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Evolutionary Anthropology 53

available at higher resolution—finally extinctions play in his model, espe-
as molecular genetics—it became a cially catastrophic, unpredictable ex-
What Is Evolution? sometimes sister and sometimes alter- tinctions.9 There are many origins for
native source of information. And punctuated equilibrium (though only
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory phylogenetics emerged as the first Gould and Eldredge put them all to-
By Stephen J. Gould (2002) The
Belknap Press of Harvard University clear approach to developing testable gether); Mayr2,10,21 more than any
Press, Cambridge MA. 1433 pp ⫹ hypotheses of relationship. More than other laid out the argument for the
illustrations, tables, bibliography, index. once, these new developments com- importance of speciation and its sig-
$39.95 (H). ISBN 0-674-00613-5. bined with each other and with Ani- nificance in promoting evolutionary
mal Species in strange and unexpected changes, and Douglas Futuyma11 ad-
Genetics, Paleontology, and ways, and on occasion made for even dressed the importance of speciation
Macroevolution. 2nd ed.
By Jeffrey S. Levinton (2001) Cambridge stranger bedfellows. Our understand- in protecting evolutionary changes by
University Press, Cambridge. 617 pp ⫹ ing of evolution is and may always be isolating changes in protected gene
illustrations, tables, glossary, bibliography, a work in progress and some, al- pools.
authior and subject indices. $150.00 (H), though not all of these developments, Mayr only mentions punctuated
$55.00 (P). ISBN 0-521-80317-9.
are reflected in the seminal volumes equilibrium twice, and then briefly.
by Gould, Levinton, and Mayr that are One time is as an example of his spe-
What Evolution Is
By Ernst Mayr (2001) Basic Books, reviewed here. ciational evolution12 wherein drift al-
Perseus Books Group: New York. 318 The processes of speciation and lows a “more or less profound genetic
pp ⫹ xv, illustrations, tables, appendices, their consequences are a significant restructuring” as part of the specia-
glossary, bibliography, index. $26.00 (H). aspect of all three works, and provide tion process, and the other in the ap-
ISBN 0-465-04425-5.
a framework for comparing and con- pendix on criticisms of evolutionary
trasting them. The importance of spe- theory, where he argued that the oc-
o what is evolution? For those in my
ciation in the evolutionary process is currence of punctuated equilibria is
generation, seeped in populational
Stephen Jay Gould’s signature argu- not in conflict with Darwinian gradu-
thinking and motivated by the excite-
ment. The punctuated equilibrium alism, but as “strictly populational
ment of the Evolutionary Synthesis1
model he proposed with Niles El- phenomena” this pattern is by defini-
at work revising the typological and
dredge,5 provides a singular cause for tion gradual and “in no respect what-
often theory-free interpretations in
evolutionary change as a consequence soever in conflict with the conclusions
paleoanthropology, evolution is Ani-
of the speciation process. This could of the evolutionary synthesis.”13
mal Species and Evolution,2 Ernst
fit well with phylogenetic approaches Jeffrey Levinton’s discussion of
Mayr’s fabulous, comprehensive re-
in which species are entities with de- punctuated equilibrium is elaborate
write of his much less accessible Sys-
finable beginnings and ends6 with and exhaustive. Like Mayr, albeit in
tematics and the Origin of Species.3 It
their own unique evolutionary path- much more detail, he argues that
was easy to believe that there would
ways, yet Gould was not a cladist. It is punctuated equilibrium is not an al-
never be anything else like it, but this
not clear why this was the case (nei- ternative to the more traditional mod-
did not turn out to be true. The full
ther “phylogenetics” nor “cladistics” els of evolutionary change, but is ac-
impact of Sewall Wright’s writings
appears in his index), but one possi- tually one of them. He is one of the
was only felt over generations, as evo-
bility may be the difficulties in identi- most vocal critics of punctuated equi-
lutionists were increasingly trained in
fying homoplasies created by Gould’s librium, although for the most part
population genetics and as Wright’s
approach to adaptation. Punctuated this is because of his examination of
views matured. Another key develop-
equilibrium provides little room for the claims for stasis in the fossil
ment was the appreciation of the im-
the evolution of adaptations within record (which he describes as “straw
portance of intellectual history, a
species— hence the Spandrels argu- men”), and his analysis of their theo-
topic subsequently explored by Mayr
himself.4 The appreciation not always ment7—and the fact that there is an retical underpinnings. He is critical of
to avoid repeating the history; so unpredictable element thrown into Futuyma’s argument that speciation
heavy were casualties of the warring the details and specifics of adapta- is required to protect genetic changes.
biopolicies of the last century that in tions which for the most part Gould Moreover, Futuyma’s model does not
some cases history requires repetition. believes were dictated by variations take into account isolation by dis-
Molecular data were always impor- already present in a species for other tance and the role it can play to estab-
tant in evolutionary thinking, but as reasons—a process he named “exapta- lish and maintain significant geo-
molecular information was directly tion.”8 Moreover, randomness plays a graphic variation in the absence of
obtained, clarified and verified, and substantial role in Gould’s approach selection when there is gene flow.14,15
to understanding the overall pattern When selection plays a significant
of evolution, both because of the im- role, long-standing clines created by
Evolutionary Anthropology 12:53–55 (2003) portance of the drift process that is selection and gene flow may charac-
DOI 10.1002/evan.10100
Published online in Wiley InterScience often part of allopatric speciation, but terize a stable pattern of variation
( more significantly because of the role across the geographic range of a spe-
54 Evolutionary Anthropology BOOK REVIEWS

cies, and with population structure it suppose that the allometric changes as- alism within this species.” Gould, of
is possible for genetic variation to be sociated with adaptive changes in one course, has not abandoned punctu-
systematic and long lasting, without feature are necessarily adaptive in an- ated equilibrium, so one might ask
the expectation that such variation other. Levinton developed the develop- what he believes accounts for the pat-
will necessarily be lost because of mental constraint aspect of allometry tern. In a phrase, it is species selec-
gene flow and reticulation.16 even further, and rejects it as an expla- tion,27 what Gould has come to call
Gould’s case for equilibrium be- nation of correlated change. He de- “hierarchical selection”28—the idea
tween speciations came firstly from scribed Lande’s genetic correlation ex- that selection can validly apply both
the fossil record, which he consis- planation for allometry as pleiotropy above the populational level as species
tently interpreted to show long peri- and dismisses it as well, on the argu- taxa have differential reproduction
ods without change. The mechanism ment that genetic correlations cannot (speciations) and survivorship (ex-
he proposed to account for this was be overcome. But this is almost cer- tinctions), and also apply at the genic
the inflexible frame of developmental tainly not the case, as disrupting genetic level below.29
constraints that evolved in each spe- correlations is what the genetic revolu- For those of us who study the past
cies. In an approach similar to tions of speciation is all about, and in these are exciting books, both for un-
Wright’s adaptive peaks, at least in an any event Lande22 did not argue the derstanding key parts of evolution as
informal way, Gould argued that a genetic correlations needed to be dis- it is conceived today, and the half-
tight system of developmental con- rupted to explain allometry. Quite to century of developing evolutionary
straints meant that advantageous the contrary, his contention was that theory this reflects. How has this de-
change in one element almost cer- genetic correlations constrained the di- velopment affected paleoanthropol-
tainly would create unexpected and rection of correlated genetic change, ogy? The simple answer is often not
for the most part harmful conse- but at the same time genetic correla- very much. The “Presapiens Theory”
quences in others, and that this acted tions continually change under the ac- has returned,30 with a new essential-
to brake gradual changes unless and tion of selection on one or both of the ism31 that brings a taxonomizing of
until the linked developmental con- correlated traits. normal geographic and temporal vari-
straints could be deconstructed, as And now, in The Structure, Gould ation to undreamed of heights. Sev-
would be expected during the “genetic admits that the two key ideas of punc- eral essays on the last fifty years of
revolution” of peripatric specia- tuated equilibrium were wrong. “El- paleoanthropology in this journal32,33
tion.10,12,17 dredge and I made a major error by have implied that the Evolutionary
One of Gould’s most productive advocating, in the original formula- Synthesis, especially as reflected in
approaches in examining develop- tion of our theory, a direct accelera- Mayr’s work, has set paleoanthropol-
mental constraints was to expand on tion of evolutionary rate by the pro- ogy back, misleading paleoanthro-
ideas that were rampant in the evo- cess of speciation;” and further, now pologists and creating prejudices only
lutionary literature of the 19th and admits that developmental con- now being overcome. I do not see it
earlier 20th century.18 For example, straints do not provide internal resis- this way, and fear that the problems in
early in his career, Gould grappled tance to selection. Levinton discusses our profession come far more from
with the allometric constraint19 and, many of the cases Gould used to show misunderstanding and disregarding
of course, develops this in The Struc- the fossil record revealed long periods the Evolutionary Synthesis and the
ture20 (“allometry” does not even ap- of stasis, and for the most part found ways evolutionary theory has devel-
pear in Mayr’s21 index, he briefly the evidence wanting. In many of oped since, than from the conse-
dealt with it in Animal Species2). For these cases the evidence against grad- quences of accepting it and its empha-
Gould, allometry is a consequence of ualism is not evidence of no change, sis on populational thinking. In parts
ontogenetic channeling and denotes a but evidence that adaptive change and of our profession, the Evolutionary
functional relationship between allo- species transformations did not per- Synthesis is equated with linear pro-
metrically scaled features. But Russell sist in a constant manner. It is this gressionism; for instance, “thanks to
Lande22 (not in Gould’s bibliography) cartoon-like characterization of grad- the overwhelming triumph of the Evo-
showed that allometry could be ex- ualism that Levinton calls the “straw lutionary Synthesis . . . human evolu-
plained through qualitative genetics, man.” Moreover as it turns out, many tion, like that of other organisms,
describing a relationship between vari- other examples once used to support came to be seen as a gradual, linear
ables that results from genetic correla- the claim of stasis in the fossil record process that, come hell or high water,
tion between features, in a model simi- were incorrectly interpreted, accord- continued doggedly along a path of
lar to Gillespie’s idea of draft.23 For ing to Levinton. One example near inexorable betterment.”34 Population
Lande, the allometric relation—mean- and dear to my heart24 is in the debate genetics is not fully integrated into pa-
ing the effect that selection on one char- over claims of stasis in Homo erectus leoanthropological thinking, so that
acter has on another— can be predicted evolution,5,25 claims which Levinton evolutionary mechanisms are ac-
from the characteristics of the covari- also disputes, and now even Gould de- cepted that do not include the conse-
ance matrix. Selection on one feature scribes himself26 as casting “a tenta- quences of independent assortment
may create correlated change in an- tive vote by this juror, despite his gen- and crossover; “ ‘adaptations’ cannot
other, with constraints Lande describes eral biases in the other direction, for be independent entities whose histo-
as allometric, but there is no reason to at least some fairly persuasive gradu- ries can be followed independently of
BOOK REVIEWS Evolutionary Anthropology 55

those of the taxa within which they libria: the tempo and mode of evolution recon- 24 Wolpoff MH. 1984. Evolution in Homo erec-
sidered. Paleobiology 3:115–151. tus: the question of stasis. Paleobiology 10:389 –
are embedded . . . natural selection
6 Wiley EO. 1981. Phylogenetics. The theory and 406.
can . . . only vote up or down on the practice of phylogenetic systematics. New York: 25 Rightmire GP. 1981. Patterns in the evolution
success of the whole individual, not John Wiley & Sons. of Homo erectus. Paleobiology 7:241–246.
on that of its separate components.”35 7 Gould SJ, Lewontin RC. 1979. The spandrels of 26 Ref. 20, p. 833.
San Marco and the Panglossian paradigm: a cri-
Evolutionary models continue to be tique of the adaptationalist programme. Proc
27 Vrba ES. 1980. Evolution, species, and fossils:
proposed that ignore aspects of gene how does life evolve? S Afr J Sci 76:61– 84.
Roy Soc, London, ser B, 205:581–598.
flow and population structure that 8 Gould SJ, Vrba E. 1982. Exaptation—a missing 28 Gould SJ. 1982. The meaning of punctuated
term in the science of form. Paleobiology 8:4 –15. equilibrium and its role in validating a hierarchi-
have been part of population genetics cal approach to macroevolution. In: Milkman R,
9 Gould SJ. 1989. Wounderful life: The Burgess
modeling for decades; “evolutionary Shale and the nature of history. New York: Nor-
editor. Perspectives on Evolution. Sunderland:
change may or may not produce spe- Sinauer Associates. p 83–104.
29 Although he has always been hostile to this
ciation, but at the micro-level it will be 10 Mayr E. 1988. Does microevolution explain
logical extension of hierarchical selection, deny-
a process of cladogenesis, not anagen- macroevolution? In: Mayr E, editor. Toward a
new philosophy of biology. Cambridge: Harvard ing validity to genic level selection, especially in
esis.”36 Phylogenetics can also be a University Press. p 402– 422. considerations of inclusive fitness.
problem area; clades37 are described 11 Futuyma DJ. 1987. On the role of species in 30 Hawks J, Wolpoff MH. 2003. Sixty years of
anagenesis. Am Nat 130:465– 473. modern human origins in the American Anthro-
without a single synapomorphy link- pological Association. Am Anthropol (in press).
ing the species hypothesized to be in 12 Mayr E. 1954. Change of genetic environment
and evolution. In: Huxley JS, Hardy AC, Ford EB, 31 Caspari R. 2003. From types to populations: a
them.38 These problems exist within a editors. Evolution as a process, London: Allen century of race, physical anthropology, and the
fringe of paleoanthropology, not at its and Unwin. p 157–180. American Anthropological Association. Am An-
13 Ref, 21, p. 270. thropol (in press).
central thrust into the future that is
14 Wright S. 1943. Isolation by distance. Genet- 32 Foley R. 2001. In the shadow of the modern
largely a consequence of the anthro- synthesis? Alternative perspectives on the last
ics 28:114 –138.
pologists in the profession, but it is a 15 Eller E. 1999. Population substructure and
fifty years of paleoanthropology. Evol Anthropol
vocal and powerful fringe that, if suc- 10:5–14.
isolation by distance in three continental regions.
cessful, could deflect this thrust and Am J Phys Anthrop 108:147–159. 33 Tattersall I. 2000. Paleoanthropology: The last
16 Wolpoff MH, Caspari R. 1997. Race and hu- half-century. Evol Anthropol 9:2–16.
prevent the final integration of paleo- 34 Tattersall I. 2002. The Monkey in the eirror.
man evolution. New York: Simon and Schuster.
anthropology into normal biological 17 Carson HL, Templeton AR. 1984. Genetic rev- Essays on the science of what makes us human.
science. olutions in relation to species phenomena: the New York: Oxford. p 81.
founding of new populations. Ann Rev Ecol and 35 Ref. 33, p. 8.
Syst 15:97–131. 36 Ref. 32, p. 10.
18 Alberch P, Gould SJ, Oster GF, Wake DB. 37 Levinton defines monophyletic group as “a
REFERENCES 1979. Size and shape in ontogeny and phylogeny. group of species that includes a species [or hy-
Paleobiology 5:296 –317. pothesized ancestral species defined by a set of
1 Alternatively called the Modern Synthesis or 19 Gould SJ. 1966. Allometry and size in ontog- character states] and all of its descendants.”
the New Synthesis. eny and phylogeny. Biol Rev 41:587– 640.
38 Wood BA. 2002. Palaeoanthropology: homi-
2 Mayr E. 1963. Animal species and evolution. 20 Gould SJ. 2002. The structure of evolutionary nid revelations from Chad. Nature 418:133–135.
Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Press. 21 Mayr E. 2001. What evolution is. New York:
3 Mayr E. 1942. Systematics and the origin of Basic Books.
Milford H. Wolpoff
species. New York: Columbia University Press. Paleoanthropology Laboratory
22 Lande R. 1979. Quantitative genetic analysis
4 Mayr E. 1982. The Growth of biological of multivariate evolution, applied to brain: body Department of Anthropology
thought: diversity, evolution, and inheritance. size allometry. Evolution 33:402– 416. University of Michigan
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5 Gould SJ, Eldredge N. 1977. Punctuated equi- 2161–2169. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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