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Mf.AD0�7 MOUHTAltl
COOl'£1lAT1VE AGRE:Et!F.NT \JIIP:RF'..AS , it b Ll1e mutual dee ire of Lhe Dhlsion , the Serv ice ,
TUE COLORADO OlVlSlOH OF 'WIU>LUE , tho Bureau VA , liHV , and the Beard to work in hilt111ony · for the
common purpose uf maintaining , imprQv ing , out! milnnglng cbc 11Te11
AND 1:0 11s to protect and e1lhance its valuo as an ,. J k wint:cr rauge
co TIit::• l·.OIIEST M::P.V�CE• and for ocher publ:I c va lues c0111pal:!hl e therewith in the bc,it
interests of the pl'!oplo of Colorado and tho Uni t l!d Stntes; m11l
IL) ·-·- -- • __ _: ·- - ···- . U._ S . DEPAR'fMEN'f
· · - ·- · OF· · AGRICUJ,TURI::
ANI> . ·.
. · - · · · · - · · · · ~- - -· \IIIF,llEAS ,. the. Rurc.'.lll has clns:ilfied the l:l11t.Lonal Reaource an !I
within this 1noa for r�tention in public owncnhip for mul t i p l e
usi: 1u.a11.1ccmcnt undor th" Cla:o;ni ficatlon and Mul t i pl e U11e Ar. L of

/ 19 (,I� scgrng.iting t:he lands against appropr i lldon untler the
a> agd�ult�rnl l nnd s 1.iwii a111l public sole under R. S. 245S ;
NOW TlllmEFOKE, it ie muLually agreed and undcrstoorl no foll ows :
' · I I, Description of the Area - l0he Hre.i conl.oins 1 , 990 ocrP11
located al I within T5S , R82'W, and ·rss , R81W , &th I' .n. ,
GrRnd · Junction Distdct , nnd l-naitu River lfacion.11
'- • Forest , F."&le County , Colorado. The winter range lando
involved in th l s a6ree111ent are shown on Exhib:l t A attached
• COLOllJ\DD Sl'A'rE LAND -��RO I to :11111 mane a part hereof.
II . Wildl i fe Neede - The Meadow Hnunr.ain :nun provides spcuific
• -

This Go(Jpc1 ative Ar,rc<>m<'nl: made this -✓� �- - · •• cl�y of /"-'r,D,i-1,�,..t._, 1976 , topographic , clim.:1tic , mid for.ige condition s e eacntial t o the
\ 1

by and l,ctwel!'n I Ire Color;,do IH,v{ sion oI wif,J h fe , hr.rcinafEcr called win t:u1· survivn l or elk . l11 c,r.r.enr.e , the c l lnoate is relat ively
lhe D lvj s ion i Lio@ l'l)rc:it ServJcc , U. S. D,:p11rl n1P.nt o[ A�rinul ture , • .. mild con :1 l.Jei:ing the elevat ion 1mrl l:opoi:rnphy of tl,e area ,
1,crcina ft.,,· ca l J r.11 tha! ; · the Burcali of 1.aud J-lnnn1;cmo11t , U . S . :ind the ridees and slope!! u rc normnlly accell s ible to elk
Depnrl. 1Prnt of tho 1111: e cio r , here inafter ca•n �d the BurP.atq Vni! so that f\lrage ill avail nbla 1:hrvuRhout the mon ths .
AG!loc iates, Inc . , hcrGina fter c a l l e d VA : Cr-od&o Moun t11 i n at Va 1 l , Forage production nnd ul:il i2:11t1on IJLuilics luive br.en cc,n•
' tt cl , , hct� i naftor ca lled GHV:- and C:olorado Sl:atP. L:md l\u1H·d , he re� ducted i n this arl'n by tho Servi.ce and Olvis ion . Tht"!le
ina ftcr ca l l ed l he Hoard. .· s tudies b11ve rcve3led r :evious hcovy �1·az, 1111e in
· • •
i · soecific area s . Mnny sites by elk h,we a l r.o
\llll',ltEI\S , the Se1:vic.c in st1thodzcd unoJPr the J>ruvh, ions of Sl'cllon been used by lives tock . The area j a cm·rcnt ly util ized
5 uf tlac Act of April 24 , l 950 (16 USC--S-J-2 )-;-n ,; 111n1?nde:d , Lu enter during the wit,teL· mnntha by an ostimut"ed 200 elk. Res i -
1uto couperative a1�rcc111en;s -with of fic ial t\l a t e .ar,cncics , and tlcn tial , recreational , anrl c:ommcr c h l impr.ovcn1emt11 hnve
made inro11d& illto available wi nter elk hoblcat , thus
11111::RF.AS, tho Dure,11u h aur:horizuJ under the provi sions nf the Act reducing the cnrrying capacity of the winter range.
ot .hme 2 8 , i 934 (l,(l :it;; l: . 1259) , a& nrnond.,,t in lhe Act nf June 1'1 ,
l '.160 (711 . 5Ub) to en ter i nto coopcr.llt ivc n&T l!em1m t s with ot- III. ObJ eccives - Tln, vlij ;:;.:L hc:: of th! " :itrimment 11nd nmnagomeot
[I d nl &t;>l;e aur. n c l t!s in connect ion \Ji. th tlul tnallaKen,r.nt , u:ic , ,:md pl nn ere :
prc:,tec l i on of the n11t i onal resource land& .
. . a. 'ro improve :md prot:ect Lhe babi tat :ind ioi:a1�e cnml:l cf.ons
WIIERF.AS , the ll'ureau and rhe Service nrc authori zed to enter t.n to
coo1>crative :in:unr,f'ments· wi lb• 11acb othr.r und:?r I he r>rovi :,1 01111 uf
cm the el k wint.P.r range in order to _ m11111-
tain a maxi m11111 populnllon of elk co11sJ r. tcnt with
� I he Act of June 3 0 , 1932 ('31 USC 686) ; and availilhle forafe Rli detP.rminod j o i nt ly by the
. . . rccourr.e aKenc1 e� , .:i p.11 ty herr to , recor,111 zlu� thnt
ai WmRt::AS , H h11:1 hr.en dl! t1nm! nrd thai: .:he •lei,tlow tluu11 t a in elk hunt i ng will cuntinue to he the nccept: ablc tncthod of
"Wlut· f' r r.,ngo ohnwn on Exhibj t A, whf.,;-h l!I;irl t,, .ind m11de a ctopµins surJITlls anim,116 .
pa 1·1. licn�of m1cl wliich e1nbrace:; parcel,: of l ,mrJ undct· t.hc.
o,h11! ni "' rutivo j uc istl'ic t ion of i,ach. of. thr. s i 1,;ning coopP.J"a toru , h. To main tain the enviroomenLail quality ond pub l ic nvner­
is par t i cul arly val t111ble hecause of its lpca t ion ,md uni que ship status of lands within t:he 1-lcudow lfollnto f o elk
""' ·
<:=! .
;ihH lty to cuppoct a lil ree wlnt eriuK he,:J of elk ; · .ind 'l'anga :io that the public may Cully enj oy this out­
standing herd of ulk , the Accnic 11Ltr.acl ions of the
<O ·
...... '

' .

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