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Connecting With Christ

Some years ago, I was hanging around

This Week @ campus hill
with a group of adventurers after their
Join a Mission Trip to Mt. Hagen, weekly meeting when a little boy came
Volume 1. Issue 7 May 11 I 2019
Papua New Guinea, July 17-28, 2019 running up to me. Nathan couldn’t Dear Church Family, FOCUS ON MISSION is what we for-
Come join Quiet Hour Ministries’ team wait to share with me that he cut his merly called “announcements.” Why
to share the love of Jesus in Mt. Hagen, head and the doctor put staples in to On this day that we honor mothers, it’s the name change? Everything we do,
Papua New Guinea, and have a life treat the wound. As I looked for and good for us to think about how much every meeting, every event, every
changing experience! This trip will be couldn’t find the cut in his thick hair, I you moms really do, or have done. Be- hike, every trip, is intended to fulfill our
special for many reasons. The last trip to began feeling for a bump—and found ing a mother is not a walk in the park… mission. What is our mission?
Papua New Guinea was in 2008, and the it (along with the cut and staples!) By the time a child reaches 18, a mother Jesus gave the task to: “Go and make
people are eager to have us back after has had to handle some extra 18,000 disciples of all nations...” (Mt. 28:18)
11 years and hear God’s word. This is a I was reminded of my mom telling me hours of child-generated work. In fact,
I’d come in crying when I was young There are only 2 real offices in the
women who never have children enjoy
perfect opportunity for you to join us in church, bringers, and includers. All
sharing your passion for Jesus. Help us and she’d wonder where I had cut the equivalent of an extra three months ministry at Campus Hill falls into these
conduct outreach through 5 unreached my head “this time.” What a job my a year in leisure time! 2 areas. When we are sitting next to
sites! mother had, yours, too— and oth- someone at our Fellowship Luncheon,
ers continue to experience! Praise the A Junior High science teacher lectured when we ride on the train on a Prime
There is a great need for the amazing Lord for Susi, the incredible, wonderful on the properties of magnets for an en- Timers trip, when take time for any-
grace of Jesus to be shared in Papua mother of our kids. tire class. The next day he gave his stu- one, young or old, we are fulfilling our
New Guinea. This trip will include Vaca- dents a quiz. The first question read like mission.
tion Bible School programs at 5 sites, eye As Mother’s Day is approaching I have this: “My name begins with an “M,” has
clinics and a church renovation project. reminisced about my mom and how six letters, and I pick things up. What It’s never enough to just do an activ-
In addition, health talks will be included this is my eighth Mother’s Day without am I?” Half the kids in the class wrote, ity for the activity’s sake, we must ask
with the evening evangelism meetings. her. I’ve thought of those of you who “Mother.” ourselves what part the activity plays
Make wonderful memories while win- miss your mothers, some for the first in making disciples!
ning souls for God’s kingdom. We look time, others for years. I hurt for those That reminds me of the father who was
forward to serving with you! who have had a biological mom but not trying to explain the concept of mar-
a mother. riage to his 4-year-old daughter. He got
Here’s what you can do in the mission out their wedding album, thinking visual
field! Moms are definitely needed! The good images would help, and explained the
news for God’s children is He promises, entire wedding service to her. When he
“As a mother comforts her child, so will was finished, he asked if she had any
• Eye Clinic or (medical & dental clinics
I comfort you...” (Isa. 66:13) questions. She pointed to a picture of
can be held if appropriate medical &
dental volunteers join the mission team) the wedding party and asked, “Daddy,
Along with you, praising God for earthly is that when mommy came to work for
• Construction
and heavenly Mothers, us?
• Children’s Ministry Thanks, all you “moms” out there who
• Health Talk have given so much! — Pastor Mark
• Evangelism Speaker
Sometimes a rotation may be possible so
you can experience both options!

a weekl y co m m u n i cati o n fo r C am pu s H i l l fam i l y an d fri e n ds

PRAISE Sabbath : May 11
Please fill out a • Our house is in escrow with the 8:30a - Choir Practice
Bulletin Insert first people who did a walk- 9:30a - Sabbath Schools
with the student’s 10:55a - Divine Worship Service
through making an offerf on the
name, school, Pathfinder Sabbath
YOUR CHURCH NEEDS YOU! second day! ~The Etchells Mothers’ Day Celebration
It’s time again for you to prayerfully grade or degree,
• I’ve been blessed at work! 12:45p - All-Church Luncheon
consider where God is calling you plus the graduation date and time.
We’ll be publishing a list of gradu- • Praise God for our Media Ministry! 1:30p - Pathfinder Investiture
to serve as a member of the body of
ates and provide GRAD BAGS for Through their efforts, as many as
Christ here at Campus Hill. Wednesday : May 15
each graduate in which members 1,500 people are viewing online 6:30p - Prayer Meeting
Each member is a necessary part in can place gifts and cards over sev- each week!
making our church all God intends it
to be. Without your God-given gifts,
eral Sabbaths. Thursday : May 16
our church won’t be at full-strength. PRAYERS 6:00p - Women’s Choir Practice
Prayerfully consider where you might We are asking the Campus Hill
Church Family to recognize each • A close friend’s marriage
be hearing God’s call to “improve
graduate for their achievement. as • God’s patience with me Friday : May 17
your serve!” If you’re not sure,
wondering where to serve, needing Paul says, “When one part of the • My health to improve 7:00p - Family Vespers
some direction, schedule a time to body is honored, all are honored!” • The homeless in our area
meet with one of our pastors. • Our Church to become a Family Sabbath : May 18
8:30a - Choir Practice
We desire to help you find your spot • Our children to seek Jesus
so you can realize Jesus’ words, 9:30a - Sabbath Schools
• A friend who is an alcoholic 10:55a - Divine Worship Service
“It is more blessed to give than to
receive.” To have a special praise or prayer request 12:45p - Student Luncheon
placed in our weekly prayer box, mark your
Blue Card and place it in offering or email
it to

Grace Notes
“Can you feel the hug of READ THRU THE BIBLE
heaven as you leave
Did you know research shows that
your past behind you— VBS FUNDS ARE NEEDED! only 1 in 5 Adventists read their Bi-
leave your sins and all We are in need of funds to begin pur- bles daily. Let’s make sure we’re help-
ing bump that average up!
your merits,
chasing materials. Please prayerfully
consider a donation for our 2019 To read the Bible through in a year,
held by grace and Vacation Bible School. Our goal is keep up with this schedule!
grace alone? Can you 3,000 of which $250 has already
come in! May 12: Ex 13-15
hear the words cascading: May 13: Ex 16-18
May 14: Ex 19-21
“This one’s mine!” PLEASE NOTE A DATE CHANGE
May 15: Ex 22-24
— Pastor Bill Knott VBS WILL BE May 16: Ex 25-27
May 17: Ex 28-29
JUNE 23-29 May 18: Ex 30-32

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