Synopsis For Online Examination Website

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Object recognition is the process of identifying Object,it has numerous practical

applications such as,face detection, that is used in almost all the mobile cameras,it is
also used by facebook

Deep Learning is helping to play a part in changing that.Deep Learning techniques

enables machines to learn to classify data by themselves. Deep Learning (DL) is useful
to Facebook as DL algorithms become more sophisticated as they can increasingly be
applied to more data that we share, from text to pictures to videos.

A square box appears over everyone's face that lets you tag a person. Face book uses
a facial recognition software it developed called "Deep Face" that uses an algorithm to
calculate a unique number (“template”) based on someone’s facial features, like the
distance between the eyes, nose and ears. Deep Face detects whether two faces in
different photos are of the same person with 97.25% accuracy, regardless of lighting
conditions or angles. As a comparison, humans generally have an average of 97.53%
Web Cam (inbuilt camera in laptops)
Using a GPU provides faster video processing.
For the software requirements we installed Python, OpenCV , face_recognition API etc
and many modules and packages of image processing such as- dlib pandas etc
Spyder Anaconda: Spyder uses Qt for its GUI, and is designed to use either of the
PyQt or PySide Python bindings.
Numpy: It is a powerful N-dimensional array object. It has sophisticated (broadcasting)
functions and tools for integrating C/C++ and FORTRAN code.
Scipy: SciPy is a library that uses Numpy for more mathematical functions. Scikit learn:
Scikit-learn provides a range of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms via a
consistent interface in Python.
Dlib library

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