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Warhammer Historical “Gladiator” House rules and tweaks by Alexander Kawczynski

Version 2.0
Models fighting in close combat use their Multiple attacks from the same model are
Disciplina value and add it to any attack rolled at the same time but treated and
roll they make, the total is compared with resolved individually, this means one
the result of the opposing gladiator(s). attack can be negated but the second scores
Higher results beat lower results. Draw a hit if it beats the defending value. This
results cancel each other out completely also means that at times two attacks from a
and if the fight was between 1vs1 gladiator single source may be scored in which case
both are pushed back 1 pace so that there is each attack rolls a separate wound roll.
2 paces between them.

One vs Multiple gladiators Gladiator vs Gladiator

The same principle works in fights with In gladiator vs gladiator fights the victor of
multiple Gladiators against a single target. the close combat always chooses between
The defender may roll higher than one Low Slash or High Stab on the hit location
opponent (pushing him back) but roll chart (page 26). Roll to wound with
lower than a second attacker in which case weapon strength vs body part and potential
the second attacker rolls to wound and armor. Shields only apply their protective
pushes back the defender. bonus to the “shield arm” per default –
unless the defender had issued

Model with Multiple attacks (single Model with Multiple attacks Multiple
weapon one handed weapon) attacks (multiple one handed weapons)
A gladiator with multiple attacks in his A gladiator with weapons is proficient at
profile may choose to divide his attacks fighting effectively using both arms and
between multiple opponents in base has an excellent focus. He may also divide
contact. When doing so attacks are his attacks between multiple opponents
performed at -1 Disciplina penalty, but at without any penalty to his disciplina.
least have the chance of injuring more than
one enemy during a single Fight phase.
Cowardice in close combat. Gladiator vs Animal
When a gladiator is pushed back, he must In Gladiator vs Animal fights, the victor
charge back into the fight next turn if he rolls Weapon Strength or Fortituda vs the
wins initiative. Moving away instead of opponents Patientia value. No hit location
making a charge is cowardice and inflicts a chart is used. If an animal hits a Gladiator
cumulative -1 penalty to the “Appeal to the carrying a shield roll to wound as normal,
crowd” roll of this gladiator. Retiarius and and then roll another D6. A small shield is
ranged weapon specialists are exceptions torn away on a roll of 4+, the gladiator
to this rule and may freely move away lowers hi by 1.
during next turn.
A large shield is torn away or otherwise
destroyed on a roll of 6+ Gladiators who
lost their shields this way cannot be
“plundered” for shields by other models if
they die and also no longer enjoy the bonus
to their Patentia provided by the shield is

Ranged weapons use the projectile win favor with the crowd and counts just
Strength vs the target Patientia + any bonus as if you had thrown sand in the eyes of
they might enjoy from carrying a shield. opponent. No appeal to the crowd can be
made by this fighter.
Projectiles hitting a Gladiator armed with a
shield from the front are played just as
explained in the rulebook. However, a
stray projectile hitting a Gladiator with his
back turned will hit the Gladiator body and
the shield and any protective bonus will be
ignored. Attacking a Gladiator from behind
with a ranged weapon on purpose does not
Retiarius - Net rules
Retiarius nets are thrown in the movement phase instead of moving. The range of net is 6
paces and the Retiarius uses his first Disciplina value for throwing the net (second value is for
close combat weapon). Targets that kneel or are lying on their back are easier to hit and
confer a +1 bonus to hit (3+ to hit becomes +2 to hit). The net does not cause any wound, and
is deemed “spent” for the remainder of the game if it successfully entangles the target in any
way. When a target is hit by the net, check the entanglement result by rolling 1D6 and apply
the effect listed below:

1-2 Shield entangled, it no longer confers a Patentia bonus or a Defensive value. Shielding is
also no longer possible. A gladiator with two weapons like the Diamachaerus has one of his
weapons entangled (attackers choice). A gladiator with only one weapon or a two-handed
weapon can only defend himself from incoming attacks – if he wins the fight the enemy is just
pushed back and no wounds are inflicted.

3-5 Body entangled. An entangled gladiator cannot be subject to Low/High slash attacks due
to the obscured nature of his current state. All attacks are performed against target gladiator
Patentia value. Entangled gladiators may not move or charge.

6 Body badly entangled, same as above but additionally the target cannot use his weapon
this turn. Enemy automatically score hits. Resolve damage/wounds as if the attacker has
scored full number of attacks.

Dragging “body” result entangled gladiators

Entangling the body of an enemy gladiator provides the Retiarius with one additional D6 roll.
On 4+ target may be dragged up to 6 paces towards OR into base contact by the Retiarius
where the target is engaged in the Fight Phase (this does not count as a charge and confers no
charge bonus to Disciplina).

Freeing shield/weapon from the net

At the start of the next activation the entangled gladiator rolls 1D6, on 4+ the net is removed
and the shield goes back to normal. On 1-3 the net remains and the penalty with it, try again
next turn.
Freeing gladiator body from the net
At the start of the next activation, the entangled gladiator may attempt to free himself from the
net by rolling 1D6.

1-2 The movement phase is spent at cutting away the net, may not move or charge this turn,
otherwise no penalty.

3-5 The movement and shooting phase is spent at cutting away the net. May not move, charge
or shoot this turn. Disciplina and Fighting value drops to 1 for the remainder of the turn.

6 Unable to cut free this turn, may not do anything. The specific entanglement result
penalties still apply.

In team/mass battles, a Champion may challenge another Champion within charge range to
single combat. Challenges may be refused but doing so the cowardly Champion forfeits his
possible “Appeal to the crowd” roll for the remainder of the game. If accepted, both
Champions fight without outside involvement until one has been defeated.


Having been defeated the gladiator rolls 2D6, adds his current level bonus and any additional
bonus or penalty value he may have received during the fight. A result of 10+ means the
gladiator escapes instant death in the arena. Otherwise he is killed.
In 1vs1 fights, add +1 for every wound the appealing Gladiator has inflicted.
In team fights (not mass battles), add +1 for every opponent the appealing Gladiator has

Bribing VIP audience

Prior to the fight players secretly write down a number of sestertii (HS) they wish to spend on
bribes (at least 100, and at the most 1000 HS). Once a gladiator appeals to the crowd, both
players reveal their bribe notes. The one with the highest value may re-roll one of his (or his
opponents) D6. In case of a draw, both players lose their money at no gain.
Since the game does not feature skills I figured I would write a few down. The following
skills should only be used by Gladiators in a campaign. Keep track of these by writing them
down on a character sheet next to the appropriate Gladiator. The following skills are earned
for accomplishing particular feats in the arena.

“Favored enemy” A Gladiator who has defeated a particular type of animal or Gladiator at
least 4 times may add +1 to their Disciplina whenever he is fighting that particular opponent.
This increase of Disciplina does also count in fights with multiple Gladiators of other kind as
long as the favored enemy is involved.

“Swirling fighting style” A Gladiator who has been involved in at least 4 fights with 2 or
more opponents and won them single handedly becomes proficient in dealing with multiple
foes and adds +1 Attack to his profile. Can only ever be gained by models fighting with at
least 1 single handed weapon

“Fortune favors the bold” A Gladiator who has twice defeated a champion does no longer
need to take Constantia tests when wishing to fight Champions anymore. This does not affect
Gladiators that are already Champions

“Impressive recovery rate” A Gladiator who has ended up at the Medicus and survived 3 or
more times may add +1 to his “Recovery chart” roll.

“Accurate” After having killed 4 or more enemies with a ranged weapon a Gladiator armed
with a ranged weapon can start to target enemy body parts freely if the target is within 12”.
Apply the following modifiers to the “to hit roll”: Torso +1, Head -2, Arms and Legs -1. If the
target carries a shield it is always brought up in reflex and its protective bonus is added.
Armor featured on the targeted body part is taken into account as usual.

“Net Throwing expert” After having entangled 4 or more enemies the Retiarius may add +1
to his Entanglement roll results.

“Against all odds” A gladiator who has been forced to (and survived) at least 3 appeals to the
crowd gains a permanent +1 bonus when making future appeals to the crowd.
The following perks are randomly determined and depend on the upcoming Gladiator level.
Just as with the skills these perks should only be used when playing a campaign.
When a gladiator levels up adjust his statistics according to page 31 in the main rulebook.
Then roll on the charts below and apply any further adjustments and write down all additional
attributes. All effects are cumulative. If a result cannot be applied to a specific class (a
gladiator class without shield getting “Shield proficiency” for instance, re-roll on the chart
until you get a result which can be used).

Roll 1D6 when becoming a Spectatii

1: Quick learner, earn “Skills” at +1 increased rate.
2: Shield proficiency, all shields receive a +1 defense bonus
3: Human shield, Gladiator may grab opponent within 1” to shield himself from incoming
4: Muscular, add +1 Patientia
5: Fit, add 1 pace to movement
6: Safe bet, always earns twice the amount of money

Roll 1D6 when becoming a Veterarii

1: Shield bash, shields now add a +1 attack with a Strength 3
2: Bold, add +1 to Constantia
3: Jump away, does not need to remain locked in CC if combat is won and after dealing a hit
4: Armor proficiency, always count as being 1 step Lighter. VH<H<L<VL
5: Crowd favorite, always enjoys +1 when appealing to the crowd
6: Taste of victory, Gladiator receives +1 CV

Roll 1D6 when becoming a Primus Palus

1: Tough as nails, +1 Wound
2: Incredible constitution, add +1 to Recovery chart roll
3: Finding weak spots, enemy armor/shield protection is always reduced by 1
4: Heavy swing, may at any time make attacks at +1 Weapon Strength but -1 Disciplina
5: Rage, increase Disciplina by 1 whenever Gladiator has 1 wound left
6: Refuse to die, once per fight spend 1 point of CV to prevent loss of a wound.
I hope these tweaks provide a fun addition and enhancement to your Gladiator games.

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