Vocabulary (WWW Prozheha Ir)

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2 54


# ............................................................................... (   !)

# ......................................................... Economics & Costing $  %&'(

) ................................................................................. (%   !)

) ................................................................................................ Quality *+

, ................................................................................ (   !)

, ................................... Production & Inventory Control 

%.!.  /.0 -'

2# ............................................................................ (
1   !)

2# ....................................................... Manufacturing Technology /.0 34

2) ..............................................................................(56   !)

2) .................................................................................. Management *-

28 ............................................................................ (7   !)

28 ....................................................... Information Technology 9:;< 34

=> ............................................................................ (*+   !)

=> .............................................................. Project Management -6 *-

== ...........................................................................(*?   !)

== ....................................................................... Human Resource @ 

=# ................................................................................ (   !)

=# .......................................................... Operation Research 9: % 7A6

=) ............................................................................... (%   !)

=) ....................................................................................... Layout 3$B-<

=D ........................................................................... (%C   !)

=D ..................................... Work Measurement & Time Study  C   C

/F0 @

‫واژهﺷﻨﺎﺳﻲ ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﻲ ﺻﻨﺎﻳﻊ‬


 !"# !$ ! %"& '"(    )*               

'/! 01! !#  /   ,   1 23+  4 , 5 6,27 2"+ .  +
, % -+

. #+   ,8


 !# #  2   

  :";  -& < =5* 
2+   9 &  

:!? !&/+ # , > ' 23+  4 ,  5 6,27 2"+ . 2 +

, "-+  "# %"&

: ' B,C D # E ( 0<< > '8 * % 8 6,27 2"+ @2+ A1+ 

#,2,5  H4  G, ? E(

'-   ? E(

",(+  ;< E2   ? E(

2&  "$ ? E(

',,+  I2* ? E(

: JK
2&   ? E(

* ',,+  '- ? E(

  6#2+  'L ? E(

:?  )*   ? E(

5,DK   ? E(

+   #,  , ? E(

(  !" # $)

Economics & Costing

&  '()*

Activity – Based Costing (ABC) ';/&

21+ # #,2,5

Benefit – Cost Ratio 2,5 ! + '1

Break – Even #

Capital Budgeting ,+


Cash Flow M2,N ,(

Cost – Volume – Profit Analysis  %O ! 2,5 BP<  ,5O<

Cost Accounting 2,5


Decision Making Under Certainty 2?K Q,  'P<


Decision Making Under Risk G, Q,  'P<


Decision Making Under Uncertainty 2?K  Q,  'P<


Depreciation RJ"

Design to Cost 2,5
21+ #  K

Economies of Integration M$S=,


Economies of Scale N+


Economies of Scope

Equivalent Uniform Annual Value

'8 2=,  ; T

External Rate of Return (ERR) (8 ,+ 'L# U

Extra Investment Analysis &V

 W,+ BP<  ,5O<

Inflation <

Interest Rate "# U

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 8  ,+ 'L# U

Life Cycle Costing ?  #,2,5

Minimum Attractive Rate of Return

,+ 'L# '# W( U B4 

Net Present value (NPV) /& X;8 T

Payback Period ,+ 'L# 

Rate of Return (ROR) ,+ 'L# U

Tax Rate :;+ U

Time Value of Money E*  + T

Activity – Based Costing (ABC) ';/&

21+ # #,2,5

Benefit – Cost Ratio 2,5 ! + '1

('  !" # $)

Quality -.

Acceptable Process Level (APL) E14 B#4 2,& YZ

Acceptable Quality level (AQL) E14 B#4 '- YZ

Acceptance Sampling T,W*


Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ) [8 :\HP+ '- M +

Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL) [8 :\HP+ '- M + +

Average Total Inspection (ATI) # + B  /< Q+

Canada Awards for Business Excellence ?+

#   5, (

Certificate of Quality (COQ) '-  

Chain – sampling plan

 ? DK

Company – Wide Quality Control (CWQC) ' YZ  '- E2

Control station E2 M,

Corrective action J7 :+ 4

Customer Based Quality

21+ # '-

Customer Satisfaction
L+ ]V

Deming Application Prize ^2+

# 5,(

Designing – in Product Quality EHP+  K  '- # (<

Exception report XN  + T 5

Failure Mode Effects & Criticality Analysis

'= _N  ' BP<  ,5O<

Fish diagram '- E2   +  `  ?

Fishbone (Cause & Effect) Diagrams E/+  '


Foolproof mechanisms (Poke – Yoke) Z8 22 5

 5 =+

House of Quality '-  8

ISO – 14000 abccc


ISO – 9000 dccc


Indifferent Quality Level (IQL) :-<# '- YZ

In process inspection report '8 ,(  EHP+ # T 5

Inspection level # YZ

Ishikawa Diagrams =L,


Level of significant X`L< YZ

Lot Tolerance Percent Defective (LTPD) EHP+  E14 B#4 # 8 7 %?,5+

Lot formation 1 B=L<

Lot size 1 %O

Lower Control Limit (LCL) E2 ,* 

Malcome Baldrige National Quality

I,;# =;+ + - 5, (

Off – Line Quality Control %N+e - E2

On – Line Quality Control %N+ - E2

Operation Characteristic (OC) =? H`L+ 2P2+

Pareto diagram <*  ?

Percent defective :/,V 7

QS – 9000 QS ! dccc

Quality Control Circles '- E2


Quality Control Circles (QCC) '- E2 , 

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) - =? T

Quality Improvement (QI) '- 1"#

Quality Information Equipment (QIE) '- < JK : 5"O<

Quality Loss Function - /,V 6#<

Quality assurance '- 2?K

Quality inspection '- #

Rejectable Quality Level (RQL)   B#4 '- YZ

Sample approach
 # ? T

Statistical process Control (SPC)

+ 2,& E2

Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

+ '- E2

Taguchi Methods $<


Total Product Quality (TPQ)  & EHP+ '-

Total Quality Control (TQC)  & '- E2

Total Quality Management (TQM)  & '- ',,+

Unacceptable Quality Level (UQL) T,W* B#4e '- YZ

Up Control Limit (UCL) E2


Warranty of quality '- ?f<

(  !" # $)

Production & Inventory Control  '4$4  345 #2)

ABC Inventory Classification ABC :7 #


Aggregate Planning (AP) /?O<

5,+ #

Analysis of planning
5,+ # BP<  ,5O<

Average inventory Q+


Back – log T-  & 0N

Backward (Upstream) Scheduling 0N # 

21 +
5,+ #

Balance Delay g \# 8h<

Bill Of Material (BOM)  +

O- '#


Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)  + '&i

5,+ #

Closed – Loop MRP # N MRP

Continuous Flow Processes ?+ ,(


Cost of Carrying \ B? 2,5

Delay in delivery B,P<  8h<

Demand Forecasts VN<

 2# *

Demand Management VN< ',,+

Decision – Making

Direct inventory reduction %N+


Distribution Requirements Planning

6,< :(
5,+ #

Distribution Resource Planning (DRP2) 6,< 6#2+

5,+ #

Double Declining Balance method

B# ;5
(+ T

Earning Per Share (E.P.S) %"  + , 

Economic Order Quantity (E.O.Q)

H4 T-  N+

Economic Per Period (E.P.P)

H4 T- 

Economic planning
5,+ #

Enterprise Logistic Planning :J=L< : <

5,+ #

Expected profit under certainty 2?K Q,   j + 

Fixed order interval '#k T-  + 7&

Forecast 2# *

Forward (Downstream) Scheduling ( # 

21 +
5,+ #

Hybrid System N-< %

Inducement  + T *

Inefficiency ,  

Intermittent Flow Processes l2+ ,(


Inventory holding cost

 "M 2,5

Inventory control
(+ E2

Inventory provision \
(+ 8C

Jop Shop Processes   ;<


Jop product =< ;<

Jop shop product   ;<

Just – In – Time 64+ # ;<

Kanban 1 

Lag '&mm g*

Lead time \ '&, < T-  + 7&

Line Balancing Q8 g \#

Lot size ;< (%O)  N+

Manufacturing Resource Planning (MPR2) ;< 6#2+

5,+ #

Marginal profit ," 

Market Price  # '?4

Market equilibrium  #  E/<

Market survey  # #

Mass Production 1 ;<

Master production Schedule (MPS) ;< J

21 +
5,+ #

Material Requirement planning (MRP)  +  +

5,+ #

Net inventory value X;8

(+  N+

On – OFF Product (OOP) =< ;<


Optimized Production Technology (OPT) 2"# ;<

Ordering time T- +

Order size T-  N+

Paper backlog report & 0N T- +

\ T 5 4

Periodical inventory method 

  E2 T

Price stability '?4 :1k

Product divisional organization ;<

21+ #  +

Production Cycle
;< B=

Production Management System (PMS) ;< ',,+ %

Production Scheduling ;<

2#+ + #

Production Smoothing ;<



Pull System LL %

Purchase order ,8 T-

Push system
L& %

Reaction O+ ;<

Rebate discount p-`<

Reorder Point O+ T- ZN

Reorder level system O+ T- YZ %

Repetitive Flow Processes

 =< ,(

Replenishment level
(+ 3  YZ

Rough – Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) '&i LM 
5,+ #

Safety (Buffer) Inventories 2?K


Sales discount T&  p-`<

Set – Up cost

Shop Floor Control (SFC)  YZ E2

Shortage losses
(+ 1?

Stock – taking 1

 # '"&

Stock 8C

Stock Adjustment
(+ q1Z<

Stock – out
(+ 1?

Synchronous Operation +5? :?

Theory Of Constraints (TOC)  ',P+


Time Series  +

Time – lag in production ;< + & g*

Toyota Production System <,<

;< %

Work – In – process Inventory '8 ,( 


(  7  !" # $)

Manufacturing Technology 345 8 9

Actual cost /4  2,5

Advanced Manufacturing Technology

&L* ;<

Agile Production G#$ ;<

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) G<+<  ',  N Q,

Automated Storage & Retrieval System

G<+< '&,# 
8C %

Batch Product   ,


Combination of production factors ;< B+  0<

Computer Aided Design (CAD) <S+ G? #  K

Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) <S+ G? # 2"+

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) <S+ G? # '8

Computer Aided Process planning (CAPP) <S+ G? # 2,&

5,+ #

Computer Integrated Enterprise (CIE)

<S+ $*G, :J=L<

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

<S+ $S=, ;<

Computer Numerical Control (CNC)


Continuous product ?s  ;<

Continuous production line * ;< Q8

Contract product ;<   4

Design For Assembly (DFA)  +

#  K

Design For Manufacturing (DFM) '8

#  K

Distributed Numerical Control (DNC)  6,<


Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) pZ/2+ ;< %

Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) 2?

;< %

Intermittent product * ;<

Lean Production l ;<

 "M '#4

Manufacturing Automation Protocol

;< +<

Numerical Control (NC) Technology


Predictive Maintenance (PM) 2# *

21+ #
 "M  ?/<

Preventive Maintenance (PM)

 "M  ?/<

Reliability 2?K '#4


Total production Maintenance  & "# : ?/< 


(:;  !" # $)

Management -2 

Benchmark GP+

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

 2,& O+ 2"+

Competitive Benchmarking #4  GP+

Competitive Dimensions #4 /#

Concurrent Engineering (CE) +5? 2"+

Continuous And Never ending

,*#  ?+ 1"#
Improvement (Can 1)

Core Competencies  


Corporate Mission RL+ ',+h+

Corporate Strategy '


Corrective Action J7 ';/&

Decision Making centers

%?H< 5 +

Decision Tree %?H< '8

Delphi Method (
%?H< ) -; T

Downstream Integration ( # 


Enterprise Integration :J=L<


Entrepreneurial Leadership  2,&


Executive director , ( ,+

Fast Response Organization (ERO) 6, ,M`* '78 # +

Fast Response Process Capability (FRPC) 6, ,M`* '78 # 2,& '#4

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Z8 '8 BP<  ,5O<

General manager , ( + ,+ ! B ,+

Global Company  "( '

Global Competition  "( '#4

Global Enterprise Integration :J=L<  "(


Globalization   "(


Joint Venture  # 'L+

Kaizen (5,) ,S"#

Learning Organization
, +

Management By Objective (MBO) t

21+ # ',,+

Management audit ',,+ #

Marketing #, #

Middle Manager  + ,+

Multi – National + 2$

Participative Management L+ ',,+


Strategic Management G,)<  ',,+

Strategic Planning G,)< 

5,+ #

Supply Chain +h< O 

Upstream Integration 0N # 

Value Chain T O 

Virtual Plant / Company

O+ ' /  8

(<"  !" # $)

Information Technology =>?@ 8 9

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  2H+ T

Brainware  5& 5v+

Computer – Aided Software Engineering

<S+ G? #  5&  2"+

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

5+ T *  

Data Dictionary   

Database Management   M,* ',,+

Decision Support System (DSS) %?H<  1L* %

Electronic Commerce (E – commerce) = =; :O<

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)   = =; :\1<

Electronic Information System (EIS) = =; : JK %

Electronic Mail (E – mail) = =; '*

Group Decision Support System (GDSS)  

%?H<  1L* %

Hierarchy Of System  % 0< + 

Inference Engine [2 <+

Information System (IS) < JK %

Interpretation process -< 2,&

Knowledge – Based Expert System

 # 21+ 18 %

Knowledge Management  ',,+

Machine Intelligence (MI)  2H+ +

Machine Language + #

Management Information System (MIS) ',,+ : JK %

On – Line Transactions Processing

%N+ ;N T *

Personal Computer (PC) H` <S+

Program Structure Chart (PSC) + # 8  ?

Programming Language , + # #

Structured Decision &, 8 %?H<

System Analysis & Design Methodology %  K  BP<  ,5O< T

System development Life Cycle % +=< 8$

Top – Down Design ,* # \#   K

Word processor  * 

(-.  !" # $)

Project Management 2; -2 

Activity Cost Slope ';/& 2,5 0

Activity On Node (AON)  :7 # ';/& ,?

Activity Slack Time ';/&

O+ +

Actual Cost of Work Performed  O  /4  2,5

Allocation of resource 6#2+ XH`<

Back ward induction L# :1P+

Budjetted Cost of Work Scheduled

21 +  
2#(# 2,5

Critical Path Method (C.P.M)  P# + T

Critical activity  P# ';/&

Critical path  P# +

Decision Flow Diagram %?H< ,(  ,

Dummy Activity
O+ ';/&

Earliest Likely (Optimistic) Time B?P+ + ,<

Earliest Due Date (EDD) B,P<  + ,<

Earliest Start Time (EST) ';/& G, @
# =?+ + ,<

Forward computation L* :1P+

Free Float (F.F)  


Gant Chart '   ?

Graphical Evaluation & Review

M #  #, G2=<
Technique (GERT)

Independent Float (I.F) BN+


Latest Likely (pessimistic) Time` B?P+ + ,<,

Least Cost Scheduling 2,5 B4  # *

21 +

Minimum Slack Time (MST)  + (& ,?

Most Optimistic Time (MOT)  2#T8 + 3 

Most Pessimistic Time (MPT)  2## + 3 

Network Analysis Methods =1 BP<  ,5O<


Node network   =1

Normal duration ';/&


Performance budget :? q1K (# %j2<

Phase +

Phased Project
+ *

Precedence network (PN) 8h<  N<


Precedence relationship
 *  8h<  N< Q# 

Probability Time ;? +

Program Evaluation & Review Technique

+ #
M #  #, G2=<

Project Breakdown Structure (P.B.S) *
 ';/& G=-< T

Project Expediting * # L`#' 

Project selection DK 2,5

Resource Allocation 6#2+ XH`<

Resource Leveling 6#2+   <

Resource allocation 6#2+ XH`<

Run time ( +

Scheme = Project *

Slag time  +

Stochastic processes ;?


Sub Project * ,

Total Float (T.F) /?(


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)   = 8

Work Time Unit Specification   +   :H`L+

Work stoppage  p4<

(-A  !" # $)

Human Resource

Appraisal System T * %


Experience Curve #O< 2P2+

Human Factors Engineering (Ergonomics)  

 & 2"+

Human Resource Information System

  6#2+ < JK %

Human Resource Management (HRM)   6#2+ ',,+

Job Compatibility Questionaire v q#Z< +2L*

Job Design v  K

Job Enlargement v /<

Job Enrichment v


Job Evaluation v #,

Labor Specialization 


Learning Curve
, 2P2+

Method Study T /;Z+

Methods – Time Measurement +   T O2

Predetermined Time Standards  /< *   +


Team Work  

Time Study + /;Z+

Work Groups


Work Safety v '2+

Work Study  /;Z+

(  !" # $)

Operation Research =!> ' <C;

Artificial variable  2H+ v+

Assignment Problem XH`< ;+

Basic feasible solution E14 B#4  l (

Basis variable ,* v+

Corner – point Solution  l (

Decision variable %?H< v+

Dynamic Programming ,*

5,+ #

Entering basic variable


Entering variable

Free variable   v+

Game Theory ",#


Goal Programming  +

5,+ #

Graphical Sensitivity Analysis =&  ' 5; 

Graphical solution ?< l (

Infeasible Solution  l (

Integer Programming YP7 
5,+ #

Learning variable   [8 v+

Linear programming (LP) Z8

5,+ #

Linear programming Z8

5,+ #

Maximum Flow / Minimum Cut Problem T# B4  / ,( 3  ;h+

Network Flows Programming =1

5,+ #

Non basic variable  e v+

Non – Linear Programming (NLP) Z8e

5,+ #

Operation Research (OR) <? )* ! :?  qNP<

Optimal solution 2"# l (

Pivot column \; 

Pivot element \; H2

Primal Problem ; ;+

Revised simplex method  j ,O< g=S? T

Sensitivity Analysis ' 5; 

Sensitivity Analysis ' BP<  ,5O<

Simplex method g=S? T

Slack time 1? 9 =? 9 M2; v+

Surplus basic  + v+

Transportation Problem BN  B? ;+

Traveling Salesman Problem  2& ;+

Two – phase method (& )

+  T

Unique solution & # HP2+ l (

Variable v+

Vehicle Routing Problem N  #,+ ;+

Zero – One programming G,  -7

5,+ #

('  !" # $)

Layout 8& D2@

Automated Layout Design Program G<+<  N  K + #

Cellular Layout ;  N  K

:!7 !# Q!#   N! ! K

5!,+ #
Computerized Relationship Layout
Planning (CORELAP)

:!!7 !!# :J"!!< 1!! XH!!`< G!2=<

Computerized Relative Allocation of
Facilities Technique (CRAFT)

Facility Layout :J"<  N  K

Facility Location :J"< #,=+

Group Technology (GT)  

Process Layout 2,&  N  K

Process Location 2,&  N  K

('E  !" # $)

Work Measurement & Time Study E  


Activity relationship diagram :K1<  ?

Allowance time O+

=# +

Basic time   L+ +

Down – time
=# +

Duty cycle  # + +

Facility layout : =+  N P

Flow chart  ,(  ?

Man – Hour '  ! -

Material flow  + ,(

Normal element time

 H2 E+ +

Observed time   L+ +

Operation Process Chart (OPC) :? 2,&  ?

Organization chart  +  ?

Permanent storage ?s  1

Personal chart (B2*)  2+  ?

Process chart symbols 2,&  ?


Regular time E?/+ ,


Simultaneous Motion Chart (S.M.C) +5? :  ?

Temporary storage '4+ 1

Time Measurement Unit (TMU) +


Time and motion study +  '  ?

Time study sheet O2+ &

Turn around %   T +

Turn over  T

Work measurement (O2 ) 



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