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A Research

Presented to the Faculty of Cebu Technological University

Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of The Requirements for the Master’s Degree

In Guidance and Counselling



On the simplest level, Science is knowledge of the world of nature. Long ago people had no
idea of the meaning of Science. They explain natural phenomena based on their belief in natural
power myths and legends on the movement of heavenly bodies. There are many popular myths
and legends. Most of them attempt to explain or answer questions about circumstances that
surround people lives. Science is a knowledge of natural processes, and it has existed since the
drawn of human existence. (Obra, 2004)

During the Pre-Spanish Period, education was still decentralized children were provided more
vocational training but lesser academic, which were headed by their parents or by their tribal tutors
when the Spanish first arrived in Manila, they were surprised to find a population with a literacy
rate higher than the literacy rate of Madrid. During the early Spanish Period, most education was
carried out by the religious order. The friars recognizing the value of the literate indigenous
population built printing presses to produce material in baybayin. Missionaries studied the local
languages and the baybayin to communicate better with the locals and teach the Christian faith
easily. The church and the school both work together. All Christian villages had schools and
students to attend.

The educational system of the Philippines was patterned both from the educational system of
Spain and the United States. However, after the liberation of the Philippines in 1946, the system
changed radically. The Department of Education (DepEd) administers the entire educational
system, especially the curriculum along with the utilizations of given funds for school services,
equipment, recruitment of teachers etc.

The school is tasked to offer the best educational services which will property equip the
students with quality education in order to deal or cope with the present and the future demands of
society. It is doing its best to promote the welfare of the youth and to implement DepEd varied
programs and projects to attain qualitative and quantitative results. Its educational activities are
aimed at upgrading professional competencies among teachers, improving physical facilities and
classroom management, developing infrastructures and instructional materials and delivering
effective instructional supervision in order to ensure quality educational output with well-
developed, life-long skills, desirable attitudes and habits and proper sense of values among its

II. School Goals and Objectives

Goals- Improve learning achievement and performance of the school.


 Improve the academic performances of the learners.

 Improve MPS in Science subject
 Provide students with life skills to be globally competitive.
 Enhance the delivery of quality education.
 Strengthen instructional supervision to ensure quality learning.
 Empower the Science teacher to develop there capability and self-confidence in teaching
Science subject.


The research would like to study the difficulties encountered by Grade 7 – Bonifacio/Rizal of
MNVHS in Science subject.

Specifically, it tried to answer the following questions.

1. What are the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by Grade 7– Bonifacio/Rizal
Students of MNVHS in Science subject in terms of:

1.1 Teacher Factors

1.2 Student Factors

1.3 Financial Factors

1.4 Laboratory Factors

1.5 Knowledge Acquisition

2. What are the effects of the difficulties encountered by Grade 7-Bonifacio/Rizal Students of
MNVHS in Science subject in terms of:

2.1 Performance

2.2 Personal Attitude and behavior

2.3 Student’s Interest

2.4 Examination

2.5 Comprehension

3. What are the implications of the findings of the given study?


Total Enrollment

Year/Section Male Female Population Sample


Grade 7- 15 10 27 21 19

Grade 7- 11 10 21 21 19

Over all 22 20 42 42 38

V. Instrument

The given study made use of a set of questionnaire that dealt with the difficulties
encountered by the Grade 7- Rizal and Bonifacio Students of MNVHS in Science Subject.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part discussed about the
factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7- Rizal and Bonifacio Students
of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of teacher factors, student factors, financial factors,
laboratory factors and knowledge acquisition. On the other hand, the second part dealt with
the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7- Rizal and Bonifacio Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of performance, personal attitude and behavior,
student’s interest, examination and comprehension.

VI. Statement of Analysis

The given study was based on the following assumptions:

1. That the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7- Rizal and Bonifacio
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of teacher factors, student factors, financial
factors, laboratory factors and knowledge acquisition were moderate.

2. That the effect of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7- Rizal and Bonifacio Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of performance, personal attitude and behavior, student’s
interest, examination and comprehension were also moderate.
VII. Data Analysis

This chapter present analyses and interprets the data gathered by the researcher. It also
presents the answer to the specific questions.

1. What are the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by Grade 7 – Rizal and Bonifacio
Students of MNVHS in Science subject in terms of:

1.1 Teacher Factors

1.2 Student Factors

1.3 Financial Factors

1.4 Laboratory Factors

1.5 Knowledge Acquisition

To answer this question the researcher made use of the following interpretation table where:

1- Very little 3-Moderate 5- Very high

2- Little 4- High

Table – I

Factors Affecting the Difficulties Encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Teacher Factors.

Items Mean Description

1. My teacher does not explain the objectives of the lesson 1.85 Little
clearly at the start of each period.
2. My teacher has no mastery of the subject matter. 2.28 Little
3. My teacher is not updated with present trends, relevant to 2.18 Little
the subject matter.
4. My teacher does not use various techniques and strategies in 1.93 Little
presenting the lesson.
5. My teacher is not open to suggestion/opinion and not motivates1.88 Little
us all.
2.02 Little
Table I shows the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Teacher Factors.
It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that their teacher does not explain the
objectives of the lesson clearly at the start of each period., a mean of 1.85 described as little
was obtained; in the item that their teacher has no mastery of the subject matter; a mean of 2.28
described as little was computed; regarding the item that their teacher is not updated with
present trends, relevant to the subject matter; a mean of 2.18 described as little was derived;
moreover, the item that their teacher does not use various techniques and strategies in
presenting the lesson, a mean of 1.93 described as little was shown; and in the item that their
teacher is not open to suggestion/opinion and not motivates them all, a mean of 1.88 described
as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 2.02 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Teacher Factors was little. It further showed that the
Grade 7- Rizal and Bonifacio Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their teachers.
It further implied that their teachers had a good foundation in teaching Science.

Table – II

Factors Affecting the Difficulties Encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Student Factors.

Items Mean Description

1. I am lazy to study my lessons. 2.18 Little
2. I don’t have specific place of study at home. 2.05 Little
3. I’m not talking English during discussion. 2.38 Little
4. I violate the rules and regulations of my school. 2.05 Little
5. I am lazy to go in the library during my vacant time. 2.45 Little
2.22 Little

Table II shows the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Student Factors.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they are lazy to study their lessons.,
a mean of 2.18 described as little was obtained; in the item that they don’t have specific place of
study at home; a mean of 2.05 described as little was computed; regarding the item that they are
not talking English during discussion; a mean of 2.38 described as little was derived; moreover,
the item that they violate the rules and regulations of their school, a mean of 2.05 described as little
was shown; and in the item that they are lazy to go in the library during their vacant time, a mean
of 2.45 described as little was obtained.
The overall mean computed was 2.22 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Students of MNVHS in
Science Subject in terms of Student Factors was little. It further showed that the Grade 7- Rizal
and Bonifacio Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their Science subject. It further
implied that the students had a good interest in learning Science Subject.

Table – III

Factors Affecting the Difficulties Encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Financial Factors.

Items Mean Description

1. My parents do not provide my needs. 1.95 Little
2. My parents don’t have an alternative source of income to 2 Little
support my studies.
3. My parents don’t give me money for my projects. 1.78 Little
4. My parents don’t give me daily allowance. 1.85 Little
5. My parents have no stable job to support my studies. 2.23 Little
1.96 Little

Table III shows the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Financial Factors.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that their parents do not provide their
needs., a mean of 1.95 described as little was obtained; in the item that their parents don’t have
an alternative source of income to support their studies; a mean of 2 described as little was
computed; regarding the item that their parents don’t give them money for their projects; a mean
of 1.78 described as little was derived; moreover, the item that their parents don’t give them daily
allowance, a mean of 1.85 described as little was shown; and in the item that their parents have no
stable job to support their studies, a mean of 2.23 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 1.96 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS Subject in terms of Financial Factors was little. It further showed that the Grade 7-Rizal
and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems financial factors. It further implied
that their parents supported them in all academic and other school activities.
Table – IV

Factors Affecting the Difficulties Encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Laboratory Factors.

Items Mean Description

1. I can’t manipulate new device in our laboratory room. 2 Little
2. I am not familiar in using all laboratory materials. 2.2 Little
3. I don’t participate in our laboratory activities. 2.13 Little
4. Our laboratory room is not clean and orderly. 2.3 Little
5. Our laboratory room does not provide safety measures and 2.3 Little
2.19 Little

Table IV shows the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Laboratory Factors.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that can’t manipulate new device in
their laboratory room., a mean of 2 described as little was obtained; in the item that they are not
familiar in using all laboratory materials; a mean of 2.2 described as little was computed; regarding
the item that they don’t participate in their laboratory activities; a mean of 2.13 described as little
was derived; moreover, the item that their laboratory room is not clean and orderly, a mean of 2.3
described as little was shown; and in the item that their laboratory room does not provide safety
measures and procedures, a mean of 2.3 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 2.19 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Laboratory Factors was little. It further showed that the
Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their
laboratory. It further implied that their laboratory was conducive place for the learning process of
the students. It has laboratory tools and equipment.

Table –V

Factors Affecting the Difficulties Encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Knowledge Acquisition.
Items Mean Description
1. I’m not listening to our teachers. 1.7 Little
2. I can’t learn through experiment. 2.1 Little
3. I don’t participate in the class discussion. 1.95 Little
4. I am not using website to gather more information. 2.33 Little
5. I can’t talk to some resource persons to gather 1.93 Little
2 Little

Table V shows the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Knowledge Acquisition.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they are not listening to their
teachers; a mean of 1.7 described as little was obtained; in the item that they can’t learn through
experiment; a mean of 2.1 described as little was computed; regarding the item that they don’t
participate in the class discussion; a mean of 1.95 described as little was derived; moreover, the
item that they not using website to gather more information, a mean of 2.33 described as little was
shown; and in the item that they can’t talk to some resource persons to gather
knowledge/information, a mean of 1.93 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 2 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in terms of knowledge acquisition was little. It further showed that the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their Knowledge
Acquisition. It further implied that the students had a sufficient intellectual in acquiring

2. What are the effects of the difficulties encountered by Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of:

2.1 Performance

2.2 Personal Attitude and behavior

2.3 Student’s Interest

2.4 Examination

2.5 Comprehension
To answer this question the researcher made use of the following interpretation table where:

1- Very little 3-Moderate 5- Very high

2- Little 4- High

Table – VI

Effects of the Difficulties Encountered by Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Performance.

Items Mean Description

1. I hesitate to perform my task in school. 1.78 Little
2. I don’t participate in our school activities/programs. 1.8 Little
3. I can’t answer the questions given by the teacher. 2 Little
4. I refrain from joining school organization. 2.05 Little
5. I can’t report in front of the class. 2.1 Little
1.96 Little

Table I shows the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Performance.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they are hesitant to perform their
task in school; a mean of 1.78 described as little was obtained; in the item that they don’t participate
in their school activities/programs; a mean of 1.8 described as little was computed; regarding the
item that they can’t answer the questions given by the teacher; a mean of 2 described as little was
derived; moreover, the item that they refrain from joining school organization, a mean of 2.05
described as little was shown; and in the item that they can’t report in front of the class., a mean
of 2.1 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 1.96 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Performance was little. It further showed that the Grade
7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their
Performance. It further implied that the students had been performing well in Science Subject.
Table – VII

Effects of the Difficulties Encountered by Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Personal Attitude and Behavior

Items Mean Description

1. I can’t initiate the cleaning of our classroom. 1.98 Little
2. I don’t attending our science class. 2 Little
3. I don’t have a good relationship with my teacher and classmates.
1.8 Little
4. I don’t impose proper discipline and right conduct. 1.93 Little
5. I don’t have any sense of humor. 2.13 Little
1.97 Little

Table I shows the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Personal Attitude and Behavior.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they can’t initiate the cleaning of
their classroom; a mean of 1.98 described as little was obtained; in the item that they don’t attend
their science class; a mean of 2 described as little was computed; regarding the item that they don’t
have a good relationship with their teacher and classmates; a mean of 1.8 described as little was
derived; moreover, the item that they don’t impose proper discipline and right conduct, a mean of
1.93 described as little was shown; and in the item that don’t have any sense of humor., a mean of
2.13 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 1.97 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Personal Attitude and Behavior was little. It further showed
that the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding
their Personal Attitude and Behavior. It further implied that the students had a proper attitude and
behavior inside the classroom.
Table – VIII

Effects of the Difficulties Encountered by Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Student’s Interest.

Items Mean Description

1. I don’t want to listen to the lecture of my teacher. 1.95 Little
2. I can’t get good grades on test, quizzes, assignments and 2.1 Little
3. I don’t like reading books. 2.2 Little
4. Science is not my favorite subject. 2.08 Little
5. I am happy when my teacher is late or absent. 2 Little
2.07 Little

Table I shows the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Student’s Interest.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they don’t want to listen to the
lecture of their teacher; a mean of 1.95 described as little was obtained; in the item that they can’t
get good grades on test, quizzes, assignments and projects; a mean of 2.1 described as little was
computed; regarding the item that they don’t like reading books; a mean of 2.2 described as little
was derived; moreover, the item that Science is not their favorite subject, a mean of 2.08 described
as little was shown; and in the item that are happy when their teacher is late or absent., a mean of
2 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 2.07 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Student’s Interest was little. It further showed that the
Grade 8- Earth Students of FDMNHS had little problems regarding their interest in studying
science. It further implied that the students were highly motivated to study hard. They had good
interest to learn in Science.
Table – IX

Effects of the Difficulties Encountered by Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Examination.

Items Mean Description

1. I can’t understand the test question well. 1.93 Little
2. I don’t study our lesson before examination. 1.98 Little
3. .I can’t pass my examinations. 2.1 Little
4. I don’t understand the directions during our examinations. 2.25 Little
5. I am not prepared for the examination. 1.98 Little
2.05 Little

Table I shows the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Examination.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they can’t understand the test
question well; a mean of 1.93 described as little was obtained; in the item that they don’t study
their lesson before examination; a mean of 1.98 described as little was computed; regarding the
item that they can’t pass their examinations; a mean of 2.1 described as little was derived;
moreover, the item that they don’t understand the directions during their examinations, a mean of
2.25 described as little was shown; and in the item that they are not prepared for the examination;
a mean of 1.98 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 2.05 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Examination was little. It further showed that the Grade
7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their
Examination. It further implied that their teachers gave the students clear instructions and
procedures during their examination.
Table – X

Effects of the Difficulties Encountered by Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Comprehension.

Items Mean Description

1. I can’t easily understand the lesson. 1.88 Little
2. I can’t give my own insight/opinion about the lessons. 1.98 Little
3. I don’t share my knowledge to my classmates. 2.23 Little
4. I don’t gather factual information. 2.03 Little
5. I can’t apply new knowledge to my studies. 2 Little
2 Little

Table I shows the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Comprehension.

It can be gleaned from Table I that in terms of the item that they can’t easily understand the
lesson; a mean of 1.88 described as little was obtained; in the item that they can’t give their own
insight/opinion about the lessons; a mean of 1.98 described as little was computed; regarding the
item that they don’t share their knowledge to their classmates; a mean of 2.23 described as little
was derived; moreover, the item that they don’t gather factual information, a mean of 2.03
described as little was shown; and in the item that they can’t apply new knowledge to their studies;
a mean of 2 described as little was obtained.

The overall mean computed was 2 described to be little. This result implied that the factors
affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of
MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of Comprehension was little. It further showed that the Grade
7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS had little problems regarding their
Comprehension. It further implied that the teachers gave the students good exercises and drills to
enrich their comprehension skills.
3. What are the implications of the finding of the study?

Based from the result of the study, the researcher had drawn the following implications.

1. The factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of teacher factors was little.

2. The factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of student factors was little.

3. The factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of financial factors was little.

4. The factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of laboratory factors was little.

5. The factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of knowledge acquisition was

6. The effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of performance was little.

7. The effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of personal attitude and behaviour was

8. The effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of student’s interest was little.

9. The effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of examination was little.

10. The effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science
Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of comprehension was little.

In the light of the foregoing discussion the findings of the study are the following.

1. That regarding the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of teacher factors, the over-
all mean computed was 2.02 and described as little. This implied that the factors affecting the
difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in
Science Subject in terms of teacher factors was also little.

2. That regarding the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of student factors, the over-
all mean computed was 2.22 and described as little. This implied that the factors affecting the
difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in
Science Subject in terms of student factors was also little.

3. That regarding the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of financial factors, the
over-all mean computed was 1.96 and described as little. This implied that the factors affecting
the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in
Science Subject in terms of financial factors was also little.

4. That regarding the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of laboratory factors, the
over-all mean computed was 2.19 and described as little. This implied that the factors affecting
the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in
Science Subject in terms of laboratory factors was also little.

5. That regarding the factors affecting the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and
Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of knowledge acquisition,
the over-all mean computed was 2 and described as little. This implied that the factors affecting
the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in
Science Subject in terms of knowledge acquisition was also little.

6. That regarding the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject t in terms of performance, the over-all mean
computed was 1.96 and described as little. This implied that the effects of the difficulties
encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject
in terms of performance was also little.
7. That regarding the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of personal attitude and behaviour ,
the over-all mean computed was 1.97 and described as little. This implied that the effects of the
difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in
Science Subject in terms of personal attitude and behaviour was also little.

8. That regarding the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of student’s interest, the over-all mean
computed was 2.07 and described as little. This implied that the effects of the difficulties
encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in Science Subject
in terms of student’s interest was also little.

9. That regarding the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of examination, the over-all mean
computed was 2.05 and described as little. This implied that the effects of the difficulties
encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in Science Subject
in terms of examination was also little.

10. That regarding the effects of the difficulties encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio
Science Students of MNVHS in Science Subject in terms of comprehension, the over-all mean
computed was 2 and described as little. This implied that the effects of the difficulties
encountered by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS in Science Subject
in terms of comprehension was also little.


In the view of the results of this study, the researcher has drawn the following:

1. Teachers had been a little source of the difficulties encountered in science subject by the Grade
7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could be attributed to the fact that
their teachers had a good foundation in teaching Science.

2. Students had been a little source of the difficulties encountered in science subject by the Grade
7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could be attributed to the fact that the
3. Financial factors had been a little source of the difficulties encountered in science subject by the
Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could be attributed to the fact
that their parents supported them in all academic and other school activities.

4. Laboratory factors had been a little source of the difficulties encountered in Science subject by
the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could be attributed to the
fact that their laboratory was conducive place for the learning process of the students. It has
laboratory tools and equipment.

5. Knowledge Acquisition had been a little source of the difficulties encountered in Science subject
by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could be attributed to
the fact that the students had a sufficient intellectual in acquiring knowledge.

6. Student’s performance had been affected to a little extent by the difficulties encountered in
Science subject by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could
be attributed to the fact that the students had been performing well in Science Subject.

7. Student’s personal attitude and behaviour had been affected to a little extent by the difficulties
encountered in Science subject by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MVHS.
This could be attributed to the fact that the students had a proper attitude and behaviour inside
the classroom.

8. Student’s interest had been affected to a little extent by the difficulties encountered in Science
subject by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could be
attributed to the fact that the students were highly motivated to study hard. They had good interest
to learn in Science.

9. Student’s examination had been affected to a little extent by the difficulties encountered in
Science subject by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could
be attributed to the fact that their teachers gave the students clear instructions and procedures
during their examination.

10. Student’s comprehension had been affected to a little extent by the difficulties encountered in
Science subject by the Grade 7-Rizal and Bonifacio Science Students of MNVHS . This could
be attributed to the fact that the teachers gave the students good exercises and drills to enrich
their comprehension skills.

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