Shah Zaib's Thesis

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Thesis Number:

Submitted By

(Shah Zaib Athar)

Student Number
Supervised By

(Dr. Irshad Ullah)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences
Peshawar, Pakistan
January 2019

Thesis Number:

Thesis submitted is partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Submitted By

(Shah Zaib Athar)

Student Number
Supervised By

(Dr. Irshad Ullah)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences
Peshawar, Pakistan
January 2019


This is to certify that the work contained in this thesis entitled “Demand Side Energy
Storage Optimization Technique to Mitigate Energy Cost” by “Shah Zaib Athar” was
carried under my supervision and in my opinion is fully adequate in scope and quality for
the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.

(Dr. Irshad Ullah)

Date: January 2019


First of all, I would like to thank almighty ALLAH, the most beneficent and merciful, and
to the holy prophet Mohammad (Peace Be upon Him), the true source of knowledge and
torch of guidance for the entire world forever. After that, I wish to express a feeling of
appreciation and love to my cherished guardians for their ethical support, quality, and help
and for everything. I am generously appreciative to my supervisor (Dr. Irshad Ullah) for
his support, master direction and insightful counsel whose consolation, direction and
support from the underlying to the last level empowered me to build up a comprehension
of the subject.

I additionally express my earnest appreciation and gifts to those who bolstered me in any
regard amid the consummation of the venture. I have learned an awesome arrangement
from the individuals who have worked with me and aided in any conceivable way they
could have; I appreciatively recognize my obligations to them for expanding their genuine


Electrical power has a vital role in the modern world as without electrical power life is
impossible. It is a known fact that at peak hours, the rate of electricity is high. One of the
major issues of the modern world especially underdeveloped countries is Electrical Power
cost. The cost of electricity varies in order to maintain equilibrium between the demand
supplies. The main purpose of this research is to develop a method that would enable
economical consumption of electrical energy in an efficient and effective way. The idea
integrates the concept of smart home and optimization of energy storage elements together
to form a concept which would not only benefit consumers but would also contribute to
the over energy utilization and consumption. It will minimize the demand side energy cost
by optimizing the energy storage units such as dry batteries and improve the charging and
discharging time of the energy storage units. The research would follow a series of steps
to achieve its ultimate objective, which is energy storage optimization. The entire concept
would be implemented on a Simulator, which most preferably would be Matlab Simulink.

The list of tables used in the thesis along with the description is shown below

Table Description
3.1.1 Voltage Source Block Parameters

3.2.1 NI-MH battery Parameters

3.2.2 Dc motor Parameters
3.4.1 Resistive load Parameters
3.4.2 Capacitive load Parameters
3.4.3 Inductive load Parameters
4.0 2019 energy price rises

The list of Figure used in the thesis along with the description is shown below

Figure Description
1.0 Load Curve
3.0 Simulink Model of the proposed system
3.1 Components of the power source block
2.2 NI-MH battery block
2.3 internal components of solar power production
3.4 Load file

3.5 control and scheduling unit

3.6 internal structure of inverter

4.0 storage unit charging and discharging status

4.1 output of wapda power unit

4.2 Output of Renewable Source

4.3 Figure 4.3 Inverter Output Wave Farm

4.4 Load Unit Current Ratings

The list of abbreviation used in the thesis along with the description is shown below

Abbreviation Description
RES Renewable Energy Sources
DC Direct Current
AC Alternating Current
GHG Greenhouse Gas
MGs Micro Grids
HVDC High Voltage DC
IGBT Isolated Gate Bipolar Junction Transistor
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
DG Distributed Generation
SCR Short-Circuit-Ratio
FiTs Feed-In Tariffs
SOC State of Charge
HVAC Heating, Ventilating, And Air Conditioning
HAN Home Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
NI-MH Nickel - Metal Hydride Battery
MW Mega Watt
PV Photo Voltaic
DEC diode emission coefficients
PUP Per Unit Price
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker
AGC Automatic Generation Control
GSP Grid Station Power
Ni–Cd Nickel–Cadmium
VRLA Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid
MDP Markov Decision Process
ST Single-Threshold
GW Giga Watt
EU European


APPROVAL CERTIFICATE .............................................................................................ii

PLAGIARISM CERTIFICATE ....................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................................................................................vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED ............................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. ix, x
Chapter-1 ............................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview: ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Statment: .................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 Methodology: ............................................................................................................ 4
Chapter-2 ............................................................................................................................ 5
Literature Study .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 NI-MH Battery Model: ............................................................................................. 6
2.2 PV Power: ................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Grid Station:.............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 Power Generation: ................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 Transmission: ........................................................................................................ 8
2.3.3 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Consumers Load: ...................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Types of Loads: ..................................................................................................... 9
2.4.2 Resistive Load: ...................................................................................................... 9
2.4.3 Inductive Load: ..................................................................................................... 9
2.4.4 Capacitive Load: ................................................................................................... 9
2.4.5 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Types of Electrical Loads in Power System: .......................................................... 10
2.5.1 Domestic Load: ................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Comercial Load: .................................................................................................. 10
2.5.3 Industrial Load: ................................................................................................... 10

2.5.4 Agriculture Load: ................................................................................................ 10
2.6 Scheduling Unit: ..................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................... 13
Methodology of Research ................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Phase 1: ................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Phase 2: ................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Smart Balancing Daily Load Schedule: .............................................................. 13
3.3 Utility Power Block: ............................................................................................... 15
3.4 Storage Component: ............................................................................................... 16
3.5 Solar Power:............................................................................................................ 17
3.6 Load Block: ............................................................................................................ 19
3.7 Control & Scheduling unit: ..................................................................................... 20
3.8 Inverter Block: ........................................................................................................ 22
Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................... 24
Results............................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Result of Storage Unit ............................................................................................ 24
4.2 Utitlity Power Block Result .................................................................................... 25
4.3 Output Result of Renewable Sources:.................................................................... 26
4.4 Inverter Output Result: ........................................................................................... 26
4.5 Load Unit Block Result: ......................................................................................... 27
4.6 Electrical Energy Price Index: ................................................................................ 28
Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................................... 29
Conclusion & Future Work: ............................................................................................. 30
5.1 Conclusion: ............................................................................................................. 30
5.2 Future Work: .......................................................................................................... 30
5.3 References: ............................................................................................................. 30

1.1 Overview:
Energy consumption and utilization has increased rapidly in the past few couple of years and
demand for electricity generation has posed a need for necessary interventions in this area in order
to meet the needs of the world. The researches around the world are trying hard to optimize the
energy consumption and utilization in order to cope the power shortage in the under developed
countries [1].

The energy prices flections likewise in peak hours the consumers demand and the generating
power units mostly becomes equals so the price of energy per unit decreases and in case of small
load the generation side and the consumers side power ratio becomes unbalance then the energy
per unit price increases. Although many solutions have been provided to resolve and address this
crucial issue such as to maintain the balance between generating unit’s power with consumer’s
side and also integration of renewable energy sources with the power grid and addition of different
energy efficient electrical devices to reduce the losses in the system and diminish the overall
consumption of electricity. These concepts have proven to be good and effective solution to the
power crises but are expensive and complex in nature [2].

It has been established by conducting different surveys that the cost of electricity is not constant
and keeps on fluctuating according to the consumption and needs of the consumers. By scheduling
the consumption or power of different equipment and components within the consumer’s premises
using a smart home unit and a cost acquisition unit, it would be possible to design an appropriate
algorithm that has the capability to charge and discharge the energy storage units as per the cost
of electricity at different hours [2, 3]. The batteries would be charged during the inexpensive hours
and the energy stored inside of these batteries would be utilized during expensive hours.

The load on power station is never constant; it varies from time to time. These load variations
during the whole day are recorded half hourly or hourly and are plotted against time on the graph.
The curve thus obtained is known as daily load curve as it shows the variations of load w.r.t to
time during the day. Fig 1 show a typical daily load curve of power station. It is clear that load on
the power station as varying and maximum at 6 pm in this case. It may be seeming that the load

curve indicates at a glance the general character of the load that is being imposed on the plant [4].
In the load the curve maximum power is consumed that is 6am to 8am and then from 2pm to 8pm
these hours are called peak hours. During 12am to 6am, 8am to 2pm and 8pm to 12am the
consumers use less power as compared to peak hours. During these hours’ power can be stored to
balance consumers demand and generated power; it will also control the increasing price per unit.

Figure 1.0 : Load curve [4]

Another solution is integration of energy storage and renewable energy to meet the fast rising
energy demand and maintain energy sustainability [5] [6]. For the grid operator, energy storage
can be exploited to shift energy across time to meet the demand and counter the fluctuation of
intermittent renewable generation to improve grid reliability [7]. For the electricity customer, local
energy storage can provide means for energy management to control energy flow in response to
the demand-side management signal and to reduce electricity cost. For example, dynamic pricing
is one of main demand-side management techniques to relieve grid congestion [8] [9].

Its effectiveness relies on the customer side energy management solution to effectively control
energy flow and demand in response to the pricing change. With local renewable generation and
energy storage introduced to residential and commercial customers, there is potentially greater

flexibility in energy control to respond to the dynamic pricing and demand fluctuation, as well as
maximally harness the energy from renewable source to reduce electricity bills [10] [11].

There exists a significant amount of work on energy storage strategies in various contexts: among
them, our starting points are [12] and [13]. In [12] the optimal energy storage control problem that
is faced by a grid operator, whose controller has access to one energy storage device of finite
storage capacity. The simple Single-Threshold (ST) policy proposed by the authors is proved to
be asymptotically optimal as the battery storage grows to infinity. However, it does not take into
account realistic charge and discharge rates of the battery, nor a realistic power demand process,
which is arbitrarily modeled as the state of a M=M=1 queuing system. The problem of optimal
control of the battery charge/discharge process to minimize the long-term average cost is
investigated in [13] as a Markov Decision Process (MDP): under rather general assumptions, the
optimal policy is shown to have a two-threshold structure. Thresholds are numerically computed
in some specific scenarios, using real-world power request traces from existing energy markets.
The results have been obtained under the assumption that the energy cost function is always linear
with respect to (w.r.t) power demand requests, a model that does not capture the more-than-linear
increase of the cost to produce and delivery energy as the request grows.

1.2 Problem Statement:

The population of the world is increasing day by day. Ultimately, the usage of electricity is also
increasing. Maximum usage of electricity by consumers creates peaks in the usage of electricity.
The time at which these peaks are created are called peak hours or busy hours. Peak hours are a
problem for the stability of the utility. A utility can provide a specific amount of electricity per
unit time. If the demand increases, blackouts are created. There are two ways to tackle this
problem. The first is to increase the power generation. The second is to manage the consumer load
in such a way that the demand at a specific time is less than or equal to the distribution. Since
increasing the generation is not easy, therefore the utility increases the price of electricity in busy
hours. This may result in higher electricity bills. To overcome this problem, we have charge
optimizing solution where in busy hours we can used optimized power such as battery storage or
any other source and in easy hours we use power from utility grid to get good results we can obtain
the solution of the above problems through the following objectives.

1.3 Objectives:
I. ` To manage the scheduling of the power equipment within the consumers premises and
optimize charging / discharging of the energy storage components.
II. To flip between the energy storage unit and utility grid at different times to achieve reduced
electricity cost.
III. To integrate storage unit with the utility grid and operate appliances smartly. The above
mentioned objects would be completed though the following methodology.

1.4 Methodology:
In order to achieve the targeted objectives, an efficient methodology will be used to get the
best results of the proposed scheme. The stepwise description of the methodology is
mentioned below.
a. Gathering relevant data from authentic sources regarding Electricity scheduled costs,
storage unit optimization for power scheduling of designing and implementation of
the proposed system on a test bed.

b. Obtaining results of overall power consumption of the system and analyzing the cost
of power consumed.

c. The idea can be implemented of the entire system on a test bed. By using MATLAB
Simulink, or ETAP software.

d. Comparing the obtained results with previous research work and optimization of the
proposed system for better results.

Literature Study

The literature study of energy storage optimization techniques to mitigate the energy prices based
on renewable energy, charging and discharging of battery and utility grid to schedule and manage
the entire system that in past as well as in recent year, the researchers have been working on
enhancing the efficiency and effective implementation of such systems. In this section, the study
and literature work carried out during the research has been discussed in detail after reviewing the
work carried out on different aspects of energy storage optimization techniques to mitigate the
energy prices.

2.1 Ni-MH Battery Model:

Nickel/metal hydride (Ni/MH) battery technology is very well grace for stationary energy
storage supplication because of its high power, long life cycle, close-packed size, peerless safety,
and encyclopedic operating temperature range .These merits have been validated in laboratory
testing and field evaluations alongside nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd) and valve-regulated lead-acid
(VRLA) batteries. Due to these results, Ni/MH batteries of enlarge designs ranging from small cell
telecom and data storage back-up power to substation-scale energy storage network have begun to
appear on the stationary market [14].
A basic Ni/MH cell having a metal hydride (MH) negative electrode and a nickel hydroxide
positive electrode in a highly conductive aqueous potassium hydroxide-based electrolyte (typically
30 wt %) in a secure constitution. This chemistry provides a nominal voltage of 1.2 volts per cell,
below the electrolysis voltage of water. Although its voltage is underneath than that of a VRLA,
Ni/MH is designated by higher gravimetric and volumetric energy density, larger heat tolerance,
and better cycle stability at deeper discharge depths, which makes it an attractive substitute for
stationary applications. In addition, unlike its Ni–Cd rival, Ni/MH having no toxic substances and
is commercially recyclable, although not yet to the same scope as lead-acid batteries [14].
In below simulation circuit it shows NI-MH battery, scope and Dc machine for out-turn graphs.
During SOC (state of charging) Dc machine provide Dc power to the battery in this duration the
controlled current source value –ve and battery voltage increases up to its maximum extent, when

battery stores charge up to maximum then the value of controlled current source become +ve then
battery provide power to the load and in this duration Dc machine works as load [15].
To simulate the circuit, we will get output of the system through scope, it gives us four signal
curves such as voltage of the battery, SOC of the battery, speed of the Dc motor armature and
current of the armature. According to the graph examination we set the battery discharging ratio
up to 30%, If the battery voltage goes down from 30% percent then battery will start charging [16].

2.2 PV Power:
Solar photovoltaic (PV) power is already the most widely owned electricity source in the world in
terms of number of installations [17]. As a result of the sustained decrease in the cost of PV panels
and the increase in solar cell efficiency [18], solar PV gauge for 20% of all new power generation
capacity volume in 2015. The global international PV market grew outstandingly in 2015 [19] —
50 GW in comparison with 40 GW in 2014—, which was led by Asia for the third back-to-back
year. The EU market reassemble in 2015 with 8.5 GW adjoin after three years of diminish,
unassuming by a shift away from feed-in tariffs (FiTs) and by general policy
unpredictability [20]. Although Europe represents around 42.3% of the current global wide
installed capacity [21], from 2002 to 2011 Europe reckon for 75% of the total PV installed capacity
in the world [22].
Benefiting from the remarkable technical advance approaches in solar cells and power electronics,
the costs value of the utility-scale Photovoltaic (PV) power plants have become competitive with
other scattered renewable power sources [23]- [24]. Large scale PV power plants have been
increasingly installed planetary, and the accumulative worldwide utility-scale PV capacity is
heading towards 100 GW [25]. Due to the low energy compactness and uneven distributions of
sun power resources, these PV power plants are located in remote areas or even desert with high
sun irradiance [26]. As a consequence, the long-distance power transmission lines with low Short-
Circuit-Ratio (SCR) have become the major gridlock to efficiently transmit the generated power
to the load center [27]- [28].
Compact and bulk amount of solar cell is known as solar panel. Solar panel works by empower
photons, or spots of light, to knock out electrons free from atoms, generating a spill of electricity.
Solar panels actually comprise many, small scale units called photovoltaic cells. (photovoltaic
simply means they transform sunlight into electricity.) Many cells connected together make up a

solar panel. Each photovoltaic cell is actually a sandwich made up of two slices of semi-conducting
material, usually silicon — the same material used in microelectronics [29].

2.3 Grid Station:

Today’s power demand increasing, power crises due to lack of conventional sources and smash of
ordinary conventional source on environment are some of the serious reasons for paying more
attention towards renewable energy sources (RES) [30]. The RES like as wind and solar offers
substitute sources of energy, which are in general pollution free environmental, technologically
effective, environmentally empirical and provides electricity without giving any rise to carbon
dioxide emissions. However, mostly the existing grid networks consisting of transmission and
distribution networks are not capable to handle excess injection of RE energy. The existing grid
infrastructure is impotent to provide feedback signal or the smart intelligent data required for a
modern grid operation. Also, the existing electricity grid has no capability to offer enough services
addressing energy efficiency, reliability, stability and security and the injection of RE at the scale
needed to achieve the clean energy demand for the future [31] [32]. Therefore, in order to handle
injection of RE energy, introduction of smart grid technology is necessary. Introduction of smart
grid decreases overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with management demand that encourages
energy efficiency, improves sustainability and manages power more effectively and efficiently.
The smart grid is classified into three different conceptual models like active networks, internet
model and micro grids (MGs) [33].

An electrical power grid station is an interconnected network that transport the generated power
to the consumer’s end. It is, sometimes, also known as an electrical power system [34]. A power
grid station consists of generating stations (power plants), distribution system and transmission
system. Power generating stations are situated at realizable places - according to the availability
of the fuel, the dam site or an efficient location for soft energy sources. Hence, they are frequently
located quite away from the populated areas [35]. This is much clear, since the transmission of
electrical power over longer distances having no economical results than the relative transmission
of any other fuel. Also, a hydroelectric power plant must be located according to suitable dam site
or a wind power plant may be sited off-shore to gather additional energy from the wind. Thus, a
long distance transmission system is needed to transmit the generated electricity to the populated
areas. And a distribution system is needed to distribute the power to every user at threshold level

voltages. A power grid station can be divided into three parameters [36]: Power generation,
distribution and transmission. Each of these stages is explained in details below.

2.3.1 Power Generation:

Electricity is generated in power plant stations which are generally located far away from the
populated areas. There are different types of power generating stations such as thermal power
plant, nuclear, hydro, solar, wind etc. A power plant may consist of two or more, 3-
phase alternators which operated in parallel. Electricity is generated in power plants at voltages
ranging level from 11 kV up to 25 kV. Generation voltage cannot be much higher due to some
technical limitations [37].

2.3.2 Transmission :
For the power transmission of over longer distances, the generated voltages are stepped up to a
much higher level range. A step up transformer is used for stepping up voltage level, which
increases the voltage level with the corresponding dwindle in the current. Stepping up the voltage
is essential to increase the transmission efficiency by minimizing I2R losses in the transmission
lines. Higher the transmission voltage means lesser the current and, hence smaller the I2R loss.
Transmission voltages are normally 220kV or greater up to 765kV [38]. Transmissions lines are
frequently seen running over tall towers at the outskirts of a city area. Most commonly 3-phase
AC power at very high voltage is used for power transmission. But due to the advancements phases
in power electronics, HVDC (High Voltage DC) gain many advantages for lenghty distance
transmission. So, HVDC transmission systems are being enlist for very longer distance power
transmission. AC power is metamorphosed into HVDC at a converter power station for the
transmission, and then it is converted again back into AC at the other end side. Also, HVDC link
is the only option today for interconnecting grids with different frequency systems.
2.3.3 Distribution :

Received power from the transmission system is then stepped down the voltage level to a
considerably lower voltage (say 33 to 66kV) using a step-down transformer in a primary step-
down substation. The power is then transformed to distribution substations or directly to very large
scale industrial consumers. At distribution side substations, the power is then further stepped down
(say at 11kV) [39]. Power distribution is carried out using underground distribution or overhead
lines which are usually interconnected in a ring or mesh network topology types. Distribution

transformers are used to lower the voltage level further to the utilization voltage level such as (120
volts or 230 volts) and supply several consumers using the secondary distribution lines [40].

2.4 Consumers Load:

Devices which use electrical energy is known as the electric load [41]. In other words, the electrical
load is a device that takes electrical energy in the form of the current and transforms it into other
forms like heat, light, work, etc. The electrical load may be inductive, resistive, capacitive or can
be some combination between them [42].

2.4.1 Types of Electrical Loads:

The nature of the load depend upon the load factor, demand factor, power factor, diversity
factor, and a utilization factor of the entire system. The different types of loads are explained
below in details.

2.4.2 Resistive Load:

The resistive load barricades the flow of electrical energy in the circuit and converts it into thermal
energy or heat energy, due to which the energy free spirit occurs in the circuit. The lamp and the
heater are the best examples of the resistive load. The resistive loads get power in such a way so
that the current and the voltage wave remain in the same phase. Thus the power factor of the
resistive load remains in unity [42] [43].
2.4.3 Inductive load:

The inductive loads consist of magnetic field which are called windings, to performing some kind
of work. The transformers, motor, generators are the good examples of inductive load. The
inductive load has a coil which stores energy on the form of magnetic field when the current pass
through it. The wave of current in the inductive load is lagging behind the voltage wave level, and
the power factor of the inductive load is also lagging in nature.

2.4.4 Capacitive Load:

In the capacitive load, the nature of voltage wave is leading the current wave. The best examples
of capacitive loads are capacitor bank, three phase induction motor starting circuit, etc. The power
factor of such type of loads is leading in nature [44].

2.5 Types of Electrical Loads in Power System:
The loads of an area depend on its population and living standard of the people in that area. The
different types of the loads in a power system are as illustrated.
1. Domestic load
2. Commercial load
3. Industrial load
4. Agriculture load

2.5.1 Domestic Load – Domestic load is defined as the electrical energy consumed by the
electrical appliances in the household work. It depends on the living standard, weather
and type of residence and their needs. The domestic loads normally consist of fan,
lights, air conditioners, mixer, small pumping, refrigerator, ovens, grinder, heater,
motor, etc. Domestic load consumes very little electrical power and also independent
from frequency. This load largely consists of lighting, heating or cooling [45].
2.5.2 Commercial Load –Commercial load consist of shops lightning, offices,
advertisements, hotels, restaurants etc. Fans, Heating, Air conditioning and many other
electrical appliances used in establishments such as market restaurants, etc. are
categorized as a commercial load [45].
2.5.2 Industrial Loads – Industrial load contains of small-level industries, medium scale
industries, large level industries, heavy industries and cottage industries. The induction
motor forms a high percentage of the composite load [46]. The industrial loads are the
complex load. The complex load is a function of frequency and voltage and its form a
major part of the system load.
2.5.4 Agriculture Loads – This type of load is mainly motor pumps-sets load for irrigation
imputes. The load factor of this load is very small e.g. 0.15 – 0.20.

2.6 Scheduling Unit:

Modern power systems are expending to a highly interconnected infrastructures are called smart
grid, which is an intelligent technology phenomenon that combines the traditional electricity
supply infrastructure with informational technologies. Due to the modern advances in smart grid
as well as the increasing dissemination of intelligent meters, the electricity usage of every moment
in a building can be perceive and then delivered to the utility company [47, 48]. Thus, the utility

company can embrace different price of electricity at each time slot of a day. The prices are usually
higher during peak hours such as the afternoon on hot summer days [49]. The logic behind this is
to shift the electricity demand away from the time of peak load, anticipate a consumer-side reaction
according to the change of prices.
In these conditions, consumers can analyze the price change flections and then reduce the
electricity charges by controlling their own loads [50]. However, it is generally inappropriate and
impractical for consumers to manually keep track of constantly changing prices flections and take
actions correspondingly. To achieve the full economic benefit target of dynamic pricing, it is
imperative that electric devices be equipped with an automatic price-aware sensative scheduling
mechanism that requires minimal action from the consumers.
In this regard, smart sockets have been evolved. A smart socket is placed between an apparatus
and an electricity outlet and monitors the electricity usage information of the equipment’s; it also
has potential to communicate with intelligent meters and controls the electricity state of the
appliance. More recently, as the standard communication protocol topologies for smart appliances
over the home-area network (HAN) are entrenched, smart appliances themselves are being prosper
to have an ability techniques to communicate with smart meters or smart control systems to be
managed remotely [51– 52].
Accordingly, demand-side management can be performed more sharply [53]. For example, various
power consuming devices in a smart observation building, such as smart appliances, HVAC
(heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) systems, electric car batteries, LED illumination, and
fuel cells, can be scheduled dynamically according with the time-varying electricity prices. When
the price is low, all electricity demands are in their normal mode, while the scheduler can switch
some of them to low-power modes when the prices of electricity becomes high. As smart buildings
would be connected with renewable energy sources such as solar collectors power, solar panels or
a windmill power generator, there are alternative energy sources that can be provided. The
scheduler unit also needs to examine this alternative source of electricity during scheduling. [54].
This paper grants a new electricity usage scheduling algorithm for smart buildings that embrace
real-time pricing of electricity. Specifically, we formulate the electricity usage scheduling problem
as a real-time task scheduling issue and show that it is a compound search problem that has an
exponential time complexity [55]. The proposed scheme phaser uses an efficient heuristic based
on the evolutionary theory, which cuts down the huge searching space and finds a reasonable

schedule within a feasible time budget frame. Specifically, a collaborative scheduling with genetic
algorithms topology is performed on a smart device to minimize the electricity charges flections.
Experimental results with various electricity demand situation show that the proposed algorithm
reduces the electricity charges of a smart building by 25.6% on average and up to 33.4%. This can
subscribe to alleviating the imbalance of power usage within a day by reducing the electricity
usage at peak time [56]. It will be also beneficent to the success of dynamic pricing, which highly
depends on the consumer’s actual response to the time-varying prices flections [57].

Chapter 3
Methodology of Research

3.1 Phase 1:
After the comprehensive literature survey background, the proposed research project started with
a proper methodology of smart system designing.

3.2 Phase 2:
For designing of the smart balancing daily load schedule profile MATLAB Simulink software is
used for proposed system. To analyze the intricacy and detailed study of prospective system,
MATLAB Simulink provides all essential blocks and analysis tools that are mandatory to test the
system for different modes and configurations. In this chapter, the blocks used to model the base
structure of energy storage optimization technique and its analysis. The power system library is
mainly used to model the system which is simulated in Discrete mode for fast simulation.

3.2.1 Smart Balancing Daily Load Schedule:

Figure shows the overall simulation and block convoluted in modeling the proposed system. It
shall be noted that most of these blocks contains sub-blocks within which will be explained as we
proceed through them.

Figure 3.0: Simulink Model of the proposed system

As shown in figure 3.0, the simulation model primarily consists of six main blocks. The first one
in the top left corner is the grid station power. Since the GSP (grid station power), PV power
source, consumers load, scheduling unit and the energy storage system is connected to the
controlling unit. Each blocks having sub component parts, the components involved in the block
will be discussed later in this chapter. The output of the grid side block is Ac voltage signal source
and PV power which is connected to the control unit is Dc source. The two blocks act as a source
and are synchronized together to provide necessary power to the load through controlling unit but
the renewable power is connected to inverter to provide Ac output at user’s end. The storage unit
is used to store excess power in minor load hours. remaining two blocks can be seen in fig that are
the load and scheduling unit block. The load is non-linear in nature and for this reason the
optimization techniques are introduced in the system to control the PUP (per unit price).

3.3 Utility Power Block:
As cited earlier, the power chunk contains the components which are being discussed under this
heading. Figure 3.1 shows the power source components of the grid side block.

Figure 3.1: Components of the power source block

In the above generation block. The block does not have any specified input from another block
with its internal parameters implying the power to be produced and deliver at right to the control
unit. I used simply ideal sinusoidal AC Voltage source, which produces ac power signal which is
then deliver to the consequent block in the que. The block parameters are shown in table 3.1.

Table 3.1.1: Voltage Source Block Parameters

1 Block label AC voltage source
2 Peak amplitude (V) 12
3 Phase (deg) 0
4 Frequency (Hz) 60
4 Sample time 0
5 Generator Type Swing

3.4 Storage Components:
The storage block contains NI-MH Battery to store charge, Dc machine sometimes work as a load
and sometime work as a Dc generator and scope is used to show the out signals condition of the
battery according to the Dc motor rotor speed.

Figure 3.2 NI-MH battery block

In figure 3.2 having battery which having good and stable characteristics then others batteries, its
parameters are set up to 30 % of discharging ratio. If initially battery fully charged, then battery
will provide power to the load and here Dc motor works as a load and battery power will drain up
to certain time. I kept the threshold level of the battery depth discharge of 30%, in this time the Dc
motor works as a source and will provide power to the battery and this process starts again and
again [58]. Here table lists the parameters of the battery and Dc machine.

Table 3.2.1: NI-MH battery Parameters

S.No Parameter Value
1 Nominal voltage (V) 200
2 Rated capacity (Ah) 6.5
3 Initial state-of-charge (%) 100
4 Battery response time (s) 30

Table 3.2.2: Dc motor Parameters

S.No Parameter Value
Armature resistance and
1 [0.4832 0.006763]
inductance [Ra (ohms) La (H) ]
Field resistance and inductance
2 [84.91 13.39]
[Rf (ohms) Lf (H) ]
Field-armature mutual
3 0.7096
inductance Laf (H) :
4 Total inertia J (kg.m^2) 0.2053

In the above circuit scope shows us the output wave form of battery and Dc motor speed with
respect to time.
3.5 Solar power:
Pv module deliver power to the entire power system, photovoltaic cell is basically a sandwich
made up of two slices of semi-conducting material, usually silicon — the same stuff used in
microelectronics. To work, photovoltaic cells need to establish an electric field. Much like a
magnetic field, which occurs due to opposite poles, an electric field occurs when opposite charges
are separated. To get this field, manufacturers "dope" silicon with other materials, giving each slice
of the sandwich a positive or negative electrical charge. In the below circuit series of solar cell
connected and formed a solar module I = Iph - Is*(e^((V+I*Rs)/(N*Vt))-1) -
Is2*(e^((V+I*Rs)/(N2*Vt))-1) - (V+I*Rs)/Rp where Is and Is2 are the diode saturation currents,
Vt is the thermal voltage, N and N2 are the quality factors DEC (diode emission coefficients) and
Iph is the solar-generated current. The quality factor varies for amorphous cells, and typically has
a value in the range of 1 to 2. The physical signal input Ir is the irradiance (light intensity) in
W/m^2 falling on the cell. The solar-generated current Iph is given by Ir*(Iph0/Ir0) where Iph0 is
the measured solar-generated current for irradiance Ir0.

Figure 3.3 internal components of solar power production

In the circuit irradiance block represents an ideal sun photovoltaic sensitivity and temperature, at
day time temperature and irradiance increases and decreases with respect to time, the output of the
irradiance block is shifted to matlab function block and hence we can see Dc output voltage, finally
I used a diode for only in one direction biasing.

3.6 Load block:
The load block used in the simulation consist of a simple non-linear load. The load primarily
consists of three types of loads such as resistive load, capacitive load, and inductive type of load.
Figure 3.4 shows the load block’s internal components.

Figure 3.4 Load file

Here parameters are defined according to different kind of loads.

Table 3.4.1: Resistive load Parameters
S.No Parameter Value
1 Nominal voltage Vn (Vrms): 220
2 Nominal frequency fn (Hz) 60
3 Active power P (W) 1000

Table 3.4.2: Capacitive load Parameters

S.No Parameter Value
1 Nominal voltage Vn (Vrms): 220
2 Nominal frequency fn (Hz) 60
3 Active power P (W) 1000

4 Inductive reactive power QL 0

(positive var)
5 Capacitive reactive power Qc 100
(negative var)

Table 3.4.3: Inductive load Parameters

S.No Parameter Value
1 Nominal voltage Vn (Vrms): 220
2 Nominal frequency fn (Hz) 60
3 Active power P (W) 1000

4 Inductive reactive power QL 50

(positive var)
5 Capacitive reactive power Qc 10
(negative var)

3.7 Control and Scheduling unit:

Control and scheduling unit is a central back bone of the entire system because this unit play key
role, it makes possible communication with every blocks according to the requirement of power
such as storage unit, renewable unit, wapda power and consumers unit to make balance of load
cure, below fig 3.5 shows a details configuration.

Figure 3.5 control and scheduling unit

In the above figure top left is the load cure which tell us power requirement of consumers in 24
hours, we already know in daily load curve some hours are peak hours which is also called busy
hours, and in some time we observe normal load which also called easy hours. In peak time our
utility grid can provide specific amount of power at load side, and if at consumer’s side power
requirement is much more and utility can’t provide sufficient amount of power then controlling
unit add power of renewables and also contribute the power of storage unit. And in case of easy
hours’ power of utility and renewables are much more compared to the consumers required power
so the excessive power should be shifted at optimization block to store the excessive power and
should be used at busy hours to make the balancing threshold level of power to overcome the unit
price of electricity.

3.8 Inverter block:
Inverter use is essential in the system because I use renewable power and storage unit, in storage
power save in the form of Dc and in consumer’s side power use is in Ac from so at consumers end
we should use inverter, [59] fig 3.6 shows the internal circuitry of inverter.

Figure 3.6 internal structure of inverter

In the above circuit at left side there are two terminals one is phase and another one is neutral its
Ac output of the inverter, and at right side two terminals are the Dc input. In center the circuit
illustrates the implementation of a single phase H-Bridge circuit using Insulated Gate Bipolar
Transistors (IGBT). The behavior of the bridge is straight forward. The IGBT act as a switch

(when a signal is triggered to the gate, they turn on and then turn off when the signal is
removed). By closing Q1 and Q4, a positive dc supply is applied to the load. Q2 and Q3 will
result in a negative dc supply across the load [60]. To generate essential gate signals, control
circuits are used to fabricate the required PWM waveform.

Chapter 4

The outcomes got from in reproduction are shown in this part in the wake of controlling diverse
parameters with the end goal to achieve the best yields. Counting every one of the systems, there
are a few outcomes and graph plots that have been contemplated comprehend the working of the
entire system.

4.1 Results of Storage Unit:

The storage unit output results are in two categories. One is charging state and another one is the
discharging state of the unit.

Figure 4.0 storage unit charging and discharging status

In first condition when battery fully charge then it will deliver power to load and battery charge
will decrease up to 30%, in the above figure SOC is the state of charge which educate us about
battery charging level in percentage phrase, and then we can analyze the battery voltage level in
voltage block. Providing continuous power, the load will drain battery, it can be seen in SOC
platform and also can analyze different armature speed according to battery voltage level. When
battery SOC reaches to its threshold level then at this time current controlled source since battery
lowest voltage level to start battery charging from dc motor and we can see battery voltage rising

4.2 Utility Power Block Result:

Output result of the wapda power house which is power producing company in Pakistan, here is
the output of current and voltage graph which shows the output result according to time and signal

Figure 4.1 output of wapda power unit

Amplitude. The output signal seen in the figure is sinusoidal, current and voltage amplitude is
specified and above chapter.

4.3 Output Result of Renewable source:

The output of renewable sources shows power production in the graph, here renewable source is
used that is solar power which provide power in day time and we can observe the output power of
sun with respect to sun irradiance in day time.

Figure 4.2 Output of Renewable Source

The output power of the sun is directly converted in Ac form through intelligent inverter and in
peak hours its contribution is injected to the grid power output to shift the peak hours in easy hours,
or if we have not seen peak hours then the sun generated power is directly sent to the optimizing
block which can be furtherly used in high demand time of consumers.

4.4 Inverter Output Result:
Inverter circuit takes input from optimization battery block and also get from renewable sources
of energy, at receiving end of the inverter power shape in the form of Dc and then inverter circuitry
transform Dc input power to Ac output for the consumer’s demand power scenario. Illustrated
figure shows us output signal which is converted from Dc source to Ac signal.

Figure 4.3 Inverter Output Wave Farm

4.5 Load Unit Block Result:

In load block we have three different kind of loads such as inductive, capacitive and resistive loads,
graph shows different power requirement with respect to different time frame layout and we can
analyze and easily differentiate peak hours and easy hours ,In different kind of hours the control
function unit will adjust the power input and output in case of peak hours the smart control function

unit will make sure the balancing threshold level and the power will be shifted from solar to
directly to load through inverter and also will use the optimized backup power to change peak hour
into easy hours.

Figure 4.4 Load Unit Current Ratings

4.6 Electrical Energy Price Index:

There are a range of factors affect the price of electricity, such as supply and demand, availability,
wholesale costs, transport costs, and infrastructure maintenance.

Table 4.0 2019 energy price rises

Supplier Old price New price Difference (£) Difference (%) Effective from

Ofgem price cap £1,137 £1,254 £117 10.0% April 2018

Eon £1,229 £1,351 £122 10.0% April 2018

EDF £1,136 £1,254 £118 9.6% April 2018

Npower £1,136 £1,254 £118 9.6% April 2018

British Gas £1,135 £1,254 £119 10.5% April 2018

Scottish Power £1,137 £1,254 £117 10.2% April 2018

SSE £1,137 £1,254 £117 10.3% April 2018

Chapter 5
Conclusion & Future Work
5.1 Conclusion:
One of the main benefaction of my work is to indicate this task as a optimization problem, and to propose
methods to solve it based on optimization techniques and peak electrical loads. By looking at the
results shown in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that the using energy optimization based
with a renewable energy source like solar power with smart power balancing control unit provides
better results per unit price controls and synchronization with the grid. Even without the
optimization and use of renewable power per unit price will grow up with in time frame. Results
of the entire study showed that both energy costs and peak electrical use which create peak hours
can be significantly reduced through proper simulated observed model by further improvement in
such systems, the output and the system itself can be made more efficient.

5.2 Future Work:

Many different kind of modifications, tests, and investigation have been left for the future due to
unavailability of time (i.e. the experiments with real data are usually very time devour, requiring
even days to complete a single run). Future work concerns deeper analysis and observation of
particular mechanisms, new proposals to try different procedures, like wise adding DG
(Distributed Power) in different suitable areas, it can be located at end users, which will reduce in
help of transmission losses which is beneficial in cost reduction. This thesis has been mainly
intense on the use of smart balancing daily load schedule for graph matching to reduce peak hours
which are responsible in smaller electricity prices,

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