969 
8. RS6972158  
9. RS727162 
10. RS740347 

Genes Involved with the Gut and Predisposition 

for Autoimmunity 
HLA-DQ genes encode receptors that are found outside of antigen-presenting cells such as 
macrophages and dendritic cells. Some types of HLA-DQ genes are involved in autoimmune 

The HLA-DQA1 gene encodes a protein that plays an important role in the immune system. 

● helps the immune system distinguish the body's own proteins from proteins made by 
foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria (R) 
● provide instructions for making proteins that are present on the surface of certain 
immune system cells 
● mutations can cause many different autoimmune disorders, diabetes, celiac disease, 
narcolepsy, and arthritis (R) 
Combinations of variations in the HLA-DQA1 gene and other HLA genes affect the risk of type 
1 diabetes. 

SNPs inside HLA-DQA1 

1. RS113653754   5. RS204999   9. RS2844482  
2. RS1800683  6. RS2187668   10. RS2857708  
3. RS2009658   7. RS2239704   11. RS2858870 
4. RS2040406  8. RS28421666   12. RS3021304 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

13. RS3129763   28. RS76901167  43. RS9271588 

14. RS3135388  29. RS7744020   44. RS9271640 
15. RS35597309   30. RS7762619  45. RS9271858  
16. RS3957148   31. RS915654   46. RS9272105  
17. RS4530903   32. RS9268528   47. RS9272143 
18. RS4713555   33. RS9268542  48. RS9272219  
19. RS477515   34. RS9270965  49. RS9272346  
20. RS602875   35. RS9270984  50. RS9272535  
21. RS615672   36. RS9270986   51. RS9273076  
22. RS6457617  37. RS9271100   52. RS9273349 
23. RS660895  38. RS9271117   53. RS9273363  
24. RS674313   39. RS9271192  54. RS9273373 
25. RS6906021   40. RS9271209   55. RS928815 
26. RS6927022  41. RS9271348   56. RS9461776  
27. RS746868   42. RS9271366  
HLA-DQB1 (major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ beta 1) encodes a class 2 molecule 
that plays an important role in the immune system. It is important for bone marrow transplants 

● provides instructions for making a protein that plays a critical role in the immune 
● helps the immune system distinguish the body's own proteins from proteins made by 
foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria 
● might increases the risk of developing the sleep disorder narcolepsy 
Combinations of its gene variants may increase the risk of developing celiac disease, a disorder 
in which in ammation damages the intestinal tract and other organs and tissues. 
Combinations of variations in the HLA-DQB1 gene and other HLA genes affect the risk of type 
1 diabetes. 
Autoimmune disorders that have been associated with HLA-DQB1 include multiple sclerosis, 
pemphigus, and type 1 diabetes. 

SNPs inside HLA-DQB1 

1. RS10484561   8. RS11752643   15. RS2647044 
2. RS1063355   9. RS12525220  16. RS2647045  
3. RS113653754   10. RS13192471   17. RS2647046 
4. RS114042950   11. RS17212223   18. RS2647050 
5. RS114092478   12. RS1794265   19. RS2854275 
6. RS114388793   13. RS1794275  20. RS2856683  
7. RS116569761   14. RS2647012   21. RS2856717 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

22. RS2856718   34. RS6906021  46. RS9275319 

23. RS2858331  35. RS6935723  47. RS9275326  
24. RS3104402   36. RS7744020  48. RS9275390 
25. RS3129716  37. RS7764819  49. RS9275406  
26. RS3129720  38. RS7765379  50. RS9275524 
27. RS3135363   39. RS7774434  51. RS9275563 
28. RS3135388   40. RS7775228  52. RS9275572 
29. RS3916765  41. RS9273349  53. RS9275595 
30. RS3957148   42. RS9273363   54. RS9275596 
31. RS4273729   43. RS9273373  55. RS9357152 
32. RS6457617  44. RS9274623   56. RS9469220 
33. RS6457620   45. RS9275224  
STAT3 is a protein that binds to DNA and increases expression of certain immune genes that 
can cause in ammation that leads to autoimmunity, but also ght infections. The STAT3 
pathway is used by a variety of cytokines, hormones and growth factors to increase blood cell 
formation, immune cell development, stem cell maintenance, and growth. However, chronic 
activation of STAT3 underlies various diseases or disorders, such as cancer or obesity (R). 
STAT3 (Good): 
● helps with insulin sensitivity (R). 
● when chronically elevated will cause obesity (R). 
● suppresses of glucose production (R). 
● helps with liver regeneration (R). 
● helps reduce fatty liver disease (R). 
● has some anti-cancer properties, especially for CML (R). 
● helps clear pathogens (R). 
● suppresses IgE responses (R). 
STAT3 (Bad): 
● STAT3 contributes to the development of IBD (R). 
● can help cause multiple sclerosis (MS)(R). 
● creates Th1 and Th17 cells (R), which are immune cells involved in autoimmunity. 
● produces pro-cancer proteins such as MMP-3, MMP-9, VEGF, HIF-1a, COX2, IL-6, 
IL-23 and ICAM1 (R). 
SNPs inside STAT3 
1. RS12942547  
2. RS17881320  
3. RS2293152  
4. RS4796793  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

5. RS6503691  
● CC=more STAT3 production in people, (better for CML) (R). 
● C is the more common allele. About 33% of the alleles in a population are T. 
6. RS6503695  
7. RS744166  
● The A allele is presumably higher STAT3, as it increases autoimmune disease risk, 
but makes you thinner. About half of the alleles in a population are A. 
● There are a few studies showing a relationship between STAT3 snps and IBD (R). 
● AA=1.5X Ulcerative Colitis risk (R) 
● A=1.2X increased risk of Chron’s (R) 
● G=2.22X increased risk of abdominal obesity, lower STAT3 (R) – Saturated fat 
intake exacerbated these effects; among all participants with the highest saturated 
fat intake (> or =15.5% of energy), people with GG had a 3.30X increased risk for 
obesity. (R) 
● GG=1.82X increased risk of Psoriatic arthritis, G=1.35X (R) 
8. RS8069645  
● Probably G has higher STAT3. 
● G=increased risk of abdominal obesity (R). 
● About 31% of the alleles in a population are G. 
9. RS9891119  
● C is higher STAT3. 
● A=lower STAT3, 2.5X more likely to have fatty liver disease (R). 
● A is the more common allele. About 39% of the alleles in a population are C. 

Genes in uencing the need for sun exposure, 

sleep, and circadian rhythm 
The VDR gene provides instructions for making a protein called vitamin D receptor (VDR), 
which allows the body to respond appropriately to vitamin D.  
● plays a role in bone health. Low blood levels of vitamin D3 are associated with lower 
bone density (R) 
● is helpful for people with lower bone density (R) 
● induces the expression of liver and intestinal phase I detox enzymes that play major 
roles in metabolizing drugs and toxins (R) 
● is important for hair growth and loss of VDR is associated with hair loss in 
experimental animals (R) 
● regulates the intestinal transport of calcium, Iron and other minerals (R) 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

●increases dopamine by increasing the enzyme that limits the rate of step for dopamine 
production (tyrosine hydroxylase) (R) 
● has bene cial effects in cancer, especially breast, prostate and lung cancers (R) 
Inadequate levels of circulating vitamin D could lead to parkinsonian disorders (R) 
Vitamin D and a proper functioning VDR helps protects against: 
● Osteoporosis (R) 
● Cancer (R) 
● Diabetes (R) “ Type 1 and 2 (R) 
● Heart disease (R) 
● Neurological diseases (R) 
● Psoriasis (R) 
● Infections (R) 
● Multiple sclerosis (R) 
● Asthma (R) 
● Sun damage (R) 
● Kidney in ammation and kidney disease death. (It should lower your creatinine levels.) 
● High Blood Pressure (Decreases Renin/angiotensin system). (R) 
● Lupus/SLE (R) 
● Arthritis (R) 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside VDR 

1. RS11574143  
2. RS1540339  
3. RS1544410  
4. RS2107301  
5. RS2228570  
6. RS2238136  
7. RS2239182 
8. RS2239185  
9. RS2239186  
10. RS3782905  
11. RS3819545  
12. RS4516035  
13. RS7041  
14. RS731236 
15. RS757343  
16. RS7975232  

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

MC4R is a receptor that is critical to weight control. Activation of MC4R leads to weight loss 
and blocking it leads to weight gain. 

● plays a central role in energy homeostasis and somatic growth 
● regulates weight (R) 
● is activated by in ammation (R) 
● MC4R not working is the most common genetic cause of obesity (R) 
● activation induces anxiety, inhibits appetite and activates the HPA axis (R) 
● activation enhances libido (R) 
● activation stimulates the thyroid hormone precursor TRH (R) 
● activation increases morphine tolerance (R) 
● activation reduces proin ammatory cytokines (such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-) and MMP9 
and increases the anti-in ammatory cytokine IL-10 (R, R2, R3) 
People with chronic stress and/or in ammation will have the MC4R receptor activated, which 
then leads to ushing, weight loss, lower blood pressure and increased pain (R). 

SNPs inside MC4R 

1. RS10871777  
2. RS11872992  
3. RS12970134  
4. RS17700633  
5. RS17782313 
6. RS2229616  
7. RS4257308  
8. RS489693 
9. RS52804924 

Genes in uencing sleep and sleep disorders 

The circadian clock is an internal time keeping system that control a wide variety of 
physiological processes through the generation of approximately 24-hour bodily rhythm in 
gene expression, which is translated into rhythms in metabolism and behavior (R). 

● acts as an important regulator of a wide array of physiological functions including 
metabolism, sleep, body temperature, blood pressure, endocrine, immune, 
cardiovascular, and renal function (R). 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● maintains circadian rhythmicity in constant darkness and they can be entrained to a 

new light/dark cycle (R). 
● variations may lead to an increased risk of breast cancer. Signi cantly less methylation 
of Clock promoter region was found in women with breast cancer (R) 
● mutations are associated with the familial sleep disorders (R). In this disorder, patients 
exhibit early sleep onset followed by early-morning awakening (R) 
● in mice can be associated with a sleep disorder, metabolism, pregnancy, and mood 
disorders (R) 
● mutant mice sleep less than normal mice each day and display altered levels of plasma 
glucose and rhythms in food intake (R) 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside CLOCK 

1. RS6832769 is related to personality trait agreeableness (R). 
2. RS11932595  
3. RS13113518  
4. RS1554483 
5. RS1801260  
6. RS2070062 
7. RS3736544 
8. RS3749474 
9. RS4864548 

● Has very low kinase activity in vitro and is unlikely to function as a tyrosine kinase in 
● May act as a receptor for wnt ligand WNT5A which may result in the inhibition of 
WNT3A-mediated signaling. 
SNPs in ROR1 
1. RS1747924 
2. RS11208305 affects risks of insomnia and bipolar disorder (R) 
Also known as ARNTL. It increases functionality in the circadian clock. It is associated with 
major depressive disorders, heightened responses to antidepressants, and is a key component 
in the functionality of the body’s circadian clock (R). Disruptions in the circadian rhythms 
contribute to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic syndromes and aging. 

● increases muscle production and decreases fat cell creation. 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● plays an important role in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Increases the expression of 
enzymes that increase hormonal production, and also the genes involved in hair 
● has also been identi ed as a candidate gene for susceptibility to hypertension, 
diabetes, and obesity, and mutations in BMAL1 have been linked to infertility, 
gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis problems, and altered sleep patterns. 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside BMAL 

1. RS11022756  
2. RS11022775  
3. RS2278749  
4. RS3816360 
5. RS4757144  
6. RS6486121  
7. RS6486122 
8. RS7950226 
9. RS9633835 
10. RS969485 
Per1 is an important circadian protein that in uences blood sugar levels, cancer and some 
neurodegenerative conditions. 

● encodes for the period circadian protein homolog 1 (per1 protein) (R) 
● controls the circadian rhythm in the absence of light, but it can be shifted or changed 
with light exposure (R) 
● mutations show a shortened clock period of 23 hours, and can predispose one to 
accidents, low productivity, and decreased precision and stability (R1, R2) 
● helps integrate stress response with the circadian cycle, and changes in the gene can 
lead to increased alcohol consumption due to stress (R) 
● has a role in controlling the cell growth and reproduction cycle (R). 
Mutant variations of the Per1 gene have been associated with certain cancers, including 
breast and prostate cancer (R). These cancers show a decrease in Per1 protein production (R). 
Increased Per1 can cause DNA damage and lead to programmed cell death (R). 
In people with cancer, treatments that increase Per1 production could decrease tumor growth 
SNPs inside PER1 
1. RS2735611 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

● help encode circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, metabolism, and behavior 
● polymorphisms may increase the risk of getting cancer and have been linked to sleep 
disorders (R) 
It's better to have this gene increased most of the time. 

SNPs inside PER2 

1. RS121908635  
2. RS2304669  
3. RS2304672  
4. RS4663866  
5. RS934945 
● Helps encode circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, metabolism, and behavior. 
● Polymorphisms have been linked to sleep disorders (R). 

SNPs inside PER3 

1. RS228697: G=more prevalent in evening types than in morning types. Per3 doesn't 
work as well: changes in hydropathy index, potentially less ability to bind to some other 
proteins such as CKI, which is known to regulate PER protein stability. 
2. RS10462021 : G=Delayed sleep in 2 snp haplotype 
3. RS10462020  
4. RS228682  
5. RS2797685 
6. RS2797687 

Helps control the body's natural biological rhythm - the circadian rhythm. It is associated with 
many diseases - depression, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, mood swings, prostate cancer, 
systemic in ammation, and type 2 diabetes.  

CRY2 activation is 

● associated with depression (R) 
● associated with a number of triglycerides in the liver and high glucose in the blood after 
fasting (R), (R), (R) 
● associated with the risk of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (R) 
● associated with frequent mood swings in bipolar disorder (R) 
● associated with prostate cancer, together with other biological clock genes (R) 
● associated with type 2 diabetes (R), (R) 

Top SNPs list Page 35 

Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

SNPs inside CRY2 

1. RS10838524  
2. RS11038689  
3. RS11605924  
4. RS1401417  
5. RS7123390 
Phosphatidylinositol-speci c phospholipase C enzymes mediates production of second 
messenger molecules DAG and IP3. 

PLCB1 is associated with 

● extracellular signaling 
● early infantile epilepsy 
SNPs inside PLCB1 
1. RS115205687 
2. RS2745761  
3. RS3761168  
4. RS6055685 
5. RS6056209  
6. RS6077414  
7. RS6118083 
8. RS62195918 
9. RS8117834 
● encodes a protein called prion protein. The precise function of this protein is unknown, 
but it might help protect brain cells from injury  
● mutations can cause higher risk for brain disorders, poor memory, and Huntington's (R) 
SNPs inside PRNP 
1. RS11538758  
2. RS16990018  
3. RS1799990  
4. RS2756271 
5. RS28933385  
6. RS6052699  
7. RS6107516 
8. RS6116492 

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Top SNPs to Look for When You Suffer from Chronic Health Problems 

The gene codes for a protein, Meis homeobox 1. It codes a homeobox protein as part of the 
TALE ('three amino acid loop extension') family of homeodomain-containing proteins (R). 

● acts as a transcriptional regulator of PAX6 

● acts as a transcriptional activator of PF4 in complex with PBX1 or PBX2 
● required for hematopoiesis, megakaryocyte lineage development and vascular 
● may function as a cofactor for HOXA7 and HOXA9 in the induction of myeloid 
SNPS inside MEIS1 
1. RS10865355  
2. RS11678354  
3. RS11897119  
4. RS12469063  
5. RS2300478  
6. RS3891585  
7. RS6710341 
● encodes a BTB/POZ domain-containing protein 
● is involved in protein-protein interactions 
● polymorphisms have been reported to be associated with susceptibility to Restless 
Legs Syndrome and may also be associated with Tourette Syndrome 
SNPS inside BTBD9 
1. RS3923809  
2. RS4565302  
3. RS4714156  
4. RS9296249 
5. RS9357271 
These genes and SNPs are the SNPs you should pay attention to if you suffer from chronic 
health problems like fatigue, brain fog, and autoimmune diseases.  

SelfDecode has these genes and SNPs, along with information associated 30,000 other SNPs 
that come with 23andme. To learn more about how your genetics may in uence your health, 
get the $99 Ancestry genetic test from 23andme, and upload the raw data on SelfDecode.  

Top SNPs list Page 37 

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