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Self-Description Questionnaire (All information supliied will be kept strictly confidential.

Name:____________________________________________________ Age:____ Gender:______

This is not a test – there are no right or wrong answers.

Your answers are confidential and will only be used for research purposes.

Use the six-point scale to indicate how true (like you) or how false (unlike you) each
statement over the page is a description of you. Please do not leave any statement blank.

1 = False (Not like me at all.)

2 = Mostly False
3 = More false than true
4 = More true than false
5 = Mostly True
6 = True (It is very much like me)

Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Mathematics is one of my best subjects.
2. Overall, I have a lot to be proud of.
3. I am hopeless in Math classes.
4. People come to me for help in Math.
5. I am never able to think up answers to problems that haven’t
already been figured out.

6. I often need help in Mathematics.

7. Overall, I am no good.
8. I look forward to Math classes.
9. I am too stupid at school to get into a good university.
10. I am good at combining ideas in ways that others have not
11. Most things I do, I do well.
12. I do badly on tests that need a lot of solving ability.
13. If I work really hard I could be one of the best students in my
school year (grade level)
14. I wish I had more imagination and originality.
15. I have trouble understanding anything with Mathematics in it.

16. Nothing I do ever seems to turn out right.

17. Work in Math classes is easy for me.
18. I get bad marks (grades) in most school subjects.
19. I enjoy working out new ways of solving problems.
20. I enjoy studying for Mathematics.

21. Overall, most things I do turn out well.

22. I am not very good at solving.
23. I learn things quickly in the subject Math.
24. I am not much good at problem solving.
25. I don’t have much to be proud of.
Self-Description Questionnaire (All information supliied will be kept strictly confidential.)
Name:____________________________________________________ Age:____ Gender:______

26. I have a lot of intellectual curiosity.

27. I get good marks (grades) in Mathematics.
28. I can do things as well as most people.
29. I hate problem solving.
30. I do well on tests in most school subjects.

31. I am not very original in my ideas, thoughts, and actions.

32. I never want to take another Mathematics course.
33. I feel that my life is not very useful.
34. I get good marks (grades) in Math.
35. I am an imaginative person.

36. I have always done well in Mathematics.

37. If I really try I can do almost anything I want to do.
38. I have trouble expressing myself when I try to solve
39. I am good at most school subjects.
40. I would have no interest in being an inventor.

41. I hate Mathematics.

42. Overall, I am a failure.
43. I learn things quickly in Math classes.
44. Most school subjects are just too hard for me.
45. I can often see better ways of doing routine.

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