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Nutrients  Why - Benefits, Risk & Side Effects   Side Effects  How- Natural Source/ supplements doses 

Fish Oil -OMEGA3  BP, Immune, health, brain, joints,heart, eyes, inflammation  Not all omega-3 fatty acids act  Take Code Live oil, Nuts and Seeds with Omega-3s — In addition to walnuts, chia and flax 
(EPA and DHA)  Omega  the same way in the body.  seeds, butter nuts, brazil nuts, cashews,hemp seeds and hazelnuts have omega-3s in the 
form of ALA 

Multivitamin  Taking multivitamins daily can replenish your body's supply.  An overdose of vitamins A, D, E,  Natural, Capsules 
or K can cause serious or 
life-threatening side effects. 

Vitamin A  Maintenance of teeth, bones, soft tissue, white blood cells,  dizziness, nausea, headaches,  liver and fish oils, milk and eggs, which also include some provitamin A [2]. Most dietary 
the immune system and mucus membranes. Beta-carotene  coma, and even death  provitamin A comes from leafy green vegetables, orange and yellow vegetables, tomato 
also acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from free  products, fruits, and some vegetable oils  
radical damage. 

Vitamin B1  energy production from carbohydrates and fats. correct    beef, liver, dried milk, nuts, oats, oranges, pork, eggs, seeds, legumes,peas and yeast. Foods 
(thiamine)  functioning of many different body functions such as the  are also fortified with thiamine. Some foods that are often fortified with B1 are rice, pasta, 
digestive and nervous system. keeping the liver, skin, hair,  breads, cereals and flour. 
eyes healthy and brain function. 

Vitamin B2  Needed for growth and overall good health.  diarrhea or increased urination.  Riboflavin is found in eggs, nuts, dairy products, meats, broccoli, brewer's yeast, Brussel 
(Riboflavin)  Important for eye health(protect glutathione, an important  yellow-orange urine color. not  sprouts, wheat germ, wild rice, mushrooms, soybeans, green leafy vegetables and whole 
antioxidant in the eye.  a harmful side effect.  grain and enriched cereals and bread 
helps the body break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats 
to produce energy, and it allows oxygen to be used by the 

Vitamin B3  important nutrient for every part of your body needs and its  Nausea and vomiting.  mushrooms, cereals, eggs, meat, green vegetables, nuts and beans. 
(Niacin)  function properly. As a supplement, niacin may helplower  Skin flushing combined with 
cholesterol, ease arthritis and boost brainfunction.  dizziness. 
Severe allergic reaction. 
Light headedness, fainting. 
Uneven or fast-pounding 
Grayish stool color. 
Skin itching or rash. 
Severe stomach pain. 

converting nutrients from food into ​energy​, help the body  Deficiency​:  Liver​ and kidney, yeast, e​ gg​ yolk, b​ roccoli​, p​ eanuts​, f​ ish​, shellfish, ​chicken​, ​milk​, yogurt, 
What is Vitamin B5  use fat and protein and are also important for maintaining a  Fatigue, depression ,irritability  legumes​, m​ ushrooms​,​avocado​, and sweet ​potatoes​ are good sources of vitamin B5 (20, 21). 
healthy nervous system, eyes, skin, hair and liver.  insomnia,stomach pains,  Whole grains​ are major sources of​pantothenic acid​, but processing and refining g ​ rains​may 
(Pantothenic Acid)  Specifically, B5 helps to: Create red blood cells. Create  result in a 35% to 75% loss 
vomiting, burning feet, upper 
stress-related and sex hormones. balancing blood sugar,  respiratory infections, muscle 
reducing bad ​cholesterol​, lowering high blood pressure,  cramps. 
preventing nerve damage and pain, and preventing heart   
pantothenic acid as a cure for acne is still subject for 
Biotin​ and p​ antothenic acid​ (vitamin B5) have been used as 
alternative treatments for hair loss. B​ iotin​ benefits your hair 
by rebuilding hair shingles that have been damaged from 
over-shampooing, exposure to the sun, blow-drying and 
ironing. Vitamin B5 supports the adrenal glands, which helps 
stimulate hair  

B6+B vitamins, helps the body turn food into ​energy​.    seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), nuts, seeds, and soy 
Vitamin B6  Healthy b​ rain.  products. Fish, beef, turkey, beans and nuts. leafy green, vegetables, liver and bananas. 


Vitamin B12  boost nervous system, helps anemia, memory loss,    Milk, yogurt and cheese, along with eggs, are the only vegetarian food 
Alzheimer's disease, to slow aging, and to boost mood, 
energy, concentration, mental function, and the immune 
system. Need to take B12 - if you are vegan/vegetarian 

Vitamin B17      found in the seeds or kernels of many fruits, raw nuts, beans and other plant foods 
(Amygdalin)  It may lower blood pressure: In one study,amygdalin helped  ● Fruit. Many types of berries are a good source of this vitamin. ... 
lower systolic blood pressure (upper value) by 28.5% and  ● Nuts. Bitter almonds have the most B17, with cashews and macadamia nuts 
diastolic blood pressure (lower value) by 25%. These  following. 
effects were enhanced when taken with vitamin C  ● Leaves/Leafy Greens, Grasses. ... 
● Sprouts. ... 
● Seeds. ... 
● Tubers. . 

  FDA declared laetrile i​ llegal.    kernels of many fruits, raw nuts, beans and other plant foods, s​ eeds of apricots, peaches 
Laetrile  promoted as an alternative of conventional cancer  and almond, Millet(Millet helps in Digestion, Controls Cholesterol Levels, Detoxifies the 
treatments  Body, Prevents Cancer, Prevents Diabetes, Protects Heart Health) 

Vitamin D3  is important for normal growth and development of bones    Sunlight 
and teeth, as well as improved resistance against certain 

Vitamin C  for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues.    Lemon/Lime, oranges, green peppers. 
It's involved in many body functions, including formation of  Watermelon, grapefruit, kiwi., mang, 
collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound  Broccoli, tomatoes. 
healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.   

Coenzyme  Our body makes CoQ10, and your cells use it to produce    found in high levels in organ meats such as liver, kidney, and heart, as well as in beef, 
energy your body needs for cell growth and maintenance. It  sardines, and mackerel, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower 
also functions as an antioxidant, which protects the body 
from damage caused by harmful molecules. 

Prebiotic/Probiotic  Increase of calcium and magnesium absorption    cultured or fermented foods like yogurt, kefir from raw dairy, kimchi, kombucha and cultured 
Stronger bones, increased bone density  veggies. 
Enhanced and strengthened immune system  acacia gum (or gum arabic) raw chicory root. 
Reduced blood triglyceride levels  kefir-A milky beverage originating in Russia and Turkey 
Better-controlled weight and appetite due to healthy gut 
hormonal changes 
Increased “good” bacteria in the gut – most important of all 
Concomitant decrease in the “bad,” unwanted bacteria in the 
Reduced abnormal bacterial leakage through the gut wall, 
otherwise known as “leaky gut syndrome“ 
Improved bowel regularity, May reduce intestinal infections 
May reduce inflammation in the colon walls 
Reduced or cessation of smelly flatus smell, May reduce 

Magnesium Glycinate   is very important for the normal functioning of cells, nerves,  stomach upset,nausea,  dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, beans, whole grains, avocados, yogurt, bananas, dried 
muscles,joint strengths, bones, brain, and the  vomiting, diarrhea  fruit, dark chocolate 
heart..Magnesium might cause, and other side effects.  Doses less than 350 mg daily are safe for most adults. 
use if you are not sleeping well   

Glucosamine & Chondroitin  Might help with pain from sports injuries or aching joints    Supplements 

Saw Palmetto  Treats Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)decreasing    Supplements 

symptoms of an enlarged prostate. ... Reduces Risk of 
Prostate Cancer. ... Helps with Hair Loss. ... Retains 
Testosterone Levels. ... Supports Urological System. 
enhance sexual drive 

Alpha Lipoic Acid  help regulate blood sugar, aids in brain health, acts as a    Supplements 
super-antioxidant by recycling vitamin C and E, and can be 
beneficial for the liver. 

Ginkgo Biloba  protect brain cells from damage    Supplements 

Iodine  Prevents prostate cancer     

Licorice Root extract  if you have low blood pressure     

Collagen  Best for joint care. Collagen is a protein that contains many    Side effects of collagen supplements may also include risk of hypercalcemia. This may be 
beneficial amino acids that can actually help rebuild joints  the case if the tablets contain marine sources, such as shellfish or shark cartilage, which 
by replenishing worn cartilage and supporting tendons and  usually also contain high amounts of calcium. Symptoms of calcium overdose include 
ligaments. Super helpful for osteo and rheumatoid arthritis.  chronic fatigue, nausea, and abnormal heart rhythms. 
Collagen (and gelatin) is excellent for skin and hair and for 
healing leaky gut. 



Hyaluronic acid  found in skin tissue can also be super beneficial to relieve  Difficulty with moving, muscle  Foods like root vegetables, leafy greens, soy products have abundant quantities of HA. 
joint pain. alleviating dry skin, reducing the appearance of  pain or stiffness  Broths and soups made from animal skin, tissues and bones are a fabulous source of HA. ... 
fine lines and wrinkles and speeding up wound healing  pain in the joints  Hyaluronic acid is that compound or nutrient which can work wonders for your body and 
Swelling or redness in the  skin 
joints  Supplements and Injections 

Taurine  Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid(amino acid) found in large  It is also very safe and has no  It is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart, and blood cells called platelets. ...  
amounts in the heart and brain, helps in building block of  known side effects when taken  Source: beef, lamb, dark chicken meat, eggs, most dairy products,seaweed, krill and 
protein.. It’s also found in food sources—the best ones  in reasonable .  brewer's yeast. Raw meat is fairly rich in taurine, comparable to fish, but cooked varieties 
being meat and fish, though it’s also included in energy  Excess taurine is excreted by  typically have only 10 milligrams of taurine per ounce 
drinks and some supplements used to support athletic  the kidneys.  SUPPLEMENTS 
activity.lower risk of disease and improved sports 
-to treat congestive heart failure(CHF), high blood pressure, 
liver disease (hepatitis), high 
cholesterol(hypercholesterolemia), and cystic 
fibrosis,seizure disorders (epilepsy), autism, (ADHD), eye 
problems (disorders of the retina), diabetes, 
alcoholism,improve mental performance and as an 
antioxidant. Antioxidants protect cells of the body from 
damage that results from certain chemical reactions 
involving oxygen (oxidation). coronary heart disease 
significant increases in VO2max (the maximum capacity of 
a person’s body to transport and use oxygen 

L-cysteine  to increase glutathione levels in the body, which is extremely    Animal sources: meat (including pork and poultry), eggs, dairy; Plant sources: red 
important for lung function, brain function and liver  peppers,garlic, onions, broccoli, brussels sprout, oats, wheat germ, sprouted lentils. 

Honey  Rich in Antioxidants. ... 

Honey Is "Less Bad" Than Sugar for Diabetics. Helps to Lower Blood Pressure. 
Cholesterol.Lower Triglycerides. ... 
Heart Health. used to heal wounds and burns  
reduced cough symptoms and improved sleep even more than cough medication 
Antibacterial, acne treatment and prevention. Aging, slowing down aging. Complexion boost 


Gelatin  Gelatin is a protein made from animal products. excellent     

for skin and hair and for healing leaky gut.  
Gelatin is used for ​weight loss​ and for ​treating 
osteoarthritis​, r​ heumatoid arthritis​, and brittle bones 
(​osteoporosis​). Some people also use it for strengthening 
bones, joints, and ​fingernails​. Gelatin is also used for 
improving h​ air​ quality and to shorten recovery after e​ xercise 
and sports-related injury. 

vitamin K  Deficiency leads to excessive bleeding, low bone density    No supplements(potential toxicity). Use kale, collards, spinach, turnip greens, mustard 
and easy bruising. Good for the prevention of bone loss.  greens, green leaf lettuce, and other vegetables such as broccoli, green onions, parsley, 
Helps with bone health while reducing the risk of fractures  asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. dairy products, cereals, vegetable oils, and 

Vitamin F (EFA-essential fatty  Deficiency cause     Flaxseed oil; other seed and nut oils such as pumpkin seed oil, canola oil, soya oil, walnut 
acid) or ΝΕΑ  ► Dull Hair   oil, fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and tuna and meats from wild or range fed 
  ► Hair loss   animals. Sources of specific vitamin F components (not balanced sources of EFAs on their 
► Eczema   own) include evening primrose oil, grape seed oil, sesame seeds and oil, sunflower seeds 
► Damage to the kidneys, heart and liver  and oil and avocados. 
► Behavioral disturbances  
► Dry eyes. Tear glands may dry up and not work effectively  
► Rise in the blood pressure and cholesterol levels  
► Blood is more likely to form clots 
► Decrease in the efficacy of immune system 

vitamin H       

3 essential fatty acids? alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 
  Some people use alpha-linolenic acid to prevent ​cancer  . Ironically, alpha-linolenic acid  ​linoleic​ and alpha-​linolenic​, cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from 
ALA  may actually raise some men’s  food. 
risk of getting ​prostate cancer​. 

EPA  EPA is used for h​ igh blood pressure​ in high-risk pregnancies (eclampsia), age-related m ​ acular degeneration​ (AMD), h​ eart disease​, s​ chizophrenia​, personality disorder, ​cystic fibrosis​, 
essential fatty acids  Alzheimer​’s disease, d​ epression​, and d​ iabetes​. 
alpha-linolenic acid   
EPA is used in combination with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in fish oil preparations for a variety of conditions, including preventing and reversing ​heart​ disease, and decreasing irregular 
heartbeats; as well as a​ sthma​, c​ ancer​, menstrual problems, h​ ot flashes​, hay fever, ​lung diseases​, ​lupus​ erythematosus, and ​kidney​ disease. EPA and DHA are also used in combination for 
migraine headache prevention​ in adolescents, ​skin​ infections, Behçet’s syndrome, ​high cholesterol​, high b​ lood pressure​, p​ soriasis​, Raynaud’s syndrome, ​rheumatoid arthritis​, C ​ rohn's​ disease, 
and ​ulcerative colitis​. 
EPA is also used in combination with RNA and L-arginine after surgery to reduce infections, improve wound healing, and shorten recovery time. 
Source: f​ ound in the flesh of coldwater fish, including mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon, cod l​ iver​, whale blubber, or seal blubber. 

DHA  DHA is used as a supplement for premature babies and as an ingredient in b​ aby formula​ during the first four months of life to promote better mental development. This practice probably 
essential fatty acids   started because DHA is found naturally in ​breast​ milk. DHA is also used in combination with arachidonic acid during the first four to six months of life for this purpose. 
DHA is used for treating t​ ype 2 diabetes​, coronary ​artery​ disease (CAD), d​ ementia​, and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (​ADHD​). 
Some people use DHA is for improving ​vision​, preventing an ​eye​ disease called age-related ​macular degeneration​ (AMD), preventing and ​treating depression​, and reducing aggressive behavior 
in people in stressful situations. 
DHA is used in combination with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) for a variety of conditions, including the prevention and reversal of ​heart disease​, stabilizing ​heart​rhythm, ​asthma​, c​ ancer​, painful 
menstrual periods, hayfever, l​ ung diseases​, systemic ​lupus​ erythematosus (SLE), and certain k​ idney​ diseases. EPA and DHA are also used in combination for h​ igh cholesterol​, h​ igh blood 
pressure​, ​psoriasis​, Raynaud’s syndrome, r​ heumatoid arthritis​, b​ ipolar​ disorder, certain inflammations of the ​digestive system​ (​ulcerative colitis​) and preventing ​migraine​headaches​ in 
Source: found in the meat of cold-water fish, including mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon, cod ​liver​, whale blubber, and seal blubber 

DHEA  a hormone that is naturally made by the human body 

hormone  slowing or reversing aging, improving thinking skills in older people, and slowing the progress of A ​ lzheimer's disease​. 
sexual dysfunction, and to improve well-being and sexuality in men and women. It is also used for preventing ​clogged arteries​, b​ reast cancer​, ​infertility​, d​ iabetes​, and m
​ etabolic syndrome​. 
ease ​depression​ and fatigue.  
for w
​ eight loss​, decreasing the ​symptoms of menopause​, r​ heumatoid arthritis​, and aging skin. 
DHEA is applied to the skin for aging skin and to strengthen the walls of the vagina.  

Apple cider vinegar  contains some pectin; vitamins B1, B2, and B6; biotin; folic acid; niacin; pantothenic acid; and vitamin C. It also contains small amounts of the minerals sodium, phosphorous, potassium, 
calcium, iron, and magnesium.  
It is used alone or with honey for weak bones (osteoporosis), weight loss, leg cramps and pain, upset stomach, sore throats, sinus problems, high blood pressure, arthritis, to help rid the body 
of toxins, stimulate thinking, slow the aging process, regulate blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and fight infection. 
skin for acne, as a skin toner, to soothe sunburn, for shingles, insect bites, and to prevent dandruff. used in the bath for vaginal infections. 

Melatonin  Melatonin is also used for the inability to fall asleep (insomnia); delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS); rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD); insomnia associated with attention 
deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); insomnia due to certain high blood pressure medications called beta-blockers; and sleep problems in children with developmental disorders including 
autism, cerebral palsy, and intellectual disabilities. It is also used as a sleep aid after discontinuing the use of benzodiazepine drugs and to reduce the side effects of stopping smoking. 
Some people use melatonin for Alzheimer's disease or memory loss (dementia), bipolar disorder, a lung disease called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), insomnia caused by 
beta-blocker drugs, endometriosis, ringing in the ears, depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), mild mental impairment, nonalcoholic liver disease, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), 
fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, an inflammatory disease called sarcoidosis, schizophrenia, migraine and other headaches, age-related vision loss, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bone loss (osteoporosis), a movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia (TD), acid reflux disease, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), exercise performance, 
infertility, epilepsy, aging, for menopause, metabolic syndrome, for recovery after surgery, agitation caused by anesthesia, stress, involuntary movement disorder (tardive dyskinesia), changes 
in heart rate when you move from laying down to sitting up (postural tachycardia syndrome), delirium, inability to control urination, jaw pain, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis), 
and for birth control. 
Other uses include breast cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, head cancer, neck cancer, and gastrointestinal cancer. Melatonin is also used for some of the side effects of 
cancer treatment (chemotherapy) including weight loss, nerve pain, weakness, and a lowered number of clot-forming cells (thrombocytopenia). 
It is also used to calm people before they are given anesthesia for surgery. 
The forms of melatonin that can be absorbed through the cheek or under the tongue are used for insomnia, shift-work disorder, and to calm people before receiving anesthesia for surgery. 
Sometimes people apply melatonin to the skin to protect against sunburn. 
Melatonin may also be injected into the muscle to help treat cancer. 
Vitamin F –​ ADD/ADHD – Allergies – Anti-inflammatory – Antioxidant (indirect) – Asthma – Atherosclerosis – Arthritis – Autoimmune Diseases – Behavioral Disorders – Brain Disorders – Cancer – Cardiovascular Disease – 
Cellular Regeneration – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Cleansing – Depression – Detoxifying – Diabetes – Eczema – EFA Deficiency – Endometriosis – Eyesight Disorders – Fatigue – Fibrocystic Breast Disease – Fibroids – 
Fibromyalgia – Gout – Heart Health Maintenance – Hemorrhoids – Hepatitis – Hormone Imbalances – Hypertension – Infantile Atopic Eczema – Joint Pain – Lyme’s Disease – Mastalgia – Menopausal Problems – Mood Swings 
– Muscle Cramps/Pain – Nervous Disorders – Neurological Disorders – Neuropathy – Osteoporosis – PMS – Pre-ecclampsia – Pregnancy-related Disorders – Postpartum Depression – Postviral Fatigue Syndrome – Reducing LDL 
Cholesterol – Reproductive Organ Health – Retinal Disorders – Rheumatoid Arthritis – Senility/Aging Problems – Skin Disorders – Sleep Disorders – Stroke – Tendonitis – Vascular Disorders – Vascular  

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