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21 March 2019 -- lasoverage: new '-classify_as 18' to give overage / overlap points

classification different from 12

20 March 2019 -- lasoverage: new option '-entire_overlap' to classify, flag, or
delete *all* points in overlap area
19 March 2019 -- LASlib, LASzip, LAStools: bug fix in "legacy class" decompressing
new point types with "class > 31"
10 March 2019 -- lastrack: bug fix when '-store_height_as_extra_bytes' if extra
bytes already exist in input file
6 March 2019 -- lasvoxel: new option '-step_z_infinite' for a 2D voxelization with
infinitely extending z cells
5 March 2019 -- all LAStools: support GeoTIFF keys 3084 through 3087 used by RIEGL
in generic LambertConfConic_2SP
26 February 2019 -- las2dem, lasgrid, lasoverlap: disable 'nodata' for TIF when
writing 8 bit / 3 band RGB images
26 February 2019 -- lastile: fixed bug for '-reverse_tiling' that was introduced
with release of 64 bit executables
25 February 2019 -- lascanopy: new height/intensity metric "Height of Median Energy
or HOME" via switch '-hom'
22 February 2019 -- laszip: warn if uncompressed LAS file has *.laz extension and
vice-versa but don't override file.
21 February 2019 -- LASlib, LASzip, LAStools: bug fix when writing 4,294,967,296 or
more points uncompressed to LAS
20 February 2019 -- lasheight: bug fix when '-store_height_as_extra_bytes' if extra
bytes already exist in input file
19 February 2019 -- las2las: fix '-set_attribute_offset 0 1.5'. new '-
unset_attribute_scale 1' '-unset_attribute_offset 0'
18 February 2019 -- lasinfo: do not expect zero terminated strings for 'user ID'
and 'description' of VLRs and EVLRs
17 February 2019 -- lasinfo: new '-set_geotiff_epsg 32755' adds EPSG code in-place
when other GeoTIFF tags present
16 February 2019 -- lasinfo: option '-rename lala' rename files (tiles) from
'fusa.laz' to 'lala_277750_6122250.laz'
6 February 2019 -- lasoptimize64: bug fix in 64 bit version of lasoptimize for
input files exceeding a certain size
5 February 2019 -- lassort64: bug fix in 64 bit version of lassort for input files
exceeding a certain file size
1 February 2019 -- lasground: fix of bug occuring for tiny input files that have
no ground that should just be copied
31 January 2019 -- lascanopy: new '-s_upper 95' to use only 95 percent highest
heights for: -avg -qav -std -ske -kur
29 January 2019 -- las2txt: fix when outputting scaled or offset "extra bytes" with
'-parse xyz012'
27 January 2019 -- laszip: fix for '-no_native' or '-compatible' when LAS 1.4 input
is already 'native' compressed
27 January 2019 -- lasreturn: compute 3D distance between subsequent returns (aka
gaps) and store as extra bytes
26 January 2019 -- lasinfo: fix report of min/max extra byte values when scale is
not set and has value of zero
25 January 2019 -- all LAStools: new "Extra Bytes" transform '-
add_scaled_attribute_to_user_data 0 10.0'
22 January 2019 -- lasinfo: fixed bug of tool simply stopping to read points when
reaching a total of 4294967295
21 January 2019 -- lascolor: create 64 bit version and add missing '-cpu64' switch
21 January 2019 -- lasinfo: '-repair' or '-repair_counters' bug fix for repairing
legacy return counters in LAS header
20 January 2019 -- lasinfo: also report min/max values of documented additional
attributes stored in 'extra bytes'
14 January 2019 -- lasgrid64, las2dem64, lascanopy64, lasoverlap64: also support
PNG, JPG, and TIF raster output
13 January 2019 -- lasoverlap: create 64 bit version and add missing '-cpu64'
11 January 2019 -- all LAStools: exit with ERROR when '-cpu64' switch is used but
64 bit executable cannot be found
11 January 2019 -- lasmerge: add missing '-cpu64' switch
11 January 2019 -- lasboundary: if '-overview -oshp' is selected but no output file
given, then use '-o overview.shp'
10 January 2019 -- lasthin: bug fix for crash when inputting LAS or LAZ that was
output from unlicensed LAStools module
5 January 2019 -- lasground & lasground_new: do not zero 'user_data' in unlicensed
version when using '-compute_height'
4 January 2019 -- all LAStools: new "Extra Bytes" transform '-add_attribute_to_z
0' & '-add_scaled_attribute_to_z 1 -1.5'
3 January 2019 -- all LAStools: new "Extra Bytes" transform '-scale_attribute 0
1.1' & '-translate_attribute 1 10.25'
29 December 2018 -- lasclip: new option '-ignore_extended_class 43 43 44 67' for
LAS 1.4 classifications larger than 31
28 December 2018 -- LASzip, LASlib and all LAStools: fix for LASzip v4
decompression of WavePacket part of PRDF 9 and 10
27 December 2018 -- LASzip, LASlib and all LAStools: upped to 3.2 r9 for bug fix in
multi-channel NIR decompression
18 December 2018 -- lasboundary: bug fix for 64 bit executable called via '-cpu64'
with '-overview' by 32 bit executable
5 December 2018 -- LASlib: new '-transform_affine
0.9999652,0.903571,171.67,736.26' with paramters scale,angledeg,tx,tz
4 December 2018 -- las2dem: bug fix for '-spike_free' algorithm crash when there
are extremely few points in input file
29 November 2018 -- all 64 bit executables: bug fix for ignored '-merged' when
called via '-cpu64' by 32 bit executable
28 November 2018 -- e572las: bug fix for E57 files when applying translation vector
with *huge* translation
21 November 2018 -- lascanopy: new forestry metric Vertical Complexity Index (VCI)
available via '-vci 0.5 1.0 2.0'
19 November 2018 -- all LAStools: support for "Hotine Oblique Mercator" (needed for
Malaysia, Alaska Zone 1, Madagascar)
18 November 2018 -- lascanopy64: fixed division by zero bug in 'bincentiles',
'kurtosis, and 'skewness' of 64 bit version
12 November 2018 -- las2las: new option '-save_vlrs' and '-load_vlrs' to copy VLRs
from one LAS file to (a set of) another
10 November 2018 -- lasground, lasground_new: fixed rare memory bug for spikes
along egde of initial ground estimate
7 November 2018 -- LASzip DLL: assure that legacy and extended flags are identical
to prevent corrupt LAZ files
6 November 2018 -- all LAStools: fix for '-cpu64' and '-cores 2' on single input
files that started 32 bit exes
5 November 2018 -- lasthin: bug fix when using option '-central' for '-step 200'
sizes larger than 50
4 November 2018 -- lasview: new option '-point_size 5' to render fatter points on
1 November 2018 -- all LAStools: parse more NAD83 GCS representations requested by
Kirk Waters from NOAA
31 October 2018 -- las2las: fix for bug with '-set_ogc_wkt' introduced with the
change on 8 May 2018
30 September 2018 -- lasliberate and lasliberateGUI: now also liberating new LAS
1.4 point types 6 to 10 to LAS and LAZ
29 September 2018 -- lasvalidate: bug fix for LAS 1.4 point type 7 containing RGB
29 September 2018 -- lasinfo: new options '-supress_z', '-supress_flags', '-
supress_rgb', '-supress_point_source', ...
28 September 2018 -- las2las: new option '-move_evlrs_to_vlrs'
28 September 2018 -- laszip DLL: tiny bug fix for writing extended classifications
via DLL and updated examples
27 September 2018 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy: further improved handling of 16
bit integer BIL
17 September 2018 -- LASlib: no more support for deprecated LASattributes (aka
"extra bytes") with dimensions 2 or 3
16 September 2018 -- LASlib: new '-map_user_data map.txt' and '-map_intensity
map.txt' and '-map_point_source map.txt'
15 September 2018 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy: auto switch nodata value from
-9999 to 0 for 16 bit integer BIL
14 September 2018 -- lasinfo: new option '-nw' or '-no_warnings' to suppress output
of WARNING messages
13 September 2018 -- las2las: new options 'set_attribute_scale 0 0.1' and '-
set_attribute_offset 1 10.0'
10 September 2018 -- all LAStools: command-line option '-cpu64' invokes 64 bit tool
instead where available.
9 September 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: tools can now also read points from PLY
format (binary and ASCII).
7 September 2018 -- NEW: many 64 bit command-line tools (without GUI). limited
raster formats: BIL, ASC, XYZ, FLT, DTM, LAZ
7 September 2018 -- laspublish: dropping support for Potree 1.4
31 August 2018 -- lasheight: fixed *serious* run-time performance bug introduced in
version 180731 and 180812. update!!!
12 August 2018 -- laspublish: fix in bug on chrome for Potree 1.4. by default
Potree 1.6 is used (old one with '-potree14')
10 August 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: fix bug in LAStransform
'change_classification_from_to 19 2' reported by Kirk
6 August 2018 -- lasview, lascontrol: '-cp control_points.txt' file can also be
parsed when separated by semicolons
31 July 2018 -- lasheight: now '-class 2 8 75 76' option can also include extended
classifications as ground points
30 July 2018 -- lasclassify: for height-normalized data you can use '-height_in_z'
instead of the user data values
30 July 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: bug fix in selective decompression of
"extra_bytes" for point types 6 and higher
27 July 2018 -- lasduplicate: added option '-highest_z' which was a logical (but
missing) complement to '-lowest_z'
22 July 2018 -- LASib, txt2las: fixed LASreader_txt bug for parsing 'c'lassfication
to '-set_version 1.4' and '-set_point_type 6'
10 July 2018 -- LASlib: when reading from an istream user must manually set seek-
ability (hard to determine)
8 July 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: '-classify_attribute_below_as', '-
classify_attribute_above_as', '-classify_attribute_between_as'
6 July 2018 -- lasground, lasnoise: testing options '-ignore_withheld' and '-
ignore_overlap' (but not with '-olay')
20 June 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: fix for '-set_classification 0' transform for
new LAS 1.4 point types 6-10
20 June 2018 -- lascontrol: generate report even if input point data does not cover
any of the control points
17 June 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: fix in flag copy from old LAS 1.3 (0-5) to
new LAS 1.4 point types (6-10)
16 June 2018 -- txt2las: new option '-set_global_encoding 1' because this bit is
simply so often set wrong
12 June 2018 -- las2las: new option '-set_global_encoding_gps_bit 1' because this
bit is simply so often set wrong
11 June 2018 -- lasview: new option '-points_all' loads all points from input
(especially useful for manual editing)
10 June 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: fix for additional attributes in "extra
bytes" combined with '-buffered 15'
28 May 2018 -- lasclip: remove leading spaces from '-split 2' file name from DBF
file, use LAZ if format not specified
20 May 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: bug fix when trying to set CRS via '-gda94
-utm 56south' in command line
19 May 2018 -- lasnoise, lasheight, & others: bug fix when on-the-fly filtering on
additional attributes
12 May 2018 -- las2las, LASlib: new filters '-drop_RGB_red 5000 6000' and '-
drop_RGB_green 200 10000'
8 May 2018 -- las2las: handling of OGC WKT and more clear "setting" versus
"reprojecting" the CRS
29 April 2018 -- all LAStools GUIs: allow to overlay a PNG assuming it has a world-
coordinate PGW file
23 April 2018 -- lasview: for manual editing also "<r>egister changes" avaulable
via pop-up menu
22 April 2018 -- lasview: also display 'user data' attribute for points picked with
21 April 2018 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy: fix bug of removed filters/transforms
when gridding/rasterizing '-attribute ...'
21 April 2018 -- lastrack: '-store_height_as_extra_bytes', '-
store_yz_range_as_extra_bytes', '-store_xyz_range_as_extra_bytes'
20 April 2018 -- lastrack: new '-classify_xyz_range_between 50 1000 7' uses 3D
distance from point to track
19 April 2018 -- las2las: 'remove_all_evlrs' and '-remove_all_evlr 0' and '-
remove_evlrs_from_to 1 3'
17 April 2018 -- lasinfo: better formatted output when bins of histograms have
decimal digitls
11 April 2018 -- lasgrid: fix issue for huge rasters (using temp file storage)
running on multiple cores
9 April 2018 -- lasclip, las2las, lasheight, lasnoise: remove empty files unless
7 April 2018 -- lasview: also display 'point source ID' (aka flightline number)
for points picked with 'i'
6 April 2018 -- las2iso and lasboundary: adding '-odbf' to the command line
produces a 'z' attribute
3 April 2018 -- lascolor: ability to process entire folders of LAS/LAZ and
corresponding TIF files
2 April 2018 -- blast2dem, blast2iso: improved generation of *.prj files
30 March 2018 -- laspublish: support recently released version 1.6 of Potree via
command switch '-potree16'
30 March 2018 -- blast2dem, blast2iso: support for input LASlayers '-ilay', '-
ilaydir e:\layers', and '-ilay 2'
29 March 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: fix for "missing points" when writing just
decompressed "native" LAS 1.4
28 March 2018 -- lasinfo: also report TOWGS84 Helmert transform stored in GeoTIFF
key 2062 (GeogTOWGS84GeoKey)
27 March 2018 -- lasground, lasnoise, lasheight, lasthin, ... : also allow '-
ignore_class 0' for classification 0
23 March 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: more checks for correct arguments for
25 March 2018 -- NEW: lasvoxel computes a number of different summarizing 3D
voxelizations for high-density LiDAR
23 March 2018 -- lasvalidate: fixing bug introduced in LAStools release version
22 March 2018 -- lascanopy, lasgrid, las2dem: fix for bug in writing TIF rasters
that appeared in version 180303
21 March 2018 -- lasheight (and others): also allow '-ignore_class 2 5 0' to
include classification 0
20 March 2018 -- LASlib: new '-transform_helmert 598.1,73.7,418.2,0.202,0.045,-
2.455,6.7' for ECEF coordinates
15 March 2018 -- lasvalidate: validation of files compressed with "native LAS 1.4
extension" of LASzip possible
3 March 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: "allow '-odir' to just specify a drive such
as '-odir f:' of '-odir f:\'
2 March 2018 -- lasboundary, lascanopy: use file name from output rollout of the
GUI for meaningful modes
28 February 2018 -- LASlib, all LAStools: now '-set_RGB_of_class' also works for
classifications > 31
24 February 2018 -- las2las: automatically move eligible EVLRs to VLR section when
downgrading LAS 1.4
23 February 2018 -- las2las: bug fix when downgrading LAS 1.4 with new point types
via '-set_version 1.3'
14 February 2018 -- lasview: expose possibility to visualize workings of "spike-
free" algorithm via the GUI
14 February 2018 -- lasgrid, lascanopy, las2dem: now CSV files represent "no_data"
with ",," instead of ",-,"
9 February 2018 -- LASzip: minor version increment to 3.2 as POINT14_v4 fixes
context inefficiency bug
9 February 2018 -- lassort: support for applying LASlayers with '-ilay' on read
9 February 2018 -- many LAStools: support stdin/stdout piping for multi-pass tools
like lasground, lasnoise, ...
31 January 2018 -- many LAStools: improved command-line parsing for select tools
and select argument combinations
31 January 2018 -- las2las: fix proper functioning of '-set_ogc_wkt' for certain
command line argument combinations
30 January 2018 -- txt2las and LASlib: use 'I' to parse NIR channel and 'J' to
parse hexadecimal intensities
3 January 2018 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy: actually turn on compression when
writing rasters as LAZ files
28 December 2017 -- all LAStools: prepare to correct 'context switch' bug reported
by Wanwannodao on some future date
25 December 2017 -- all LAStools: fixed half-pixel shift in on-the-fly-reading of
BIL without BLW (ulxmap/ulymap are used)
25 December 2017 -- lascanopy: support appendix in output file names '-odix
_blub_blub' in addition to abbreviated metrics
16 December 2017 -- lasgrid: fixed missing line-return bug when outputting rasters
as CSV files
15 December 2017 -- all LAStools: support for auto flightline assignment '-faf' and
'-faf 101' even with '-cores 4'
14 December 2017 -- all LAStools: keep multiple flightlines with '-
keep_point_source 2 3 4'
10 December 2017 -- all LAStools: new '-keep_random_fraction 0.2 4711' allows
seeding the random generator with 4711
1 December 2017 -- LASlib: support additional point attributes (aka extra bytes)
during '-merged' operations
30 November 2017 -- las2las: set OGC WKT with '-set_ogc_wkt
"PROJCS[\"WGS84\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_ ...". note the '\'
24 November 2017 -- lascanopy: use option '-height_in_attribute 0' if height is
stored as additional attribute
22 November 2017 -- las2txt: parse extra bytes attributes with indices larger than
9 by bracketing (12) them
21 November 2017 -- txt2las: allow adding up to 32 (from 10) additional extra bytes
21 November 2017 -- lasclip: use output file name from DBF attribute of SHP file
with '-split Plot_Name'
17 November 2017 -- LASlib: new transform '-copy_intensity_into_NIR' (makes only
sense for point type 8)
7 November 2017 -- lasthin: new '-gps_time 0.01' thins per 0.01 sec intervals
instead of per spatial cells
30 October 2017 -- las2las: new option '-vertical_evrf2007' for European Vertical
Reference Frame 2007
26 October 2017 -- lasthin: optional minimum number of points needed for option '-
percentile 40 10'
15 October 2017 -- lasclassify: use height above ground from additional attribute
with '-height_in_attribute 0'
14 October 2017 -- lasinfo: new WARNING when bounding box in LAS header miss-
matches coordinate resolution
10 October 2017 -- las2las: allow both piping input ('-stdin') *and* output ('-
stdout') if no filter or coordinate change
14 September 2017 -- las2dem: fixed bug in elevation rasters when processing native
compressed LAS 1.4
5 September 2017 -- lasthin: new option keeps only points closest to a certain
elevation '-percentile 40'
3 September 2017 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lasoverlap: option '-no_kml' avoids auto-
creation of KML wrapper
28 August 2017 -- selected LAStools: fix issues when outputting LAS 1.4 as LAZ with
"native LAS 1.4 extension"
27 August 2017 -- lassort, lasoptimize: fixed bug when sorting new LAS 1.4 point
types by return number
26 August 2017 -- lastrack: bug fix in new '-classify_xy_range_and_height_between'
18 August 2017 -- NEW: lasoptimize prepares files for maximal compression and
efficient spatial indexing
18 August 2017 -- all LAStools: support for Oblique Stereographic projection added
for Volker Rail
18 August 2017 -- lastrack: new '-classify_xy_range_between' and
17 August 2017 -- LASlib: switch on "native LAS 1.4 extension". turns off with '-
15 August 2017 -- lassort: fixed bug when sorting new LAS 1.4 point types by flight
line (aka point source ID)
7 August 2017 -- lasclassify, lasnoise, lasthin: amount of console output
controlled with '-verbose' or '-quiet'
5 August 2017 -- lassort, lasthin, lasduplicate: support '-remain_buffered' after
'-buffered 25' to keep buffer
5 August 2017 -- LASlib: unless '-buffered 25' just created buffers always '-
5 August 2017 -- LASlib: removed option '-unbuffered' because it makes too many
26 July 2017 -- las2tin: now supports DXF format as output option for the generated
Delaunay TIN
18 July 2017 -- LASzip + LASlib: bug fix for spatially-indexed reading from native
compressed LAS 1.4 files
14 July 2017 -- las2las: fixed missing 'comma' in compound (COMPD_CS) OGC WKT
13 July 2017 -- lasdiff: added missing checks for LAS 1.4 EVLR size and payloads
10 July 2017 -- lasground, lasground_new, lasheight: amount of console output
controlled with '-verbose' or '-quiet'
5 July 2017 -- lasreturn: option '-repair_number_of_returns' now also works for new
LAS 1.4 point types 6 to 10
28 June 2017 -- lasgrid, las2dem, blast2dem, lascanopy: fixed quantization bug in
X/Y coords for LAZ grid output
28 June 2017 -- lasgrid, las2dem, blast2dem, lascanopy: no more bug for unlicensed
writing (black-diagonal)
25 June 2017 -- lascolor: fix inability to read a certain type of tiled 4-band TIF
24 June 2017 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy: correct *unsigned* output for 16 bit
'-intensity' for '-no_data 0'
24 June 2017 -- LASlib: corrected on-the-fly conversion from BIL rasters to point
clouds for unsigned integers
23 June 2017 -- lasnoise: fixed that '-ignore_class 8' did not ignore points during
isolated computation
22 June 2017 -- laslayers: added ability to run on multiple '-cores 7'
18 June 2017 -- lasboundary + all GUIs: fixed "small polygons missing bug" in '-
use_lax' mode and in GUI previews
8 June 2017 -- lasclassify: IMPORTANT BUG FIX (but only if you downloaded version
170528 where it was introduced)
28 May 2017 -- LASzip DLL: support for "selective decompression" of compressed LAS
1.4 points added into DLL API
27 May 2017 -- lascontrol: let '-odir quality' specify where error report '-cp_out
cp_check.csv' will be stored
21 May 2017 -- lasgrid: fixed BIL output for the '-point_density' option. now '-
density' means '-point_density'.
13 May 2017 -- all (license-restricted) LAStools: option '-fail' prevents running
when license is missing/expired
11 May 2017 -- LASlib: new transforms '-copy_classification_into_user_data' and '-
copy_attribute_into_user_data 1'
10 May 2017 -- las2dem, blast2dem, lasgrid: fix rounding error for ususual or very
small step sizes (0.2 or less)
5 May 2017 -- lasground + lasground_new: user data change due to '-compute_height'
makes it into LASlayers output
28 April 2017 -- lasboundary: allow creation of KML and SHP '-overview' files for
multiple LAS/LAZ files
26 April 2017 -- lasboundary: also adding option to add '-labels' to SHP output
that populate the DBF attibutes
25 April 2017 -- LASzip DLL: "native LAS 1.4 extension" in LASzip DLL via
24 April 2017 -- lastile: also '-remove_buffer' for buffers generated by on-the-fly
buffering (= '-buffered 50')
22 April 2017 -- lasground and lasground_new: fix of bb extend for '-buffered 20'
and '-remain_buffered' combo
20 April 2017 -- LASlib: new option '-unbuffered' for lasreadopener removes buffers
from on-the-fly buffering
16 April 2017 -- txt2las: allow requesting a particular point type with new option
'-set_point_type 6'
14 April 2017 -- LASlib: enable "adaptive chunking" for "native LAS 1.4 extension"
for compressing new LAS 1.4
8 April 2017 -- LASlib: new check to detect corrupt LAZ files generated by libLAS
for files with "Extra Bytes"
30 March 2017 -- LASlib: alpha-release of "native LAS 1.4 extension" for LASzip
compression of new LAS 1.4 points
29 March 2017 -- LASlib: enable "native LAS 1.4 extension" for LASzip via '-native'
27 March 2017 -- lascolor: support NIR, 4 band RGBNIR images as well as three band
grey and single band copying
26 March 2017 -- lascanopy: fixed bug in raster mode when attempting to use '-
use_tile_bb' or '-use_orig_bb'
22 March 2017 -- las2shp: fixed bug accidentally introduced in version 170203
22 March 2017 -- lassort: fixed *serious* bug accidentally introduced in version
22 March 2017 -- LASlib: new filter '-thin_points_with_time 0.000001' vs '-
thin_pulses_with_time 0.001'
12 March 2017 -- LASlib: new filters '-drop_every_nth' '-drop_number_of_returns' '-
11 March 2017 -- lassort: option to first sort by '-scanner_channel' and then by '-
11 March 2017 -- lassort: option to first sort by '-point_source' and then by '-
10 March 2017 -- LAStools: also read more generic LCC, TM, and AEAC projections
from OGC WKT strings
10 March 2017 -- lasboundary: add download links via '-base_url' to KML output
9 March 2017 -- lassort: fixed serious bug only happening for new LAS 1.4 point
types 6 through 10
8 March 2017 -- LASlib: new transform '-copy_user_data_into_scanner_channel' fixes
bad LAS 1.4 files
6 March 2017 -- LASlib: new transform '-copy_NIR_into_intensity' for point types 8
and 10
2 February 2017 -- lascolor: support TIFF with more than 3 bands (for now simply
ignore the additional bands)
2 February 2017 -- lasground, lasground_new: small bug fix for '-replace_z' with
non-zero 'z_offset' in LAS header
2 February 2017 -- LAStools: read (subset of) projections from OGC WKT strings if
coded via AUTHORITY EPSG code
1 February 2017 -- LASlib: better support for OGC WKT strings in VLRs or EVLRs when
1 February 2017 -- LASlib: new transform '-copy_intensity_into_z' for use in
lasgrid or lascanopy
30 January 2017 -- las2shp: ability to output also 'x' and 'y' to corresponding DBF
20 January 2017 -- las2shp: ability to output other LAS attributes to corresponding
DBF file
16 January 2017 -- LASlib: support for NAVD88 Geoids when generating OGC WKT string
via '-vertical_navd88_geoid12b'
11 January 2017 -- txt2las: 'k'/'h'/'o' for <k>eypoint/with<h>eld/<o>verlap flag
and 'l' for scanner channe<l>
10 January 2017 -- las2txt: parse option 'h'/'o' for with<h>eld/<o>verlap flag and
'l' for scanner channe<l>
10 January 2017 -- LASlib: new '-merge_scanner_channel_into_point_source' '-
10 January 2017 -- LASlib: new transform '-copy_scanner_channel_into_point_source'
10 January 2017 -- LASlib: new filters '-keep_scanner_channel 2' and '-
drop_scanner_channel 1'
8 January 2017 -- lasdiff: better difference reporting when checking "extra bytes"
8 January 2017 -- lasinfo: more complete output for GeoTIFF tags 2048, 2050, and
6 January 2017 -- all LAStools: rudimentary support for Lambert Conic Conformal
(1SP) by ignoring scale factor
6 January 2017 -- all LAStools: more EPSG codes due to updates 'pcs.csv' and
'gcs.csv' files
6 January 2017 -- lasboundary: new option to add '-labels' to KML output
5 January 2017 -- lasplanes: fixed tiny bug that occured when output to PEF file
with '-o planes.pef' was requested
4 January 2017 -- all LAStools: added DHHN92 "Deutsches Haupthoehennetz 1992" for
OpenNRW LiDAR (-vertical_dhhn92)
2 January 2017 -- all LAStools: more support for CRS with "user defined"
AlbersEqualArea projection in GeoTIFF tags
2 January 2017 -- lasview: better handling of intensity distributions containing
only a few bright points
2 January 2017 -- lasview: draw measurement line between points picked with 'i'
when <SHIFT> or <CAPS LOCK> is on
10 December 2016 -- blast2dem: also support rasterization of extra bytes via '-
attribute 0' or '-attribute 1'
28 November 2016 -- all LAStools: new filters '-keep_second_last' and '-
drop_second_last' return
26 November 2016 -- lascopy: added ability to also copy z, intensity, and RGB from
source to target
23 November 2016 -- lascopy: fixed bug in copying classifications for returns part
of a multi-return
14 November 2016 -- blast2dem: output *.prj files for ASC/BIL/FLT/XYZ
14 November 2016 -- NEW: lascopy copies classifications from source to target based
on GPS time + return number
14 November 2016 -- blast2dem: grids can be output as compressed LAZ points
14 November 2016 -- blast2dem, blast2iso: support for entire set of CRS like the
remaining LAStools
13 November 2016 -- all LAStools: early FALSE when setting output directory via '-
odir __' will not succeed
9 November 2016 -- all LAStools: support CRS via "user defined" AlbersEqualArea
projection in GeoTIFF tags
8 November 2016 -- lascanopy, lasgrid, las2dem fix memory bug introduced with PRJ
support in 160721
7 November 2016 -- lasclip: fix issue when option '-donut' is used and polygons
have repeated vertices
28 October 2016 -- lasreturn: '-classify_as 12' or '-flag_as_synthetic' mark
returns from incomplete pulses
27 October 2016 -- lasreturn: new option '-check_return_numbering' prints missing
return histograms
26 October 2016 -- lasgrid: new option '-return_type -highest -false' to visualize
missing (cloud) returns
23 October 2016 -- las2las: OGC WKT string stores COMPD_CS for projection +
22 October 2016 -- las2las: new '-set_ogc_wkt_in_elvr' store to EVLR instead of VLR
22 October 2016 -- LASlib: ability to not only read but also write EVLR
16 October 2016 -- laslayers: new option '-add' to add filters and transforms as
LASlayers to LAY files
16 October 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filters '-keep_attribute_between' and '-
15 October 2016 -- las2dem, las2iso, las2tin: no more endless loop when '-lakes' or
'-creeks' input is emtpy
30 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filter -keep_NDVI_blue_is_NIR -0.1 0.5
(computed from R of RGB and B = NIR)
30 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filter -keep_NDVI_green_is_NIR 0.4 0.8
(computed from R of RGB and G = NIR)
30 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filter -keep_NDVI_intensity_is_NIR -0.2
0.2 (computed from R of RGB and intensity = NIR)
30 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filter -keep_NDVI_from_CIR 0.4 0.8
(computed from RGB = CIR)
30 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filter -keep_NDVI 0.2 0.7 (computed from
R+NIR for point type 8)
29 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filters -keep_extended_scanner_channel 1
and -drop_extended_scanner_channel 0
25 September 2016 -- lasgrid: better '-false' and '-gray' colors when used with
option '-classification'
21 September 2016 -- LASlib, las2las: new filters '-drop_attribute_above' and '-
18 September 2016 -- LASlib, lasinfo: improved reporting of (extended & legacy)
classification histograms
16 September 2016 -- laszip: corrected "LAS 1.4 compatibility mode" for case that
legacy counters are zero
10 September 2016 -- tin2dem: new option '-kill 3.0' removes triangles with xy-edge
length of 3.0 or more
8 September 2016 -- blast2dem: correct handling of 16 bit RGB color ranges in '-
rgb' mode
7 September 2016 -- lassort: fixed GPS time, point source ID, and return numbers
sort for LAS 1.4
15 August 2016 -- lascanopy: fix small bug in case input are ASC/BIL rasters
instead of LAS/LAZ points
30 July 2016 -- las2las: correct naming of stateplanes when combining '-sp83 CA_I'
with 'set_ogc_wkt'
29 July 2016 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy, lasoverlap: grids can be output as
compressed LAZ points
28 July 2016 -- lasclip: new option '-donuts' to handle islands and lakes (based on
winding order)
27 July 2016 -- lascontrol: new options '-cp_ignore_diff_above 1.5' '-
cp_ignore_diff_below -0.5'
26 July 2016 -- lascanopy: ability to use '-names' in '-loc' and '-lor' lists of
circ/rect plots
21 July 2016 -- las2iso, lasboundary, las2shp, las2tin: output *.prj files for SHP
file output
19 July 2016 -- las2las: fixed bug with '-target_survey_feet' not always working
with '-cores 8'
18 July 2016 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy, lasoverlap: output *.prj files for
13 July 2016 -- las2las: added AUTHORITY EPSG code 1116 associated with NAD83 2011
for OGC WKT output
9 July 2016 -- LAStools: added Norwegian vertical datums -vertical_nn2000
9 July 2016 -- lasground, lasground_new, lasheight, lasnoise: fixed bug of version
160703 when using '-buffered 20'
2 July 2016 -- LAStools: add datums -vertical_navd88 -vertical_cgvd2013
-vertical_cgvd28 -vertical_dvr90
2 July 2016 -- lasheight: added the options "store as extra bytes" and "none" to
the GUI
28 June 2016 -- LASlib: new transforms '-set_extended_return_number 11' and '-
set_extended_number_of_returns 13'
28 June 2016 -- LASlib: new filters '-keep_first_of_many' and '-keep_last_of_many'
24 June 2016 -- LASlib: the 'reserved' field of newly created VLRs is set to zero
instead of 0xAABB
8 June 2016 -- LASlib: ASCII text input can have ';' as a seperator (e.g.
6 June 2016 -- lasthin: also GUI shows options for adaptive thinning (e.g.
keypoints) and contour thinning
28 May 2016 -- QGIS 2.14.1: major update to LAStools and LAStools Production
toolboxes for QGIS 2.14.1
20 May 2016 -- las2las: '-move_ancient_to_extended_classification' 5 bits + flags =
8 bit classifications
15 May 2016 -- LASlib: '-translate_raw_xy_at_random 2 2' perturbes X/Y for faster
Delaunay of points on grid
12 May 2016 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy: appropiate resolution for X/Y
coordinates for XYZ output
29 April 2016 -- LASlib: don't EXIT but produce WARNINGs when rescale / reoffset
overflows integers
20 April 2016 -- LASlib: new transforms, '-switch_R_G', '-switch_R_B' and '-set_RGB
32768 16384 0'
14 April 2016 -- lasclassify: added missing '-ignore_class' selection options to
the GUI
14 April 2016 -- lasground: fixed rare crash when classifying flightlines
separately with '-by_flightline'
10 April 2016 -- LASlib: exit with ERROR when '-rescale 0.001 ...' or '-
reoffset ...' overflow integer
9 April 2016 -- lasinfo: new option '-set_file_source_ID_from_point_source_ID'
8 April 2016 -- lassort: sort first by GPS time then by return number '-gps_time
28 March 2016 -- laspublish: fixed bug for download (files were copied / moved to
wrong location)
28 March 2016 -- lasthin: added '-adaptive 0.2' for adaptive thinning (e.g.
20 March 2016 -- lasthin: added '-contours 2.0' to farthest from contour for each
19 March 2016 -- BLAST: new '-temp_files h:\temp' specifies where to temp store
14 March 2016 -- lasthin: fixed bug in '-subcircle 0.2' that sometimes duplicated
13 March 2016 -- LASlayers: fixed bug for '-ignore_class 7' when classifying to
same class 7
28 February 2016 -- LASlayers: support for '-filtered_transform' in a transform
28 February 2016 -- LASlib: new filters '-drop_extended_class 42' and '-
drop_extended_class 219'
28 February 2016 -- laspublish: 2D download maps for 'Hotine Oblique Mercator' and
'Oblique Stereoscopic'
19 February 2016 -- LASlayers: bug fix for delete layers in combination with
filters or transform layers
18 February 2016 -- lasinfo: more useful '-set_number_of_variable_length_records'
and friends
16 February 2016 -- lasclip & lascanopy: avoid crash when SHP file contains
completely emtpy records
7 February 2016 -- las2dem and blast2dem: small bug fix for additional '-scale 2.1'
7 February 2016 -- LAStools: support for EPSG code 4326
25 January 2016 -- LASlib: brand-new opportunity to do a '-filtered_transform'
24 January 2016 -- txt2las: better support for storing attributes in "Extra Bytes
with '-add_attribute'
24 January 2016 -- NEW: laspublish to visualize and download LiDAR in a Web browser
with Potree
19 January 2016 -- LASlib: new transform to '-scale_rgb 1.5 2.1 1.8'
19 January 2015 -- NEW: lasreturn repairs 'number of returns'. geometrically
analyzes multi-returns
10 January 2016 -- all GUIs: edit ".\LAStools\bin\serf\geo\my_epsg.csv" to add your
own EPSG codes
9 January 2016 -- LAStools: also parse 'gcs.csv' file whenever an unknown datum is
6 January 2016 -- lasgrid, las2dem: can raster '-attribute [0|1|2...]' stored as
"Extra Bytes"
4 January 2016 -- lasground: option '-by_flightline' allows to classify
flightlines separately
2 January 2016 -- LAStools: parse 'pcs.csv' file whenever an unknown EPSG code is
1 January 2016 -- las2las & txt2las: create OGC WKT string for CRS for full LAS
1.4 compliance
1 January 2016 -- all GUIs: can create a directory when browsing for one via pop-
up window
20 December 2015 -- LAStools: new EPSG codes 2945(MTM3) to 2952 (MTM10) and
3753/3754 (Ohio)
18 December 2015 -- lastile: attempted fix of "excessive empty tile" problem in
multi-core mode
6 December 2015 -- lasboundary: new '-use_tile_bb' and '-largest_only' (only with
6 December 2015 -- lasoverlap: new '-use_tile_bb' to easier process buffered tiles
9 October 2015 -- lasground, lasclassify: now '-feet' and '-elevation_feet' works
with '-cores 2'
9 October 2015 -- lasclip: fixed bug introduced for '-split' option in version
25 September 2015 -- LASlib: disabling auto-upgrade to LAS 1.4 introduced in
150924. now it just warns.
24 September 2015 -- prototype implementing "uprising" of the n>1 returns against
1st return supremacy
24 September 2015 -- lasclip: new options '-ignore_first_of_many', '-
ignore_intermediate', '-ignore_single' ...
24 September 2015 -- LASlib: upgrade to LAS 1.4 when '-merged'ing more points than
older LAS allows
24 September 2015 -- LASlib: consistant zeroing of legacy counters for new LAS 1.4
point types
24 September 2015 -- LASzip: better DLL supports streaming and "extra bytes" in
"compatibility mode"
24 September 2015 -- lasclip: fixed bug for '-split' that was introduced in version
24 September 2015 -- las2tin: new option '-histo edge_length 0.1' or '-histo
edge_length_max 0.1'
28 August 2015 -- lasinfo: option '-repair_counters' corrected for 64 bit counters
of LAS 1.4 files
28 August 2015 -- lasthin: added option '-central' to keep the most central point
of each cell
21 August 2015 -- lascontrol: adjust z coodinate using mean error with new LAS/LAZ
or LAY files
21 August 2015 -- lasgrid: new '-invert_ramp' for '-false' and '-gray' colorings
20 August 2015 -- LASlayers: using '-olay' with a filter or transform adds them to
the LAY file
19 August 2015 -- lasground: new '-bulge 1.0' offers more control for what is added
to the ground
19 August 2015 -- lastile: new '-flag_as_withheld' or '-flag_as_synthetic' for
buffer points

19 August 2015 -- lastile: multi-core tiling to be used with spatially indexed

18 August 2015 -- lasdiff: fixed report for truncated files (fewer or more points)
1 August 2015 -- LASlib: moving LASpoint, LASquantizer, and LASattributer to LASzip
for "compatibility"
31 July 2015 -- LASzip: new DLL (incompatible with prior version) supports "LAS 1.4
compatibility mode"
25 July 2015 -- LAStools: EPSG codes
30 June 2015 -- las2tin: new option '-histo_edge_length 0.1' and '-
histo_edge_length_only 0.1'
30 June 2015 -- lasclassify: little bug fix after introduction of '-keep_overlap'
filter for LAS 1.4
6 June 2015 -- LASlib: added filters '-keep_overlap' and '-drop_overlap' for new
LAS 1.4 point types
6 June 2015 -- lasoverage: added option '-flag_as_overlap' for new LAS 1.4 point
types 6 to 10
26 May 2015 -- BLAST extension: updated to support recent additions for new LAS 1.4
point types
26 May 2015 -- laszip: small bug fix for combination of '-cores n' with '-
io_ibuffer xxxxxx'
26 May 2015 -- all LAStools: error message for on-the-fly compression of new LAS
1.4 point types
26 May 2015 -- lastile: small fix sets file source ID to 0 when tiling many
flightlines into tiles
26 May 2015 -- GUIs: fixed execution path issue when starting tool via "Windows
Explorer search bar"
20 May 2015 -- lassplit: fixed serious bug introduced in version 150516
16 May 2015 -- all LAStools: projections Albers Equal Area Conic and Earth Centered
Earth Fixed
15 May 2015 -- lasclip: added '-flag_as_withheld' as an alternative to removing or
15 May 2015 -- lasoverage: added option '-recover_flightlines' for missing
14 May 2015 -- lasinfo: added a new option '-set_GUID F794F8A4-A23E-421E-A134-
10 May 2015 -- lasoverlap: new '-min_diff 0.2' with '-max_diff 0.5' for more
focused error coloring
3 May 2015 -- las2las: improved up-conversion to LAS 1.4 via '-set_version 1.4
-point_type 6'
24 April 2015 -- las2txt: added 'k'eypoint and 'o'verlap flags as new parse string
24 April 2015 -- lasoverage: added 'flag_as_overlap' for the new flag in the LAS
1.4 point types
4 April 2015 -- LASzip DLL: added functions for creation and exploitation of
spatial index files
3 April 2015 -- LASlib: moved spatial indexing (LAX file generation) from LASlib to
30 March 2015 -- NEW: toolbox for ERDAS IMAGINE 2014
30 March 2015 -- laszip: compresses and decompresses LAS 1.4 files via new
"compatibility mode"
30 March 2015 -- GUIs: delete multiple files: pick a (red) box covering them and
press <delete>
30 March 2015 -- las2txt: correct ASCII output for extended attributes of new LAS
1.4 point types
04 March 2015 -- lasduplicate: new option to remove exact duplicates *and* '-nearby
0.005' points
04 March 2015 -- GUIs: simultaneous use of '-lof' multi-file processing with
2 February 2015 -- IMPORTANT: lasgrid, lasground, ...: fixed little bug introduced
in version 150131
31 January 2015 -- NEW: lasground_new: alternative to lasground for mix of
mountains and buildings
31 January 2015 -- lastile: '-remove_buffer' and '-refine_tiles' can now run on '-
cores 4' or more
31 January 2015 -- lasheight: bug fix for ground points stored in multiple '-
classification 2 8'
31 January 2015 -- las2las: better handling of ESPG codes in batch mode on '-cores
8' or more
31 January 2015 -- all GUIs: fixed little bug introduced in version 141218
31 January 2015 -- LASlib: new transforms for extended attributes of LAS 1.4 point
types 6 - 10
18 December 2014 -- lascanopy: added option '-all' and fixed scaling bug for '-
int_d 0 64 128'
18 December 2014 -- LASlib: different scale_factors/offsets are now possible with
'-buffered 25'
18 December 2014 -- lasgrid: fixed option '-rgb' and added new area-normalized '-
18 December 2014 -- laszip: use '-check' to find truncations and/or bit-errors in
LAZ files
16 November 2014 -- LASlib: improved detection & reporting of file truncation
and/or LAZ bit-errors
16 November 2014 -- lascanopy: several minor bug fixes and significantly improved
GUI menu options
20 October 2014 -- las2iso: fixed miss-spelled '-set_file_source_ID' to '-
20 October 2014 -- blast2iso: added missing '-kill 600' parameter
20 October 2014 -- las2dem, las2iso, las2tin, blast2dem, blast2iso: auto adapt
kill/concavity to feet
17 October 2014 -- lascanopy: fixed "first-plot-only bug" for *.laz input in '-
lor'/'-loc'/'-lop' mode
16 October 2014 -- lasground: serious bug removed for (rare) LAS/LAZ files with
header.z_offset < 0
13 October 2014 -- las2las: more control over '-target_precision' and '-
13 October 2014 -- LASlib: allow relative paths of type '-i d:tiles\*.laz' as input
13 October 2014 -- LASlib: bigger I/O buffers for LASreader_las & LASwriter_las to
improve performance
13 October 2014 -- las2dem, lasgrid, lascanopy, lasoverlap: fixed bug introduced on
15 September 2014
29 September 2014 -- NEW: lasplanes to find planar patches in terrestrial and
mobile (airborne?) scans
29 September 2014 -- lastile: better performance by increasing the I/O buffers
15 September 2014 -- las2dem, lasgrid, lascanopy, lasoverlap: fixed mem-leak in
multi-files processing
6 September 2014 -- LASlib: leaner LASzip by removal virtual classes and delayed
chunk table read
31 August 2014 -- lascolor: bug fix for certain type of JPEG-compressed TIF images
30 August 2014 -- all LAStools via LASlib: less I/O overhead especially on '-
merged' folders of LAZ
25 August 2014 -- lasboundary: new options '-use_bb' and '-use_lax' for hyper-fast
approximate shapes
24 August 2014 -- lasclip: new option '-split' to split LiDAR points into one file
per input polygon
20 August 2014 -- lasmerge: new option '-keep_lastiling' preserves LAStiling VLR of
first LAS/LAZ file
20 August 2014 -- lasmerge: can copy VLRs to other files by first listing empty
LAS/LAZ (zero points)
20 August 2014 -- lastile: no longer produces tiles containing *only* buffer points
(e.g. '-buffer 50')
14 August 2014 -- lastrack: fixed non-working options '-drop_above', '-drop_below'
and '-drop_between'
14 August 2014 -- lasground: new '-extra_pass' lowers memory-needs together with '-
ignore_class 3 5 6'
13 August 2014 -- las2las: convert from/to geocentric or Earth-centered Earth-fixed
(ECEF) coordinates
10 August 2014 -- lastile: '-refine_tiles 10000000' with more than 10000000 points
into four sub-tiles
8 August 2014 -- bug fixes: las2iso (kml output), lascanopy (files_are_plots),
LASlib (on-the-fly BIL)
30 July 2014 -- LASlib: fixed small bug in on-the-fly BIL reader LASreader_bil.cpp
21 July 2014 -- lascanopy: option to shift the grid origin with option '-grid_ll 5
21 July 2014 -- LASlib: new filter called '-thin_with_time 0.0001', new '-unique'
flag for input files
9 July 2014 -- lascanopy: output plots or rasters to CSV file and include '-
centroids' or '-names'
9 July 2014 -- lasgrid: allow gridding of '-range' of '-elevation', '-intensity',
'-user_data', ...
9 July 2014 -- lasheight: fixed bug for '-ground_points external.bil' introduced in
9 July 2014 -- LASlib: make LASreader_txt parse piped ASCII text with '-stdin' and
9 July 2014 -- LASlib: new transforms (-set_withheld_flag 0 -set_synthetic_flag 1
-set_keypoint_flag 0)
15 June 2014 -- las2txt: recover PTS/PTX with '-opts'/'-optx' created by txt2las
with '-ipts'/'-iptx'
15 June 2014 -- lasthin: new options '-classify_as 8' and '-flag_as_withheld'
15 June 2014 -- lasground: new options '-ground_class 8' '-non_ground_class 5' '-
15 June 2014 -- lascanopy: fixed bug for input LAZ/LAS files with z_offset != 0.0
15 June 2014 -- lasnoise: fixed bug for '-ignore_points'
5 June 2014 -- NEW: lastrack to classify, drop, normalize points based on a
trajectory file
26 May 2014 -- lasclip & lasthin: new option '-ignore_class 2 8' to not
clip/classify/thin all points
20 May 2014 -- lasnoise: fixed bug for '-remove_points' and significantly improved
memory footprint
16 May 2014 -- QGIS toolboxes: improved for QGIS 2.2 including new LAStools
Pipeline and Production
11 May 2014 -- ArcGIS toolboxes: fixed up brand new LAStools Pipeline (with &
without Model Builder)
30 April 2014 -- blast2dem and blast2iso: support for '-cores 3' to run multiple
jobs in parallel
30 April 2014 -- lascanopy: new intensity metrics, bincentiles documented, circular
& polygonal plot
22 March 2014 -- las2dem: new '-edge_longest' and '-edge_shortest' for QC of LiDAR
pulse spacing
22 March 2014 -- blast2dem & blast2iso: support for BIL and ASC format
1 March 2014 -- lasview: edit (<e>+<r>), delete (<d>+<r>), undo/redo (<CTRL-
u>/<CTRL-o>), save
changes as LASlayers (<CTRL-s>), apply LASlayers (<CTRL-
a>), pick and
view cross sections (<x>/<CTRL+x>), move cross sections
(arrow keys),
fast change to zoom (<CTRL>), translate (<SHIFT>), pan
(<ALT>) mode.
21 February 2014 -- LASlib: renaming of clip filters (-clip_z to -keep_z,
-clip_z_between to -drop_z)
7 February 2014 -- LASlib: renaming of several variables (xyz -> XYZ, ...) for
github launch
31 December 2013 -- lasview: color points based on user data (can illustrate height
above ground)
30 December 2013 -- lasinfo: produce histogram for attributes in extra bytes with
'-histo 0 5'
29 December 2013 -- lasheight: stores height as new attribute with '-
25 December 2013 -- NEW: lascolor for adding RGB colors from orthophotos to the LAS
10 December 2013 -- all LAStools: added support for certain ESPG codes in GUI and
via '-epsg'
9 December 2013 -- LASlib: bug fix and improved writing of new LAS 1.4 point types
27 November 2013 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lascanopy, lasoverage: fixed half pixel
offset of IMG writer
26 November 2013 -- lassplit, lasoverage: ability to '-recover_flightlines' from
GPS time
25 November 2013 -- LASlib: new capability to filter points based on RGB band
25 October 2013 -- lasthin: new option to "thicken" LiDAR points simulating the
laser beam-width
17 October 2013 -- lascanopy: fixed bug in height rasters for LAS input with non-
zero z_offset
10 October 2013 -- LAStools: all tools read FUSION DTM rasters via on-the-fly
conversion to LAS
6 October 2013 -- ArcGIS toolboxes: improved, new LAStools Professional, new
LAStools Pipeline
3 October 2013 -- LASlib: fix for reading and merging on-the-fly converted rasters
(e.g. BIL, ASC)
30 September 2013 -- txt2las: bug fixed for adding EXTRA_BYTES with scales and
22 September 2013 -- all LAStools and LASlib: input files paths can now contain
both '/' and '\'
18 September 2013 -- lasduplicate: fixed bug in '-unique_xyz' mode + option to
output duplicates
18 September 2013 -- lasgrid: fixed bug in '-counter_32bit', correct origin for
empty output rasters
18 September 2013 -- LASzip DLL: fixed small memory leak
18 September 2013 -- lasthin: fixed small bug to prepopulate the bounding box for
ASCII input
29 July 2013 -- LASzip: created an easy-to-use DLL interface for LASzip integration
29 July 2013 -- lasground: improved handling of non-airborne LiDAR via option '-
29 July 2013 -- lascanopy: added kurtosis (-kur) and skewness (-ske) as new raster
29 July 2013 -- NEW: blast2iso for creating seamless contours for up to 2 billion
LiDAR points
29 July 2013 -- NEW: lasnoise for removing or flagging isolated points
6 May 2013 -- improved lasinfo handling of LAS 1.4 files
1 May 2013 -- fixed LAZ reading bug (50000 points only) for download-truncated LAZ
18 April 2013 -- fixed broken 32 bit integer mode of TIF writer in las2dem,
lasgrid, blast2dem
9 April 2013 -- fixed broken 8 and 16 bit output modes for las2dem, lasgrid,
9 April 2013 -- output a WARNING if the option -odir "c:\" or -odir "..\lidar\" is
4 April 2013 -- las2las: fixed missbehaving '-target_utm auto' function
(uninitialized variable)
4 April 2013 -- las2dem, lasgrid, blast2dem: fixed corrupted GeoTIFF projection
29 March 2013 -- lasground: fixed a serious bug for '-replace_z' and '-
25 March 2013 -- fixed a serious bug for '-thin_with_grid 0.5' when looping over
15 March 2013 -- stdin for lasinfo, BIL & ASC output fix, lasground & lasheight
copy skipped files
25 February 2013 -- fixes for lasheight, las2dem, blast2dem, lastile, and lascanopy
13 February 2013 -- many little bug fixes (lasheight, lasgrid, las2dem,
blast2dem, ...)
28 December 2012 -- added '-clip_z_between 12 14.51' and '-clip_raw_z_between 1200
12 December 2012 -- blast2dem: cool new options '-slope', '-false', '-invert_ramp,
and '-rgb'
12 December 2012 -- lasground: added options '-replace_z' and '-compute_height'
8 December 2012 -- lasinfo: added '-cores 6' capability and options '-odir' and '-
2 December 2012 -- las2las: down-converts true LAS 1.4 files to LAS 1.2 with '-
set_version 1.2'
26 November 2012 -- lascanopy added '-c 2 4 10 20 100' to compute multiple count
11 November 2012 -- NEW: e572las converts LiDAR in E57 format to the LAS/LAZ/ASCII
31 October 2012 -- lascanopy: fixed two bugs that would slightly miss-compute
21 October 2012 -- lasinfo: added to the lastool GUI and fixed extremely rare
lasground bug
30 September 2012 -- NEW: lascanopy computes metrics such as height percentiles for
13 September 2012 -- lasinfo: improved output and fixed laszip bug for LAS 1.4
point types
9 September 2012 -- lasclip, las2dem, las2iso, las2tin: fixed constraint
triangulation bug
22 August 2012 -- added the '-pipe_on' option for a multi-stage LAStools pipeline
11 August 2012 -- added on-the-fly buffered reading of LiDAR files (efficient with
13 July 2012 -- NEW: lasoverage finds and flags overage points in the flightline
9 July 2012 -- fixed crash that occured when input had a corrupt VLRs without
28 June 2012 -- blast2dem: ability to handle rasters with more than 65336 rows or
12 June 2012 -- lasground: preserve classification by excluding points with '-
12 June 2012 -- las2dem & blast2dem: removed limitation of maximal ncol being 65536
1 June 2012 -- lassplit: the files may now be split based on various other point
25 May 2012 -- the ArcGIS toolbox now has illustrating comments for all possible
22 May 2012 -- added las2iso, lasmerge, lassplit, and lasheight (classify) to
ArcGIS toolbox
6 May 2012 -- las2iso & las2tin: option to add closed (-lakes) and open (-streams)
1 May 2012 -- lasheight: classify (vegetation) points based on height above ground
1 May 2012 -- added file browse box to several GUIs
8 April 2012 -- changed ESRI LAStools LiDAR processing toolbox to be ArcGIS 9.3
8 April 2012 -- added LASreader_bil for native read support of binary BIL grids
3 April 2012 -- lasground: option to '-ignore_class 6' to preserve / leave out
classified points
3 April 2012 -- many more tools in the ESRI ArcGIS LAStools LiDAR processing
28 March 2012 -- NEW: ESRI ArcGIS LAStools LiDAR processing toolbox (first version)
27 March 2012 -- added LASreader_asc for native read support of ESRI ASC grids
26 March 2012 -- output file name handling also for raster and line products (+ '-
ocut 5')
19 March 2012 -- better output naming (-odix/-odir) + overwrite check for point
producing tools
16 March 2012 -- las2shp: optionally convert to PointZ primitive instead of
16 March 2012 -- las2dem: compute slope maps as actual values (0 - 90 degrees) or
color coded
16 March 2012 -- lasgrid, las2dem, lasoverlap: support for simple FLT + HDR raster
8 March 2012 -- lasinfo: count more than 4 billion points ('lasinfo -i *.las')
without overflow
22 February 2012 -- lasinfo: compute density/spacing of points with '-
compute_density' or '-cd'
14 February 2012 -- NEW: lasoverlap verifies flight line coverage & controls
vert/horiz alignment
14 February 2012 -- lasheight supports external '-ground_points' file (e.g. for
geoid transforms)
14 February 2012 -- las2dem has support for closed (hydro-flattening) and hard
14 February 2012 -- specify output directory with '-odir' and file name appedix '-
9 February 2012 -- lasinfo: batch output as "*_info.txt" for many files with '-
single -otxt'
9 February 2012 -- lasgrid, las2dem, blast2dem: raster the tile without buffer '-
6 February 2012 -- lasthin: allow marking thinned out points as '-withheld' instead

6 February 2012 -- lastile: option for full bounding box in header for partial
filled tiles
6 February 2012 -- lasgrid, las2dem, blast2dem: output of worldfiles for JPG, PNG,
6 February 2012 -- lasgrid, las2dem, blast2dem: support for XYZ and FUSION DTM
1 February 2012 -- lasthin: implemented the '-random' option. allows to set a '-
seed 121'
24 January 2012 -- lasinfo: report adjusted Standard GPS time min/max as '-
24 January 2012 -- las2las: convert GPS time '-week_to_adjusted 1662' & '-
17 January 2012 -- it's now possible to manually edit / tweak the command line in
the GUI
16 January 2012 -- NEW: created lassplit for extracting original flight lines from
16 January 2012 -- basic LAS 1.4 write support (down-converted points are up-
13 January 2012 -- most tools now allow multi-core batching via GUI or with '-cores
28 December 2011 -- (limited) read support for LAS 1.4 (new point types are down-
16 December 2011 -- all LAStools can now read ESRI's SHP files that contain only
14 December 2011 -- lasboundary: priority queue to tighten boundary around
13 December 2011 -- most LAStools have now a GUI
9 December 2011 -- laszip, lasview, lasgrid, las2dem: added GUI (if called without
4 December 2011 -- txt2las: option to set classification with '-set_class 2'
26 November 2011 -- lasview: overlay control points via '-cp pts.csv -cp_parse
26 November 2011 -- laszip: generate LAX file as compressing/decompressing via '-
19 November 2011 -- lassort: sort based on point source id (afterwards based on
27 October 2011 -- lasheight: allows reclassifying points based on their height
26 October 2011 -- blast2dem: able to merge multiple files like '-i *.las -merged'

26 October 2011 -- lasview: inspect spatial indexing ('Q'&'q') and waveforms

26 October 2011 -- lasduplicate: keep '-lowest_z' or '-unique_xyz' points
26 October 2011 -- laszip: prototype for LAS 1.3 full waveform compression
6 October 2011 -- lascontrol: handle control points outside of the LIDAR points
6 October 2011 -- laszip & lasindex: large file support with fseek64
6 October 2011 -- laszip: ability to read LAZ with missing chunk table
6 October 2011 -- las2tin: removing large boundary triangles with '-concavity 25'
15 September 2011 -- NEW: created lasclassify after demands to find buildings and
6 September 2011 -- lasinfo: computes point density and coverage area.
6 September 2011 -- lastile: add & remove buffers at tile borders. reversible
2 September 2011 -- lasboundary: is 10 times faster. uses 100 times less memory.
2 September 2011 -- lasgrid: more gridding options (e.g. scan angle, user data)
21 August 2011 -- NEW: created lascontrol after incompatible LAS 1.4 draft release
15 August 2011 -- NEW: created lasground after demands for bare-earth extraction
15 August 2011 -- lastool: also displays existing projection information
5 August 2011 -- lastool and many LAStools allow to add/set projection info
30 July 2011 -- lasclip: support in GUI and *.txt files for polygon input
30 July 2011 -- lasheight: allows dropping points based on height above ground
30 July 2011 -- lassort: sort by GPS time as a new option
21 July 2011 -- NEW: created lastool, one tool to rule them all. a simple GUI for
7 July 2011 -- NEW: created lasheight in the express to kahl with lightning delay
30 June 2011 -- out-of-core lasgrid for large rasters & support for ERDAS *.img
23 June 2011 -- turned on LASzip version 2.0 compressor with chunking
12 June 2011 -- NEW: created blast2dem the day after Mark and Meg got married at
11 June 2011 -- support for over 4,294,967,295 points in merged LAS/LAZ or for
31 May 2011 -- new spatial data base functionality for folders of LAS/LAZ files
21 May 2011 -- most tools can now batch process with wildcards or multiple file
17 May 2011 -- laszip: enabling batch processing
15 May 2011 -- laszip: improved GPS11v2 compression for interleaved flight-lines
13 May 2011 -- all tools can now read spatially indexed data if LAX file
13 May 2011 -- moved indexing, filtering, transforming into LASreader
9 May 2011 -- laszip: the chunked compressor now allows variable chunk sizes
2 May 2011 -- lasduplicate: created after Mark's packet arrived
29 April 2011 - lasindex: created after cable outage during the royal wedding (-:
27 April 2011 -- the LASreader of the LASlib interface now allows to seek()
25 April 2011 -- laszip: chunked compression for random access decompression
22 April 2011 -- txt2las & shp2las command-line flags specify projection VLR
18 April 2011 -- las2las: sets projection tags or reprojects horizontally
12 April 2011 -- lasboundary: output PolygonZ instead of PolylineZ for SHP files
11 April 2011 -- all tools can now read/write ASCII via on-the-fly conversion
7 April 2011 -- las2dem: improved false colors and RGB color handling
6 April 2011 -- las2dem: added -intensity as an alternative to -elevation
22 March 2011 -- lasthin: ooups ... fixed a fat fat bug living in the sparsity
20 March 2011 -- txt2las: added capability to read *.zip, *.rar, and *.7z directly
20 March 2011 -- all tools can now read and write LASzip version 2.0
18 March 2011 -- new cool LASfilters and LAStransforms
15 March 2011 -- las2txt: added the 'E' option to place an '-extra STRING'
4 March 2011 -- lasdem: added floating point -precision to ASC/BIL/TIF output
3 March 2011 -- lasdem: ASC ESRI ASCII *.asc grids as an output option
27 February 2011 -- lasthin: keep '-sparse' grids in a hash_map or a map
24 February 2011 -- lasclip: added possibility to merely classify (not clip) points

22 February 2011 -- txt2las: added option to scale the intensity scan_angle

12 February 2011 -- lasthin: option to keep highest instead of lowest point
7 February 2011 -- NEW: created lasclip after baking a cheese in dad's microwave
26 January 2011 -- las2las, lasinfo, las2txt, and lasmerge: use LAStransform
5 February 2011 -- NEW: created lassort a few hours before having Lufthansa Thai
23 January 2011 -- all tools use LASwriteOpener
21 January 2011 -- all tools use LASreadOpener and can read multiple LAS files
21 January 2011 -- lasboundary: added the concept of a '-disjoint_hull' as output
19 January 2011 -- NEW: created lastile after mara met with silke to talk about
17 January 2011 -- lasboundary: added capability to output '-holes' in the data set
15 January 2011 -- las2iso: new LineWriter adds possibility to output in KML & WKT
4 January 2011 -- all tools have a LASfilter to clip or eliminate points
3 January 2011 -- laszip: completely refactored for integration into liblas
3 December 2010 -- laslib API: updated to (somewhat) support LAS format 1.3
30 November 2010 -- NEW: created lasprecision spotting few paper cups at Starbuck's
7 February 2010 -- NEW: created lasgrid while pondering about Karleen's Valentine
17 January 2010 -- laszip: switched the range coder with faster arithmetic coder
30 October 2009 -- NEW: created lasboundary after working late and biking through
the night
25 August 2009 -- NEW: created las2shp & las2shp after painting walls and hanging
the yellow curtains
17 August 2009 -- las2iso: possibility to simplify and clean the contours
10 July 2009 -- lasinfo: '-auto_date' sets the day/year to the file creation date
11 April 2009 -- NEW: created las2dem after making an offer on 1881 Chestnut
6 April 2009 -- NEW: created las2iso after getting more serious about 1881 Chestnut
17 September 2008 -- all tools to deal with LAS format version 1.2
19 April 2008 -- NEW: created lasthin after not going on Sheker's full moon hike
31 March 2008 -- NEW: created las2tin on a lonely flight UA 927 from FRA to SFO
12 March 2008 -- all tools ask for input when started without arguments
17 November 2007 -- Howard contacts me. the LAStools code base branches off into
07 November 2007 -- NEW: created lasmerge after an email from
13 July 2007 -- lasinfo: new option to "repair" the header and change items
13 July 2007 -- txt2las: single pass if output is to file
10 July 2007 -- NEW: created las2las after talking with LLNL Linda about the H1B
25 June 2007 -- txt2las: added warning in case that quantization causes a sign flip
9 May 2007 -- NEW: created lasview adapted from my streaming point viewer
4 May 2007 -- completed las2txt one month later because my mother passed away
4 April 2007 -- NEW: created las2txt in the ICE from Frankfurt Airport to Wuerzburg
25 March 2007 -- NEW: created lasinfo in Hongkong at Pacific Coffee after walking
up the hill
26 February 2007 -- NEW: created txt2las sitting in the SFO lounge waiting for LH
23 February 2007 -- NEW: created lasdiff before getting ready for henna's birthday
cabin trip
22 February 2007 -- laspointreaders and laspointwriters about an hour before
henna's birthday
21 February 2007 -- NEW: created laswriter API after eating Sarah's veggies with
18 February 2007 -- NEW: created lasreader API after repairing 2 vacuum cleaners in
the garden
14 February 2007 -- NEW: created laszip after picking flowers for henna's Valentine

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