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Purpose in Life

“The two most important days in your life are the day
you are born and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain
The proper question is - What meaning or purpose do
you want life to have? It’s entirely up to you. You can either
create meaning and purpose yourself out of almost unlimited
options, or you can be like most people and simply adopt what
other people tell you is their meaning, their purpose. I don’t
know about you, but I’d rather have my own meaning and
purpose rather than simply borrowed from someone else.
For me, my purpose is to love. To do everything or
anything I can to give and get as much of it as possible. When
I say love, I’m referring to the people around me that make me
feel good and that I want to spend as much time as possible
with. This can be my friends, family, mentors, and sometimes,
even the total strangers.

There are many things in life that does not make it any
easier to be happy. But realizing that none of it matters because
what really matters in life is love. The thing to all of this is, this
is what we all do even though many of us don’t realize it. We
pursue love when we pursue most things in life.

I guess my point is, happiness is right in front of us.

We just have to have the “intelligence” to see it and grasp it.
Life is not worth living, we make it so. If your life is at rest then
become the force that acts upon it. We live to accomplish goals
because that is what we are always doing. We are always doing
something. Even if you sit still, you breathe to maintain life.
Why do we do things? Well our motive is different for each and
every one of us. Life isn't simple. Neither are you.

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