Lesson Plan For Demo

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Science VIII
Prepared by: Marjorie Jane G. Badilla

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, 90% of the class are expected to:
a. Identify the differences between the types of sexual reproduction;
b. appreciate the importance of sexual reproduction in the society;
c. enumerate the different types of sexual reproduction in microorganisms, humans
and animals including its examples.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Sexual Reproduction
Materials: Laptop and LCD Projector
Reference: Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s Guide
III. Method: 4A’s
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Recall House Rules

B. Review
 What are the two types of
 The two types of reproduction are sexual
and asexual reproduction, ma’am.
 Differentiate these two types of
 In sexual reproduction, cells from two
different parents are needed to form new
organism; while in asexual reproduction,
only one parent is used to make an

C. Motivation

So class, before we start our discussion,

let’s have a game first. This game is entitled
“peel of the cabbage”. I have here in my
hand a ball which will I pass to one of you
and will also pass to his/her seatmate.
During the passing of the ball, we will all
sing “leron-leron sinta”. Whoever holds the
ball when I say stop will give their ideas or
comments regarding the pictures
presented on the screen, is that clear?
Yes ma’am!

D. Activity

1. What does the picture is trying to say?

(Displays picture) - Ma’am, the first picture tries to explain that
to be able to have a new organism, there
should be a participation of two other

2. How about this picture?

(Displays picture) - The sperm cells are trying to enter in the
egg cell, ma’am. This means that fertilization
will happen if one of these sperm cells will
successfully get in.

3. What is the significance of these

pictures? (Displays multiple pictures) - The significance of these pictures is to see
the roles of organisms in making or producing
both humans and animals an offspring.
E. Analysis

 So class, did you enjoy the game?

 Yes ma’am, we enjoyed the game.

 Today, we will talk about sexual

reproduction. So class, what is sexual
reproduction? Yes, Deven?
 Ma’am, sexual reproduction gives rise to
offspring that are combine from the traits
of its parents. This is a mood of
reproduction that involves two parents.
Parents produce reproduction through
reproductive cells called gametes.
 That’s right Deven! Very good.

 Class, there are two kinds of gametes.

What are these two gametes?
 The two kinds of gametes ma’am are
sperm cell for the male and egg cell for
the female.
 Yes, that’s correct Rhon. So when
these two gametes meet, fertilization
happens. So what do you think is
 Fertilization is the fusion of gametes to
initiate the development of a new
individual organism.
So class, organisms reproduce sexually
in a number of ways. Let us take a look at
the different ways on how representative
microorganisms, humans and animals
reproduce sexually.

I have here a picture of an alga

(spirogyra). What is the process used by
the alga?
- Conjugation ma’am.
 What is conjugation?
 Ma’am, conjugation is a sexual process
in which two lower organisms of the
same species exchange nuclear material
during a temporary union completely
transfer one organism’s contents to the
other organism or fuse together to form
one organism.
 Very good Shaina.
 So who can give me other examples
of microorganism that uses the
process of conjugation?
 Me ma’am, me!
 Yes, Ljay?
 The other examples of microorganisms
that use the process of conjugation are
bacteria and fungi.
 That is right Ljay.

We are now done in microorganism so

let us now talk about sexual reproduction in
humans and animals.

 What are the different types of sexual

reproduction in humans and animals?
 The different types of sexual
reproduction are Autogamy and
Allogamy; and under Allogamy are
Internal Fertilization and External
 What is Autogamy?
 Autogamy ma’am is a type of sexual
reproduction that can fertilize itself.
These organisms are known as
hermaphrodites. These individuals have
fully functioning male and female
reproduction system parts necessary to
make both male and female gametes for
that new individual. Self-fertilization
occurs in bisexual organisms like
protozoans and many invertebrates.
 Who can give me an example of
organism that uses the process of
Autogamy? Yes, Ivy?
 An example of organism that uses the
process of Autogamy, ma’am, is
 Very good Ivy.

 So how about Allogamy? What is

 Allogamy is the fertilization of
an ovum from one individual with
the spermatozoa of another. It is the
combination of genetics from both
mother and father.
 That’s right! So let’s go to Internal
Fertilization which is under Allogamy.
What is its definition based on the
picture? (Shows a picture of a
pregnant woman and a bird laid its
eggs) Yes, Emman?
 Internal fertilization is the union of an egg
cell with a sperm cell during sexual
reproduction inside the body of a parent.
The sperm is deposited in the female
reproductive organ and the zygote is
formed inside the female.
 In some animals, like birds and some
lizards, they lay their eggs and keep it
incubated until it hatches.
 Very well said Emman!
 So how about the last process under
Allogamy, the External Fertilization?
(Displays pictures related to external
fertilization) Yes Cherry?
 External fertilization is a strategy
of fertilization in which a sperm
cell unites with an egg cell in the open,
rather than inside a specialized organ
within the body of a parent.
 Most species that live in water and many
types of plants will undergo external
 The female lays its eggs in the water and
the male will come along and spray their
sperms over the top of the eggs to
fertilize them.

 Very good Cherry! So is that clear with

you class?

 Yes, ma’am. It is already clear with us.

F. Application

To check if you really have understood

our discussion, I want you to pick a candy.
Along with this candies are pictures of
different organisms. I want you to paste on
the board and identify which type of sexual
process these organisms use for
 What type of sexual reproduction
should use of the organism in the
picture? Explain. (Displays a picture of
bacteria)  Conjugation ma’am. It is because
microorganisms like bacteria used
conjugation as their process of
 How about this organism? (Shows a
picture of snails)  The organism in the picture uses the
process of Autogamy. Snail is an
example of hermaphrodite which uses
Autogamy as their type of sexual
 What type of sexual reproduction does
the picture is trying to emphasize?
(Displays a picture of a pregnant
woman)  This one emphasizes the Internal
Fertilization. A pregnant woman is an
example of this because the zygote
formed inside the female.
 How about this picture? (Shows a
picture of frogs)  External fertilization is what the frogs use
to reproduce as a type of sexual
 Why it is that sexual reproduction is
important in our society?  Sexual reproduction is important in our
society because with this process, all
humans and animals, including
microorganisms, will be able to
reproduce and have offspring.

G. Abstraction

So again, what are the types of sexual

reproduction in microorganisms, humans
and animals? And how reproduction
happens in each type?  In conjugation, reproduction happens
when two lower organisms of the same
species exchange nuclear material
during a temporary union completely
transfer one organism’s contents to the
other organism or fuse together to form
one organism.

 In Autogamy, reproduction happens

when male and female gametes fuse or
combine produced by same individual.

 There are two types of sexual

reproduction under Allogamy; the
internal fertilization and external
fertilization. In internal fertilization,
reproduction happens when the sperm
cell and egg cell unite then the zygote
develops and formed inside the female.
While in external fertilization,
reproduction happens when the egg cell
is sprayed with sperm cell outside the
organism where it develops and formed.

V. Evaluation
Get ¼ sheet of paper.

1 – 5. Give the types of sexual reproduction in microorganisms, humans and animals

including their examples. (2 points each)
6 – 10. Identify the differences between the types of sexual reproduction.

VI. Agreement

Research and read in advance the sexual reproduction of a plant and bring
gumamela tomorrow for the activity that we will be conducting.

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